ftp server technology

Post on 13-Nov-2014






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The purpose of this research paper is to study and know more about the FTP (File Transfer Protocol) technology that is undeniably important in network or internet technology.




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Table of Contents




















The purpose of this research paper is to study and know more about the FTP (File

Transfer Protocol) technology that is undeniably important in network or internet

technology. Most of us only know about the internet technology without knowing the

small portion of protocol that made it (internet). In this research paper, not only general

information are explained but also the important part of the core technology (FTP

technology), the potential of this technology and also future development or future plan

for existing FTP technology. By this research we are able to know more about the

effectiveness today’s technology especially internet technology, the current issues that

long has been discussed, prevention methods from attacker and also the best way to

implement this technology.



Technology is a simple word, but yet it is complicated as it grow day-by-day. We

happen to live in technology era and we sort of depending on technology. By mean, we

are using technology every single day. People are getting obsess by technology but

unaware that the main part of the technology used today came from small part then

combined into one. One of the most popular technology that been used nowadays is

Information Technology and Internet was one of it. Internet works with protocols that

combined and one of the protocols is FTP Server.

FTP is abbreviation of File Transfer Protocol that allows user from one computer

to transfer files to another computer over a computer in a (TCP/IP) network. It means that

with FTP, we can transfer files from our computer (act as client) to other computer (act

as server) so that people could view it by entering the correct address. This is the

protocol that usually people used to transfer (upload) their website to the server to that

people are able to view it. FTP is a popular activity on the Internet since it is interactive

and relatively easy to get use and use it. Apart from that, FTP also commonly used as a

download programs that download files from the server to our computer.

There are many program and software that we can copy or download by using

FTP. FTP uses the Internet or TCP/IP (Transfer Control Protocol) protocol to make the

transferring data possible, like the other such as Hypertext Transfer Protocol that used to

view the content of websites and related files, and SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)

that used to transfer e-mail from the server to our computer. Data is sent and received

TCP port 21 in FTP. The transfer is asynchronous, and therefore it is faster.



FTP was first proposed in 1971 and was developed for implementation on hosts at

M.I.T (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, RFC 114). It has been evolutes over the

years since then.

The RFC 114 has been upgraded into RFC 172 that provides a user-level oriented

protocol for file transfer between host computers. A revision of this as RFC 265, restated

FTP for additional review, while RFC 281 suggested further changes. The use of a "Set

Data Type" transaction was then proposed in RFC 294 in January 1982. Then the RFC

354 obsolete both RFC 264 and RFC 265. The File Transfer Protocol was now defined as

a protocol for file transfer between Hosts on the ARPANET, with the primary function of

FTP defined as transferring files efficiently and reliably among hosts and allowing the

convenient use of remote file storage capabilities.

Changes have been made to the proposal and RFC 385 further commented errors

on the previous version of FTP and emphasis the points, and add some additions to the

proposal. Not long after that more features has been added whereas, RFC 414 provides a

status report on the working server and user FTPs. RFC 430, issued in 1973 and

presented further comments on FTP. Finally, official FTP document was published as

RFC 454.

By July 1973, considerable changes from the last versions of FTP were made, but

the general structure remained the same. RFC 542 was published as a new official

specification to reflect these changes.


In 1974, RFC 607 and RFC 614 continued comments on FTP. RFC 624 proposed

further design changes and minor modifications. In year 1975, RFC 686 entitled Leaving

Well Enough Alone has been published to discussed the differences between all of the

early and later versions of FTP. RFC 691 presented a minor revision of RFC 686,

regarding the subject of print files.

Motivated by the transition from the NCP to the TCP as the underlying protocol, a

phoenix was born out of all of the above efforts in RFC 765 as the specification of FTP

for use on TCP.



The objective of FTP is to promote files sharing (computer programs and/or data), to

encourage indirect or implicit (via programs) use of remote computers, to shield a user

from variations in file storage systems among hosts and to transfer data reliably and

efficiently. FTP, though usable directly by a user at a terminal, is designed mainly for use

by programs.

There are two machines involved in an ftp transaction, a client machine, which is

sometimes called the local host, and a server machine, which is sometimes called the

remote host. The client is always the machine that initiates the transfer. During an ftp

session, it is extremely important to keep track of which machine is the client and which

is the server, because this will determine whether you use a get command or a put

command to move files. The get command is always used to copy files from the server to

the client, and the put command is used to copy files from the client to the server.

