from the editor's desk indian medicinal plant seeds · 2018-04-04 · scientific news letter...

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From the Editor's Desk ...

Dear Friends!

Sciences in India has witnessed a

phenomenal growth during last

many years specially Agriculture

and allied subjects. The introduc-

tion of advance research has given

new dimension and significance to

books that can cater to the need of

our potential researcher and

scientists all over the globe.

Scientific Publishers is conscious of the emerging needs of

the global readers including those in India. We are always

in search of suitable manuscripts, which should cater to

the needs of discriminative readers. When published,

such books should present distinct ideas and expressions.

Our editors ensures that our books encompasses the

presentations and subject studied by average and

professional readers. Our production specialists ensure

priced reasonably. Our marketing approach is designed to

penetrate the market. If you have a manuscript in

agriculture and allied subjects we can consider it for


The following pages of this Scientific Books - News Letter

bring to you the new titles and latest editions of some of

our books. We do believe that faculty members will find

them useful to include them in their libraries and where

ever essential can recommend them to their students.

While we are making all efforts to make these books

available everywhere, if some or any of these books

however are not available in your region, kindly bring

them to the notice of your local bookseller. If there is any

difficulty, please do not hesitate to contact the

undersigned at email contact

postal address on the back cover.

With kind regards,

Tanay SharmaManaging Director

Indian Medicinal

Plant Seeds provides

data about the seeds

of 150 Indian medic-

inal plants at a glance,

giving the readers a

quick handy view on

the information about

a particular seed of

interest. This book

attempts to quench

one’s thirst of medic-

inal plants seeds

identification and

t h e i r m e d i c i n a l

importance. This book

will be an invaluable

asset for people who need information about seeds

exclusively, different from the normal trend of focusing

on the leaves and flowers of a plant. The book dwells on

seeds of medicinal plants and their traditional uses.

The author provides a comprehensive and scientifically

accurate guide to the best-known and most important

150 medicinal plants seeds. Each entry gives a short

summary of each seed with a description of the plant,

the distribution, therapeutic category, historical and

modern uses, active ingredients, and pharmacological

effects of the seeds. 150 full- colour photographs assist in

the identification of the plants seeds. It will be a

valuable reference guide for health care professionals,

students, researchers, botanists, and especially

pharmacists - or anyone with an interest in seeds of

medicinal plants and their uses.

Indian Medicinal

Plant Seeds

Renu Singh & Ancy J. Fernandes

ISBN: 978-93-86652-26-3 | 2018 | 169 pp | HB | 2195`

Scientific News Letter April, 2018/2�

This book comprehensively deals

with the rapid and accurate detect-

ion, diagnosis, and development of

management recommendations for

the emerging crop pests. This book

is divided into 5 sections. The first

section deals with an overview of

emerging crop pest scenario inclu-

ding drivers of pest emergence,

impacts of emerging pests, and

management of emerging pests.

The emerging insect and mite pests

on field, fruit, vegetable, planta-

tion, tuber, and forest crops; and

strategies for their management

are dealt in section two. The third section deals with emerging

bacterial, fungal and viral diseases of field, fruit, vegetable,

ornamental, spice, and tuber crops and their management.

The emerging nematode scenario on field, fruit, vegetable,

ornamental, medicinal, spice, and tuber crops and strategies

for their management are dealt in section four. The final

section deals with pests likely to become serious threats in

future, and potential impact and anticipated effect of climate

change on emerging pests. The possible technical and policy

responses, policy considerations and the road map ahead are

also discussed in this section.

The book is extensively illustrated with excellent quality

photographs enhancing the quality of publication. This book is

written in lucid style, easy to understand language along with

adoptable management recommendations involving eco-

friendly practices. This book will be of immense value to scien-

tific community involved in teaching, research and extension

activities related to emerging crop pest problems and their

management strategies. The material can be used for teaching

post-graduate courses. This book can also serve as a very

useful reference to policy makers and practicing farmers.

Emerging Crop Pest

Problems: Redefining

Management Strategies

ISBN: 978-93-86652-24-9 | 2018 | 383 pp | HB | 3550`

P. Parvatha ReddyIt is the II edition of the book enti-

tled Seed Technology published in

the year 2000. The revised edition

also provides comprehensive and

integrated information for the

courses offered by traditional

universities in the background of

agriculture. The book includes line

diagrams and flow charts extensi-

vely to make it practical oriented.


