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European Medical Students’ Association EMSA European Board 2010 / 2011 1 c/o CPME Standing Committee of European Doctors Rue Guimard 15 1040 Brussels, Belgium


EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


EMSA General Assembly 201101.-04.09.2011, Leiden, The Netherlands

GA Handbook

European Medical Students’ Association

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



1. Introduction Letter

SECTION A: Official Documents

2. GA Agenda3. Minutes of the 20th EMSA GA4. Minutes of the eoGA 20115. Report of the 2011 NCM

SECTION B: Annual Reports

6. Executive Board7. Pillar Directors8. Liaison Officers9. Public Relations, Human Resources and Fund Raising Officer SECTION C: Documents for Discussion and Adoption

10. Brussels Declaration11. EMSA-ELSA Memorandum of Understanding12. Ohrid Resolution13. EMSOC-Statement of Intent14. Bologna Process Follow-up Workshop-Yeditepe PP I15. Bologna Process Follow-up Workshop-Yeditepe PP II

SECTION D: Appendices

16. Motion Forms17. Statutes and Internal Rules18. Abbreviations








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EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


Message from the president

Dear Emsai,

It is my great pleasure to welcome you all at the 21st EMSA General Assembly and the 14th EMS Congress! Welcome to Leiden, The Netherlands and welcome to the celebration of the 20th birthday of our Association!

Two decades ago a group of enthusiasts started a journey. Today we are still on the same ship and in the same waters. The adventure we have been on has led us through storms as well as calms, but through it all our organization has developed and now stands proud and ready to sail to new adventures.

Being a part of EMSA has challenged us, changed us and brought us to the unknown. We hope that you have enjoyed the journey and will stay with us when we chart a new course ahead!

Together, we can shape the World around us!

On behalf of the EMSA European Board,Europeanly yours,

Tin KnezevicPresident of EMSA Europe

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium




EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



Thursday September 1st

Friday September 2nd

Saturday September 3rd

Sunday September 4th

08:00 Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast08:30 8:00-9:00 8:00-9:00 and Check-out09:00 Pre-GA I 8:00-10:0009:30 Pillar Session I10:00 Pre GA II 9:00-11:0010:30 9:30-11:0011:00 Coffee Break Coffee Break Pillar Session II11:30 Training II12:00 Arrival 10:00-13:0012:30 Plenary I Plenary IV13:00 11:30-14:00 11:30-14:00 Lunch13:30 13:00-14:0014:00 Lunch Lunch14:30 14:00-15:00 14:00-15:0015:0015:30 Plenary II Plenary V Post-GA Sessions16:00 15:00-17:00 15:00-17:00 Training III16:30 Handover Session17:00 Coffee Break Coffee Break 14:00-18:0017:3018:00 Training I18:30 16:30-19:00 Plenary III Plenary VI19:00 17:30-19:30 17:30-19:3019:3020:0020:30 Dinner Departure21:00 Opening Ceremony Dinner 19:30-21:0021:30 and  Gala  Dinner 19:30-­‐21:0022:00 20:00-­‐21:00 European22:30 Village23:00 Party

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



Of the 20th EMSA General Assembly 8th-12th September 2010Athens, Greece

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


Opening  of  the  General  Assembly    9th  of  September  2010  at  09:40  CET      

Pre  GA  session      Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (President  of  EMSA  Europe  2010/2011):  Presentation  of  the  agenda:  1.  Opening  2.  GA  Board:  Chair,  Vice-­‐Chair  and  Plenary  Secretary  a.  explanation  b.  candidatures  c.  elections  3.  Commissions:  Credential,  Constitutional  and  Financial  Commissions  a.  explanations  b.  candidatures  c.  elections  4.  Handing  out  of  the  voting  cards  5.  Explanation  of  motion  flow  6.  Closing      2.  GA  Board:      9:45  Motion  #1  ”Motion  to  accept  Jacinta  Lucke  as  Chair  Ruben  da  Cruz  Lopes  as  Vice-­‐Chair  Simone  Kooreman  as  Secretary  General  for  the  EMSA  General  Assemby  2010”  Proposer:  EEB,  Seconder:  Jeetindra  Balak  (The  Netherlands)      Voted  upon  by  raising  of  hands.  Chair:  Jacinta  Lucke  ,  The  Netherlands  0  against,  0  abstains  Vice-­‐Chair:  Ruben  da  Cruz  Lopes,  The  Netherlands  0  against,  0  abstains  Secretary  General:  Simone  Kooreman,  The  Netherlands  0  against,  0  abstains  Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB):  Motion  passes  nemo  contra      3.  GA  Commissions  Credential  commission  • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  Explains  the  role  of  the  Credential  

Commission  and  makes  a  call  for  candidates  The  following  participants  at  the  General  Assembly  step  forward:  

-­‐ Tamara  Darbyshire,  The  Netherlands  -­‐ Rita  Kamar,  The  Netherlands  -­‐ Tessa  van  Boekholt,  The  Netherlands  -­‐ Manoeska  Siem,  The  Netherlands  -­‐ Wiebke  Kewelo,  Germany. 

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


10:00  Motion  #2  ”Motion  to  accept  Rita  Kamar  Tamara  Darbyshire  Tessa  van  Boekholt  Manoeska  Siem  Wiebke  Kewelo  as  credential  commisson  for  the  EMSA  General  Assembly  2010”  Proposer:  EEB,  Seconder:  Jeetindra  Balak  (The  Netherlands)      Voted  upon  by  raising  of  hands.  0  against,  0  abstain  Chair:  Motion  passes  nemo  contra      Constitutional  commission  • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  Explains  the  role  of  the  Constitutional  

Commission  and  makes  a  call  for  candidates.  The  following  participants  at  the  General  Assembly  step  forward:  

-­‐ Sietke  Postema,  The  Netherlands  -­‐ Borislav  Manev,  Macedonia  -­‐ Veronika  Koeppen,  Germany  

   10:05  Motion  #3  ”Motion  to  accept  Sietke  Postema  Veronika  Koeppen  Borislav  Manev  As  constitutional  commissions  for  the  EMSA  General  Assembly  2010”  Proposer:  EEB,  Seconder:  Jeetindra  Balak  (The  Netherlands)      Voted  by  rising  of  hands.  0  against,  0  abstain  Chair:  Motion  passes  nemo  contra      Financial  commission  elections  • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  Explains  the  role  of  the  Financial  

Commission  and  makes  a  call  for  candidates.    

The  following  participants  at  the  General  Assembly  step  forward:  -­‐ Leander  Grundeken,  The  Netherlands  -­‐ Ingrid  Vollenga,  The  Netherlands  -­‐ Anna  Gilbert,  Poland  

   10:10  Motion  #4  ”Motion  to  accept  Ingrid  Vollenga  Leander  Grundeken  Anna  Gilbert  as  financial  commission  for  the  EMSA  General  Assembly  2010”  Proposer:  EEB,  Seconder:  Jeetindra  Balak  (The  Netherlands)  0  against,  0  abstain  Chair:  Motion  passes  nemo  contra

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


   4.  Handing  out  of  the  voting  cards  • Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  Explains  that  at  this  GA  electronic  

voting  devices  will  be  used  instead  of  written  cards  so  that  to  make  the  voting  process  more  time  effective.  There  will  be  one  voting  device  for  each  vote.  

 A  call  for  proxy  forms  is  made.  Participants  with  voting  rights  are  announced  to  bring  their  passports  at  GA  session  1.  The  passport  will  act  as  a  guarantee  for  the  voting  device  so  that  to  make  sure  that  all  the  devices  are  given  back.      5.  Explanation  of  Motion  Flow  Anna  Dobek,  Poland  (EMSA  Secretary  General)  explains  the  motion  flow  and  gives  some  examples.      6.  Closing  of  the  pre-­‐GA  session  Done  at  10:19  by  the  chair.      Future  of  EMSA  session      • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  Opens  the  Future  of  EMSA  session  at  

10:22  announcing  a  sessions  dedicated  to  presentations  and  that  this  session  is  going  to  be  shorter  then  it  was  initially  planned,  because  of  delays.  

   Recommendation  to  include  „Public  health„  in  the  Medical  Ethics  Pillar  • Constanze  Born,  Germany  (EEB),  and  Micky  las  van  Bennekom,  The  

Netherlands  (EEB)  -­‐  State  that  last  year  they  were  working  very  close  together  particularly  on  public  health  issues.  They  suggest  including  the  topic  of  public  health  to  the  Medical  Ethics  pillar  and  change  the  pillar’s  name.  Their  argument  is  that  joining  ethics  and  public  health  will  allow  for  more  project  opportunities.  

• Sandor  Ory,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  Why  not  make  a  new  pillar?  • Micky  las  van  Bennekom,  The  Netherlands  (EEB)  -­‐  For  now  it’s  better  to  

just  change  the  pillar  of  Medical  Ethics  in  Medical  Ethics  &  Public  Health.  Two  pillars  might  have  been  better,  but  this  would  be  a  structural  change.  

• Sandor  Ory,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  Is  really  necessary  to  rename?  • Micky  las  van  Bennekom,  The  Netherlands  (EEB)  -­‐  Yes.  It’s  better  for  

the  sustainability.  • Alexandros  Papadopulos,  Greece  -­‐  Medical  Ethics  is  a  very  tiny  part  of  

public  health.  Isn’t  it  better  that,  if  we  change,  just  to  do  it  well?  Don’t  be  scared  to  change  too  much.  Why  not  two  pillars?  

• Micky  las  van  Bennekom,  The  Netherlands  (EEB)  -­‐  The  Ethics  projects  are  also  related  with  public  health.  The  ethics  are  too  small  for  a  whole  pillar.  Also,  four  directors  are  sometimes  hard  to  work  with,  five  would  be  too  many.  

• Sietke  Postema,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  How  is  the  sustainability  now,  is  it  worth  changing  the  name?

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


• Micky  las  van  Bennekom,  The  Netherlands  (EEB)  -­‐  There  is  a  WHO  symposium  every  two  years  that  is  very  sustainable.  There  are  already  a  few  projects.  

• Constanze  Born,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  With  this  particular  pillar  is  easier  to  combine,  because  public  health  is  so  related  to  ethics.  

• Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands  (Chair)  -­‐  Are  there  any  more  questions?  (No  other  questions)  

   Presentation  of  structural  changes  • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  We  [the  EEB]  would  like  to  present  and  

have  these  changes  adopted  as  a  whole  because  if  we  were  to  adopt  them  only  by  pieces  they  might  not  function  well  as  they  would  as  whole.  We  could  have  proposed  several  motions  for  these  changes  but  that  would  have  also  been  more  difficult  to  vote  upon.  Who  read  the  documents?  

    [Many  hands  are  raised  but  not  all]          The  current  structure  • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  First  explains  the  current  structure  of  

EMSA,  with  the  EEB,  NC,  FMO’s,  workgroup,  training  system  (since  last  NCM).  Externals:  AMEE,  CPME  &  DM,  COE,  WHO.  

• It’s  important  to  know  this  if  we  talk  about  the  structure.  Is  there  anything  wrong  with  this  structure?  

• Sietke  Postema,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  It’s  not  wrong  but  it  can  be  better.  It  is  really  important  to  have  more  activation  at  the  national  layer,  changes  in  the  EEB  and  a  more  professional  EMSA.  

• Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  The  lines  are  everywhere  now,  it  must  be  clearer.  

       The  proposed  structure  • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  In  the  new  structure  every  director  is  

working  with  part  of  the  workgroup  (workgroup  members  are  project  coordinators).  A  project  coordinator  (workgroup  member)  can  form  a  working  committee.  There  are  no  standing  committees  because  they  would  be  difficult  to  maintain  financially.  This  is  meant  to  introduce  a  hierarchy,  a  flexible  hierarchy.  With  the  help  of  the  HRO  position,  the  human  resources  within  the  EEB  and  skills  are  going  to  be  improved.  There  will  also  be  a  Training  System  that  will  be  able  to  provide  trainings  for  the  workgroup  and  training  events  for  FMO’s.  

       The  local  and  national  level  NCs  are  not  really  workgroups  members,  but  they  are  in  direct  contact  with  the  EEB.  The  EEB  wants  more  coordination  nationally,  but  not  national  voting  rights  (FMOs  will  continue  to  have  voting  rights).  Every  country  needs  a  NC!      • Alexandros  Papadopulos,  Greece  -­‐  Are  you  referring  to  NCs  where  you  

don’t  know  if  there  is  a  national  organization,  or  are  they  working  together?  

• Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  The  NC  is  a  connection  between  national  level  and  local  level.  For  example,  three  EMSA  FMO’s  in  one  country

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


(all  are  in  EMSA,  not  in  the  IFMSA).  One  other  is  a  member  of  IFMSA.  Now  the  4th  wants  to  join  EMSA  and  they  chose  one  NC.  The  only  NC.  

• Alexandros  Papadopulos,  Greece  -­‐  If  there  is  an  IFMSA  NMO,  than  you  know  there  is  a  connection.  If  there  are  only  FMOs,  how  do  you  know  if  they  work  together?  

• Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  There  is  frequently  already  a  Student’s  Council,  IFMSA  and  EMSA.  We  don’t  want  a  national  organization  if  not  necessary.  

• Borislav  Manev,  Macedonia  -­‐  What  if  they  do  not  want  to  work  together?  

• Naomi  Begemann,  The  Netherlands  (EEB)  -­‐  The  EEB  can  help.  There  has  to  be  a  person  appointed  to  this  specific  task,  not  a  whole  board  (organization)  

• Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  NC  should  be  elected  at  a  national  level  if  possible.  

• Borislav  Manev,  Macedonia  -­‐  How  is  going  to  be  the  new  structure?  • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  We  are  going  to  vote  on  this  later.  

 Moving  on  to  the  structure  of  the  EEB:  there  will  be  15  members.          The  new  structure  in  more  detail    Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  draws  the  structure:    The  president  and  two  layers  of  the  EEB:  -­‐  EB  -­‐  Everybody  else  The  layers  are  not  strictly  defined.  The  EB  leads  the  EEB  and  is  a  decision  making  body.  The  GA  remains  the  main  and  highest  decision  making  body  of  EMSA.  The  Board  of  Officials  is  the  new  name  of  everybody  else.    • Alexandros  Papadopulos,  Greece  -­‐  It  can  also  be  the  Officials  Board  

(OB)  .    • Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  Why  would  the  Secretary  General  

replace  the  President?  • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  The  Vice  President  has  a  big  workload  due  

to  his  involved  with  the  projects.  If  the  VP  is  the  replace,  somebody  else  must  replace  him  (domino  effect).  

