fronter start up guides

Post on 18-Nov-2014






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Fronter MLE

Collected Quick Start


I’ve collated these 18 one, two or three page guides written by LGfL to help

your get started creating your Virtual Learning Environment.


Changing a Frontpage

Creating a Page

Creating a New Room

Deleting rooms

How to Change Room Names

Changing Access Rights

Copying to other Rooms

Adding a Tool to a Room Tool Package

Deleting a Tool from a Room Tool Package

Creating a Forum

Hand-in Folders

Creating a Test

Hiding Folders and using Student View

Individual Folders

Login info

Uploading personal documents to My Documents

Using Sound Recorder

To upload your Picture and Amend Details on your Contact Page



















Changing a Frontpage

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Teachers with ‘Owner Access’ to rooms can change which page they want to have as their Frontpage. To create a new page go to your room and select the folder you want to have the new page in (in this case the Resource folder). Click on create. Give your page a name. Select Page, click Save. Select the template you want to use and click Next. Create your new page and click Save.

Changing a Frontpage

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Tick the Add to Frontpage box. If you are not in Edit mode you can also tick the Add to Frontpage box.

If you have another page you want to use as the Frontpage you can open it and tick this box.

Go to your current Frontpage and click on Folders. Tick the Resource Information box.

Use the green arrows to move the page you want to become the Frontpage at the top of the list.

Changing a Frontpage

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The New Frontpage is now at the top of the list, but will only change when you next select the room from the room selector or click again on the Frontpage tool. Your new Frontpage should now display.

Creating a Page

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Go to the folder where you want to create the page and click Create. In this example the page is to be created in the an ‘Our Pages’ folder, but they can be made in any folder.

Give the page a suitable name. Make sure you select the page option. Click Save.

If you know how you want the page to initially look select one of the options or choose the middle one to begin with a blank page.

The first container is created and you can select from the list what you want to add to your page. Often this first container may have text in it, so select Insert text.

Creating a Page

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You now have the standard Fronter text editor, where you can add text and format it. When you are finished click Save.

You can add extra containers wherever there is a plus sign. Containers can also be repositioned using the green arrows.

If you want to add a border to your container use the drop down ‘Action menu’ and select Edit Properties. (You can also use this menu to Edit the content or delete)

Choose the border width using the drop down menu and click on the black box to launch the Colour Picker, where you can select your colour choice. Click Save to return to your page.

You can continue to add elements to your page in this way. If you select ‘Insert image’ you will be able to either select an image from a folder already in the Fronter room or upload an image from your computer. If you select ‘Insert forum’ then the forum

must previously have been created before you can add it to the page. Votes are added by directly adding the information to the ‘Vote container’.

Creating a New Room

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To create a new classroom you must have administration rights. Log in and then click on Admin. Click on the plus by your school name to expand the information.

Highlight 04 Manually Created classrooms by clicking on it. (Do not create additional rooms in the 05 Imported corridors/rooms)

First you will need to create a corridor for you room to be in. You will be able to add further rooms to this corridor. If a suitable corridor already exists omit this next stage. To create a new corridor click on New org. unit on the top right hand side. Type in the title of your new corridor. Tick the box to make this a corridor Toggle none as you don’t need to create any sub categories and click Save. On the next page you will be able to create new rooms.

Creating a New Room

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To start click Create new Room. Give your room a name. Select a room Tool package and Save. You should be taken to the Frontpage of your new room. Click on Members. You will already be a member of this room as the owner and you now need to add other members to your new room (see Enrolling New Members in a Room.doc for instructions to do this).

Deleting Rooms

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Teachers with ‘Owner Access’ to rooms can close them and can use the instructions on the first page, but to delete rooms you have created (on the second page) you must have administration rights.

Click on the room selector and select the room you want to delete. Remember to check that there are no resources stored in this room that you want. Once the room is finally deleted they will be gone! You can copy or move files to other rooms before you delete it.

You need to ensure that members enrolled in this room are also enrolled into at least one other room so they have access to a room when they log on. (This should only affect extra users you have created) Click on Room. Select Close from the drop down menu on the top left side. Click OK in the box that opens. If you then refresh your page you will see that it is no longer available to be selected in the room selector. The room does still exist, but is not visible to users. To delete it finally a school administrator has to follow the instructions on the following page. A room can also be later reactivated by an administrator if not deleted.

Deleting Rooms

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To delete a room you must have administration rights. Log in and then click on Admin. From the room selector choose Display all rooms. Make sure you tick the ‘Show closed rooms’ checkbox. You should now be able to see your closed classroom, but greyed out. Click Delete to delete it. Alternatively if you want to reopen the room tick the checkbox and scroll to bottom of the page. Here there are options to Close, Open and Delete Rooms. You should get a warning page, where you have to tick the checkbox and click done before the room is finally deleted. A room has to be closed before it can be deleted. If an administrator closes and deletes a room from the ‘Display all rooms’ page they need to be certain that resources will not be lost and users left roomless.

