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FusionPaaS™ Whitepaper



Boris  Bialek               Sri  Rajan  IBM  Information  Management  Partner  Services         FusionPaaS  Pte.  Ltd.      bbialek@ca.ibm.com             Sri.Rajan@FusionPaaS.com      

IBM Software Whitepaper

FusionPaaSTM Seamless Integration with IBM DB2 10.5 High-Fidelity Automated Conversion of Oracle® Forms and Oracle Reports Apps to Java, Web 2.0, and REST-based Cloud Services






1.   EXECUTIVE  SUMMARY  ..........................................................................................  3  

2.   CONSIDERATIONS  FOR  APPLICATION  CONVERSION  ..............................................  4  

3.   RE-­‐ENGINEER  LEGACY  CORE  SYSTEMS  FOR  INNOVATION  ......................................  5  

4.   FUSIONPAAS:  MODERNIZATION  WITH  COMPATIBILITY  ........................................  6  

5.   END-­‐USER  RESULTS:  ORACLE  FORMS  VS.  JAVAFORMS  ..........................................  7  

6.   END-­‐USER  RESULTS:  ORACLE  REPORTS  VS.  JAVAREPORTS  ....................................  8  

7.   RAPID  DELIVERY  MODEL  .......................................................................................  9  

8.   FUSIONPAAS  FUNCTIONAL  OVERVIEW  ...............................................................  10  

9.   SQL  COMPATIBILITY  FEATURES  IN  DB2  10.5  ........................................................  11  

10.   EXPLORE  ORACLE  ALTERNATIVES  WITH  DB2  AND  FUSIONPAAS  .......................  12  

11.   ADDITIONAL  INFORMATION  ............................................................................  15  

12.   REFERENCES  ....................................................................................................  15  




1. Executive  Summary  

Corporate  CIOs  leading  business  imperatives  include  ways  to  retool  their  core  applications  for  flexibility,  responsiveness,  standards,  and  seamless  integration  with  multiple  media  channels  within  and  external  to  their   enterprise.     Over   80%   of   IT   spend   is   directed   toward   maintaining   proprietary   apps   rather   than  innovation  to  align  legacy  apps  with  business  needs.      Today,  CIOs  worldwide  are  exploring  ways  to  retool  and  re-­‐engineer  their  core  apps  to  modernize  with  the  needs  of  their  business  to  service  their  customers  better.        Further,  the  scarcity  of  skilled  staff  to  support  these   legacy  apps  constrains  optimum  business  decisions  due  to  availability,  geography,  and  cost.    As  a  widely-­‐used  4GL,  Oracle  Forms™  represents  a  30-­‐year-­‐old  legacy   technology   that   is   not   standards-­‐based,   is   not   Java   Enterprise   Edition   (JEE)-­‐compliant,   does   not  render  modern  UIs  such  as  HTML5,  Bootstrap,  and  others  for  friendly  and  rich  User  eXperience  (UX),  and  is  unsuitable  for  multi-­‐tenant  cloud  computing.    However,   as   Gartner®   indicates   in   its   report1,   2,   customers   face   technical,   cost,   and   risk   barriers   to  wholesale  conversion.    Oracle  Forms  demands  sophisticated  understanding  of  PL/SQL  client-­‐side  externals  and   internals,   esoteric   usages   of   object-­‐orientation,   trigger   execution   and   scoping   at   form/block/item  level,  navigation,  transaction,  and  validation  cycles,  expertise  in  over  1,300  Forms  PL/SQL  “built-­‐ins”,  and  command  of  the  Oracle  Forms  state  machine.    Over  24  years,  the  team  at  FusionPaaSTM  has  built  in-­‐depth  expertise   in  Oracle   Forms   and  Oracle   Reports   technologies.    We   developed   FusionPaaS   to   dramatically  simplify   conversion   of   customer-­‐developed   Oracle   Forms   and   Oracle   Reports   apps   to   JEE   and   Service  Oriented  Architecture  (SOA),  with  high  technical  accuracy,  low  cost,  and  lowered  risk  through  automation.      FusionPaaS  enables  customers  to  convert  their  proprietary  Oracle  Forms  and  Oracle  Reports  apps  to  Java  which  are  compatible  with  their  original  apps  by  broadly  preserving  transaction  and  process   fidelity.     In  addition,   FusionPaaS  enables   converted  apps   to  embrace  Web  2.0   readily   through  open  cloud   services,  and  which  can  be   re-­‐deployed  on   lower  TCO,  compatible  RDBMS  such  as  DB2  10.5.    DB2  10.5  provides  lower  operational   costs,   ease  of   development,   and   reliability.     The  DB2   SQL   compatibility   features   that  have  been  available  since  DB2  9.7  are  now  enhanced  in  DB2  10.5,  which  further  simplifies  the  porting  of  Oracle  Database  to  DB2.      FusionPaaS  and  DB2  deliver  an  outcome  for  customers  that  significantly  lowers  their  annual  IT  spend  on  Oracle  Forms  and  Oracle  Reports  maintenance,  modernizes  their  platform  to  JEE,  SOA,  and  Web  2.0,  and  empowers  them  to  explore  application  and  business  innovations  at  the  nexus  of  cloud  computing,  rich  UX,  and  integrate  extended  enterprise  participants  formerly  hamstrung  by  legacy  app  infrastructure.        



