from school to home - upper paya lebar road s(534934) tel:6287...

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301 Upper Paya Lebar Road S(534934) Tel:6287 1209 Fax:6287 7980 Page 1

. . . . . . . From School to Home

2019 Term 3 Week 6

Dear Parents

It was just a sea of red & white as the kids dressed up to celebrate Singapore’s 54th birthday.

We started the morning with a short info time about National Day ….

…and time for some treats during snack time

ice cream with bread ..

and chips …….

301 Upper Paya Lebar Road S(534934) Tel:6287 1209 Fax:6287 7980 Page 2

Getting our props for our Kindy March Past…

Our Bethany Contingent

301 Upper Paya Lebar Road S(534934) Tel:6287 1209 Fax:6287 7980 Page 3

Ending the celebrations with taking our pledge and singing the National Anthem

Find out more at Recent Happenings...

We continue with our study on the Uniformed Services

English Language & Literacy

- Info Time

Joy & Peace

National Day celebration – the role of the uniformed services

Love 2

National Day:

a) Preparations made for National Day Parade

b) Behind the scenes of the NDP

And taking home a National Day souvenir

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i. Setting up the value

ii. Checking the equipment

iii. Preparing and testing the props

iv. Rehearsals

Love 1

National Day Hanging Mobile Activity – “We love our colourful Merlions”. Paste as many colourful Merlions

onto the red and white circle mobile.

- Learning Corners


a) Use of is/are/am

b) Use of has/have

c) Map reading – place the objects at the correct location

d) Form words

e) Sequence sentences

- Worksheet: Ending punctuation marks ( ?, ! ).

301 Upper Paya Lebar Road S(534934) Tel:6287 1209 Fax:6287 7980 Page 5


a) Spell CVC words

b) Identify starting letters

c) Fill in the correct word

d) Sort the vowels & constants

e) Action verbs- Pick the correct picture

- Worksheet: Revision of CVC words

Love 2

a) Peg the starting letter of each sea creature

b) Fill in the missing letters to form the word ‘Singapore’

c) Fill in the missing small letters

301 Upper Paya Lebar Road S(534934) Tel:6287 1209 Fax:6287 7980 Page 6

Chinese Language

Joy & Peace

- 绕 rDo

口 kMu

令 lIng

: 鞋 xiQ

子 zi

茄 qiQ

子 zi


- 阅 yuS

读 dV

: 快 kuDi

来 lBi

! 快 kuDi

来 lBi

- 绕 rDo

口 kMu

令 lIng

:大 dD

猫 mAo

和 hQ

小 xiCo

猫 mAo

- 儿 Qr

歌 gP

: 国 guL

旗 qG

歌 gP

- 角落区 :

corner :

a) 配 pSi

对 duI

: 奶 nCi

奶 nai

有 yMu

一 yF

把 bC

粉 fRn

红 hLng

色 sS

的 de

大 dD

伞 sCn

、在 zDi

天 tiAn

气 qI

热 rS

的 de

时 shG

候 hou

、在 zDi

下 xiD

雨 yW

的 de

时 shG

候 hou

b) 配 pSi

对 duI

: 在 zDi

跳 tiDo

舞 wW

的 de

时 shG

候 hou

、在 zDi

上 shDng

楼 lLu

梯 tF

的 de

时 shG

候 hou

、在 zDi

水 shuH

花 huA

溅 jiDn

起 qH

的 de

时 shG

候 hou

c) 配 pSi

对 duI

: 牙 yB

齿 chH

、牙 yB

刷 shuA

、牙 yB

膏 gAo

d) 配 pSi

对 duI

: 警 jHng

察 chB

、 警 jHng

车 chP

、 枪 qiAng

、 手 shMu

铐 kDo

e) 排 pBi

序 xX

: 今 jFn

天 tiAn

是 shI

__ 月 yuS

___日 rI

星 xFng

期 qF


301 Upper Paya Lebar Road S(534934) Tel:6287 1209 Fax:6287 7980 Page 7


- 词 cG

汇 huI

:八 bA

月 yuS

九 jiW

日 rI

国 guL

庆 qIng

日 rI

(复 fX

习 xG

- 儿 Qr

歌 gP

: 国 guL

旗 qG

歌 gP

- 作 zuN

业 yS

: 填 tiBn

写 xiR

“八 bA

” 月 yuS

“九 jiW

”日 rI

国 guL

庆 qIng

日 rI

- 角落区 :

corner :

a) 配 pSi

对 duI

: 警 jHng

察 chB

、 警 jHng

车 chP

、 枪 qiAng

、 手 shMu

铐 kDo

b) 配 pSi

对 duI

( 汉 hDn

字 zI

/ 英 yFng

文 wQn

) : 星 xFng

期 qF

星 xFng

期 qF

三 sAn

到 dDo

六 liX

c) 填 tiBn

空 kNng

: 今 jFn

天 tiAn

是 shI

__ 月 yuS

XX日 rI

星 xFng

期 qF


d) 配 pSi

对 duI

:牙 yB

齿 chH

、牙 yB

刷 shuA

、牙 yB

膏 gAo

e) 配 pSi

对 duI

( 汉 hDn

字 zI

/ 英 yFng

文 wQn

) : 一 yF

月 yuS

到 dDo

八 bA

月 yuS

301 Upper Paya Lebar Road S(534934) Tel:6287 1209 Fax:6287 7980 Page 8

Love 1 & 2 :

