g-side feature interview for av club chicago-the onion

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  • 8/3/2019 G-Side feature interview for AV Club Chicago-The Onion



    Thursday, December 8, 2011 - Wednesday, December 14, 2011 Volume 47 Number 49

    All shows are 21+ unless otherwise noted.

    o the top-grossing lms o all time is an odd choice

    or a midnight movieusually the province o more

    obscure cult classics, or at least ficks that you cant

    catch on cable twice a weekyou can at least catch

    Indy at the beginning, beore his legacy was sullied,

    then saved, then nally, needlessly, a little o both.

    Letters From The Big Man : Facets Cinmathque, 7 & 9:15pm, $9

    Tosca: Gene Siskel Film Center, 6pm, $11

    Passione: Gene Siskel Film Center, 6:15 & 8pm, $11

    Elite Squad: The Enemy Within: Gene Siskel Film Center, 8:45pm, $11

    Tyrannosaur: Music Box Theatre, 5:40, 7:40, & 9:40pm, $5-$9.25

    America The Beautiful 2: The Thin Commandments : Music Box Theatre,


    Fday dc 9


    dweledouble door, 9pm, $25

    Dwele rst made his name as a guest vocalist on

    Slum Villages Tainted, parlaying that into a solo

    career that uses contemporary R&B styles with the

    comortably cool croonings o decades past. His last

    two eorts, Some Kinda and Sketches Of A Man,

    were neo-soul collections that skewed decidedly old

    in terms o presentation. Last years W.ants W.orld

    W.omen didnt stray ar rom rom his pattern o

    late-night-with-a-bottle-o-wine smooth tunes, but

    it does add a twist: The trisected album ocuses on

    worldly desires, politics, and romantic entangle-

    ments. It also reunites him with Slum Village on

    hard-times anthem How I Deal. Its that kind o

    collaboration that suits Dwele, who also guested on

    the Kanye West mega-single Power. Also playing:

    Pennjamin Banneker, Sir Criss, Cavalier Kidd.

    The Felix culpetro, 5:45pm, $11, ll geThe Felix Culpa isnt a deep and brooding band, but

    i there were ever Learning Annex courses on such

    a thing, the jangly rock band would be the rst to

    pre-register. The quartet rom the Illinois/Wiscon-

    sin border tries valiantly, though, rom a name (a

    religious term reerring to Adam and Eves loss o

    the Garden o Eden) and song titles clipped rom

    a high-schoolers poetry journal (Good Business

    Moves and The End O Inspiration, or instance)

    to the bands rule that everysong must build to a

    bombastic climax, even i its unearned and eels

    hollow. Maybe all that hype nally got to the band,

    who announced its break-up late this summer. This

    Tsday dc 8


    The string cheee nientargon llroom, 8pm, ol out, ll ge

    Ater 18-plus years as a band and a hal-baked break-

    up, the String Cheese Incident (aectionately known

    as SCI) has been all over the place, geographically

    and musically speaking. The quartet has delivered its

    well-worn take on the jam band aesthetic playing ev-

    erywhere rom Colorado haunts in Denver, Boulder,

    Vail, and Morrisons Red Rocks, to headlining at the

    Rothbury Festival, Austin City Limits, and Bonna-

    roo. These days, leaders Bill Nershi and Michael Kang

    keep reuniting the band to play more live shows,documenting the spectacle o its perormances on

    the bands last, inormal release, 2010s Rhythm Of

    The Road: Vol. 1Incident In Atlanta. This go-around,

    the Roots Run Deep 2011 tour, is the bands rst

    semi-sustained tour in our years. (Through Dec. 10)

    chri connellThe ieout, 9pm, $10

    Ministry and Revolting Cocks member Chris Con-

    nelly released his 12th studio album,How This Ends,

    last year. Made up o two hal-hour tracks that dey

    convention, the records experimental nature should

    come as no great surprise or ans o Connellys

    boundary-pushing career. The prolic musician hasauthored three novels, including a thriller released

    last year, and acts as manager o local music haven

    Reckless Records in Bucktown. On top o all that, he

    debuted a new band, The High Conessions, last year

    along with ellow rock royalty bandmates rom Sonic

    Youth and Minsk. 20 years on in his career, the airs

    still lled with Connelly productions, making him

    one o the rare prolic artists who ocuses more on

    words than sound. Also playing: These Wonderul

    Evils, Zak Boerger, Dan Sullivan.

    oli oue + The ltroun, Gg Orer, sex Fight: Beat Kitchen,

    8pm, $8

    The shirle Johnon lue n: Blue Chicago - Ohio St, 9pm, $10

    cork siegel chmber lue: Chicago Cultural Center, 6:30pm, free

    The Fbulou Lie Of Fitne: Coles Bar Stage, 10pm, freeThe Plti oner n + oxlner, Lt King Of Poln, nergroun

    ummer culture, strhnine: The Crown Tap Room, 9pm, $5

    ike Golen + Prmi: Double Door, 9pm, $8

    Ttu Nktni: Elastic Arts, 10pm, $8, all ages

    Woorow rt + The ig Legue, Girl On ile, Pni Pixel, The op:

    Elbo Room, 8pm, $8

    sve The cloktower + Winbreker: Empty Bottle, 9:30pm, $8

    Nomi ahle + on Lzzeretti, obin an Jenn ienemn, John clxton,

    cne collier: FitzGeralds, 8pm, $8

    Jme armtrong lue n + Jonn connor lue n: Kingston

    Mines, 8pm, $12

    onor soiet + alex Goot, The Tre, sunerln: Lincoln Hall, 7pm, $21,

    all ages

    Tributouru: Journe: Martyrs, 7pm, $20

    anrew Frker + Jeffre dvi, Vintge lue, dP: Metro, 8:30pm, $9/$11,


    ighth lkbir: Museum of Contemporary Art Theatre, 6pm, free, all ages

    Pt cur: Reggies Music Joint, 8:30pm, $5

    nn ule + dJ devin uon, stefn Pone, tt o White: Reggies

    Rock Club, 9pm, $8, 18+

    Jme Wheeler + ario, Ton ngiullo, rln Teron: Rosas, 9:30pm, $7

    rin Keown: Schubas, 8pm, $12

    alfonz de L ot + eg ike, Orle, J cro: Smart Bar, 10pm, free

    The er Of lue iver + Julie ekler, Kellen an e, elleile:

