gadd45 proteins induce g2/m arrest and modulate apoptosis in kidney cells exposed to

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Gadd45 Proteins Induce G2/M Arrest and Modulate Apoptosis inKidney Cells Exposed to Hyperosmotic Stress*

Received for publication, June 15, 2004, and in revised form, July 13, 2004Published, JBC Papers in Press, July 15, 2004, DOI 10.1074/jbc.M406643200

Sally K. Mak and Dietmar Kultz‡

From the Physiological Genomics Group, Department of Animal Sciences, University of California,Davis, California 95616

Gadd45 proteins are induced by hyperosmolality inrenal inner medullary (IM) cells, but their role for celladaptation to osmotic stress is not known. We show thata cell line derived from murine renal IM cells respondsto moderate hyperosmotic stress (540 mosmol/kg) by ac-tivation of G2/M arrest without significant apoptosis. Ifthe severity of hyperosmotic stress exceeds the toler-ance limit of this cell line (620 mosmol/kg) apoptosis isstrongly induced. Using transient overexpression of ec-topic Gadd45 proteins and simultaneous analysis oftransfected versus non-transfected cells by laser-scan-ning cytometry, we were able to measure the effects ofGadd45 super-induction during hyperosmolality onG2/M arrest and apoptosis. Our results demonstrate thatinduction of all three Gadd45 isoforms inhibits mitosisand promotes G2/M arrest during moderate hyperos-motic stress but not in isosmotic controls. Furthermore,all three Gadd45 proteins are also involved in control ofapoptosis during severe hyperosmotic stress. Underthese conditions Gadd45� induction strongly potenti-ates apoptosis. In contrast, Gadd45�/� induction tran-siently increases caspase 3/7 and annexin V binding be-fore 12 h but inhibits later stages of apoptosis duringsevere hyperosmolality. These results show that Gadd45isoforms function in common but also in distinct path-ways during hyperosmolality and that their increasedabundance contributes to the low mitotic index and pro-tection of genomic integrity in cells of the mammalianrenal inner medulla.

Cells of the mammalian renal inner medulla (IM)1 are char-acterized by a stress-tolerant phenotype that enables them toresist extremes in multiple environmental variables, includingosmolality. We have shown that these cells induce all threeGadd45 isoforms during hyperosmotic stress via posttranscrip-tional mechanisms (1, 2). Gadd45� was initially discoveredbased on its induction in hamster cells exposed to ionizingradiation stress (3). Gadd45� was cloned a few years later and

initially described as myeloid differentiation immediate earlygene MyD118 (4). More recently, GADD45� was described un-der different names, including GADD45� (5, 6), GRP17 (7),CR6 (8), and OIG37 (9).

Despite their hyperosmotic induction, functional conse-quences of Gadd45 up-regulation in cells exposed to osmoticstress are unknown. Potential Gadd45 functions during envi-ronmental stress include promotion of cell cycle arrest, apopto-sis, chromatin remodeling, and DNA repair (10). All of thesecell functions are altered during hyperosmolality (1, 11–15). Toassess the mechanistic relevance of hyperosmotic Gadd45 in-duction, it is necessary to determine which of these cell func-tions are altered as a result of increased levels of each of thethree mammalian Gadd45 isoforms. The present study ad-dresses the question of how super-induction of Gadd45�,Gadd45�, and Gadd45� during hyperosmotic stress affects cellproliferation and apoptosis.

Renal IM cells exposed to hyperosmolality undergo growtharrest in G2 phase of the cell cycle (1, 16). This hyperosmoticcell cycle delay is likely a consequence of activation of DNAdamage checkpoints because hyperosmolality causes multipleforms of DNA damage (13, 15, 17). However, whether any of thethree Gadd45 isoforms plays a role in mediating hyperosmoticG2/M arrest remains unclear. A direct role of Gadd45 in cellcycle checkpoint pathways responsible for G2/M arrest hasbeen demonstrated in human keratinocytes exposed to UVradiation and alkylating agents, where it inhibits the activityof the Cdc2-cyclin B1 complex (18, 19). Moreover, Gadd45� andGadd45� are also Cdc2/cyclin B1 inhibitors that are involved incontrolling the G2/M checkpoint (20). Therefore, one goal of thepresent study was to investigate whether increases of anyGadd45 isoform during hyperosmotic stress inhibit mitosis andpromote G2 arrest.

The role of Gadd45 proteins for the regulation of apoptosis iscontroversial and may depend on cell type and the nature of theenvironmental stimulus that triggers apoptosis. For instance,in medulloblastoma cells Gadd45� induces apoptosis in re-sponse to nerve growth factor stimulation independent of thep38 and c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase pathways (21), whereas inUV-irradiated skin tumors its stimulation of apoptosis dependson p38 and c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase activity (22). Overex-pression of Gadd45� in human fibroblasts does not induceapoptosis nor does it alter p38 and c-Jun NH2-terminal kinaseactivity (10). In addition, radiation-induced apoptosis or acti-vation of p38 and c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase pathways is notinhibited in Gadd45�-deficient mice (10). Gadd45� has simi-larly wide-ranging effects on apoptosis as Gaddd45�. For in-stance, Gadd45� inhibits apoptosis caused by tumor necrosisfactor-� by mediating inhibition of the c-Jun NH2-terminalkinase pathway via the NF-�B pathway (23, 24), but it pro-motes apoptosis caused by TGF� via activation of the p38pathway (25). Gadd45� also activates the p38 pathway in some

* This work was supported by NIDDK, National Institutes of HealthGrant DK59470 (to D. K.). The costs of publication of this article weredefrayed in part by the payment of page charges. This article musttherefore be hereby marked “advertisement” in accordance with 18U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact.

