future-proofing consumer identity and access management

Post on 06-Jul-2015






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GREGG KREIZMAN,Research VP, Secure Business Enablement, Gartner, keynote European IRM Summit 2014.


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Gregg Kreizman

Future Proofing Consumer Identity

© 2014 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

The creation of new

business designs by

blurring the digital and

physical worlds

Digital Business

© 2014 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

The Digital MomentA Flight Delay…It Could Happen.


© 2014 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Current State Of This Digital Moment* Derived From Extensive Research


Gregg is notified that his flight has been delayed…

…repeatedly, even after he has taken an alternative flight on the same airline!

© 2014 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 4

Digital Business Changes the Scope of IAM

IAM manages the identities and entitlements of peopleand things and the relationships between them.

It provides the right access for the right reasons, enabling the right interactions at the right time.

It enables desired digital business outcomes.

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Managing identities includes the identity of things

By 2020, the Internet of Things will redefine the concept of "identity management" to include what people own, share, and use.

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Midterm Strategic Planning Assumption and Recommendations


Critical infrastructure industries should assess IAM architecture changes to accommodate operational technology (OT) endpoints.

Goods and services clients need to review their current IAM for the scalability that IoT will demand. 10X? 1,000X?

IAM vendors and service providers should evaluate how IoT can generate new business opportunities.

By 2018, 35% of organizations will be delivering on

strategies to incorporate the Internet of Things into their

IAM programs.

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“Every User Is a Consumer"

By year-end 2020, 80% of digital access will be shaped by new mobile and non-PC architectures, up from 5% today.

Strategic Planning Assumption

Every User Wants to be Treated Like a Consumer.

By YE20, 80% of digital access will be shaped by new mobile and cloud (i.e., non-PC) architectures, up from 5% today.

Strategic Planning Assumption

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Provide brokers between modern cloud and legacy architectures.

Minimize user friction by merging enterprise and B2C architecture design teams, giving preference to consumer-oriented B2C designs.

Account for enterprise mobility management and IAM requirements collectively in strategies and procurements.

Midterm Strategic Planning Assumption and Recommendations

By YE18, 60% of digital access will be shaped by new

mobile and cloud (i.e., non-PC) architectures, up from

5% today.

© 2014 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

A Competitive Marketplace for Identities

By 2020, 60% of all digital identities interacting with enterprises will come from external identity providers through a competitive marketplace, up from <10% today.

Strategic Planning Assumption

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You Still Can Be the Dog on The Internet


© 2014 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Midterm Strategic Planning Assumption and Recommendations

By 2018, 40 % of all digital identities interacting with

enterprises will come from external identity providers

through a competitive marketplace, up from <10%



Investigate identity providers that match your level of identity assurance and service at the right price.

Enable social identity as an option for consumers. Adopt a "Trust but Verify" approach via adaptive access.

Seek IAM software or services that allow you to be opportunistic —Does not lock you into one solution for a long term.

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Roles Make Way For Other Attributes

By 2020, 70% of all businesses will use attribute-based access control (ABAC) as the dominant mechanism to protect critical assets, up from <5% today.

Strategic Planning Assumption

© 2014 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Midterm Strategic Planning Assumption and Recommendations


Insist on ABAC being present on vendor road maps for your critical systems.

IAM vendors and service providers should deliver functionality arising from the shift from RBAC to ABAC.

Encourage ABAC awareness training for developers and architects.

Target new related application sets for ABAC.

By 2018, 35% of all businesses will use attribute-based

access control (ABAC) as the dominant mechanism to

protect critical assets, up from <5% today.

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“Identity Intelligence Finally Gets a Brain"

By YE20, identity analytics and intelligence (IAI) tools will deliver direct business value in 60% of enterprises, up from <5% today.

Strategic Planning Assumption

© 2014 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Midterm Strategic Planning Assumption and Recommendations


Require IAM vendors to highlight IAI capabilities on RFIs and RFPs.

Expand the audience for IAI by demonstrating its value in specific business unit use cases.

Consolidate log management and analytics for key security and identity applications.

By YE 2018, identity analytics and intelligence (IAI) tools

will deliver direct business value in 40% of enterprises,

up from <5% today.

© 2014 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Adaptive IAM For Consumers

Protected ResourcesUse On-hand





Use Available


Data and Context




Lean and fast

Initiate benefits change

Minor profile updates

View healthcare data

Transfer funds

Initial registration


Non-sensitive access

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Bimodal IAM = Legacy IAM + Adaptive IAM

Honor the Legacy. Embrace the Changing Future.












2014 2016 2018 2020




Predictable, Reliable, Stable

Incremental Change


Speculative, Short-Term

Fail Fast

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Action Plan for IAM Leaders

Monday morning:

- Identify items on your legacy IAM road map that should move to your adaptive IAM road map.

Next 3 months:

- Update your IAM vision to include the bimodal nature of your IAM program.

- Challenge your IAM vendor(s) to include adaptive IAM features in their road map.

Next 12 months:

- Socialize your bimodal IAM vision to your organization.

- Create an adaptive IAM team and pilot an adaptive IAM initiative. Encourage them to take risks.

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