    Subterranean, 8:30pm, $10

    The de + vermen, shotgun Gmbling, Leper: ltra Lounge, 9pm, $5

    Kte To n: ncommon Ground (Clark), 8pm, free, all ages

    dJ li: The Whistler, 9pm, free


    eing With a Frienannone Thetre, 10:30pm, $10

    As one o the Annoyances capstone shows, veteran

    improviser Susan Messings long-running showMess-

    ing With A Friendis appropriately oulmouthed and

    aecting: Two traits all enduring perormances at thetheater exhibit. As the title suggests, ounding mem-

    ber Messing takes to the stage with an unnamed

    guest co-star (perormers rom other theaters are o-

    ten drated, though big-name TV and lm actors

    have also joined her) as the pair embarks on a earless

    long-orm show inspired by a single audience sug-

    gestion. While an audience is always assured more

    expletives than any reasonable person can endure,

    otentimes the shows will hint at a deeper vulner-

    ability or emotional undertow.

    Lit!: Annoyance Theatre, 8pm, $15

    comesportz: ComedySportz Theatre, 8pm, $22

    mprov inion: ComedySportz Theatre, 10pm, $5

    ert Kreiher:mprov Comedy Club, 7:30pm, $18-$21, 18+cl d + colletible: iO Theater (Cabaret), 8pm, $12

    The Vere: another Fire stor: iO Theater (Del Close), 8pm, $15

    gmufn + JOdy: iO Theater (Del Close), 10:30pm, $5

    urning lueber: The Neo Futurarium, 8pm, $20

    sa + Lverne an surl: Second City (Donnys Skybox), 10:30pm, $10-$12


    Raiders Of The Lost Arkui ox Thetre, 5 & 9:45pm, $5-$9.25

    Steven Spielberg and George Lucas Raiders Of The

    Lost Ark set the gold standard or action-adventure,

    combining the swashbuckling heroics o the 1940s

    serials theyd grown up admiring with the eminent-

    ly postmodern charms o star Harrison Ford, whose

    cynical, world-weary approach to rescuing history

    rom the clutches o evil Nazis always smartly un-

    derplayed such outlandish contrivances. While one

    With the holiday season pressing down on Chicago like a clump o slow-walking tourists on Michigan Avenue, locals probably need a drink. Luckily,The A.V. Clubs here to help with a guide to deliciously boozy seasonalpunches. The citys cocktail renaissance has spilled over to this party arethats thankully much, much classier than a bunch o Everclear and Kool-Aidcombined in an old cooler. Whether its milk or rum or holiday, theres a punchor everyone this season.

    Its been a hell o a year or alt-rock anniversaries, rom Neverminds 20th toPearl Jams big birthday celebration. This month, though, the Chicago

    Symphony Orchestra is celebrating the centennial anniversary o the death oone totally alternative dude: Gustav Mahler. Put that sco away, Vedder-heads;the Austrian composer was one wicked character. Dont believe it? Check outour guide to Mahlers alt-classical genius this week.

    This week, we also talk to Cyrus Moussavi, a young Chicagoan with a bigproject at hand: traveling around the world to dierent underground musicscenes and making a TV show about it. So ar, hes been to Kisumu in Kenya andFestival In The Desert, located about three hours outside o Timbuktu in Mali.The resulting episodes oRaw Music International are progressive, interesting,andor ans o world musicbrain exploding, just like Moussavis interviewwith The A.V. Club. But dont take our word or it. Check out chicago.avclub.com this week to nd out or sure.Marah Eakin, Chicago city editor

    With the holiday season pressing down on Chicago like a clump o slow-walking tourists on Michigan Avenue, locals probably need a drink. Luckily,The A.V. Clubs here to help with a guide to deliciously boozy seasonalpunches. The citys cocktail renaissance has spilled over to this party arethats thankully much, much classier than a bunch o Everclear and Kool-Aidcombined in an old cooler. Whether its milk or rum or holiday, theres a punchor everyone this season.

    Its been a hell o a year or alt-rock anniversaries, rom Neverminds 20th toPearl Jams big birthday celebration. This month, though, the Chicago

    Symphony Orchestra is celebrating the centennial anniversary o the death oone totally alternative dude: Gustav Mahler. Put that sco away, Vedder-heads;the Austrian composer was one wicked character. Dont believe it? Check outour guide to Mahlers alt-classical genius this week.

    This week, we also talk to Cyrus Moussavi, a young Chicagoan with a bigproject at hand: traveling around the world to dierent underground musicscenes and making a TV show about it. So ar, hes been to Kisumu in Kenya andFestival In The Desert, located about three hours outside o Timbuktu in Mali.The resulting episodes oRaw Music International are progressive, interesting,andor ans o world musicbrain exploding, just like Moussavis interviewwith The A.V. Club. But dont take our word or it. Check out chicago.avclub.com this week to nd out or sure.Marah Eakin, Chicago city editor

  • 8/3/2019 G-Side feature interview for AV Club Chicago-The Onion



    VOLME 47 NMBER 49calendar

    show will be its last, and the bands been taking re-

    quests rom ans on Facebook. Also playing: Mon-

    days Hero, Sainthood Reps, El Oso.

    on verc Pvilion, 7:30pm, $40, ll ge

    The backstory onFor Emma, Forever Ago,Justin Ver-

    nons debut album under the name Bon Iver, reads

    like a musical version o Jon KrakauersInto The Wild.

