fyp chapter 4

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  • 7/28/2019 FYP Chapter 4





    This chapter will focus on the design part of the system. System design will be developed

    based on user requirements. It is important as the system design will be the guidelines for

    the system developer in construction phase which will involve coding and testing

    activities. Design is about creating the human interface for the system. It is also involve

    organizing and manipulating the database structure. This chapter will show the design of

    the webpage, use case, data flow diagram (DFD), data structure diagram and the flow


    4.1 Use case diagram

    Figure 4.1 shows the use case diagram for Beauty Tips portal. There will be two types of

    users which are the system administrators and users. The website will have 11 functions.

    The system administrators have the authority to access all the functions as they will

    update and maintain the information portal. The users have access to 4 only such as Log

    In, Log Out, Ask recommendation, and view tips.

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    Figure 4.1: Use case for Beauty Tips portal

    4.2 Flow chart

    This part will discuss how the website works using flowcharts. The flowchart is divided

    into 2 different users which is Administrator and User.

    4.2.1 Administrator

    Figure 4.2 shows the flow between the processes for administrator. The administrator will

    use own personal computer to post all the beauty tips to the user in the portal, if user

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    request tips or tutorial to the admin, admin will decide to updating the portal based on

    user requirement and twice a month admin will updating the portal and put all tips and

    important tutorial to the portal.

    Figure 4.2: flow chat for admin

    4.2.2 User

    Figure 4.3 shows the flow chart for user in the Beauty Tips portal. The user will log in to

    get into chat and they can choose the option in the menu based on their need. User can

    choose the view a video tutorial and get the tips from the portal. If the user wants other

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    menu they can return back to the home page and choose again what menu they want.

    User can log out if they done with the chat and get a beauty tips.

    Figure 4.3: Flow chart for user

    4.3 Data Structure Diagram

    Wikipedia states that Data Structure Diagram (DSD) is a data model used to

    describe conceptual data modelsby providing graphical notations which

    document entities and theirrelationships, and the constraints that binds them. Figure 4.4

    shows the structure of the website when the user opens the website. The structure has 4

    levels to open a website based on their need to review a tips and tutorial.

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    Figure 4.4: Data Structure Diagram

    4.4 Data Flow Diagram

    4.4.1 Level-0 Diagram

    Figure 4.5 shows the level 0 data flow diagram which shows all the processes involved in

    the Beauty Tips portal. User can log in after get verification about their username and

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    password to the website and join a community chat. User also can view the tips and ask

    the admin to update tips that they wanted. Admin will monitor a website and update and

    deleting tips from the website.

    Figure 4.5: Data Flow Diagram level 0

    4.4.2 Level-1 Diagram

    Figure 4.6 Level 1 data flow diagram shows all the processes in details. It shows the sub

    processes and procedures taken in each parent process as shown in the level 0 data flow

    diagram. Level 1 also shows the sub process of the login process. Firstly all users must

    enter the username and password. Then system will check the username and password

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    either it is match and valid or not. If the username and password are valid and match, user

    then may enter the system. If the username and password are not valid and match, user

    may need to enter again the username and password.

    Figure 4.6: Level 1 Data flow Diagram

    4.5 Screen Design

    Figure 4.7 shows the overview of the Beauty Tips portal will look like. The design shows

    the main page of the portal when the users open it. Main page of portal shows the most

    review video tutorial, hot item of makeup brand for current month, and the most review

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    of Beauty tips. For the menu it consist of 6 there are home, beauty tips, video, new trend,

    chat, and log in, this entire button that will navigate user through the website without any

    difficulty so that user can have best experience while surfing the Beauty Tips Portal.

    Figure 4.7: Overview of the Beauty Tips portal

    4.5.1 Home Page Screen Design

    Figure 4.8 shows the basic design of the home page. Home page in Beauty Tips portal

    should be interactive and provide information but still simple so that novice or first time

    user able to open a website without any trouble. Every section is separate so that user can

    distinguish between tips that they wanted.

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    Figure 4.8: Basic Structure of Homepage

    4.5.2 Video

    Video tutorial will be listed on this tab. The user can view the entire tutorial that

    specifically chosen by the admin based on their demand. The list of video will be updated

    by admin every two weeks so that user can get updated. Figure 4.9 shows the structure

    page of video in the Beauty Tips portal that will be developed in the future.

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    Figure 4.9: video tutorial design

    4.5.3 Beauty Tips

    Figure 4.10 shows the beauty tips page design that been divided into 4 sections. Each

    section has different tips for the user. For example, if the user wants to view day makeup

    they can click the section that provide a tips. The other section consists of tips for hair,

    nail and night makeup for user to review. All the tips can be obtained in this page so that

    user no need to open many page that can causes limitation of internet connection.

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    Figure 4.10: Beauty tips page

    4.5.4 Chat

    Figure 4.11 shows the page of chat for user to ask comment about their problem and get

    information from the user more experience. The chat page has been divided into 2

    sections. First is the chat forum for user to communicate with other user. Second is the list

    of online user so that they know who and get know better each other. Chat page also

    provide a feedback for the user so that admin know better what user need and dont.

    Besides that, user also can ask admin to update data or ask admin directly to give a

    solution for their problem.

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    Figure 4.11: Chat Page Interface

    4.5.5 New Trend

    Figure 4.12 shows new trend page that divided to 3 sections. First section will be a flash

    graphic that show the latest trending makeup to catch attention user. Second section will

    be shows the tips how to get look and tips for user to follow. Lastly, another flash graphic

    from celebrity who follow a latest trend, this section is to convince user to try a new


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    Figure 4.12: New trend page screen design

    4.6 Conclusion

    This chapter has discussed about the design part of the system which will be developed

    based on user requirements. The system design is important as it will be use as the

    guidelines for the system developer in construction phase which will involve coding and

    testing activities. Design is about creating the human interface for the system. It is also

    involve organizing and manipulating the database structure.

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