• Basics of seed and variety; • Seed

production system; • Maintenance

breeding; • Production of hybrids,

seedless varieties, tubers, TPS and synthetic seed; • Post harvest

seed management; • Seed storage; • Certification of seed produc-

tion programme at field level; • Testing of seed in laboratory; •

Verification of genetic purity including molecular approaches; •

Seed and seedling vigour testing; • Seed health & its certification;

• Value addition; • Seed commerce; • Seed law enforcement; •

Acts, rules and bills on seed; • Protection of plant variety and DUS

testing; • Export of seed; • Indian seed certification standards

with revision and edition

Seed Technology2nd Revised & Enlarged Edition

ISBN: 978-81-7233-883-1 | 2016 | 944 pp | HB | 3950`

Dhirendra Khare & M.S. Bhale

The book provides a scientific back-

ground needed for the identificat-

ion of medicinal plants commonly

occurring in India. It explains

scientific terms for description of

plant parts. It explains the method

for identification of plants employ-

ing scientific terms. Any unknown

medicinal plants can be identified

to its family, genus and ultimately

to the species. More than 610

species of Indian Medicinal Plants,

including those 365 mentioned in

the CCIM approved University

syllabus of Ayurvedic medicine are

listed. An exhaustive list of above plant species provides

correct and up-todate scientific name together with names in

English, Sanskrit, Marathi and Hindi languages and plant

parts used in medicine. It also provides about 88 line drawings

of plants parts and 125 coloured photographs for confirmation

of identified plants.

Identification of

Common Indian

Medicinal Plants

ISBN: 978-81-7233-373-7 | 2016 | 150 pp | HB | 1350`

V.N. Naik

ISBN: 978-93-86652-47-8550`

ISBN: 978-81-7233-871-8375`

Scientific News Letter April, 2018/3�

This book entitled “Weed Identif-

ication and Medicinal Use” deals

with important weed identification

tips as well as medicinal use of

important weeds. In the first

chapter, key identification charac-

teristics of weeds like leaf shape,

arrangement of the leaves, type of

flowers and inflorescence are

given. In the second chapter photo-

graphs of 201 weeds along with

detailed morphological characters,

association with different crops,

their dispersal mechanism and

growing season etc. are provided.

Apart from this, the important morphological characters

pertaining to different weed species i.e. plant height, leaf type,

root system, type of stem, growing season, branching habits,

flower type and colour, shape of fruits/seeds, habitat, means of

propagation etc. are also discussed in this chapter. In the third

chapter, the medicinal value of 94 important weeds/plant

parts which can be used to cure different diseases has been

discussed. The glossary of medical terms is also provided in the

fourth chapter.

Weeds Identification

and Medicinal Use

ISBN: 978-93-83692-44-6 | 2017 | 137 pp | HB | 1450`

U.S. Walia

The book on Nutritional and phy-

siological disorders in crop plants

deals with Classification of plant

nutrients according to relative

requirements for plant growth,

their biochemical behaviour, phys-

iological function, functional basis

of elements; functions and impor-

tance of various plant nutrients;

predisposing factors for the occur-

rence of nutrient deficiencies; diag-

nosis of plant deficiency symptoms

in cereals, pulses, oilseeds, fibers,

sugars, fruits, vegetables, flowers,

plantation crops and narcotics

covering 43 crops with photographs of symptoms; commonly

occurring physiological disorders in selected crops, and

remedial measures.

The book will be useful to the undergraduate students of

Agriculture & Horticulture to update their knowledge on

nutritional and physiological disorders in crop plants. It will

also provide a suitable basis for those engaged in the prof-

ession of Agriculture viz., extension functionaries & farmers.

Nutritional and

Physiological Disorders

in Crop Plants

ISBN: 978-81-7233-606-6 | 2010 | 116 pp | HB | 2150`

C. Rajendran, K. Ramamoorthy & S.J. Hepziba

This book deals with climate

change impacts & adaptation stra-

tegies in agriculture, horticulture,

plantation crops in the humid

tropics, livestock, fisheries, fores-

try, water resources & biodiversity.