Figure: Transferring data from client to server via FTP


Another use of FTP is to backup files. We should always make backup copies of

our files in preventing it from damage or lost. People often use ftp to send their

documents to others disk or server (via ftp).

Figure: File Transfer Protocol model



FTP is operating system neutral. In example our PC might use FTP and Windows XP to

communicate with an FTP server running the UNIX operating system. (UNIX is a

powerful operating system that runs on mainframe computers and workstations.). It

makes no difference that the operating systems are different; FTP seamlessly transfers

files between them. Whether files are uploaded or downloaded, FTP is the protocol that

accomplishes the transfer.

Because we can use FTP to download almost any type of file, there are different

types of file transfer modes and which one we use depends on the type of file we are


5.1 File Transfer Modes

Many files, including web pages and e-mail messages, consist of ASCII (plain) text.

ASCII text contains symbols typed from the keyboard but does not include any

nonprintable, binary codes. Other files, such as pictures, movies, sound files, and

graphics, are binary. Any file created by a word-processing program or containing

character formatting, such as bold or italics, is binary. FTP can transfer both ASCII and

binary files.

Files are transferred using one of two file transfer modes; usually the FTP

program chooses the file transfer mode for us automatically. ASCII mode is used to

transfer plain-text files; binary mode is used to transfer everything else. If we download

and open a file and it contains a bunch of codes, then we can suspect that the file was


transferred in the wrong mode. Simply execute the FTP operation again using the correct

transfer mode.

5.2 File Types and Extensions

The decision to transfer a file using binary or ASCII mode is largely determined by

noting a file's type, much like Windows programs do. Programs such as Excel, Word, and

internet Explorer determine a file's type by the file extension. It is helpful to understand

the relationship between a file's extension and programs that manipulate that file type so

we can determine a file's general use and assess our ability to read the file before we

download it.

File extensions are added automatically by the program that created them based

on a widely agreed-upon convention for associating files with programs. Our computer's

operating system (Windows, for example) keeps track of most file extension associations

and maintains a list of file extensions and programs that can open files with those file

extensions. Each computer that we use maintains different information about the file

types stored on that computer. We can use Windows Explorer to learn about the file

extension associations on our computer.


Figure: Show the file extension and transfer mode for different types of File.


In the early age of file transmissions we use e-mail attachments to send files over the

Internet. E-mail is often a good way of transporting a file from one location to another, or

even to ourselves. For example, if we are working on a report in the university computer

lab and forget to bring our disk, we can attach the report to an e-mail message we address

to ourselves and when we get home and download our e-mail messages when we arrives

on our home computer. This method works for sending files to other people as well.

However, many e-mail servers limit the sizes of files we can attach to a single e-


mail message. E-mail servers might also limit the types of files we can send. For

example, some servers will not accept file attachments that can execute programs to

protect the e-mail server from viruses that might be hidden in those files.

To address storage issues and issues related to transmitting large files from one

location to another and between multiple users, we can use FTP. We can send any file

type to an FTP site, including spreadsheet, picture, video, sound, program, and text files.

When we send a file using FTP, we upload the file to send it from our computer to the

FTP site. When we receive a file, we download the file from the FTP site and receive it

on our computer. When we want to upload or download a file, we connect to a remote

computer and request it to either receive files from our computer or transfer files to our

computer. The FTP server receives file transfer requests and then manages the details of

transferring files between the local and remote computer.

6.1 How to Connect to FTP Server

To transfer files between computer and a remote computer, we must first connect to the

remote computer by using an FTP client program or use any web browser. Most of the

FTP client programs and browsers will select the file transfer mode of binary or ASCII


6.1.1 FTP using FTP client program


The FTP client program resides on our pc and transfer files between our pc and FTP site.

Like other widows program, most of FTP client programs have menu bars or toolbars to

help us execute commands. One of the most popular FTP client programs is WS_FTP

Home, which is communicating with a remote computer at Ipswitch.com, the company

that produces this program.

FTP client programs transfer files quickly and provide features that let we resume

downloading a file when our connection is lost or interrupted. FTP client program can be

get either free or inexpensive. The features provided by an FTP client programs also vary

from one program to another. The other example of FTP client programs are CaptainFTP,

CrossFTP, CoreFTP, DirectFTP, FlashFTP, FireFTP and many more.

