full circle magazine, issue 3

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  • 8/14/2019 Full Circle Magazine, Issue 3


    full circle - #3 - July 2007









  • 8/14/2019 Full Circle Magazine, Issue 3


    2full circle - #3 - July 2007

    Flavour of the Month - Xubuntu p.04This month Robert shows us a step-by-step installation

    ofXubuntu 7.04 via the Alternate CD for old machines

    How-ToStunning Ubuntu Desktop p.07Ubuntu for Photography p.09Scribus - Part 2 p.12

    Review - Ubuntu on the Macbook p.15Thinking of buying a Macbook? Wondering if Ubuntu

    works on it? We reveal all...

    Preview - Compiz Fusion p.20

    My Story - A Year with Dapper p.22Fighting to live with Linux after years of Windows use.

    Ubuntu Youth p.24

    Letters p.25

    Q&A p.26

    Website of the Month p.27

    My Desktop & My PC p.28Show us your mean-machine!

    The Top 5 p.29Andrew Min presents his Top5 multimedia encoders

    How to Contribute p.31





    P.15 P.29



    All text and images contained in this magazine are released under the Creative CommonsAttribution-By-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license. This means you can adapt, copy, distribute andtransmit the articles but only under the following conditions: You must attribute the work to the

    original author in some way (at least a name, email or url) and to this magazine by name (fullcircle) and the url www.fullcirclemagazine.org (but not attribute the article(s) in any way thatsuggests that they endorse you or your use of the work). And If you alter, transform, or build uponthis work, you must distribute the resulting work under the same, similar or a compatible license.

  • 8/14/2019 Full Circle Magazine, Issue 3


    3full circle - #3 - July 2007

    This magazine was created using :

    Welcome to another feature packed issue of Full Circle. This month

    Robert (mrmonday) has taken the rather unusual step of giving you anAlternate Disc install. While not as pretty as a graphical install it is anexcellent way to install Ubuntu on that old desktop machine you're usingas a footrest.

    We also have several articles on Ubuntu eyecandy. We tell you how toget some wobbly window goodness and preview just a couple of the neweffects that are in Compiz Fusion. Compiz what? Yes, that's right,Compiz Fusion. In case you've been living under a rock for the pastseveral months: Compiz and Beryl are a couple, they were married ashort while ago but already they've given birth to their first child: CompizFusion.

    You may also notice that there is no news in this issue. I decided toremove the news section since we have to add the news approximatelytwo weeks before release so by the time you get your download, thenews is old and then I get emails from people who think we purposelyuse two week old news.

    While trawling the goodness that is the Ubuntu Help site(http://help.ubuntu.com) you may notice some of our articles poppingup. The Ubuntu Documentation Team have asked if we could includesome of our more helpful articles in the Ubuntu Documentation and we'redelighted to help them out in any way we can. Speaking of which: they'realways looking for volunteers to help edit the Documentation so feel freeto sign up to LaunchPad and offer your services!

    I hope you enjoy the magazine and keep those emails coming!

    All the best,RonnieEditor, Full Circle Magazine



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    4full circle - #3 - July 2007


    Over the past few months, we have shown in this section how simple it is to install Kubuntu andUbuntu. You will probably have noticed how similar the install procedure is, with roughly the sameoptions, but with a different interface. Rather than show you the same steps again with anotherinterface, this month, we will show you what you should do about older computers if you want a morestreamlined Ubuntu.

    Xubuntu is Ubuntu's light weightcounterpart, which uses less resources,and has the same functionality asUbuntu. It claims it can run with as little

    as 64MB of RAM and needs only 1.5gigabytes of hard drive space. I decidedto push this to the limits, and create avirtual machine with just 64MB of RAMand 3GB of hard drive space. To use64MB of RAM, you have to use theAlternate Disc. This requires slightly moreeffort than using a live CD, but producesthe same result.

    When you place the disc in the drive, itwill give you more options than when youuse the Live CD. The option you want isInstall in text mode. Press enter tobegin installation.

    If you are using small amounts of RAM,like I am, you will receive this message,warning you that it will use English for theinstallation language. Press enter to move

    to the next screen. Use the up/downarrows, which will allow you select yourcountry, to enable the quickest downloadsof updates.

    The installer will the offer to detect yourkeyboard layout, which I recommend youdo. Select yes, then follow theinstructions, pressing the keys it tells youto.

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    Once your keyboard layout has beendetected, it will ask for what encoding youwould like to use in the console. If youdon't know what this means, the default isfine. After selecting how charactersshould be encoded, you need to selectthe character set. Again, the default isfine, unless you have a specific need formore colours on the console.

    The installation then detects yourhardware, to load the correct drivers thenasks some more questions.

    It then asks for ahost name (right).This is the name

    the computershould display on a network, if you haveone. Choose one that will allow you toeasily identify it eg: mrmondays-desktop.

    As you can imagine, partitioning yourhard disk is harder in a non-graphicalinstaller, so you need to be careful toselect the right option. As you are usingan old PC, as long as you have taken allthe important data off it, you should beOK to remove Windows, but if you wouldlike to dual boot you need to take morecare. I had no need to be careful, so Iwent forGuided use entire disk, butyou should choose the relevant option.

    You can always go back, if you decidethat you picked the wrong option (do thisbefore partitioning!) The next screen askswhich disk you would like to erase (if youchose the same option as me).

    Before the installer allows you to makeany changes, it confirms what you wantto do.

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    You should have at least two partitions,one for root and one for swap. You couldalso make one for home, but this iseasier to do through a GUI.

    The installer will write the changes to thedisk, then ask how it should set up the

    system clock. You can choose how itdoes it, but it is easiest to just go forUTC, and change it later.

    The next thing the installer asks, is aboutuser accounts. At the screen, enter yourfull name, then continue to the nextscreen. Choose your username, thenyour password, then verify it, so it knows

    you have entered it correctly.

    The installerwill then

    install yoursystem, but be warned: your input is stillneeded! Part way through, it will ask youto configure the X Server. You can just hit

    continue, if you don't want to set it up.

    It will tellyou it iscomplete,then youshould remove the disk, and restart yourcomputer.

    At the login screen, enter the details youentered earlier to log on. You will be leftwith a graphical user interface, which is

    fully up to date, and capable with anythingyou throw at it.

    Congratulations on resurrecting your oldPC! Have fun!

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    7full circle - #3 - July 2007


    Written by Matt Hoy

    The time has come for me to reveal exactly how to achieve a stunning desktop layout from a fresh

    Ubuntu install. Its not actually that hard, and youll only need one piece of additional software.

    The response I got when I posted thedesktop in the image above was huge.Around 10 emails per day flooded in forweeks, asking exactly how I achieved that

    look. And, everyone who asked was givena quick guide I wrote up in a few seconds,or a: sorry, Ill write back later becauseI was too busy.

    Now, the time has come for me to revealexactly how to achieve this desktop layoutfrom a fresh Ubuntu install. Its notactually that hard, and youll only need

    one piece of additional software.Step One

    Remove the top panel, by simply rightclicking in an empty space (usuallybetween the System menu and theClock on a fresh install) and choosingDelete this panel on the menu thatappears. Now right click the bottom panel

    and clickNew Panel

    so you get anempty, fresh one. So youll have one

    empty panel, and one bottom one. Deletethe bottom one using the same method as

    the top, and drag your new panel to thebottom of the screen.