                     Dissolving  the  position  of  Liaison  Officer  towards  the  WHO  (World  Helth  Organization):  • Constanze  Born,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  Relates  the  many  problems  she  had  

after  she  started  and  was  in  contact  with  the  WHO  and  with  IFMSA.  IFMSA  represents  EMSA  in  the  relations  with  WHO  as  both  IFMSA  and  EMSA  are  medical  student  organizations.  WHO  only  recognizes  one  medical  student’s  representative  which  is  the  IFMSA  according  to  the  EMSA-­‐IFMSA  European  Partnership  Agreement.  The  EEB  proposes  to  replace,  in  the  new  structure,  the  WHO-­‐officer  with  a  new  liaison  officer  that  will  be  in  contact  with  all  the  formal  institutions.  

   Teddy  Bear  Hospital  Coordinator  position  is  removed  from  the  EEB.  Public  Relations  Officer  will  be  working  with  the  Liaison  Officers  and  the  Vice-­‐President  for  External  affairs.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


The  Fund  Raising  Officer  position  is  created.  The  person  occupying  this  position  will  be  able  to  create  a  fundraising  team  and  will  work  with  the  treasurer.    • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  BEST  is  a  student  organization,  with  a  

great  fundraising  team.  The  coordinator  is  the  leader  of  the  team.    • Sandor  Ory,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  Who  will  have  voting  rights  in  the  EEB.  • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  The  EB  has  voting  right;  the  rest  will  be  

consulted  only  if  the  issue  concerns  them.  Otherwise  it's  too  much.  • Borislav  Manev,  Macedonia  -­‐  Every  meeting  we  change  something.  

Why  not  just  work?  • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  True.  Every  board  is  different.  The  

structure  now  is  working,  but  could  be  better.  In  the  past  little  thing  where  changed,  now  we  change  a  lot.  

• Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  The  communication  is  a  problem  within  EMSA.  

• Sebastian  Schmidt,  Germany  -­‐  It’s  a  problem  to  meet  each  other.  We  use  email  a  lot  and  this  is  not  good  for  big  groups.  There  must  be  a  new  system,  a  sort  of  Facebook.  We  are  going  to  refine  one  we  will  invite  more  and  more  people  to  join.  

• Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  It’s  really  important  everybody  understood  this,  so  if  you  have  questions  ask!  

 Closing  of  the  Future  of  EMSA  Session  is  done  by  the  Chair  at  11:23.      

GA  session  I      12.07:  The  credential  commission  is  not  ready  yet.  We  will  start  first  with  the  pillar  sessions.  Micky  las  van  Bennekom,  The  Netherlands  (EEB)  shows  a  movie  of  the  EMSA  workgroup  at  12:18.      Opening  of  GA  session  I  at  15:23  The  Chair,  Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands  explains  the  voting  rules  and  the  project  presentations  that  will  happen  on  Friday.      Changes  to  the  agenda  are  made:  the  adoption  of  the  Heidelberg  EMScon  outcomes  and  of  the  NCM  report  as  well  as  the  EMSA  EEB  accountability  session  will  be  moved  to  tomorrow.      • Alexandros  Papadopulos,  Greece  -­‐  Can  the  changes  in  the  internal  rules  

part  I  also  be  postponed  to  tomorrow,  so  we  can  discus  them  in  the  FMO’s.  

• Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands  (Chair):  No,  first  we  accept  the  new  structure  before  the  elections.  


EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


15:29  Motion  #  5  ”To  adapt  the  new  motion  form  as  presented  at  the  General  Assembly”  Proposer:  Jeetindra  Balak,  The  Netherlands  (EEB)  Seconder:  Alexandros  Papadopulos,  Greece.  Motion  passed  with  absolute  majority  (51  in  favor,  1  against,  11  abstentions)  Observation:  the  layout  of  this  new  motion  form  was  sent  over  the  server      15:30  Motion  #6  „  Punctuation,  spelling  mistakes,  minor  grammatical  changes,  updated  social  seat,  updates  about  our  international  accounts  and  an  update  in  reference  to  the  change  in  the  Belgian  law  are  added  to  the  Internal  Rules„    Proposer:  Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB)  Seconder:  Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  Motion  passes  nemo  contra      Observation:  Please  refer  to  the  Internal  Rules  version  11.1  Jeetindra  Balak,  The  Netherlands:  the  status  will  also  have  to  be  changed  in  accordance  to  the  new  Belgian  law.  No  radical  changes  will  be  made,  in  essence  only  langue  changes  and  the  bank  will  changed.  The  exact  changes  will  be  made  after  the  ministry  has  seen  it.      15:59  Motion  #7  „Change  of  IR  (Internal  Rules)  according  to  mandatory  changes  as  proposed.„  The  whole  change  in  one  motion.    Proposer:  Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB),  Seconder:  Naomi  Begemann,  The  Netherlands  (EEB)  Amendment  #7A  on  motion  #7  From  Iza  ENE,  Romania:  To  change  Board  of  Officials  in  Official  Board  (OB).  Alexandros  Papadopulos,  Greece  point  of  information:  it  should  by  Officials  boards.  The  amendment  should  read:  „To  change  Board  of  Officials  in  Officials`  Board  (OB)„.  The  amendment  is  accepted.    Amendment  #7c  on  motion  #7  Sandor  Ory,  The  Netherlands  –  I  propose  to  add  the  following  bullet  point  to  6.2.2  of  the  Internal  Rules  version  11.2  (structure):  „Maintain  the  contact  with  the  NC`s  and/or  LC`s  together  with  the  Secretary  General„  Reason:  Both  the  Vice-­‐President  for  Internal  Affairs  and  the  Secretary  General  should  maintain  contact  with  the  NCs  and  the  contact  with  the  LCs.  Otherwise  the  workload  is  to  high  for  the  functions.  Naomi  Begemann,  The  Netherlands  (EEB)  -­‐  has  a  different  amendment:  it's  better  in  favor  externals  affairs  (external  of  the  EEB).  Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  point  of  information:  the  VPI  has  a  hard  job,  being  in  charge  of  projects  and  the  rest.  There  is  a  vote  on  Sandor  Ory`s  motion  to  („Maintain  the  contact  with  the  NC`s  and/or  LC`s  together  with  the  Secretary  General„  )  Motion  passes  with  absolute  majority:    44  in  favor,  7  against,  12  abstain  Amendment  #7C  on  motion  #7    Louis  Machado  (EEB)  proposes  „  to  put  the  VPI-­‐function  (absence  of  President,  IR  6.2.2)  in  function  of  the  Secretary  General.„    The  proposer  accepts  the  amendment

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


Michaela  Hurmer,  Germany  has  a  direct  negative.  Vote  49  in  favor,7  against  ,11  abstain  This  is  a  motion  out  of  order.  The  credential  commission  has  declared  it  invalid.    16:03  Motion  #8    “1.2  KNOWLEDGE  All  EMSA  members  and  all  EMSA  Executives  in  particular  are  expected  to  

know  the  contents  of  both  the  EMSA  Statutes,  Internal  Rules  and  EMSA  Bylaws.  1.3  AVAILABILITY  

The  EMSA  Statutes,  Internal  Rules  and  EMSA  Bylaws  are  available  for  download  on  the  official  website  of  EMSA.  1.4  LEGAL  STATUS  OF  THE  ORGANIZATION  

EMSA  is  registered  under  Belgian  Law  as  an  International  Association  with  a  pedagogic  and  scientific  purpose.  

1.5  OBSERVANCE  AND  VIOLATION  OF  EMSA  STATUTES  AND  INTERNAL  RULES  Every  EMSA  member  is  expected  to  know  and  observe  the  EMSA  Statutes,  

Internal  Rules  and  EMSA  Bylaws.  When  an  EMSA  member,  honorary  member,  EMSA  alumnus,  representative  or  executive  board  member  is  proven  guilty  of  violating  the  EMSA  Statutes,  Internal  Rules  or  EMSA  Bylaws,  his/her  

membership  and/or  status  can  be  temporarily  suspended  by  the  EMSA  European  Board  until  the  next  General  Assembly.  This  decision  will  require  two-­‐thirds  majority  of  the  EMSA  European  Board.  The  matter  must  be  

presented  at  the  next  General  Assembly  for  a  final  decision,  reached  by  two-­‐thirds  majority.”    Proposer:  Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB),  Seconder:  Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB)    Discussion:  • Sietke  Postema,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  Wants  a  more  detailed  list  of  the  

bylaws.    • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB):  For  example,  it's  not  necessary  to  put  

JEMSA  in  the  Internal  Rules.    • Sietke  Postema,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  Why  have  two  documents  if  the  

information  puts  2  documents  together?    • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  It  is  more  flexible  and  the  document  is  

smaller  • Alexandros  Papadopulos,  Greece  -­‐  Could  the  EEB  change  the  document  

without  the  GA.    • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  The  new  version  has  to  be  adopted.  • Sofia  Ribeiro,  Portugal  -­‐  Has  no  question  anymore.  • Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  If  someone  wants  a  partnership  with  

EMSA,  now  the  EB  can  adopt  one  without  waiting  for  a  GA  and  it's  official  according  to  the  bylaws.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


• Alexandros  Papadopulos,  Greece  -­‐  What  if  the  GA  afterwards  disapproves?  

• Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  There  are  no  big  decisions,  now  the  EB  does  it  unofficially.    

 No  amendments  Vote  -­‐  Sietke  Postema,  The  Netherlands  has  a  direct  negative.    Voting:  39  in  favor,  20  against,  14  abstain.  TOTAL  73  Motion  passes  with  relative  majority    16.07  Motion  #9    “2.1.3  MEDICAL  STUDENT  A  medical  student  is  anybody  studying  at  a  medical  faculty  and  following  a  medical  curriculum  and  who  does  not  yet  have  the  authorization  to  practice.”    Proposer:  Luis  Machado,  Portugal  (EEB),  Seconder:  Naomi  Begemann,  The  Netherlands  (EEB)  No  amendments  Motion  passes  nemo  contra    16:09  Motion  #10    “2.2  EXECUTIVE  BODIES  EMSA  Executive  bodies  are:  

-­‐                  The  EMSA  European  Board;  -­‐                  EMSA  National  Boards;  -­‐                  Faculty  Member  Organizations  (FMOs);  -­‐                  An  EMSA  Task  Force  -­‐                  The  European  Medical  Students’  Council  (EMS  Council);  -­‐                  Advisory  Council.  -­‐                  Working  Group”  

 Proposer:  Naomi  Begemann,  The  Netherlands  (EEB),  Seconder:  Luis  Machado,  Portugal  (EEB)  No  amendments  Motion  passes  nemo  contra    16:10  Motion  #11  “2.2.5  WORKING  GROUP  The  EMSA  Working  Group  or  the  EMSA  WG  is  an  international  body  of  EMSA  Europe  that  supports  the  EMSA  European  Board  and  coordinates  various  international  projects.  Members  of  the  WG  are  appointed  by  the  EB  and  their  mandate  is  not  limited.  Membership  in  the  WG  can  only  be  given  to  Director’s  Assistants,  Project  Coordinators  or  other  prominent  EMSA  members,  as  deemed  fit  by  the  EB.  Every  member  of  the  WG  reports  to  his  or  her  designated  EEB  member.  Those  are  mostly  the  Directors.  Every  member  of  the  WG  can  lead  his/her  own  team.  This  group/committee  has  to  abide  by  the  EMSA  Europe  statutes,  internal  rules  and  bylaws  and  answers  to  the  EMSA  European  Board.”

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


Proposer:  Naomi  Begemann,  The  Netherlands  (EEB),  Seconder:  Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB),  Croatia  Motion  passes  nemo  contra      16:11  Motion  #12  “2.3.3  EMSA  HONORARY  TRUSTEES  EMSA  honorary  trustees  are  people  who  have  contributed  outstandingly  to  EMSA.  They  receive  their  status  by  a  decision  of  the  General  Assembly.“      Proposer:  Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB),  Seconder:  Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB)  Motion  passes  nemo  contra      16:13  Motion  #13  “3.4.2  OFFICIAL  EMSA  FUNCTIONS  EMSA  Alumni  can  remain  involved  in  EMSA  Europe  as  members  of  the  advisory  council  or  as  external  advisors  to  EMSA  Project  committees”      Proposer:  Luis  Machado,  Portugal  (EEB),  Seconder:  Naomi  Begemann,  The  Netherlands  (EEB)    Motion  passes  nemo  contra      16.16  Motion  #14    “Just  look  at  the  mentioned  sections.  It  is  only  capitals  and  deleting  an  ‘s’  or  something  like  that.”[Mention  to  adopt  grammar  and  punctuation  changes]  Proposer:  Naomi  Begemann,  The  Netherlands  (EEB),  Seconder:  Alexandros  Papadopulos,  Greece      Discussion:  • Iza  Ene,  Romania  -­‐  Can  I  see  the  corrected  version  of  the  document  in  

English?  Motion  passes  nemo  contra      16:17  Motion  #15  “3.5.2  REQUIREMENTS  In  order  to  become  a  Faculty  Member  Organization  (FMO),  the  following  requirements  have  to  be  fulfilled.  The  organization:  

-­‐                  consists  of  medical  students  from  a  medical  faculty  situated  in  Europe.  

-­‐                  operates  at  only  one  faculty.  -­‐                  has  to  be  a  non-­‐political  organization.  -­‐                  allows  all  medical  students  at  its  faculty  to  become  a  member.  -­‐                  has  statutes  and  is  registered  under  law.  -­‐                  should  inform  the  dean  of  the  faculty  of  the  existence  of  the  FMO.  -­‐                  supports  the  objectives  of  EMSA.  -­‐                  acts  according  to  the  spirit  of  EMSA.  -­‐                  has  paid  the  annual  registration  fee.  -­‐                  has  no  debts  towards  EMSA.”  

   Proposer:  Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB),  Seconder:  Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB)

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c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


16:25  Alternative  Motion  #15a  • Veronika  Koeppen,  Germany  -­‐  Part  with  the  dean  must  go  out  

(amendment  #15a).  It  can  be  harmful  if  the  dean  is  not  helpful  and  it's  not  really  necessary.  Amendment  is  not  accepted  by  proposer.  

• Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  Text  has  to  be:  “should  inform,  not  have  to  inform.”  