How to change room names

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To change room names you must have administration rights or be a room owner. Select the classroom you want to change the name of in the Room selector. Click on Room in the Classroom toolbar. Select Edit properties from the drop down menu on the top right of the page. You can change the name of your room – here a spelling mistake has been corrected. Click Save at the bottom of the page. You should be returned to the room front page. Alterations will not show in the room selector until after the web page has been refreshed.

To Change Room Access Rights

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To change access rights in a room you either need to be a room owner or an administrator. Use the room selector to go to the room you want to change the access rights in. Click on Members. You will already be a member of this class as an owner (or have access rights as an administrator). Click on Edit. Access rights can be modified for each individual by clicking Edit. Change the access rights from the drop down menu that appears.

To Change Room Access Rights

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The rights for that user are instantly changed. You can also remove users from the room by clicking Remove. A dialogue box will appear asking you to confirm this removal from the participant list. Only room owners or administrators can edit or remove room members.

Copying to Other Rooms

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Documents and pages can easily be moved or copied in Fronter so long as you have access to the source and destination classrooms. The administrator users in a school can move and copy anywhere within their Fronter building. In two form entry or larger schools it may be a good idea to give all year group teachers ownership of all the year group rooms so they can move items between their classrooms themselves without having to ask the administrator to do it. Find and select the item you want to copy. Here Y3 Science Page needs to be copied from Class Y3A to Class Y3B. The file for the Science Page is in the Resources folder. In the resource folder tick the files, in this case the Science page and the hidden resource folder then click Copy. Initially you are given the choice of the Folders available within the room you are in.

Click on the drop down menu and select more to find any other rooms you are a member of.

Wait a few moments for Fronter to refresh and you should then find further choices in the drop down menu. Highlight the one you want.

Copying to Other Rooms

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You should now see the available folders for the class you want to copy the file to. Select the one you want, in this case Resources.

Click on the folder you want to copy to and click OK in the dialogue box that appears. You should get another dialogue box saying the file has been copied.

If you have copied an invisible page resource folder you may get a message saying that it hasn’t copied. Often this is not the case. The folder will have been copied, but not all of the resources. These will have to be copied separately. Be aware that any pages copied will still use the images in the original room and therefore images and links will appear broken to users who only have membership of the second room. These images and links will have to be rebuilt in the new room. It is a good idea to log into the new room with an account, which only has access to that room to check that all appears correctly.

Adding a tool to a Room Tool Package

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Teachers with ‘Owner Access’ to rooms can edit a Room Tool Package. Each imported and manually created room will have been given a standard Tool Package but you may wish to change this to suit the needs of the users of the room. In this room there is no Frontpage Tool, so you go straight to the Room tool rather than a Frontpage when you select the classroom. To create a Frontpage select Customise Tool Package from the drop down menu on the right. Then click on New tool in the list on the left. You will then see the choice of new tools that can be added to your page. Select by ticking the Frontpage tool and then click Save.

Adding a tool to a Room Tool Package

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You now need to move the Frontpage tool from the bottom to the top of the Tool Package list so it is the one any user is automatically take to when they select that classroom. Click on Frontpage in the Tools section. You should be able to click on the green up arrow to move the Frontpage up the list. You will need to do this to move the Frontpage above each of the tools until it is at the top of the list. Once it is at the top of the list you need to click Save. Other tools can be added, moved and deleted in the same way, but for younger users it may be best to keep with an uncluttered list with only the tools that are actually needed.

Deleting a tool from a Class Tool Package

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Teachers with ‘Owner Access’ to rooms can edit a Class Tool Package. Each imported room should have been given a standard Tool Package but this can be changed to suit the purpose of the room In this room there is an extra resource folder called ‘Help Notes’ that is no longer needed. Click on the Room tool so you can customise the tool package. Select Customise tool package from the drop down menu on the right. Select the tool you want to remove and then click delete. Depending on the browser you are using you may get the following message: This means that there are still some resources stored in this folder and they need to be removed before the tool can be deleted. Click OK and select the tool.

Deleting a tool from a Class Tool Package

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You can see in this folder there are still two documents. Tick to select them and then click delete. Depending on your browser click OK to confirm. However, the deleted files do still exist in the recycle bin for this folder and you will need to empty the recycle bin before you can delete the tool. Click on the Folders button on the right to view the folders associated with this tool. You should now be able to see the Recycle Bin and click on it. The deleted documents are there. Tick to select and then click Permanant Delete. Click OK in the dialogue box. The recycle bin is now empty, so you will be able to go back to the instructions on the first page and delete the tool.