    Now, youll have a background image andthe contents of your desktop, with anempty bottom panel. Now, right click thatpanel, and choose Properties. Enter theBackground tab and choose Solid

    Color now, click the color specifiedautomatically in order to change it, andwhere you can specify a hex code in theColor Name: area, type/paste:#EFEBE7". Click OK

    Drag the transparency slider so its abovethe spar part of transparent. Now, altertransparency to suit your needs, and clickClose

    Step Two

    Right click your new, transparent paneland choose Add to Panel

    Scroll through the icons that appear in thepopup and click/drag them to the followingplaces:

    * Main Menu drag out of the windowonto the far left of the panel.

    * Workspace Switcher should thenbe hard up against the right side of themain menu (to make it smaller, right clickthe switcher once its on the panel, andchoose preferences. Then, make sure itsays 2 rows instead of1 rows)

    * Window List can then be placedhard up against the right edge of theWorkspace Switcher.



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    * Clock can go into the far rightcorner

    * Volume Control against the leftedge of the clock

    * Network Monitor against the left

    edge of the volume

    * Notification Area against the leftedge of the Network Monitor

    Once youre happy with the layout of thepanel, right click everything youve addedto it and click Lock to Panel to preventaccidental dragging when clicking.

    Step Three

    Now Im correct in thinking youve got atransparent panel with your icons laid outoh-so-well. However, youre missingTrash on that bottom bar, remember?And youll want Computer up there inthe top corner too. Now, there are easyways of doing this, and hard ways ofdoing this. Ill share the easiest one Iknow.

    Download and install the .deb file:http://www.getdeb.net/getdeb.php?file=gnome-hideseek_0.6.0-1getdeb1_i386.debOnce youve installed the file, click yournew main menu in the bottom left corner,click System Tools and chooseGNOME Hide and Seek, an application

    that lets you configure some of the hiddensecrets in Ubuntu.

    Click Desktop in the left menu of theHide and Seek window that opens, thenclick the Icons tabs. Make sure theboxes ofComputer icon visible ondesktop and Wastebasket visible ondesktop are ticked. (Wastebasket mayalso be called trash, deleted items, etc.

    depending on the language settings andversion of your Ubuntu setup)

    Assign names if required, or leave asComputer and Wastebasket (I preferTrash) and close the window. Head tothe desktop, and move the new icons towhere you wish.

    Step Four

    To make your terminal windowtransparent, as shown in the screen shotabove, simply open a terminal windowMenu/Applications > Accesories >Terminal click Edit and chooseCurrent Profile

    In the window that appears, click theEffects tab, and look at the bottom forthe transparency slider, where you canadjust the transparency to suit your needs.

    Step Five

    Thats it! Once youve chosen a similarwallpaper (the one in the screenshotabove can be found when installingKubuntu, or can be downloaded from

    http://www.filehive.com/files/0119/soft-green.jpg) your desktop should look asgood as mine did back then.

    Please leave a comment letting me knowhow you got on, or whether this guidehelped you. Hopefully you should have noproblems following these simpleinstructions but if you do, simply mentionin a comment what error/problem youre

    getting to and Ill get right on to helpingyou.

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    9full circle - #3 - July 2007


    PPHHOOTTOOGGRRAAPPHHYYWritten by Shay Stephens

    As a wedding photographer coming froma long and heavy Windows background, Iwasn't very fluent or capable with Linuxwhen I first started investigating it lastyear. I tried out a lot of versions until Icame to Ubuntu Linux. Ubuntu was the

    first version of Linux that worked on bothmy desktop and laptop, and that sealedthe deal for me. I then began dual bootingbetween Ubuntu and Windows XP. Andlittle by little, I started moving more andmore work over to Ubuntu until one daylate December 2006 when I installed anew sound card in my desktop, Windowsdecided it didn't like that, and told me Ihad to get permission from Microsoft tokeep using my computer. Well I got tiredof doing that all the time, and can't reallyafford the unreliability this introduces intomy computer, so I denied Windows'demand, and instead backed up all mydata before the 3-day shut-off dateexpired. The switchover was complete,and I have not looked back since.

    My sparkly new Linux computer now runsa semi-different lineup of software than itdid with Windows: instead of AdobeBridge for editing RAW files, I use BibblePro 4.9.5; instead of running Nero to burnCD's and DVD's, I use a program calledK3b. There are a few Windows-basedprograms I still need to run for lack ofbetter Linux-based alternatives. Somenotable examples are Photoshop 7,

    MemoriesOnTV, and Star Wars JediKnight II, all of which I am happy to reportare working very well in a program calledWine. The makers of Wine describe the

    There is a wealth of information out there about editing photographs on Windows and Mac platforms,

    but not so much about Linux. So I hope to rectify that here with information that may be beneficial tothe Linux-based photographer or those simply contemplating a move to Linux.

    program as a Windows compatibility layerthat makes the Windows based program

    you want to run think it is running inWindows. Wine still isn't at the 1.0 level ofcompleteness, but it is close enough nowthat Photoshop 7 and many otherWindows-based programs run very well.

    The first task for me when I made theswitch in operating systems was to find aRAW editor I could use. Right now that

    editor is Bibble Pro 4.9.5 from BibbleLabs. It took me a little bit of time to getused to the interface and ways ofaccomplishing tasks (coming from anAdobe background), but I have beenultimately able to do all my RAW workwith Bibble as efficiently as I did withAdobe Bridge. The nice thing aboutBibble is that it runs on Windows, Mac,and Linux platforms so you really have

    the most freedom to use whicheversystem you want. If you think you maywant to switch operating systems, youcan start using Bibble now on Windows to

    Black and white image conversion in Bibble Pro

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    get familiar with it, then when you makethe switch, you are light years ahead ofthe learning curve when you use Bibble inLinux.

    Some of the program highlights inaddition to standard RAW editing are spot

    healing and patching, Noise Ninja, lensdistortion correction, vignette control andB&W conversions.

    The Bibble support forums are veryhelpful too and there are various how-to's,documentation, and videos to help out thenewcomer to Bibble. Don't be shy aboutsigning up for the forum, they will treatyou well.

    The Noise Ninja capability in Bibble islimited if you don't have a Noise Ninjalicense, but if you do have one, orpurchase the Home Standalone version,then all the features open up for use. Justbe aware to use Noise Ninja sparingly, asit will really slow things down if you applyNoise Ninja to every photo in the folder

    you are working on.

    The development of Bibble is very activeand useful features are being added allthe time. The price is affordable too,currently $129.95 for the Pro version and$69.95 for the Lite version.

    Another interesting RAW editing programthat just entered my radar is LightZone,

    which has a very unique interface thatcombines the idea of the zone systemand correction layers. It can also do spothealing and cloning. It is lacking a fewkey features for me, but they say the nextupdate or two will likely take care of that.LightZone feels easy and intuitive to useonce you become familiar with the toolsthat are available. The interface, as youcan see has a simple layout and doesn'tget in the way. And yet, a photographercan stack up a very complicated set ofadjustments and corrections to each

    photo. Many users will be able to use itas is right now for all their needs.

    If I were to try and describe LightZone in

    one word it would be "organic". It is oneof those programs that just feels like it isnot so technical and mechanized butmore analog, fuzzy and natural. Not in abad way mind you, but more in the sensethat the results you get have more of ahand-crafted look and feel to them as ifyou were creating the images in adarkroom by hand. Beware, once you trythe program you may get hooked by it!