   16:25  Vote  (alternative  option):31  in  favor,  30  against,  10  abstain.  The  amendment  is  put  with  the  original  motion    Discussion:    • Borislav  Manev,  Macedonia  -­‐  How  can  you  calculate  which  

organization  has  more  members?  • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  We  would  leave  that  part  out  and  change  

it  that  they  have  to  work  together.  • Michaela  Hurmer,  Germany  -­‐  Political  organization  has  to  be  changed  

in  non-­‐political  organization.  • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  Yes  we  are  politically  active.  We  don’t  

know  what  the  legal  phrase,  so  vote  tomorrow  (additional  motion).  16:27  Vote:  40  in  favor,  18  against,  13  abstain.  TOTAL:  71  Motion  passes  with  a  relative  majority      Motion  proposal  #  /  Motion  Withdrawn    “Responsibility  FMO…they  should  inform  the  LC,  update  their  data  once  a  year”      Proposer:  Luis  Machado,  Portugal  (EEB),  Seconder:  Naomi  Begemann,  The  Netherlands  (EEB)  Discussion:      • Veronika  Koeppen,  Germany  -­‐  What  happens  to  FMOs  which  pay  but  

did  not  filled  in  the  form.  Do  they  not  have  voting  rights?  • Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  There  is  going  to  be  a  more  specific  

motion  which  levels  FMO´s.    Motion  postponed  in  order  to  first  vote  that  one.      Motion  proposal  #/  Motion  Withdrawn    “Passive  membership  and  loose  voting  rights  at  GA”      Proposer:  Naomi  Begemann,  The  Netherlands  (EEB),  EEB  withdraws  both  motions  and  prepare  them  better  tomorrow.      16:36  Motion  #16  ”  3.7.2  REFUSAL  AS  FACULTY  MEMBER  ORGANIZATION  (FMO)  A  request  for  registration  as  Faculty  Member  Organization  (FMO)  can  be  refused  when  the  requirements  are  not  met.  In  this  case  the  EMSA  European  Board  will  send  a  letter  of  refusal  to  the  requesting  organization,  providing  an  explanation  and  possible  solutions.  Any  payments  will  be  returned,  necessary  transaction  fees  are  paid  by  the  applying  FMO.”    

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


Proposer:  Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB),  Seconder:  Borislav  Manev,  Macedonia  No  amendments  Motion  passes  nemo  contra      17.01  Motion  #  17  “  rename  the  current  pillar  of  “Medical  Ethics”  into  “Public  Health  and  Medical  Ethics”      Proposer:  Jeetindra  Balak,  The  Netherlands  (EEB),  Seconder:  Constanze  Born,  Germany  (EEB)    Discussion:    • Veronika  Koeppen,  Germany  -­‐  Why  is  medical  ethics  not  in  the  front  

anymore?  • Micky  las  van  Bennekom,  The  Netherlands  (EEB)  -­‐  The  focus  should  be  

more  on  public  health.  • CPME  also  focuses  more  on  public  health.  • Micky  las  van  Bennekom,  The  Netherlands  (EEB)  -­‐  If  people  think  of  

ethics  they  name  things  related  things  on  public  health.  • Alexandros  Papadopulos,  Greece  -­‐  HELMSIC  want  medical  ethics  

should  be  combined  with  medical  science,  and  there  should  be  a  new  pillar  public  health.  

• Micky  las  van  Bennekom,  The  Netherlands  (EEB)  -­‐  Wants  not  put  science  not  together  with  ethics.  

• Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  People  who  are  involved  in  science  has  not  their  main  focus  on  ethics.  

• Constanze  Born,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  Against  medical  ethics  in  front.  The  focus  lies  more  on  public  health.  

• Sofia  Ribeiro,  Portugal  -­‐  In  favor  medical  ethics  in  front.  Everything  in  public  health  starts  with  ethics.  Look  at  the  process.  

• Micky  las  van  Bennekom,  The  Netherlands  (EEB)  -­‐  Doesn’t  agree.  • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  More  we  have  the  feeling  that  we  create  a  

public  health  pillar  and  do  also  some  ethics.  It's  very  hard  to  sustain  the  ethics  projects  because  it  can  be  overrun  with  public  health.  

• Micky  las  van  Bennekom,  the  Netherlands  (EEB)  -­‐  It  is  still  related.  • Ingmar  Rinas,  Germany  -­‐  Things  like  science  are  also  connected  to  

ethics.  • George  Starxidis,  Greece  -­‐  Why  not  2  pillars.  • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  Too  many  changes  otherwise.  • Paul-­‐Henry  Mackeprang,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  IFMSA  is  doing  a  lot  in  public  

health  and  EMSA  does  ethics,  it's  not  good  for  the  relationships.  And  I  don’t  wants  to  sacrifice  ethics  over  public  health.  Chair,  there  are  alternative  motions.  

• Goknur  Topcu,  Turkey  –  Would  like  to  have  a  new  pillar  on  public  health,  to  add  a  5th  pillar.  

• Micky  las  van  Bennekom,  The  Netherlands  (EEB)  -­‐  Is  not  in  favor  the  two  pillars  are  to  much  the  same,  and  they  have  to  begin  from  scratch.  It's  better  that  now  put  them  together  and  later  split  them.  

• Constitutional  Committee  -­‐  With  another  pillar,  there  will  also  be  a  new  director.  

• Goknur  Topcu,  Turkey  -­‐  So  now  trying,  and  next  one  or  two  years  split.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


• Micky  las  van  Bennekom,  The  Netherlands  (EEB)  -­‐  Yeah  maybe  splitting  if  the  pillar  is  strong  enough.  

   Alternative:    • Alexander  Papadopoulos,  Greece  -­‐  Public  health  has  little  to  do  with  

ethics.  Put  it  together  with  medical  education.  And  a  new  pillar  public  health.  

• Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  Those  pillars  are  doing  very  different  things.  

   17:01  Vote  (#17-­‐20),  Ethics  Pillar  name  •  Motion  17,  Public  Health  -­‐  Ethics  (11  in  favor)  •  Motion  18,  Ethics  -­‐  Public  Health  (25  in  favor)  •  Motion  19,  Greece  model  (6  in  favor)  •  Motion  20,  5  pillars  (16  in  favor)  

Vote,  10  against,  4  abstain        17.05  Motion  #21  “The  debate  on  the  motion  be  reopened  tomorrow.”      Proposer:  Veronika  Koeppen,  Germany  Seconder:  Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB).  We  vote.  Vote:  47  in  favor,  21  against,  5  abstain,  Total:  73  Motion  passes.      Motion  proposal  /  Missing  number  -­‐  Withdrawn  “Implementing  meeting  in  the  Statutes.  Now  it's  not,  EEB  members  won't  get  a  refunding.”      Proposer:  Constanze  Born,  Germany  (EEB),  • Veronika  Koeppen,  Germany  -­‐  Motion  on  the  refunding  or  reopen  a  list  • Constanze  Born,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  This  motion  is  for  every  liaison  

officer.  • Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  Money  for  EMSA  comes  from  EU.  The  

meetings  have  to  be  in  the  statutes  to  get  money.  Now  we  can  apply  for  money,  if  they  don`t  want  to  go  it  goes  back  to  the  EU.  

   Withdrawal  of  the  motion,  discussion  tomorrow.      Motion  proposal  /  Missing  number  -­‐  Withdrawn  “National  sections  and  NC.  How  they  are  elected?  Proposer:  Veronika  Koeppen,  Germany,      • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  BVMD  or  EMSA  needs  to  change  their  

rules.  Is  it  not  better  to  make  an  appointment  with  BVMD  that  the  NC  is  approved  by  the  FMO?  

• Veronika  Koeppen,  Germany  -­‐  The  described  election  is  not  equal  to  the  other  elects  in  BVMD.  

• Michaela  Hurmer,  Germany  -­‐  We  don’t  have  separate  elections.  BVMD  will  change  their  statutes  so  the  EMSA  will  be  in  them.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


• Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  After  the  EMSA  Germany  meeting  it's  possible  that  also  people  out  of  EMSA  can  be  elected  as  NC.  The  IR  will  be  very  clear.  

• Veronika  Koeppen,  Germany  -­‐  Repeats  the  literal  change.  • Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  Has  an  amendment  on  the  words.  • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  Has  no  problem  with  the  idea  but  only  the  

words.  Country  has  to  have  FMO  or  have  to  accept  it,  because  it's  an  official  EMSA  position.  

• Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands  (Chair)  -­‐  Sit  together  and  come  to  a  consensus!  

   Withdrawal  of  the  motion,  discussion  tomorrow.          Chair  -­‐  Be  nice  to  the  Credential  Commission.  Closing  of  the  GA  session  I  at  17.25.          

GA  session  II      Opening  9:37h.      Chair  explains  de  rules  again.      EB  accountability  session      President  –  Tin  Knežević,  Croatia    Discussion:  • Alexandros  Papadopulos,  Greece  -­‐  How  to  move  towards  the  decision  

made  in  Heidelberg  regarding  our  cooperation  with  the  IFMSA?  • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  There  were  2  decisions.  One  was  to  make  

a  taskforce.  The  problem  is  that  there  is  a  misunderstanding  about  what  was  meant  with  the  second  motion:  to  merge  or  to  cooperate.    

• Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  Has  spent  a  lot  of  time  talking  to  Silva  Rukavina  (IFMSA)  but  he  will  get  into  further  detail  tomorrow.        

• Fleur  de  Jong,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  Compliments  to  Tin!      9:48  Motion  #22  “Acceptance  of  Annual  Report  of  Tin  Knežević,  the  President”      Proposer:  Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  Seconder:  is  Anna  Dobek,  Poland  (EEB)  Amendments:  no  We  vote.  Vote:  65  in  favor,  3  against,  5  abstain,  Total:  73  Motion  passes  with  absolute  majority.      

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


Vice  president  –  Anna  Dobek,  Poland    Discussion:  • Veronika  Koeppen,  Germany  -­‐  Where  is  the  updated  list?  The  list  is  

updated  several  times  in  the  year.  It  will  be  public.  • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  Website,  can  we  see  it?    • Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  Writes  the  website’s  address.  More  

will  be  published  soon.  • X  -­‐  How  did  the  EEB  keep  on  working?  • Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  Some  private  issues,  we  are  very  proud  

that  she  returned  so  motivated.      9:57  Motion  #23  “Acceptance  of  Annual  Report  of  Anna  Dobek,  the  Vice  President”      Proposer:  Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB)  Seconder:  Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  Amendments:  no  We  vote.  Vote:  72  in  favor,  0  against,  1  abstain,  Total:  73  Motion  passes  with  absolute  majority.        Secretary  General  –  Jeetindra  Balak,  The  Netherlands  Isn’t  at  the  GA.  Anna  Dobek,  Poland  (EEB))  will  present  the  annual  report.    Discussion:  • Anna  Dobek,  Poland  (EEB)  -­‐  How  many  online  meeting  did  we  have?  

Checking  the  report-­‐  around  20.  • Ruben  Da  Cruz  Lopes,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  Where  do  you  see  a  solution  

for  all  the  mails  that  you  have  to  reed?  EEB  is  looking  in  favor  a  solution,  EEB  should  mail  less.  

• Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  How  many  exams  did  Jeetindra  pass?  Not  many.      

10.06  Motion  #24  “Acceptance  of  Annual  Report  of  Jeetindra  Balak,  the  Secretary  General”      Proposer:  Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB)  Seconder:  Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  Amendments:  no  We  vote.  Vote:  68  in  favor,  2  against,  1  abstain,  Total:  71  Motion  passes  with  absolute  majority.            Treasurer  –  Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany    Discussion:  • Veronika  Koeppen,  Germany  -­‐  Compliments  for  Tim  he  was  not  only  

treasurer  but  a  really  active  member.  • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  A  lot  of  life  happened  in  this  EEB,  

compliments  to  the  EEB.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


   10.12  Motion  #25  “Acceptance  of  Annual  Report  of  Tim  W.  Rattay,  the  Treasurer”      Proposer:  Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB),  Seconder:  Anna  Dobek,  Poland  (EEB)  Amendments:  no  We  vote.  Vote:  71  in  favor,  1  against,  2  abstain,  Total:  74  Motion  passes  with  absolute  majority.            Medical  education  director  –  Raquel  Correia,  Portugal    Discussion:  • Veronika  Koeppen,  Germany  -­‐  Specify  what  European  projects  you’ve  

made.  We  made  a  workgroup,  a  wish  project?  We  are  making  a  website  about  the  Erasmus  Program  and  we  work  together  with  IFMSA.  

• Sietke  Postema,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  Problems  to  contact  local  level,  

what  did  you  do?  She  send  emails,  but  she  notice  that  the  field  is  not  very  strong.  She  couldn’t  find  many  motivated  people.  

• Anne  Aike  Driessen,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  Do  you  have  any  tips  for  your  

successor?  She  explained  that  in  her  annual  report  one  of  the  tips  is  to  have  face-­‐to-­‐face  meetings  with  local  people.  

• Tamara  Darbyshire,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  Working  with  assistants,  did  that  help?  She  got  the  assistants  in  April,  and  tried  to  have  contact  with  them  on  the  Internet.  She  is  working  with  them  to  prepare  everything  for  her  successor.  

• Constanze  Born,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  Did  you  have  contact  with  AMSA?  No  it's  not  her  task.  

• Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  We  were  in  contact  with  AMSA,  they  were  very  slow  from  their  side  for  a  partnership.  Everything  is  on  hold.  

• Diogo  Belo,  Portugal  -­‐  Congratulations  for  the  good  work.      10.21  Motion  #26  “Acceptance  of  Annual  Report  of  Raquel  Correia,  the  Medical  Education  Director”      Proposer:  Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB)  Seconder:  Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  Amendments:  no  We  vote.  Vote:  31  in  favor,  28  against,  14  abstain,  Total:  73  Motion  passes  with  absolute  majority.            

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


Medical  ethics  director  –  Micky  Las  van  Bannekom,  The  Netherlands    

Discussion:  • Anna  Dobek,  Poland  (EEB)  -­‐  Micky  was  sending  so  much  mail,  she  

worked  very  well!  How  did  you  manage?  She  didn’t  do  anything  on  the  university.  

• Constanze  Born,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  Appreciated  working  with  her.  Good  job!  

• Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  I’ve  heard  that  EMSA  wasn’t  involved  very  well  in  WHSS.  Good  that  she  was  in  Egypt  to  talk  with  all  the  organizations,  good  chance  to  do  it.  

