functionsskillslisteningdictationspeaking unit 7 family in this unit, you will: a. review positives...

Post on 30-Dec-2015






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  • Unit 7 Family

    In this unit, you will:

    A. Review positives and negatives.B. Learn to understand conversations and passages involving family matters. C. Learn how to introduce your family to other people.

  • Positive and NegativeSection ADirections: Listen to the sentences below and then repeat, paying attention to the positives (P) and negatives (N).1. He never drinks. (N)2. One is never too old to learn. (P)3. Alice is putting on weight these days. (P)4. He has given it up halfway through. (N)5. We could do nothing but wait. (P)6. Would you please stop shaking your legs? (N)7. Id stay here doing nothing rather than go shopping with her. (N)8. Mary failed in the examination. (N)

  • Positive and NegativeSection BDirections: Youll hear eight sentences. Listen and decide whether the sentences you hear have a positive or negative meaning. Put a P for the positive and an N for the negative. The sentences will be spoken only once.

  • Positive and Negative1. He seldom goes to movies on Sundays. ( )2. She rarely goes home these days. ( )3. Mrs. Jones always eats her lunch at noon. ( )4. He had hardly fallen asleep when the baby cried and woke him up. ( )5. Mr. Hardy scarcely visited his relatives when he was young. ( )6. He is by no means an honest businessman. ( ) 7. By all means, we should persuade her to give it up. ( )8. More often than not thieves manage to escape from punishment. ( )Key

  • Positive and Negative1. He seldom goes to movies on Sundays. (N)2. She rarely goes home these days. (N)3. Mrs. Jones always eats her lunch at noon. (P)4. He had hardly fallen asleep when the baby cried and woke him up. (N)5. Mr. Hardy scarcely visited his relatives when he was young. (N)6. He is by no means an honest businessman. (N) 7. By all means, we should persuade her to give it up. (P)8. More often than not thieves manage to escape from punishment. (P)

  • Basic Skills QuestionsHow many people are in your family?Do you have any brothers or sisters?

    Is this your sister/brother?

    Are you the oldest in your family?

    Who is the youngest in your family?

    AnswersThere are ___ people in my family.Yes, I have ____ sisters and ____ brothers.Yes, he/she is.No, he/she is my cousin/friend/ acquaintance.Yes, I am.No, I am the middle child/ youngest/baby of the family.I am the youngest in my family.My sister/brother is the youngest in my family.Read and memorize the following expressions.

  • Basic Skills What does your father do?

    What kind of job does your mother have?How many aunts and uncles do you have?

    Does your family get along well?My father is an/a engineer/writer/ businessman/banker.My Mother is a teacher/secretary/housewife.I have _____ uncles and ____ aunts.I dont have any aunts and uncles.Yes, I have a very close-knit family.For the most part we get along.Most of the time we dont have any problems.Sometimes my little brother likes to pick on me, but other than that, we get along well.

  • Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: Listen to the conversation. Then mark the answer you think is best. The conversation will be spoken twice. Before you listen, learn the following words and expressions: Words & Expressions

    tradition n. eve n. relative n. church n.

  • Listening Comprehension1. Where do you think the two speakers probably are? a. On the phone.b. At school. c. At home.d. At a Christmas party.2. Why does Jack go to his grandparents house for Christmas? a. His grandpa is sick.b. He likes California. c. It is tradition.d. It is warmer there.3. What will Jack do on Christmas Eve? a. Stay at home. b. Go to see his relatives. c. Go to church. d. Stay at his grandparents house.4. Where will Jacks grandpa go on Christmas Eve? a. Hell go to church. b. Hell go to Jacks house. c. Hell go to California. d. Hell stay home.5. Why does Jacks grandma stay home? a. She doesnt like church.b. Her husband is sick. c. She has to cook.d. She is too old.Tape ScriptKey

  • Listening ComprehensionGirl: Hey, Jack, what are you doing over Christmas Break?Boy: Oh, I am going to go to my grandma and grandpas house. Its tradition.Girl: Where do they live?Boy: In California. It sure is a lot warmer there than it is here.Girl: What will you all do on Christmas Eve?Boy: Well, on Christmas Eve all my relatives except my grandpa and grandma will go to church. Grandpa is sick, so Grandma stays home with him.Girl: Its almost time for class. I gotta go.Boy: Okay. Well, if I dont see you before Christmas Break begins, I hope you have a good time with your family.Girl: Thanks. See you later.Boy: Bye.Key

  • Listening Comprehension1. Where do you think the two speakers probably are? a. On the phone.b. At school. c. At home.d. At a Christmas party.2. Why does Jack go to his grandparents house for Christmas? a. His grandpa is sick.b. He likes California. c. It is tradition.d. It is warmer there.3. What will Jack do on Christmas Eve? a. Stay at home.b. Go to see his relatives. c. Go to church.d. Stay at his grandparents house.4. Where will Jacks grandpa go on Christmas Eve? a. Hell go to church. b. Hell go to Jacks house. c. Hell go to California.d. Hell stay home.5. Why does Jacks grandma stay home? a. She doesnt like church.b. Her husband is sick. c. She has to cook.d. She is too old.Tape Script

  • Listening ComprehensionNotes for Language and Culture

    1. Christmas 1225

    2. California (Sacramento)(Los Angeles)(San Diego)

    3. I gotta go. gotta= have got to

  • Listening ComprehensionSection BDirections: Listen to the conversation. Then decide if the sentences below are true or false. Mark the correct answer with a . The conversation will be spoken twice. Before you listen, learn the following words and expressions:

  • Listening ComprehensionWords & Expressions

    go camping anywhere ad. intrude v. funny a. conversation n. cousin n.