However, there are few criteria that we need to know on selecting an FTP client

program. We need to choose one that supports all or most of the following desirable


Provides a multipane display so we can see both the local and remote computer

directories simultaneously.

Allow us to transfer multiple files in one FTP session. Some of the FTP clients

restrict the number of files we can transfer at one time. If we need to transfer

many files, this restriction can significantly increase the amount of time we will

need to to transfer the files.

Permits drag and drop file transfers so we can use the mouse to drag and drop

files between the local and remote computers.

Simplifies the process of deleting directories and files on local and remote



Allows us to set up scheduled file transfer at a future date and time so we can

transfer selected files unattended.

Recovers interrupted file transfers by continuing the transfer process from the

point where the connection was lost or interrupted.

Reconnects automatically to sites that disconnect a transfer when our connection

exceeds the maximum allotted time.

Figure: Show the

example of FTP client program WS_FTP Home.

6.1.2 FTP Using a Web Browser

Most Web browsers, including Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator,

support FTP, but they have limited functionality when compared to FTP client

programs. We can use a Web browser to upload and download files from FTP sites, but

if we are transferring a large number of files, we might find that it is difficult to use a

browser because it doesn't provide some of the features included in an FTP client

program, such as file resume and reconnection features.


Content of the local


Content of the remote


Figure: FTP connection using web browser (Netscape Navigator)

6.2 How FTP Work in Transferring and Accessing File for FTP Servers

To use a remote computer, regardless of how we access it, we must identify ourselves, or

log on, by supplying our user name and a password. Some FTP sites provide public

access, which means anyone can connect to the FTP site. When we connect to a public

FTP site, our access is restricted to only those files and folders designated for access by

public users.

Many software companies provide public FTP sites so users can download


URL of the FTP site

Folder containing more files

Folder on the site

evaluation versions of their software and data to support their use of the program. Other

FTP sites provide a combination of public and restricted access; some sites are

completely restricted and do not allow public visitors. To access restricted FTP sites, we

must have an account with the FTP site's owner or sponsor.

6.2.1 Anonymous FTP

Logging on to one of the many publicly accessible, remote computers connected to the

Internet is known as an anonymous login because we use anonymous as our user name.

We do not need a password to access a public computer; however, it is customary to enter

our full e-mail address if we are prompted for a password. That way, the hosting

organization can identify who is accessing the public areas of its FTP site. When we

download or upload files using an anonymous login, we are participating in an anony-

mous FTP session. When we connect to a public FTP site using a Web browser, the

browser might automatically supply the user name anonymous and an appropriate

password to access the site. If the site requires us to enter a user name and password, the

browser will prompt us for these items.

We can use many of the anonymous FTP sites connected to the Internet to

download files to our PC. Public FTP sites impose limits on uploading files or provide

only one publicly accessible directory to which we can upload files. Public FTP sites also

limit our access to selected directories and files on their systems. People using FTP sites

with anonymous logins usually cannot open and view all the directories and files on the

site. We can determine which directories we can access by experimenting. If we attempt

to open directories or examine files that are not accessible to anonymous users, we will


receive an error or warning message indicating that we do not have access to the

requested file or directory. If we find a file by that or a similar name, be sure to read it

carefully. Remember that we are using another person's or organization's 1P site at no

cost to download file for our use.

Figure: Show the example of Anonymous FTP session using Internet Explore

6.2.2 Full-Privilege FTP

When we need to access an FTP site that is not public, such as one for our school or

employer, we will use full-privilege FTP, where we are given access to its content with a

user name and password. Even though we might have an account on a particular FTP site,

our access might be limited to transferring files in a specific directory. When we log on to

an FTP site with our user name and password, the system might automatically direct we

to a particular directory on that FTP site in which we have been given rights to upload


URL for the FTP site appears in the browser’s Address bar

Anonymous User name

and download files. When we have an account on an FTP site, we can usually store files

for longer periods than we can on a public FTP site.

6.2.3 Using a Public Directory

Some public FTP sites allow users with anonymous FTP access to view only one

directory and any files or other directories it contains. That directory is usually named

pub (for public). Besides permitting download access by anonymous users, the site's

manager, also called the webmaster, might allow users to upload files, making them

available to anyone who connects to the site. Frequently, public directories provide a

temporary location for users to upload and share data or programs that they think others

might find useful. Most FTP sites place time limits, such as a few days or weeks, on how

long anonymous users can store files in the public directory. The webmaster determines

how long files can remain in the public directory.