   10.30  Motion  #27  “Acceptance  of  Annual  Report  of  Micky  Las  van  Bannekom,  the  Medical  Ethics  Director”    Proposer:  Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB)  Seconder:  Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  Amendments:  no  We  vote.  Vote:  69  in  favor,  2  against,  2  abstain,  Total:  73  Motion  passes  with  absolute  majority.          Medical  Science  director  –  Kavita  Aggarwal,  United  Kingdom  Isn’t  at  the  GA.  Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB)  will  present  the  annual  report.    Discussion:  • Ruben  Da  Cruz  Lopes,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  What  do  you  think  she  

achieved?  People  interested  in  research  are  in  labs  and  are  not  really  in  

EMSA,  really  hard  to  get  them  involved.  • Ruben  Da  Cruz  Lopes,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  She  didn’t  go  to  the  NEMSC  


• Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  She  was  board  member  of  NEMSC,  she  wasn’t  there  because  she  didn’t  had  the  money  

• Ruben  Da  Cruz  Lopes,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  You  think  is  important  to  go?  • Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB)  –  Yes.  It  is  also  more  important  to  go  to  

the  face-­‐to-­‐face  meetings.  • Constanze  Born,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  She  will  go  in  October  and  will  help  

Constanze.      10.37  Motion  #28  “Acceptance  of  Annual  Report  of  Kavita  Aggarwal,  the  Medical  Science  Director”      Proposer:  Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB)  Seconder:  Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  Amendments:  no  We  vote.  Vote:  30  in  favor,  33  against,  11  abstain,  Total:  74  Motion  fails.  European  Integration  –  Naomi  Begemann,  The  Netherlands

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


 Discussion:  • Micky  las  van  Bennekom,  The  Netherlands  (EEB)  –  You  did  a  lot  for  the  

training  system.  How  was  it  and  how  is  it  now?  There  was  nothing,  only  trainers  from  different  organizations.  Now  we  have  contacts  with  organizations  and  coordinators  and  there  are  a  lot  of  training  events  coming.  

• Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  Sad  that  she’s  leaving,  but  she  will  be  a  good  local  president.  

   10:42  Motion  #29  “Acceptance  of  Annual  Report  of  Naomi  Begemann,  the  European  Integration  Director”      Proposer:  Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB),  Seconder:  Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  Amendments:  no  We  vote.  Vote:  68  in  favor,  2  against,  3  abstain,  Total:  73  Motion  passes  with  absolute  majority.        European  Medical  Organizations  Liaison  Officer,  EMO-­‐LO  –  Luis  Machado,  Portugal    Discussion:  • Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  Very  happy  that  Luis  Machado,  

Portugal  (EEB)  is  now  in  the  CPME  Permanent  Officer  (PO)!  • Luis  Machado,  Portugal  (EEB)  -­‐  Now  is  easier  to  understand  because  he  

is  working  and  not  studying.  • Constanze  Born,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  What  do  you  think  about  the  

cooperation  with  the  last  PO?  He  was  really  amazing  and  he  helped  a  

lot.  • Elif  Keles,  Turkey  -­‐  What  kind  of  work  did  you  do  for  CPME?  He  was  

working  on  all  of  their  statements.      10:52  Motion  #30  “Approval  annual  report  Luis  Machado,  the  EMO-­‐LO.”  Proposer:  Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB),  Seconder:  Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  Vote:  60  in  favor,  7  against,  4  abstain  Motion  passes  with  absolute  majority.      World  Health  Organization  Liaison  Officer,  WHO-­‐LO  –  Constanze  Born,  Gemrany    Discussion:  • Alexandros  Papadopulos,  Greece  –  What  were  your  goals  and  

objectives  at  the  World  health  assembly  in  Berlin?  She  was  very  surprised  by  all  the  feedback  she  got  for  women’s  day.  She  will  present  the  results  and  will  be  giving  a  workshop.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


• Sietke  Postema,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  How  do  you  see  the  future  of  EMSA  at  the  WHO,  because  IFMSA  is  also  involved  there.  There  can  be  only  one  medical  student  organization  and  IFMSA  has  that  position.  Still  she  tried  but  it  didn’t  work.  

• Micky  las  van  Bennekom,  The  Netherlands  (EEB)  -­‐  How  do  you  want  to  achieve  durability  in  EMSA?  You  weren’t  as  active  as  you  wanted  on  the  NGO  meeting  at  the  ESC?  She  will  be  more  present  on  the  ESC.    

 11:01  Motion  #31    “Approval  of  annual  report  of  Constanze  Born,  the  WHO-­‐LO.”    Proposer:  Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB)  Seconder:  Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  Vote:  65  in  favor,  2  against,  7  abstain  Motion  passes  with  absolute  majority.      Student  Organizations  Liaison  Officer,  SOLO  -­‐  Verena  Thiel,  Germany    Presented  by  Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)    Discussion:  • Ruben  Da  Cruz  Lopes,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  Why  was  there  no  one  at  the  

IFMSA  GA  in  Montreal?  They  didn’t  have  money  and  there  was  a  face  to  face  EEB  meeting  at  the  same  time.  

• Zergelis  Agisilaos  (Greece)  -­‐  Concrete  plans  from  Verena  for  the  next  months.  They  will  talk  about  that  tomorrow.  

• Paul-­‐Henry  Mackeprang,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  Why  is  she  not  here?  She  has  Exams,  finals  

• Gvantsa  Tabaghua,  Georgia  -­‐  Do  we  have  connections  with  other  organization?  The  answer  will  be  given  tomorrow.  But  in  short,  yes...  

• Iza  Ene,  Romania  -­‐  What  will  have  been  the  achievements  of  her  term?    • X  -­‐  A  more  specific  cooperation  with  other  organizations  and  a  better  

relation  with  IFISO  and  LSS.      

11:09  Motion  #32    “Approval  of  annual  report  of  Verena  Thiel,  the  SO-­‐LO.”  Proposer:  Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB)  Seconder:  Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)    Vote:  25  in  favor,  26  against,  19  abstain.  Motion  fails.    • Paul-­‐Henry  Mackeprang,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  point  of  information  -­‐  if  the  

reports  are  not  approved,  they  have  to  pay  back  the  reimbursements.  • Alexandros  Papadopulos,  Greece  -­‐  That  doesn’t  matter.  Money  should  

not  be  the  most  important  thing,  when  thinking  about  these  reports.  • Mihai  Radulescu,  Sweden  -­‐  We  voted  now  and  cannot  go  back  in  time.  

We  have  very  high  demands  of  the  EEB  members,  so  that  is  the  reason  why  people  are  disappointed.    

• Veronika  Koeppen,  Germany  -­‐  Nowhere  in  the  IR  is  stated  what  happens  when  a  report  is  not  approved.   

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


Public  Relations  Officer,  PRO  –  Paul-­‐Henry  Mackeprang,  Germany    Discussion:  • Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  Why  is  portfolio  print  later.  Paul-­‐Henry  

Mackeprang,  Germany  (EEB)  had  finals,  and  no  computer.  Now  they  are  waiting  for  the  new  board,  so  everything  is  right  for  the  coming  year.  

• Veronika  Koeppen,  Germany  -­‐  Who  made  the  website?  Externals  made  the  website.  The  content  was  made  by  Anna  Dobek,  Poland  (VP).    

• Veronika  Koeppen,  Germany  -­‐  Says  the  internal  rules  should  be  on  the  website.  

• Iza  Ene,  Romania  -­‐  Congratulations.      

11.22  Motion  #33  “Approval  of  annual  report  of  Paul-­‐Henry  Mackeprang,  the  PRO.”  Proposer:  Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB)  Seconder:  Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)    Vote:  65  in  favor,  0  against,  6  abstain    Teddy  Bear  Hospital  Coordinator,  TBH-­‐coordinator  –  Alexander  Adda,  Ukraine    There  is  no  annual  report  or  presentation.    • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  Has  never  seen  him.  There  has  been  a  lot  

of  discussion,  whether  to  fire  him  or  not,  but  there  was  no  precedent.  The  GA  has  to  decide  on  this.    

• Anna  Dobek,  Poland  (EEB)  -­‐  Says  they  were  looking  for  contact  but  there  has  been  no  response.  

• Veronika  Koeppen,  Germany  -­‐  To  discharge  someone  can  only  be  done  by  the  EEB.  

• Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  The  GA  is  the  highest  decision  making  body,  so  he  can  be  discharged,  even  if  that  is  not  in  the  Internal  Rules.  

• Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands  (Chair)  -­‐  If  he  is  not  fired,  he  will  be  in  the  EMSA  archives  as  EEB  member.  

• Sietke  Postema,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  Reads  the  rules  regarding  the  discharging  of  EEB  members.  We  can  vote  upon  it,  but  there  has  to  be  a  two  third  majority.    

 11:24  Motion  #34    To  discharge  Alexander  Adda,  the  TBH-­‐coordinator  of  the  year  2010.  Proposer:  Ruben  Da  Cruz  Lopes,  the  Netherlands,  Seconder:  Sandor  Ory,  the  Netherlands.    Vote:  54  in  favor,  7  against,  10  abstain  Motion  passes  with  an  absolute  majority.  The  TBH  coordinator  is  discharged.      Pause  11.19,  re-­‐open  11.49    

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


Candidatures    President:  Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  • Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  There  is  not  a  lot  of  time  for  

questions.  Only  important  ones.  • Mihai  Radulescu,  Sweden  -­‐  What  do  you  see  as  your  task?    • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  Everyone  has  his  own  task.  His  depends  a  

lot  on  the  new  EEB.  He  is  giving  them  tasks  and  pays  attention  to  the  workload.  

• Alexandros  Papadopulos,  Greece  -­‐  Specific  point  for  EMSA-­‐IFMSA-­‐cooperation?    

• Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  Tomorrow  will  be  the  big  discussion  prior  to  the  elections.    

 VPI:  Sietke  Postema,  The  Netherlands  • Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  What  happens  in  countries  with  only  

one  FMO?    • Sietke  Postema,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  Then  someone  of  that  FMO  is  NC.    • Raquel  Correia,  Portugal  -­‐  What  happens  in  countries  that  don’t  have  

an  NC?    • Sietke  Postema,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  She  will  stimulate  that  there  will  be  

one.  If  not,  she  will  remain  in  contact  with  the  FMO’s.    VPE:  Christoph  Philipsenburg,  Germany,  presented  by  Sietke  Postema,  The  Netherlands.  • Sandor  Ory,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  He  has  had  a  year  off,  is  that  not  a  

problem  to  him?    • Sietke  Postema,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  He  was  a  part  of  EMSA,  so  he  was  

not  completely  out  of  the  game.  He  did  a  lot  in  the  taskforce.  • Veronika  Koeppen,  Germany  -­‐  Was  he  good  to  cooperate  with?    • Sietke  Postema,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  Yes.    • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  Add  that’s  a  new  function,  but  Tin  has  had  

a  lot  of  contact  with  Christoph  about  the  function  and  the  new  structure.    

• Paul-­‐Henry  Mackeprang,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  Christoph  is  of  the  same  FMO,  he  is  a  really  good  guy.  If  you  want,  Paul-­‐Henry  can  answer  questions  as  well.  

• Tamara  Darbyshire,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  He  is  not  here  because  he  has  exams.  Is  that  a  problem  for  the  entire  year?    

• X  -­‐  No,  only  now  because  of  an  Erasmus  program  last  year.  • Constanze  Born,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  He  will  have  contact  with  the  WHO,  

but  that  is  also  a  task  of  the  Liaison  officers.  How  will  he  manage  that?    • X  -­‐  He  trusts  them,  but  he  has  a  lot  of  experience,  also  because  of  his  

good  relation  with  IFMSA.    Secretary  General:  Anna  Dobek,  Poland  • Jeetindra  Balak,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  With  the  new  structure,  there  are  

more  tasks  to  your  function.  This  takes  more  time.  Do  you  have  that?    • X  -­‐  She  will  stop  her  studies  for  a  year  and  has  a  lot  of  experience,  so  it  

will  be  faster.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


Treasurer:  Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB)  W.  Rattay  • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  The  last  months  of  your  term  you  will  

already  be  working.  Will  you  still  work  on  EMSA  stuff  then?    • Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  Yes,  of  course.    

 Medical  Education  Director:  two  candidates.      Matthew  Attard,  Malta,  leaves  the  room.    Suleyman  Yildiz,  Turkey:  • Alexandros  Papadopulos,  Greece  -­‐  What  are  you  specific  goals  with  the  

IFMSA-­‐SCOME?  He  will  have  contact  with  everyone  and  hopes  for  a  good  collaboration.    

• Veronika  Koeppen,  Germany  -­‐  I  believe  in  you!  You  were  very  good  with  hosting  the  NCM.  

• Micky  las  van  Bennekom,  The  Netherlands  (EEB)  -­‐  I  heard  you  were  first  interested  in  the  science  pillar,  but  why  did  you  decide  to  go  for  this  position?  He  had  a  meeting  with  the  university  about  JEMSA  and  it  didn’t  work,  so  he  will  put  his  energy  to  medical  education.  

 Suleyman  Yildiz,  Turkey,  leaves  the  room.  Matthew  Attard,  Malta  gives  his  presentation:  • Alexandros  Papadopulos,  Greece  -­‐  What  are  you  specific  goals  with  the  

IFMSA-­‐SCOME  collaboration?  He  will  maintain  a  good  relationship  with  IFMSA.  He  knows  the  people.  People  need  to  cooperate  and  not  split  up.  He  will  form  a  bridge.    

• Zergelis  Argisilaos,  Greece  -­‐  Why  are  trainings  useful  to  empower  the  motivation  of  local  FMO’s?    

• x  • Matthew  Attard,  Malta  -­‐  He  will  make  a  handbook  that  will  make  sure  

that  they  are  not  alone.  Let  them  know  they  can  make  a  difference.  This  will  take  time.  

• Sandor  Ory,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  Role  in  the  EEB,  how?    • Matthew  Attard,  Malta  -­‐  He  will  make  joint  projects  en  cooperate  with  

other  directors  and  liaison  officers.  • Sietke  Postema,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  You  gave  a  training  at  the  NCM.  And  

followed  a  TNT.  Does  he  have  to  qualities  to  organize  an  entire  week  of  training?    

• Matthew  Attard,  Malta  -­‐  He  is  not  going  to  do  it  alone,  but  with  others.  • Micky  las  van  Bennekom,  The  Netherlands  (EEB)  -­‐  I  am  very  happy  with  

you  as  workgroup  member.  • Iza  Ene,  Romania  -­‐  How  do  you  work  in  a  group?  Do  you  like  to  work  

alone  or  in  a  group?  How  much  time  do  you  want  to  invest  in  handover?    

• Matthew  Attard,  Malta  -­‐  Doesn’t  believe  in  assistants.  As  a  team  you  can  achieve  a  lot.    

 Medical  Science  Director:  Borislav  Manev,  Macedonia  • Veronika  Koeppen,  Germany  -­‐  Are  you  going  to  continue  with  your  

study,  together  with  everything  you  are  doing  in  EMSA?    • Borislav  Manev,  Macedonia  -­‐  This  is  his  last  year  and  he  is  going  to  give  

everything.  After  that  he  will  focus  on  study  again.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


• Paul-­‐Henry  Mackeprang,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  How  are  you  going  to  combine  the  hosting  of  the  GA  with  the  EEB?    

