from republic to empire chapter 6 section 2 pages 171-176

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Chapter 6 Section 2Pages 171-176

Crash Course

• The Roman Empire. Or Republic. Or...Which Was It?: Crash Course World History #10 - YouTube

Reading Focus

• What problems did leaders face in the late Roman Republic?

• How did Rome become an empire?

• What helped tie the Roman empire together during the Pax Romana?

Main Idea

Governmental and social problems led to the end of the Roman Republic and the creation of a new form of government.

From Republic to Empire

By the mid-100s BC, Rome had no rival anywhere in the Mediterranean world. However, the responsibilities of running their vast holdings stretched the Roman political system to its limits.

• Revolution began in political, social institutions

• Tensions grew between classes of Roman society

• Gracchi brothers tried to resolve tension

Social Unrest

Problems in the Late Republic

The Military in Politics

• 107 BC, social unrest reached new level

• General Gaius Marius elected consul

– Eliminated property restrictions

– Accepted anyone who wanted to join army

• Armies, private forces devoted to general

– Poor hoped to share plunder at end of war

– Ruthless generals realized loyalty of troops could be used as political tool

Social and Civil Wars


What challenges faced Rome in the late Republic?

Answer(s): slave revolts, social unrest, the Social War, and a civil war in which Sulla became dictator

Sulla paved the way for major changes in Rome’s government. The end of the Republic resulted from the

ambitions of a few individuals.

Rome Becomes an Empire

1st Triumvirate (in Depth)

• From 82-31 B.C.E civil wars dominated Rome

• Crassus (wealthy man), Pompey, & Julius Caesar (generals) emerged victorious (1st Triumvirate)

• Crassus was killed, Senate gave power to Pompey and ordered Caesar to give up army.

• Caesar kept his army and defeated Pompey in 44 B.C.E– He came, saw and conquered- ”Veni,vidi,vici”

• Demand to be the sole dictator

Caesar’s ReformsCaesar’s Reforms• Caesar makes reforms: 1. grants wider Caesar makes reforms: 1. grants wider

citizenship 2. creates jobs for poor citizenship 2. creates jobs for poor 3. increases soldier’s pay 3. increases soldier’s pay

• Gave land to the poor and expanded the senate to Gave land to the poor and expanded the senate to 3x its size3x its size

• Filled the senate with his supporter which Filled the senate with his supporter which ultimately weakened itultimately weakened it

• Implemented many reform plansImplemented many reform plans– Public worksPublic works– New CalendarNew Calendar– More help for poorMore help for poor

Group of senators opposes Caesar, assassinate him on March 15, 44 B.C.The Ides of March

Why? They feel he is trying to destroy the republic

Civil War

• Civil war between Octavian, Antony broke out

• Octavian defeated Antony and his ally, Egypt’s Queen Cleopatra

• Cleopatra, Antony committed suicide; Octavian alone controlled Rome

• Republic effectively dead; new period in Roman history beginning

The Second Triumvirate

• Caesar’s murder did not save the Republic

• 43 BC, Second Triumvirate took power—Caesar’s adopted son, Octavian; loyal officer Marc Antony; high priest Lepidus

• Lepidus pushed aside; Antony, Octavian agreed to govern half the empire each, Octavian in west, Antony in East

Octavian Takes Power

• Octavian faced task of restoring order in empire

• Had no intention of establishing dictatorship when he took power


• Octavian careful to avoid title of king or emperor

• Called himself princeps, “first citizen”

• Government called Principate

New Political Order

• Octavian decided it impossible to return Rome to republican form of government

• Created new political order, known today as the empire

New Title

• 27 BC, Senate gave Octavian title Augustus, “the revered one”

• Title a religious honor; able to wear laurel and oak leaf crown

From Octavian to Augustus

New Imperial Government

• Augustus head of state more than 40 years, made smooth transition to new imperial government with power divided between him and Senate