The invited and research papers,

included in the book, provide clues

for developing adaptation and

mitigation strategies in coping up

with the expected climate change

in future. Although global food-

grains production is likely to incre-

ase in tune with rising population

and demand in ensuing decades, it

may suffer unless new approaches to adapt crop plants to

climate change are adopted. Therefore, “Research and

education policy in climate change adaptation and mitigation

is the need of the hour to address the climate issues in various


Climate Change

Adaptation Strategies

in Agriculture and

Allied Sectors

ISBN: 978-81-7233-679-0 | 2011 | 330 pp | HB | 2950`

GSLHV Prasad Rao

This book shall serve as a reference

book for students, teachers, and

researchers and for all those

interested in bees and beekeeping.

This book will be useful to all those

who wish to make beekeeping their

hobby or as profession, entrepre-

neurs and even layman. Besides,

the information provided in this

book will be useful to pollination

biologists, students, teachers,

scientists of agriculture, animal

behaviour, botany, conservation,

biology, ecology, entomology,

environmental biology, forestry,

genetics, plant breeding, horticulture, toxicology, zoology,

seed growers and seed agencies. It will be highly useful to

motivate the young generation to fascinating world of

honeybees and adopt beekeeping as a profession. Book as a

guide for their problems & evolving strategies.

BeekeepingA Compressive guide to

bees and beekeeping

ISBN: 978-81-7233-669-1 | 2013 | 896 pp | HB | 4400`

D.P. Abrol

Scientific News Letter April, 2018/4�

Organic Agriculture Farmers Training



J.C. Tarafdar, K.P. Tripathi & Mahesh Kumar

L. Francis, K. Esther & N. Elijah

The purpose of this book is to

draw attention to health of the

soil; to indicate some of the

consequences of this; to suggest

methodology by which the lost

fertility could be restored and to

enlist research findings to

utilize in making farm products

as well as farm resources free

from chemical pollution. This

book provides an overall review

of different tools for organic

agriculture followed by discus-

sions on sustainability. It

covers the chapters on old and traditional tools of

organic farming such as ley farming, crop sequencing,

agroforestry options etc. with latest reviews on them.

Modern tools for organic farming such as biofertilizers,

composting, biopesticides, and residue management are

discussed in detail. Socio-economic implications and

farmers' perceptions of organic farming practices are

also explained with a focus on ecological health. The

possibilities of knowledge exchange in organic agricul-

ture are evaluated and it is assessed how a large-scale

conversion to organic agriculture would impact on food

security. The information contained in this book would

prove very useful to the researchers, teachers, students

& environmentalists engaged in ecofriendly susta-

inable agriculture.

The entrepreneurship training

presented in this manual is aimed

at building the capacity of

smallholder farmers in CA and AF

thereby enhancing CGIAR’s

Systems priority 3 (Reducing rural

poverty throu-gh agricultural

diversification and emerging

opportunities for high-value

commodities and products)

Priority 4 (Reducing extreme

poverty and hunger) MDG 7

(Environmental susta-inability

and MDG 3 .

The development of this training

manual is based on our experience and the extensive feedback

received from different segments of entrepreneurs and

trainers. The methodologies suggested here are being

practised successfully in many fields. Efforts have been made

to provide some significant information on the contents of each

session. However, in the ever-changing economic scenario and

information explosion, it is inevitable for the trainee to build

upon the skills, update, give value addition and use the

information here-in effectively to achieve the objectives.

ISBN: 978-81-7233-505-2 | 2012 | 369 pp | HB | 2950`

ISBN: 978-93-83692-66-8 | 2018 | 67 pp | HB | 750`

Agriculture Chemical

User Manual

G.G. Simpson et al.

The Agricultural Chemical User's

Manual plays an important role in

the efficient and economic

production of wholesome food and

fibrous products, reducing soil

erosion and maintaining human

health and lifestyles for an ever

increasing world population.

Agricultural chemicals are also

known as pesticides and include

herbicides, insecticides and

fungicides. Chemical use is the key

to ensuring that agricultural

chemicals are beneficial to the

community as a whole, and not just

beneficial to users only. The community must have confidence

that human health and the environment are protected when

agricultural chemicals are used.