‡ To whom correspondence should be addressed: PhysiologicalGenomics Group, Dept. of Animal Sciences, University of California,One Shields Ave., Meyer Hall, Davis, CA 95616. Tel.: 530-752-2991;Fax: 530-752-0175; E-mail:

1 The abbreviations used are: IM, inner medulla; mIMCD3 cells,murine inner medullary collecting duct cells; FAM-DEVD-FMK, a car-boxyfluorescein analog of benzoyl-oxycarbonyl-aspartyl-glutamyl-valyl-aspartic acid fluoromethyl ketone; Gadd45, growth arrest and DNAdamage-inducible 45; LSC, laser-scanning cytometer; PBS, phosphate-buffered saline; PI, propidium iodide; TUNEL, terminal deoxynucleo-side transferase dUTP nick end labeling.

THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Vol. 279, No. 37, Issue of September 10, pp. 39075–39084, 2004© 2004 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc. Printed in U.S.A.

This paper is available on line at 39075

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cell types, indicating that this third Gadd45 isoform plays animportant role in the regulation of apoptosis during cellularstress (26). Thus, a second goal of the present study was todetermine how increased levels of each of the three Gadd45proteins modulate apoptosis during exposure of renal IM cellsto hyperosmolality.


Cell Culture, Cell Proliferation, and Cell Integrity Assays—Murineinner medullary collecting duct (mIMCD3) cells of passage 18 were usedfor all experiments (27). Cell culture medium consisted of 45% Ham’sF-12, 45% Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium, 10% fetal bovine serum,10 milliunits/ml penicillin, and 10 �g/ml streptomycin (all reagentswere from Invitrogen). Cells were grown at 37 °C and 5% CO2. Finalmedium osmolality of isosmotic medium was 300 � 5 mosmol/kg ofH2O. Hyperosmotic media were prepared by the addition of an appro-priate amount of NaCl to isosmotic medium to yield medium osmolali-ties of 540, 600, 620, and 625 mosmol/kg of H2O. Final osmolality of allmedia was verified with a microosmometer (Model 3300, AdvancedInstruments, Norwood, MA). Cells were synchronized by serum depri-vation for 24 h before hyperosmotic treatment.

Cell proliferation was assayed using WST-1 reagent according tomanufacturer instructions (Roche Applied Science). Absorbance wasmeasured using a Spectrafluor Plus microplate reader (Tecan, Durham,

NC). Cell integrity was assayed by lactate dehydrogenase leakagequantification using Cytotox-ONE™ reagent according to the manufac-turer’s instructions (Promega, Madison, WI). Fluorescence was meas-ured at 560-nm excitation and 590-nm emission wavelengths using theSpectrafluor Plus microplate reader. For cell proliferation and cellintegrity assays cells were cultured in 96-well flat-bottom microtiterplates (Nalge-Nunc, Rochester, NY). For fluorescence-based Cytotox-ONE assay black-walled microtiter plates were used to avoid interfer-ence of fluorescence signal between wells.

Cell Cycle Analysis—Cell cycle stages were analyzed by laser-scan-ning cytometry (LSC, CompuCyte, Cambridge, MA) after fixing cellsgrown on 8-chamber slides (Nalge-Nunc) and staining with propidiumiodide (PI) as previously described (28). In addition, mitotic cells wereidentified and quantified by bivariate LSC analysis after immunohis-tochemical processing of slides using phospho-histone H3 (Ser-10) pri-mary antibody (Upstate Biotechnology, Inc., Waltham, MA; catalog#06-570, 1:100 in PBS) and Alexa 488-conjugated secondary antibody(Molecular Probes, Eugene, OR; catalog #A11034, 1:100 in PBS) aspreviously described (16).

Analysis of Apoptosis—Early apoptosis was quantified using caspase3/7 activity and annexin V binding assays. Caspase 3/7 activity of mixedcell populations was measured with an Apo-ONE™ assay (Promega)after culturing cells in black-walled 96-well flat-bottom microtiterplates. The assay was performed as recommended by the manufacturer.Fluorescence was measured at 485-nm excitation and 535-nm emissionwavelengths using a Tecan Spectrafluor Plus microplate reader.

Cell-specific caspase 3/7 activity was determined by LSC analysisafter growing cells in 8-chamber slides. After exposure to differentosmolalities, cells were treated with 10 �M carboxyfluorescein-labeledcaspase 3/7-specific inhibitor (FAM-DEVD-FMK) obtained from Immu-nohistochemistry Technologies (Bloomington, IN). Cells were rinsedbriefly with PBS, fixed for 2 h with 1% formaldehyde in PBS, and rinsedagain briefly with PBS. After counterstaining slides with PI, caspase3/7 activity in each cell was quantified by scanning slides with the LSCusing an argon laser (488 nm excitation) and standard settings of thegreen and orange/red LSC channel emission filter.