• Most financial, administrative matters under Augustus’s control


• Created police force, fire brigades; stockpiled food, water

• Began building program; presided over moral, religious reforms

• Great period of cultural creativity; great writers like Horace, Ovid, Virgil

Foreign Affairs

• Started program to bring peace to west, particularly to Gaul, Spain

• Began series of conquests that pushed border eastward to Danube River

• Also took special care of Rome itself

The Augustan Age

I found Rome built of bricks, I leave her clothed on Marble


• Augustus died AD 14, empire ruled by Caesar’s relatives for 54 years

• Julio-Claudian Emperors’ abilities varied widely• Tiberius a good soldier, competent administrator• Caligula, brutal, mentally unstable; appointed favorite horse as

consul• AD 68, last of Julio-Claudians, Nero committed suicide

Julio-Claudians and Flavians

The Good Emperors

Empire grew tremendously under Good Emperors

• Reached limits of expansion under Trajan

• Added what are now Romania, Armenia, Mesopotamia, and the Sinai Peninsula

• Successor Hadrian thought empire too large

– Withdrew from almost all eastern additions

– Built defensive fortifications to guard against invasions

– Built wall 73 miles long in northern Britain


How did Rome grow and change after it became an empire?

Answer(s): The Roman Empire reached the limits of its territorial expansion and made developments in building, government, and culture.

Empire brought uniformity to the cities of the Mediterranean world, which were governed in imitation of Rome.

The period from the beginning of August’s reign in 27 BC until the death of the last of the Good Emperors in AD 180 is often called the Pax Romana—the Roman Peace. This era was characterized by stable government, a strong legal system, widespread trade, and peace.

The Pax Romana


• Roman law unified the empire

• Laws specified what could, could not be done; penalties for breaking law

• Same laws applied to everyone in empire, wherever they lived


• Manufacturing increased throughout empire

• Italy, Gaul, Spain—artisans made cheap pottery, textiles

• Fine glassware made in eastern cities like Alexandria


• Agriculture remained primary occupation throughout Pax Romana

• Most farms, independent with little, no surplus to sell

• Tenant farmers began to replace slaves on large farms

Legal System

Trade and Transportation

Roads were built for military and not paved.

Weather often times made roads impassible.It was cheaper to ship

product 100 miles via sea than land. (Why?)


• Italy imported grain, meat, raw materials from provinces

• Merchants brought silks, linens, glassware, jewelry, furniture from Asia

• Rome, Alexandria became commercial centers

Military and Merchant Routes

• Most roads built, maintained for military purposes

• Cheaper to transport grain by ship from one end of Mediterranean to other than to send it overland; most goods went by sea


• Commercial activity possible because of empire’s location around Mediterranean and extensive road network

• Ultimately about 50,000 miles of roads bound empire together

Opportunities for Trade

AnalyzeHow did government, law, and trade

tie the Roman people together?

Answer(s): The Roman government was the strongest unifying force, maintaining order, enforcing the laws, and defending the frontiers. Roman law provided stability and, with few exceptions, the same laws applied to everyone in the empire. Trade provided opportunities for commerce between people in different parts of the empire.

GROG 6-2 (5 Points)Using your notes, fill in the interactive graphic organizer by identifying the causes or effects of the events listed in the boxes.


Chapter 6 Section 3Pages 177-182

Bell Ringer 6-3 (5 Points)

Write a diary entry as though you were a trader in Rome during the Pax Romana. In your entry, tell how you spent your day, including where you went, what you saw, and which goods you bought or sold.

Reading Focus

• What social and cultural factors influenced life in imperial Rome?

• What achievements shaped Rome’s cultural legacy to the modern world?

Main Idea

The Romans developed a complex society and pioneered cultural advances that, even today, affect life all over the world.

Roman Society and Culture

Images of Rome from movies and stories: Gladiators in combat, temples of marble, soldiers marching to war.

What was life really like?