    The Linux version is currently beingoffered at no cost. The Windows and Macversions cost $249.95 for the full versionand $149.95 for the basic version.

    When it comes to creating slide shows inLinux, no native Linux applications reallystand up and say "Use me!". So the one Iam using right now is a Windows basedprogram called MemoriesOnTV 3.1.8 fromCodeJam. It has recently started workingvia Wine and I am creating some verynice slide shows with it.

    MemoriesOnTV is also in activedevelopment, so it pays to check thewebsite every now and again to see ifthere are any updates. Bug fixes and the

    occasional added feature find their wayinto most updates, the latest being"clipshows" and "multiple slides".

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    The basics of the program are simple andpretty straightforward. You add the photosyou want, then apply music andtransitions as desired, then render thevideo. There are a lot of options andcustomisations allowed, so you can tailorthe slide show to be as simple andelegant as you want or as flashy andglitzy as your eyes can handle.MemoriesOnTV can be purchased fromthe CodeJam website and costs $79.99for the Pro version and $49.99 for theHome version.

    You can generate a disk image withMemoriesOnTV and use K3b to burn it toa DVD. If you are using a separate DVDauthoring program, you can haveMemoriesOnTV just generate mpg filesinstead. I use a DVD authoring programcalled 'Q' DVD-Author, so I opt for thempg file generation. 'Q' DVD-Author is abit finicky to use, so I am not yet

    recommending it for general use.Although if you want complete control ofthe DVD menu structure and layout, it isyour best bet and well worth the effort tolearn to use it.

    K3b (the CD/DVD burning program) justrecently made the 1.0 level(congratulations to them) and it is the onlyLinux burning program that I know of that

    offers data verification, something Ipersonally can't live without. K3b really isthe best Linux based burning program Ihave used and has been a great

    replacement for the Windows based Nerowhich was my main burning application inWindows. Interestingly, there is a Linuxversion of Nero called NeroLinux, but ithasn't worked as well as K3b for me andcertainly doesn't look as nice as K3b.NeroLinux looks like a throwback to thestone-age of computing (10 years ago!) -I know that is petty, but there it is. If youare not as petty as I am and want to useNeroLinux despite its front end, you cando so without charge if you already havea Nero licence: just enter your key intoNeroLinux and away you go. If you don'thave a key, you can buy one for $19.99from the NeroLinux webpage.

    I mentioned using Photoshop 7 via Wine.There are Linux alternatives to Photoshop7 such as Gimp, Krita, etc, but the textlayout capability is currently very primitivein those programs. So when I need tocreate DVD box art, photo books, etc, Istill need to rely on Photoshop 7 to get itdone efficiently.

    For everyday photo editing, Gimp, Krita,and the others do a very good job, andthe upcoming version 2.4 of Gimp willhave a healing brush and other greattools you may be used to fromPhotoshop. I am currently using Gimp tobatch process my full-size images intoweb-sized versions that I can upload tomy website. If you have previously beenusing the scripting capability ofPhotoshop, you will enjoy the ability tocreate scripting in Gimp too as theautomation capabilities really shine whenunder scripting control. More about thatthough in a later article. Until then, checkout the Resource Repository for links tothe companies and products mentioned inthis article.

    If you have questions or comments youcan send them to me via :http://www.shaystephens.com/contact.php

  • 8/14/2019 Full Circle Magazine, Issue 3


    12full circle - #3 - July 2007


    Written by Ronnie Tucker

    PART 3

    Anyone who has used OpenOfficeextensively will know how time consumingit can be selecting chunks of text,applying bold, scrolling down, selectingmore text, maybe changing the font type,font size and so on. Within Scribus we

    can set up 'Paragraph Styles' for text, fornow, think of a paragraph style as justbeing a shortcut that will do most of thework for you.

    Let's create a paragraph style. Here's mydocument from last month.

    Now in the Scribus menu choose Edit >Paragraph Styles

    In this third article in the Scribus series we will discuss formatting text and creating 'paragraph styles'which will allow us to format text quickly and easily at the click of a mouse button.

    This window allows us to create - and edit- paragraph styles that we will use in ourdocument. Click New.

    From this window we can edit all of thestyles properties. Everything from fontstyle, distance between paragraph lines,bold, italic, paragraph orientation and

    colour. Have a play around with thesettings to get a paragraph style you like :

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    Ok, I've picked a rather garish lookingfont, orientation and colouring but it's tomake it stand out more in thescreenshots, you would obviously choosesomething a bit more pleasing on the eye!

    With your style chosen, it's time to save it.

    At the top of the window you'll see a textentry box that currently says 'New Style'in here type a meaningful name. I'll callmine 'important' and I'll use it forimportant text. And click OK. And there itshows in our list of Paragraph Styles.

    And click ok to safely close that window.

    Now the important thing about ParagraphStyles is that it works on paragraphs. Ihate to state the obvious but as you cansee in our document so far: there are noparagraphs. So to add some paragraphsI'll edit the text and add a few carriagereturns (Enter key)

    You can see I have a definite paragraphin the right column, so for this example Iwant to make that paragraph have adifferent style from the rest of the text.Normally I'd have to select the block oftext to alter the font type, size and so on,but not now! We have a paragraph styleready to do all the work for us. To applyour style to our paragraph we simplydouble click on our text box (to beginediting it) and place our flashing cursorwithin the paragraph we want to apply thestyle to. In the Properties window, clickthe Text tab. You'll see a dropdown menutitled Style, click where it says No Style oron the down arrow and you'll see your

    paragraph style.

    Click the name of your paragraph style

    and your paragraph will suddenly take onthe properties of your paragraph style.

    You can also click once on a column and

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    apply a paragraph style to the entirecolumn.

    The other good thing about ParagraphStyles is that any changes you make tothe style is automatically applied toanywhere that style is applied within yourdocument!

    If I do Edit > Paragraph Styles, click mystyle name and click on the Edit buttonand change a few things:

    Click OK to accept those changes, andclick OK to close the Paragraph Styleswindow...

    Voila! It automatically changes allinstances of that paragraph style!

    Play around with all the options in theParagraph Styles window as it makes abig difference to your layout. A lot of

    publications effectively use a blank lineafter each line of text (to make for easierreading) so edit your line spacing to aboutthe height of your text to get that effect.Some publications will have their wordsspread out to cover the full width of thecolumn which can look good but can alsofail miserably if your last line only hasthree short words and they are spread ouracross a wide area so be careful with that.

    Paragraph Styles are a great time saverand you will need them within yourpublication for various types of text. Forexample: on this page that you're readingnow, it has a paragraph style for the smallintroductory text (at the top of the page)and a style for the main body of thearticle. Some pages have a style for the

    small caption text under photographs.

    Similarly, to standardise your colourswithin the publication you can createColour Styles, but we'll discuss that inPart 4.

    Next month we'll look at Colour Styles. Thisallows us to create a set of colours whichwill be used throughout the publication. Itmeans we don't have to remember colourvalues, a real time saver!

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    15full circle - #3 - July 2007


    Written by Luca De Marini

    In my local LUG mailing list, lately, one of my friends asked, without willing to produce any flame orinsult, why on earth do so many people buy a macbook to install Ubuntu on it. His questions were,basically: is the cost particularly convenient compared to others laptops? Does it have a superiorhardware? Is the hardware compatible with Linux? Let's bring some light into this darkness of doubts.