Cell-specific annexin V binding to the outer cell membrane was alsodetermined by LSC analysis after growing cells in 8-chamber slides.After exposure to different osmolalities, cells were washed twice in PBSand stained with annexin V conjugated to either fluorescein or Alexa647 (Alexis Biochemicals, San Diego, CA) as previously described (29).Cells were then fixed for 15 min in 1% methanol-free formaldehyde, andannexin V binding to the outer cell membrane was quantified by scan-ning slides with the LSC using an argon laser (488-nm excitation) andgreen LSC emission channel or a helium-neon laser (633-nm excitation)and far-red LSC emission channel. When using Alexa 488, conjugatecells were counterstained with PI. For Alexa 647 conjugate, Hoechst33342 (Molecular Probes, Eugene, OR) was used for nuclear counter-staining. This approach was validated by co-localization of annexin Vfluorescence and PI fluorescence in unfixed cells that are only pene-trated by PI when they are dead (apoptotic).

Late apoptosis was quantified by DNA strand break labeling(TUNEL) assay as previously described (30). Briefly, cells were fixed in1% methanol-free formaldehyde for 15 min, incubated in 70% ethanol at�20 °C for at least 1 h, and rinsed twice for 5 min with PBS. DNAstrand breaks were then labeled with APO-Direct reagents, includingfluorescein-dUTP with the enzyme terminal deoxynucleotidyltrans-ferase, as instructed by the manufacturer (Phoenix Flow Systems, SanDiego, CA). Green fluorescence per cell was measured by LSC using anargon laser (488-nm excitation) and green LSC emission channel. Cellnuclei were counterstained with Hoechst 33342.

Cloning and Expression of Epitope-tagged Gadd45 Genes in RenalCells—Total RNA from mIMCD3 cells was extracted as previously de-scribed (2) and reverse-transcribed using oligo(dT) primers and Super-script III first strand synthesis reagents (Invitrogen). PCR primer pairsfor full-length cloning of Gadd45 were designed using Vector NTI 9software (Informax, Frederick, MD) and GenBankTM numbers NM_007836, NM_008655, and NM_011817 as templates: Gadd45�, 1-GAG-GGACTCGCACTTGCAATA, 2-TCCGGGAGATTAATCACGGGC; Gad-d45�, 1-CTGTGGAGTGTGACTGCATCAT, 2-GCGTTCCTCTAGAGA-GATATAG; Gadd45�, 1-CTTGCTGTTCGTGGATCGCAC, 2-CTCGGG-AAGGGTGATGCTG. PCR products were directly cloned into pEF6/V5-His-TOPO® vector (Invitrogen) and propagated in Escherichia colistrain DH5� (Invitrogen). Endotoxin-free plasmid Mega-preps wereperformed using a kit as described by the manufacturer (Qiagen GmbH,Hilden, Germany). Transient transfections were carried out by mixing2 �g of plasmid DNA with 4 �l of LipofectAMINE 2000 reagent (In-vitrogen) in 8-chamber slides, and cells were allowed to express recom-

FIG. 1. Hyperosmolality diminishes proliferation and plasmamembrane integrity of mIMCD3 cells. Cells were exposed to me-dium of 300, 540, and 620 mosmol/kg of H2O for the times indicated. A,cell proliferation as indicated by absorbance of WST reagent is delayedat 540 and even more so at 620 mosmol/kg of H2O. B, plasma membranedamage as indicated by lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) leakage into themedium is not affected at 540 mosmol/kg of H2O but increases steeplyat 620 mosmol/kg H2O. Error bars are shorter than symbols when theyare not visible.

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binant protein during a 24-h incubation period before dosing at differ-ent osmolalities. Transfection efficiency was similar in all samples(�5%) as determined by LSC analysis of V5-positive cells versus totalthe number of cells (see “Discussion”).

Compartmentation of Epitope-tagged Gadd45 in Transfected Cells—Recombinant Gadd45 proteins were detected using an antibody againstthe V5 epitope tag (Invitrogen; catalog #R960-25, 1:250 in PBS) andAlexa 488 conjugated secondary anti-IgG antibody (Molecular Probes;catalog #A11029, 1:100 in PBS). After immunocytochemistry, nucleiwere counterstained with PI. Bivariate LSC analysis was carried outusing excitation with argon ion laser at 400 nm in combination withgreen and orange emission filter photomultiplier tubes. For some ex-periments Hoechst 33342 DNA stain was used for nuclear counterstain-ing instead of PI. In these cases, bivariate LSC analysis was performed

using argon ion laser excitation at 488 nm and violet diode laserexcitation at 400 nm in combination with green and violet emissionfilter photomultiplier tubes.

