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Post on 24-Mar-2016






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Sculpt America announces it's Lifting Him Up - Making Him Known Campaign along with this fundraiser.



Sculpt America

It is our mission to fill the land with sculptural scriptures and to drench the Nations with the Word of God in images that cannot be forgotten. In doing so through the medium of s c u l p t u r e a n d v i s u a l p r e s e n t a t i o n , w e a r e reaching the generations of the future while impacting the audiences of today.

Consistent with this mission, Sculpt America is promoting its “Lifting Him Up - Making Him Known Campaign” to imprint the hearts and minds of our viewers with the most important image which should never be forgotten- the crucifixion of our Lord and the redemption of mankind, depicted in the 16 ft bronze titled, “The Lamb of God”. With this in mind, perhaps you will want to consider the fundraiser a s s o c i a t e d w i t h t h i s campaign (which may easily raise over $1,000,000 dollars for your ministry)

i n a d d i t i o n t o y o u r Ministry’s ownership and display of, “The Lamb of God,” the larger-than-life bronze sculpture, sculpted by Brenda Angel, seen here in clay.

This Sculpture, “The Lamb of God”,clearly addresses that which God has called each of us as believers to accomplish, in a bold larger than life visible statement. As a picture says a thousand words, your


OUR MISSION:To Fill the land with Sculptural Scriptures and drench the Nations with the Word of God in images that cannot be forgotten.

OUR PURPOSE:To reach the generations of the future while impacting the viewers of today!

OUR VISION:Sculpt America believes it can sculpt a beautiful tomorrow by placing Inspirational, Patriotic and Sacred Art throughout America and the Nations.

FUNDRAISER:The fundraiser associated with this campaign is designed to bless your organization. For some, it could raise in excess$1,000,000.

IMPORTANCE OF MEMORIALS:Exciting Biblical Study, and the basis of this Fundraiser.

ARTIST BIOGRAPHY:Read About The Dream in which God instructed Brenda to Sculpt w i thout pr ior t ra in ing or instruction. See the result of that Dream.

Our Mission:Fill the land with Sculptural Scriptures and drench the Nations with the Word of God in images that cannot be forgotten.

and Sculpt the Nations


display of “The Lamb of God”, dramatically and on its own, without introduction, preaches the Gospel of Salvation, by teaching and evangelizing through visual impact without saying a word. This sculpture alone will gather souls, and will do so for generations to come. Furthermore, by display, this sculpture visually streamlines your message to your audience telling exactly who you are by clearly communicating to them:

✦ Who it is you believe in, and ✦ What it is He did for each of us.

Though there is little doubt that your Ministry’s audience recognizes your Christian orientation, not everyone knows what a Christian is or what Jesus did. Even Christians have fallen short of the realization and intensity of the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross. “The Lamb of God”,

however, captures a powerful moment in time and freezes that time when Jesus was still alive on the Cross, in the act of suffering for the redemption and healing of mankind. "The Lamb of God” captures and expresses His passion for souls.

Additionally for Your Partners,This Sculpture Creates a Memorialto God memorializing God’s covenant with His people, all while honoring Jesus. Not to be overlooked, financially, the fundraiser associated with “The Lamb of God” can easily benefit your Ministry over $1,000,000 per sculpture. People will donate towards this fundraiser for your Ministry, with the purpose of having their names sculpted into the bronze Cross, representing the fact that Jesus took their sins on the Cross for them, while emphasizing not


AS FAR AS THE EAST IS FROM THE WESTHe has removed our sin. Therefore I have placed this picture of my sculpture, “The Lamb of God” in front of a galaxy, truly representing the completeness of our salvation and healing.   [after the first printing of Timeless and Forever, I learned that there is a black hole in the center the of the galaxy in the shape of my sculpture of Jesus.] --Brenda Angel

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16 King James Version

The Lamb of God sculpture shown here in clay.



o n l y t h e s a v i n g a n d healing Jesus, but also the forgiving, delivering and providing Jesus.

Just as The Bronze Serpentin the wilderness was lifted up on a pole, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, emphasizing the atoning message of SALVATION that comes only through our Lord’s atonement on the Cross!

This Sculpture Helps You, Lift Him Up, Display Him, Remember Him, and Honor Him, For He is Lord!