- 儿 Qr

歌 gP

: 小 xiCo

手 shMu

拍 pAi

拍 pAi

Love 2 :

- 词 cG

汇 huI

: 橙 chQng

、紫 zH

和 hQ

粉 fRn

红 hLng

色 sS

;一 yF

到 dDo

十 shG

(复 fX

习 xG

- 角落区 :

corner :

a) 数 shW

数 shX

( 国 guL

旗 qG

): 七 qF

b) 配 pSi

对 duI

: 姓 xIng

名 mGng

c) 配 pSi

对 duI

: 星 xFng

、 月 yuS

亮 liang

301 Upper Paya Lebar Road S(534934) Tel:6287 1209 Fax:6287 7980 Page 9

Love 1

- 词 cG

汇 huI

: 四 sI

和 hQ

五 wW

- 儿 Qr

歌 gP

(复 fX

习 xG

): 火 huM

车 chP

快 kuDi

飞 fPi

301 Upper Paya Lebar Road S(534934) Tel:6287 1209 Fax:6287 7980 Page 10


- Math is Fun


a) Introduction to fractions – concept of equal parts of a whole

b) Activity – Each to form a whole circle with the given equal parts accordingly (e.g. halves, thirds, quarters,

fifths, sixths, sevenths & eighths)

c) Worksheet – color 1/2, 1/3. 1/4


a) Revision of addition and subtraction

b) Activity: read the sum and give the answer

301 Upper Paya Lebar Road S(534934) Tel:6287 1209 Fax:6287 7980 Page 11

Love 1

a) Rational counting 1-10

b) Activity: Pick and thread the correct number of beads

Love 2

a) Number recognition 1-10

• Order the numbers from 1-10

b) Activity: Memory game- Remember the two numbers that were hung up (including its order) and place them

up on the table.

- Learning Corners


a) Addition up to 20

b) Subtraction from 20

c) Sort the ordinal numbers

d) Identify shapes

e) Tell the time

301 Upper Paya Lebar Road S(534934) Tel:6287 1209 Fax:6287 7980 Page 12

- Worksheet: Match the fractions


a) Addition up to 10

b) Subtraction from 10

c) Sort the ordinal numbers

d) Identify shapes

e) Tell the time

- Worksheet: Revision of addition and subtraction sums

Love 2

a) Fill in the missing numbers

b) One-to-one correspondence: Fill in the correct number of soldiers [9, 10]

c) Sequence the puzzle pieces 10-1

301 Upper Paya Lebar Road S(534934) Tel:6287 1209 Fax:6287 7980 Page 13

Love 1

- Activity: Video/song “ 5 Little Soldiers”

Show, Tell & Share

Love 1

Left to right:

Josiah brought an Eric Carle’s book “Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?” Teacher read the story and

the children were able to name most of the animals in the book.

Kaelyn showed how the draw string back pack is be carried. Inside the bag there were a few toy kitchen

utensils – tongs, ladle, spatula

Jermaine has a red car and we compared the sizes of the cars that her friends brought. Hers is medium in size.

Love 2

Left to right:

Jack demonstrated how he plays with his robot claw grabber!

Caira brought a telescope toy and told her friends that it can be extended to see further.

Carolyn brought a barbie doll wearing a coat but without shoes.

Elliot showed his friends that his army tank had a gun and that soldiers could sit inside the tank.

301 Upper Paya Lebar Road S(534934) Tel:6287 1209 Fax:6287 7980 Page 14

Fun & Movement

Mass Activity

Balancing as the children attempt a single leg hop to the hoop.

Learning to adjust their body movements to maintain their balance as they step over the hoop.

301 Upper Paya Lebar Road S(534934) Tel:6287 1209 Fax:6287 7980 Page 15

Practising their aim as they attempt to score the beanbag into the targeted area!

Aesthetics (Art & Craft)

for Love 2

The Love 2 were busy preparing their very own props for our Kindy march past.

choosing their cardboard tubes …

peeling the double-sided tape out and sticking the strips of paper

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All ready!

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Aesthetics (Music & Movement)

Love 1 & 2

It was wonderful to witness how the children’s eye-hand coordination skills

have improved over the months!

Many could throw the bean bag and catch it!

and ALL were responding appropriately to the directions given in the song!

“Put it on your knee…”

301 Upper Paya Lebar Road S(534934) Tel:6287 1209 Fax:6287 7980 Page 18

“Put it on your back now.”

“Put it on your head and walk around the room”

They did well balancing the bean bag on their heads while making sure not to bump

into their friends as they walked around the room.

“Put it on your arm now.”

“Put it on your stomach…”

301 Upper Paya Lebar Road S(534934) Tel:6287 1209 Fax:6287 7980 Page 19

Passing the bean bag round the circle is no challenge even to the little ones.

But it sure got tricky when they had to listen closely to the way the music sounds!

These were their excited faces when the music started getting faster…

Because that meant that their passes had to be faster too!

They did their best to keep up with the tempo of the music!

Song: “The Farmer In The Dell”

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