Differential Laser-scanning Cytometry of Transfected Cells—LSCtechnology is ideal for analyzing mixed populations of cells. We appliedthis feature of LSC for differential analysis of transfected and non-transfected cells in the same sample. Trivariate LSC analysis wasperformed as follows. First, cells were probed with FAM-SEVD-FMK(caspase 3/7 activity), annexin V, or fluorescein-dUTP. All three probescontained a green fluorescent label, either fluorescein or Alexa 488 asdescribed above. Then slides were kept in 70% ethanol at �20 °C for atleast 1 h, washed briefly with PBS, and processed for immunocytochem-istry with anti-V5 epitope-tag antibody (Invitrogen, catalog #R960-25,1:250 in PBS) and Alexa 647 conjugated secondary anti-IgG antibody

FIG. 2. Hyperosmolality delays the cell cycle and induces apoptosis in mIMCD3 cells. Representative LSC cytograms based onpropidium iodide integral nuclear fluorescence are shown for cells grown for 24 h in medium of 300 mosmol/kg of H2O (A), 540 mosmol/kg of H2O(B), and 620 mosmol/kg of H2O (C). D, comparison of mean portions of cells in each major phase of the cell cycle after 6 h of exposure to 300, 540,and 620 mosmol/kg of H2O. E, comparison of mean portions of cells in each major phase of the cell cycle after 24 h of exposure to 300, 540, and 620mosmol/kg of H2O. An asterisk illustrates a significant effect of hyperosmolality on the portion of cells in a particular phase of the cell cycle. AP,apoptotic cells.

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(Molecular Probes, catalog #A21236, 1:100 in PBS). Finally, nuclei werecounterstained with Hoechst 33342 DNA stain. The three fluorophores(fluorescein/Alexa 488, Alexa 647, and Hoechst 33342) were chosen toyield minimally overlapping emission spectra. Trivariate LSC analysiswas performed using an argon ion laser (488 nm) for exciting fluores-cein/Alexa 488, helium neon laser (633 nm) for exciting Alexa 647, andviolet diode laser (400 nm) for exciting Hoechst 33342 during slidescanning. Fluorescence was recorded using violet, green, and far-redemission filter photomultiplier tubes of the LSC.

Statistics—Data analysis was carried out with SPSS software. Dif-ferences between pairs of data were analyzed by the F-test followed bya paired t test. The significance threshold was set at p � 0.05, andvalues shown represent the means of at least three independent repli-cates. At least 5000 cells were analyzed for each sample for LSC-basedapproaches.


Hyperosmolality Inhibits Cell Proliferation by Growth Arrestand Apoptosis—Exposure of mIMCD3 cells to hyperosmoticmedium causes growth arrest that lasts for about 1 day. Aftera day cell number increase resumes (Fig. 1A). The rate of cellnumber increase depends on the severity of hyperosmolality,fast at 540 mosmol/kg and slow at 620 mosmol/kg (Fig. 1A). Theslow rate of cell doubling in 620 mosmol/kg of medium can atleast in part be attributed to accelerated cell death (Fig. 1B). Toassess whether cell proliferation rates are also affected byhyperosmolality, we analyzed individual cell cycle stages. Mod-erate hyperosmolality (540 mosmol/kg) causes an increase of

FIG. 3. Gadd45 proteins are localized in nuclear and cytosolic compartments. LSC images collected from slides stained with anti-V5primary and Alexa 488-conjugated secondary antibodies illustrate that all three Gadd45 isoforms are preferentially located in the nucleus ofmIMCD3 cells and, less abundantly, also in the cytosol. A, Gadd45� (green) counterstained with Hoechst 33342 (blue). B, Gadd45� greencounterstained with propidium iodide (red). C, Gadd45� (green) counterstained with propidium iodide (red). Counterstaining illustrates therelatively low transfection efficiency.

FIG. 4. Differential laser-scanning cytometry enables direct comparison of transfected versus non-transfected cells in the samesample. Cells grown in eight-chamber slides were evaluated by trivariate LSC analysis of Hoechst 33342 (violet), FAM-DEVD-FMK (green), andGadd45-V5 (far-red) fluorescence. A, each chamber on the slide contained cells grown in either iso- or hyperosmotic medium and was analyzedseparately. B, scattergram displaying the area and Hoechst 33342 content of cells. C, histogram displaying numbers of cells in different cell cyclestages. D, scattergram displaying Gadd45-V5-positive (transfected) cells defined as cells exceeding maximum pixel fluorescence of 4000 units.These cells representing �5% of the total cell population are labeled blue in all panels. Untransfected cells in the same sample are labeled orangein all panels E, scattergram showing FAM-DEVD-FMK fluorescence in non-transfected cells. FLICA-positive cells were defined as cells exceedingmaximum pixel fluorescence of 4000 units. F, scattergram showing FAM-DEVD-FMK fluorescence in transfected cells. In this example 8.9% oftransfected cells are apoptotic (compared with 4.9% of non-transfected cells (E)) based on positive FAM-DEVD-FMK staining.

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cells in G2 and a decrease in S-phase cells relative to isosmoticcontrols (Fig. 2, A and B). In contrast, severe hyperosmolalityinduces G1 arrest and apoptotic DNA fragmentation (Fig. 2C).The induction of G2 arrest by moderate hyperosmolality issignificant at 6 and 24 h, but the decrease in S phase cellsbecomes significant only at 24 h (Fig. 2, D and E). Duringsevere hyperosmolality, apoptotic cell numbers increase, and Sphase cell numbers decrease significantly at 6 and 24 h, butsignificant G1 arrest is only apparent at 24 h. These resultsdemonstrate that moderate hyperosmolality (540 mosmol/kg)only causes G2 arrest but no apoptosis, whereas severe hyper-osmolality approaching the osmotic tolerance limit of mIMCD3cells causes some G1 arrest but mostly apoptosis.