    Price / Quality

    In issue #2 of Full Circle Magazine weread the review by Alan Hood of the

    System 76 Darter Laptop. I think that theMacbook can be compared directly to thisproduct from System 76, since it is a verysimilar laptop in dimensions and even inlook. So, just to begin, both products canbe bought with a minimal and cheapconfiguration or with a powerful andexpensive one. In the following table we'llcompare the entry level configuration ofboth systems.

    As you can see from the table (nextpage), the Macbook is greatly superior ina lot of drastically important componentssuch as the CPU, Hard Disc, Ram. TheCPU alone would make the MacBook winthis comparison chart but it also hasdouble the HD and Ram and these arereally important factors when choosing a

    laptop (You will not be able to upgradethe CPU in the future). The screen isanother great point of the MacBook. Evenif it is of the same size and resolution, thescreen of a Mac is a superior experienceany way you look at it. Only some modelsof Sony Vaio can compete with thequality of a MacBook screen, and weknow that Apple computers are intendedprincipally for professional graphic


    The MacBook has an integrated webcamtoo and this is a great point if you

    consider that we're talking about veryportable laptops, often used for videoconferences.

    On the other hand, the Darter has twoimportant advantages: a PCI Expresscard slot to install, for example, aninternet connectivity card, and much morevideo memory. The card reader is not abig goal, since there are a lot of USBcard readers around. And in this view ofthings you could agree with me that eventhe PCI Express slot, at the end, is not allthat advantage: you can find almost anyPCIMCIA card hardware in USB versiontoo. The MacBook does not have an S-Video out and this could be a badhandicap if you would like to connect it toa television. Of course there are adaptersavailable online. Another great advantageof the Darter is the optical drive: the entrylevel version of the Macbook only has aCD burner and DVD reader while the

    Darter has a DVD burner and that's not alittle difference.

    As a conclusion we can say that theDarter costs too much for what it is in theentry level comparison chart. At almostthe same price, a MacBook is so muchfaster, but it has no DVD Burner and thatis really the only bad news. If you want tobe able to burn DVDs you have to buy

    the Medium Level Macbook at a Full priceof $1,299.00 or $1,199.00 for Studentsplus all the goodies such as free Ipod,free printer and so on. And remember that

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    Green : this component is superior to the one of the other computer

    Red : this component is seriously inferior compared to the one of the other computer

    Black : this component is inferior to the one of the other computer but that's not a big issue.

    Blue : the two components are the same, there's no real difference.

    System 76 Darter LaptopEntry Level model

    Processor Speed: Celeron M 410 1.46GHz1MB 533 FSB

    Ram: 512 MB DDR2 667 MHz

    HD: 40 GB 5400 RPM

    Optical Drive: CD-RW / DVD-RW (Dual Layer)

    Display: 13.3 Widescreen WXGA (1280X800)

    Graphics: Intel GMA 950 224 MB IntegratedGraphics

    Sound: Intel High Definition Audio

    Networking: 10/100(LAN)

    Wireless: Intel 802.11 abg & Bluetooth

    Card Reader: 4 in 1 Card Reader

    Expansion: PCI Express Card Slot (34/54)

    Ports: VGA, 3x USB 2.0, Mic In, HeadphoneOut, FireWire 1394B, S-Video

    Webcam: None

    Price: $995.00

    Apple MacBookEntry Level model

    Processor Speed: 2.0GHz Intel Core 2 Duo

    Ram: 1GB 667 DDR2 SDRAM 2x512

    HD: 80GB Serial ATA @ 5400 rpm

    Optical Drive: Combo Drive (DVD-ROM/CD-RW)

    Display: 13.3-inch (viewable) glossyWidescreen 1280 x 800 pixels

    Graphics: Intel GMA 950 graphics processorwith 64MB of DDR2 SDRAM shared

    Sound: Integrated

    Networking: 10/100(LAN)

    Wireless: AirPort Extreme Card & Bluetooth

    Card Reader: None

    Expansion: None

    Ports: VGA, 2x USB 2.0, Mic In, HeadphoneOut, FireWire 1394B

    Webcam: Integrated

    Price: $1,118.00, Students: $999.00 with afree Ipod Nano

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    this Medium Level version of the MacBookis really a monster in performance andcomponent quality.

    Now let's compare the two best versionsof both computers, customized to be themost bleeding edge as possible.

    So at this point things change a little. TheDarter has a slightly faster CPU but hasless RAM and half the hard drive space.For the rest of the components, everythingis the same as in the Entry Levelcomparison chart except that theMacBook of course catches up the Darterwith the DVD dual layer Burner. But theprice of the MacBook compared to thequality and power of the includedcomponents is what makes the realdifference. You can see from this chartabove that there's at least a $347.00difference of price here! The MacBook ischeaper and more powerful in everycomponent except the CPU (and someaccessories) but the game isn't over yet.

    Look and Design

    As we can see from the photographs, theDarter has a similar look to the AppleMacBook. Both are elegant, with a whitecolor and tiny dimensions. If we like thiskind of particulars, the Darter has visiblespeaker which may be a nice choice or abad one, depending on your tastes.

    We read in the Darter Review (in FullCircle Magazine Issue #2) that the graylettering on the keys is maybe too light tobe correctly used. This problem is not soevident in the MacBook series as thelettering is gray, but dark enough to letyou distinguish each letter better. As forthe stylish aspect of the MacBook, I guessthere are some cool advantages such asthe luminescent Apple logo and thepulsing white light when the computer is instandby and this brings us to the nextchapter of this review.

    Hardware Compatibility

    The Darter has a lot of hardware issueswith Ubuntu. For some components you'llneed to do some hard work to haveUbuntu run correctly and some othercomponents just won't work. The worst

    aspect of the Darter is the suspendfeature not working in Ubuntu. As Ialready said, we're talking about veryportable laptops here and the suspendfeature is really a must-have in myopinion. How can you correctly use alaptop of this kind if you cannot just closethe monitor and move with it goingautomatically in sleep mode?

    Well, the Macbook has no hardware issuewith Ubuntu, but there is some slightconfiguration needed. When you installUbuntu Feisty on a MacBook you noticethat the resolution is very low, there's nowireless, suspend does not work and afew fireballs will fall from the sky directlyto your house. But there is an easy guidein the Ubuntu WebSite:


    Within the hour you'll have every singlepiece of hardware working perfectly,including a wonderful suspend feature(with no bug, perfectly working, just closethe monitor lid and Ubuntu will startsleeping, open it up again and it willimmediately wake up, just like with AppleOSX), great screen resolution, full open

    source wi-fi support, bluetooth andeverything else you'd ever need. One ofthe most incredible facts about thehardware of a MacBook is that everysingle feature will work without the needof proprietary drivers only open sourcesoftware! The MacBook is probably alaptop with some of the greatest Ubuntucompatibility around. You just have to

    configure it a little!

