fsi - swedish basic course - student text

Post on 03-Nov-2014






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R)I Swedish Basic Cours e developed from a need to provide a more comprehensive and up to date curriculum than had been afforded by an earlieI' work, Spoken Swedish. The latter had been produced during the 1950's by william R. fun Bus kirk and Fritz frauchiger of the FSI linguistic staff, with the assistance of members of the staff of the Post Language Program of the American Embassy in Stockholm. RJI Swedish Basic Cours e is intended primarily for use as the foundation for intensive classroom use with a qualified instructor, but it has also been designed so that the student who does not have the benefit of an instructor may use the text and its accompanying tapes with profit. This book was developed entirely at the ~reign Service Institute in Washington. Under the general editorship of Allen I. Weinstein, the text was conceived and executed by the Swedish instructional staff, headed by Ingrid S. Beach and including Margareta Weyl, Margareta Feller, and Anne-Marie Carnemark. Illustrations were conceived and drawn by Peter Weyl. Layout for the text and the cover design were executed by John McClelland of the FSI Audio- Visual Staff. The tape recordings accompanying this text were voiced by Peter Ling- Vannerus, Niklas Lund, Claes Rhl, Ingrid Beach, Anne-Marie Carnemark, and Margareta Weyl, and were made at the FSI studios under the direction of recording engine er Jose Ramirez. The authors wish to express their gratitude to the Foreign Service Institute students who used the field-test editions of the book in Washington and who contributed many helpful ideas and criticisms. A special debt of gratitude is due Marianne L. Adams who, as FSI Publications Officer, provided the initial stimulus for the creation of this book and whose encouragement along the way was of great importance.



SWEDISHTo the Student WeLcome to the worLd of Sweden, Swedes, and Swedish! You have obtained this book as a way to help you learn the Swedish language, and to help you prepare for Life and work in Sweden. We hop e that both these experienaes will be enjoyable for you, but before you begin we would Like you to know some facts about language study in general, and this book in particular. The new FSI Swedish Basic Course has been written especially for the future U.S. diplomat in Sweden. It is meant to serve as a textbook as well as a source of cultural information and it is accompanied by a complete set of tapes. We all know that the ability to speak a foreign Language and to live in a new culture is not learned through books and tapes alone. These are only aids in a learning process which begins in the classroom, where the instructor is the primary source of information and your main conversation partner, and which later expands to the whole country of Sweden, where a nation becomes your teacher. However, the book has taken into account the student who may not have a teacher available. It was designed in such away that, together with extensive use of the tapes, it may be used profitably by the self-study student. A self-study course, however, cannot prov ide sufficient opportunities to practice speaking and understanding Swedish. The primary goal of language learning is to communicate with the native speakers in a natural and productive way. A secondary goal is to learn to read and trans late Swedish, since this is an important skill you will need in your work. The first twelve ~its consist of dialogs which cover a range of situations relevant to your Life and work in Sweden. The las t few Uni ts are lJJri tten in a narrative form and constitute a transition to further reading. Each ~it includes "Notes on Basic Sentences," which clarify certain grammar points, cultural ~nformation and idiomatic expressions that we think are particularly important. fullowing "Notes on Basic Sentences" is a section called "Points to Practice." This section deals lJith the grammar, which is first explained as clearLy andTo


the Student

SWEDISHsimply as possible~ and then put to use in Practices. Here you can cover up the correct responses with a piece of heavy paper or cardboard and then slide the paper down the page to confirm the correctness of your response or correct any error you may have made. Be sure you do the Practices aloud. Grammatical explanation should be thought of only as a tool when learning a foreign language. But it is the key to understanding a structure and a system which might otherwise seem confusing. Even though Swedish grammar and vocabulary are related to their English counterparts, a word-by-word translation from either language into the other does not neoessarily produoe good sense. Beoause of important differenoes in ways We have of expressing the same thoughts~ speakers of English and Swedish see each other as using different patterns of language. It is therefore invaluable to learn Swedish patterns to the point where the y become a real part of your speech, so that the difference between English and Swedish becomes natural to you. Over many years of teaching Swedish to English speaking students the teachers at ~I have noted oonsistent patterns of difficulty that an English speaker has in learning Swedish. We have tried to draw on this experienee in explaining the grammar and in painting out the pitfalls. Our happy Vikings are used to draw attention to same of the grammar points~ and to make the task of learning Swedish grammar a little less serious. A dragon appears in places where we discUSB something that may be unusually tricky. How to Vse the Tapes The tapes provide the oorrect pronunoiation of the dialogs, narrative texts and grammar practices. On the tapes each Unit begins with the diatog "For Listening Only" to give you the chance to understand as muoh aB possible unaided. Remember that it is just as important to understand what is being said as to produce your own sentences. Following" For Listening Only" there is a section called" For Learning." It contains the same dialog~ but this time each new word is given with apause, during which you are to repeat the word before the correct pronunoiation is confirmed. The same pattern is then used for longer utteranees. Try to mimic the native speakers as elosely as possible, paying elose attention to stress and intonation. When an utterance is very long it will, be divided inta two or more sentences~ and then given in its entirety. To the Studentv

SWEDISHThe grammar practices have also been taped, in order for you to hear the pronunciation of the correct response given in the practices. We advise that you keep your book open when doing the grammar practices with the tape, since you will always have to read the instructions for each individual practice in order to know which cue words you are supposed to use. However, you wiLL find that some practices can be done oraLly using on ly the tape. In those instances, try to reLy on what you hear on the tape and don't Look at the book. Studying a Swedish textbook and Listening to the accompanying tapes does not guarantee mastery of the Swedish Language. We hop e that this book wiLL serve as one of many aids iu your endeavor and that you wiLL find numerous opportunities to practic e your Swedish. The best way of doing that is to c10se your book and put your vocabulary and grammar to use in real situations. This is when you have to transfer your book-learning into something productive and meaningful. When you speak, understand and read outside the cLassroom environment you have truLy Learned to communicate in your new language. Good luck in your Swedish enterprisel



the Student

SWEDISHTill Lraren

Fljande r ett frslag tl I I

hur Swedish Baslc Course kan anvndas


Utta I Ett utfrligt kapItel med medfljande band inleder boken. Lraren br naturligtvis g igenom alla vIktiga punkter och hjlpa eleverna att f ett bra uttal frn brjan.

Dialog a. Genomgng aV ny lxa.

Lraren I ser de nya orden och I ter e I everna upprepa dem I korus. Sedan I ser lraren en mening i taget och lter varje elev upprepa den. Hr har lraren ett bra t l l l Uille att rtta och frklara uttalet. Det r vsentligt att vara mycket noggrann med uttalet i brjan s att eleverna inte grundlgger dliga vanor. Vi berknar att tv eller tre sidor per dag r lagom fr hemarbete. I brjan kan det vara frdelaktigt tr eleverna att lra sig dIalogen utantill s att de automatiskt tIllgodogr sig rytmen, ordfljden och sprkmnstret.


Frhr av


Nsta dag kan man brja med att lta eleverna g Igenom dialogen med den svenska texten vertckt och med den engelska texten som minnesstd. Man kan sedan lta eleverna erstta en del ord i dialogen med andra ord som de lrt sig tidigare och va olika former samtidigt som det grammatiska mnstret bIbehlls. Till sist slr eleverna Igen bckerna och anvnder dialogen i rollspel. Spontant rollspel passar i nte fr a I I a e lever. Det kan tr en de I vara svrare att h i tta p ngot att sga n att anvnda det nya sprket korrekt. I sdana ta II r det I mp 11 gt att anvnda s.k. "directed dialog," d.v.s. lraren talar om tr eleven p svenska (eller mjI igtvis p engelska) i indirekt form vad han/hon ska sga. Lraren kan ocks sjlv stlla frgor tl II eleverna med anvndande av ordfrrdet j texten.


Lrench "JII is pr>onounced like English SH.JournalIst jargong Jourhavande( j our>na lis t)

(jar>gon) (on duty) In

The letter> "JtI is sometimeB proeaeded by anothero aonsonant in the writing system. suah aases the other> letter is always "si7ent." Examples:GJDJ HJ


gjorde djur hjlp I j us

(did) (animal) (help) (light)

The J sound is alBo sometimes spelled with a tiG". Examples:ge (to give) grna (gladly) frg (aolor berg (mountain)

Tt'e'll discuss this in more detail later> under> "GII.

Guide to SlJedish Pr>onunoiation


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-=18 SWEDISHL

Listen carefully to the pronunciation of the English word "little." Swedish L is more like the first "l" than the seaond "l." The seaond "l" sounds very foreign to Swedes. Now we'll praetiee the L in some Swedish words:v l

(weZZ) mjlk (miZk) lunch (luneh) telefon (telephone) tills (until)

bl I

(automohi le) kalender (ealendar) klar (eLear) hall (hall) klocka (elock)

-NGThis sound is similal' to English. i.e. "ring." "song." "long." etc . hut no g-sound is heard at the end. as some English speakers have. This is true in Swedish even if the -NG is foLlowed by a vowel. This is the way it sounds in Swedish: (long) I ng lnga (long; deel. (s ong) sng sngen (the Bong) form)ung unga r i ng ringa

(young) (young; deel. form) (ring) (to telephone) No addi-

As you notiee there is onLy the -NG sound. tional g-sound should be heard.

Let'a say those words again.

If you have diffiaulty with this. an eaBy way to eliminate the g-sound is to say the two syllables separate ly. then s-l-o-w-l-y bring them together, sng -en, sngen.

Guide to Swedish Pronunciation

SWEDISHNote: The sound -NG is frequently followed by an "N" at the end of a word. bination is speLLed "-GN". Examples: This com-

lugn lugna regn regnet

(caLm) (to calm) (rain) (the rain)

ugn (oven) ugnen (the oven) vagn (wagon) vagnen (the wagon)

"GN" and "KN"If "GN" stands at the beginning of a word both sounds are pronounced as in gnista (spark), gnida (to rub). The same is true for "KN" in Swedish. The Swedes say knapp (button), knyta (to tie). Listen and repeat the Swedish words:

GNgnIsta gnIda gnata gnola gngga(spark) (to rub) (to nag) (to hum) (to neigh)

KNknyta knppa knappast knut kn a c kaUo tie) (to button) (hardLy) (knot) (to knock)


The Swedish it less:


is sZightZy triZZed.