    Singer-songwriter Vernon holed up in his athers

    cabin in northwestern Wisconsin or several months

    ater a series o personal setbacks, including breakups

    with his band and girlriend, and a lingering bout

    with mononucleosis that kept him in bed or three

    months. The result is a set o hauntingly beautiul

    olk songs that caught the attention o critics and ce-

    lebrities alike, ultimately landing him a backup vocal

    spot on several Kanye West songs. Bon Ivers latest re-

    cord,Bon Iver, isnt quite as mesmerizing as his debut,

    but its enchanting and lonely all the sameparticu-

    larly when adding the videos that accompany each

    song on the deluxe editionmaking it one o the

    best o 2011 or sure.

    ego + Wheeler rother: Abbey Pub, 9:30pm, $10

    The string cheee nient: Aragon Ballroom, 8pm, sold out, all ages

    kehift Proig: Beat Kitchen, 9pm, $10, 17+

    The Nellie Tiger Trvi lue n: Blue Chicago - Ohio St, 9pm, $10

    Piere The Veil + i , Woe e, Letlive, The amit afition: Bottom

    Lounge, 5:30pm, $15, all ages

    The swet + Fur cot, Kerr: Coles Bar Stage, 10pm, free

    Jingle Jngle letro chritm: Congress Theater, 8pm, $15, 17+

    smoke rown: Elastic Arts, 9pm, $10, all ages

    The ole rother: Empty Bottle, 5:30pm, free

    Pterotl + amerin olt, oritt, Flux ike: Empty Bottle, 10pm, $8

    Projet gnition + Velvet Jimi, Tripwirz: FitzGeralds, 8pm, $8

    shme Tht Tune: The Hideout, 6:30pm, $5

    Joephine Foter: The Hideout, 10pm, $10

    smoke obinon: Horseshoe Hammond Casino - The Venue, 8pm, $50-$90

    The dn n: House Of Blues, 9pm, $22.50/$25, 17+

    rett lrige + drke White: Joes on Weed St., 10pm, $8

    dr. duke Tumtoe an The Power Trio + Jonn connor lue n:

    Kingston Mines, 8pm, $15

    The nGnome: Martyrs, 5pm, $2

    The set + sequoi, Peritene Of emor, ot ot obot: Martyrs, 9pm, $8

    shemeki copeln + ill rike: Old Town School of Folk Music, 8pm,

    $21-$25, all ages

    Whle + Nongon, lkout dte: Quenchers, 9pm, $5

    Velikovk + dexter, Left With Tomorrow:Red Line Tap, 9pm, $5

    rin ipp: Reggies Music Joint, 5pm, free

    The Jgz + oe Gun: Reggies Music Joint, 8pm, $5

    2O + cruel n, n ope, xploe an ke p: Reggies Rock Club,

    7pm, $15, all ages

    ill rnh an The son Of lue: Rosas, 9:30pm, $15

    Peter rle am: Schubas, 7:30pm, $8/$10

    Poke LFrge + The dirt duber: Schubas, 10pm, $10/$12

    enoit an sergio + Orhr Lounge: Smart Bar, 10pm, $12/$15

    With a Twit: Stage 773, 8pm, $20

    iliff + young ufflo: Subterranean, 9pm, $10

    eptoi + chigo Thrh nemble, Full On, Jr Looe: ltra Lounge,

    9pm, $8

    Jo + Nik Gge: ncommon Ground (Clark), 10pm, free, all ages

    srh an The Tll o: ncommon Ground (Devon), 6pm, free

    P omn + denni chill, urie Lennon: Wilmette Theatre, 7:30pm,


    COMEDOprh! a come! Live your et Lugh: Annoyance Theatre, 8pm, $15

    Tin Fit: a o sout uil : Annoyance Theatre, 10pm, $10

    ol Fuk come our: Annoyance Theatre, 12am, free

    The Kte: The Book Cellar, 8pm, free

    comesportz: ComedySportz Theatre, 8 & 10pm, $22

    Oop! a ritne oli: ComedySportz Theatre, 12am, $10

    ert Kreiher: mprov Comedy Club, 8 & 10:15pm, $18-$21, 18+

    ser Tower + ingo strr: iO Theater (Cabaret), 8pm, $14

    drt + evolver: iO Theater (Cabaret), 10:30pm, $14mprovie shkepere: iO Theater (Del Close), 8 & 10:30pm, $16

    Lor Of The yum yum: The Lincoln Lodge, 8:30 & 10:30pm, $10

    urning lueber: The Neo Futurarium, 8pm, $20

    = recommended

    Too uh Light ke The b Go lin: The Neo Futurarium, 11:30pm,


    Grtti: The Playground Theater, 10pm, $10

    The dvenport: The Playground Theater, 11:55pm, $5

    e e Liver: The chigo drinking Pl : The Pub Theater at Fizz, 8pm, $20

    chpter 11: The yer n evue: Second City (Donnys Skybox), 7:30pm,

    $10-$13The r siewert srugg Work Women Fetivl 2011: Second City

    (Donnys Skybox), 9pm, $12

    3: Second City (Donnys Skybox), 10:30pm, $10-$13

    survivl evivl: a ile cl Guie To eing Poor: Second City (Donnys

    Skybox), 11:55pm, $10-$12

    sene iing: Second City (Donnys Skybox), 11:55pm, $10-$12


    Everyday Sunshine: TheStory Of FishboneGene sikel Film center, 8pm, $11

    With its impossible-to-pin-down sound and uncon-

    tainable energy, Fishbone seemingly burst out o

    nowhere to top everyones short list o the coolest

    band in America in the mid-80s. Mixing punk, ska,unk, and whatever else occurred to its members, the

    group inspired contemporaries like Red Hot Chili

    Peppers and later acts like No Doubt. Though signed

    to a major label not long ater its rst public gigs,

    Fishbone ound its commercial breakthrough re-

    mained just out o reach as the 80s turned into the

    90s. Had Fishbone been less o a democracy, they

    might have been a more successul band, ormer

    band manager Roger Perry says early inEveryday Sun-

    shine: The Story Of Fishbone. But had they been less

    o a democracy, they wouldnt have been Fishbone.