    The MacBook is also quiet, and it neverheated up once while using it. So even

  • 8/14/2019 Full Circle Magazine, Issue 3


    18full circle - #3 - July 2007

    System 76 Darter LaptopBest Version Model

    Processor Speed: Core 2 Duo T7600

    2.33GHz 4MB 667FSBRam: 1.5 GB DDR2 667 MHz

    HD: 100 GB 5400 RPM

    Optical Drive: CD-RW / DVD-RW (Dual Layer)

    Display: 13.3 Widescreen WXGA (1280X800)

    Graphics: Intel GMA 950 224 MB IntegratedGraphics

    Sound: Intel High Definition Audio

    Networking: 10/100(LAN)

    Wireless: Intel 802.11 abg & Bluetooth

    Card Reader: 4 in 1 Card Reader

    Expansion: PCI Express Card Slot (34/54)

    Ports: VGA, 3x USB 2.0, Mic In, HeadphoneOut, FireWire 1394B, S-Video

    Webcam: None

    Price: $1,902.00

    Apple MacBookBest Version Model

    Processor Speed: 2.0GHz Intel Core 2 Duo

    Ram: 2GB 667 DDR2 SDRAM 2x1GB

    HD: 200GB Serial ATA @ 4200 rpm

    Optical Drive: SuperDrive 8x (DVDRDL/DVDRW/CD-RW)

    Display: 13.3-inch (viewable) glossyWidescreen 1280 x 800 pixels

    Graphics: Intel GMA 950 graphics processorwith 64MB of DDR2 SDRAM shared

    Sound: Integrated

    Networking: 10/100(LAN)

    Wireless: AirPort Extreme Card & Bluetooth

    Card Reader: None

    Expansion: None

    Ports: VGA, 2x USB 2.0, Mic In, HeadphoneOut, FireWire 1394B

    Webcam: Integrated

    Price: Full $1,649.00, Students: $1,514.00with a free Ipod Nano included.

    the cooling system works nicely withUbuntu, even with Beryl / Compizactivated. And I always have CompizFusion activated.

    Another advantage of a MacBook: it canboot Apple OSX! OSX is, in my opinion,

    the best proprietary Operating Systemaround and it is needed by Architects likeme to run some necessary CAD software(such as Archicad) not available for Linux

    and too slow on Windows. So if you are aprofessional you may want to have OSXin dual boot with Ubuntu.

    Dual Booting is very simple usingBootCamp (see my Ubuntu Feisty on aMini Mac Guide / Review in FullCricle

    Magazine Issue #2) but you may findsome issue if you try advancedconfigurations, so I'll write a guide aboutit, stay tuned. While booting Ubuntu with

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    19full circle - #3 - July 2007


    Windows may not make a lot of sense(especially now that we can partiallyvirtualize 3D hardware acceleration thanksto VMGL) it does make a lot of sensebooting it with OSX (we can't evencorrectly virtualize OSX yet). The harddrive is really huge in almost anyMacBook version, so, dualbooting issimple and convenient!


    We have to remember that Applesupports MacBooks only with OSXinstalled and does not support theinstallation of Ubuntu directly. So you

    cannot phone or email Apple if you haveissues with Ubuntu in your MacBook! Thisdoesn't look to me as a big deal thoughand you shouldn't be worried about it atall. In Ubuntu Forums there's an entirecategory dedicated to Intel Mac Users,filled with wise people ready and willing tohelp you with any question! This is areally big community support advantage.

    Conclusions and Rating

    The MacBook is probably the best systemaround at the moment if you want to runUbuntu on a laptop. It is quiet and neveroverheats, it is powerful and eyecandyeffects such as Beryl or Compiz Fusionwill work perfectly with no slow down at allin any situation. The compatibility withsuspend is something that deserves a

    special mention and it is this that makesthe MacBook jump kilometers ahead itscompetitors and remember that eachpeace of hardware will work with full opensource driver support!

    The price compared to the power andquality of the hardware is the lowestaround and it also has Mac OSX

    integrated which gives you another greatchoice opportunity. It can run Ubuntu,Windows (any version) and Mac OSX, thewidest choice of Operating Systems

    available on the market (of course youcan install any other Operating Systemsyou like such as Open Solaris, BSD, ect.,since it is an Intel based computer). you'llhardly miss the PCMCIA slot, believe me,why would you ever need it after all?

    And did I mention that even the built-inwebcam works flawlessly with Ubuntu?You can use it for example with Ekiga orwith Gnome Cheese (Similar to OSXPhoto Booth). I've been really pleasedwith this laptop and never found aproblem with it. Don't be scared about thedimensions of the screen: even if it is onlya 13.5'', the high resolution and perfect

    combination of light, contrast, colors,reflection prevention makes it a perfectwork station and remember that you caneasily connect it to an external monitor, ifyou want. A large number of peoplechoose a MacBook as the perfecthardware for Ubuntu, think about it, theprice is really worth the gain.

    Price / Quality

    Look & Design

    Hardware Compatibility


    Advantages & Gadgets


    Summary : The MacBook is probably thebest choice for quality / price with a laptopof these dimensions. Its hardware worksperfectly with Ubuntu using only OpenSource drivers, even suspend works. It hasan integrated webcam and can run OSX,plus it is a very robust and stylish computerand its hardware is bleeding edge. Althoughthe middle entry version may be the best

    choice for most users.

  • 8/14/2019 Full Circle Magazine, Issue 3


    20full circle - #3 - July 2007

    PPRREEVVIIEEWWWritten by Alex



    First, there was Compiz it was highly stable and amazed users with its wobbly windows. Then came

    Beryl, a fork of Compiz it focused it's efforts on effects. Now the two have joined forces to give us thebest of both worlds, the stability of Compiz with the effects of Beryl. Behold: Compiz Fusion

    The Cube

    The cube is a 3D representational view ofyour desktop. It maps out 4 (or more)workspaces onto a huge 3D object, and

    allows you to drag your windows around it.This makes it incredibly easy to managesaid windows, by having you imagineexactly where they are at. The mind thinksbetter in 3D, so why should your computerbe any different?

    An extension to this plugin, even though it is listed separately, is the cube-rotateplugin. It allows you to take your cube, and rotate it around and let you view itfrom every angle and detail. With the sky dome enabled, this is an amazing and

    breath taking effect. Not to mention useful for switching between workspaces.

    One of the coolest effect added to Fusion is the Reflection. It projects an exactreflection of the cube onto an imaginary plane below. It adds the the realism ofCompiz, and is just great eye candy.


    The Expo Plugin is a remake of the wallplugin from Beryl. The added bonus is thatit can be enabled at the same time as thecube, being mapped to moving the mouseinto the upper left hand corner by default. Itallows you to drag windows around on a 'wall' of your desktops. It's very useful ingetting a somewhat aerial view of all yourwindows. The reflection plugin also works

    well with it. Something fun to do is start upa movie, and at the same time watch a download progress or watch for incomingIMs. Really, another beautiful effect.

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    21full circle - #3 - July 2007

    Apologies for the missing Colin Watson interview, it'll be in #4, honest! Keep those questions coming!

    Next months interviewee will be none other than Colin Watson, Installer Team Leader, UbuntuCommunity Council Member and Line Manager for half the distro team!

    Please email your questions for Colin to: questions@fullcirclemagazine.org

    All these things together are just a part of what makes Compiz Fusion so great. Theseare only the main new plugins, and Fusion is still a work in progress. Also, most of theeffects in Compiz Fusion are animated so static screenshots really don't do the effectsjustice. They really do need to be seen to be believed!

    If you're interested in testing out Compiz Fusion and can't wait for Gutsy to come out,as I couldn't, head over to Ubuntu Forums. Just be aware that Compiz Fusion is stillbeing worked on, updated almost daily and you will at some point see glitches, butdon't be scared, it is still very stable.