Jesus Himself said that He is The Light of the World and that we are not to hide His light under a basket, but we are to display His light so that people may clearly see the way. We are to preach the Gospel unto all people, and we are to lift Jesus up so that He may draw all men unto Himself. In owning and displaying this sculpture , beyond drawing all men, revealing The Light to many, and preaching the Gospel, “The Lamb of God” will operate

as a memorial and a tool of remembrance . Jesus i n s t r u c t e d u s t o “Remember” often what He did on the Cross, as when He spoke of communion. “ D o t h i s o f t e n i n remembrance of Me”. In the Bible, God is very big on memorials of remembrance. The word memorial is mentioned over thirty times in the Bible. Throughout G od’s Word , i t i s an e n d u r i n g t h e m e o f instruction for us to create a memorial to remember and to not forget.

Surprisingly,T h e N e e d t o Remember Goes Both Ways,in that God likes His people to be reminded, and He likes His people to remind Him as He says, “Put Me in remembrance of My Word.” God not only likes to hear things that remind Him but also likes to see things that remind Him. After flooding t h e e a r t h , G o d s a i d , “Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember my

everlasting covenant to every living creature on earth.” Genesis 9:16. God created the rainbow and thusly, He created His own reminder. Undoubtedly, God wants to be reminded of His covenants and Scripture encourages us that good things happen for God’s p e o p l e w h e n H e i s reminded.

In Exodus, God said, “Aaron shall carry the names of the sons of Israel on the breast piece of judgment over his heart when he enters the holy place, for a memorial b e f o r e t h e L o r d continually.” Ex. 28:29. Hence, in this verse, we see that God Himself wanted to see a reminder of who His covenant was with, (the twelve t r ibes) and He wanted to see that His covenant was being exalted and honored by His people in the form of a memorial, (their names in the breast piece over the heart).

I n G e n e s i s , i t i s written, “So Jacob set up a memorial, a stone marker, to mark the place where God



had spoken to Him.” Genesis 35:14. In Joshua, to remind the Israelites and their children of the miracle power that God wrought on their behalf when He rolled back the waters of the Jordan during flood stage, thereby permitting the nation to cross over, God instructed the Israelites to set up a memorial of stones to cause their children to question and learn about the event:

! In the future, when your ! children ask you, 'What do ! these stones mean?' tell them ! that the flow of the Jordan was ! cut off before the ark of the ! covenant of the Lord. When it ! crossed the Jordan, the waters of ! the Jordan were cut off. These ! stones are to be a memorial to ! the people of Israel forever."

Hence, scripture records God’s utilization of memorials for the purpose of inciting the curiosity of children to promote their learning for posterity and passing down knowledge about Him from generation to generation. From the very beginning God has utilized and taught His people the importance of m e m o r i a l s a n d t o p l a c e v a l u e o n remembering the important matters of life through visualization. One does not even have to study scripture to see the factual importance and effectiveness of visualizing. Science itself has declared that humans are visual by nature, and that people retain more of what they see.

To Demonstrate The Power of Visualization, Jesus said,“And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so, must the Son of Man be


THIS COPYRIGHTED CROSSAllows the viewer to fully see the Price that Jesus paid on our behalf as it does not hide the back.

-Brenda Angel



Lifted up.” Most recall the s to r y abou t how God instructed Moses, to place upon a pole a fiery serpent made of bronze - and all who looked upon it were healed from the bite of fiery serpents from which many were dying in the wilderness.

That event was a type and shadow of the future event of Jesus atoning for sin when He was to be lifted up on the Cross, as Jesus Himself said, “As was the bronze serpent, so shall the Son of Man be lifted up.” In our Lifting Him up - M a k i n g H i m K n o w n

Campaign, Sculpt America is lifting up the Son of Man in bronze, exactly as was the b ronze se rpen t l i f t ed . Undoubtedly, in God’s ways, as well demonstrated in scripture, it is revealed that there is healing power and blessing in visualizing and memorializing Jesus on the Cross.

Therefore, one of the most unique features of this

bronze sculpture is that

“The Lamb of God” is an actual memorial of God’s c o v e n a n t w i t h y o u r ministry and its partners,

representing the most sacred act to ever occur.