Creating a Forum and adding it to a page

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You first have to create your forum in one of the Room folders. Here it is going to be put in the Resources folder. Click on the Resources folder.

Click on the folder you want to save the forum in.

In this folder click on Forum. Give your forum a title. Add some further instructions or details in the description box. The text can be formatted using the editing tools. You can upload and add an image too or add a link to a sound file where you have read the instructions.

Creating a Forum and adding it to a page

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Scroll down the page to toggle the type of forum you wish to use. In this example it is a conversation forum. The page will refresh if you choose a different forum to a discussion. Make sure that the forum times will allow it to be open. You can customise when the forum is available and change the contribution prompt. Click Save and in the next page check how your forum will appear. If you want to make changes click Edit to take you back to the previous page. Go back and find the page you were creating.

Toggle the Edit box, then create a new empty container.

Click on Insert Forum

Creating a Forum and adding it to a page

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You then need to select the folder you placed the forum in. In this example it is in Resources, then Forums.

The available forums should now appear at the bottom of the page. Toggle the forum you want and click Save. The forum will now appear in your page, in edit mode. Untoggle edit mode to view as the finished page. further or change it’s availability.

Hand-In Folders

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Hand-in folders can either be accessed through the Hand-in tool or they can be created in any other folder. Pupils can hand in work in the form of documents, presentations, other files or Fronter documents to the specified folder individually or as a group. Teachers can access all the work in that folder, assess it and comment on it. The marks and comments can be viewed from the portfolio tool. Pupils can be reminded to hand in work using the Notification tool. To add the hand-in tool click on the Room tool. Select customise tool package in the drop down list. Choose New tool and let the page load. Tick Hand-in. Click Save. It is possible to change the position of each tool in the list by highlighting it and then clicking the green arrows to move either up or down in this same window. Here the Hand-in folder has been moved higher in the list. Click on it and then click Folder. Enter the folder title and description. The default opening times are from the present time to one month later with the notification date set between. All these can be changed. It is also possible to change other settings, if needed, then click Save.

Hand-In Folders

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If pupils have the Notification tool on their Today page then they will be able to click the link there to go directly to this folder when they are ready to hand in work. This can be done by clicking Upload file as you can to any other folder. They will only be able to see their own work. Once the closing date has passed pupils will not be able to upload further work or delete any previously uploaded.

If work is available to the teacher electronically (e.g. on a memory stick or on the school network) it is possible to hand in work for a pupil by using the ‘Hand in on behalf of’ option.

To add a comment to each piece of work select comment from the dropdown menu by the file name. In the window that opens add your comment. You can also evaluate and grade the work before clicking Save. The hand in folder now gives an overview of the work and this is also now visible in the portfolio tool.

Creating a Test

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Go to the folder you want to create a test in. In this case it is in a Test folder in the Resources folder. Click on Test. Give your Test a name and add a description if you wish. Click Save. In the next window click Add question. Type the question in the question box. You can specify other settings. Click Save and new to devise another question.

To add images or more detailed information ‘Detailed question will give the standard Fronter text editor.

There are different ways to display the questions. This time select ‘radio button’ is selected from the drop down menu. You can type in multiple-choice answers and indicate by the points scores which are correct or ‘better’ answers.

Creating a Test

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For the next question the Text area category has been selected and a correct answer suggested, along with possible points that could be scored. Tests with these types of questions in might need to be assessed by a teacher, though you can define key words in a text answer for automatic marking later using Text recognition by clicking on the question and selecting Text recognition which will appear next to General once the question has been saved. Continue adding and saving questions until your test is complete. You can return to edit a question further by clicking on it in the navigation pane on the left. Once all your questions are created click on the test name at the top of the navigation pane to finalise the settings. Toggle the Activate the test button and ensure that the test is open for the period you require. Select other options as appropriate and Save. To view how the test will appear click Take the test.

In the Submission tab you will be able to limit the duration of the test and how many attempts can be made.

In the Feedback tab you will be able to choose to allow students to see immediate automatic marking on completion of the test.

Hiding folders and using Student View

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To hide folders you have to be a room owner. Hidden folders can be seen by the teachers (owners) of the room, but not by the students. Some hidden folders are automatically created as you make pages to put all the resources (images etc.) you have used on the page. It is probably best to leave these folders hidden. If a pupil inadvertently deletes an image in one of these hidden folders then it will no longer display correctly on your page. Other folders you may only want to be visible to the pupils occasionally, e.g. during a unit of work, and then hidden, but not deleted so they are available again in the future. Here the ICT Club owner has created folders for plans and resources. Those for September and October have already been hidden. The November folder now needs to be hidden and a new folder for December created. To hide the November folder: Tick the checkbox by the folder and click Edit properties. Alternatively click on the triangle by the folder name and select Edit properties from there. You can change the Folder type by clicking the Hidden folder radio button and then click Save.