    With the merge of Compiz and Beryl, an amazing new product is in the works. CompizFusion brings what's great about Beryl (the effects) and Compiz (stability), throws themtogether, eliminates many of the problems that plagued them, and adds its owngoodies. Even in this early stage of development, Compiz Fusion is more stable thanthe Desktop Effects included with Ubuntu Feisty Fawn. It also runs much smootherthan Beryl, in tests up to 15 frames per second faster on my machine. The newplugins give your desktop a smooth feel, and a productive workspace with as manyworkspaces as required.

    Compiz Fusion is indeed all it is hyped up to be. And, as an added bonus: it will comeby default in Ubuntu 7.10, Gutsy Gibbon.

    To quote Mark Shuttleworth: pretty is a feature.

    Fire Paint

    Feel like leaving your family a message,but out of sticky notes or space on the

    fridge? Fire Paint is the perfect solution.Who wouldn't want to draw all over theirscreen in fire? Provides hours ofentertainment.

  • 8/14/2019 Full Circle Magazine, Issue 3


    22full circle - #3 - July 2007


    DDAAPPPPEERRDDRRAAKKEEWritten by Steve Thompson

    I first began using PCs on an old Amstrad PC1640 DOS 3 and 640k memory, 30MB HD and aHercules green screen graphics card. Crappy kit, I agree, but it gave me a taste for PC's and I wenton to build my first 386, 486, P100, P166, Celeron 400 and current Windows box Celeron 2.4HZsitting next to a lovely 3.06GHZ Celeron Dapper machine.

    Well, here's my story, I think the firstDistro I ever tried was Red Hat, dunnowhich version, but it was about 12 plusyears ago, as my first son had not yetarrived on the scene. It installed with a

    command-line interface as I recall -- notvery friendly. I dabbled with it on an oldCeleron 233 for a few months eventuallygiving up as I couldn't get it to see any ofmy hardware. My next attempt was OpenCaldera (What ever happened to them?).This was a wonderful Installer; you couldplay Tetris while installing! It installedpretty well, seeing most hardware, but it

    had a reccurring problem of all the distrosI tried in the 90's... KDE worked great, butwhen I quit the gui when shutting down,or for other reasons, the command-linetotally corrupted on the screen, andcouldn't be read. You could still typecommands, and they would run, butnothing intelligible in the terminal. This putan end to my Linux endeavours forseveral years, as a new baby made such

    demands upon me, that sleep was a moreimportant issue than cracking thetechnicalities of Open Caldera!

    My second bite of the Linux cherry wasthe Live distro Slax, a really nice Linuxwhich was released as a Live CD only,but a lot of the guys using it (includingme) were very keen to do a hard diskinstall. Maybe I should add at this pointthat I have worked in Educational ITSupport for 14 years now and at my lastjob, when I was on the Help Desk, there

    was a lot of time in front of a PC when Iwasn't doing much, and it was a greatexcuse to play with a Linux Live CD! Ifiddled with Slax for about 18 months onan old 733 Celeron I had liberated from a

    dusty store cupboard into the shining lightof a Linux install. I had it running Pan forEmail and Newsgroups, a very nice littleprogram, very similar to Forte's Agentwhich I had run in Windows sinceWindows 3.11. The biggest problem I hadon the Slax box was my shared Internetconnection, which I was sharing a dialupon through a switch box, but I was using

    AnalogX's proxy program to share theconnection with my son's Windows 3.11machine. This caused nightmares as Pandidn't at all like using a proxy.

    After playing with many live CDs, Idownloaded Dapper, and realising itwasn't a live CD, I stuck it in my officedrawer and forgot about it for a couple ofmonths. Finding myself with some time on

    my hands one weekend, I decided toinstall Dapper to an old 1.1 GHz AMDDuron I had kicking around afterupgrading my son to a faster machine.Wow! I was impressed! All the hardwarewas detected, including sound and video,and even the Internet came straight oncourtesy of my wired router. That was it, Ihad the bug again big-time! I spent a lotof my spare time from this moment ontweaking my little Dapper One Gig to myhearts content. After about four months Idecided it was perfect apart from one

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    23full circle - #3 - July 2007

    Democracy TV. That took some serioustweaking and requests to the Ubuntuforums to fix! I'm still trying to get myhead around using Cron to scheduleprograms to run on a schedule. Variouspeople has suggested things to try, butthe schedules never kick off. I'm thinkingof thing like DemocracyTV and Icepodderfor all my Podcasts. Windows scheduler isSO much easier don't need a brain touse it, just a clock! Ubuntu's (and otherdistros') biggest failing is sound editing.After using Adobe Audition I found theLinux equivalents weak to say the least.Audacity is a basic editor of audio files,but is light-years behind Audition. I use

    Mozilla Thunderbird for email on bothWindows and Dapper, so no complaintsthere. I use Firefox in both, occasionallyalong with Opera. Beep Media player formp3s, Ktorrent for a nice scheduleabletorrent app, Kget for use with Flashgotcovers my cloning of my Windowsprogram Getright and finally Video LanPlayer for all my video format playing. Sothat about sums it up so far for me. If onlythey could make cron a bit easier to useand write a really good audio editor, Icould throw my Windows XP disk into thegames box along with all the PS1 discs!

    thing More power Scottie! Yep, that'sright, I decided to build a dedicated brand-new Linux Dapper machine and so I did.I'm writing this story on it now. It's got arather cheapo Asrock motherboard 34.00or so, 3.06 Ghz Celeron nice, half a gigmemory, 250MB hard disk, Aopen DVDROM and Pioneer DVD writer. Video is anOnboard Intel 82865 as the rubbishAsrock motherboard wont take any AGPvideo card I have tried just won't bootup. I've been trying to use the Dappermachine for everything I did on Windows,and for the main part, I think I'vesucceeded. Video conversion & VCDauthoring is better than Windows

    applications allowed; I always got somedrifting in the sync between video andsound in TmpegENC and Nero. Hasn'tbeen a problem in Avidemux & K3b.

    There were some initial problems withflashplayer in Firefox as I had both theDapper Repo install and a manuallyinstalled latest version from Mozilla, itseemed to want to install flashplayer to

    the Dapper install rather than mine. I alsogot an unresolved problem with Java inFirefox and when I did some forcedupgrades of Java runtime libraries, it killedone of my favourite programs

    Ubuntu is a community-developed operating system that is perfect for laptops, desktops and servers.

    Whether you use it at home, at school or at work, Ubuntu contains all the applications you'll everneed, from word processing and email applications to web server software and programming tools.

    Ubuntu is and always will be free of charge. You do not pay any licensing fees. You can download,use and share Ubuntu with your friends, family, school or business for absolutely nothing.

  • 8/14/2019 Full Circle Magazine, Issue 3


    24full circle - #3 - July 2007


    The future of Open Source is in the Young People of today; that's why this corner of the magazine isfor young people or simply those who are young at heart.

    The day the music died...Or did it?

    Listening to your musicor transferring it to yourMP3 player in Linux hasnever been easy. Thelack of support forthings like drivers foryour MP3 player or subscription serviceso you can download your favouritemusic has put many people off usingLinux, but i would like to take a fewminutes of your time to show you thealternatives available and the progressthat is being made in the community.

    MP3 Player Compatibility

    Many MP3 players work fine and identifyas a Mass Storage Device; these includemost of the iPods and some cheaperMP3 players, but models like Creative,Samsung, Dell and iRiver use a protocolcalled MTP (Media Transfer Protocol)which requires libmtp to be installed foryour MP3 player to be recognised.