2. Considerations  for  Application  Conversion  

According  to  Gartner  1,  2,  key  business  drivers  to  migrate  away  from  Oracle  Fusion  Forms  include:    • Risk  Reduction  –  Java  vs.  Forms  PL/SQL:  

§ As   the   technology   ages,   the   availability   of   developers   skilled   in   Oracle   Forms   (and   Oracle  Reports)  becomes  scarce.    As  a  result,  this  increases  the  cost  of  maintenance  and  risk.  

§ Due   to   customer-­‐developed   PL/SQL   code   lock-­‐in   at   the   client,   application   server,   and  database   server   tiers,   customers  are  compelled   to  upgrade   their  Oracle  Forms   stack  when  Oracle  de-­‐supports  a  current  release.  

§ The   default   choice   of   upgrading   from   an   unsupported   Oracle   Forms   release   to   a   newer  release  also  incurs  software,  hardware,  and  services  cost.  

 • Application  Modernization  –  Exploit  SOA  and  Cloud  Computing:  

§ Considerable   customer-­‐developed   PL/SQL   business   logic   is   locked   in   their   Oracle   Forms  application,  whose  legacy  technology  complicates  application  logic  and  component  re-­‐use  in  an  enterprise-­‐wide  SOA  for  business  agility.  

§ Oracle  Fusion  Forms/Reports  Middleware  and  the  Oracle  database   introduce  complexity   in  the  IT  landscape  that  is  unsuitable  for  multi-­‐tenant,  cloud  computing.  

§ In   contrast,   an   open   Java   technology   base   that   renders   HTML5/JavaScript   and   runs   on  platforms  such  as  IBM  WebSphere  and  DB2  offers  operational  savings.      

• Flexibility  and  Innovation  –  Adopt  Rich  UX,  New  Business  Models:  § Customers   demand   modern   UX   Web   2.0   technologies   that   support   scalable   application  

architectures   for   business   model   innovation   and   competitive   disruption   made   possible  through  cloud  computing,  increased  users  across  the  extended  enterprise,  and  integration  of  social  media  customer  channels.  




3. Re-­‐Engineer  Legacy  Core  Systems  for  Innovation  

In  the  table  below,  customers  who  run  Oracle  Forms  and  Oracle  Reports  applications  must  evaluate  their  support  options  as  a  current  release  is  obsoleted.  

       Oracle  Forms  Support  Schedule        Source:  Oracle  Corporation    

• Customers  pay  annual  maintenance  fees  to  Oracle  for  mature  technology,  but  can  derive  greater  flexibility  and  cost  savings  on  JEE-­‐standard  architectures.  

• Historically,  no  cost-­‐effective  option  was  available  to  migrate  to  open,  cloud,  SOA  standards  for  existing  application  investments  in  Oracle  Forms  and  Oracle  Reports  that  run  on  Oracle  Database.  

• Without  quick  and  reliable  conversion  to  JEE/Cloud  platform,  innovation  slows.      Gartner  on  Oracle  Fusion  Forms:  

• “Oracle  Forms  is  still  widely  deployed…but  is  ill-­‐positioned  for  most  next-­‐generation  Application  Development  challenges.”  