• Borislav  Manev,  Macedonia  -­‐  He  will  make  teams  and  do  it  together  with  them.  

• Sofia  Ribeiro,  Portugal  -­‐  Are  you  going  to  go  to  scientific  congresses  in  contrary  to  the  current  director?    

• Borislav  Manev,  Macedonia  -­‐  EMSA  needs  to  be  represented,  so  he  will  try  to  do  it.    

• Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  There  are  some  things  going  to  change  regarding  JEMSA.    

 Medical  Ethics  Director:  Sebastian  Schmidt,  Germany    • Micky  las  van  Bennekom,  The  Netherlands  (EEB)  -­‐  When  you  start  with  

your  term,  what  are  you  dreams  for  the  projects?    • Sebastian  Schmidt,  Germany  -­‐  The  blueprints,  so  it’s  easier  to  adapt  it  

for  FMO’s.    • Paul-­‐Henry  Mackeprang,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  IFMSA  does  a  lot  in  SCOPH,  

how  do  you  see  the  collaboration?    • Sebastian  Schmidt,  Germany  -­‐  There  are  a  lot  of  similar  projects.  He  

refers  to  the  blueprints;  he  thinks  they  have  so  much  potential.  Can  be  together  IFMSA-­‐EMSA,  without  emerging.  Ruxandra  Dascalescu,  Romania  -­‐  Money  for  the  blueprints?    Sebastian  Schmidt,  Germany  -­‐  Can  be  free,  if  you  shared  them  in  digital  form.  

 European  Integration  Director:  Sofia  Ribeiro,  Portugal;    Naomi  Begemann,  The  Netherlands  (EEB)  gives  the  presentation  • Veronika  Koeppen,  Germany  -­‐  Finished  with  her  exams?    • Sofia  Ribeiro,  Portugal  -­‐  No,  she  is  still  a  medical  student  for  one  year  

and  she  is  going  to  finish  her  master  thesis.    • Constanze  Born,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  How  was  the  collaboration?  • Naomi  Begemann,  The  Netherlands  (EEB)  -­‐  She  was  responding  really  

fast  and  helped  her  with  the  LSS  and  Twinning.  • Iza  Ene,  Romania  -­‐  Is  she  planning  to  attend  international  meetings?    • Naomi  Begemann,  The  Netherlands  (EEB)  –  Yes.  

 Liaison  Officer  towards  European  Medical  Organizations:  Elif  Keles,  Turkey  • Zergelis  Argisilaos,  Greece  -­‐  How  do  you  see  future  collaboration  with  

IFMSA?    • Elif  Keles,  Turkey  -­‐  In  her  FMO  EMSA  and  IFMSA  are  together  and  she  

also  worked  on  IFMSA  stuff.  She  knows  the  Team  of  Officials  of  IFMSA.  • Constanze  Born,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  Curious  about  how  to  implement  

internships,  given  the  status  with  the  WHO?    • Elif  Keles,  Turkey  -­‐  IFMSA  has  a  internship,  she  is  looking  at  the  results  

of  the  workgroup.  • Paul-­‐Henry  Mackeprang,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  Only  IFMSA  can  contact  

WHO  because  of  the  agreement.    • Elif  Keles,  Turkey  -­‐  She  will  look  into  all  the  rules  and  see  what  is  

possible.  See  if  we  can  be  officially  recognized.  • Raquel  Correia,  Portugal  -­‐  IFMSA  is  contact  organization  for  UNESCO  as  


EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


• Elif  Keles,  Turkey  -­‐  During  her  internship  at  WHO  she  knows  that  there  is  a  restriction  for  EMSA  collaboration.    

• Raquel  Correia,  Portugal  -­‐  What  about  the  other  organizations  like  CPME?    

• Elif  Keles,  Turkey  -­‐  There  is  a  good  relationship  and  she  wants  to  keep  the  collaboration.    

• Raquel  Correia,  Portugal  -­‐  How  are  you  going  to  pay  for  the  meetings?    • Elif  Keles,  Turkey  -­‐  Most  of  them  are  in  Europe  and  she  will  ask  for  

funding  at  her  university  and  TurkMSIC.  • Luis  Machado,  Portugal  (EEB)  -­‐  How  are  you  going  to  combine  the  

functions?    • Elif  Keles,  Turkey  -­‐  Some  are  already  finished,  some  are  easy  to  

combine.  She  is  already  in  a  routine.    • Luis  Machado,  Portugal  (EEB)  -­‐  Second  question,  you  named  a  lot  of  

medical  organizations,  but  not  all.    • Elif  Keles,  Turkey  -­‐  She  will  keep  her  focus  on  the  most  important  ones.  

 Liaison  officer  to  students’  organizations:  no  candidates    Liaison  officer  to  formal  institutions:  no  candidates    PR-­‐officer:  Ingmar  Rinas  • Naomi  Begemann,  The  Netherlands  (EEB)  -­‐  Did  you  see  the  portfolio?  

Do  you  like  it  or  do  you  want  to  change  it?    • Ingmar  Rinas,  Germany  -­‐  Yes,  he’s  seen  it,  it's  good.  It  looks  

professional.  • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  European  media  -­‐  usage  of  international  

level,  how  will  it  help  in  the  local  level?    • Ingmar  Rinas,  Germany  -­‐  He  will  make  a  corporate  design  for  EMSA.  • Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  I’m  happy  with  the  candidate    • Zerdelis  Agisilaos,  Greece  -­‐  Do  you  have  experience  with  designing  a  

whole  corporate  identity.    • Ingmar  Rinas,  Germany  -­‐  He  forgot  to  mention  it,  but  he  designed  

corporate  identity  on  the  local  level.  Nothing  big.    • Anna  Dobek,  Poland  (EEB)  -­‐  How  do  you  react  on  comments  from  the  

EEB  on  your  designs?    • Ingmar  Rinas,  Germany  -­‐  Can’t  say  now.    

 Human  resources  officer:  Iza  Ene,  Romania  • Borislav  Manev,  Macedonia  -­‐  Do  you  want  to  organize  trainings  for  

trainer?  • Iza  Ene,  Romania  –  Yes.  • Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  You  will  you  provide  training  to  EB  and  

OB?    • Iza  Ene,  Romania  -­‐  Trainings  at  face  to  face  meetings  are  the  best.  

There  will  be  some  time.  She  also  did  one-­‐on-­‐one  trainings.  Otherwise  there  is  always  the  option  of  doing  online  trainings.  

• Paul-­‐Henry  Mackeprang,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  Potential  in  medical  education?    

• Iza  Ene,  Romania  -­‐  Yes.    • Paul-­‐Henry  Mackeprang,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  Will  you  help  the  officer?    • Iza  Ene,  Romania  –  Yes.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


• Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  Working  together  with  other  organization  for  joint  session.  Do  you  have  some  one  in  mind,  who  can  help  you?    

• Iza  Ene,  Romania  -­‐  Not  yet.  • Naomi  Begemann,  The  Netherlands  (EEB)  -­‐  Questions  are  already  

answered.    Fundraising  commission:  Eral  Gökalp,  Turkey  • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  If  you  go  to  a  new  sponsor,  could  you  

please  explain  what  you  would  do?  Which  steps  would  you  take?    • Eral  Gökalp,  Turkey  -­‐  Prepare  a  document  for  the  sponsor,  meeting  

with  EEB  and  taskforce,  be  sure  that  they  know  us  and  we  know  them.    • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  What  do  you  ask  or  search  from  a  

sponsor?  What  you  want?    • Eral  Gökalp,  Turkey  -­‐  We  need  to  give  something  to  them  and  we  will  

also  ask.  • Zerdelis  Agisilaos,  Greece  -­‐  Do  have  national  or  international  

experience?    • Eral  Gökalp,  Turkey  -­‐  He  has  only  local  experience.    • Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  Have  you  ever  assisted  a  big  meeting  

with  a  lot  of  money  from  different  sponsors?    • Eral  Gökalp,  Turkey  -­‐  Yes.  The  most  is  about  5000  euro.  

 And  Tamara  Darbyshire,  The  Netherlands:  • Paul-­‐Henry  Mackeprang,  Germany  -­‐  What  is  your  opinion  about  

pharmaceutical  sponsoring?    • Tamara  Darbyshire,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  She  would  consider  it,  but  it  is  

something  that  regards  the  entire  EEB  and  EMSA.  They  have  to  back  that  up.  She  has  some  experience  with  that  debate  in  in  IFMSA-­‐NL.  

• Iza  Ene,  Romania  -­‐  Have  you  raised  money  and  how  much?    • Tamara  Darbyshire,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  Yes,  I  did.  You  must  prepare,  

work  but  we  have  raised  for  example  10.000  euro.  • Zerdelis  Agisilaos,  Greece  -­‐  Experience  applying  for  grant  outside  NL?    • Tamara  Darbyshire,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  Not  really,  but  has  experience  

communicating  with  abroad  organizations.  • Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  Very  happy  with  Tamara  and  with  the  

second  candidate!  Did  not  expect  it.      Question  for  both  candidates:  

• Paul-­‐Henry  Mackeprang,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  International  fundraising  experience.    

• Both  -­‐  None.  • Sietke  Postema,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  Do  you  want  to  be  an  assistant,  if  

you  are  not  elected?  • Tamara  Darbyshire,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  Yes,  but  i  would  also  look  into  

other  functions.    • Eral  Gökalp,  Turkey  -­‐  Yes  to  gain  experience  in  EMSA.  • Iza  Ene,  Romania  -­‐  Fundraising  for  products,  is  it  worth  it  to  cover  

your  budget?    • Both  -­‐  Yes. 

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


Eral  leaves  the  room.  Questions  for  Tamara.    • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  You  want  to  contact  two  different  

sponsors,  a  printer  and  a  pharmaceutical  company.  Will  you  do  that  differently,  and  how?    

• Tamara  Darbyshire,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  Yes,  she  can  image  that  the  companies  are  different  and  you  need  to  look  for  a  common  interest  between  you  and  the  company.  You  need  to  adjust  to  that.  With  a  pharmaceutical  company  you  have  a  lot  more  discussion  because  they  are  very  commercial.    

Tamara  leaves  the  room.  Questions  for  Eral.  • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  –  Same  question.  You  want  to  contact  two  

different  sponsors,  a  printer  and  a  pharmaceutical  company.  Will  you  do  that  differently,  and  how?  

• Eral  Gökalp,  Turkey  -­‐  A  printer  is  closer  to  us.      Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands,  Chair  -­‐  Are  there  any  other  candidates?    • Yes!  

 Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands,  Chair  -­‐  I  really  don’t  like  it  that  people  candidate  after  the  first  one  already  did  their  presentations.  We  will  proceed  now  and  the  GA  candidatures  will  be  after  lunch.      Raquel  Correia  candidate  for  EMO-­‐LO:  • Zerdelis  Agisilaos,  Greece  -­‐  Which  would  be  you  relationship  with  

IFMSA?    • Raquel  Correia,  Portugal  -­‐  I  met  them  and  want  to  work  with  them.    • Tamara  Darbyshire,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  You  were  already  in  the  EEB  in  

another  function.  What  would  you  like  to  do  differently  this  time?    • Raquel  Correia,  Portugal  -­‐  She  wants  to  plan  better  and  be  more  aware  

of  her  time.  More  Skype  and  less  mail.  • Constanze  Born,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  There  are  major  changes  in  the  EEB,  

did  you  think  of  other  functions?    • x  • Luis  Machado,  Portugal  (EEB)  -­‐How  do  you  see  the  collaboration  with  

AMEE.  • Raquel  Correia,  Portugal  -­‐  It  is  not  really  accessible,  they  are  on  

another  level  and  do  other  things.      

Both  candidates  EMO-­‐LO:  • Paul-­‐Henry  Mackeprang,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  Did  you  think  of  being  FI-­‐LO  

when  you’re  not  elected?    • Elif  Keles,  Turkey  -­‐  Yes.    • Raquel  Correia,  Portugal  -­‐  Does  not  know  because  she  will  be  in  

Erasmus.      The  Constutional  Comission  states  that  applications  from  candidates  must  be  submitted  two  weeks  before  the  GA  or,  for  vacant  positions,  at  the  beginning  of  the  plenary  session.      It’s  done  now.  We  will  make  a  motion  to  clear  it,  at  the  next  session.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


 • Iza  Ene,  Romania:  There  should  be  two  motion.  On  about  the  

candidatures  and  one  about  to  candidate  after  someone  else  has  decided  to  candidate.  

 Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB):  OC  announcements.      Closing  of  the  session  at  14.34.      

GA  session  III:  Opening:  15.31h.    Host  of  the  GA  -­‐  Two  candidates  Leiden,  The  Netherlands  and  Skopje,  Macedonia.      Macedonia  (Borislav  Manev,  Macedonia)  is  giving  a  presentation.    Leiden  (Fleur  de  Jong,  The  Netherlands)  is  giving  a  presentation.      • Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  Looked  at  their  budgets.  If  part  of  the  

budget  is  still  left,  does  it  go  for  (10%)  to  the  EEB?    • Leiden  -­‐  Yes  there  is,  almost  the  whole  budget  is  covered.    • Macedonia  -­‐  Not  a  specific  budget  yet.  • Iza  Ene,  Romania  -­‐  What  are  the  fees?    • Macedonia  -­‐  160-­‐190  euro,  sponsors  won't  give  stuff  but  products.    • Leiden  -­‐  120-­‐140  euro  for  the  GA,  the  EMScon  is  160  euro.  Combine  

280  euro,  for  the  whole  week  (7  days)  including  everything.    • Ioanna  Maniou,  Greece  -­‐  How  many  countries  needs  a  visa  in  the  NL?    • Leiden  -­‐  About  5,  it’s  in  the  document,  almost  never  a  problem.    • X  -­‐  Next  year  is  EMSAs  birthday,  did  you  think  about  this?    • Leiden  -­‐  Planning  a  big  party,  including  IFMSA-­‐NL  (500-­‐700  people)  and  

EMSA.    • Macedonia  -­‐  Purpose  is  parties.  Is  there  a  second  plan  if  the  budget  

fails?    • Leiden  -­‐  Almost  97%  we  already  have  covered  and  the  rest  will  be  paid  

by  the  Dean  of  the  University.    • Macedonia  -­‐  Event  is  big  for  their  country,  so  they  think  it's  not  a  

problem.  Otherwise  the  university  will  pay.  • Sofia  Ribeiro,  Portugal  -­‐  In  Macedonia,  do  you  also  combine  the  

congress?    • Macedonia  -­‐  No,  because  we  have  several  congresses  and  it's  our  first  

GA.    • Alexandros  Papadopulos,  Greece  -­‐  This  summer  we  had  our  first  

summer  school.  We  have  the  professor,  logistics  and,  so  maybe  it  can  be  with  the  summer  school.    

