from the cave vol. 5

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Alegria Arena Newspaper


From the Cave Alegria Arena Tour Vol 5: December 2010

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“From the Cave” 5th edition – 500th Alegria Arena Show:

It’s certainly been an eventful leg for Alegria, starting off with Honolulu and all the great things Hawaii had to offer. A big thank you once again to Micah and his family for extending such a warm welcome to us all and making sure that so many of us got to enjoy the very best of Hawaii.

Celebrating the 500th Arena show in Houston was also a big milestone and hopefully gave everyone a chance to reflect on the great places we’ve been to and the experiences the tour has offered over the

last 18 months.

This leg was also one where you all bid a fond farewell to Claudine who was such an integral part of Alegria – I know that she is missed and that she also misses everyone here very much but I’m sure you will all join us in wishing her the best of luck as her Quidam adventure now begins in earnest.

On a personal note, I’d like to extend a huge thank you to you all for making me feel so welcome on this my first proper leg. It’s been a pleasure getting to know everyone so far and I very much look forward to the continuing journey with you all.

A huge thank you to Ken for his final “From the Cave “ – anyone interested in taking over the reigns for the next leg, please come and let us know. And of course thanks to Steffie VB for her continuing commitment to the cause.

Have a fun, safe and happy tour break. On behalf of the entire Road Management team we look forward to seeing you for Christmas week in Oklahoma.


From the Cave Alegria Arena Tour Vol 5: December 2010

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New Bats in the Cave They all arrived this leg, some lucky enough to make it to Hawaii, and all very welcome in this cave!

Liu, High Bar Flyer - China Oyuna, Contortion – Mongolia Ulzii, Contortion - Mongolia

Simon, Truck Driver – Canada Steve, Truck Driver – Canada

Joseph, Fire Dancer – Tahiti Anne, PMed - USA Jonas, Power Track – Denmark

From the Cave Alegria Arena Tour Vol 5: December 2010

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From the Cave Alegria Arena Tour Vol 5: December 2010

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From the Cave Alegria Arena Tour Vol 5: December 2010

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Life on earth dates back 3,8 billion years

Жизнь на земле началась 3.8 биллионов лет назад.

Peanuts are one of the ingredients in dynamite

Орех входит в состав динамита

It took 20.000 men 22 years to build Taj Mahal

Потребовалось 20000 человек и 22 года штоб построить Taj Maha

A sneeze can travel as fast as 100 miles per hour

Сопли могут лететь со скоростью 100 миль в час во время


Chinas Beijing Duck

restaurant can seat

9000 people at one time

Один из ресторанов

Китая может

вместить в себя 9000 человек.

Colgate faced a big obstacle marketing toothpaste in Spanish speaking countries because Colgate translates as "Go hang yourself"

Зубная паста Colgate имела большие проблемы по продажам в испано говорящих странах,потомушто по испански Colgate значит "иди повесься"

The average bra is designed to last for only 180 days of use

Женский лифтчик расчитан на использование не больше 180 дней.

It is possible to lead a cow upstairs but not downstairs

Корову можно завести на верх по ступенькам,но не возможно ето зделать вниз.

A butterfly can look at you through 12.000 eyes

Бабочка может смотреть сквозь 12000 глаз.

An Ostrichs eye is bigger than its brain

Глаз страуса больше чем его мозг.

From the Cave Alegria Arena Tour Vol 5: December 2010

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From Pineapple to Potato’s How do you get 172 ton ( 385280 pounds) from Hawaii to Boise? And no I’m not talking about the artists, technicians, and staff. What I am talking about are the stage, the lights, the sound, and the rigging. While you might have seen the truck drivers around, it definitely wasn’t because they driving the show back to the mainland.

After much research by Michel and Rock-It Cargo it was decided that it would be best to charter a plane. Sounds simple right? Well our show is so heavy that the charter plane would actually have to do 2 trips from Hawaii to Seattle. The plane will carry approximately 86 ton (189,200 pounds) each trip. Anne-Cecile our contact at Rock-It Cargo has a lot of experience transferring Cirque. She’s help not only us and Saltimbanco, but also the big top transfers around the world. (She’s headed to Bogotá, Columbia this month to move Quidam to Kingston where they will start their arena tour.) There were many people involved in our transfer, but I thought I’d give you the outline of my schedule for that hectic day.