If you can make a Spanish "R", use that but trilLb

r um (room) bror (brothep) morgon (morning)Guide to Swedish Pronunciation

rd (bread) har (have, has) krona (crown)19

SWEDISHIn Bome combinatiohB of liR" + another conBonant the two sounds a!l'e "pulled together." 7'he reBult is very simil'ar to what happens in English words like "bar - barn." "bore - bored. " Let's praatiae some of these aombinations in Swedish worda:..,RN


J rnbarn torn

(iron) (child) (towe 1') (table) (farm) (aare)


bo rd grd v rd


frort (auburb) svart (black) fiport (aports)

SWEDISHRSHThe -RSH sound is produaed lJJhen the letter "S" foZlolJJS an "R", as in the lJJords orsak (reason), kors (crosu) and Lars. You make the -RSH sound in normal speech also if one lJJord ends in "RII and the next word starts with "S." Listen to theae three words: Va e.-..? a tt du? {Where did you ait?J. This is how you will hear it when a Swede speaks normal ly: Va~(h)att du? If you pronounce the three words carefully without the SH sound (varI satt/ du?) you will, of course, be understood, but it won't sound like natural Swedish. Let's try some examples:mors orsak kors Lars


vrst f rs k norsk frsk

(wors t) (fresh) (Norwegian) ( attempt)


The Swedish SH sound is very similar to the English SH sound in "shoe." "sheep." "shout," ete. There is another variation of the SH sound in Swedish which you do not need to learn now. but whieh you should be prepared to recognize. The spelling of the SH sound may vary. but don't let the spelling influenee your pronuneiation. Here is a list of words eontaining the SH sound. all with different spelling. On the tape you'll hear both versions of the SH sound. "SJ" " SK" "SKJ" "STJ""SCH" "-slon" "-tian" "CH"



sjuk skIda skjorta stjrna schism vision station champagne journalist geners


( skiJ( shirt) (star)

( sehism) (vision) (station) } (champagne) ( journalist) ( generous)

words borrowed from Freneh

Nate that "CH" in the word och (and) is pronounced K. Guide to Swedish Pronunciation21

----------------------------------------------:II GliWe~ill no~





explain the

~eason fo~


A O U A and the soft vo~el8 E I Y


the vowels in two g~oups~ the ha~d vowels Say them onae mo~e in groups. If you don'tE I Y

remember them learn them now.A O U



The two consonant lette~s "G" and "K" and the combination "SKlI a~e pl'onounaed depending on whether the y pl'ecede a hal'd voweZ or a soft vowel. the hard vowels A O U A, "G", "K", and "SK" in the alphabet. Listen to these Swedish wOr'ds:gata god gul g(st~ee t) ( good) (yeZZow) (to waHl


pl'onounaed as they soundska s ko s ku I I e s k I

kan kopp kultur k r

(can) (cup) (cul ture) (co~ps )vo~els

(shall) (shoe) ( s~ould) (c Gers) Makeyou~

Let's say them again~ just to practiae the Swedish vowels very l-o-n-g. In fr'ont of the softvo~els

as well.


E I Y , "Gli, "K". and "SKlI beaome "soft":

"Gli is pronounced like a Swedish

"J" (as the "Y" in English(to give) (to like) ( gymnas ti cs) (gladly) (to do)

"yes~" "yea~~"


Listen to these examples:ge gli la gymnastik grna gra

IIG" is also pl'onounced like a Swedish "J" af ter' IIl" and "R II in the same syZZable. Look at the following wOr'ds~ listen and imitate;

Guide to Swedish




(moose) (holiday) (pharynx)

berg frg torg arg

(mountain) (eolor) (square) (angry)


is pronounced like a "light" "CH," a sound similar to the sound in English "bipch." "inch, "etc. Listen to the exampLes:

kedj a kines kyss krlek kra

(ehain) (Chinese) (kiss) (love) (to drive)

The CH sound is also spelled "TJ" and "KJlI in some !Jords, for example:


tjugo tjuv

t j atat jack


(twenty) (thief) (to nag) (thick) (to serve) ( skirt)



"SK" befare a soft vowel is pronounced like a SH sound in English (shoe, shine, etc.).Listen to these examples:

sked skina skydda sk ra sknNote:

( spoon) (to shine) (to protect) (to eut) (eomfor'tabLe)

There are other spellings of the SH sound whieh we discussed undep the SH sound.23

Guide to Swedish Pl'onzmciation

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---=24 SWEDISH

Now let's put "G," "K," and "SK" alternately in front of a hard and a soft vowel. at the words and repeat after the tape. Helare hard vowe"l Belore 80ft vowelge gli la gymnastik grna gra kedja kines kyss krlek kra sked skina skydda sk ra skn



gata god gul



kan kopp kulturk r


ska s ko sku I I e5k~1

The following oonsonant letters ooour only infrequently in Swedish:"C" is mostly found in the oombination lICKlI .

words, in which case it is pronounced like "K" in front of hard vowe"ls.vowe"ls it is pronounced like "S."K

A"lone it is usually found in foreign Befolle soft

Examples:cancer campa cape ce I I citron cy ke I

( cancer) (to camp) (cape)( oell)


(lemon) (bicyc"leJ

Guide to Swedish Pronunoiation


"Q" is found mostly in

proper names. Examples: Holmquist, Almquist. Akvavit (aquavit). replacing "QU" in modern Swedish, fal' example:

"KV" has been

"W" is pronounced like a "V" in Swedish. WTlma, Wlnblad.

You will only find it in names. Examples:

"I" is pronounced like derivation. Examples:


You will find it ont y in a very few words of foreign (gypsy) zigenare (zone) zon (zenith) zenit (zebra) zebra


There is no Z sound in Swedish! Summary of the Pronunciation of Swedish Consonants



5.6. 7.8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Consonant sounds tend to be l-o-n-g aftel' short vowels. "J" is pronounced like English "Y" before vowels. "L" is always like the first "l" in the English word "little." "-NG-" No G is hea!'d befo!'e vowe ls. "GN-" 80th the "G" and the liN" are pronounced at the beginning of a wO!'d. "KN-" 80th the "K" and the "N"are pronounced in this combination at the beginning of a word. "R" is slightly t!'illed. "RS" is pronounced like -RSH SH - This sound sound is very simi la!' to the English SH sound. "G,K,SK" before soft vowels a!'e p!'onounced like J, CH, and SH. "W" is pronounaed like "V." II Z" is always p!'onounced S; there is no Z sound in Swedish.

Guide to Swedish Pl'onunoiation


-------------------------------------------------26When individual wo~ds a~e p~onounced in isolation, the sepa~ate sounds tend to stand out clea~ly. When one talks in ph~ases o~ sentences, howeve~, many of these sounds be come less distinct, and some of them may change or disappear. You will hear this on the tapes of the dialogs. Of course this is the way you should learn to Break Swedish, not word by word. This is one reason it is important for you to memorize the dialogs. Some very common wo~ds are pronounoed differently f~om the way they are spelled. Refer to this list as you Zearn Units 1-4 to make sure you are pronouncing these words right. Writejag det dag .... ad och de dem r med morgon







(it) (day) (what) ( and) (they) (them) (am, are, is) (with) (morning)

ngon ngonting sedan sga mig dig sig sdan staden



(someone) (something) (then) (to say) (me) (you) (himself, e te.) (sueh) (the city)

Guide to Swedish Pronuneiation


Americans listening to Swedes talking sometimes say the Swedes Using. u They hear the Swedish intonation which is different from English. They also hear Swedish accent which is equaZZy different from EngZish. Let/s Zearn about that now. Swedish has two accents, usuaZZy referred to as Accent 1 and Accent 2. Accent 1. Words with Aocent 1 have the stress on the first syZZable. This is alBo most common in EngZish two-syZZabZe words. ExampZes: coming, harness., mother, fracture, neighbor. Accent 2 is very aharacteristic of Swedish; it occurs mostly in words of two or more syZlabZes. In Accent 2 words the second syZZable is almost as loud as the 'first. In EngZish this occurs onZy in phrases where, for exampZe, an ordinary adjective comes before an ordinary noun. Compare the foZlowing English items as you say them: First syllable accent bZackboard bZueberry White House Zoudspeaker Second syllable accent bZack board bZue berry white house loud speaker

Notice that you pronounce the second syZlabZe in the right-aoZumn items Zouder and cZearer than the same syZZabZe in the Zeft-column items. Now, imagine that the foZZowing Swedish words are pro'nounced as though they had two part.9, the second aZmost as Zoud as the first: Guide to Swedish Pronunciation27

-------------------------------------------------28hus-tru lng-samt n -go n smr-gsThese wovds ave wvitten as hustru, lngsamt, ngon, and smrgs, hut pvonounced (using Accent 2) with the second syllable almost as loud as the fivst. Tvy saying them one move time to make suve hoth syllahles ave coming out cleavly and loud. then pvactice the following list of Accent 2 wovds:


gata f I i cka b ta r pojkar krona kyrka ngon dotter papperLet's say them again.

(stveet) (givl) (boats) (boys) (cvown) (chuvch) ( Bomeone) (daughtev) (papev)

komma frga svens ka smrgs kosta r lngsamt Ingen hustru va r J e

(to come) (to ask) (Swedish) (sandwich) (eost/s) (slowly) (no O-ne) (wife) (evevy)

Tvy to get the typical Swedish stvess.

We will now giv e you some Accent 2 wovds and contvast them with Accent 1 words. Listen cavefully to the tape and imitate. Accent 2 Accent 1 (to come) (vings) (Swedish) (sandwich) (eost/s) (slowly) (no one) (the boy) (evevy) (the clock)

komma ringar svenska smrgs kostar lngsamt ingen poJ ken va r J e klockanGuide to Swedish Pronunciation

kommer ringer enkel gsen typisk lngre finger boken vargen rocken

(come/s) (ring/s) (sinple) (the goose) (typical) (longev) (fingev) (the book) (the wo lf) (the coat)

SWEDISHWhen you listen to the tapes, t~y f~om the beginning co pick up Accent 1 and Accent 2, as ~ell as the typiaal S~ediBh intonation. As a ~esult the dialogs that you memorize ~ill sound much more S~edish.



"'/CJ:\" -..~-


l \


Guide to




SWEDISH _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-::30

UNIT 1 GETTING AROUND Basic Sentences Useful Words and Phrases goodday1.

Hello (how do you do?). Hi. morning Good morning. night Good nigh t. Good-bye.Mr'.

god, gott, goda dag -en -ar Goddag.




morgon -en, mor(g)nar God morgon.natt -en, God natt. ntter





gentleman Mr. Berg.Mrs., wife Mrs. Stromback.

Herr herr/e -en -ar Herr Berg.fru -n -ar Fru Strmbck.