 Host  of  NCM:  Poland  is  very  spontaneous,  the  only  candidate.  Olga  Rostkowska  and  Anna  Gilbert  are  giving  a  presentation.    • Alexandros  Papadopulos,    Greece  -­‐  When  do  you  want  the  consider  the  

dates,  do  you  also  consider  the  date  of  the  EuRegMe?    • Poland  -­‐  They  are  going  to  look  to  the  dates  of  the  EuRegMe  so  IFMSA-­‐

members  can  go  to  both.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


 16.31  Motion  #35  „Suspending  for  this  GA  IR  [Internal  Rule]  10.4  part  one  referring  to  the  two  week  prior  GA  deadline  for  candidatures.„    Proposer:  Veronika  Koeppen,  Germany  (constitutional  commission),  Seconder:  Sietke  Postema,  The  Netherlands.  Procedural  Motion:    Michaela  Hurmer,  Germany  has  a  direct  negative.    Vote:  65  in  favor,  5  against,  3  abstain  Motion  passes  with  an  absolute  majority    Veronika  Koeppen,  Germany  -­‐There  were  candidates  for  functions  that  officially  don’t  exist  yet.    16:34  Motion  #36  „To  accept  all  candidatures  that  were  presented  today„    Proposer:  Veronika  Koeppen,  Germany  (constitutional  commission),  Seconder:  Sietke  Postema,  The  Netherlands.  Micky  las  van  Bennekom,  The  Netherlands  (EEB)  wants  to  vote.    65  in  favor,  6  against,  3  abstain  Motion  passes  with  an  absolute  majority    16:36  Motion  #37    To  adopt  the  amended  motion  with  the  difference  of  making  the  VPI  replace  the  President  in  case  of  his  or  her  absence.    Proposer:  Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB),  Seconder:    Naomi  Begemann,  The  Netherlands  (EEB).    No  direct  negative.  Motion  passes  nemo  contra.      Closing  plenary  16.37.        

GA  session  III  -­‐  Continual  Opening  20.36    20.51.Motion  #38      Proposer:  Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB),  Seconder:  Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB).    „To  change  the  article  10.12.2  to  the  following  10.12.2  VOTING  MODE  „Unless  mentioned  in  the  Statutes  or  Internal  Rules,  all  decisions  shall  be  made  by  presentation  of  official  voting  cards  or  usage  of  electronic  voting  devices.„  68  in  favor,  4  against,  3  abstain  Motion  passes  with  an  absolute  majority  

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


Discussion:  • Michaela  Hurmer,  Germany  -­‐  Can  we  work  with  the  devices  for  this  

motion.  • Naomi  Begemann,  The  Netherlands  (EEB)  -­‐  Next  motion  is  going  to  

cover  all  this.  • Tamara  Darbyshire,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  The  voting  of  the  candidates  will  

be  done  on  paper?    • Sietke  Postema,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  All  decisions  have  to  be  by  voting  

card,  that’s  what  this  motion  is  about.  The  candidatures  will  be  voted  upon  by  ballot.  

• Borislav  Manev,  Macedonia  -­‐  Do  we  need  to  buy  the  system?    • Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  No,  we  can  choose.  • Veronika  Koeppen,  Germany  -­‐  Do  electronic  devises  mean  just  

electronic  or  also  via  the  internet?    • Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  No,  not  internet,  people  have  to  be  

here  in  person.    Amendments:    • Naomi  Begemann,  The  Netherlands  (EEB)  -­‐  Should  we  add  the  use  of  

the  internet?    • Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  How  would  we  make  sure  that  the  

right  person  is  voting?    • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  Maybe  leave  this  for  later.    • Naomi  Begemann,  The  Netherlands  (EEB)  -­‐  I  withdraw  the  amendment.  

 20.52  Motion  #39    Proposer:    Naomi  Begemann,  The  Netherlands  (EEB),  Seconder:  Sietke  Postema,  The  Netherlands.  To  accept  all  votes  made  during  this  GA  with  voting  devices  too.      Motion  passes  nemo  contra.  • Elif  Keles,  Turkey  -­‐  You  can  see  what  somebody  votes.    • Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  Only  I  can  see  it,  same  as  when  you  

raise  your  hands.  • Veronika  Koeppen,  Germany  -­‐  You  can  always  ask  to  vote  by  ballot.  

   GA  Minutes  2010  approval    A  part  of  the  minutes  was  lost  so  not  the  entire  minutes  are  presented  for  adoption.    

 • Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  They  were  partially  lost  due  to  a  

technical  problem  • Iza  Ene,  Romania  -­‐  Are  we  ever  going  to  use  these  minutes?  •  Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  Yes,  they  will  be  official.  • Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  We  already  voted  upon  all  the  stuff  in  

the  minutes,  it  stays  the  same.    • Veronika  Koeppen,  Germany  -­‐  If  the  chair  and  president  sign  the  

document  it's  official,  so  we  can  vote.    • Michaela  Hurmer,  Germany  -­‐  Has  a  direct  negative  and  wants  to  vote.   

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Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


20:57.Motion  #40  „To  accept  the  minutes  of  the  GA  2009„    Proposer:  Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB),  Seconder:  Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB),  52  in  favor,  9  against,  13  abstain  Motion  passes  with  an  absolute  majority    20:59  Motion  #41    „To  accept  the  NCM  report.„    Proposer:  Naomi  Begemann,  The  Netherlands  (EEB),  Seconder  Micky  las  van  Bennekom,  The  Netherlands  (EEB)    Motion  passes  nemo  contra      Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  No  motion  about  the  EMS  Con,  because  there  was  no  quorum.  Motion  withdrawn.    21:01  Motion  #42    „To  accept  the  EMS  council  7  resolution„      Proposer:  Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB),  Seconder:  Anna  Dobek,  Poland  (EEB).  Motion  passes  nemo  contra.    21.03  Motion  #43    „To  accept  the  Heidelberg  EMScon  Statement.„    Proposer:  Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB),  Seconder:  Naomi  Begemann,  The  Netherlands  (EEB).    Motion  passes  nemo  contra.    21.06  Motion  #44    Proposer:  Paul-­‐Henry  Mackeprang,  Germany  (EEB),  Seconder:  Veronika  Koeppen,  Germany.  „I  want  EMSA  to  adopt  this  paper  [The  „Riga  youth  declaration  on  tobacco  control”]  as  an  official  policy  paper.„  Motion  passes  nemo  contra.  The  HELP  RIGA  declaration  is  adopted  as  an  EMSA  statement.  

Paul-­‐Henry  Mackeprang,  Germany  (EEB)  gives  explanations  about  the  declaration.  No  questions.  No  amendments.  

   Changes  in  IR:    21.09  Motion  #45    „The  structural  changes  to  the  EMSA  board  structure  will  become  active  by  the  time  the  EMSA  officials  for  2010-­‐2011  come  into  office.„    Proposer:  Paul-­‐Henry  Mackeprang,  Germany  (EEB),  Seconder  Tessa  van  Boekholt.  Motion  passes  nemo  contra.

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Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


 • Veronika  Koeppen,  Germany  -­‐  How  will  it  be  if  the  IR  is  not  approved?    • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  Says  that  has  already  been  done.  

 21.13  Motion  #46  about  the  director  medical  ethics  and  public  health.  „To  have  point  6.2.6  of  the  EMSA  Internal  rules  read  „EMSA  Ethics  and  Public  Health  Director„„    Proposer:  Paul-­‐Henry  Mackeprang,  Germany  (EEB),  Seconder  Fleur  de  Jong,  The  Netherlands.      Passes  nemo  contra.      • Sietke  Postema,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  You  cannot  vote  about  something  if  

the  topic  is  already  closed.    • Paul-­‐Henry  Mackeprang,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  There  is  a  problem  with  the  

IR.  There  is  no  explanation  about  what  a  simple  majority  is.  There  are  several  ways  to  interpret  that.  We  want  to  revote  on  the  one  that  had  the  most  votes  yesterday.    

• Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  We  voted  yesterday  on  the  name  of  the  pillar  and  there  were  a  lot  of  possibilities.  The  votes  were  divided.  

• Iza  Ene,  Romania  -­‐  Did  we  already  have  a  motion  like  that  earlier  in  this  GA?  Could  the  Secretary  check?  

• Paul-­‐Henry  Mackeprang,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  How  do  we  know  for  sure  it  is  that  one,  is  there  a  simple  majority?  

• Naomi  Begemann,  The  Netherlands  (EEB)  -­‐  We  only  voted  upon  the  pillar,  not  the  director,  we  need  another  motion  to  change  everything.  

 21.14  Motion  #47  To  change  the  name  of  the  pillar  everywhere  in  the  IR.  „To  change  „medical  ethics”  into  „medical  ethics  and  public  health„  everywhere  the  first  is  written  in  the  Internal  Rules  of  EMSA„  Proposer:  Sietke  Postema,  The  Netherlands,  Seconder:  Contanze  Born,  Germany.      Passes  nemo  contra    21.16  Motion  #48    „To  adopt  the  „„  in  CMYK  100/70/0/50  filling  and  CMYK  0/0/0/0  background  as  the  official  EMSA  Logo  as  adopted  by  the  20th  EMSA  General  Assembly  2010  in  Athens,  Greece„  Proposer:  Paul-­‐Henry  Mackeprang,  Germany  (EEB)  ,  Seconder  Tanassis.  Change  new  logo..    • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  makes  at  21:19  the  amendment  #48b.  

Change  the  sentence  „change  logo„  to  „add  to  official  logo”„  The  new  logo  needs  to  be  registered  before  we  can  use  it.    

Paul-­‐Henry  Mackeprang,  Germany  (EEB)  and  Tanassis  accept  the  amendment  

The  motion  passes  nemo  contra.      

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Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


21:20  Motion  #49  „The  Partnership  Agreement  between  EMSA  and  the  ESC  shall  be  adopted  due  to  the  terms  that  are  installed  in  the  document.„        Proposer:  Constanze  Born,  Germany  (EEB),  Seconder:  Veronika  Koeppen  Germany  (EEB).  Partnership  with  the  faculty  of  Groningen  and  the  Network  of  European  Medical  Students  Conferences  (NEMSC)    • Constanze  Born,  Germany  (EEB)  –  Explains  that  she  will  meet  the  

officials  in  October  and  she  wants  backup.  She  explains  what  the  ESC  is.    

• Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  We  are  partners  in  NEMSC.    No  amendments.  Motion  passes  nemo  contra.    Motion  proposal  #  /  Withdrawn  Motion  -­‐-­‐-­‐  by  Veronika  Koeppen,  Germany,  Seconder  Sandor  Ory.  Add  to  the  IR  that  annuals  reports  need  to  be  voted  upon  -­‐  Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB),  the  problem  is  that  YIA  sees  your  entire  budget,  you  cant  just  send  them  a  little  bit,  and  they  see  where  the  money  goes  to.  If  a  report  is  denied  and  that  person  cannot  get  money,  that  is  a  problem.    Veronika  Koeppen,  Germany  –  That`s  what  I’m  trying  to  prevent.    • Veronika  Koeppen,  Germany  -­‐  What  if  a  report  is  not  accepted.  If  we  

are  bound  by  YIA  we  need  to  change  that  in  the  IR.    • Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  It  won't  work  because  YiA  sees  

everything.  There  is  no  money  from  somewhere  else  that  those  persons  could  use.    

• Veronika  Koeppen,  Germany  –  Can’t  we  change  the  amendment  without  YiA    

• Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  Says  something  about  travel  expenses.    • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  There  is  another  problem,  there  is  an  

underlying  statement  about  them  not  being  reimbursed  before  their  report  is  approved.  The  motion  cannot  pass  like  this.  We  will  rewrite  is  and  table  it  again  tomorrow.    

 21.35  Motion  #50  „The  creation  of  an  innovation  team  in  EMSA  whose  sole  purpose  would  be  to  bring  innovation  to  EMSA.  To  constantly  develop  new  tools  (communication..)  and  help  with  projects.„    Proposer:  Micky  las  van  Bennekom,  The  Netherlands  (EEB),  Seconder:  Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB).      Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  explains,  he  wants  more  creativity  and  innovation.  • Michaela  Hurmer,  Germany  -­‐  Asks  about  more  explanation  and  where  

this  is  coming  from.  Something  new  for  technology?  All  the  decisions  need  to  innovate  themselves?    

• Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  Wants  the  structure  of  this  to  be  flexible  and  creative.  

• Sofia  Ribeiro,  Portugal  -­‐  What’s  creative  director  and  workgroup?    • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  Not  a  director.  Some  one  working  on  that.    • Sietke  Postema,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  The  tasks  of  the  group  are  not  very  

clear.  It  is  a  part  of  the  working  group.  If  you  make  it  obligatory  now

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Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


and  you  can’t  find  anyone  to  do  it,  that’s  hard.  Make  it  in  the  workgroup.  

• Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  All  functions  are  mandatory.  We  need  to  add  this  now,  so  we  can  make  an  effort  in  finding  the  people.    

• Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  There  is  no  text  for  the  IR,  only  an  idea,  we  cannot  vote  now.    

• Paul-­‐Henry  Mackeprang,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  Does  it  need  to  be  in  the  IR?    • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  Says  it's  like  creating  a  taskforce.  It  needs  

to  be  in  the  minutes  of  the  GA.  There  is  no  constriction  to  the  number  of  people  in  the  team.      

No  amendments.    Sietke  Postema,  The  Netherlands    has  a  direct  negative.  

   35  in  favor,  21  against,  17  abstain.  Motion  is  accepted  with  absolute  majority.  The  team  is  created.    Motion  proposition  #  /  Motion  Withdrawn    by  Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB),  Seconded  by  Naomi  Begemann,  The  Netherlands  (EEB)  to  make  levels  in  the  membership  of  FMOs.    • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  It  is  not  good  if  a  new  FMO  directly  has  

voting  rights,  when  they  don’t  know  what  everything  is  about.  It's  also  easier  for  the  grant  application.  Some  FMO’s  don’t  pay  their  fee  and  it  is  not  clear  what  happens  with  them.  We  need  to  make  rules.    

• Veronika  Koeppen,  Germany  -­‐  Motion  is  not  according  to  statutes.  You  are  a  member  if  you  pay  and  have  speaking  and  voting  rights  on  a  GA  if  you  are  a  member.    

 Motion  about  this  will  be  later.  • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  Can  we  do  an  unofficial  vote?  • Sietke  Postema,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  Procedural  motion  is  needed.  