Sunday, October 31 7pm:

We started load out of the Blaisdell Arena (Hawaii). This one’s a bit different for us because we are loading into containers and not our trucks. The sea containers are smaller than our regular trucks so we will fill 22 containers instead of 18 trucks.

Mikey, Michel, and Sheldon continue to run load out at the arena until it’s finished. I leave 2 hours after it starts, in order to go to the airport where they are unpacking the containers and stacking them onto pallets. Plane 1 will contain all the stuff we need to start the Boise load in. It is the steel, the motors, lighting, sound, and the framework for the stage. Plane 2 will be the things we need later in the load in day; wardrobe, props, artistic equipment, and of course more staging.

When I arrive at the airport Anne-Cecile and her crew have already made about 6 pallets before I arrive. Each pallet of gear gets ratchet strapped down, shrink wrapped, and then gets a net placed over it,

just to be sure it doesn’t move in transit. We finish at 4am and head to the hotel for a shower and a nap.

Monday at 9am:

Anne-Cecile, Remy Auclair, and I head to the cargo airport to catch our plane. It’s a 747 and it’s huge! Each of the pallets is weighted and depending on that weight they are given certain spots in the plane. This is to ensure that the plane is balanced for the flight. We are lucky enough to be allowed to watch the cargo be loaded onto the plane from inside the belly. After the plane is loaded we go

upstairs and meet our pilot and first officer. There are only 4 seats on the plane and the cockpit is open so we can watch them fly the plane as we take off. During the flight we are allowed to go and sit with the pilot in the cockpit which is pretty cool to see. There are no flight attendants so we get to make our own coffee and heat our food in the oven ourselves. Mikey and Guillame experience on the second plane is a bit cooler and they get to sit with the pilot for takeoff and take pictures! They are also served dinner by the pilot.

Once we land in Seattle we get off the plane and go right to work. We unload the pallets with a crew of 6 people and reload them back into our trucks. With one plane we are able to load 9 trucks and send them on their way to Boise.

Tuesday Noon:

Guillame and Mikey are both on the second plane landing in Seattle. We finish plane 2 in 4 hours and the last 9 trucks leave for Boise. Guillame, Mikey, and I head to the Seattle airport and catch a flight back to Boise to meet up with the rest of the tour. In 2 days we did about 21 hours of pallet work, 11 hours of flying, and 8 hours of driving to get all of our gear from Hawaii to Boise.

From the Cave Alegria Arena Tour Vol 5: December 2010

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From the Cave Alegria Arena Tour Vol 5: December 2010

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Halloween 2010 in Hawaii

From the Cave Alegria Arena Tour Vol 5: December 2010

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Bats Leaving the Cave - Goodbye for now, hopefully our paths will cross again...


Do you remember your first day on tour?

Of course, I will never forget. It was

Singapore, I was coming from the circus school, it was a dream to be there. The Big Top, the stage. That was in 2002.

What was the best place you’ve been to on tour? Hawaii and Japan

And the weirdest place? Most of the cities in Arena

Have you tried any strange food on tour? Yes, frog, in Paris. Taste like chicken but still looks like a frog

How many times on tour have you received the visit of your family? Once, in Paris

Is there any city, from all the ones you’ve been to on tour that you would choose to live at? Hard question. Maybe New York. I come from a big city so I like the energy of big cities.

Is there a moment you will never forget for good or for bad? A good moment is after a long day of work, the feeling of having done a good job. And bad moments would be the morning shows on Sundays and the 3 show days.

How many hours you have spent hand standing? That would be days, not hours

Is there anything you want to tell the Alegrians? I wish everyone to stay healthy, as happy as possible, keep doing a good work. And I see you around the world.


Where are you going to, when your contract finishes? Back home, in Spain

Do you remember your first day on tour? Not really, is a little blurry! It was in London.

What was the best place you’ve been to on tour? Brazil

How many weddings and baby births have you missed on tour? Too many

Is there any place in this planet you haven’t been to and wish to go? A lot, actually every place I haven’t been to

From all the places you’ve been to, is there any you would choose to live? A country, Brazil.

Was there any moment on tour you will never forget? I don’t know, I forgot

What was the weirdest place you’ve been to on tour? The US. And Dubai.

Anything you want to say to the Alegrians? Have a good day.