Life in Imperial Rome

Life for the Poor

• Nearly 1 million Romans lived in crowded three- or four-story apartment buildings

• Fire a constant threat

– Torches used for light

– Charcoal used for cooking

• To keep poor from rebelling

– Free food, public entertainment offered

– Two things interested public—bread, circuses

Entertainments• Romans of all classes enjoyed circus, chariot races• Held in Circus Maximus—racetrack could hold 250,000

spectators• Also liked theater, mimes, jugglers, dancers, acrobats,


Public Baths• Popular places for entertainment• Romans well aware of importance of bathing, hygiene for

health• Many public baths had steam rooms, meeting rooms, and

pools for socializing

Bloody Spectacles• Romans enjoyed spectacles in amphitheaters• Wild animals battled each other and professional fighters• Gladiator contests most popular, performed in

Colosseum for 50,000 people

Public Entertainment

Give Them Bread and Circuses• most people are poor

– Over 1 million in Rome– Most live in three-four story apartments

• In order to keep poor from rebelling-receive grain from government-Free Bread -

Circuses- theater, comedies, satires, chariot races, acrobats, dancers-150 holidays and Colosseum or Circus

Maximus events created to control the masses- Animals vs Criminal, Animal vs Animal, Gladiators

Society and Culture• The Circus Maximus was an

ancient Roman chariot racing stadium

Spartacus• Spartacus (4/9) Movie CLIP - Fight

to the Death (1960) HD - YouTube

Slaves and Captivity• Slavery is a significant part of

Roman life in both cities and farms.

• Some slaves become gladiators; forced to fight to death


Signs and Augurs

Worshipping the gods

• Romans believed gods sent signs, warnings

– Came in form of natural phenomena

– Flight of birds, arrangement of entrails of sacrificial animals

• Paid respect to augurs

– Priests who specialized in interpreting signs

– Nothing important undertaken without first consulting augurs


How was life different for rich and poor citizens in Rome?

Answer(s): Rich—often had two homes and spent time in politics, women's lives controlled by guardians; Poor—lived in crowded conditions, lower-class women had more freedom, often worked outside the home

Although the Western Roman Empire fell in 476, much of Roman culture continued to influence life for centuries. In fact, we can still see many of the legacies of the great empire today.

Rome’s Cultural Legacy


• Romans developed concrete, with which they built amazing structures that still stand today

• Roman bridges still span French, German, Spanish rivers

• Roads that connected Rome with provinces still survive today

• Added urban plan to every city they conquered; many still seen today

Practical Knowledge

• Romans practical, tried to apply knowledge gained from science to planning cities, building water, sewage systems, improving farming

• Roman engineers constructed roads, bridges, amphitheaters, public buildings, aqueducts to bring water to cities

• Without aqueducts, cities would not have grown as large


Unlike Greeks, knowledge would be for practical uses, not just knowledge for knowledge sakes

Roman Forum

Modern Influences

• Greek Art Museum

• Monticello, T.J House


• Many examples still seen throughout southern Europe, northern Africa, Southwest Asia

• Dominant advances—round arch and the vault


• Ruins of buildings inspired generations of architects

• Michelangelo, Thomas Jefferson, others


• Arch, vault allowed Romans to construct larger buildings than earlier societies

• Have been used for centuries, still seen in many countries

Beyond Latin

• Romance languages developed from Latin

• Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian

Architecture and Language


• English owes much vocabulary to Latin

• Examples: et cetera, veto, curriculum


• Romans used system called civil law, based on written code

• Adopted by many countries in Europe after empire fell


• Technique of satire derived from Roman authors

• For centuries, writers have borrowed from authors like Virgil

Civil Law Systems

• Systems carried to Asian, African, American colonies

• Roman influence still seen in today’s legal system worldwide



What are some areas in which Rome’s influence is still seen?

Answer(s): science, engineering, architecture, language, literature, and law

GROG 6-3 (5 Points)Using your notes, fill in the interactive graphic organizer by writing a sentence that summarizes the ancient Romans’ views on the subject in each outer circle.


