functions of ingredients pasta dishes ingredients for pasta kneading pasta shaping pasta spaghetti...

Post on 18-Dec-2015






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• Flour durum comes from durum wheat or a strong bread flour could be used which has plenty of gluten to allow it to stretch.

• Eggs are used to provide richness and bind the flour together. Giving firmness to the pasta to allow for an ‘al dente’ bite when cooked.

You should have a balance between the strong gluten in flour with the amount of eggs.

• Semolina - comes from the heart or endosperm of the wheat grain. Durum wheat semolina is used for dried pasta because it is very high in gluten and because as semolina it is ground fairly coarsely, rather like ground rice, so it absorbs less water. It therefore dries faster whilst maintaining it's shape and will cook without falling apart. It needs no eggs and so from a commercial point of view is far easier to handle. In a domestic situation where the pasta is to be used fresh, it is not really suitable to be used on it's own as it can be dreadfully difficult to handle. As mentioned above, it can easily be added to another flour, as an experiment if for no other reason. If buying semolina for this purpose, confirm that it is durum wheat semolina.


Roux Sauce• Flour thickens the sauce and is a bulk ingredient,

also carbohydrate.

Butter adds colour, taste, aroma and fat.

Like flour, milk is a bulk ingredient. It is the main liquid used- gives the sauce it's liquid texture. Without it, the mixture would be solid. Also provides protein and calcium.

Cheese adds flavour and protein.

Melt butter & stir in flour

Cook flour and butter 1minute

Gradually add milk, cheese, salt and pepper. Whisk over heat until thick.

Bolognaise Sauce Ingredients1. 250g lean minced beef2. 2 teaspoons of oil 3. 1 onion4. 2 cloves of garlic5. 1 beef stock cube6. 100g mushrooms7. 1 cans of chopped tomatoes8. 1 teaspoon of dried basil. (Or a

small bunch of fresh basil)

Functions1. Protein, flavour, colour2. Flavour, fat, shine, prevent

sticking3. Vitamin C, flavour, texture4. Flavour 5. Flavour and colour6. Vitamin C flavour and texture7. Moisture, colour, texture, Vit C8. Flavour

Design Task• Adapt the recipe for a Lasagne, taking into account the healthy

eating guidelines! Produce a labelled diagram showing the ingredients and amounts.

Recipe• 500 gm minced beef• 1 onion• 1 beef stock cube• 1 can tomatoes• 1tblsp tomato puree• 200g lasagne pasta• 300ml milk• 25g butter• 1 tblsp flour• 50g grated cheese

Adapted Recipe Healthy Option

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