 21.43  Motion  #51    Motion  that  „the  meeting  take  an  unofficial  vote.„    Proposer:  Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB),  Seconder:  Anna  Dobek    Motion  passes  nemo  contra.      Unofficial  vote  to  introduce  levels  of  membership.  Results  unofficial  vote  21.46  .  55  In  favor,  14  against,  4  abstain    21.50  Motion  #52    “8.3  National  Coordinator  

-­‐ The  FMOs  agree  by  vote  on  the  way  the  National  Coordinator,  abbreviated  NC,  is  elected.  This  happens  preferably  during  the  national  assembly,  to  work  as  facilitator  within  the  national  section.  

-­‐ The  National  Coordinator  oversees  and  encourages  all  activities  by  the  FMOs  in  a  country  and  facilitate  communication  between  the  EMSA  Europe  board  and  the  FMOs.  

Proposer:  Naomi  Begemann,  The  Netherlands  (EEB),  Seconder:  Veronika  Koeppen  (Germany).    The  FMOs  agree  to  vote.

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Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


 Discussion:    FMOs  should  vote  on  the  way  the  NC  is  elected.    • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  We  talked  about  this  before,  it  needs  to  be  

clear  for  everyone  what  we  are  talking  about.  Veronika  Koeppen,  Germany  explains  again:  every  country  can  decide  how  their  NC  is  elected,  this  gives  more  flexibility.    

• Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  The  most  important  is  that  the  FMO’s  can  choose  for  themselves,  FMO’s  can  also  decide  to  let  someone  else  decide  If  that’s  what  they  want.    

• Iza  Ene,  Romania  -­‐  She  is  in  favor  of  this  idea  and  wants  to  vote.  No  amendments.  Motion  passes  nemo  contra.        22.00  Motion  #53    

„  -­‐  To  add  to  point  6.1.1.  of  the  EMSA  Internal  Rules  “Board  members  upon  request”        -­‐  To  add  to  point  6.2.17    of  the  EMSA  Internal  Rules  “Board  member  upon  request”        -­‐  The  Board  member  upon  request  shall:  

-­‐ Advise  EMSA  EB  and  OB  -­‐ Work  on  specific  task  given  by  the  Executive  Board  -­‐ Act  as  a  member    of  EMSA  OB„    

Proposer:  by  Paul-­‐Henry  Mackeprang,  Germany  (EEB),  Seconder:  Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  in  favor:  45  agaisnt:16  abstain:  12  total:73  Motion  passes  with  absolute  majority      Discussion:  A  change  in  6.1.1.  of  the  internal  rules,  to  add  a  empty  function  on  request.  Paul-­‐Henry  Mackeprang,  Germany  (EEB)  will  explain.  • Sietke  Postema,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  Why  can’t  it  be  an  assistant?  What  

about  voting  rights?    • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  Could  be  assistant,  but  it  depends  on  the  

task.  Vroni  says  the  OB  doesn’t  have  voting  rights,  so  the  same  is  for  the  empty  spot    

• Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  Why  no  workgroup  member?  Paul-­‐Henry  Mackeprang,  Germany  (EEB)  sometimes  is  needs  to  be  an  official  function.    

No  amendments.  Sandor  Ory,  the  Netherlands  will  vote.    45  in  favor,  6  against,  12  abstain    Motion  proposal  #/  Motion  Withdrawn  Proposed  by  Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB)  ,  seconded  by  Luis  Machado,  Portugal  (EEB).  From  IR,  3.1.3,  remove  the  last  sentence.  Because  it  sounds  negative.  You  can  become  a  member  when  you  agree.    • Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands  –  If  an  FMO  didn’t  pay  for  three  years,  

if  they  become  a  member  again,  you  still  want  the  retroactive  money?  • Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  Can  you  be  a  member  on  and  off  

without  paying?

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• Tamara  Darbyshire,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  Will  vote  upon  this,  when  the  discussion  about  the  different  membership’s  status  is  held.  The  motion  is  withdrawn.    

 22:15  Motion  #54      “2.3.3  EMSA  Honorary  Trustees  EMSA  honorary  trustees  are  people  who  have  contributed  outstandingly  to  EMSA.  They  receive  their  status  by  a  decision  of  the  General  Assembly.    3.3  EMSA  Honorary  Trustees  3.3.1  General  EMSA  Honorary  trustees  are  people  who  have  contributed  outstandingly  to  EMSA.  They  do  not  necessarily  need  to  be  former  EMSA  members  or  medical  students  therefore.  They  receive  their  status  by  a  decision  of  the  General  Assembly.  Such  a  decision  can  only  be  taken  by  the  General  Assembly  with  a  two-­‐thirds  majority  vote.  3.3.2  Conditions  Being  an  EMSA  honorary  member  supposes:  

-­‐ Contributed  outstandingly  to  EMSA;  -­‐ Supporting  the  objectives  of  EMSA;  -­‐ Acting  according  to  the  spirit  of  EMSA;  -­‐ Having  no  debts  towards  EMSA;  

3.3.3.  Objectives  The  EMSA  Honorary  Trustees  will:  

-­‐ Is  welcome  to  participate  in  EMSA  activities;  -­‐ Is  welcomed  to  participate  at  the  National  Coordinators  Meeting  and  

the  General  Assembly  of  EMSA  according  to  the  conditions  of  regular  participants;  

-­‐ Have  acces  to  digital  copies  of  EMSA  publications”    Proposer:  Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB),  Seconder:  Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB).      Discussion:  • Veronika  Koeppen,  Germany  -­‐  Why  add  him,  it's  complicated.    • Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  Says  nothing  is  added,  only  deleted.    • Veronika  Koeppen,  Germany  -­‐  Shouldn’t  he  be  official  named?    • Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  The  honorary  member  should  be  

named  on  the  official  documents.    • X  -­‐  Does  he  have  access  to  the  bank  account?    • Paul-­‐Henry  Mackeprang,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  According  to  statutes,  only  

the  President  and  Treasurer  have  access  to  the  bank  account.    • X  -­‐  Has  access  to  digital  copy  of  EMSA  publications.    

 No  amendments.  Paul-­‐Henry  Mackeprang,  Germany  (EEB)  wants  to  vote.    In  favor:  50  Against:6  Abstain:15  Total:71  Motion  passed  with  absolute  majority.    

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


22:18  Motion  #55    “  General  Objectives  The  Advisory  Council  will:  

-­‐ Administer  advice  upon  request  from  the  EMSA  European  Board  -­‐ Administer  advice  based  upon  the  Year  Plan  of  the  new  EMSA  

European  Board  (November)”    

Proposer:  by  Anna  Dobek,  Poland  (EEB),  seconder  Luis  Machado,  Portugal  (EEB).    No  questions  and  no  amendments.  Raquel  Correira,  Portugal  wants  a  vote.    In  favor:  50,  against:11,  abstain:11  total:72  Motion  passed  with  absolute  majority      Motion  proposal  #  /  Motion  Withdrawn    by  Luis  Machado,  Portugal  (EEB)  ,  seconder  Naomi  Begemann,  The  Netherlands  (EEB).  The  English  as  official  language.  Statutes  submitted  by  applying  FMOs  should  also  be  in  English.    Discussion:  

• Sietke  Postema,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  Why?    • Luis  Machado,  Portugal  (EEB)  -­‐  Official  language  is  English,  so  should  

all  the  documents  be.  • Mihai  Radulescu,  Sweden  -­‐  What  should  be  in  English?    • Sietke  Postema,  The  Netherlands  (EEB)  -­‐  Says  that  the  sentence  is  not  

in  the  right  part.  In  the  FMO  rules  is  says  that  all  documents  should  be  in  English.  

• Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  Add,  official  documents  like  statutes  because  English  is  the  official  language.  We  need  them  so  we  can  check  if  it  is  according  to  EMSA  standards.    

• Sandor  Ory,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  Why  does  EMSA  need  the  statutes  of  an  FMO?  Anna:  The  IR  says  you  need  to  hand  them  in.    

• Sofia  Ribeiro,  Portugal  -­‐  Do  you  need  an  official  translation,  of  is  it  also  ok  if  one  of  the  members  does  it.  An  official  document  costs  about  500  euro.  Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB),  Translated  by  them.    

• Tamara  Darbyshire,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  She  talks  about  an  official  translation/official  documents.  

• Ingrid  Vollenga,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  Why  should  the  documents  be  there  always,  when  you  have  a  new  member  they  hand  in  the  Statutes.    

• Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  Also  wants  to  see  the  changes.    • Ingrid  Vollenga,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  But  then  you  have  new  Statutes.    • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  Wants  them  in  English.    • Mihai  Radulescu,  Sweden  -­‐  You  want  everything  in  English?    • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  Already  answered  that.  

 Sietke  Postema,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  Commission  to  withdraw  this  motion.  New  motion  #56:  statute  5.2.5  Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  –  Accepts.  Motion  is  withdrawn.  

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


22:50  Motion  #57    Internal  Rules  5.2.5.  “all  national  and  local  statues,  if  any…”    change  in    Internal  Rules  5.2.5  “An  English  translation  of  all  national  and  local  statues,  if  any,…    Proposer:  by  Sietke  Postema,  The  Netherlands,  seconder  Luis  Machado,  Portugal  (EEB)  Discussion:  • Mihai    Radulescu,  Sweden  -­‐  We  have  no  English  statutes.    • Tim  W.  Rattay,Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  You  need  to  send  when  you  change  


Alexandros  Papadopulos,  Greece  has  a  direct  negative.      22.30  In  favor:  48  against:18  abstain:6  total:72  Motion  passed  absolute  majority      Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands  explains  the  agenda  for  tomorrow.  The  day  starts  at  9.00.    Alexandros  Papadopulos,  Greece  will  all  the  motions  be  done  before  the  elections?    Closing.  22.32.    

GA  session  IV,  part  I    Opening  9.13    Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands  explains  the  agenda.  Announcements  by  the  OC.      Statutory  changes    Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  There  is  a  big  problem  with  the  Statutes.  In  order  to   change   them,   you   need   to   announce   the   changes   a  month   prior   to   the  meeting.   It   is   very   important   that   the   Statutes   are   changed   very   soon  because:    

To  add  different  kinds  of  memberships.  There  has  been  an  unofficial  vote  about  that.    

They  need  to  be  updated   for   the  Belgian  government.  They  haven’t  been   updated   since   1996.   If   we   don’t   do   it   now,   we   might   have  problems  with  the  YIA  grants  and  we  might  even  have  problems  with  the  law.  Going  so  far  that  we  might  be  in  danger  of  dissolving  EMSA.  

 Solution:  There   will   be   a   call   for   an   extra   ordinary   GA.   The   changes   need   to   be  announced  a  month  prior.  A  second  extraordinary  GA  will  needs  to  be  called  as  well  because  there  will  be  no  quorum  on  the  first  one.  2/3  of   the  FMO’s  need   to   be   present   at   the   GA   to   make   Statutory   changes,   and   that’s   not  realistic.   This   is   a   solution.   It’s   not   100%   perfect,   but   it’s   the   only   way.  Different  possibilities  were  looked  at,  but  this  is  the  only  one  we  can  manage.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


The  call  for  the  GAs  will  be  done  now,  the  EEB  has  the  right  to  call  a  GA  and  they  will  use  their  right  to  call  for  two  extraordinary  Gas.  One  right  after  the  other.  Again,  this   is  needed  because  it   is  easier  to  reach  the  quorum  on  the  second  extraordinary  GA.      So   we   are   not   going   to   have   an   official   vote   right   now.   But   we  will   do   an  unofficial  vote  and  use  that  as  a  guideline  at  the  extraordinary  GA.    The  GAs  will  be  held  in  The  Netherlands  or  Germany  to  ensure  the  maximum  possible  representation.  .    • Michaela   Hurmer,   Germany   -­‐   Till   when   do   we   have   to   change   the  

Statutes?    • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia   (EEB)   -­‐  1st  of  December.  The  date   is  convenient  

because  of  the  application  to  the  YiA  grants.    • Michaela  Hurmer,  Germany  -­‐  Is  it  legal  to  call  2  GA’s  at  once?    • Veronika  Koeppen,  Germany  -­‐  Yes,  we  can  call  as  many  as  we  want.  • Ruben  Da  Cruz  Lopes,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  When  did  you  first  hear  about  

this  problem?    • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia   (EEB)   -­‐  About  a  month  ago.  The  big  picture  only  

dawned  on  us  yesterday,  when  we  were  working  on  the  IR.  • Tim   W.   Rattay,   Germany   (EEB)   -­‐   Yesterday   we   discussed   that   the  

Secretary  General  will   take  over   the   tasks  of   the  President,  we  voted  upon   this   and   accepted   it,   but   there   is   a   problem   as   the   VP   is  mentioned  in  the  Statutes  as  the  substitute  of  the  President…    

• Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  Says  we  voted  upon  it  several  times…      EMSA-­‐IFMSA  relationships:    Despina  Polidou,  Greece  elect  as  the  European  Regional  Coordinator  Despina  Polidou,  Greece  gives  a   short  presentation  about   IFMSA.  There  are  no  further  questions.      This  was  only  a  short  introduction,  now  she  will  talk  about  the  relation.    Despina  came  to  the  EMSA  GA  to  state  that  the  IFMSA  decided  they  want  to  merge  with  EMSA.    There  are  many  similarities  between  the  organizations.  Despina  knows  both  EMSA  as  well  as  IFMSA  very  well  and  is  a  member  of  both.  She  explains  that  there  was  a  working  group  the  EuRegMe  working  on  this  issue.  They  decided  that   there   should   be   a   joint   taskforce,   with  members   from   both   IFMSA   as  EMSA.    The   merger   would   be   a   process   that   would   take   a   lot   of   time/years.   She  wants   to   know   from   EMSA:   Do   you   want   to   merge?  What   are   your   ideas  about  the  taskforce.      • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia   (EEB)   -­‐  When  was  the  decision  about   the  merge  

made  by  IFMSA?    • Despina  Polidou,  Greece  -­‐  It  was  made  at  MM09  in  Tunisia.  There  was  

a  vote  and  this  is  the  result.  • Paul-­‐Henry  Mackeprang,  Germany-­‐  What  about  the  structure?    • Despina  Polidou,  Greece  -­‐  The  merge  has  been  decided,  now  the  joint  

taskforce  should  work  out  how.    • Constanze  Born,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  I  never  got  the  documents  from  the  

SWG  in  Malta.  What  does  IFMSA  feel  about  the  European  Partnership  Agreement  and  why  don`t  they  act  according  to  it?