Differential Laser-scanning Cytometry Localizes Gadd45 inTransiently Transfected Cells—To investigate how Gadd45 in-duction affects growth arrest and apoptosis during hyperosmo-lality, we transfected epitope-tagged Gadd45 transiently intomIMCD3 cells. Expressed Gadd45 proteins were detected byimmunocytochemistry and LSC. All three isoforms of Gadd45proteins are distributed evenly in the cytosol, but their concen-tration is highest in the nucleus (Fig. 3). This compartmenta-tion profile resembles wild-type Gadd45 and confirms that thelevel of recombinant Gadd45 expression is consistent with nor-mal processing of the protein. Nuclear co-localization ofGadd45 proteins and PI or Hoechst 33342 DNA stain enabledus to quantify the percentage of transfected cells using the LSC(Fig. 4). Transfection efficiency was �5% in all experimentsand not influenced by subsequent treatment of cells in hyper-osmotic media (data not shown). Triple staining of mIMCD3cells with nuclear DNA counterstain, Gadd45-V5 antibody, andfluorophores that are markers for mitosis and apoptosis madeit possible to quantify hyperosmotic effects on mitosis andapoptosis in transfected cells that overexpress Gadd45 (Fig. 4).In addition, we were able to compare these data directly withhyperosmotic effects on mitosis and apoptosis in non-trans-fected cells in the same sample treated under identical condi-

tions (Fig. 4). This method represents a powerful new way ofanalyzing properties of transiently transfected cells.

Gadd45 Inhibits Mitosis during Hyperosmolality—Cells inprophase, metaphase, and telophase of mitosis can be identi-fied with an antibody against phospho-histone H3 (Ser-10)(Fig. 5A). To investigate how Gadd45 overexpression affectsmitosis during hyperosmolality, we stained transfected cellswith antibodies against the V5 epitope of Gadd45 and againstphospho-histone H3 (Ser-10) and counterstained with pro-pidium iodide. Mitotic cells in transfected and non-transfectedcells were analyzed by LSC. Hyperosmolality consistently de-creases the number of mitotic cells by 5–10% after 6 h and10–30% after 24 h in all experiments (Fig. 5, B–E). Overex-pression of different Gadd45 isoforms has similar effects onmitosis during hyperosmolality. All three Gadd45 isoforms sig-nificantly potentiate the inhibitory effect of hyperosmolality onmitosis (Fig. 5, B–D). Gadd45-induced inhibition of mitosis wasobserved at moderate (540 mosmol/kg) and severe (620 mosmol/kg) hyperosmolality but not in isosmotic medium. In contrast,overexpression of a control (LacZ) from the same plasmid hasno significant effect on the number of mitotic cells (Fig. 5E).These results indicate that Gadd45 induction contributes togrowth arrest during hyperosmotic stress.

Gadd45 Promotes Early Apoptotic Events during Hyperosmo-lality—Because severe hyperosmolality also causes apoptosis,we investigated whether Gadd45 induction at 620 mosmol/kgmodulates apoptosis. Early apoptosis was monitored by meas-uring caspase 3/7 activity. The time course of caspase 3/7 ac-tivity measured with a fluorescence-based microplate assayshows that significant hyperosmotic caspase activation takesplace within 6 h (Fig. 6A). In addition, caspase 3/7 activity wasalso measured by LSC (Fig. 6B). The time course of hyperos-motic caspase 3/7 activation as measured by LSC confirms thata significant activity increase takes place within 6 h (Fig. 6C).Of interest, despite the low number of apoptotic cells after 24 hat 540 mosmol/kg (Figs. 1, 2, and 6), we observed a significant

FIG. 5. Overexpression of all three Gadd45 isoforms inhibits mitosis during hyperosmolality. Cells were stained with PI (red) andanti-phospho-histone H3 (Ser-10) antibody (green). A, mitotic cells in prophase (P), metaphase (M), and telophase (T) are yellow due to nuclearcolocalization of phospho-histone H3 and PI fluorescence. Overexpression of Gadd45 significantly inhibits mitosis in hyperosmotic but not isosmoticmedium. B, Gadd45�; C, Gadd45�; D, Gadd45�; E, LacZ (control). An asterisk symbolizes statistical significant difference to non-transfected cellsat the same osmolality.

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increase in caspase 3/7 activity for up to 12 h at this osmolality.Effects of Gadd45 overexpression on caspase 3/7 activationwere evaluated by trivariate LSC analysis. The results show aslight but insignificant increase of caspase 3/7 activity in re-sponse to overexpression of each Gadd45 isoform in isosmoticmedium (Fig. 6D). However, when cells are exposed to hyper-osmotic medium (620 mosmol/kg) for 4 h, Gadd45 overexpres-sion significantly potentiates caspase 3/7 induction. This po-tentiation is 1.9-fold for Gadd45�, 1.5-fold for Gadd45�, and3-fold for Gadd45� (Fig. 6E). Overexpression of a LacZ controlplasmid has no effect on caspase 3/7 activity.