ISBN: 978-93-83692-22-4 | 2016 | 163 pp | HB | 1650`

Agriculture Teacher's


The Manual has been developed to

provide information and guidance

for agriculture instructors as they

begin their teaching careers. The

manual is divided into 26 sections

each focussing on a specific area

that will influence the success of

your agricultural education

program, your students and your

career. Each section opens with an

overview page that suggests steps

to success and lists the section's

contents. Inserts in each section

include tips for success, checklist

to guide your actions and forms you

may wish to reproduce. The

present manual will prove a very useful tool for Teachers who

enters as an agriculture instructor and guide the life students

of Soil Science, Agronomy and Agriculturists.

ISBN: 978-93-83692-21-7 | 2016 | 225 pp | HB | 1950`

Scientific News Letter April, 2018/5�

Training Manual for

Organic Agriculture

G. Ilka & T. Liza

The production of this manual

is a joint activity between the

Climate, Energy and Tenure

Division (NRC) and the

Technologies and practices for

smallholder farmers (TECA)

Team from the Research and

Extension Division (DDNR) of

FAO Headquarters in Rome,


The realization of this manual

has been possible thanks to the

hard review, compilation and

edition work of Nadia Scialabba, Natural Resources

officer (NRC) and Ilka Gomez & Lisa Thivant, members

of the TECA Team. Special thanks are due to the

International Federation of Organic Agriculture Move-

ments (IFOAM), the Research Institute of Organic Agri-

culture (FiBL) and the International Institute for Rural

Reconstruction (IIRR) for their valuable documents and

publications on organic farming for small holder


ISBN: 978-93-83692-61-3 | 2017 | 104 pp | HB | 1450`

A Manual for Dryland

Afforestation and


G. Singh, Bilas Singh, U.K. Tomar & S. Sharma

This book provides knowledge on

climatic, ecological, social and

economic condition of dry areas

and lay out approaches and strate-

gies to restore degraded lands.

Purpose of this publication is to

strengthen the forest functionaries

and readers with wide ranging

knowledge on land degradation,

desertification and eco-biology of

drylands; and methods to restore

and rehabilitate degrading forest

(lands) to increase forest cover,

enhance resilience and people

livelihoods and improve environ-

mental conditions. Academician, researchers, forest mana-

gers, non-government organizations, extension agents and

environmentalists can use it in developing, conserving and

managing drylands ecosystems for its long lasting beneficial

effects. This book is also useful to policy makers in effective

planning of restoring, protecting and conserving dryland's

ecological and socioeconomic services.

ISBN: 978-81-7233-978-4 | 2017 | 642 pp | HB | 3600`

S.V. Kardashevskii et al.

The authors of the present book

have examined organizational and

technological principles and

scientific methods of testing agri-

cultural technological processes.

They discuss in detail modern

methods of agricultural technolo-

gical evaluation, power rating,

operational and technological eva-

luation and economic estimation of

agricultural machines and comp-

lexes. They also describe methods

for estimating the reliability of

agricultural machines and the

working conditions for machine


The authors have introduced the fundamental principles of

systems analysis and methods for forecasting the effectiveness

of an agricultural technological process in the testing stage.

The book will be useful for engineers and technicians involved

in the research and development, and testing of agricultural

technological processes.

ISBN: | 2017 | 299 pp | HB | 2450`978-93-83692-74-3

Soil Survey ManualNew Revised Edition


The Soil Survey Manual provides

in a single volume the major

principles and practices needed for

making and using soil surveys and

for assembling and using data

related to them. The Manual is

intended primarily for use by soil

scientists engaged in the classific-

ation and mapping of soils and in

the interpretation of soil surveys.

Although the Manual is oriented to

the needs of those actively engaged

in preparing soil surveys for public-

ation, workers and students who

have limited soils experience or are

less familiar with the soil survey process also will be able to use

the information. The Manual is the primary reference on

principles and technical details. These and other changes of

two decades of work have made major revision of the Manual

essential. This edition retains the practice of defining terms

and concepts within the context of the explanatory text. In

addition, many soil scientists in all the countries tested the

definitions, concepts and techniques before they were printed

in this current edition.

ISBN: 978-81-7233-600-4 | 2012 | 437 pp | HB | 1850`

Testing of Agriculture

Technological Processes

Scientific News Letter April, 2018/6�

Soil Survey Laboratory

Methods Manual


The purpose of this manual is to

document methodology and to

serve as a reference for the labora-

tory analyst. The standard

methods described in this SSIR No.