One problem with sites permitting users with upload privileges is that the

webmaster must monitor the files uploaded to a public directory on a regular basis. In

addition to worrying about viruses that might be hidden in uploaded files, the webmaster

must find and delete any copyrighted files that are illegally uploaded to the site for public

use. For example, uploading a program such as Microsoft Word to a public directory is a

clear copyright violation because Microsoft's license agreement prohibits us from sharing

the program with other users. Many FTP sites have specific policies that force we to

acknowledge, before uploading any files, that we are the owner of the material or that its

transfer to the FTP site will not violate any copyright or intellectual property restrictions.

Be sure to read the sites read me files to learn any rules about acceptable use


when we enter an FTP site.

6.3 Navigate FTP Site by Using Web Browser

Because most Internet users are adept at using a Web browser and know how

hyperlinks work, they will have no difficulty navigating an FTP site in search of files. If

we need to upload or download files to a site requiring full-privilege FTP access rights,

the browser will prompt us for our user name and password.

When we visit an FTP site, our first goal should be to become familiar with its

organization. FTP sites are organized hierarchically, much like the folders and files on a

computer's hard drive. When we access an FTP site, we usually enter at the site's root

directory, which contains other directories that contain files and other directories. Most

sites prevent users with anonymous logins from accessing some files and directories in

the root directory. When we enter a root directory for the first time, a message might

appear indicating which file contains important information about navigating the site.

An FTP site usually stores two types of items-directories (folders) and files. Most

Web browsers display directory and file links with different icons or notations so we can

distinguish directories from files. For example, in Internet Explore a yellow folder icon

identifies a directory; a file is identified with a file icon that indicates the file's type.

Double-clicking a file either opens the file in a new browser window or in a program

window so we can view the file or it begins downloading the file to our computer.

Double-clicking a directory opens the directory and displays its contents. To move up (or

back) one directory, we click the Up button.


Figure: Show the FTP site’s hierarchical structure


Root directory

Click this link to move up one directory


7.1 Example of FTP’s Software


RELEASE DATEBitKinex FTP Barad-Dur, LLC. 2003BulletProof FTP Client DigitalCandle, Inc. 1999Captain FTP Xnet 2001CoreFTP Core FTP 2003CrossFTP CrossFTP 2005




Directories with extensions (such as.exe) are files

Figure: Show the example directories and files both appear as hyperlink in FTP site by using Navigator

CuteFTP Alex Kunadze 1994Cyberduck David V. Kocher  No DataDirect FTP CoffeeCup  No DataFetch Fetch Softworks  No DataFileZilla Tim Kosse, et al. January, 2001FireFTP Mime Cuvalo September, 2004FlashFXP iniCom Networks, Inc. 1998FTP Client for Microsoft Windows

Stratolabs Laboratories September, 2005

FTP Commander InternetSoft Corp. 1997FTP Explorer FTPx  No DataFTP Voyager Rhino Software, Inc. February, 1997

FuguUniversity of Michigan Research Systems Unix Group

 No Data

gFTP Brian Masney 1998Interarchy Stairways Software Pty Ltd 1993 (as Anarchie)KFTPGrabber Jernej Kos 2003lftp Alexander V. Lukyanov August, 1996NcFTP NcFTP Software Inc. 1991OneButton FTP Aaron Jacobs 2004SftpDrive Magnetk LLC 2005Secure FTP Glub Tech, Inc. 1999Secure FTP Applet JSCAPE LLC 2004SFTPPlus Pro:Atria Ltd 2005SmartFTP SmartFTP GmbH 1998SynchronEX+ Xellsoft 2001Transmit Panic, Inc.  No DataWinSCP No Data May 2000WS_FTP Ipswitch, Inc.  No Data

7.2 Supported Operating System

Client Windows Mac OS X Linux BSD UnixBitKinex Yes No No No NoBulletProof FTP Client Yes Yes No No NoCaptain FTP No Yes No No NoCoreFTP Yes No No No NoCrossFTP Yes Yes Yes Yes YesCuteFTP Yes Yes No No NoCyberduck No Yes No No No