Next, we analyzed hyperosmotic and Gadd45 effects on an-other early indicator of apoptosis, the binding of annexin V toouter cell membranes. To verify that annexin V binds only todead mIMCD3 cells, we initially performed experiments inwhich live cells were stained with PI and fluorescein-labeledannexin V (Fig. 7A). Then additional experiments were done fortrivariate LSC analysis of fixed cells. These experiments showa significant increase of annexin V binding as early as 2 h afterhyperosmolality ranging from 540 to 625 mosmol/kg (Fig. 7B).Similar to caspase 3/7 activity, Gadd45 overexpression in-creases annexin V binding slightly but insignificantly in isos-motic medium (Fig. 7C). Moreover, when cells were treated inhyperosmotic medium (620 mosmol/kg) for 4 h Gadd45 overex-pression also significantly potentiates annexin V binding. Thedegree of potentiation is similar to that observed for caspase3/7, 1.9-fold for Gadd45�, 1.8-fold for Gadd45�, and 3-fold for

Gadd45� (Fig. 7D). Overexpression of a LacZ control plasmidhas no effect on annexin V binding.

Gadd45�⁄� and Gadd45� Have Opposite Effects on Late DNABreaks—A late stage of apoptosis consists in DNA degradationby caspase-activated DNase-mediated cleavage of intranucleo-somal linker regions. We measured the amount of such cleav-age by TUNEL assay in combination with trivariate LSC anal-ysis. Apoptotic nuclei containing fragmented DNA weredetected with fluorescein-dUTP incorporated by terminal de-oxynucleotidyltransferase (Fig. 8A). Apoptotic DNA fragmen-tation does not increase in mIMCD3 cells exposed to moderatehyperosmolality (540 mosmol/kg) compared with isosmotic con-trols (Fig. 8B). This result is very interesting because two earlyapoptosis markers (caspase 3/7 and annexin V) are clearlyincreased under these conditions (Figs. 6, 7). Severe hyperos-molality (600–625 mosmol/kg) leads to a significant increase inDNA breaks (TUNEL-positive cells) after 12 h and an evenhigher increase after 24 h (Fig. 8B). Thus, we measured theeffect of Gadd45 overexpression on late apoptotic DNA breaksafter 24 h of incubation of cells in isosmotic and severelyhyperosmotic medium (300 and 620 mosmol/kg). Gadd45 over-expression has no significant effect on the number of TUNEL-positive cells in isosmotic medium (Fig. 8C). However,Gadd45� and Gadd45� overexpression significantly reducesand Gadd45� overexpression significantly increases the num-ber of TUNEL-positive cells in severely hyperosmotic medium(Fig. 8D). This result indicates that Gadd45� is functionally

FIG. 6. Hyperosmolality induces caspase 3/7 and Gadd45 overexpression potentiates caspase induction. Cells were stained forcaspase 3/7 (green) and counterstained with Hoechst 33342 (blue). A, caspase-positive cells have green-blue nuclei due to colocalization of activecaspase 3/7 and Hoechst 33342 DNA fluorescence. B, time course of caspase 3/7 activity in mIMCD3 cells grown at three different osmolalities asdetermined by fluorescent microplate assay. This assay demonstrated a significant increase of caspase 3/7 activity starting at 6 h in hyperosmoticmedium (p � 0.05; a, 300 versus 540 mosmol/kg; b, 300 versus 620 mosmol/kg; c, 540 versus 620 mosmol/kg). C, in another experiment caspase 3/7activity was analyzed by LSC and increased transiently as early as 2 h in hyperosmotic media. An asterisk symbolizes a significant increase ofcaspase 3/7 activity compared with time 0. D and E, effect of Gadd45 overexpression on caspase 3/7 activity after 4 h of exposure to isosmoticmedium (D) or hyperosmotic medium (E). An asterisk symbolizes a significant difference of caspase 3/7 activity in transfected versus non-transfected cells.

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different from Gadd45�/� with regard to its involvement inlate-stage apoptotic events during hyperosmolality.


This study demonstrates that induction of all three Gadd45isoforms in renal IM cells exposed to hyperosmolality inhibitsmitosis and promotes early stages of apoptosis. Gadd45� alsopromotes late apoptosis as evidenced by increased nuclearDNA fragmentation. In contrast, Gadd45� and Gadd45� in-hibit late apoptotic events and decrease the number of apo-ptotic DNA breaks resulting from hyperosmolality. These dataindicate functional differences between Gadd45 isoforms dur-ing hyperosmotic stress.

Hyperosmotic stress (hypertonicity) causes rapid cell shrink-age as a result of passive water loss due to osmosis. Cellshrinkage plays an important role in the regulation of apopto-sis, and apoptotic volume decrease represents a key element forcells to decide whether to die by activation of programmed celldeath (31). Thus, volume regulatory mechanisms of renalIMCD cells are central to their hyperosmotic stress toleranceand are probably involved in monitoring severity of hyperto-nicity. IMCD cells exposed to anisotonic media swell and

shrink within seconds (32). In hypotonic media they displayvirtually complete regulatory volume decrease within 15 min,which is mediated by release of organic osmolytes via ion chan-nels (32, 33). In contrast, after exposure to hypertonic mediarapid volume regulatory increase of IMCD cells is only partial(34), and this property of IMCD cells may be important fortuning the regulation of apoptosis during hyperosmotic stress.Antidiuretic hormone promotes rapid volume regulatory in-crease, probably by increasing sodium and water permeabilityof IMCD cells. IMCD cells complete rapid volume regulatoryincrease in the long term by uptake and synthesis of compatibleorganic osmolytes, which takes much longer (12–36 h) thantheir rapid release during regulatory volume decrease (35).