Unit 1

SWEDISHMiss (also to waitreBs or salesgirl) Miss Hansson. how to stand stand(s) it to How are you? thank you fine> well to fee l feel(s) you (sing.) self Thanks, fine. How are you? to speak speak(s) Swedish (the language) Do you speak Swedish? yes li ttle bit Yes, a little bit.frken, frken, frknar


Frken Hansson. hur att st - r, st r dett i I I

stod, sttt


Hur str det tl II?



tac k b ra att m -r, mdde, mtt m r du sj I v Tack, bra. Hur mr du sjlv? att talla -ar -ade -at talar svenska -n 0 Talar du svenska? jaI i te g ra n n





I ite grann.

Unit 1


SWEDISHn ej inteaI Is



no not at all No, not at alLto understand understand(s) me Do you understand me?I


inte alls. frsttt


att frst -r, frstod, frstr mig Frstr du mig? jag dig Nej, jag frstr dig aTt vara, r, var, va r snll -t -a var snlloch


you (obj. form) No, I don't understand you. to be be (imperative) kind, good please and speak (imperative) slowly Please speak slowly. noW Thanks, I understand now. Excuse (me).

inte. varit


tala lngsamt Va r sn I I och ta I a lngsamt. nu Tack, jag frstr nu. Urskta.


Unit 1

SWEDISHwhe1'e to be found, exist is {found} the1'e is (I hit bt -en -ar De kommer hit med bt.



Unit 2




niae, pleasant to like, to enjoy like(s) to trave l How niae! I like to travel by boat too.

trevl l g -t -a att tyck/a om; -er -te -t tycker om att res/a -er -te -t s trevl igt! Jag tycker ocks om att resa med bt. om vder, vdret, Ql Om vdret r bra. att hlla med om; hller, hll, hll it hller med om att ta, tar, tog, tagit ta r tid -en -er Det hller jag med om. Men det tar tid. >I n r att vntia -ar -ade -at vnta r Nr vntar du Bi II? vem Vem r det?

ifBo: 14. weather If the weather is good.



to agree agree(s) to take take (8) time I agree (with that). takes time.

But it



when to expect; to wait expeat(s); wait(s) When do you expeat Bill? who Who is that?



Unit 2


SWEDISHbrother to know know(s) him It's George's brother. I know him from Washington. he other time, occasion to s tay, to remain longer He's coming another time when he can stay longer. Long city, town this; these How long are you staying in town this time? unfortunateLy day UnfortunateLy onLy five days. pitY that (conj.J to Leave; to go, to travel Leave(s) soon What a pit Y that you are Leaving BO Boon.bror, brodern, brder att kn/na -ner -de -t knner honom Det r Georges bror. Jag knner honom trn Washington. han annan, annat, andra gng -en -er att stann/a -ar -ade -at lngre Han kommer en annan gng nr han kan stanna lngre. '* lnge stad -en, stder den hr, det hr; de hr Hur lnge stannar Ju i stan den hr gngen? tyvrr dag -en -ar Tyvrr bara fem dagar. synd att att fara, fa r, fo r, ta r i t fa r snart S sy nd att du ta r s s na rt.












Unit 2

SWEDISHback I'tt be back in June. to Ol'del', to l'eBel'Ve 01'del'(BJ fol' Now I'tt go and get (ol'del'J a 1'00m fol' you. I'tt be back Boon. to wait wait (sJ hel'e suitaase Thank you. I'tl wait hel'e with the (my) suitcase.to get, to obtain get(sJ, obtain(s) taxi that, which, who to took like, to 8eem look(s) like, seem(sJ fY'ee, avaitabte I' II get a taxi. TheY'e is one that seems to be fY'ee.tillbaka Jag kommer tl I Ibaka I juni. att best I l/a -er -de -t bestller t Nu g r j ag och best I I er ett rum t dig. Jag r snart tillbaka.







att vnt/a -ar -ade -at vntar hr vs k/a -an -or Tack ska du ha. Jag vntar hr med vskan. * att skaff/a -ar -ade -at skaffar taxi -n -0 som att se ut; ser, sg, sett ser ut ledig -t -a Jag skaffar en taxi. Dr dr en som ser ut att vara ledig. (Bo kommer ti \Ibaka)



(Bo Y'etuY'nsJ

Unit 2


SWEDISHwe to follow with, along to go (come) along goe(s), come(a) along there ear, taxi You have a nice room at the Stora Hotellet. We' II go along in the taxi. to hope hope (s) will, to be going to is going to to be happy, comfortable I hope that you'll be comfortable at the hotel.vi att flj/a -er -de -t med att flj/a med; -er -de - j fljer med dit bi I -en -ar Du ha r ett b ra rum p stora Hote I I et. Vi fljer med dit i bilen. "






att hopp/as -as -ades -ats hoppas att komma att; kommer, kom, kommit kommer att att triv/as -s -des -ts Jag hoppas ait du kommer att trivas .t p hote I I et. att gra, gr, gjorde, gr skert Ja, det gr jag skert.



to do, to make do, does aertainly, surely I'm sure I will. (I'll aertainly do that.)(At the hotet)


(P hote I I et) att ha I ust att; har, hade, haft har I ust att oss kvll -en -at t kv I I Har du I ust att komma till oss p middag ikvll? '*



to like, to feel like like(s) us evening this evening, tonight Would you like to come (to for dinner tonight?


Unit 2




g~ad~y J with p~easure at what time With p~easure. How nice. At What time?

grna hur dags Tack grna. dags?

s trevl igt. Hur



clock to sui t J to be convenient suit(s) Seven o 'c~ockJ i f that is convenient (for you) . That suits (me) fine. time is it now? It's three o'clock. to ~ive to reside live (s) Are you stil ~ ~iving at Oxenstiernsgatan. What

klock/a -an -or att pass/a -ar -ade -at passar Klockan sju, om det passar.



Det passar (mig) bra. klockan nu? Klockan r tre.

Vad r





att bo -r -dde -tt bor Bor ni kvar p Oxenstiernsgatan?



address to get. to pick up get(s). pick(s) up Yes. the address is Oxenstiernsgatan 3. But I'll pick you up.then So long.

adress -en -er att hmt/a -ar -ade -at hmtar Ja, adressen r Oxenstiernsgatan 3. Men jag hmtar dig.

Maja: Unit 2


see you tonight.

d Hej d, och vlkommen ikvll.63

______________________________________________ SWEDISH


VNIT 2 Notes on Basic Sentences


Vdikommen (plur. vlkomna) is used very often in Sweden. You use it, as here, when you greet a person on arrival (in your country, in your city, or in your home, etc.). You also use it (as in paragraph 37 of this Unit) in connection with an invitation or referring to an upcoming visit.

Note that vlkommen is never used in the English sense of "you are welcome." This phrase has to be expressed in different ways, for example: Ingen orsak (no reason, don't mention itY, tack sjlv (thanks yourself).


M i n,

d i n, v r, Mitt, ditt, v rt, Mina, d i na, v ra, (My, your, ou!',

er used with en words. ert - used with ett words. era - used with plural nouns. you!')

More on the possessive adjectives and p!'onouns later.8.Om ett par mnader

(In a aoupZe of months). The preposition om is used in expressions of time for the future in answer to the question nr (when).

Unit 2


11. 12.

Fyl ler.

In Swedish the present tense is often UBed to indicate future. indicates Location at a place. indicates motion to a place.

Hr - here: Hit - here:Examples:

Han r hr. Han kommer hit.

Be is here. He is coming here.

There are several other Swedish adverbs which change forms according to location or motion. We'll discuss them more in detail later.


Det hl ler jag med om. Note that the verb comes before the subject. This word order is very common in Swedish. The verb always comes before the subject in a main clause when the clause starts with a direct or indirect object~ an adverb, or i f it is preceded by a subordinate clause. We 'll practice this word order in Unit 5.

Jag (subject = S) hl ler (verb = V) med om det.

Det hller (verb = V) jag (subject = S) med om.



Nate that stanna usually means "stay" in the sense of "remain."

VI ska stanna i tre veckor. Vi ska bo p Grand Hotel.

(We'll stay for three weeks) but (We'lL ~ at the Grand Hote~

Unit 2


SWEDISH _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~662.3.24.

Kommer ... See Note 11.Nu gr jag och best I I er

... See Note 15.


Tack ska ni/du ha -- one of many idiomatic expressions of thanks in Swedish. Dr - there: Dit - there:

indicates looation at a place. indicates motion to a place. Be lives there. He's going there tonight.


Han bor dr. Han reser dit ikvll.

See Note 12. 28a.Hoppas (to hope). Verbs ending in -s in the infinitive don't take the -r ending in the present tense. The -s ending is used in all tenses and all persons.

Infinitive: Present tense: 28b.

att hoppas, att trivas hoppas, trIvs

Du kommer att trivas. In Unit 1 you learned that future time is expressed with the auxiliary verb ska. However, kommer att + the infinitive form of the main verb is a very common way of expressing future time. There is a subtle differenoe between the two future expressions and they may at times be interchangeable, but in oertain oontexts only one of them is correct. Ska implies intention and the involvement of someone's will. Kommer att is strictly a prognosis without any intention or will invoLved.

Unit 2



Jag ska

resa ti II

Amerl ka

i hst.

I'm going to Amepiea in the fall.Du kommer att tycka om min vn.

You'll like my fpiend.29. Det gr jag skert.

See Note 15.


Att ha

lust att

must be followed by an infinitive.lust att komma?


Har du

Jag har

I feel like going~UPP8ala.

lust att resa ti II


Unit 2


_________________________________________ SWEDISH



Points to PraatiaePoint I. Point II. Point III. Definite article Personal pronouns Te lling time (singular)

Unit 2

SWEDISHVNIT 2Points to ppactiae Point


The Definite Artiale (singular) a city a year

As the illustration shows, Swedes form the definite article by taking the indefinite article and attaching it to the end of the noun. In the case of ett. one t is dropped. There are, of course. two definite articles in the singular: -~, -et.


en stad ett r

staden ret

the city the year

Praatice A.

Here is a list of nouns you have learned with their indefinite articles. Put them in their definite form. and practice until you can io it automatically.

eVEa restaurant

en restaurang en buss en gato ett namn en stad en bi l69

Hr r


Here is the restaurant.

bussen gatan namnet staden

Unit 2

SWEDISHeVE Hr r b i I en. rummet frukosten flyget telefonen paret stationen smrgsen koppen hotellet fl ickan taxin klockan adressen matsedeln vas ka n ett rum en f r u ko st ett flyg en telefon ett par en station en smrgs en kopp ett hote I I en f I i cka en taxi en klocka en adress en matsedel en vska


Vnit 2

SWEDISHPractiae B. We'll aontinue with more nouns from Vnits 1 and 2 to help you feel thoroughly at ease with this usage. Add the definite articles to the aue words.

eVElunch Tycker du om lunchen? vinetkaffet

Do you like the lunah?

vin kaffel

let rummet smrgsen mjl kenhote I I et

rum smrgs mjlkhote I I

bt namnf I i cka

bten namnet fl ickan staden vskan

stad vska

Unit 2


SWEDISHPractice C.