    The lms directors will be present or Friday, Satur-

    day, and Sundays screenings, and the band itsel will

    make an appearance Saturday. (Through Dec. 15)

    Willy Wonka And TheChocolate Factoryollwoo oulevr cinem, 4, 6:15, & 8:30pm, $10

    Tim Burtons adaptation o Roald Dahls dark clas-

    sic Charlie And The Chocolate Factory, with Johnny

    Depp as eccentric conectionary king Willy Wonka,

    met with mixed criticism, and its not likely to sup-

    plant the 1971 version, a lm that holds a unique

    place in many moviegoers hearts. Willy Wonka And

    The Chocolate Factoryremains a cross-generational a-

    vorite because its the rare kids lm that doesnt talk

    down to its audience or (ahem) sugarcoat its source

    material. Moviegoers at this weekends screenings are

    in or a special sweet treat, as the original cast mem-

    bers who played Charlie Bucket, Mike TeaVee, Violet

    Beauregarde, Augustus Gloop, and Veruca Salt will be

    in attendance. (Through Dec. 12)

    Mad Love: Great Shorts Of 2011: Chicago Filmmakers, 8pm, $8

    Garbo The Spy: Facets Cinmathque, 7 & 9pm, $9

    The Science Of Sleep: Gene Siskel Film Center, 6pm, $11

    Silent Souls: Gene Siskel Film Center, 6:15pm, $11

    The Guard: Gene Siskel Film Center, 8pm, $11

    The Room: Music Box Theatre, 12am, $9.25

    saTday dc 10

    MSCTori amochigo Thetre, 8pm, $39.50-$59.50, ll ge

    Tori Amos has lived several

    dierent lives since starting

    out as Mary Ellen Amos the

    child musical prodigy, dab-

    bling in synth-pop in the

    80s with Y Kant Tori Read,

    and then moving on to the

    incendiary passion and an-

    ger that ueled her seminal

    1992 solo debut,Little Earth-

    quakes. Since then, Amosrecorded output has been

    CALENDAR see page22

  • 8/3/2019 G-Side feature interview for AV Club Chicago-The Onion



    The a.V. club: do ou feel ouve one our prtto put our home tte of albm on the mui-l mp?

    sT 2 Lettz: It was all about building a scene.Rather than going to a bigger city with a big-ger market and trying to match up with it, weknew it was going to be a long, hard roadbut we decided to build up Huntsville. Notjust Alabama, but Huntsville. And we wantour own sound, so thats why we werent gon-

    na go to Atlanta. We dont have an Atlantasound; we have our own sound.

    aVc: your oun h been lle ouple of if-ferent thing, like lou rp.

    sT: Our partner Walkmaster Flex made upthat term. But I dont know, I eel its justHuntsville music. We get a lot o comparisonsto these other artists who are coming up, be-cause they have a sound thats a lot like ours,like that sound thats real airy and spacey likeus. But I like to think that the [G-Side produc-

    ers] Block Beataz do that better than anybodyelse. But no, to us its just Huntsville hip-hop;its not cloud rap.

    aVc: t eem like tple of lou rp, but howimportnt i mrijun to ou gu?

    sT: Its 50/50. Clova doesnt smoke, even likeonce a year, maybe to celebrate something re-ally big. Me, I smoke daily. I wouldnt even sayits so important, because we never reallymake smoke songs or anything like that; wejust make music. And I dont depend on mari-juana to make music. Its something I do ev-ery day, but i theres an instance where Idont have it, like i were in Europe and

    theres no weed around, I can still record qual-ity music without being high.

    aVc: do ou think G-sie oul ever blow up onmintrem pop hrt?

    yung clov: Well, everybody wants to go tothat next level. Everybody. But we dont wantto compromise who we are or the music wemake. We want to bring that mainstream toHuntsville, to Athens. Let them respect what

    we do.

    sT: I think the thing with the majorsall wewould really want is creative control. I we cancontrol how our sound is, and they dont tryto change it, then yeah, I think wed be cool.As ar as being pop artists, I cant see us beingthe Black Eyed Peas, yknow? I could see uswith that type o an base, and even that largeo a an base, but I cant see us dressing up incrazy costumes and doing bullshit like that.Well still be us at the end o the day. I we everget a chance to do the Super Bowl haltime

    show, well probably be dressed in Purple Ty-rant, our clothing line.

    aVc: at fetivl like Pithfork Fet n Fun FunFun Fet, mot of the ttenee re ounger,white ollege ki. are ou omfortble with row like tht?

    yc:Thats our whole an base. Were used to itnow. All our crowds be like that. Im not madat it at all, especially coming rom Alabama.Just that two black dudes rom Alabama, to beable to perorm towell, I wouldnt say all-whitetheyre pretty mixed crowds, but amajority white. For that to happen, I think, isa testament to the music.Dylan Peterson

    The rising indie hip-hop duo G-Side is composed of two different rapperswith a clear, shared goal: to be No. 1. Hell, G-Side wont even release analbum on a date that doesnt have a 1 in it (The One ... Cohesive was re-leased Jan. 1, 2011, and Island was released Nov. 11, 2011). ST 2 Lettazand Yung Clova have been players in the Southern rap game for nearlya decade, but their ambitious persistence paid off in 2011, as they en-

    joyed nearly universal praise for Cohesive. Before their Dec. 13 stop atthe Empty Bottle, ST 2 Lettaz and Yung Clova talked to The A.V. Club aboutgoing from Alabama to the Internet, all of the white kids at their shows,and the duos high ambitions.

    The rising indie hip-hop duo G-Side is composed of two different rapperswith a clear, shared goal: to be No. 1. Hell, G-Side wont even release analbum on a date that doesnt have a 1 in it (The One ... Cohesive was re-leased Jan. 1, 2011, and Island was released Nov. 11, 2011). ST 2 Lettazand Yung Clova have been players in the Southern rap game for nearlya decade, but their ambitious persistence paid off in 2011, as they en-

    joyed nearly universal praise for Cohesive. Before their Dec. 13 stop atthe Empty Bottle, ST 2 Lettaz and Yung Clova talked to The A.V. Club aboutgoing from Alabama to the Internet, all of the white kids at their shows,and the duos high ambitions.

    featureDECEMBER 8-14, 2011

  • 8/3/2019 G-Side feature interview for AV Club Chicago-The Onion



    VOLME 47 NMBER 49calendar

    = recommended

    developed a knack or musical time travel. His lovely,

    lazy style o old-school Western swing is so authen-

    tic, youll be seeing in black and white and hearing

    in mono. Hancocks latest, 2009s Viper Of Melody, is

    bursting at the seams with danceable murder ballads

    like Your Love And His Blood, and songs or the99 percent like Workin At Workin. Also playing:

    Jayke Orvis And The Broken Band, The Lawrence Pe-

    ters Outt, Pearls Mahone And The One-Eyed Jacks.