For the experiments reported in this study we have usedosmolalities just below and slightly above the tolerance limit of�600 mosmol/kg for mIMCD3 cells in culture to differentiatebetween Gadd45 effects on the cell cycle versus effects on apo-ptosis, which increases greatly above 600 mosmol/kg (1). Ourdata show that just below this tolerance limit (at 540 mosmol/kg) mIMCD3 cells stop proliferation and accumulate in the G2

phase of the cell cycle without becoming apoptotic. Interest-

FIG. 7. Hyperosmolality induces annexin V binding that is potentiated by Gadd45 overexpression. Antibodies were used to detectannexin V in outer membranes of mIMCD3 cells. A, live cell double-labeling with propidium iodide and fluorescein-conjugated annexin Vdemonstrates specific binding of annexin V to apoptotic mIMCD3 cells. Non-apoptotic cells are weakly visible in the background when visualizedusing scattermode of the LSC. B, time course of annexin V binding analyzed by LSC. An asterisk symbolizes a significant increase of annexin Vbinding over time. C and D, effect of Gadd45 overexpression on annexin V binding after 4 h of exposure to isosmotic (C) or hyperosmotic medium(D). An asterisk symbolizes a significant difference of annexin V binding in transfected versus non-transfected cells.

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ingly, when this tolerance limit is exceeded (at 620 mosmol/kg),the number of cells in G2 phase decreases below control levels,and apoptotic cell number increases dramatically. This inter-esting result raises the possibility that Gadd45 isoforms con-tribute to the hyperosmotic activation of a G2/M cell cyclecheckpoint at moderate hyperosmolality and to the onset ofapoptosis at severe hyperosmolality. Indeed, all three isoformsof Gadd45 are induced by moderate and severe hyperosmolality(2).

Gadd45 proteins play an important role in the activation ofthe G2/M checkpoint in cells exposed to UV radiation andalkylating agents by inhibiting the Cdc2-cyclin B1 complex (18,20). All Gadd45 isoforms physically associate with Cdc2, butonly Gadd45� and Gadd45� disrupt Cdc2/cyclin B1 complexes(18, 20, 36). In addition to their interaction with Cdc2,Gadd45� and Gadd45� also interact with other proteins in-volved in cell cycle checkpoint control, including proliferatingcell nuclear antigen and p21 (37–39). A central, highly con-served region (amino acids 50–76 in Gadd45�) is required for

interaction with Cdc2, proliferating cell nuclear antigen, andp21 in vivo (36).

Our observation that during hyperosmolality all threeGadd45 isoforms localize mainly to the nucleus of mIMCD3cells is in agreement with potential interactions betweenGadd45 and Cdc2, proliferating cell nuclear antigen, and p21,which are also predominantly nuclear proteins. These resultsare consistent with the hypothesis that Gadd45 proteins bindCdc2 and other cell cycle regulators in the nucleus, leading toinhibition of G2/M progression during hyperosmotic stress. Ad-ditional support for this hypothesis is provided by data onhuman keratinocytes exposed to UV radiation stress. In thesecells Gadd45 promotes G2 arrest by nuclear export and cyto-plasmic sequestration of Cdc2 (19) and cyclin B1 (40). Indeed,we also found significant amounts of each Gadd45 isoform inthe cytosol of mIMCD3 cells, supporting a similar nuclearexport function during hyperosmotic stress.

Although no studies have investigated Gadd45 function dur-ing hyperosmotic stress, several reverse genetics approaches

FIG. 8. Hyperosmolality induces late DNA strand breaks that are partially prevented by Gadd45�/� but potentiated by Gadd45�.Fluorescein-dUTP was detected by TUNEL assay in nuclei of apoptotic mIMCD3 cells. A, double-labeling with propidium iodide (red) andfluorescein-dUTP (green). Nuclei appearing yellow bind both dyes, indicating that they are apoptotic. B, time course of fluorescein-dUTPincorporation into DNA analyzed by LSC. An asterisk symbolizes a significant increase of bromodeoxyuridine incorporation compared with time0. C and D, effect of Gadd45 overexpression on annexin V binding after 24 h of exposure to isosmotic medium (C) or hyperosmotic medium (D). Anasterisk symbolizes a significant difference of number of DNA breaks in transfected versus non-transfected cells.

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have been applied to study Gadd45 function in mammaliancells in other contexts. These approaches include utilization ofknockout mice and cells derived from such mice (41, 42), anti-sense RNA approaches (43), and stable overexpression of ec-topic Gadd45 (44). Here we report a novel approach that isbased on transient expression of ectopic Gadd45 and simulta-neous analysis of transfected versus non-transfected cells in thesame sample using laser-scanning cytometry. This approachhas two major advantages. First, it provides internal controlswithin each sample that are treated under identical conditions,thus eliminating potential side effects due to antibiotic selec-tion or developmental/adaptive compensation of Gadd45 func-tion. Second, super-induction of Gadd45 can be initiated justbefore dosing cells in hyperosmotic media without the need toadd potentially interfering inducing agents for conditional geneexpression.