42, Soil Survey Laboratory Meth-

ods Manual, Version 4.0 replaces

as a methods reference all earlier

versions of the SSIR No. 42 (1989,

1992 and 1996, respectively) and

SSIR No. 1, Procedures for Collec-

ting Soil Samples and Methods of

Analysis for Soil Survey (1972,

1982 and 1984). All SSL methods

are performed with methodologies

appropriate for the specific purpose. The SSL SOP's are

standard methods, peer-recognized methods, SSL-developed

methods, and/or specified methods in soil taxonomy (Soil

Survey Staff, 1999). An earlier version of this manual (1996)

also served as the primary document from which a companion

manual, Soil Survey Laboratory Information Manual (SSIR

No. 45, 1995), was developed. The SSIR No. 45 describes in

greater detail the application of SSL data.

Trade names are used in the manual solely for the purpose of

providing specific information. Mention of a trade name does

not constitute a guarantee of the product by USDA nor does it

imply an endorsement by USDA.

ISBN: 978-81-7233-773-5 | 2012 | 700 pp | HB | 4500`

Handbook of Seed

Science and TechnologyAmarjit S. Basra

A reference text with the latest

information & research for educa-

tors, students, and researchers!

World hunger and malnutrition

remain an alarming concern that

spurs researchers to develop

quality technology. The Handbook

of Seed Science and Technology is

an extensive reference text for

educators, students, practitioners,

and researchers that focuses on the

underlying mechanisms of seed

biology and the impact of powerful

biotechnological approaches on

world hunger, malnutrition, and

consumer preferences. This comprehensive guide provides the

latest available research from noted experts pointing out the

likely directions of future developments as it presents a wealth

of seed biology and technological information. Seed science is

the all-important foundation of plant science study. This

resource provides a complete overview, divided into four

sections: Seed Developmental Biology and Biotechnology;

Seed Dormancy and Germination; Seed Ecology; and Seed

Technology. The Handbook of Seed Science and Technology is

extensively referenced and packed with tables and diagrams,

and makes an essential source for students, educators,

researchers, and practitioners in seed science and technology.

ISBN: 978-81-7233-573-1 | 2007 | 795 pp | HB | 4000`

Soil and Plant Analysis

Laboratory Manual

John Ryan, George Estefan & Abdul Rashid

This manual is aimed at the

laboratory technicians. While the

manual primarily deals with soil

testing, a number of important

plant tests are presented, since

they may complement the soil tests

and are frequently needed for soil

fertility and plant nutrition

studies. Similarly, due emphasis is

given to physical properties

describing the tests routinely done

along with chemical analysis. The

importance of proper soil and plant

sampling is highlighted. Also

included are appendices contai-

ning information on related practiced aspects like abbrevia-

tions, conversion factors, atomic weights, solution concentr-

ations, pH effect on soil conditions, summarized soil test

methodologies, plant sampling guides, criteria for interpr-

eting soil and plant analysis data, soil salinity, and boron

toxicity interpretations.

ISBN: 978-81-7233-765-0 | 2012 | 350 pp | HB | 1850`

Handbook of Seed IndustryProspects and its Costing

Avinash Ramdeo

The book contains the full concept

of seed industry in India. Right

from what is seed, how it is propa-

gated and how seed is developed as

foundation or certified seed for

production. The book contains

guide to history of seed industry,

allotment of breeder seed, seed

multiplication, plant and machi-

nery detail, how do they work.

what is seed processing, seed

storage, seed testing, certified seed

packing and the important thing

that how to calculate the proces-

sing expenditure on the finished

material, i.e. certified or foundation seed. Contains Contract

farming, seed testing, seed Act, Seed Rule, notified verities

and their notification Seed Control Order addresses of state

seed certification agencies, State seeds Corporations,

Registered seed processing plants under different certification

agencies and their codes India wide. Project on development of

new processing plant. Over all it is viewed as the complete

detail on seed industry.

ISBN: 978-81-7233-677-6 | 2011 | 232 pp | HB | 1350`

Scientific News Letter April, 2018/7�

A Manual for Dryland Afforestation and Management 3600G. Singh

A Manual of Practical Entomology Field and Laboratory Manual 295Trigunayat, M.M.