Direct FTP Yes No No No NoFetch No Yes No No NoFileZilla Yes No No No NoFireFTP Yes Yes Yes Yes YesFlashFXP Yes No No No NoFTP Commander Yes No No No NoFTP Explorer Yes No No No NoFTP Client 1 Yes Yes No No NoFTP Voyager Yes No No No NoFugu No Yes No No NogFTP Yes Yes Yes Yes YesInterarchy No Yes No No NoKFTPGrabber No No Yes Yes Yeslftp Yes Yes Yes Yes YesNcFTP Yes Yes Yes Yes YesOneButton FTP No Yes No No NopFTP Yes Yes Yes Yes YesSecure FTP Applet Yes Yes Yes Yes YesSftpDrive Yes No No No NoSFTPPlus Yes No Yes No YesSmartFTP Yes No No No NoSynchronEX+ Yes No Yes No YesTransmit No Yes No No NoWS_FTP Yes No No No No

Windows Mac OS X Linux BSD Unix


Figure: Example of FTP Software’s Interface. Interface of CuteFTP4.2 Left side panel

shows the “local files” and the right side represent files on the server, or the

"remote" files.




FTP does not take any precautions to protect information transmitted during a session,

this includes username, password, and any files transmitted while SSH File Transfer

Protocol. SFTP encrypts the session, preventing the casual detection of username,

password or anything that been transmitted. SFTP also provides some verification that

the remote host is really the host it claims to be and its used is encouraged. It is clear here

that FTP doesn’t offer security in data that will be transmitted whereas the SFTP offer

more security in the data or information that have been sent or about to be sent.

While the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) implements a full set of command and

reply functionality that enables a user to perform a wide range of file movement and

manipulation tasks between two TCP/IP machines. This makes it very slow to operate

and sending data since it is too complex. The solution to this need was to create a “light”

version of FTP that would emphasize small program size and simplicity over

functionality. This new protocol, called the Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP). While

FTP work in heavy mode, TFTP works in a light mode. Even though it runs in heavy

mode, FTP includes a rich set of commands to allow files to be sent, received, renamed,

deleted and so forth. TFTP only allows files to be sent and received. Moreover, TFTP

does not include some of FTP's fancy data representation options; it allows only simple

ASCII or binary file transfers.

Even though FTP got many disadvantage but over Simple File Transfer

Protocol it has at least some advantage. SFTP (Simple File transfer) as defined by RFC


913, was proposed as an (unsecured) file transfer protocol with a level of complexity

intermediate between TFTP and FTP. It was never widely accepted on the Internet, and is

now assigned Historic status by the IETF. It runs through port 115, and often receives the

acronym of SFTP.



Issues regarding to FTP is cross-platform transfer for example for MAC system to PC

system and from PC system to MAC system whereas transferring data may cause loss of

format and unreadable text files. There is no compatibility between both systems whereas

both can’t receive files from other system than the one they recognize.

The second issue regarding FTP is speed. There is some FTP sites are faster or slower

than others and that at times the transfer will have variable transfer rates, meaning that

the speed of FTP isn’t uniform but different with each other. There are several reasons

for these variations; it is mainly have to do with the server. Transfer rate is affected by:

The amount of bandwidth available between the server and the client site. A

transfer can only be as fast as the available bandwidth.

The number of users logged on to the server and transferring files. The more users

logged on and accessing files, the less bandwidth available for transfer.

The amount of traffic on the Internet at the time of transfer. Even if we the only

one accessing a site, if the Internet is busy or slow, the transfer will also be

slowed down. Means that we also depending on the internet. It doesn’t matter

how fast our connection speed is but again it depending on how fast is the internet

for that day.

How the data is routed across the Internet. Since packets are routed individually,

they may not be sent across the same route. Remember, packets are routed

through the fastest way the router can find at the time it receives the packet. This


means that one packet could be routed to you in two hops while the next one may

be routed three hops.

There is no integrity check on the receiver side. If the transfer is interrupted

the receiver has no way to know if the received file is complete or not. This mechanism

has no detection or alarm system that practically tells the sender or receiver that there is

error in transferring data. It is important to manage this problem externally for example

with MD5 sums or cyclic redundancy checking (CRC).

The other issues concerning FTP are it is hard to filter the active mode of FTP

traffic on the client side by using a firewall since client must first open an arbitrary port

to receive the connection. Furthermore, It is possible to abuse the protocol's built-in

proxy features to tell a server to send data to an arbitrary port of a third computer.