    Some MP3 players which require libmtp:Creative Zen Portable Media

    CenterCreative Zen MicroPhoto

    Creative Zen Vision

    Creative Zen Vision:M

    Creative Zen Sleek Photo

    Creative Zen Xtra (MTP mode)

    Creative Zen Micro (MTP mode)

    Creative Zen Touch (MTP mode)

    Creative Zen Sleek (MTP mode)

    Dell Pocket DJ

    Samsung YH- and YP- MTP players

    Online/Subscription Music Services

    Once you have your MP3 Player workingin Linux, you obviously want to transfersome music to it; you shouldn't have anyproblems if you would only like to transfermusic tracks from your CD's to your MP3Player but if you want to download your

    music you will need to find a compatiblemusic service.

    Services like iTunes, Napster, and VirginDigital aren't compatible with Linux, andeven if they were, due to the DRMencryption these companies use youwould not be able to play the musicdownloaded on your Ubuntu machine.Now, new companies are starting to

    emerge which support Linux and are DRMencryption-free the most well-known iseMusic. eMusic offers DRM-free music for8.99 a month for 30 downloads but manyof the artists available to download arenot mainstream.

    Another service (available only to the US)and support Linux is Rhapsody. Rhapsodyoffers unlimited music downloads for a

    monthly subscription fee but thedownloads are DRM-encrypted so canonly be used on your MP3 player thenplayed through your MP3 player.

    Music in Linux has continued to improveover the last couple of years; as morecompanies adopt the Linux platform, weshould see more compatible MP3 players

    and more music subscription downloadservices.

    Written by Samuel Barrett

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    25full circle - #3 - July 2007


    Every month we like to publish some of the emails we receive. If you would like to submit a letter forpublication, even if it's a compliment or complaint, please email it to: letters@fullcirclemagazine.org.

    PLEASE NOTE: some letters may be edited for space reasons.

    Brilliant effort to put out a mag like this for*buntu users. My company are currentlytoying with -- and mostly will -- port tolinux in the coming days. No reason notto. My thoughts on recent events:

    Patent issues: MSFT and America pushtoo hard to get people to toe the line.Outside of the USA, there are no softwarepatents applicable. So all the highly paidattorneys in the world can't shake a stickat you for anything software-related. Ithink *buntu and Linux needs to movebeyond the continent and into Asia andEurope. Even though development mighthappen there, most potential users arehere. So how can we move the core of

    this movement here? To India or China?

    Bloatware: I think it's amazing that a fullOS with so many bells and whistles canfit onto a single CD. I also think it'sfrustrating for a newbie to do a "sudo apt-get" for dependencies/progams everytime.A DVD has 4.7 GB of space. It's a fairlycrazy idea, but pretty much everydependency and program that a user

    might want will fit into a DVD. Besides,the ShipIt program is for people with lackof bandwidth. After I get a CD, updatesand dependencies can't take another 200MB of download. If that's the case, mightas well ship a bloated DVD instead, with70% of the *buntu universe preinstalled.

    V C Karthic

    Thank you for making the magazine onepage wide so that pages can easily bemagnifies up to full screen width. Sure isa lot easier to read. Had a very hard timewith last issue, even with bifocals.

    Linux is hard enough for an old-timerwithout having to squint to read!

    Boyd S.

    To my knowledge the nvidia-glx-newdriver, which is installed for GeForce 8800users, when they enable desktop effectsin Ubuntu 7.04, doesn't work with thiscard at all and the installation attempt

    leaves the user at the command line atthe first restart of X. This has beenreported by numerous people in bugreports. The nVidia driver that is availableon the nVidia web site does not have thisproblem but is more difficult to install.

    The cause for the problem is apparentlyknown, but for some reason no fix for the

    bug has been released.

    I agree that this would be worth an articlein your magazine. It involves an importantand popular piece of hardware, and thecause of the bug seems to be known andis (to my understanding) relatively simple.There also seems to be no informationcoming through about whether the bug isgoing to be fixed at all.

    Kind regards and thanks for a greatmagazine!

    Ari Torhamo

  • 8/14/2019 Full Circle Magazine, Issue 3


    26full circle - #3 - July 2007


    Written by Robert Clipsham

    If you have an Ubuntu related question which needs answering, email it to us here atquestions@fullcirclemagazine.org, and we'll pass them to Robert for answering in a future issue.Please include as much information as you can about your problem.

    Q: I built a new PC recently, and decided to use Ubuntu as my primary operatingsystem. I have realised that there are a few things that I can't do under Ubuntu yet, sodecided I would install Windows. Is it possible to install Windows after Ubuntu?

    A: Absolutely, but it is easier to install Windows first, as Windows overwrites Ubuntu'sGRUB, so you won't be able to boot into Linux. You can repartition your hard drive,and install Windows on the new partition. Once you have done that you will need toreinstall GRUB by booting a Live CD. You can find a guide for installing Windows afterUbuntu at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows


    Q: How can I add menu icons to the Applications menu?

    A: Simply go to System > Preferences > Menu Layout, and choose your options.


    Q: How can I install Wine, so I can run Windows applications?

    A: Simply follow the instructions at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine, whichexplain fully how to install Wine.


    Q: I get the error "Software Index is Broken. Impossible to install or remove anysoftware" when trying to install programs. How can I solve this?

    A: Open a terminal (Applications> Accessories> Terminal) and type: sudo apt-getinstall -f


    Q: My laptop's touch-pad is very jittery in Ubuntu, but I don't have thatproblem in Windows. How can I solve this?

    A: Go to System > Preferences > Mouse, and select the motion tab. Theoptions you need are in there.


  • 8/14/2019 Full Circle Magazine, Issue 3


    27full circle - #3 - July 2007


    Written by Daniel Cohen

    The aim of this section is to find decent and relatively unknown websites that will help you with your

    daily Ubuntu needs (and general curiosity). I will sum up the good and the bad points of the website,and -- with any luck -- the website owner will read the article and then rectify any problems mentioned!

    This site grabbed my interest straightaway with its rather neat idea: videotutorials for Ubuntu. Very handy for thosetimes when you are told on the Ubuntu

    IRC channel (or forums) to do this andthat, when really you don't know whatthey are talking about or cannot find aparticular option or button.

    After searching the website for severalmoments, I found a few more videoorientated websites for tutorials, but noneof these other sites seemed to have thepolish that Ubuntu Clips has.

    It has a simple layout but without lookingugly, it's clear and the navigation isintuitive (although perhaps a little lesswhite wouldn't hurt). Because of thisminimalist approach, the site is veryresponsive and doesn't have you sittinground waiting for pages to load.

    The tutorials are helpfully sorted intodifferent categories which makes findingand discovering easier, along with a placeto find the latest and greatest videos.

    Every video on the site comes in fourflavours Ubuntu (ogg/Theora), Mac(mov), Windows (avi) and YouTube(Flash). While I'm sure that all youUbuntu users have support for all threecodecs, it ensures that Mac and Windowsusers can play the video natively without

    any extra set-up or having to watch a low-quality YouTube Flash video, although it'snice to have that as a last resort.

    Instead of taking a one-way approach,the developers of the site have made arequest form which allows people torequest tutorials of certain actions inUbuntu. Whether these are actually evermade, I don't know, but I hope they aretaken into account when making newvideos. You can also submit clips, whichare quality checked, then put on to thesite.