A Manual on Conservation of Soil and Water 1250USDA

Agriculture and Fertilizers . 1275Bockman Oluf Chr

Agriculture Chemical Users Manual 1650Cowles G.

Agriculture Teacher's Manual 1950NFFA

Agro-Entrepreneurship 325Panigrahy S.R.

Agrotechnology for Dryland Farming 2nd.Ed. 740Dhopte A.M.

Alkali Wastelands Environment and Reclamation 950Gupta I.C.

Antrrastriya Arthshastra (Hindi) 390Swami K.D.

Basic Statistics 390Mohanty P.K.

Beekeeping: A compressive guide to bees and beekeeping 4400Abrol, D.P.

Biofertilizers Technology 2995Kannaiyan S.

Biofumigation and Solarization for Management of Soil-Borne

Plant Pathogens 2750Reddy P.P.

Biological Management of Soil Ecosystems for Sustainable Agriculture 1650FAO

Chemistry of the Soil, 2nd Ed. 3550Bear F.E.

Climate Change Adaptation Strategies in Agriculture and Allied Sectors 2950Rao, GSLHV

Communication Skills and Personality Development 250Kadam, J.R.

Communication Techniques in Farm Extension 1550Rathakrishnan T.

Contract Farming Handbook 750Will, Margret

Corporate Social Responsibility : Critiques, Policies and Strategies,

(Vol. 1-2) (Set) 1300Maiti P.

Culture, Feeding and Diseases of Commercial Flatfish Species 950Liewes E.W.

Desertification An Indian Scenario 2650Rao D.V.S

Diagnosis and Improvement of Saline and Alkali Soils 1150Richods L.A.

Diversification of Arid Farming Systems 3350Narain P.

Dryland Technology 2nd Ed. 550Jat M.L.

Economics in Horticulture 750Sargent M.J.

Emerging Crop Pest Problems: Redefining Management Strategies 3550Reddy, P. P.

Entrepreneurship Development and Communication Skills 275Chole R.R.

Entrepreneurship Development Hand Book (Hindi) 275Harkut O.P.

Farm Business School 850FAO

Other Related Books

Qty. Title Author Price

Scientific News Letter April, 2018/8�

Qty. Title Author Price

Farmers Training Entrepreneurship Manual 750Francis Luyayi

Farming Marine Fishes and Shrimps 2450Korringa P.

Fertilizer and Plant Nutrition Guide 2150FAO

Fertilizer Manual 2950IFDC

Fertilizers and their Use, 4th Ed. 575FAO

Financial Management for Agribusiness 2850Obst W.J.

Fishermans Workbook 850FAO

Forestry Research Extension: Challenges & Strategies 1250Dange C.S.

Fundamental of Soil Science 1650Rathinasamy A.

Fundamentals of Agricultural Statistics 175Dhamu K.P.

Fundamentals of Agriculture 750Arya R.L.

Fundamentals of Soil Science 325Rathinasamy A.

Genesis and Management of Sodic (Alkali) Soils 2495Gupta S.K.

Glimpse on General Agriculture

(For ICAR-JRF, SRF, Net and ASRB Prelims) 250Rao, P. Laxman

Grah Vigyan Avam Prasar Shiksha

(Home Science and Extension Education) (Hindi) 575Arya R.L.

Ground Water Manual 3450USDA

Guide To Laboratory Establishment for Plant Nutrient Analysis 1150Motsara M.R.

Handbook of Seed Science and Technology 4000Basra, A.S.

Handbook of Seed Industry : Prospects and its Costing 1350Ramdeo, A.

Horticulture and Livelihood Security 2950Nath P.

Human Development: Capability Poverty 450Jain R.K.

Identification of Common Indian Medicinal Plants 1350Naik, V.N.

Indian Manual of Plant Ecology 1650Misra, R.

Indian Medicinal Plant Seeds 2195R. Singh

Indiras Objective Agricultural Extension 375Arya R.L.

Indiras Objective Agriculture 725Arya R.L.

Information Generation and its use by Agricultural Scientists 1250Sharma R.M.

Interest Rates, Prices, and The Economy 850Mushin J.