Where are you going to when your contract with Alegria finishes? Maybe Kooza

Do you remember your first day on tour? Yes, Bridgeport

What was the best place you’ve been to while on tour? Back in Russia

How many weddings have you misses since you started touring? Zero

Any place you haven’t been to and want to go? Japan

Best and worst city you’ve been on tour? Best Quebec worst Chicoutimi

Is there a moment on tour that you will never forget? No

How many saltos you think you’ve done on tour? Too many

Anything you want to say to the Alegrians? Good luck!

From the Cave Alegria Arena Tour Vol 5: December 2010

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Bats Leaving the Cave - Goodbye for now, hopefully our paths will cross again...


How long were you with Alegria?

I worked in Alegria for 2,5 years.

Do you have plans for the future after your contract with Alegria?

I will go back to be a free lance musician and because my family lives in LA, I would like to try for Iris,

Which special moments did you miss while being on tour?

I missed the birthday’s of my son, Christmas and my nephew’s wedding.

How many times did you have visitors? And who visited?

My family visited me at least 10 times in arena! Great time!

From all the cities you’ve been to, where would you see yourself living?

I really liked Buenos Aires and Santiago.

Which moment you will never forget?

Malika’s 30th birthday in Seoul was so amazing! Also the visit of a temple in Taipei! We were hung-over from the Chinese New Year! Hahaha


How long were you with Cirque Du Soleil?

I started working for Cirque in april 1998. I did the creation for La Nouba with Franco Dragone. It was a great time, amazing experience. So I worked in La Nouba for 6 years. Then I changed to Alegria and was here for 6 years.

Do you have plans for the future after your contract with Alegria?

I am going to take a break, I want to give my body a good rest, but also my mind! I would like to stay in 1 place for a while in stead of traveling all the time! I need that after 12 years! But I don’t have other specific plans yet! Im going to follow the signs, and then it will show me the way! In the future I would like to open a coffee-shop where I roast the coffee myself! I’ve been collecting all kinds of coffee, I looooove coffee! When I lived in Florida I roasted my own coffee. It’s like wine, you have to like it!

Which special moments did you miss while being on tour?

We are in the entertainment- business! We work when other people are off, so ofcourse you miss new years, christmas, and stuff like that! But it’s been so long the last time I really could celebrate that, and it became something that wasn’t really important to me! So actually I don’t feel like I missed a lot!

Is there a place on this planet you haven’t been to and/or wish to go to?

There are still a lot of places that I didn't go to but I would like to go to Australia, China and South Africa.

How many times did you have visitors? And who visited?

My parents visited a lot of times! Couple of times in Florida, Japan. They also visited in Dubai and Hawaii.

From all the cities you’ve been to, where would you see yourself living?

Really hard to tell! I’ll pick a city in each continent I’ve been to. South America would be Rio De Janeiro, in North America it would be Montreal (but not in wintertime). I liked Barcelona a lot in Europe and then in Asia I like Tokyo!

Which moment you will never forget?

The first time I performed in front of an audience! We did 6 months of creation in Montreal. Then an other 3 months in Florida on the new stage, after that there was the Lions Den (it’s a pre-show for the people from Disney, Cirque, Guy Laliberte...)

But we had a standing ovation and that gave me goose bumbs! I was hooked after that experience! It was a great reward for all the months of hard work we did during the creation!

From the Cave Alegria Arena Tour Vol 5: December 2010

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Bats Leaving the Cave - Goodbye for now, hopefully our paths will cross again...


How long were you with Cirque?

I worked for 5 months with Quidam and 1,5 years with Alegria.

Do you have plans for the future after your contract with Alegria?

I will still play with bands, make music and have fun!

Which special moments did you miss while being on tour?

Christmas and birthdays.

Do you remember your first day on tour?

That was in Hamilton, ON, they had set up my drums... and the band was jealous because it was a nicer dressing room, with a lot of sofas...

I was so happy to be able to practice, but it was just next to Brooke's and Sherry Lynn's office, I think I was a little loud...Hahaha

How many times did you have visitors? And who visited?

My parents visited in Montreal and my girlfriend traveled with me for the Canadian leg.

From all the cities you’ve been to, where would you see yourself living?

Reading...Hahaha no, maybe Toronto?! Or New York City! I also like London (but the real one, not the one in Ontario)

How many drumsticks do you think you broke during performing in Alegria?

I break about 1 pair a week! So I think around 60 pairs...That’s a lot of wood, but it would be worse...!