In this practice you'~~ have to use the nouns both with the indefinite and the definite articles.eVE

hota I I Hotellet d r r ett b ra hote II.B 1 I en

The hotet there is a good hote l.

bi I

en en en en ett en ett

bj I bt restaurang klocka vin adress rum

bt restaurang Klocka vin adress rum

Bten Restaurangen Klockan VInet Adressen Rummet

Unit 2

SWEDISHPl'actice D. In this pl'actice one student asks the question and another student gives the answer. Take turns. A self-study student can play both roles. Follow the same sentence pattern as in the first example.

eVEtelefon Urskta, var finns det en telefon? Telefonen r ti I I vnster. Urskta, var finns det en toalett? Toa I etten r t i I I vnster. Urskta, var finns det en taxi? Taxin r ti II vnster. Urskta, var fInns det en restaurang? Restaurangen r ti I I vnster. Urskta, var finns det en station? Stationen r tl I I vnster. Urskta, var finns det ett hotell? Hotellet r till vnster. Urskta, var finns det en busshl Iplats? Busshll platsen r tl II vnster. busshllplats hotell station restaurang taxi

Pardon meJ where is there a telephone? The telephone is to the left.toalett

Unit 2

SWEDISHPractice E. Continue with the questions beLow and give affirmative answers. CUEvin Bestller han ett vin? Ja, han bestller vinet.


Is he ordering a wine? Yes, he is ordering the wine.hote I I rum

Bestller han ett hotell rum? Ja, han bestller hotellrummet. smrgs

Best I I er han en smrgs? Ja, han bestller smrgsen. middag

Bestller han en middag? Ja, han bestller middagen. f ru kost

Best II er han en frukost? Ja, han bestller frukosten. kaf fe? taxi ka f fe

Best I I er han Ja,

han bestller kaffet.

Best I I er han en tax r? Ja, han bestller taxin.

Did you notiae en taxi, taxin; ett kaffe, kaffet? The e in the definite artiale -~, -e~is dropped when-the noun enda In a voweL. Unit 2


LAT OSS TALA SVENSKAelose your books other using this your teacher for room and outside Exccmple: and get information from each material. You can also ask names of objects in the classthe window.I rummet?

F i nns det en sto I

(Is there a chair in the room?)Ja, stolen r dr. (Yes. the chair is there. )

Unit 2

SWEDISHPoint II. Personal Pronouns

Subjeative Formjag du han hon den det vini

Objeative Formmig dig honom henne den det oss er dem

I you he she it, for en lJords it, for ett lJordslJe

me you him her

it, for en lJords it, for ett lJords


you, plural and formal sing. they

us you, plural and formal sing. them

Unit 2

SWEDISHppaatiae F. Let's ppaatice the Swedish pepsonal pponouns, stapting with the subjective forms. Substitute the subject pponoun fop the name or names in the column on the right. eUEMaja tycker om Karin. Hon tycker om KarIn. Han tycker om Karin.Vi

Maja likes Karin. She likes Kapin.

Maja Bo Bo och jag Maja och Lena Maja och du George

tycker om Kar i n.

De tycker om Karin.Ni

tycker om Karin.

Han tycker om Karin.

Practice G.

Now let's practice the objective forms of the pponouns. this time in questions. He~e you substitute the ppopep objective pponoun for the name. names op subjective pponouns in the pight column. eUE

Knner Maja Bo? Knner Maja honom? K n n e r Maja henne? Knner Maja oss? Knner Maja dem?

Does Maja know Bo? Does Maja know him?

Bo Karin Karin och jag Bo och Karin du och Karin

Unit 2

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SWEDISH _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ______

~ 8


eVEK n ne r Maja e r? Knner Maja dig? K nne r Maja mig? Knner Maja honom? du jag han

Practice H.

Now we'll make it a little bit harder and use two pronouns in the answp.ps, one as the subject, one as the object. Substitute pronouns for the names when you answer the questions in the affirmative. Be sure to read the questions aZoud.


Bo George?

Does Bo know George? Yes, he knows him.

Ja, han knner honom. Frstr Karin Maja? Ja, hon frstr henne. Presenterar Bo David? Ja, han presenterar honom. Vntar herr Dalgren Karin? Ja, han vntar henne. Best II er du ett rum t~?

Ja, jag bestller ett rum t dig.

Unit 2


Bo kaffe t dIg och mig?


Ja, han hmtar kaffe t oss. Mter Karin George p stationen? Ja, hon mter honom Fljer~


pa statIonen.Ja taxin.

med Maja I taxin?

Ja, jag fljer med henne

LAT OSS TALA SVENSKAor make up a fictitious one.

Tell, about your family~ Ask the others about their friends and family members. Put the personal, pronouns to use.

Let's be very personaL

Unit 2


SWEDISHPoint III. Te lling timeVad r


Klockan r elva.

Klockan r fem.

Klockan r tolv.

Klockan r halv ett.

Klockan r kvarti

sj u.

Klockan r kvart ver fyra.

This is how the Swedes answer the question Vad r klockan? (What time is it?) Be sure to notice the expression for half hours.

Klockan r fem (minuter> I halv ett.

Klockan r fem (mInuter> ver halv tolv.

Klockan r tjugo (minuter> ver tv.

Unit 2

SWEDISHThis is how you ask "at what time?":

Hur dags? Klockan sju.

This is how you answep "(at) seven o'clock":

ppactice I.

Ask the question and answep it.

Op in


ask each othep.

eVEVad r klockan? Vad r klockan? Klockan r tre. Klockan r fem.What time is it? It's thpee o'cZ.ock. 58

tta.tio. tolv.








n lo.sex.sj u.


8:30 3:3081

halv nio.Unit 2



Vad r klockan?

Klockan r halv fy ra. halv sex. halv ett. halv sj u. halv tre. halv tolv. halv tv. kvart kvart fem fem. nio. halv tta.

5:30 12:30 6: 30 2:30 I I : 30 I : 30 4:45 8:45 7:25 3:35 2:20 3:40 3: 15

fem ver halv fyra. t j ugo ver tv. tjugo i fyra. kvart ver tre. kvart ver tolv. kvart I fyra. halv sex. fem I halv fyra.Unit 2

12: 153:45 5:30 3:25

SWEDISHPractice J. Answer the questions with the time given in the cue. eUEHur dags ska han komma? Han ska komma klockan tta. Hur dags reser han? Han reser klockan elva. Hur dags r hon ledig? Hon r ledig klockan fyra. Hur dags kan de mta bten? De kan mta bten klockan halv tre. Hur dags ska vi skaffa en taxi?Vi

At what time is he coming? He's coming at eight o'clock. At what time is he leaving?



At what time will she be



At what time can they meet the boat?


At what time shall we get a taxi?


ska skaffa en taxI klockan halv tio.

Hur dags vntar han oss? Han vntar oss klockan kvart Hur dags tar han flyget? sex.

At what time is he expecting us?

5: 4 5

At what time will he get his flight?

6: 15

Han tar flyget klockan kvart ver sex. Hur dags kommer han? Han kommer klockan fem halv nio.

At what time is he coming?


Unit 2


SWEDISHUNIT J FAMILY AND OCCUPATION Basic Sentences George Brown meets an old friend, Captain Lars Holm, after 15 years. to go went Norra Latin High School ago He llo. weren' t you in Norra Latin (high school) 15 years ago? Aren't you Lars Holm? yes (in answer to a negative question) to remember remember(s) true isn't that so Yes, I am. I remember you too. You are George Brown, aren't you? yes, indeed long time since last time Yes, indeed. It's been a long time since (we saw each other) last time.



att g, gr, gick, gtt gick Norra Latin fr ... sedan Goddag. Gick du inte p Norra Latin fr femton r sedan? r det Inte Lars Holm? * jo a t t mi nna s, mi nns, mi nde s, mi nt s minns sann, sant, sanna inte sant Jo, det r det. Jag minns dig ocks. Du r George Brown, I nte sant? *





javisst lnge sedan (sen) sist Javisst. Det var lnge sen sist.

Unit 3

SWEDISHto aome aame When did you come back to Sweden? several week time now J these days Sevel'al weeks ago. What al'e you doing these days? sailol' to lie (lay J lain) lie (s) harbor just now I' m a sailor. My ship is here in the Gothenburg harbol' just now. ever Were you ever in the U.S.? yes indeed to usually (do something)J to be in the habit of used to to go J to trave Z. between Yes indeed many times. We used to go between Gothenburg and New Orleans.J



att komma, kommer, kom, kommit kom Nr kom du ti II baka ti II Sveri ge?



f I era veckla -an -or tid -en -er nu fr tiden Fr flera veckor sedan. nu fr tiden?

Vad gr du



sjman -nen, sjmn att ligga, ligger, lg, legat I i gger hamn -en -ar just nu Jag r sjman. Min bt ligger hr I Gteborgs hamn Just nu. *



ngonsin Var du ngonsin I


jad att brukla -ar -ade -at brukade att fara, far, for, farit me I I an Jad, mnga gnger. Vi brukade fara mellan Gteborg och New Orleans. "



Unit 3


SWEDISHto serve, to be on duty served American ship Did you also serve on American ships? never Swedish (adj. ) aboard No, never. Only on Swedish Do you want to come ships. aboard? time Yes, I'd love to. time?att tjnst/gra -gr -gjorde -gjort tjnstgjorde amerikansk -t -a fartyg -et -0 Tjnstgjorde du ocks p amerikanska fartyg? >\ aldrig svensk -t -a ombord Bara p svenska fartyg. Nej, aldrig. Vi II du komma ombord?








Do you


tid -en -er Ja, grna. Har du tid?

They go to Captain Holm'g cabin on the ship. cigar' Do you want a cigar? cigarette No thanks. I Like Swedish cigarettes.cigarr -en -er Vill du ha en cigarr? cigarrett -en -er Nej tack. Jag tycker om svenska cigarretter.