For those who are using old type of FTP the major concern will be the security of

the data. An FTP server doesn’t have any special handling mechanisms for encrypted

communication of any kind. When clients login to FTP servers, they are sending a clear

text usernames and passwords and anyone who has “packet sniffer”1 between the client

and server could surreptitiously steal passwords. Besides passwords, attackers not only

able to steal username and password and monitor the entire conversation over the FTP,

but they also could monitor the contents of the data transfer themselves. Numerous

proposals has been wrote to enhanced this FTP protocol to more secure but there

proposals have not seen widespread adoption. Therefore, unless the IP protocol layer

itself is secure, FTP should not be used if sensitive login information is to be exchanged

1 A program or software that can track packet in network.


over an insecure network, or if the files containing sensitive material are being transferred

over an insecure network.


FTP will be enhanced in next future whereas the SSH Communications Security Corp. a

world-leading provider of enterprise security solutions and end-to-end communications

security has announced for the future, FTP or Enhanced File Transfer will be more secure

(SFTP-Secure File Transfer Protocol) especially in confidentiality, integrity, and

authentication for both interactive and unattended file transfers in multi platform system.

Other than that, FTP also will be upgraded whereby some features will be added in it

such as:

Transparent FTP-SFTP2 conversions that simplify FTP replacement projects by

eliminating the need to modify existing scripted file transfers. Meaning that in

upgrading the FTP to SFTP, there is no need for users to uninstall and reinstall

the software whereas it is automatically upgrade the previous script of FTP.

Automatic guaranteed delivery with configurable alarms to ensure completion

of critical file transfers. It is said that this enhanced FTP will guaranteed deliver

files to server or vice versa and if the files were not completed send, an alarm

will tell them that there are some files haven’t been sent.

2 FTP-SFTP is abbreviation of File Transfer Protocol-Secure File Transfer Protocol.


Integration with Microsoft Active Directory for role-based file transfer access


Centralized, advanced auditing and accountability of file transfers for more

comprehensive regulatory compliance.

Integrated scheduler for easy automation of periodic file transfers.

Pre and post processing rules for improved file transfer automation.

Event and time-triggered file transfers for seamless business process


Enhanced IBM z/OS file transfer operations including GUI client access to

native mainframe data sets, direct streaming file transfers, and mainframe

checkpoint-restart functionality.

The enhanced FTP is targeted to be

Flexible. Multi-platform support that covers all key enterprise platforms

including Windows, UNIX, Linux, and mainframe ensures seamless cross-

platform connectivity in heterogeneous environments without modifying the

existing infrastructure.

Standards-based. Based on the SFTP of the IETF standard Secure Shell, SSH

Tectia provides standards-based and interoperable file transfers for TCP/IP


Light-weight. SSH Tectia simplifies enterprise file transfers by avoiding any

unnecessary system overhead and complexity, and focuses on ease of

deployment and management.



The fast developments of information technology made any resources are spread all over

the world. Peoples can get any resources from any where as long as they have a computer

and internet connection. The internet technology made it is easy for us to download files

from one site to our computer and we also can upload files form our computer to the

other site.

As being discussed in this research paper, the things that made files transfer

become easy over the internet network is the implements of FTP (File Transfer Protocol).

In the early age of file transmitting over internet, we only use e-mail attachment to

transferring files. However e-mail attachment has some limitation such as limit the types

of files and sizes of files we can transfer. Thus, to overcome such issues we use FTP. FTP

enabled us to transfer files without any limits of file types and size, which can not be

done through e-mail attachment.

However, there are also other things that we need to consider regarding FTP

technology such as security and privilege of accessing other site. Some FTP sites may

provide public access, which means anyone can connect to the FTP site. But, there is also

some FTP which restricts us to access to FTP sites and needs us to have an accounts with

the FTP site’s owner or sponsor to access to their sites.

Besides, in this research paper also we have discussed the prospect for the

future of FTP whereas there are some other technologies of FTP to be implements. It is

aims to upgrade the current services offer by FTP to make transferring files become more

secure. In example are Enhanced File Transfer (EFT) and SFTP (Secure File Transfer


Protocol) which will focus especially in confidentiality, integrity, and authentication for

both interactive and unattended file transfers in multi platform system.

At the end, we hope this research paper will give a good explanation on how

FTP works, how it was used, and how the future FTP may help us in transmitting files

over the internet.




Gary P. Schneider and Jessica Evans. The Internet 2005 Update: 5th Edition. Thomson: USA. 2006

H.M. Deitel, P.J Deitel and A.B Goldberg. Internet and World Wide Web: Third Edition. Pearson: New Jersey. 2004





















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