    The Grehoun + The Four str r n, dJc: Abbey Pub, 9pm, $10

    The string cheee nient: Aragon Ballroom, 8pm, sold out, all ages

    The xokeleton + stoop Goonoie, dvi cot, Goobe Gooene: Beat

    Kitchen, 6pm, $10, all ages

    Geronimo! + si en, Thoun Pouner: Beat Kitchen, 10:30pm, $8

    The Nellie Tiger Trvi lue n: Blue Chicago - Ohio St, 9pm, $10

    Fihbone + oot Of cretion, 3PO: Bottom Lounge, 9pm, $20, 18+

    The Fer + The dut unnie, lk Lb: Coles Bar Stage, 10pm, free

    John simmon + rin Grner, ren d, To rin: Darkroom, 11pm, $5

    Tributuru: FitzGeralds, 9pm, $20

    The oli ll: The Hideout, 9pm, $20

    t Of en soul xpre: The Hideout, 11:30pm, $5

    ami sri + en Pirni, Weepin Willow: Homeroom, 8pm, $30, all ages

    dr. duke Tumtoe an The Power Trio + Jonn connor lue n:

    Kingston Mines, 8pm, $15

    Virgini colition + oo smoke: Lincoln Hall, 10pm, $15, 18+

    alien Queen + ttletr Fntti, owoner:Metro, 9pm, $16-$30, 18+

    Ti theler + shn rve: Old Town School of Folk Music, 10am, $5,

    all ages

    renn li an Jke cinninger: Park West, 8pm, $20-$80, all ages

    The Polkholi: Quenchers, 9pm, $5

    Nik Lnh + cnr enwoo: Red Line Tap, 8pm, $5

    cl n drkne + Wing Of severne, denight, Twelfth Gte: Reggies

    Rock Club, 7pm, $10, 17+

    Jd Pheron: Schubas, 10pm, $10

    Jutin Long + Joh Werner, Nthn drew Lren, smone obert: Smart

    Bar, 10pm, $10/$13

    Lmpkin ui Group: Stage 773, 8pm, $18

    The Whiper + Vlerie simpon: Star Plaza Theatre, 8pm, $39, all ages

    Woo + Wet ir, rin e: Subterranean, 9:30pm, $13/$15, 17+

    chnnel Four + Gorill Pre, lk ct ert attk: ltra Lounge, 8pm, $5

    The Vn uren o + The rother Gro, enoie: ltra Lounge,

    11:30pm, $5

    Jenn ienemnn + The signint Other: ncommon Ground (Clark),

    10pm, free, all ages

    srh an The Tll o: ncommon Ground (Devon), 6pm, free

    Tiffn ull + steve Lef, The rvine: ncommon Ground (Devon), 10pm, $7

    irle conition + depth an current: Viaduct Theater, 10pm

    anthon attll + spektr: Vision, 10pm, $5-$15

    dJ Ptrik sion: The Whistler, 10pm, free

    COMEDannone chritm Pgent: Annoyance Theatre, 8pm, $14-$18

    F L L L... Fuk t: Annoyance Theatre, 10pm, $10-$15

    skinprov: Annoyance Theatre, 12am, $7

    The comesportz crew sve snt!: ComedySportz Theatre, 11am,


    comesportz: ComedySportz Theatre, 6, 8, & 10pm, $22

    The ot Krl: ComedySportz Theatre, 12am, $10

    ert Kreiher: mprov Comedy Club, 7 & 9:15pm, $18-$21, 18+

    The deltone + ike eliopter: iO Theater (Cabaret), 8pm, $14enriett Put + cho Theor: iO Theater (Cabaret), 10:30pm, $14

    nite stte Of mprov: iO Theater (Cabaret), 12am, $5

    stortown: iO Theater (Del Close), 10:30am, $5

    Whirle New Tonight: iO Theater (Del Close), 8pm, $14

    cupi a ert On: iO Theater (Del Close), 10:30pm, $20

    couple couneling + sirett an swen: iO Theater (Del Close), 12am, $5

    urning lueber: The Neo Futurarium, 8pm, $20

    Too uh Light ke The b Go lin: The Neo Futurarium, 11:30pm,


    e e Liver: The chigo drinking Pl : The Pub Theater at Fizz, 8pm, $20

    The Legen Of oueco.: Second City (Donnys Skybox), 7:30pm, $8-$10

    North Polr diorer: Second City (Donnys Skybox), 11:55pm, $10-$12

    ike an dune: Wilmette Theatre, 9pm, $12

    FLMGarbo The Spy: Facets Cinmathque, 3, 5, 7, & 9pm, $9

    Eugene Onegin: Gene Siskel Film Center, 3pm, $11

    Farmageddon: Gene Siskel Film Center, 3pm, $11Silent Souls: Gene Siskel Film Center, 4:45 & 8:15pm, $11

    The Guard: Gene Siskel Film Center, 6:15pm, $11

    Everyday Sunshine: The Story Of Fishbone: Gene Siskel Film Center, 7pm, $11

    Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory: Hollywood Palms Cinema, 12, 2:45, 5,

    7:15, & 9:30pm, $10

    The Rocky Horror Picture Show: Music Box Theatre, 12am, $9.25

    sNday dc 11


    n amcill Ple Thetre, 7:30pm, ol out, ll ge

    Three years isnt an extraordinarily long wait be-

    tween proper studio albums, but it speaks to RyanAdams impressive proliicacy in the 00s that this

    hit-or-misssee 2009s particularly uninspiring Ab-

    normally Attracted To Sin, which alls back on some o

    the same breathless religion-versus-sex themes that

    rst made her a avorite o goth-lite girls in the 90s.Amos most recent, Night Of Hunters, brings still an-

    other genre into the mix: Its a concept album in-

    spired by centuries o classical music history. Despite

    the quiet, somber nature o that release, Amos still

    has presence that can silence a room or make it sizzle.