Unit J

SWEDISHto smoke smoke(s) often really, actually best to pre fel' prefer(s) pipe I often smoke cigars, but I really prefel' a p~pe. And what are you doing these days? journalist to work work(s) newspaper I'm a journalist. I work for a big American newspaper. to think, to plan think (s), plan(s) whole, all winter How long are you planning to Btay here? All winter (long)? about, app~oximately I'm staying in Sweden about five monthB.



att rk/a -er -te -t rker of t", egentl igen bst att tyck/a bst ami -er -te -t tycker bst om pip/a -an -or Jag rker ofta cigarrer. men jag tycker egent I i gen bst om p i pa. Och vad gr du nu fr ti den? journalist -en -er att arbet/a -ar -ade -at arbetar tidning -en -ar Jag r journal ist. Jag arbetar p en stor amerikansk tidning. * att rnk/a -er -te -t tnker hel -t -a vinter -n, vintrar Hur lnge tnker du stanna hr? vintern? * ungefr Jag stannar i Sverige ungefr fem mnader.








U'l1J1it 3


SWEDISHto z,rl'i te book about Are you going to write a book about Sweden? already Yes, I'm already working on a book about Swedish cities. interesting How interesting. to tell tell (imperative) family father to live livers) sti ll, yet But tell (me) about your family. What is your fat her doing? Is he still living? Lars Holm takes out a photo album. to see photo Sure, would you like to see Bome photos of the family?att se, ser, sg, sett fotografi -et -er Jad, viii du se ngra fotografier av familjen? att skriva, skriver, skrev, skrivit bok -en, bcker om Ska du skriva en bok om Sverige?






redan Ja, jag arbetar redan p en bok om svenska stder. intressant -0 -a Det var intressant.






att berttla -ar -ade -at bertta fami I j -en -er far, fadern, fder att lev/a -er -de -t lever n Men Dertta om din fami tj. Vad gr din far? Lever han n? *



Unit 3




engineer ale ar, obvious of aOUl'se to begin begin(s) to beaome, to be old to get old Here is Dad. He is still an engineel'. Of course he is beginning to get old.sis tel' nurBe Don't you have a sister is a nUl'Be?

fortfarande ingenjr -en -er klar -t -a det r klart att brj!a -ar -ade -at brjar att bli, blir, blev, blivit gammal -t, gamla att b I l gamma I; b Il r, b I ev, b I l v i t Hr r far. Han r fortfarande ingenjr. Det r klart att han brjar bli gamma f. Jt syster -n, systrar sjuksktersk!a -an -or Har du inte en syster, som r sjukskterska? syskon -et Do-~






brothers and Bisters, sib Ungs Yes, I have. Here she is. you have any brothers and sisters?

Jo, det har Jag. ngra syskon?

Hr r hon.

Har du



physician, doator lalJJyel' Yes, I have tlJJO brothers, one lJJho is a doctol' and one ~ho i s a l alJJ y e l'.

lkare -n -0 advokat -en -er Ja, Jag har tv brder, en som r lkare och en som r advokat.

Unit 3


SWEDISHsekreterare -n -0 officer -n -are enda Jag har ocks en syster som r sekreterare. Hr r hon med min enda bror. Han r officer.




sec1'eta1'Y office1' (only milita1'yJ onLy (adjectiveJ I also have a Bister who is a secreta1'Y. He1'e she is with my onLy b1'othe1'. He is an office1'. uncle (pate1'nalJ aunt (pate1'naLJ dentist I see. My uncle is also an office1', and my aunt is a dentist. uncle (mate1'nalJ farm nea1' Here you see my uncle. He w01'ks on a big fa1'm near Skovde. Was he in Stockholm 15 yea1's ago? to think, think(s) think so. to be lieve



farbror, -n, farbrder faster -n, fastrar tandlkare -n -0 Jas, min farbror r ocks officer, och min faster r tandlkare . . .



morbror -n, morbrder grd -en -ar n ra Hr ser du min morbror. Han arbetar p en stor grd nra Skvde. Var han I Stockholm fr femton r sedan? att tro -r -dde -tt tror J ag tror d et.




Unit 3

SWEDISHto roememberore me mb e ro ( s)att komm/a Ihg; -er, kom, kommit kommer Ihg mo s t e r - n, mo s t r a r lrarinn/a -an -or att trff/as -as -ades -ats trffades Jag kommer ihg din moster, som var lrarinna. Vi trffades mnga gnger."



aunt (materonaL) teachero (woman) to meet (each othero) met (each other) I roemembero youro aunt who was a teachero. We met many times. son Heroe is my son who is twe1-ve years (oZd). His name is Goran. lJhat (a, an) good-Zooking, handsome boy What a handsome boy! must, have (has) to company very, awfully nice, pleasant, fun again I have to run. Enjoyed your company. It was awfully nice to see you again. always fun to see, to meet It's always fun to see oLd friends .




son -en, sner Hr r min son som r tolv r Han heter Gran.




v i I ke n, v i I ke t, v I I ka stilig - t - a pojk/e -en -ar VII ken sti I ig pojke!


mste, mste, 0 sllskap -et-0 vldigt roi ig -t -a i gen Nej, nu mste jag g. Tack fr sllskapet. Det var vldigt roligt att se dig igenl

a l It i dkul -0-0 att trff/a -ar -ad e -at Det r alltid kul att trffa gamla vnner. "


Unit :3


SWEDISHto have dinner togetheI' tomorrow or Shall we have dinner together ~omorI'OW or Tuesday? to carl (on the phone) eall(s) Tomorrow is fine. Love to. So long. I' II eaU you. Bye.att ta middag; ter, t, tit t i Ilsammans imorgon e I I er Ska vi ta middag tillsammans Imorgon >I eller p tisdag? att ringla -er -de -t ringer Imorgon pa s sa r bra. J a, g rna. Hej s lnge. r i nge r dig. Hej d.









Unit 3

SWEDISHUNIT 3 Notes on Basia Sentencea gick - past tense of att g. In this unit we introduae some verbs in the past tense. Most Swedish verbs form the past tense aaaording to aertain patterna aalled aonjugations. A few very aommon verbs are irregular as in English. Examples: att att att att att g, g r, gl c k, gtt vara, r, va r, va r i t komma, komme r, kom, kommit ta ra, ta r, tor, farit gra, gr. gjorde, gjo rt to go~ to walk to be to aome to go (by vehiale) to do~ to make



Det r det. In Swedish several short sentenaes following "yes" or "no" begin with det and end with det or another personal pronoun (+ inte when it's negative). This format aOl'responds to the English "yes, it is"~ ja, det r det; "yes, he aan"~ ja, det kan han; "no~ he doesn't", nej, det gr han inte. We will praatiae this in a later Unit. Jag r sJoman. Before professions and oaaupations the indefinite artiale is usually omitted in Swedish. Gteborgs hamn. For the possessive form of a noun or a name -s is added to the noun or the name without an apostrophe. If the word already ends in s nothing is added.



Unit 3




mnga gnger. a. duration b. occasion

Swedes make a distinction between "time" as tid gng

Examples: a.Tid och rum. = Time and space. Har du tid fr mig? = Do you have time for me? Tiden gICk. = Time pased. De~ar svra tider. = Those were difficuZt times. en ~ = one time, once tv ganger = two times, twice tre gnger = three times mnga gnger = many times nsta g~ng = next time frra gngen = last time Han for ti I I Amerika en gng.


= Be

went to the United States once.


Wa:r>riing! We had a good timeVi hade trevl igt

~15. 16.

Don't succumb to the temptation of transZating English idiomatic expressions into Swedish. Learn what the Swedes say in a simiZar situation.amerikanska fartyg. Jag r journal ist.

NationaZities and Zanguages are not capitalized in Swedish. See Note 6a.

Tnker is uBed aB a helping vepb hezoe, meaning "pLan to".

Unit J

SWEDISH20.Det var intressant. When Swedes exclaim about something~ they a~e apt to put it in the past tense even though it is right in the present situation. Examples: Det var dyrt. (That is expensive.); A, vad det var vackert! (Oh~ how beautifullJ while they a~e looking at the view. Lever. Att I eva (to Zive~ to be aZive) is diBtinguished from att bo (to live~ Hon lever, men hon r mycket sjuk. (She is alive but she/s very sick.) Hon bor I Stockholm. (She lives in Stockholm.)


to reside. Examples:


Det r klart.

This idiomatic expressian for "of course" is veY'Y common ly used.

Farbror, faster.pate~nal

The Swedes have a way of differentiating between maternal and relatives.Mor (mother) mormor mo r f a r morbror moster Far (father)

grandmother grandfather uncle aunt

farmor farfar farbror faster

frldrar (parents)

Unit 3


SWEDISH32. trffades. To express a reciprocal action an s can be added to certain verbs. The reciprocal action can also be expressed by the active form of the verb + varandra (each other).



att trffa - active form, "to meet" att trffas - reciprocal form, "to meet each other" Vi trffas p mndag. {We'll see each other on Monday.J Vi trffar varandra p mndag. {We/Il see each other on Monday.J

36a. 36b.


(fun) - common ly used, but a bit slangy.

att trffa - to meet. Nate that att mta is to meet someone who is arriving at a train station, airport, bus stoPJ etc. p tisdag. The days of the week are: lrdag, sndag. mndag, tisdag, onsdag, torsdag, fredag,


Nate a.: Nate b.:

They are not capitalized. English sometimes omits the preposition "on" before the names of the days of the week. In Swedish. however. the preposition p may not be omitted. Example: (On) Monday I/m going to the dentist.p mndag ska jag g tl I I tandlkaren.

Unit 3

SWEDISHUNIT :5 Points to Praotioe Point I. Point II. Point III. Indefinite plural endings The relative pronoun SOM Plaoement of adverbs

Unit :5


SWEDISHPoint I. Indefinite Plural Endings





The time has come to take a look at how the Swedes put their no uns in the plural. There are five ways of indicating plural. They are called declensions~ and they are numbered 1 through 5~ like this:1.

en vecka en middag en gng ett pple

tv vec8 tv mI ddag~ tv gnsE] tv pp l

EN wor-ds only EN words only (except ett finger - a finger)80th EN and ETT WOI'ds

2. J.4.

(an apple)5.


ETT words only80th EN and ETTWOI'ds~

ett glas

tv glasD

pI'edominantly ETT

There are also a few nouns with iI'I'egular pluI'als~ some of which we have aZI'eady seen: b ror - brder, stad - st::lder, bok - bcker, dotter - dttrar.

Unit 3

SWEDISHFirat Declension,


All EN nouns ending in -a belong to the first declension and end in -or in the pluraL Practice A. Let's go to work with the nouns we already know in this group. Answer the questions on the lett negativelY3 putting the underlined noun into the plural and substituting personal pronouns for names. eVEHar KarIn en krona? Nej, hon har tio kronor. Har Karin en klocka? Nej, hon har tta klockor. Har George en~?