For example, a specified donation amount to your m i n i s t r y t o w a r d s t h e purchase of this sculpture, would allow a name up to 20 characters to be sculpted into the actual bronze of the Cross. Many will donate for the purpose of a memoriam, others wi l l donate for posterity, as a legacy, and for some, this will symbolically represent that person’s covenant with God and God’s covenant with that person, in that Jesus took their sins on the cross.

BEHOLD, THE LAMB OF GODWHO TAKES AWAY THE SINS OF THE WORLD ! “God gave me a dream of Jesus on the Cross. He took me up into the air and I watched the

crucifixion of our Lord as dark clouds were rolling overhead. With His hair whipping in a violent wind,

and as He yelled out “E’li, E’li la’ ma sa-bach tha-ni’?”,

everything became completely black and as I would hear God speak to me and tell me to sculpt what He

had just shown me, I would wake. I had never sculpted anything before.”

-Brenda Angel



It will serve as a visual reminder to them, just as when God Himself, chose to be reminded of His covenant with His people by requiring that the names of the Israelites be placed as a memorial on the breast piece of Aaron, the high priest, when he entered into the Holy Place. It is a fact that God likes to be reminded of His covenants. God has and will honor seeing His covenant being lifted up and brought to His remembrance via a memorial honoring Jesus, our High Priest, Lord and King.

The benefits in your ministry owning and displaying “The Lamb of God” are many. “The Lamb of God” multitasks in serving important goals for Your Ministry which go beyond just strengthening your identity with Christ through visualization, but additionally, while following Jesus’ command to lift Him up so that He may draw all men to Himself,

this sculpture preaches, teaches and evangelizes and will minister to your congregation, students, faculty and partners daily. It is certain that this sculpture will draw more attention to your ministry because this sculpture honors God by memorializing the most important and sacred historical event for any disciple, the covenant God has made with His Church through Jesus Christ. Based on God’s Word and precepts, God will look down onto your ministry and see the memorial and remember His covenant, just as he looks down at every rainbow. In this instance, he will be reminded of His even greater covenant established through the blood of His precious Son.

“The Lamb of God,”Now Larger-Than-Life in Bronze,should last for hundreds of years. It should, in fact, last until the Lord returns for His

LIFTING HIM UP:MAKING HIM KNOWN:Here Brenda Angel has captured for all to see by her copyrighted cross the price that Jesus paid in his own flesh for our healing and salvation.

As He looks up to His Father in heaven and cries out, “Eli, Eli, Lama sabach thani” this sculpture captures a brief moment in time that resounds for all of eternity.

“The Lamb of God” sculpture is a direct result of a dream that Brenda had. She sculpts here with no formal training, education, or background in the field of sculpture. This sculpture is copyrighted, and all rights are reserved.

To God be ALL the Glory!



bride! This one single ministry tool will proclaim the message of salvation to ALL who visit your ministry, including partners, students, congregation, even the secular press; for here in bronze is the very ministry of our Lord Jesus, to heal the sick, bind up the broken hearted, and offer forgiveness and salvation to those who are willing to believe and receive. This ministry decision will result in a lasting legacy for your ministry.

The Sculptress:Brenda Angel’s Testimony:

The power of seeing this sculpture is exemplified through the following testimony of Brenda Crocker-Angel Copeland, whose name means “A fire brand who works with clay as a messenger of God covering the land.” The following occurred in the fall of 1992:

“God gave me a dream of Jesus on the Cross. He took me up into the a i r and I watched the

crucifixion of our Lord as dark clouds were rolling overhead. With His hair whipping in a violent wind, and as He yelled out “E’li, E’li la’ ma sa-bach tha-ni’?”, everything became completely black and I would awaken in my room. Then God would speak to me and tell me to sculpt what He had just shown me. I had never sculpted anything before and I did not know anything about sculpture. As this happened night after night, every day I would try to find out where to buy clay. Finally, the last night that I had the dream after awaking in my room, I could still see Jesus’ face. I fell down on my bed crying with my eyes closed and could still see Jesus. That vision stayed with me and it was on that day that I was able to obtain some clay. Within days I

THE LAMB OF GODLIFTING HIM UP - MAKING HIM KNOWN:“And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so, must the Son of Man be lifted up.”

John 3:14

“I have filled him with the Spirit of God in wisdom,

in understanding, in knowledge, and in all kinds of

craftsmanship, to make artistic designs for work in gold, in silver, and in bronze, and in the cutting of

stones for settings, and in the carving of wood, that he may work in all kinds of craftsmanship.”