  • Listening Comprehension1. This conversation takes place on Friday morning. true false2. Tim is going to meet his cousins at the lake. true false3. John doesnt want to go with Tims family because there wont be enough for everyone to eat. true false4. John will probably give Tim a phone call the next morning. true false5. John has to go because he is going to practice swimming. true falseTape ScriptKey

  • Listening ComprehensionJohn: Hey Tim, what are you doing this evening?Tim: My family and I are going to get ready to go camping this weekend.John: So you wont be home tomorrow?Tim: No, we are going to meet my brother and sister-in-law at the lake.John: You are lucky. I am not going anywhere this weekend.Tim: Do you want to come with us, John?John: No, I couldnt do that. I dont want to intrude on your family time!Tim: Oh, its no problem. I am sure my mom and dad wont mind. After all, you dont eat very much.John: Thats funny. What you mean is I eat less than your big brother, Robert.Tim: Ask your mom if you can come. John: Okay.Tim: Give me a call this afternoon and let me know your answer, okay?John: Okay. I gotta run. I have swim practice.Tim: See you later.John: See you.Tim: Bye.Key

  • Listening Comprehension1. This conversation takes place on Friday morning. true false2. Tim is going to meet his cousins at the lake. true false3. John doesnt want to go with Tims family because there wont be enough for everyone to eat. true false4. John will probably give Tim a phone call the next morning. true false5. John has to go because he is going to practice swimming. true falseTape Script

  • Listening ComprehensionNotes for Language and Culture

    1. My family and I are going to get ready to go camping this weekend. (camping) 20,000

  • Listening ComprehensionNotes for Language and Culture2. I dont want to intrude on your family time! intrude: become involved in a situation in a way that is not welcome to other people e.g. Civil Rights campaigners say the new laws will intrude on peoples personal freedom.

  • Listening ComprehensionSection CDirections: Listen to the short passage and answer the following questions. The passage will be spoken twice. Before you listen, learn the following words and expressions:Words & Expressions

    wedding n. niece n. nephew n. stepfather n.

  • Listening Comprehension1. When were Jenny and Craig married? They got married ____________.2. What is the relationship between Craig and Harry and Mary? Harry and Mary are Craigs ____________.3. How many children does Jennys elder sister have? She has ____________.4. What happened to Craig when he was only two years old? ____________.5. How many children do Jenny and Craig plan to have? They plan to have ____________.Tape ScriptKey

  • Listening Comprehension Jenny and Craig were married in 1994. Jennys parents, Harry and Mary, were happy because they loved Craig and were glad to have him as their son-in-law. Jenny has two sisters. They were both in her wedding. Her elder sister is married and has two children. Jenny loves her nieces. She loves being an aunt. Craig has a younger brother and sister. He has no nieces or nephews. He cant wait to be an uncle. Craigs father is his stepfather. His real father died when he was only two years old. Jenny and Craig want to have five children. Their parents cant wait to be grandparents!Key

  • Listening Comprehension1. When were Jenny and Craig married? They got married in 1994.2. What is the relationship between Craig and Harry and Mary? Harry and Mary are Craigs parents-in-law.3. How many children does Jennys elder sister have? She has two children.4. What happened to Craig when he was only two years old? His father died.5. How many children do Jenny and Craig plan to have? They plan to have five children.Tape Script

  • Compound DictationSection ADirections: Write down the sentences that you hear. The sentences will be spoken three times. 1. ____________________________________________________2. ____________________________________________________3. ____________________________________________________4. ____________________________________________________5. ____________________________________________________Key

  • Compound Dictation1. How many people are there in your family?2. There are four people in my family.3. Do you have any brothers or sisters?4. How is your family getting along?5. My elder sister is married and has a baby girl.

  • Compound DictationSection BDirections: Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks with the missing words. The passage will be spoken twice. Before you listen, learn the following words and expressions:Words & Expressions

    describe v. define v. character n. honor n. name after proverb n.

  • Compound Dictation Whats in a name? Whats important about a name? In America, when two people are ____________, the wife will almost always take the husbands ____________. In the past, people were given last names to ____________ something about their life, job, or their ____________. It was thought that a persons name ____________ their character. When people chose names for their ____________, they chose names that described what kind of ____________ they would like their child to have. It was thought to be a great ____________ to be named after great men like George Washington. People would often name their children after their good friends or peoplewho were ____________. There is a _______that says, A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches.Key

  • Compound Dictation Whats in a name? Whats important about a name? In America, when two people are married, the wife will almost always take the husbands last name. In the past, people were given last names to describe something about their life, job, or their familys history. It was thought that a persons name defined their character. When people chose names for their babies, they chose names that described what kind of character they would like their child to have. It was thought to be a great honor to be named after great men like George Washington. People would often name their children after their good friends or people who were famous. There is a proverb that says, A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches.