Does Karin have one crown? No, she has ten crowns.




Nej, han har tv pipor. Har Karin en - - vecka? Nej, hon har fem veckor. Har Karin~n




Nej, hon har tre flickor. Har Karin en sjukskterska? Nej, hon har tv sjukskterskor.2

Vnit 3


SWEDISHSecond Declension,


The nouns of the second declension have various singular endings, but they are all EN words. The only exception is ett finger - tv fingrar. Practiee B. Answer the questiona negative ly ehanging the underlined nouns into the plural form and Bubstituting personal pronouns for names.

eUEHar David en~~?

Does David have One cup? No, he has two cups.


Nej, han har tv koppar. Har Lars en tidning? Nej, han har tre tidningar. Har Karin en smrgs? Nej, hon har fyra smrgsar. Har frken Strmbck en grd? Nej, hon har tv grdar. Har Sverige en hamn? Nej, det har tio hamnar. Har en vecka en~?






Nej, den har sju dagar.

Unit 3

SWEDISHThird Declension,


There are both EN and ETT words in this declension with many different endings in the singular. Practice C. Answer the questions negatively ahanging the underlined nouns into the plural form and substituting personal pronouns for names.CVE Talar David om en restaurang?

Is David talking about one restaurant?


Nej, han talar om tv restauranger. Talar Karin om en station? Nej hon talar om tre stationer. Talar David om ett vin? Nej, han talar om mnga viner. Talar herr Dalgren om en advokat? Nej han talar om tv advokater. Talar John om en ingenjr? Nej han talar om fyra ingenjrer. Talar Maja om en cigarrett? Nej, hon talar om mnga cigarretter. Talar David och George om en~!?







Nej, de talar om mnga nyheter.




SWEDISHFourth Deotension,~e


BShe is eating an appte. She is eating t~o apptes.

Most ETT words that end in a vo~et belong to the fourth dectension. So far have not had any examples of nouns from this declension, ~here the plural. form is -n. Just a fe~ nouns betong to the fourth declension, hut some are quite common. At this point ~e ~ilt ont y give you an example:Hon ter ett p~. Hon ter tv~ pplen.

Fifth DeclenBion,


The ETT ~ord8 of the This deolension contains both ETT ~ords and EN ~ords. The EN ~ords end in -are, -er fifth dectenBion al~ays end in a consonant. (denoting nationatity or profession), -ande or -ende (present participte referring ont y to people). Examptes:Eltt hote I I - tv hote I I Eln lkare - tv lkare Eln belgier en musiker


tv belgier (a Belgian) tv musiker (a musician)

en ordfrande - tv ordfrande (a chairmanJ en gende


tv gende (a pedestrianJ

Unit 3

SWEDISHPraatiae D. In this practiae we are using no uns familiar to you from the text J all from the fifth dealension. We are varying the verbs. Again J answer the questions negatively putting the underlined nouns in the plural form and substituting personal pronouns for the names.

eVEStannar George ett r? Nej. han stannar tre r. ett hotell? mnga hotell. 2 rum. 4 mnga

Is George staying for one year?


Reser Dal grens t i l l Nej,

de reser t i l l


Ingrid ett rum?

Nej, hon best II er tv Kper Bo ett ~? Nej, han

kper fyra par.

Har Bo en sekreterare? Nej, ha n ha r tv sekreterare.


Ser Karin ett fartyg? Nej, hon ser mnga en lkare? tv lkare. fartyg.


Gr Bo ti II Nej,


han gr ti II

Unit 3


SWEDISH l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~04Irregular Nourtssjman b ro r bok son stad dotter sjmn b r de r bcker sner stder dttrar

In same of our hasia sentenaes there have been words with irregular plural forms. The stems of these no uns change in the plural. They are 2nd. Jrd and 5th declensian words. but it is easier to learn them as a separate group. Practiae E. Let's praatice the irregular nouns following the Bame pattern as in the previous praatices in this Unit. eUEHar ni en bok Nej, v i har mnga bcker. Har Ingrid en bror? Nej, hon har tre brder. Har fru Strmbck en morbror? Nej, hon har tv morbrder. Har Karin och Lisa en farbror? Nej, de har tre farbrder. FInns det en stad I Sverige? Nej, det finns mnga stder I Sverige. mnga32

Do you have one book?






Finns det en sjman p bten? Nej, det finns tolv sjmn p bten. Har Lars en dotter? Nej, han har tre dttrar. Har George en~




Nej, han har tv sner.

Ppaetiee F. In this ppaetiee we ape using nouns fPom all five deelensions. Read the question on the left aloud and answep it negative ly, putting the undeplined noun into the plupal. Find out how mueh you've leapned.eVE

Finns det en klocka I rummet? Nej, det finns tv klockor Finns det en~

Is there one cloek in the room?




Nej, det finns tv koppar i rummet. Har Dalgrens en flicka? Nej, de har tv flickor. Finns det en advokat I stan? Nej,Unit :58


det finns tta advokater i stan.105



eVEHar bten en sjman? Nej, den har tolv sjmn. Finns det en hamn i Sverige? Nej, det finns mnga hamnar I Sverige. Finns det ett vykort p hotellet? Nej, det finns mnga vykort p hotellet. Har George en morbror? Nej, han har tre morbrder. Finns det en lkare nrheten?3 3




Nej, det finns tre lkare 1 nrheten. Finns det en grd dr borta? Nej, det finns tv grdar dr borta.2

Practice G. In the chart on the next page write the nouns on the teft in each cotumn with the proper endings. All combinations won't work~ of course. In such a case mark the box with an X. There is an answer sheet fottowing~ but don't look at it untit you have finished the chart.

Vnit 3





en, ett

f I e ra

I l te

ett Dar

rum pple k Ioc ka bII gng mnad namn vin kopp I kara b rd kv I I b ro r veckaf

I i eka

ost tidning dotter

Unit 3


SWEDISHmanga rum Fin"IA" klnrknrh i I"




(t lo)

nag ra rum FinniAn klnrkor hiI '"

en, ett rum nnlA

flera rum dnnlpn

I ite

ett pa rXy

rum pple k locka bi I g ng m na d namn vin kap pI ka r e

rum Finnlpn klnrknrh i I '" r

rum nnlAn klnrknrh i I ",r

klocka-- kloc:knr hiI

X Xy




I '"


,,!'.n"Ar mnader namn viner kopparI ka re

"!In,,p .. mnader namn viner kopparI ka re

,,!'.n"Ar mnader namn viner kopparIej

"!'.n,, mnad namn vin ko ppI ka re

,,!'. n" Amnader namn viner koppar lkareX

"gn"" ..


mnader __ namn viner

vinX X

ko p pa rI ka re

ka reX

brd kv I I bror vecka f I I c ka ost tidning dotter




b rdX X XX


kvllar brder vec kor f I i c ko r ostar

kvllar brder veckor flickor ostar

kvllar brder veckor f I i c ko r ostar

kv I I b ro r vec ka f I i cka ost

kvllar brder veckor flickor ostar tidninaar dttrar ost

kvllar b rde r veckor flickor ostar

tldninqar tidninaar tidninqar tidninq dttrar dttrar dttrar dotter


tldninoar dttrar


Unit 3

SWEDISHPoint II. The Relative Pronoun SOM The pronoun SOM in S~edish is a relative pronoun. It comes in the beginning of a clause referring to a noun that has just been mentioned. In the phrases: "the girl ~ho ... ," "the book ~hich .. ," "the newspaper that ... " WHO, WHOM, WHICH, and THAT can all be translated with SOM in Swedish. Since there is only this one word you will soon find yourself using it [luently and easily. This will help you form longel' sentences in your conversation. Practice H. To introduce SOM in this practice we simply ask you to read the aentencea aloud adding SOM.Restaurangen, Tidningen, Sjmannen, Stan,F I I c ka n,


du tycker om, Gamla Stan.

ligger 1

The restaurant Thene~spaper

which that whom that who

you like is in Gamla Stan. he works for is Dagens Nyheter.~e

han arbetar fr, r Dagens Nyheter. vi trffade, r trevlig.I I gger dr borta, r Skvde.

The sailor The city The girl

met is nice.

is over there is Skovde. is going to be 17 years old is my sister. we reserved Was not available. is Goming over there is my uncle.

fyller 17 r, r min syster. vi bestllde, var Inte ledigt. kommer dr borta, r min morb ro r.

Rummet, Han,

The room He (the man)





________________________________________________ SWEDISH




Do not confuse the relative pronoun SOM with the conjunction ATT. Both are translated as "that" in English. Examples:Fl iekan, som arbetar hr, r ledig idag.

The girl that (who) works here is off today.Han sger, att han kommer.

Be says that he is coming.Han tror att rummet, som vi bestlTdEi, r ledigt.

Be thinks that the room that (which) we reserved is available.

Praotioe I. In this practice you make one sentenee out of the two sentences given, using SOM.Fl iekan str dr. Hon r vr dotter.

The girl is standing there. daughter.Fl iekan, som str dr, r vr dotter.

She is our

The girl (who/s) standing there is our daughter.Bten I igger i Bten, som ligger I hamnen, r gammal. Stan hamnen. Bten r gammal. Stan r Skvde. I igger dr borta.

Unit 3

SWEDISHStan, som I igger dr borta, r Skvde. r bra. Mnga klockor kostar10 kronor.

De r b ra.

Mnga klockor, Lkaren,

som kostar 10 kronor,

L ka ren tjnstgr p blen. Ka r i n s b c ke rI i gger d r.

Han r min b ror. De r b ra. Hon r b ra.

som ljnstgr p bten, som I igger dr, som r gammal, som r bra.

r min bror.

Karins bcker,

r bra. r bra.

'1 i n sekreterare r gamma I .

Min sekreterare,

Jag har tv pipor. Det hr r vr son.

De r bra. Han heter Erik.

Jag har tv pipor,

Det hr r vr son, som heter Erik.


See how many questions you can ask and answer using noun plurals and SOM.

Unit :5


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SWEDISH _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-=..:112 ______

Point III.

Plaaement of Adverbs Swedes plaae the adverbs after the first verb in independent alauses with straight word order. Examples:Lars dricker alltid vin. Bi II viii aldrig dricka vin.

Lars always drinks wine. Bill never wants to drink wine.