Exodus 31:3-6

Shown here is The The Lamb of God sculpture.



had completed a bust of Jesus from the waist up. This first piece, was donated to my church. ! Thereafter, a picture of my sculpture of Jesus was on display at a University. A lady who was in town for a conference contacted me. She explained to me that when she saw the picture of the sculpture, she realized what Jesus had done for her and she was ins tant ly healed. When people, including those who have been emo t iona l l y and physically abused, see in this sculpture what it is that Jesus has done for them, t h e y g a i n g r e a t e r understanding of what He has gone through and they know that He understands their situation. They can relate to Him and put their trust in Him. They are able to believe and faith is released, and their healing manifests. This is what I believe has been happening with this sculpture, as the scripture says, ‘the Cross of Christ is the power of God unto salvation for those who

believe’. I know how important this sculpture is and appreciate the miracle it was that God instantly and without human instruction, placed the ability to sculpt in my hands. When I sculpt, I feel His anointing on my back and hands. Because this is God’s work and it is His desire to cause what His Son did on the Cross to be displayed for all to see. ! God has continued to place sculptures in my heart and spirit when I am praying or reading His Word. I hope that you seriously consider this sculpture, and the miracle it is that I was able to sculpt. Selah. ! We have ! The following are a few scriptures that God has given to me pertaining to this part of the calling on my life. The first He gave me several years prior to my dream and sculpture. I had asked Him what it meant on several occasions. As I sculpted for the first time it was obvious.” ! “ N o w a s t h e y

o b s e r v e d t h e confidence of Peter

a n d J o h n a n d understood that they were uneducated and untrained men, they were amazed, and began to recognize them as having been with Jesus.”

Acts 4: 13

! “I have filled him with the Spirit of God i n w i s d o m , i n understanding, in knowledge, and in all k i n d s o f craf tsmanship, to make artistic designs for work in gold, in silver, and in bronze, and in the cutting of stones for settings, and in the carving of wood, that he may work in all kinds of craftsmanship.”

Exodus 31:3-6

-Brenda Angel


Beyond helping your ministry receive a financial blessing through “The Lamb of God”, the Sculpt America Lifting Him Up - Making Him Known Campaign desires to impact your



your congregation and f a c u l t y t h r o u g h t h i s memorial, inspiring them to release their passion for what Jesus has done for them! Why should they have a greater passion for anything or anyone other than Jesus???! D i s p l a y i n g “ T h e Lamb of God” at your ministry will allow your congregation, students, faculty and partners to regularly see the depth of what Jesus has done on their behalf, promoting them to deeply say, “Thank You, Lord!”, with the respect and adoration that belongs to God alone. ! W h e n p e o p l e regular ly gaze a t th is sculpture depicting the Lord Jesus on the Cross, alive and actively laying down His life f o r t h e i r h e a l i n g a n d salvation, we believe they will increase in their love and passion for the Lord, increasing their ability to flow with compassion for the world, thereby doing greater and greater exploits for God. As they gaze upon the love of God in action they will be inspired to reach their communities and

the world with the love of God; they will be energized to share in the very real salvation that our Lord has provided. Allow your congregation, partners, students and faculty to regularly remember this m o n u m e n t a l a c t o f submission to The Father a n d H i s l o v e f o r a l l m a n k i n d . B e y o n d increasing their adoration and zeal for Christ, “The Lamb of God” will bring revelation to understand that they need not suffer sickness or separation from God. For truly Jesus did bear their sickness on His body at the Cross, and His blood which He willingly shed, paid the penalty in full for all sin!! In Sculpt America’s “Lifting Him Up - Making Him Known Campaign”, we are continually reminded by G o d o f t h e p o w er o f v i s u a l i z a t i o n b y t h i s following account in the Old Testament:

Jacob, however, took fresh-cut branches from poplar, almond and plane trees and made white stripes on them by peeling the bark and exposing the white inner wood of the branches. Then

h e p l a c e d t h e p e e l e d branches in all the watering troughs, so that they would be directly in front of the flocks when they came to drink. When the flocks were in heat and came to drink, they mated in front of the branches. And they bore young that were streaked or speckled or spotted. Jacob set apart the young of the flock by themselves, but made the rest face the streaked and dark-colored animals that belonged to Laban . Thus he made separate flocks for himself and did not put them with Laban's animals. Whenever the stronger females were in heat, Jacob would place the branches in the troughs in front of the animals so they w o u l d m a t e n e a r t h e branches, but if the animals were weak, he would not place them there. So the weak animals went to Laban and the strong ones to Jacob. In this way the man grew exceedingly prosperous and came to own large flocks, and ma idse rvan t s and menservants, and camels and donkeys.! ! !! Genesis 30:37-43



! B y t h i s s a m e principal, we believe that God is saying to put His image in front of your staff, and congregation daily. Let them walk by this larger than life monument of Jesus. Let it be in the frontlet of their eyes. Let them actually see the price that Jesus paid for each one of them as they enter and exit your facilities. Let the image of Jesus be at the forefront of their daily lives and you will see greater revival and the world will change!

For centuries bronze has been called the “Eternal Media”, this is because of its beauty and ability to last for h u n d r e d s a n d e v e n thousands of years. It has the ability to reach into the generations of the future, all while impacting the viewers of today.

The current price of this monumental bronze sculpture of our Lord Jesus i s $ 2 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 U S Dollars, which is easily paid for by it’s own fundraiser. Because this larger than life, 16’ bronze sculpture, serves as a multi-dimensional

ministry tool able to reach all viewers of all languages at any point in time, and because it has the capability of lasting for thousands of years, this is a very good way t o e x t e n d y o u r c u r r e n t ministry. Moreover, in addition to extending your ministry, your organization may choose to incorporate the fund raising aspect of purchasing this sculpture which has the ability to yield tremendous increase, thusly, strengthening your current ministry revenues as well.

A l t h o u g h s o m e ministries have the desire and ability to purchase this ministry tool outright, others may be interested in the memorial aspect and may choose to consider the f u n d r a i s e r , w h i c h i s designed to benefit your ministry as follows.

The Fundraiser is Simple and Dynamic

A specified donation toward this fundraiser reserves for the donor one name slot, to have their name or the name of a loved

one sculpted in bronze on the cross, up to twenty characters in length. Many will donate for the purpose of a memoriam, others will donate for posterity, and for some the i r name wi l l symbolically represent their c o v e n a n t w i t h G o d , memorializing the same visually. Thereafter donors will be able to visit the site of the monument and see there name and the names of their family members on this memorial. This memorial will also serve as a legacy for their future generations to visit as well.

This encouraging visual tool will increase their faith, aiding them to grasp the truth, that just as each time God sees a rainbow, He is reminded of His covenant not to flood the earth, and so is He continually reminded of His covenant with them and their loved ones as He sees their names on the Cross. God has instructed believers to remind him of His covenant, and what better way than to do so, day and night, by lifting up “the Son of Man” and His



message on the earth in b ronze even a s J e sus Himself said, “just as the [bronze] serpent was lifted u p b y M o s e s i n t h e wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up”! Believers will be honoring the Lord by investing in the p r o c l a m a t i o n o f H i s commanded message and proclaiming the Gospel by visualization, day and night, without speaking a word.

The Financial Dynamics

In this fundraising example, for every donation toward this fundraiser, $50.00 will go toward having the name of the donor sculpted into the actual bronze cross, a portion will go toward the purchase pr ice o f the sculpture, and the rest will go toward your ministry. Once the purchase price of the sculpture is met, the

sculpture can be cast and the names placed onto the cross.

You decide what amount to charge for the donations, according to what would work best for your m i n i s t r y . F o r s o m e ministries, a $1,000,000.00-plus financial benefit, is easily attainable through this fundraiser, all while helping this worthy mission to drench the Nations in the word of God with Images that cannot be forgotten. At this current height, there are approximately 11,000 name spaces available on each cross.) A ministry may sponsor as many crosses as it desires! !

T h a n k y o u f o r considering “The Lamb of God” for sponsorship or ownership and display, and for helping us fill the land with sculptural scriptures, drenching the Nations with the Word of God in images that cannot be forgotten.


Fill the land with Sculptural Scriptures and drench the Nations with the Word of God in images that

cannot be forgotten!S h o u l d y o u h a v e a n y questions or would like to arrange a meeting to further discuss this proposal; you are welcome to contact us. We look forward to blessing your Ministry and fulfilling God’s Call!