Using this approach we show that super-induction of eachGadd45 isoform during hyperosmotic stress significantly re-duces the number of mitotic cells by about 20–40%. These dataindicate that Gadd45 is directly involved in the induction of G2

arrest at moderate hyperosmolality (540 mosmol/kg) and ofapoptosis at severe hyperosmolality (620 mosmol/kg). Of inter-est, significant Gadd45-mediated induction of G2 arrest andapoptosis was only observed during hyperosmotic stress andnot in isosmotic controls, indicating that Gadd45 super-induc-tion alone is not sufficient to cause either G2 arrest or apoptosisin mIMCD3 cells. Because compartmentation of Gadd45 pro-teins and their potentiation of hyperosmotic induction of G2

arrest are not isoform-specific, we conclude that all Gadd45proteins have similar effects on the cell cycle duringhyperosmolality.

We have previously shown that hyperosmotic induction of G2

arrest in mICD3 cells proceeds in parallel with Gadd45� in-duction that partially depends on p38 kinase (1). This studyand another study published independently (5) were the firstreports demonstrating a functional link between stress-acti-vated mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways and Gadd45.The present study, viewed in the context of our previouslyreported data, suggests that the p38 pathway promotes G2

arrest via Gadd45� induction in response to hyperosmolality.Gadd45� induction also depends on p38 activity in humanneuroblastoma cells exposed to oxidative stress (45), humanepithelial cells exposed to flavonoids (46), and esophageal can-cer cells exposed to peripheral benzodiazepine receptor-specificligands (47). Conversely, p38 activity depends on MEKK4 ac-tivation mediated by each of the three Gadd45 proteins inresponse to a diverse array of stimuli (5, 26, 48, 49). Othermitogen-activated protein pathways such as c-Jun NH2-termi-nal kinase and extracellular signal-regulated kinase are alsoknown regulators and effectors of Gadd45 proteins (1, 22, 50,51, 53). However, the feedback loop between Gadd45 and mi-togen-activated proteins is not always stimulatory but some-times absent or inhibitory. A recent study demonstrates thatGadd45� enhances NF-�B-mediated suppression of c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase signaling and inhibits apoptosis by targetingMKK7 in mouse fibroblasts exposed to tumor necrosis factor-�(24). Therefore, an autoregulatory loop consisting of mitogen-activated protein pathways, NF-�B pathway, Gadd45 proteins,and p53 may coordinate induction of G2 arrest versus apoptosisin dependence of the nature and amplitude of cellular or envi-ronmental signals.

Because of the different and cell-/stimulus-specific effects ofGadd45 proteins on apoptosis, we investigated how super-in-duction of each Gadd45 isoform influences early and late hall-marks of apoptosis. Interestingly, we observed that even mod-erate hyperosmotic stress (540 mosmol/kg) increases caspase

3/7 activation and annexin V binding up to 12 h after the onsetof hyperosmolality. Nevertheless, these effects were transient,and no late apoptosis (�12 h) or apoptotic DNA breaks wereobserved, suggesting that irreversible commitment to apoptosisoccurs only after 12 h. An alternative explanation would bethat cells committed to apoptosis before 12 h detach or die offrapidly and are, therefore, not detected at later time points.This seems unlikely because at severe hyperosmolality (620mosmol/kg) cells that are in late apoptotic stages are readilydetected at 24 h. It is not unusual that irreversible commit-ment to apoptosis can take many hours or even days. Forinstance, irreversible commitment to apoptosis in a B cell lym-phoma cell line exposed to oxidative stress occurs between 48and 72 h (54). In addition, escape of cells from apoptosis hasbeen documented before, and emerging evidence demonstratesthat caspase activation can also be indicative of other, non-lethal processes (55).

The balance between survival and pro-apoptotic signals andthe persistence of such signals clearly favors cell survival atmoderate, and apoptosis at severe hyperosmolality. Gadd45proteins may play an important role in coordinating this proc-ess. Our results suggest that individual Gadd45 isoforms havedifferent survival functions during hyperosmolality. Gadd45�is strongly pro-apoptotic at all times. However, Gadd45� andGadd45� prevent progression of apoptosis and reduce the num-ber of late DNA breaks in cells exposed to severe hyperosmo-lality. They stimulate early caspase 3/7 activation and annexinV binding but to a lesser degree (�2-fold) than Gadd45� (3-fold). Therefore, the time course and persistence of Gadd45activation may be critical for survival and pro-apoptotic signal-ing. In this context it is interesting that hyperosmotic activa-tion of Gadd45� is slower than in response to other stimuli (1).Gadd45� also promotes cell survival in response to stimuliother than hyperosmolality. Gadd45� is induced by CD40 in Bcells and halts the apoptotic cascade in these cells (52). Incontrast, all three Gadd45 proteins are pro-apoptotic in humancancer cell lines exposed to high doses of ionizing radiation andgenotoxic chemicals (39). These data collectively suggest thatGadd45 proteins are part of the cellular machinery that regu-lates the balance between cell survival and apoptosis duringstress and, perhaps, of a mechanism that monitors severity ofcellular stress effects.


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Sally K. Mak and Dietmar KültzExposed to Hyperosmotic Stress

/M Arrest and Modulate Apoptosis in Kidney Cells2Gadd45 Proteins Induce G

doi: 10.1074/jbc.M406643200 originally published online July 15, 20042004, 279:39075-39084.J. Biol. Chem. 

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