Praatiae J. Here we give you a short sentence and provide an adverb to be inserted correctly. Check your answers as uBual. CUEDavid rker pIpa. David rker ofta pipa. Karin dricker mjlk. Karin dricker bara mjlk. George r i Amerika. George r fortfarande I Amerika. Bo r l Gteborg. Bo r tyvrr I Gteborg. Han dri cker l. Han dricker grna l. grna tyvrr fortfarande

David smokes a pipe. David often smokes a pips.


ba ra

Unit 3

SWEDISHeVEDahlgrens tnker fara Dahlgrens tnker ti I I Amerika. Amerika. inte

inte fara ti I I

Frken Berg bestller kaffe. Frken Berg bestller alltid kaffe. Sven reser med bt.

a I It Id


Sven reser ofta med bt.Stockholm Stockholm Lars vi II Lars vi I I Bo, Bo, ligger ligger komma. ocks komma. son, son, ter lunch. lunch. ocks i Amerika. i Amerika. ocks inte


som r Karins som r Karins

a Idr i g

ter aldrig

Hotellet har en bra


Hotellet har ocks en bra restaurang.

Unit :5


-------------------------------------------In a question the noun and verb change places as you know from Unit I> Point III. The adverb remains where it was. Examples:Ka r I n talar a Iltid svenska. Ta I ar Kar 1n a I I t i d svenska? Arne dricker a I I t i d I . Dricker Arne alltid l?



Practice K. Now we'll practice the use of adverbs in questionB. you a short question and an adverb to be inserted correctly.

We'H give

eVETalar Bo lngsamt? Talar Bo alltid lngsamt? Kostar cigarretter nio kronor? Kostar cigarretter ngonsin nio kronor? Finns det en ledig taxi? Finns det aldrig en ledig taxi?a I dr i g

Does Bo speak slowly? Does Bo aZways speak sZowZy?

a I It ld


SWEDISHeVEr Karin i Gteborg? r Karin fortfarande I Gteborg? Har Gunnar en bt? Har Gunnar ocks en bt? Stannar Ulla i Amerika? StannarUI




la lnge i Amerika?


Let's be very personal. Tell about your relatives and their occupations or make up fictitious ones. Ask your feZZow students about their friends and famiZy members. Let the teacher suppZy words for more famiZy memberB.





SEEING THE SIGHTS Basic Sentences Jack and Tom go sightseeing. first I have to go to the station firstJ



frst Jag mste g tl I I stationen frst,


then J later J afterwards bank (in order) to to change money and then to the bank to ch ange some money.to know (to have knowledge about) know(s) to lie J to be located lie (s), is located Do you know where the station is?

sedan (sen) bank -en -er fr att att vxl/a -ar -ade -at pengar (plural) och sedan ti I I banken fr att vxla pengar. att veta, vet, visste, vetat vet att ligga, ligger, lg, legat I i gger Vet du var stationen I igger? >I







I don't (know).

Nej, det vet jag inte.

Unit 4

SWEDISHto ask askes) hoteZ cZerk (at reception desk) We'll ask the clerk. Pardon me~ where's the station?stree tatt frg/a -ar -ade -at frgar portier -n, portieer Vi frgar portlern.






I igger stationen?



It is on Vasa street. long from here Is it far from here?quite~ rather Yes~ it is quite far~


gat/a -an -or I igger p Vasagatan.



lng -t -a hrifrn r det lngt hrifrn?





ganska det r ganska



either ... or You can either take a bus or the subway. way down~ stairs~ entrance (the) other side The entrance to the subway is on the other side of the stree t~

antingen ... eller NI kan antingen ta (en) buss eller tunneJbana(n).


nedgng -en -ar andra sid/a -an -or Nedgngen t i l l tunnelbanan andra sidan gatan,

ligger p

Unit 4


SWEDISHco rne r and the bus stop is over there at the corner. map of. over Would you like (to have) a map of the city? Yes. please.



hrn -et -0 och busshllplatsen r dr borta p hrnet. kart/a -an -or ver Vi II ni ha en karta ver staden?


Tom: Clerk:


Ja tack, grna. Var s god! promenad -en -er genom Ska vi ta en promenad genom staden?

Here you are! walk through Shall we tak e a walk through town? sight. point of interest What's there to see here? palace museum famous Well. the Palace and the Vasa Museum are very famous.





sevrdhet -en -er Vad finns det fr sevrdheter hr? slott -et -(/) museum, museet, museer berm/d -t -da Ja, slottet och Vasamuseet r mycket bermda,




Unit 4

SWEDISHto find but I can't find them on this map. that; those poLiceman We'LL ask that poLiceman. Excuse me, where is the PaLace? beautiful church to the right of The PaLace is over there; and therp, is abeautiful church to the right of the PaLace. to look to look at Oh, we'lL Look at that. train tomorl'OW Tomorl'ow we can taks the tl'ain to Uppsala. university cathedraL Thel'e the university is near the cathedl'al.att hltt/a -ar -~de -at men jag kan Inte hitta dem p den hMr kartan. den dr, det dri de dr pol is -en -er Vi frgar den dr polisen. Urskta, var I I g ge r s lott e t? vacker -t, vackra kyrk/a -an -or till hger om Slottet I igger dr borta, och det I igger en vacker kyrka tl II hger om slottet. att tlttla -ar -ade -at att tittla p; -ar -ade -at Jas, den ska vi titta p. * tg -et -'/J imorgon Imorgon kan vi ta tget tll I Uppsala.












universitet -et -'/J domkyrkla -an -or DMr ligger universitetet nra domkyrkan.

Unit 4


SWEDISHlibrar'Y is said to, is supposed to Yes, and the libr'ar'Y is BUppose d to be very famous.




b i b I lotek -et -0 lr, lrde, lrt Ja, och biblioteket lr vara mycket bermt. fin -t -a hungrig -t -a Fint, men nu r jag hungrig. pa rk -en -er Det finns en bra restaurang p andra sidan parken.Vi



fine hungry Fine, but now I'm hungr'Y. par'k Ther'e's a good restaurant on the other side of the park. We can have lunch there and then go to the Vasa Museum. It's near here. excellent, gr'eat then, at that time maybe, perhaps concert afternoon this afternoon Gr'eat. Then we can also go to Skansen. Maybe there is a concert there this afternoon. to think (to have an opinion) think(s) fe rr'Y Afterwards I think we ought to take the ferry to SluBsen.





kan ta lunch dr och sedan kan g p Vasamuseet . Det l I gger hr i nrheten. utmrkt -0 -a d kanske konsert -en -er eftermiddag -en -ar i eftermiddag Utmrkt. D kan vi ocks g p Skansen. Det r kanske en konsert dr I eftermIddag. >I att tyck/a -er -te -t tycke r frj/a -an -or Sedan tycker jag vI tar frjan till Slussen.



Tom: Unit 4


SWEDISHone, you, they vie w from elevator You have abeautiful view from the Katarina elevator. to walk, to stroll The Old City Then we aan walk around in Gamla Stan and have dinner at a restaurant there. aharming part Good. It's a aharming part of Stockholm. I have a friend who lives there.



man utsikt -en -er f r n hiss -en -ar Man har en vacker utsikt frn Katarina-hissen. * att promener/a -ar -ade -at Gamla Stan Sedan kan vi promenera i Gamla Stan och ta mi ddag p en restaurang dr.





charmig -t -a del -en -ar Bra. Det r en charmig del av Stockholm. Jag har en vn som bor dr.

Unit 4


SWEDISHUNIT 4 Notes on Basic Sentences



I igger (lie/s) is often used in the sense of "is"~ "is located" when talking about geographical concepts and buildings. Vad f inns det fr ... ? is there?" Den ska vi titta p.is an idiomatic expression, meaning "what kind of ...


22. 23.

See Unit 2, Note 15.

Imorgon kan vi If the aentence starts with an adve~b (Imorgon, tyvrr, sedan, frst dr borta, etc.) ~emember that the ve~b comes in second place (ef. unit 2, Note 15). Skansen is a big open-air museum in Stockholm. Man har '" The impersonal pronoun man is used to exp~ess the idea of people in general, somewhat like the English use of "they" in "they say that ... " or "you" in "you can have good meal there, " or "one" in "one is never satisfied."


Unit 4

SWEDISHUNIT 4 Points to Praatiae Point I: Adjeatives in the indefinite form (noun-adjeative agreement):

en stor bakiPoint II:

ett stort rum;

tv stora btar

Demonstrative Expressions:

Det r en bok. Det hr r en bok. Det dr r en bok.Point III: Personal Pronouns: dan, det, de

Unit 4


SWEDISHPoint I: Adjeatives in the indefinite form (noun-adjeative agreement)


There has to be agreement between adjeatives and nouns. Adjeatives modifying en words in the singular indefinite form take no-ending (basia form). Example: ~ stor bi I Adjeatives modifying ett words in the singular indefinite form take the ending -t (added to the hasia form). Example: ett stort glas Adjectives modifying plural nouns (both en and ett words) take the ending -a (added to the basia form). Examples: tv stora b i I ar tv stora glas Below is a list of adjeatives whiah have somewhat irregular endings: Adjeatives modifying en wordsbl gr! ny god bred

Adjeatives modifying ett wordsbI

Plural fOT'm


tt g rtt nytt gott brett rtt v l tt runt

bla gra nya goda b reda rda vita runda

blue gray new good wide red whitero und




Unit 4

SWEDISHAdjectives modi[ying en wOl'dskort svart utmrkt gammal vacke rI i tenb ra

Adjectives modi[ying ett wOl'dskort svart utmrkt gammalt vackert I i tetb

Pl u:r'a l [o :r'm


korta svarta utmrkta gamla vllckra smb

shol't black excetlent otd beauti[utsmaH~





Pl'actice A. Let's practice using the indefinite [orm of the sure it agrees with the noun it modi[ies. eVE



god, smrgs en god smrgsett gott

god, vin mnga, god, ppleroi


mnga goda pplenen rolig bok ett I itet barn poliser

ig, bokbarn pol

I iten, tre,

trevl ig, museum


tre trevliga


Vnit 4


SWEDISHeVEett bermt museum tv vackra kyrkor mnga fi na slott ett I ngt tg tv, vacker, mnga, lng, fin, tg kyrka slott


Adjectives coming after the verbs att vara and att bl i also agree with their subject nouns. Examples:

Bilen r stor. Rummet r stort. Mnga-bi tar r-stora. Mnga rum~r stora.

Dagen Tget tvlnga Mnga

b I i r J..~ng. b I i r I angt. dagar b I ir I nga. tg-blir lng~-:-

Practice B. Now practice using the adjective after the verb r. Put the cue noun in the definite form followed by r and the adjective~ making sure the adjective agrees with the noun.

eVEtaxi,Taxin r ledig. Rummet r stort. Do t t e r n r s n I I . Namnet r kort.Unit 4

ledig stor snll


dotter, namn, barn,

kort I i ten


Barnet r I l tet. pplet r gott. Vinet r gott. Boken r b ra. Hote I I et r trevl igt.

pple, god vin, god bok, bra hotell, trevlig

Ppactice C.