    Also playing: Thomas Dybdahl.

    cor chiel an TheWnering sondouble door, 8:30pm, $10/$14

    Cory Chisel became an unlikely success story in 2007

    when he signed a deal with RCA Records while still

    living in his hometown o Appleton, Wisconsin.

    Even beore then, the young Chisel had attracted a-

    mous ans like Rick Nielsen o Cheap Trick thanks tohis soulully gritty vocals, charismatic stage presence,

    and solid songwriting, which is rooted in the bluesy

    Americana o Tom Waits and Time Out Of Mind-era

    Bob Dylan. In 2008, Chisel released the Cabin Ghosts

    EP on RCA imprint Black Seal, and 2009s ull-length,

    Death Wont Send A Letter, eatured members o My

    Morning Jacket, The Raconteurs, and Band O Hors-

    es. While a new LP isnt due out until sometime next

    year, ans can get stoked about Upstairs At United, the

    new EP the bands selling on tour. Also playing: Das-

    tardly, The Unortunate.

    Over The hineOl Town shool of Folk ui, 7 & 10pm, $24-$28,ll geTheres no rhyme or reason to the act that Cincin-

    natis Over The Rhine remained unknown while art-

    ists like Sarah McLachlan and Sixpence None The

    Richer managed to top the charts. Formed in the late

    80s, Over The Rhines pleasant, mature records have

    always been just as goodi not betterthan its con-

    temporaries records. Though praised by tourmates

    and riends rom Cowboy Junkies to Bob Dylan, the

    band never got its big break; but it has nonetheless

    remained active over the years. O the studio albums

    released since 2001, 2007s The Trumpet Child best

    conveys the sparse, atmospheric alt-pop that has

    made Over The Rhine a continuing success. The

    bands latest, The Long Surrender, may carry the ullweight o an underappreciated career thats spanned

    over two decades, but rom all that disappointment

    and despair comes one o its most raw and beauti-

    ully nuanced albums yet. Also playing: The Milk

    Carton Kids.

    Wne The Trinnokeggie ui Joint, 8:30pm, $15

    Wayne The Train Hancock plays country music

    with a hillbilly attitude that gives the nger to mod-

    ern country and all o that VH1-courting, crossover-

    appeal horse pucky. Touted by none other than HankWilliams III or capturing the cowboy spirit o Hank

    Williams Sr. better than either o his namesakes, Han-

    cock is one o those rare artists who seems to have CALENDAR see page 24

    CALENDAR from page 21

  • 8/3/2019 G-Side feature interview for AV Club Chicago-The Onion



    DECEMBER 8-14 2011 calendar

    alls newAshes & Fire eels like a long-awaited re-

    turn ater the break rom recording and touring he

    took in the wake o 2008s Cardinology. (Though

    even then, Adams didnt exactly leave ans in thelurch: During his hiatus, he released a metal record

    called Orion, a shelved album recorded with the

    Cardinals calledIII/IV, and two books calledInfin-

    ity Blues and Hello Sunshine.) A mellow collection

    o olkie songs with understated country arrange-

    ments, Ashes may seem designed to charm those

    turned o by Adams veering, sporadic nature. But

    mostly it relects the worldview o an older, more

    centered man pointed toward a long, reliable ca-

    reer. Also playing: Jessica Lea Mayield.

    Luoetro, 6:30pm, $16, ll ge

    Named ater the

    lovable beast in

    the Bowie-tastic

    cult classicLaby-

    rinth, Ludo cites

    70s butt-rock

    as a source o

    infuence or

    its earnest, yet

    slightly tongue-

    in-cheek sound.

    Like Fountains

    O Wayne and

    Weezer beore

    it, Ludos lyricsstrain to be clever, punctuated by its cheesy, upbeat

    instrumentation and almost-too-smooth harmonies.

    With their endure-at-all-costs love o huge hooks and

    soaring choruses, its easy to see why these guys are

    teetering on the edge o mainstream success. They

    have a loyal an base, though, one they do well to

    pay back this show, billed as A Very Ludo Christ-

    mas, complete with an area to get photos with San-

    ta, a giant candy cane arch, elves serving hot choc-

    olate, and tons o crushed red velvet clothing. Also

    playing: Treaty O Paris, Workout Music.

    Tribeshub, 8pm, $8/$10, 18+

    Tribes ormed just last year in London, but their ew

    single releases have been gaining the group plenty

    o attention as new stars on the scene. Reportedly

    the band members joined orces ater the drummercaught the guitarist trying to steal his wallet, which

    only goes to show that the group is badass and sleazy

    enough or rock n roll. Their music a nd appearance

    eel a lot like a slacker version o The Strokes, with

    Johnny Flynns lazy vocals drawling all over the sub-

    dued chords o the guitars. Citing infuences like Nir-

    vana and The Libertines, its no wonder the group

    succeeds at looking and sounding pretty shaggy.

    Baby, Tribes debut album, is set or release this Janu-

    ary. Also playing: We Barbarians.

    r roni: Beat Kitchen, 12pm, $6, all ages

    Pehe stten lue n: Blue Chicago - Ohio St, 9pm, $8

    sun slon: Chicago Cultural Center, 3pm, free

    4-0 + ot, Fundubentl, Prtt: Elbo Room, 8pm, $7

    Noene d + sun splitter, conent: Empty Bottle, 7pm, $3verone a dJ: Empty Bottle, 10pm, free

    ill Oconnell chigo skliner ig n: FitzGeralds, 6pm, $5-$10, all ages

    Line alexner lue n + chrlie Love an The silk smooth lue

    n: Kingston Mines, 6pm, $12

    = recommended

    CALENDAR from page 23 Winterbloom: antje duvekot + anne eton, eg uthinon, NtliZukermn: Old Town School of Folk Music, 7pm, $18-$22, all ages

    bi bbit + clw Toe, Phi TV: Reggies Rock Club, 7pm, $15/$20, 18+

    celti Thuner: Rosemont Theatre, 3pm, $33-$73, all ages

    The Pikin ub: Schubas, 12pm, free, all ages

    Gutfer yellowgol: Schubas, 3pm, $10-$12, all ages

    l . + ihel serni, dJ Ki color, aulture: Smart Bar, 10pm, $2The Ok ige o: Star Plaza Theatre, 4pm, $39, all ages