Which moment you will never forget?

One time Mikey woke me up in the coridor in Cypress! I must have fell asleep after a night of drinking! That was very funny!!!


How long were you with Cirque Du Soleil?

I worked for Cirque 3,5 years.

Do you have plans for the future after your contract with Alegria?

I will continue singing and composing music!

Do you remember you first day on tour?

Yes, I was really surprised because my room was HUGE! And everybody was taking care of me! That was very nice! I arrived in Brasilia-Brazil. It was an amazing sensation!

What was the best place you’ve been to on tour?

My favorite places were South America, New York, Montreal and my favorite tourbreak was in Bali!

Which special moments did you miss while being on tour?

I missed the wedding of my borther and my cousin, the birth of nephew and my goddaughter and lots of concerts of my friends.

Is there a place on this planet you haven’t been to and/or wish to go to?

I would like to visit India, Mali, Burkina Faso, and I’m sad I can’t go to Europe because I would love to visit the European capitals.

How many times did you have visitors? And who visited?

My mom visited 5 times, my dad 1 time in Dubai. 1 time my aunt visited and 2 of my best friends came to visit me!

From all the cities you’ve been to, where would you see yourself living?

Buenos Aires, Montreal (in the summer) and Berlin!

Which moment you will never forget?

My 30th birthday. We were in Seoul, the last day of our stay there and we had an amazing fun party in the hotel!

From the Cave Alegria Arena Tour Vol 5: December 2010

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Bats Leaving the Cave - Goodbye for now, hopefully our paths will cross again...


How long were you with Alegria?

Since the recreation of Alegria in Montreal.

Do you have plans for the future after your contract with Alegria?

I will go to Greece and work as an Inhouse Sales Representive. It is selling vacations, time share.

Do you remember you first day on tour?

Yes, that was in London Ontario. But actually the first experience with Alegria was in 2002. I saw the show and the pulled me on stage for the strong-man act! They wanted me to lift 100 pounds, I barely made it, but the strong-man juggled 2 of the weights after, that was funny!

Which special moments did you miss while being on tour?

My brothers graduation, but most of the other special occasions I was able to attend because I was home for tourbreak.

Is there a place on this planet you haven’t been to and/or wish to go to?

Not really, but for sure I will continue traveling after Cirque with my girlfriend.

How many times did you have visitors? And who visited?

I had 49 visitors in 2009!!!! And around 30 this year!

From all the cities you’ve been to, where would you see yourself living?

In St-John’s Newfoundland, Halifax or San Francisco.

Which moment you will never forget?

When my parents visited I hoped that they would pick my dad out for Le Bal. But Nancy couldn’t find my dad!


Where are you going after you finish with Alegria? Home

Do you remember the very first day on tour? Yeah… not really

What was the best city you’ve been to on tour? I can’t pick one. So many cool

places. But for sure not Dubai or Brasilia.

How many weddings have you missed since you started on tour? I have modern friends, they don’t get married anymore.

From the cities you’ve been to on tour, would you choose any of them to live at? London, but it is too expensive. So I will go with Barcelona.

Is there a place in this planet you haven’t been and wish to go? Wichita. That is also the last city I will be on tour.

Is there a moment you will never forget, for good or bad? Creating a miracle every 5 weeks when cutting Denis’ hair

Are you leaving life on tour for good? We never know… Cirque is addictive.

From the Cave Alegria Arena Tour Vol 5: December 2010

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From the Cave Alegria Arena Tour Vol 5: December 2010

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Jack Johnson – Musician

Daniel Dae Kim – Actor (Lost, Hawaii Five -O)

Julie Payette – Canadian Astronaut

Steve Gadd – Famous Drummer

From the Cave Alegria Arena Tour Vol 5: December 2010

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From the Cave Alegria Arena Tour Vol 5: December 2010

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Who’s Sleeping with Who on Tour?

From the Cave Alegria Arena Tour Vol 5: December 2010

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The Cave’s

Spokane Arena - Spokane, WA Tacoma Dome – Tacoma, WA

Taco Bell Arena – Boise ID Neil S. Blaisdell Arena – Honolulu, HI

Toyota Center – Houston, TX US Airways Center – Phoenix AZ

From the Cave Alegria Arena Tour Vol 5: December 2010

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From the Cave Alegria Arena Tour Vol 5: December 2010

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