Let's continue doing the same thing, using plupal nouns ineVE

the indefinite form.

mnga, Mnga po I l s e r r trevliga. Mnga bcker r b ra. Mnga ba rn r sm. Mnga smrgsar r goda. Mnga k y r ko r r vackra. Mnga b i I a r r svartel. Mnga gator r breda. Mnga tg r lnga.

po I i s, trevlig

m ng a, bo k, b ra mnga, ba rn, I i ten

mnga, smrgs, god mnga, ky r ka , vacker

mnga, b i I, svart mnga, gata, bred mnga, tg, lng

Unit 4


SWEDISHPoint II: Demonstrative Expressionsdet r det hr r det dr r


it is, the!} are this is, these are that is, those are

The demonstrative expressions det r, det hr r, det dr r are used to focus on noun phrases. They have only one form regardless of whether the nouns are en or ett words or plurals. Examptes:


Det r en bok. hr r en bok. Det dr r tv btar.

Jt is a book. This is a book. Those are two boats.det finns (therei8~

You already know another demonstrative expression: are) .

the re

Practice D. Let's build up fluency on this point~ using the familiar technique. All you have to do is repeat aloud the demonstrative expression det r and add the proper indefinite articles or modifiers + the noun.

eUEpo I i s Det r en po I I s. Det r ett museum. Det r tv kartor. Det r mnga slott. museum tv, ka rta mnga, slott tre, hllplats

Unit 4

SWEDISHeVE Det r tre hllplatser. Det r ett tg. Det r en stor buss. Det r tv tidningar. Det r ett I i tet hrn. Det r en s n I I pojke. tg stor, buss tv, tidning I i ten, hrn snll, pojke

Practice E. Now we'll uae the expression det hr r using the definite form of the noun.

eVE bt Det hr r bten. Det hr r kyrkan. Det hr r tget. Det hr r polisen. Det hr r slottet. Det hr r bibi ioteket. Det hr r gatan. Det hr r brdet.Unit 4

ky rka tg po I i s slott b i b I i otek ga ta brd busshllplats129

SWEDISHeVEDet hr r busshllplatsen. Det hr r boken. Det hr r tidningen. Det hr r rummet. bok tidning rum


Praetiee P. plura l.

Now we'll praetiee the expression det dr r with nouns in the

This lengthy repetition may seem a bit boring, but it is a good idea to get these expressionB firmly in mind before proeeeding to the next point. Besides, you are alBo praetieing your plural noun endings.

eVEtre, bt Det dr r tre btar. Det dr r tv pojkar. Det dr r fyra lnga tg. tv, poj ke fy ra, lng, tg

tv, vacker, ky rka fem, smrgs tv, f i n, sevrdhet m ng a, rd, buss

Det dr r tv vackra kyrkor. Det dr r fem smrgsar. Det dr r tv fina sevrdheter. Det d r r mnga rda bussar. Det dr r t re utmrkta kartor.Unit 4

t re, utmrkt, karta tv, god, vin

SWEDISHeVEDet dr r tv goda vIner. Det dr r tre trevl iga polIser. Det d r r tv gamla vykort. Det dr r tv svenska sjmn. Det d r r tre amerikanska bcker. t re, trevlIg, po II s tv, gammal, vyko rt tv, svensk, sjman tre, amerikansk, bok

Point III:

Personal Pronouns DEN, DET, DE

Den refers toExamples:

~ words~

det to ett words and de to pturats.

Var r boken? - Den r hr. Var r vykortet?----Det r hr.. Var r Pellestidningar? De r hr.


Det is also used in other cases~ for instance in the demonstrative expressions r, det hr r, det dr r, which you have just Zearned. It is also used in impersonaZ expressions without any specific reference (unlike den which always refers to a noun).Examples:

Det regnar.. Det r mndag idag. Det r sent.

It's raining. Today is Monday. It's late.

Vnit 4


SWEDISHOnly det ean be used in elauses where the verb is some form of att vara or att b-I-j-followed by a noun (predieate noun). Examples:Det r en b i I . Det r ett tg. Det r tv pojkar.


It is a ear. It is a train. They are (lit.: it is) two boys.

If there is no noun but only a predieate adjeetive following the form of att vara or att bl i, den, det or de has to be used depending on what kind of noun the predieate adjeetive modifies. Examples:r PellesffiI] stor? - Ja, Idetlr stor. - Det r en stor bil.

Is Pelle's ear big? - Yes,r P e I I e s r umI s t o r t ? - J a,


is big.~ ~s

It's a big ear.s t o rt r u ffi

Is Pelle's room big? _ Yes,r Pel les Ibtad stora?


Id e II ~ r

s t o r t. - De t r e t t

big. - It's a big room.


Are Pelle's boats big? - Yes, they are big. - They are big boats.

~ r stora. - Det r stora btar.

To s ummari ;;e :Det must be used as the subject when any form of att vara or att bl i is followed by a noun (predieate noun). This noun mayor may not have modifying adjectives.


De t r e n b 1 I Det r ettr=um. Det r tv bKtar.

Det r en stor bi I. Det r ett stor~um. Det r tv stora bKtar.

This is the same as the demonstrative expression det r, whieh you have just learned, and should not be confused with the personal pronouns den, det, de.

Unit 4

SWEDISHWhen the form oj" att va ra or att b I i is fo llowed by an adjective but no noun (predicate a dj e c t i ve) J the personal pronoun

den has to be used if the pronoun re j'ers to an en word; det has to be used i f the pronoun refers to an ett word; dehas to be used if the pronoun refers to plurals.

Practice G. In this practice you'll make two sentences based on the sentenee given in the left column using the adjective in the Cue column. In the first sentenee you use the personal prono~n den, det or de + r + the adjective in the right form. In the second sentenee you use the demonstrative expression det r + indefinite article + adjective + noun.J


Det r en b I I Den r stor. Det r en stor b i I Det r ett slott. Det r vackert. Det r ett vackert 510tt. Det r ett rum. Det r I i tet. Det r ett I i tet rum.Unit 4



I I ten


SWEDISHeVEDet r en bt. Den r vit. Det r en vit bt. Det r ett museum. Det r bermt. Det r ett bermt museum. Det r en taxi. Den r ledig. Det r en ledig taxi. Det r en kyrka. Den r gamma I.



b e rmd



Det r en gammal ky rka. Det hr r tv pplen. god

De r goda.Det hr r tv goda pplen. Det dr r tv poliser. De r vnliga. Det dr r tv vnl tga pol i ser. vn II g

Unit 4

SWEDISHeVEDet d r r ett hotell. Det r nytt . Det d r r ett nytt hotell. Det dr r tv ostar. De r goda. Det dr r tv goda ostar. god ny

Ppactice H. Now we/tt ask some questions using VAD (what), VEM (who), and VAR (whepe). You can ppovide the answeps us~ng two sentences. Remembep to use han and hon fop peopte, det fop countpies and cities, which ape consideped to be ett wopds.

eVEVad r det dr? Det r en smrgs. Vem r det? Det r en f I i cka. Va d r det d r? Det r en g rd. Vem r det d r?Unit 4

sm@rgs, god Den r god. flicka, Hon r vacker. g rd, gamma I Den r gamma I. tand I kare, bra135


SWEDISHeVEDet r en tandlkare. Vem kommer dr borta? Det r f rken Berg. Vad r det dr? Det r en telefon. Vad r det hr? Det r en gata.? Vad r det h"a r.


Han (hon) r bra. frken Berg, trevlig Hon r trev I Ig. telefon, svart

Den r svart. gata, kort

Den r kort. vykort, vacker Det r vackert. palls, vnlig

Det r ett vykort.

Verr> r det som kommer d r? Det r en po I I s. Han (hon) r vn II g.

Var ligger restaurangen? Den I I gge r dr bo rta . Va r I i gge r Vasamuseet? Det I i gge r n ra Skansen. Va r r din dotter? Hon r i Amerika. Va r I I gger Skvde1Unit 4

dr borta

nra Skansen


I Sverige

SWEDISHeVEDet Var Det Va r I i gger I l gge r I i gger


Sverige. Sverige



Sverige. dr borta

I i gge r busshllplatsen?

De n I i gger dr borta.

LAT OSS TALA SVENSKA!Letts have a general oonversation using the material you have aoquired by now.

Unit 4




Basic Sentences Gorodon Browning has seen an ad about an apartment and calls the manager. Gorodon:1.

May I speak to Mrs. Stenmark? moment Just a moment. he lto Hello. Inga Stenmarok 8peaking. this moroning to see saw your adveroti8ement apartment to l'en t Hello. My name is Gordon Browning. This morning I saw YOUl' ad in Svenska Dagbladet about an apartment for rent. yes it i8 available.

Kan jag f tala med fru Stenmark? gonbl lek -et -0 Ett gonbl lek. hall (only used on the phone) D e t il r I n g a S t e nma r k



Mro8. S.:


Ha I I



l mo rse att se, ser, sg, sett sg er, ert, era annons -en -er vnIng -en -ar att hyra, hyr, hyrde, hyrt Goddag. Mitt namn r Gordon Browning. I morse sg jag er annons i Svenska Dagbladet om en vning att hyra. *






Jaha den ilr ledig.

Unit 5

SWEDISHahild How large is it? We have two ahildren. Dur boy is five years old and our girl is eight. kitahen hall bathroom so probably It has five ~ooms and a kitahen, hall, and two baths, so it would probably suit you. whiah, what In what part of the aity is it? I work at the Ameriaan Embassy and would like to live a lose by. stairs, flight of stairs up The address is Karlavagen 10. fourth floor. That is in Ostermalm, and not at all fal' from the Embassy. to desaribe Could you desaribe the apartment?ba rn -et -(Il Hur stor r den? Vi har tv barn. Vr pojke r tern r och v r t I i cka r tta.






kk -et -(Il hall -en -ar badrum -me t -(I) s nog Den r p tern rum och kk och hal I och har tv badrum, s den passar nog.



vilken, vilket, vilka I vi I ken del av stan I igger den? Jag arbetar p amerikanska ambassaden och vi II grna bo i nrheten.




trapp/a -an -or upp Adressen r Karlavgen 10, upp. Det r p stermalm, lngt frn ambassaden.


3 trappor inte alls



att beskriv/a -er, beskrev, Kan ni beskriva vningen?


Unit 5


SWEDISHagain8t, toward to face face(s) south ligh t, brigh tBunny


Mros. S.:


top related