In this way you can swap around which folders are visible to pupils. To create a new folder for December go back to the

Resources folder, click on folder to get a new screen similar to that above where you can give the folder a name and decide what type of folder it will be.

Hiding folders and using Student View

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If you want to see what the pupils have access to then you can enter ‘Student View’ mode. To do this Click on Room in the Room Tools. Then select Activate studentview from the menu on the top right. You will be returned to the room frontpage, but the green bar at the top of the room tools indicates you are in student view. If you now click on the Resource folder you will not be able to see the hidden folders. To leave Studentview click on Go in the room selector to return to the room frontpage.

Individual Folders

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Individual Folders can be created for students to store their work in their own folder in your classroom. These can be created in the My Work tool or the Resources tool in your room. Click on the My Work tool. Click Folder. Type the Title and add a Description (if wanted) and select Individual folders. Click Save. When the folder is opened the teacher with Owner access can see all the folders, as below, but the students can only see their own.

By using the Edit properties, accessed from the Action menu it is possible for the teacher and students to customise the access to a folder thus allowing others access so students can collaborate on work within that folder.

How to see the Login Information for imported users

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To see the Login details for Imported Groups you must have administration rights. Log in and then click on Admin. Click on the plus by your school name to expand the information.

To see the staff information click on the plus by 02 Policy Groups and select the All staff group. You could find the information for all the students by selecting the All students group. However, in most circumstances it will be easier to find out the passwords for the pupils a class at a time, so go to the 06 Imported groups node and select the group you need to know the passwords for. In this case the new Reception class.

Click and highlight Year R. Then click the Tools tab.

How to see the Login Information for imported users

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Click on List of Usernames and Passwords. In the list that appears the usernames and passwords should be available. As these users were not imported by Fronter the password is not available and the message ‘User is not registered in Fronter UAS’ appears. This will also be shown if the user or administrator has changed a password following an import. The Names, Usernames and Passwords can be copied and pasted into a spreadsheet or a document. You could follow the same procedure for the All Students group, but then this would produce a very long list of all the students in the school in alphabetical order!

Uploading personal documents to My documents folder

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You can store personal documents in the My Documents folder in the personal tool bar, just as you might on a memory stick – these documents will only be visible to you and not to other Fronter users! Click My documents. To store documents click upload file. Browse to find a single document. You can see how much space you have for your files.

Locate the files for uploading and select open. To upload more than 1 file choose Multiple files and then browse again to locate the files on your computer.

You can browse for multiple files. Or you can open a window, select the desired files and ‘drag and drop’ into the Fronter window. When you have located all the files click upload.

Using the sound recorder

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In Fronter 82 the sound recorder can be used directly into the text editor in the Page tool. You will need to have a microphone connected to your computer. Click the insert sound icon. In the pop up window that opens click the red record button when you are ready to record. Click the black button to stop recording. Check your recording by clicking the green play button.

If you are unhappy with the recording click the red button to have another go. You will get a message asking you to confirm this before you can record again. The recording will start again as soon as you click OK.

When you have a recording you are happy with click Save. You are returned to the text-editing window which now has a play button inserted. While in the text editor the button won’t work, but if you click Save the link will work and the sound plays when the play button is clicked on the finished page.

Fronter has automatically created the sound file in the invisible resource folder for that page.

To add sound recordings to other elements of Fronter, such as discussions, you would first need to create the sound file in a Resource folder. Open the folder and click Create.

Using the sound recorder

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Give the file an apt and easily identifiable name and then choose record a sound file. Click Save. Record the sound file using the same process as above. The next step is to add a link to the sound file, for example in a forum. Here the sound file reads the instructions for this forum.

Select Edit to amend the forum.

Highlight whatever you want to link to the sound file, in this case text, but it could be an image and click Internal link. Then use the internal link to attach the file.

In the window that opens browse to find the correct file and select it. Opt to have it open in a new window (then it can be minimised and any text on the page remains visible). Click Save. The highlighted text will now be underlined, indicating that it is a link. The sound link will open in a new window and play.

To upload your picture and amend details on your contact page

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To go to your contact page click on your name from any other page. You may be taken to your homepage – click on contact details. To upload or change your picture click on Edit Image. Click on the Browse button. Browse through your computer files and select the image you want. Click Open. For a digital image to display in Fronter correctly it needs to be taken as ‘portrait’ and once imported into the photo package on your computer rotated and saved in portrait format. Landscape images will appear distorted and squashed

To upload your picture and amend details on your contact page

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Click on Save. Your image will now appear in the Contact Card and when you contribute to discussions and forums or use Fronter Instant Messenger. Other personal information can be added, but be aware that other Fronter users within your school will be able to view your details, including pupils and potentially parents.

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