Chapter 6 Section 5Pages 188-191

Bell Ringer 6-5 (5 Points)

Write two paragraphs comparing and contrasting life for rich and poor Romans. In one paragraph, explain how the two lifestyles were similar. In the other paragraph, explain how they were different.

Crash Course

• Fall of The Roman the 15th Century: Crash Course World History #12 - YouTube

Reading Focus

• What problems weakened the empire in the 200s?

• How did Diocletian and Constantine attempt to reform the empire?

• What caused the invasion and ultimate fall of the empire in the 400s?

Main Idea

Events and conditions inside as well as outside the Roman Empire weakened it and led to its collapse in the west in the 400s.

The Fall of Rome

The Roman army’s inability to stop the Huns was one symptom of the weakness that befell the empire after

the end of the Pax Romana.

The Empire Weakens


• Value of money declined as taxes rose

• Emperors minted new coins with copper, lead, and silver

• People refused to accept currency at face value

• Result was dramatic rise in prices, or inflation

Economic Troubles

• Insecurity of civil wars, invasions affected Roman life

• Robbery, piracy increased; travel hazardous

• Merchants feared to ship goods

• Military needs required more revenue; emperors raised taxes



What problems faced Rome in the late 200s?

Answer(s): The empire had weak leaders, civil wars, threats of invasion, and inflation led to a weak economy. Piracy and robbery made travel hazardous.

The crises of the 200s shattered the Roman world. Drastic reforms had to be made if the empire were to survive. Two capable emperors rose to power and gave the empire another two centuries of life.

Attempts at Reform

Economic Reforms

Imperial economy came under state direction with Diocletian

• Commercial, manufacturing activities geared toward needs of imperial defense

– New tax system raised more money for government, army

– Reforms drastic, successful

• Saved empire from immediate economic collapse



How did Diocletian and Constantine try to save Rome?

Answer(s): Diocletian—tried to make governmental and economic reforms and build up the army; Constantine—moved capital to the eastern half of the empire

About 370 Huns attacked the Ostrogoths, a Germanic people living north of the Black Sea.

Unfortunately, the reforms of Diocletian and Constantine did not solve the overwhelming problems of the empire. During the 300s and 400s, these problems were only worsened by tribal peoples’ increasing pressures on the empire’s frontier.

Invasion and Fall


• Assault on Ostrogoths frightened kinsmen, Visigoths

• Visigoths fled into Roman Empire, Italy

• Visigoths captured and sacked Rome itself, 410


• Leader of Huns, led attack on Gaul

• Roman army allied with Visigoths, defeated Huns, 451

• Attila next turned on Rome; but Pope Leo I persuaded him to leave Italy


• Other migrating tribes soon attacked Roman Empire

• Infamous for destroying everything in path; Vandals attacked Rome in 450s

• Term vandal came to mean “one who causes senseless destruction”

Migrating Tribes

Western Empire

• Despite Huns’ withdrawal, Western Empire in shambles

• Germanic tribes ruled most of western provinces, including Italy

• Ostrogoths overthrew last emperor

• Many historians consider this the end of the Western Roman EmpireEastern Empire

• Despite western collapse, Eastern Empire endured for several centuries

• People of Eastern Empire always thought of selves as Romans

• Over time other influences, especially Greek, crept into culture

• As a result of these influences, historians refer to the later period of the Eastern Empire by a new name, the Byzantine Empire.

Fall of the West

The Huns

Identify Cause and Effect

How did invaders contribute to Rome’s fall?

Answer(s): The invasion of tribes from Central Asia caused Germanic tribes to flee into the Empire, where resistance had been weakened.

GROG 6-5 (5 Points)

Using your notes, fill in the interactive graphic organizer by listing in order of importance (from most important to least) the major problems or factors that contributed to Rome’s fall and write a sentence explaining the effect of that problem or factor.

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