Sculpt AmericaSculpt The Nations

918.231.4610 Cell


! Brenda Angel had a sculpture, titled, “Liberty Leads Her People to Justice” at The White House. It is now in the Smithsonian N a t i o n a l C o l l e c t i o n Museum, in Washington, D.C. She has received a Let ter f rom President George W. Bush regarding that sculpture. ! In 1997 after being commissioned by Oral Roberts University to sculpt Oral Roberts, he sat for his bronze bust, sculpted by Brenda Angel.! Here are Quotes from News Paper Articles:

Paper: Tulsa WorldTitle: Dream Realized in Crucifixion Sculpture.Date: April 16th, 1995

“Brenda Angel never dreamed she could be a sculptor. But, because of a dream, she is one. ...”

Author: Carolyn JenkinsSection: NEWSPage: N14...Paper: Tulsa WorldTitle:New Gallery ExhibitDate: April 4th, 1996

“The Show, “Selah” by Brenda Angel, is a collection of mixed media works... “My purpose for this work is to cause the viewer to p a u s e , g i v e t h o u g h t , reflect,” Angel said.”

Author: James D. Watts Jr.Section: Entertainment...Paper: Tulsa WorldTitle: Gilcrease Exhibit Demonstrates Necessity of Art in Daily lives.Date: April 7th, 1996

Stations of the Cross“Selah” an exhib i t o f Biblically inspired works of art by Tulsa artist ... Brenda Angel. ... ! What Angel has created here is series of visual parables - a sermon in sculpture, drawing, and collage. It is one of the most unabashedly devout shows you’ll see. ...

! Angel presents a series of works that depict Christ on the cross. These pieces - sculpture, prints and drawings - focus exclusively on Jesus’ head and its’ crown of thorns. Angel began creating these pieces in 1992 after awaking from a dream about Jesus’ death; one of these pieces, titled “Eli, Eli, lama sabach thani? (My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken me?).” was presented last year to Tulsa’s Christ the R e d e e m e r L u t h e r a n Church. ...! The power of her message is undeniable.”

Author: James D. Watts Jr.Section:EntertainmentPage: H5...Paper: Broken Arrow Ledger Title: Oliver meets Oliver // Dr. Oliver Middle School DedicationDate: 09-24-95

“…The bronze bust of Oliver by artist Brenda Crocker Angel was unveiled as cheers went up though the crowd. …”



News Paper Articles and Quotes


“ T h e m o s t a m a z i n g sculpture of the Lord Jesus... I saw it and was so impacted.” -Dr. Myles Munroe

“Intense! This is good.” -Evander Holyfield

Heavy Weight Boxing Champion

“This is unbelievable, ... I’d love to have it here.”

-Jan CrouchTrinity Broadcasting


“My God! That is awesome.” -John Sullivan

US Congressman

“It is a beautiful expression of the gospel.” -Dr. Ralph Fagin

Interim President, Oral Roberts University

Re-quoted from Charisma

“He is experiencing the loneliness, the rejection of the very ones he is saving, and all this comes out in the face.” -The Most Reverent

Bishop Edward J Slattery, Roman Catholic

Diocese of Tulsa Re-quoted from ABC affiliate,


“The reality of Christ’s suffering, it really makes it personal.”

-Pastor Rick TabiszRe-quoted from Charisma

“Her ministry is so unique and is such a blessing to the body of Christ.”

-Paul LodatoChristian Broadcasting


“Wow! ... That is just amazing”

-The Rev. Mark HansonPresiding Bishop,

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America


OUR MISSION:To Fill the land with Sculptural Scr iptures and drench the Nations with the Word of God in images that cannot be forgotten.

OUR PURPOSE:To reach the generations of the future while impacting the viewers of today!

OUR VISION:Sculpt America believes it can sculpt a beautiful tomorrow by placing Inspirational, Patriotic and Sacred Art throughout America and the Nations.

FUND RAISER:The fundraiser associated with this campaign is designed to bless your organization. For some, it

could raise in excess $1,000,000.

Sculpt AmericaSculpt The Nations

918.231.4610 Cell

and Sculpt the Nations

More Quotes about Angel’s Sculptures:

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