• “IT   organizations   assume   considerable   risk   with   unsupported   deployments   of   Oracle   Forms  solutions,  and  this  risk  grows  as  the  technology  ages.”  

• “All   Application   Development   organizations   should   plan   to   migrate   away   from   Oracle   Forms  applications  during  the  next  10  years.  All  but  the  most-­‐conservative  AD  organizations  should  plan  to  migrate  [away  from  Oracle  Forms]  during  the  next  5  years.”  

 Gartner  Recommends:  

• “Modernize  to  gain  advantages  in  centralized  management  and  deployment.”  • “Integrate  with  service-­‐oriented  architecture  (SOA)  best  practices.”  • “Migrate  to  industry-­‐dominant  technologies  (for  example,  Java,  Microsoft  .NET,  and  open  source  

software)  to  align  with  industry  best  practices  in  the  future.”      


•    Customers   running   Oracle   Forms   applications   have   been   challenged   to   migrate   to   modern   industry  standards  due  to  three  primary  barriers:    Barriers  to  Migration   Key  Issues  

Risk  • Many  Oracle  Forms  applications  are  complex,  mission-­‐critical,  and  ERP.  • Oracle  Forms  behavior  is  esoteric  with  many  undocumented  side  effects.  • Supporting  future-­‐proof  JEE  technologies  with  amazing  UX  is  not  easy.  

Cost   • Historic  conversion  options  require  significant  manual  work,  with  higher  overall  service  cost  and  migration  time,  increasing  overall  execution  risk.  

Technical  Efficiency  

If  risk  and  cost  concerns  are  addressed,  customers  need  accurate  conversions  that  are   readable,  maintainable,  perform,   scale,  appeal   to  end-­‐users  and  be  easier   to   use   than   the   existing   Oracle   Forms/Reports   apps.     In   short,   they  must  work,  and  work  well.    


4. FusionPaaS:  Modernization  with  Compatibility    

FusionPaaS   was   built   to   dramatically   reduce   migration   risk,   cost,   and   achieve   technical   efficiency.    Converted   Java-­‐equivalent   apps  maintain   high-­‐fidelity  with   the   original   Oracle   Forms/Reports   app  with  broad  and  deep  compatibility.    Its  design  goals  include:  • Sophisticated  conversion  automation  to  dramatically  reduce  consulting  services  costs.  • Deep  compatibility  in  application  behavior  after  conversion  to  JEE  for  accurate  results.  • Compliance  with  JEE  best  practices  for  UX-­‐friendly,  readable,  maintainable,  and  extensible  application  

architecture  for  complex,  mission-­‐critical,  ERP-­‐grade  customer  applications.  • ISV-­‐friendly  update  capability  to  preserve  customer-­‐specific  extensions  to  base  application  upgrades.  

 FusionPaaS  meets  the  above  design  goals  through  two  components  of  its  conversion  technology:    • FusionPaaS  Generator  

FusionPaaS   Generator   parses,   analyzes,   and   transforms   an   Oracle   Forms   application   to   JEE  architecture.      

 • FusionPaaS  cloudForms  API,  cloudReports  API  

FusionPaaS   cloudForms   and   cloudReports   Application   Programming   Interface   (API)   provides   a  distributed   controller   for   the   migrated   JEE   applications,   JavaForms   and   JavaReports.     These   APIs  perform   the   heavy-­‐lifting   necessary   for   compatibility   of   the   Java-­‐equivalent   application   with   the  original  Oracle  Forms  and  Oracle  Reports  application  by  understanding:  

§ Oracle  Forms  processes  § Oracle  Forms  state  management  and  trigger  execution  § Oracle  Reports  Data  Model,  Layout  Model,  and  trigger  execution  § Oracle  Reports  caching,  queuing,  clustering,  and  distribution.  § Oracle  Forms  PL/SQL  built-­‐ins  library  § Oracle  Reports  PL/SQL  built-­‐ins  library  § PL/SQL  data  types  


5. End-­‐User  Results:  Oracle  Forms  vs.  JavaForms  

FusionPaaS   Generator   delivers   a   pure,   Java-­‐equivalent,   compatible   app,   JavaForms,   that   may   be  deployed   in   the   cloud.     JavaForms   dramatically   simplifies   exposing   Oracle   Forms   business   logic   as  coarse  and  fine-­‐grain  services.        