    However, the website is missing somebasic features which would make it amore complete site. There is nowhere toleave comments. There is also the

    inclusion of a captcha box for logging inwhich is a bit annoying. Finally, if youlook through the tutorials, you will noticethat many of them are on rather mundaneand basic subjects. While this website is,at the moment, geared towards newusers, it could start to have moreadvanced tutorials soon.

    Those problems do not outweigh the

    many positives that this site has. Manynew users would love to have visual helpand that is where this site comes in mosthelpful. I just hope it will continue to grow.

    Ubuntu Clips - www.UbuntuClips.org

  • 8/14/2019 Full Circle Magazine, Issue 3


    28full circle - #3 - July 2007


    MMYYPPCCWritten by Mark Pipkin

    I'm using the Emerald windows manager (Beryl),with the 'Solid State Modified' theme. It's availablein the emerald-themespackage. Other than that, Ihaven't gotten into widgets yet, but after readingfullcircle issue #2, I might try some out later thisweek.

    I use GNOME, but I set my task bars to have anopacity of around 60%, with a black fill-in. Other

    than that, it's just standard settings. I'm still fairlynew to Linux, having been using Ubuntu for aboutthree to four months with Windows as a dual-bootoption, but I'm pretty convinced that once Gutsycomes out I'll be reformatting. Recently I haven'thad to switch to Windows at all. My favouritetaskbar mini-programs are system monitor, whereI have my CPU, Network, and Disk Usagegraphs, and the weather for my area.

    My PC has been through a lot of changes over the years. Asalways though, it never has enough power to suit my needs.Maybe an upgrade soon will help, but for now here it is:

    Intel P4 2.4GHz 768MB RAM nVidia 6600 w/ 256MB RAM(7) 4" case fans (4 of which have lights) sda1 = 160gb -mount / sdb1 = 160gb - mount /home DVD-RW 19" Wide-

    screen 1440x900I try to build a machine that will last me awhile. This computerused to have an AMD 1400 with a Soyo Dragon Plus MB. Theprocessor ran for four years then overheated from the fanbeing put on backwards. So I had to change it last year. I stillhave the processor and RAM from the old setup but after a fewhours of running it would reboot.

    I've been running Ubuntu since 6.10. I don't plan to go back toWindows. I enjoy the power that Linux allows me to have and Ihave much enjoyed the community that is behind the Ubuntuproject.

    I'm in the process of getting a MythTV server up and running. Iuse that wooden bench when working on someone else'scomputer. This prevents me from having to unhook my ownsetup to work on someone else's.

    This is your chance to show the world your fancy desktop or PC. Please email your screenshots and

    photos to: misc@fullcirclemagazine.org. Please include a brief paragraph of text about your desktop,your PC's specifications or any other interesting tidbits about your desktop or PC.

  • 8/14/2019 Full Circle Magazine, Issue 3


    29full circle - #3 - July 2007


    Written by Andrew Min


    Homepage: http://www.mplayerhq.hu/

    MEncoder has long been the king of multimediaencoders. With good reason. It can convert a host of

    audio and video formats, including (S)VCD, DVD,MPEG, Windows Media (ASF/WMV/WMA),QuickTime (QT/MOV/MP4), Real Media (RA/RM),Ogg, DV and AVI. There is a full list of supported codecs athttp://www.mplayerhq.hu/DOCS/codecs-status.html. However, there is a smallproblem: MEncoder is really unintuitive. In order to use it effectively, you have toread through the longest piece of non-fiction in history (the MEncoder manual).Since most people don't want to do this, many GUIs to MEncoder have beencreated (including several on this list). MEncoder can be installed in all versions of

    Ubuntu from Breezy to Gutsy with the package mencoder in the multiverserepositories. You may also want to read the Gentoo Wiki's guide to converting withMencoder at http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Mencoder_Introduction_Guide

    Each month, Andrew will bring you a Top5 list of obscure games, applications or whatever else that hecan scratch from the depths of the Internet! If you have ideas for lists, please email them to us hereat: misc@fullcirclemagazine.org and we'll pass your ideas on to Andrew.


    Homepage: http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=29024

    It might only be able to convert audio files,but what a job soundKonverter does! Utilizinga wide variety of engines, soundKonvertersupports Ogg, MPEG audio, AAC, 3GP,FLAC, APE, Real Media, WAVE and muchmore. It also includes a CD ripper, an Amarokscript, replay gain and tags for tons offormats. soundKonverter can be found in the universe repositories for Dapper, andthe multiverse repositories for Edgy, Feisty and Gutsy under the package

    soundkonverter. There's also a .deb package at the homepage.

  • 8/14/2019 Full Circle Magazine, Issue 3


    30full circle - #3 - July 2007


    Homepage: http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=31385

    KVideoEncoder is a simple KDE GUI for the MEncoder andTranscode terminal programs. But don't let the simplicity fool youinto thinking this is a weak program. Far from it: it can importAVI, MPEG, Windows Media, Real Media and QuickTime, andexport DivX, MPEG, MJPEG, Windows Media and Xvid. It can also rip audio or video fromstreams and DVDs (using lsdvd). KVideoEncoder isn't available from the Ubuntu repositories.However, the KDE-Look.org user furumaro has created an Edgy package with Checkinstall (inmy informal testings, it also worked on Feisty). You can get it at http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php/KVideoEncoder+for+Kubuntu+Edgy?content=58538. Unfortunately, itdoesn't take care of dependencies. You'll need to install MEncoder (see MEncoder above formore), Transcode (in the multiverse repositories as transcode), lsdvd (in the multiverserepositories as lsdvd), the KDE libraries, and the Qt libraries manually (the last two are installedby default in Kubuntu).

    Winki the Ripper

    Homepage: http://www.winki-the-ripper.de/

    This one gets the prize for the most bizarre name imaginable (I'mstill not sure what Winki is). But don't let that fool you: Winkiisn't a children's toy. It will take DVDs, VCDs or a wide range ofvideo formats and convert them into DVDs, VCDs, SVCDs, AVIs,MP4s or Matroskas. It will even query the IMDB for information

    about the file. It's also one of the most intuitive programs I've everseen (using a wizard-like approach). You can install Winki in one of two ways: you can add theWinki APT repository (http://www.winki-the-ripper.de/openengine/cms/website.php?id=/de/index/download.htm), then install the winki package using a package manager: alternatively,you can download the .deb directly from http://www.winki-the-ripper.de/openengine/cms/website.php?id=/de/index/debian_packages.htm (scroll down to find the Ubuntu packages).


    Homepage: http://biggmatt.com/winff/

    WinFF is a powerful GUI for FFmpeg (the sister project ofMEncoder). Both novices and experts will feel at home with this.Not only can the most inexperienced users convert the 3gp, DVD,(S)VCD, FLV, H.264, iPod, MP3, MPEG video, QuickTime, WAVE,Windows Media, and Xvid formats with ease, but experienced userscan also change the bit rate, frame rate, size, aspect ratio, andeven add FFmpeg paramaters. Contrary to its name, WinFF is across-platform tool. Ubuntu users can download the FreePascal

    source or use the Debian package provided at the homepage (notethat some people advise against using Debian packages in Ubuntu,though I personally have used it successfully).

  • 8/14/2019 Full Circle Magazine, Issue 3



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