Key to Success in Agriculture : Objective MCQs for JRF, SRF,

Net & Other Competitive Exams 350Kalsariya B.N

Kharpatvar Niyantran (Weed Management) (Hindi) 1750Tiwari J.P.

Management of Saline & Waste Water In Agriculture 2250Gupta S.K.

Managing Manure 1750Kopecky, Mark

Scientific News Letter April, 2018/9�

Qty. Title Author Price

Manual on Best Management Practices for Agriculture 950Usda

Manual on Fertilizer Distribution 1150FAO

Nutritional and Physiological Disorders in Crop Plants 2150C. Rajendran

Objective Agribusiness Management 2nd. Ed. 225Panigrahy S.R.

Objective Seed Science and Technology 475Vanangamudi, K.

On Farm Feeding and Feed Management in Aquaculture 950FAO

Operations Research 425Mohanty P.K.

Organic Agriculture and Climate Change Mitigation 575Niggli Urs

Organic Agriculture in the Tropics and Subtropics 1795Kopke U.

Organic Agriculture 2950Tarafdar J.C.

Organic Farming for Sustainable Horticulture 2950Reddy P.P.

Organic Farming Manual 3550Hainsen, A.L.

Organic Farming: Theory and Practice 1050Palaniappn, SP

Participatory Technology Development : A Technique for Indigenous

Technical Knowledge Refinement 250Israel Thomas M.

Pioneer Research in Extension Education 850Singh, A.K.

Practical Manual on Basic Agronomy 425Das, N.R.

Practical Manual on Plantation Forestry 395Parmar, P.

Practicals in Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 275Bala, M.

Principles and Practices of Seed Storage 550Justice O.L.

Principles in the Quantitative Analysis of Water, Fertilizers,

Plants and Soils 250Ramulu U.S.S.

Rainwater Management Theory and Practice 750Jat M.L.

Resource Conserving Techniques in Crop Production 525Sharma A.R.

Reuse of Municipal Sewage and Sludge in Agriculture 1750Ramulu U.S.

Rural Marketing 550Verma S.B.

Saline Wastelands Environment and Plant Growth 850Garg B.K.

Salinity Tolerance in Plants: Methods, Mechanisms and Management 3150Garg B.K.

Salt Affected Soils : Reclamation and Management 2250Gupta S.K.

Sanrakshit Kheti ke Antargat Satat Fasal Prabhandhan (Hindi) 650Rao K.V.R.

Seed Economics: Commercial Considerations for Enterprise Management

in Developing Countries 2250Kugbei S.

Seed Identification Manual 2450Martin, A.J.

Seed Production of Agricultural Crops 2150Kelly A.F.

Seed Technology (2nd Edition) 3950Khare, D.

Soil and Plant Analysis Laboratory Manual, 2nd Ed. 1850Ryan J.

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Soil Chemical Analysis 3850Jackson M.L.

Soil Conservation Technical Handbook 2500Hicks D.H.

Soil Conservation, 3rd Ed. 2850Hudson N.

Soil Dynamics in Tillage and Traction 3550Gill W.R.

Soil Guide A Handbook for Understanding and Managing

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Soil Salinity Assessment 1650FAO

Soil Survey Laboratory Methods Manual 4500USDA

Soil Survey Manual New Revised Ed. 1850USDA

Soil-Water Engineering Field and Laboratory Manual 550Trout T.J.

Standard Methods for Analysis of Soil Plant and Water 1800Gupta S.K.

Testing of Agriculture Technological Processes : A Systems Approach 2450Kardashevskii S.V.

Testing and Evaluation of Agricultural Machinery and Equipment 2450Smith

The Basics of Human Civilization Food, Agriculture and Humanity,

(Vol. 3) : Agriculture 3495Nath P.

The Organic Farming Manual 3550Hansen, A.L

The Soil-Plant System in Relation to Inorganic Nutrition 1975Fried M.

The Use of Saline Waters for Crop Production 850FAO

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Training Manual for Organic Agriculture 1450Ilka Gomez

Transfer of Agricultural Technology 225Chole R.R.

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Vyavsayik Pushpotpadan (Hindi) 275Deshraj

Water Harvesting : A Manual for the Design and Construction of

Water Harvesting Schemes for Plant Production 575Critchley W.

Water Measurement Manual 1450USDI

Water Quality for Agriculture 1450Ayers R.S.

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