    The et + opping Fene, duller color, ching r: Subterranean,

    8:30pm, $8

    derg + dJ eitol 5000: ltra Lounge, 9pm, $8

    dvi wkin + sue Fink, ik Neele, Jim Gr: ncommon Ground

    (Clark), 7pm, free, all ages

    dniel an The Lion: ncommon Ground (Devon), 8pm, $5

    COMEDannone chritm Pgent: Annoyance Theatre, 2pm, $14-$18

    Lit!: Annoyance Theatre, 8pm, $15

    Otvriu: ComedySportz Theatre, 7pm, $10

    Ndtlk: spreing Worthle e: The Hideout, 8pm, $5

    ert Kreiher: mprov Comedy Club, 7pm, $18-$21, 18+

    The Lte 90 + deep shw: iO Theater (Cabaret), 8pm, $12

    ile age + comebk, 3033: iO Theater (Cabaret), 10:30pm, $5

    stuent Grution show: iO Theater (Del Close), 7pm, $5

    The Kti + Fmil Tree oue, ot aient: iO Theater (Del Close),

    10:30pm, $5

    Too uh Light ke The b Go lin: The Neo Futurarium, 7pm,


    Koleno + The Pnt Filer, deliriou confetti: The Playground Theater,

    7:30pm, free

    FLMGarbo The Spy: Facets Cinmathque, 3, 5, 7, & 9pm, $9

    Cinderella: Gene Siskel Film Center, 3pm, $11

    The Guard: Gene Siskel Film Center, 3:15pm, $11

    Farmageddon: Gene Siskel Film Center, 5:15pm, $11

    Everyday Sunshine: The Story Of Fishbone: Gene Siskel Film Center, 5:30pm,


    Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory: Hollywood Boulevard Cinema, 12,

    2:30, 4:45, & 7pm, $10

    ONday dc 12


    Wilocivi Oper oue, 7:30pm, ol out, ll ge

    When it comes to critical adulation and eager an-

    ticipation o its every move, Wilco stands alone

    in the current generation o American rock bands.

    Few would have guessed such accolades would

    ollow upon the release o the bands ho-hum

    1995 debut,A.M., but Wilco earned its reputation

    thanks to an unbroken string o albums that, even

    i they werent great, were always intriguing. This

    years The Whole Love inds the band sounding

    as Wilco as ever. Playing like a grab bag o the

    bands previous guises, the album oers up Sum-

    merteeth-era power-pop gems, a long-lost country-

    rock side, and the light jangle o la tter-day Wilco.

    This year, the band will ring in the holidays with

    ivecount em, ivesold-out shows in Chica-

    go, all with dierent openers. Also playing: Nick

    Lowe. (Also Dec. 13, 15, 16, and 18; see wilco-

    world.net or venues and openers.)

    xtrorinr Populr deluion: Beat Kitchen, 8:30pm, free

    ig Time srh & The Ts xpre: Blue Chicago - Ohio St, 9pm, $8

    clil on: Chicago Cultural Center, 12pm, free

    Oeipu an The m o + rue drn, Wlher clemon: Elbo

    Room, 8pm, $7

    Ler an Ft an shit + Vmo, lte diplomt: Empty Bottle,

    9:30pm, free

    obbie Fulk + dine chritinen, steve dwon: The Hideout, 7pm, $10

    stin + arn, n e hine: House Of Blues, 8pm, $42.50/$45, 17+

    crl Wetherb n + J.W. Willim an The chi Town utler: Kingston

    Mines, 8pm, $12

    Ovrevolt + aloiu, imi: Martyrs, 8pm, $7

    still stning + Willie e: Reggies Music Joint, 8pm, free

    diego Gri + Lini Orteg: Schubas, 8pm, $12

    COMED100 Proof come: ComedySportz Theatre, 8pm, $10

    The cher: ComedySportz Theatre, 9:30pm, free

    The armno diz xperiene: iO Theater (Del Close), 8:30pm, $12

    irth Girl + ererker: iO Theater (Del Close), 10:30pm, free

    Willim an rtinez: The Playground Theater, 10pm, $5

    FLMGarbo The Spy: Facets Cinmathque, 7 & 9pm, $9

    Silent Souls: Gene Siskel Film Center, 6pm, $11

    Eugene Onegin: Gene Siskel Film Center, 6:30pm, $11


  • 8/3/2019 G-Side feature interview for AV Club Chicago-The Onion



    VOLME 47 NMBER 49calendar

    = recommended

    Tsday dc 13


    G-siempt ottle, 9:30pm, $8Thanks to the playing eld-leveling power o the

    Internet, rappers rom truly underground locales

    can rise to semi-ame and be mentioned alongside

    the ew major-label rap signees that still exist. Like

    Huntsville, Alabamas avorite sons, G-Side, the duo

    o ST 2 Lettaz and Yung Clova, who have parlayed

    multiple ree albums (most recently, 2011s Island)

    into eatures in Spin, European tours, and headlining

    U.S. tours like the one that takes them to town this

    week. Taking breaks rom their day jobs o cutting

    hair and working at a gas station to cut records with

    local producing powerhouses Block Beataz, G-Side

    approaches rap as a means o expressing its blue col-

    lar rustration as much as a means o getting out oHuntsville. Also playing: YP.

    sext + Trevor spen, Wetern automti ui: Abbey Pub, 9:30pm, $5

    chrlie Love lue n + demetri Tlor: Blue Chicago - Ohio St, 9pm, $8

    dJ K rk + crrienne: Coles Bar Stage, 10pm, free

    mpt Poket + rirhill, Trip ffet: Elbo Room, 8pm, $7

    dog Pth mbler: The Hideout, 9pm, $5

    ri Guitr dvi & The Troublemker + ike Wheeler lue n:

    Kingston Mines, 8pm, $12

    klemore an n Lewi + chmpgne chmpgne: Lincoln Hall, 7pm,

    $12/$15, all ages

    Northern gnoli + re, amerin Wolf: Martyrs, 8pm, $7

    sountrk serene: Quenchers, 9pm, $5

    The upp + The Ke: Red Line Tap, 9pm, free

    r. lotto: Reggies Music Joint, 8pm, $5

    nquiition: Reggies Rock Club, 7pm, $15

    Wilo + leventh drem d: Riviera Theatre, 8pm, sold out, all ages

    Pete Glni + Nte no: Rosas, 9:30pm, $5

    rper lnn + epubli Of Light: Schubas, 8pm, $8/$10, 18+

    dJ Greg corner + dJ e chmp: Schubas, 11pm, $13

    Jime ojo: Subterranean, 8pm, $8

    t Fourteen + dve Pruin: ncommon Ground (Clark), 8pm, free, all ages

    Pul Gillorenzo + chrle umbk, Tob summerel: The Whistler,

    10pm, free

    COMEDchigoln & Fihnut: Annoyance Theatre, 8pm, $8

    n a Worl...: Annoyance Theatre, 9:30pm, $8

    chigo nergroun come: Beat Kitchen, 9:30pm, $5

    nkling + cook count soil club: iO Theater (Cabaret), 8pm, $12

    Fition For The Poor + The ekoning: iO Theater (Del Close), 10:30pm, $5

    The Free mprov show: The Playground Theater, 10pm, $5

    7 d short: Second City (DeMaat Theatre), 10:30pm, $10

    FLMGarbo The Spy:

    Facets Cinmathque, 7 & 9pm, $9The Science Of Sleep: Gene Siskel Film Center, 6pm, $11

    The Guard: Gene Siskel Film Center, 6pm, $11

    Silent Souls: Gene Siskel Film Center, 8pm, $11

    WdNsday dc 14


    Tim enol & T3Linoln ll, 8pm, $20

    Most people know Tim Reynolds only as Dave Mat-

    thews complementary guitar virtuoso and requent col-

    laborator, yet his 35-plus-year career got its start in the

    mid-80s as the eponymous member o the Tim Reyn-olds Trio (TR3). Featuring a rotating roster o musicians,

    Reynolds and his crew used jazz, unk, and rock until

    the mid-90s, when he disbanded the group to embark

    on a solo career and play with Matthews. It was only

    recently that he reormed the TR3 with bass player Mick

    Vaughn and drummer Dan Martie, and in 2009 the

    group releasedRadiance, its rst album in 14 years. This

    years hideously titledFrom Space And Beyondis yet an-

    other live record rom the group which has made the

    majority o its cred out on the road.

    The Jo Formibleetro, 8:30pm, $17/$20, 18+

    In the grand tradition o no-bullshit record titles like

    Mudhoneys Superfuzz Bigmuff and Big Blacks Songs

    About Fucking, The Joy Formidables big, roaring debut

    or Atlantic is titled, well, The Big Roar. But while all three

    albums have a taste or cutting to the chase and crank-

    ing the gain, The Big Roarkeeps its buzzing bright and

    anthemic. Upping the records sunshine quotient: ront-

    woman Ritzy Bryan, a pixie-like gure o big eyes, whose

    even bigger voice cuts through the clouds o distortion

    like a beam o cooing light. Also playing: Bad Veins.

    The lement Of stle + amdnmite, Little inight: Beat Kitchen, 8pm, $8

    JW Willim lue n + Lreth Wetherb: Blue Chicago - Ohio St, 9pm, $8

    The Prlor ob: Bottom Lounge, 8pm, $8, 18+

    dme r e conert serie: Chicago Cultural Center, 12:15pm, free

    Kthrn cler + imln er: Double Door, 9pm, $10

    crtl t + Open Ln, Verite:Elbo Room, 8pm, $7

    elin auikiti: Empty Bottle, 6pm, $5

    strhnine + chrming People: Empty Bottle, 9:30pm, $8

    Jon stein: The Hideout, 9:30pm, $7

    crl Wetherb n + sm Gooe lue n: Kingston Mines, 8pm, $12

    The Night our + shlloboi: Martyrs, 8pm, $7

    a crpenter chritm speil: Metropolis Performing Arts Centre,

    7:30pm, $25-$35

    rih chritm n ameri: Old Town School of Folk Music, 9:30pm, $21-$25,

    all ages

    elit: Reggies Rock Club, 7pm, free, all ages

    Joh cterer + sott Lu, inbow hthm: Schubas, 9pm, $12

    tt cmpbell: ncommon Ground (Clark), 8pm, free, all ages

    Kell Zullo: nderground Wonder Bar, 8pm, $8

    urrine egge n: nderground Wonder Bar, 1am, $8

    Pebo an shermn: The Whistler, 9:30pm, free

    COMEDFoz The ook + cmeron poito, am urke: Coles Bar Stage, 9pm, free

    Free Night Of come: ComedySportz Theatre, 8pm, free

    a Lovele rrige + Virgin diquiri, crl an The Pion: iO Theater

    (Cabaret), 8pm, free

    TJ an dve: iO Theater (Cabaret), 11pm, $5

    The ever + Felt: iO Theater (Del Close), 8pm, $5

    Jo! an O Fmil chritm speil: iO Theater (Del Close), 9pm, $10

    dumm + urerer: iO Theater (Del Close), 10:30pm, $5

    comein you shoul Know show: Timothy OTooles Pub, 9pm, $5

    FLMLe Concert: Doc Films - Max Palevsky Cinema, 6:30pm, $7Garbo The Spy: Facets Cinmathque, 7 & 9pm, $9

    The Nutcracker: Gene Siskel Film Center, 6pm, $11

    Silent Souls: Gene Siskel Film Center, 6:15pm, $11

    The Guard: Gene Siskel Film Center, 7:45pm, $11

    Everyday Sunshine: The Story Of Fishbone: Gene Siskel Film Center, 8:30pm, $11

  • 8/3/2019 G-Side feature interview for AV Club Chicago-The Onion



    DECEMBER 8-14 2011

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