Oracle  Forms  (PL/SQL)  Client/Server  and  Web  


     JavaForms  (HTML5/JavaScript)  Apple  iOS,  Google  Android,  Any  Browser  



One  Choice  (30  Years)  

Proprietary  client  Proprietary  Middleware  Proprietary  business  rules  (PL/SQL)  Origin:  1981  (IAF)  

Proprietary   P-­‐Code  runtime  interpreter,  PL/SQL.  

Expensive  Costly  support    Forms  skills  scarce  Non-­‐strategic  budget  spend  

Non-­‐Cloud  Architecture  

Monolithic,  tightly-­‐coupled  architecture  prevents  cloud  re-­‐use  of  GUI  and  business  rules    

                                                                           (No  smart  phones,  no  iPad)  

Isolated   Function-­‐based,  limited  interoperability  

Not  SOA  No  Forms  as  Service;  Integration  with  external  services  requires  PL/SQL  APIs;  Runs  only  on  WLS  

Original  and  Proprietary    (Tightly-­‐coupled  Functions)  

Compatible,  Open,  and  Web  2.0    (Loosely-­‐coupled  Services)  

Open  Choice  Open  Client  Open  JEE  App  Server  (Runs  on  WAS)  Open  Database  (Runs  on  DB2)  

Standards   Java,  JEE,  HTML5,  JavaScript  

Cost-­‐effective  Cloud-­‐managed  Java/HTML  skills  prevalent  Re-­‐purpose  spend  to  align  with  strategy  

Built  for  Cloud  (Same  Behavior)  

100%  Web  2.0  UX  and  server  standards    Zero  software    Unbroken  results  

Integrated   Forms  users/processes  and  communities  now  integrated  into  company  cloud  

100%  SOA,    Disruptive  Innovation  

De-­‐coupled,  services-­‐based  architecture  enables  breakthrough  innovation;  CloudForms  migrates  legacy  assets  into  competitive  advantage  


6. End-­‐User  Results:  Oracle  Reports  vs.  JavaReports  

FusionPaaS   Generator   delivers   a   pure,   Java-­‐equivalent,   compatible   app,   JavaReports,   that   may   be  deployed  in  the  cloud.  JavaReports  runs  on  customer’s  choice  of  JEE  Application  Server  and  Database.    


Oracle  Reports  applications  converted  through  FusionPaaS  run  on  industry-­‐standard  JEE  application  servers.    As  with  JavaForms,  JavaReports  provides  UX  and  functional  compatibility  with  the  original  Oracle  Reports  application.    Visual  editors  with  rich  drag-­‐and-­‐drop  tools  simplify  Java  application  maintenance  and  extensions.      

Oracle  Reports  (PL/SQL)  Client/Server  and  Web  


JavaReports  (XML/HTML/PDF)  JEE-­‐standard  JavaReports  Server  




7. Rapid  Delivery  Model  

Enterprise   application   conversion   through   FusionPaaS   mitigates   consulting   services   risk   typically  associated  with  conversion  projects,  as  indicated  in  the  table  below.    Oracle  Forms  versions  4.5  through  11g  are  directly  migrated   through  FusionPaaS.    For  earlier  versions  of  Oracle  Forms,  an  Oracle-­‐supplied  batch  utility  will  convert  .INP  file  format  to  .FMB.      The  example  delivery  process  below  outlines  an  example  project  schedule  to  migrate  300  Oracle  Forms  objects  (.FMB,  .MMB,  .OLB,  and  .PLL  files)  to  Java  utilizing  FusionPaaS:    

Example  Delivery  Steps  (300  Oracle  Forms  Files)  Step   Phase   Duration  

(Days)  Description  

1   Analyze   1   • Tool-­‐driven  analysis  of  the  Oracle  Forms  application  to   identify  usage  of   legacy  PL/SQL  constructs,   such  as  PL/SQL  “GO  TO”  statements,  syntactically  invalid  or  ambiguous  in  Java.  