  • Follow-Up SpeakingSection ABefore you listen and practice, learn the following words and expressions:Words & Expressions

    couch n. piano n. smart a. handsome a. charming a.

  • Follow-Up SpeakingI. Listen In and Speak Out Directions: Listen to the conversation and repeat it sentence by sentence.Girl: Franc, you see, here is a picture of my home. Boy: Ah, what a beautiful home you have! (1)Girl: Yes, this is my dad, sitting at the desk. Boy: Well, your father is really good-looking. (2)Girl: Thanks. And my little brother Rob is sitting over there on the couch.Boy: Oh, he is handsome.Girl: Do you see the girl sitting at the piano? Shes my older sister. Shes at college now. She is really smart.Boy: Yes, and she is as beautiful as you are. (3)

  • Follow-Up SpeakingII. PracticeDirections: Act out the conversation by using the following expressions.

    (1) Ah, what a beautiful home you have! your home is so beautiful what a beautiful home you really have a beautiful home your home is really nice(2) Well, your father is really good-looking. is a tall man is a handsome man looks like you

    (3) Yes, and she is as beautiful as you are. she is also very pretty, just like you both you and your sister are very charming you look exactly like herSample

  • Follow-Up SpeakingIII. Sample ConversationGirl: Franc, you see, here is a picture of my family. Boy: Ah, your home is really nice!Girl: Yes, this is my dad, sitting at the desk. Boy: Well, your father is a handsome man.Girl: Thanks. And my little brother Rob is sitting over there on the couch.Boy: Oh, he is handsome.Girl: Do you see the girl sitting at the piano? Shes my older sister. Shes at college now. She is really smart.Boy: Yes, and she is also very pretty, just like you.

  • Follow-Up SpeakingSection BBefore you listen and practice, learn the following words and expressions:Words & Expressions

    Spring Festival occasionally ad. vacation n. roommate n. from time to time roomie n. = roommategraduate v.

  • Follow-Up SpeakingI. Listen In and Fill OutDirections: Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks with the missing words, consulting the useful expressions in the box if you have difficulty.

  • Follow-Up SpeakingGirl: My moms sister (1).Boy: You mean your auntie, right?Girl: Yeah. She is going to come with my granddad and my cousins. Boy: (2)Girl: Yes, we have known each other for a long time, so we are good friends.Boy: I wish my cousins lived nearby but they dont. I only get to see them once a year at the Spring Festival.Girl: Oh, thats too bad. You must feel very happy when you get to see each other.Boy: Yes. (3) (1) is coming over to see us this afternoon is visiting us this afternoon is going to come and visit us this afternoon plans to visit us this afternoon(2) Do you see them very often? Do you get along well Are you on good terms(3) We always have a good time together. We always have fun together. We really enjoy seeing each other. We have such a great time together.Tape Script

  • Follow-Up SpeakingGirl: My moms sister is going to come and visit us this afternoon (1).Boy: You mean your auntie, right?Girl: Yeah. She is going to come with my granddad and my cousins. Boy: Do you get along well? (2)Girl: Yes, we have known each other for a long time, so we are good friends.Boy: I wish my cousins lived nearby but they dont. I only get to see them once a year at the Spring Festival.Girl: Oh, thats too bad. You must feel very happy when you get to see each other.Boy: Yes. We always have a good time together. (3) (1) is coming over to see us this afternoon is visiting us this afternoon is going to come and visit us this afternoon plans to visit us this afternoon(2) Do you see them very often? Do you get along well Are you on good terms(3) We always have a good time together. We always have fun together. We really enjoy seeing each other. We have such a great time together.

  • Follow-Up SpeakingII. Practice Directions: Act out the conversation by using the following information.1. dads mother grandma uncle yes, hes been kind to me all these years. grandparents Christmas

    2. moms brother uncle granddad he yes, he is only two years older than I and he always treats me like an elder brother. uncles occasionally in the summer vacation

    3. college roommate Lucy her boyfriend. Not really, she was really mean when we lived together. Anyway, we still meet from time to time. some of my roomies Ive never met any of them since I graduated. miss the old daysSample

  • Follow-Up SpeakingIII. Sample ConversationGirl: My college roommate is coming to visit us this afternoon.Boy: You mean Lucy, right?Girl: Yeah. She is going to come with her boyfriend. Boy: Do you get along well?Girl: Not really, she was really mean when we lived together. Anyway, we still meet from time to time.Boy: I wish some of my roomies lived nearby but they dont. Ive never seen any of them since I graduated.Girl: Oh, thats too bad. You must miss the old days.Boy: Yeah. We had such a great time together.

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