2   Stage   3   • Guided-­‐assist   by   line-­‐number   to   correct   syntax  issues   identified   within   Oracle   Forms   app   during  Analyze  stage.  

3   Convert   1   • Run   FusionPaaS   Generator   on   Oracle   Forms   and  Oracle  Reports   conversion  set   (interactive  or  batch  mode).  

• Correct   compile   errors   due   to   ambiguous   Forms  PL/SQL  logic,  if  any.  

• Create   the   equivalent   Java   cloud   app   with  automated  build  script.  

4   Deploy   1   • Deploy  the  application  to  Test  Server.  

5   Test  –  User  Acceptance  

7  –  22   • Functional   testing   to   validate   Java   application  fidelity.  

6     -­‐   • Deployment  and  go-­‐live.  

Above  estimates  assume  typical  customer  application  comprising  ~300  Forms  objects  (FMB,  MMB,  OLB,  and  PLL  files).    For  greater  than  300  objects,  Steps  1,  2,  and  5  may  increase.    Additional  customer  test  cases  may  increase  overall  testing  time.  


8. FusionPaaS  Functional  Overview  

The  block  diagram  below  shows  key  FusionPaaS  components  shaded  in  light  green.        The  JEE  App  Server  can  be  any  standards-­‐based  server  such  as  IBM  WebSphere.        IBM  WebSphere,   in  particular,  offers  the  advantage  of   leveraging  FusionPaaS’  CloudForms  Web  Services  in  a  composite  app  with  WebSphere  Process  Modeler.        




9. SQL  Compatibility  Features  in  DB2  10.5  

Through  FusionPaaS,  Oracle  Forms  apps  migrated  to  JEE  can  work  seamlessly  with  DB2  10.5.      DB2  10.5  contains  enhancements  of  SQL  Compatibility  feature  that  makes  database  porting  from  Oracle  to  DB2  10.5  easier.  These  features  reduce  the  syntax  and  semantic  gap  between  Oracle  and  DB2.  Oracle  database  objects  and  routines  can  be  moved  to  DB2  10.5  with  minimal  changes.    To  achieve  compatibility,  the  DBA  can  set  DB2_COMPATIBILITY_VECTOR  registry  variable  in  DB2  10.5  to  control  activation  of  PL/SQL  compiler  included  within  DB2  10.5  engine.  Once  activated,  the  DB2  database  that  is  created  on  the  instance  will  have  functionality  to  parse  the  Oracle  PL/SQL  syntax  and  establishes  new  compatible  data  types  to  match  several  Oracle  non-­‐ANSI  standard  basic  types,  such  as  NUMBER,  VARCHAR2.      

                                                     As  shown  above,  PL/SQL  source  code  will  be  compiled  by  the  built-­‐in  PL/SQL  compiler  and  executed  by  DB2’s  SQL  engine.    The  following  table  outlines  some  Oracle  Database  features  that  are  supported  in  DB2  10.5:    



With  support   for  PL/SQL  syntax,  Oracle  developers  and  database  administrators  can  now   leverage  their  existing  skills  on  DB2  10.5.  DB2  10.5  SQL  Compatibility   features   further  simplifies   the   integration  of   the  migrated  JEE  cloud  forms  on  DB2  10.5  database.    

10. Explore  Oracle  Alternatives  with  DB2  and  FusionPaaS    

A  typical  application  and  database  conversion  plan  can  be  viewed  in  5  phases:    

§ Assessment  § Application  Conversion  § Application  Testing    § Database  Conversion  § Database  Testing    

 IBM  and  FusionPaaS  provide  tools  to  ease  the  application  and  database  conversion  effort.    While  FusionPaaS   is  used  for  Oracle  Forms  to  JEE  conversion;  the   IBM  Database  Conversion  Workbench  (DCW)  integrates  many  of  the  tools  used  for  Oracle  to  DB2  database  conversions  into  a  single  integrated  development  environment.  DCW  is  provided  as  a  plug-­‐in  to   IBM  Data  Studio,  a  no  charge  graphical  tool  based  on  an  Eclipse  platform.      For  more  information  about  IBM  Data  Studio,  please  visit:    http://www.ibm.com/software/data/optim/data-­‐studio/    For  more  information  about  IBM  Database  Conversion  Workbench,  please  visit:    DCW  community  on  developerWorks  (http://ibm.co/ibmdb2dcw)    Assessment:  

 The   Database   Conversion   Workbench   (DCW)   can   be   used   to   extract   the   DDL   for   the   source   Oracle  database   objects.   The   extracted   DDL   from   the   source   Oracle   database   can   be   analyzed   by   the   DCW  Compatibility  Evaluation  Engine.    


   The  DCW  Compatibility  Evaluation  Engine  provides  an  assessment  report  which  outlines  the  compatibility  of  a  source  Oracle  database  with   the   target  DB2  database.  A  part  of   the  evaluation  report   is  a  detailed  DDL  and  PL/SQL  issues  list,  as  well  as  some  suggested  workarounds  to  fix  incompatible  code.    

   FusionPaaS   provides   an   analyzer   tool   to   parse   the   Oracle   Forms   modules   and   provides   a   detailed  summary   of   out-­‐of-­‐the-­‐box   compatibility,   as   well   as   recommended   changes,   either   pre-­‐conversion   or  post-­‐conversion,  to  remove  syntax  or  semantic  ambiguity  of  Forms  PL/SQL  in  Java.    FusionPaaS’  Analyzer  also  reports  compatibility  features  that  either  requires  Java  implementation  or  equivalent  workaround.    Application  Conversion  


FusionPaaS   provides   a   wizard-­‐driven   interface   to   guide   the   Oracle   Forms   conversion   process,   step-­‐by-­‐step.     The   conversion  wizard   in   FusionPaaS  Generator  uses   configuration  parameters   to   connect   to   the  Oracle  Forms’  database  instance,  and  specifying  the  location  of  the  distributed  JEE  application  workspace  and  associated  Java  packages.      Database  Conversion  The  IBM  Database  Conversion  Workbench  offers  the  Conversion  Engine  to  auto-­‐convert  common  Oracle  syntax  to  DB2  compatible  syntax.    

 The  Data  Movement  Engine  provides  an  easy  to  use  method  that  takes  the  user  step-­‐by-­‐step  to  transfer  the  data  from  Oracle  to  DB2.      



Application  and  Database  Testing  During  the  functional  verification  and  testing  phase,  both  database  and  converted  forms  functionality  will  be  tested  to  validate  accuracy.    Database   objects   such   as   stored   procedures,   functions,   packages,   triggers   and   SQL   statements   will   be  executed  to  validate  functionality.  Consistency  checks  such  as  Table  row  count  will  be  verified  to  confirm  that  all  user  data  within  Oracle  database  has  been  migrated  to  DB2  successfully.    Migrated  JEE  forms  will  be  tested  for  accuracy  of  user  application  workflows.  

11. Additional  Information  

To  learn  more  about  DB2  compatibility  feature,  please  refer  to  the  following  IBM  Redbook:    Oracle  to  DB2  Conversion  Guide:  Compatibility  Made  Easy  (http://www.redbooks.ibm.com/redbooks/pdfs/sg247736.pdf)    To  learn  more  about  Oracle  to  DB2  Conversion  using  DCW,  please  refer  to  the  following  white  paper:    IBM  Database  Conversion  Workbench:  Oracle  to  DB2  Conversion  Guide  (https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/community/wikis/home?lang=en#!/wiki/W252c18693c7e_432e_ad40_03c3417db6b1/page/DCW%20User%20Guides)    For  further  enquiry,  please  contact:  askdata@ca.ibm.com  

12. References  

1.  Gartner  Report  ID:  G00169227  (August  2009),  “Application  Portfolio  Triage”    2.  Gartner  Report  ID:  G00146666  (July  2007),  “How  to  Maneuver  Oracle  Forms  into  an  Ideal  Position  for  Next  Generation  Challenges”    3.  Oracle  to  DB2  Conversion  Guide:  Compatibility  Made  Easy  http://www.redbooks.ibm.com/redbooks/pdfs/sg247736.pdf    4.  IBM  Database  Conversion  Workbench:  Oracle  to  DB2  Conversion  Guide  https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/community/wikis/home?lang=en#!/wiki/W252c18693c7e_432e_ad40_03c3417db6b1/page/DCW%20User%20Guides  


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