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


• Despina  Polidou,  Greece  -­‐  The  SWG  only  gave  an  advice,  officially  the  IFMSAs  point  of  view  is  the  merger.  At  the  last  GA  IFMSA  talked  about  the  agreement  and  at  AM10  it  was  decided  that  the  agreement  should  be  updated  together  with  EMSA,  so  it  will  be  good  for  everybody.    

• Constanze   Born,   Germany   (EEB)   -­‐   It   doesn`t  work   for   her   personally,  the  contact  stopped.    

• Despina  Polidou,  Greece  –  I  do  not  know  what  happened  exactly  with  WHO,  so  I  cannot  say  anything  about  that.    

• Constance  -­‐  It's  good  that  the  SWG  was  there,  but  both  boards  should  have  been  included,  they  were  not  in  informed.  

• Despina  Polidou,  Greece  -­‐  It  was  just  a  SWG.    • Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  Asks  to  keep  to  the  subject.    • Veronika  Koeppen,  Germany  -­‐  SWG,  was  very  productive.  Why  weren`t  

the  documents  forwarded?    • Despina  Polidou,  Greece-­‐  This  happened  due  to  exams  etc.  There  were  

EEB  members  in  the  taskforce,  so  they  could  have  forwarded  it.    • Veronika   Koeppen,   Germany   -­‐   EuRegMe   and  NCM   are   not   combined  

anymore,  what  is  the  point  of  view  of  IFMSA  on  this?    • Despina  Polidou,  Greece  -­‐  They  don’t  want  to  do  it  together,  until  it  is  

clearer  what  is  going  to  happen  with  both  organizations  in  the  future.    • Alexandros   Papadopulos,   Greece   -­‐   GA   needs   to   decide   between   two  

options.  Heidelberg  wasn`t   clear   on   the  merger.  We  need   to  make   a  proper  decision  now.    

• Iza  Ene,  Romania  -­‐  What  would  the  merge  look  like?    • Despina  Polidou,  Greece  -­‐  This  is  a  decision  that  needs  to  be  made  by  

both  organizations.  That  is  why  IFMSA  wants  the  joint  taskforce.  • Sietke   Postema,   The   Netherlands   -­‐   Taskforce   of   EMSA   is   going   to  

present  their  results.  This  will  include  all  pros  and  cons.      

Despina  Polidou,  Greece  leaves  the  room.    

Presentation  of  the  taskforce  with  their  results.  The  taskforce  doesn’t  decide  anything,  they  only  give  an  advice.    Questions:  • Sofia  Ribeiro,  Portugal  -­‐  What  does  the  partnership  agreement  say  and  

does  everybody  keep  to  it.    • Sietke   Postema,   The   Netherlands   -­‐   It   talks   about   the   contact   with  

partners,  a  joint  server  etc.  people  can  look  into  it,  if  they  want  to.    • Tamara  Darbyshire,  The  Netherlands  (in  reference  to  the  presentation)  

-­‐   If   we   became   an   associate   member   of   IFMSA,   does   EMSA   have  speaking   rights  on  behalf   of   all   European   students?  Even   if   European  NMO’s  don`t  agree?  

• Sietke  Postema,  The  Netherlands   -­‐  EMSA  can  only   talk  about  Europe.  NMO’s  vote  and  decide.  

• Michaela   Hurmer,   Germany   -­‐   Do   IFMSA   and   EMSA   have   the   same  goals?    

• Sietke   Postema,   The   Netherlands   -­‐   That   is   stated   in   the   taskforce  document.    

• Michaela   Hurmer,   Germany   -­‐   Could   there   be   an   extra   standing  committee  on  Europe?    

• A  short  discussion  came  to  a  general  view  that  that  could  not  happen.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


• Borislav  Manev,  Macedonia   -­‐  Does   IFMSA  work   just  as  hard  as  we  do  for  the  relationship  and  how  do  they  feel  about  us?  Maybe  it's  better  to  ask  that  to  Despina  about  this.    

• Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  The  EEB  offered  IFMSA  to  start  a  taskforce  of  their  own  and  then  share  results.  IFMSA  refused.  

• Tamara  Darbyshire,  The  Netherlands   -­‐   I  was   in   the  SWG   in  EuRegMe.  They  only  want  a  joined  taskforce.  

• Veronika   Koeppen,   Germany   -­‐   IFMSA   wants   a   joint   taskforce.   How  about   the   associate   membership?   And   what   about   the   local   level?  Does  the  GA  still  has  all  the  power  or  do  we  need  to  listen  to  IFMSA?    

• Sietke  Postema,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  IFMSA  has  associate  members,  they  need  to   listen  to  the  rules  of   IFMSA,  but  these  are  very  similar  to  the  ones  of  EMSA.    

• Veronika   Koeppen,  Germany   -­‐   If  we  want   to   accept   a   document   and  IFMSA  doesn’t,  is  that  ok?    

• Sietke  Postema,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  Yes,  that  is  within  the  rules.    • Jacinta   Lucke,   The   Netherlands   -­‐   I   have   been   to   all   the   meetings   of  

both   organizations   on   this   topic   for   the   last   1,5   year.   I   noticed   that  people   interpret   the   results  of   each  other’s  meetings  differently.   It   is  very  important  only  to  keep  to  the  information  we  are  given  today  and  make  a  very  clear  decision  that  cannot  be  misinterpreted.    

• Constanze  Born,  Germany   (EEB)   -­‐  Did   the   taskforce  of   EMSA  get   into  contact  with  other  organizations?  

• Sietke  Postema,  The  Netherlands  –  We  tried  to  contact  pharmaceutical  student  organizations,  but  they  didn’t  respond.    

• Constanze  Born,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  Could  we  still  apply  for  the  YiA?    • Sietke  Postema,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  With  the  associate  membership  we  

could.    • Paul-­‐Henry  Mackeprang,  Germany  -­‐  Thanks  for  all  the  great  work.    

 Tin   Knežević,   Croatia   (EEB)   gives   a   presentation   about   his   personal   opinion  (not  that  of  the  EEB  or  EMSA)  he  wants  to  thank  the  taskforce  first  of  all.   EMSA   is   a   lot   younger   then   IFMSA.   The   question   is   why   EMSA   was  

created  when   IFMSA  was   already   there.   Through   the   years   there   have  been  many  partnerships  between  both  organizations.  At  a  point   in   the  90ties,   EMSA   has   been   the   regional   office   of   IFMSA,   but   this   did   not  work   because   IFMSA   insisted   that   all   decisions  made  on   the   EMSA  GA  should  be  redone  at  the  IFMSA  GA.  EMSA  could  not  agree  to  this  so  the  agreement  was  stopped.  

Discussions  are  personal  and  emotional  a   lot  of  the  time.  EMSA  walked  away  from  the  problem  for  a  long  time.  Both  IFMSA  and  EMSA  feel  that  they  are  the  ones  that  are  right.    

Heidelberg  GA:  A  motion  was  passed  that  created  a  lot  of  problems.    

Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  The  motion.  It  states  at  a  point  that  EMSA  “feels  positive  about   a  possible  merger”.   It  was  passed  after   a  discussion  and   the  general  feeling  was  that  we  feel  just  that  –  positive  about  a  possible  merger,  that  is  to  say  we  do  not  feel  strongly  against  such  a  possibility.  But  only  as  a  possibility.  Unfortunately,  you  can  interpret   it   in  a  way  that   looks   like  EMSA  wants  to  merge…  And  that  is  what  IFMSA  did.  This  created  a  lot  of  problems  this  year  and  we  should  be  careful  to  keep  clear  in  the  future.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


IFMSA  and  EMSA  Presidents  came  from  the  same  faculty  this  year.  It  seemed  like   a   good   thing   at   the   beginning,   but   Tin   kept   walking   into   a   wall   if   he  wanted   to   open   the   discussion.   IFMSA   thought   the   decision   was   already  made.   EMSA   nevertheless   did   everything   they   could,   to   keep   to   the  agreement.   And   even   beyond   when   we   were   given   the   opportunity   to  populate   the  MEDINE2   (Medical   Education   IN   Europe)   student   team   as  we  did  so  by  accepting  both  EMSA  as  well  as  IFMSA  applicants.  The   situation  was   the   exact   opposite  when   EMSA  has   been   approached   by  AMEE.   Unfortunately,   since   IFMSA   already   has   a   representative   at   AMEE,  they  threatened  to  revoke  the  partnership  agreement.    Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  –  The  Board  then  decided  that  they  needed  a  cool  off   period  of   six  months   and   so   a  moratorium  on   any  political   negotiations  was   emplaced   by   our   side   (Tin   had   a   meeting   with   Silva   Rukavina   –   the  President  of  IFMSA  -­‐  about  this.).    After  6  months  they  talked  again.  And  this  time  IFMSA  agreed  to  work  on  and  eventually  sign  a  declaration  of  friendship.  This  document  was  written  by  Tin  and   signed   by   both   parties   in   August   of   2010.   The   document   is   called   the  Zagreb  Declaration.  Tin   Knežević,   Croatia   (EEB)   -­‐   Wanted   to   make   a   timeline   of   future  negotiations,  to  approve  at  both  GA’s,  but  this  didn’t  happen.      Discussion  about  possible  options:  Tin   Knežević,   Croatia   (EEB)   -­‐   The   problem   is   no   one   ever   thinks   about   the  merging   of   the   different   structures.   It   seems   impossible.   It   is   a   problem,  IFMSA  also  has  some   issues  because  EMSA  exists   (about  the  YIA  grant).  But  it’s   not   the  only  problem.   I   personally   feel   the  merger   is   not   the  best   idea.  But  I  do  want  us  to  collaborate.  We  are  natural  partners  and  we  need  to!    It  would  be  one  of  my  priorities  for  this  year.  To  have  the  new  discussion  with  IFMSA.   To   find   new  ways   of   collaboration   and   talk   about   political   relations  with  a  fresh  perspective.    However,   I  would   like  to  be  clear.   I  have  a  strong  feeling  about  this  and  am  strongly  against  merger  as  an  only  option.  Therefore  I  feel  I  could  not  be  able  to  lead  EMSA  in  that  way.      Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  Shows  a  diagram  of  a  possible  structure  should  the  two  organizations  be  highly  integrated.  One  of  the  parts  would  be  making  the  RC  of  IFMSA  an  executive  board  member  of  EMSA.  He  has  discussed  this  with   Silva   as   well,   but   this   did   not   go   well   as   she   wants   the   regional  coordinator   of   IFMSA   to   be   the   president   of   EMSA   in   this   case.   His/her  assistants  are  the  EEB.  All  the  voting  will  be  done  at  IFMSA  GA’s.    Tin  Knežević,  Croatia   (EEB)   -­‐  States  he  deeply   feels   that   the  decisions  about  Europe   should   be   made   in   Europe.   Internationally   you   have   IFMSA,   not  EMSA.  But  if  you  integrate  and  if  you  have  the  regional  coordinator  of  IFMSA  in   the   board   of   both   EMSA   and   IFMSA   and   also   integrate   on   the   national  level,   it   could   work.   A   merger   would   not   solve   this   problem.   Integration  would  as  national   and   local   levels  would  have  autonomy   to   choose  what   is  best  for  them.    Jacinta   Lucke,   The  Netherlands   -­‐   All   the   voting  will   be   done   in   the   next   GA  session.  We  will  now  only  have  the  discussion.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


• Ingmar  Rinas,  Germany  -­‐  Thanks  for  the  presentation,  how  do  you  see  the  structure  of  both  boards?  RC  will  be  in  both  boards,  within  EMSA  is  would  be  an  EB  function.  It's  just  a  idea.    

• Mihai   Radescu,   Sweden   -­‐   What   will   happen   to   the   voice   of   the  European  students?    

• Tin   Knežević,   Croatia   (EEB)   -­‐   This   depends   on   how   the   relationship  develops.   IFMSA   also   has   problems,   with   everything   being   based   on  Europe.  A  mutual  vote  would  be  a  good  thing.    

• Iza  Ene,  Romania   -­‐  How  are   you   trying   to   keep  your  emotions  out  of  this  discussion,  so  you  could  come  to  collaboration?  How  are  you  going  to  make  sure  you  are  not  attacked?    

• Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  I  am  trying  to  keep  his  own  opinion  out  of  this.  That  is,  my  emotions.  And  I  base  my  actions  on  my  arguments  that  I  have  stated  before.  I  am  fully  dedication  to  this.    

• Alexandros   Papadopulos,   Greece   -­‐   The   GA   of   EMSA   thinks   positive  about  a  merge,  IFMSA  wants  to  merge.  Now  there  are  new  boards  that  don’t   agree   with   the   decision.   That’s   why   there   was   no   outcome.  Presidents  don’t  listen  to  their  GA’s  enough.    

• Tin   Knežević,   Croatia   (EEB)   -­‐   The   problem   is   that   the   motion   of   the  EMSA  GA  can  be  interpreted  in  different  ways.  A  taskforce  was  created  to  look  at  the  options  

• Alexandros   Papadopulos,   Greece   -­‐   We   don’t   need   to   decide   on   the  structure  now.    

• Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  No,  we  do  not.  • Alexandros  Papadopulos,  Greece  -­‐   I’m  in  favor  of  collaboration.  There  

needs  to  be  a  new  agreement  and  we  need  to  stick  to  it.  Both  boards  need  to  keep  their  emotions  in  control.    

• Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands  (Chair)  -­‐  Please  keep  the  results  of  the  taskforce  in  mind.    

• Veronika  Koeppen,  Germany  -­‐  I  have  some  points  to  criticize.  You  had  to  make  more  clear  who  could  be  in  the  taskforce,  and  that  you  didn’t  want  NCs  in  it.  It  also  took  a  very  long  time  before  the  taskforce  even  started.  You  say   the  contact  with  Silva  was  difficult,  but  how  can  any  progress   be  made  when   you   don’t   talk   to   each   other   for   the   half   of  your  term.  There  should  have  been  more  communication  with  the  rest  of   the  EEB.  You  have  to  keep  the  members  more  updated  on  what   is  happening.    

• Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  The  call  for  the  taskforce  in  December  was  the  first  moment  we  had  the  time  to  do  anything.  Before  that  we  had  the   handover   and   the   grant   application.   As   for   the   NCs,   it   was   a  decision  of  the  EEB  about  who  would  be  in  the  taskforce.    

• Veronika  Koeppen,  Germany  -­‐  Tin  is  against  merger,  what  will  he  do  if  the  GA  votes  in  favor  of  it.    

• Tin  Knežević,  Croatia   (EEB)   -­‐  That   is  a  decision  of   the  GA  and   I  would  then  probably  withdraw  his  candidature.   I  cannot  work  on  something  that  I  feels  is  bad  for  EMSA.    

• Veronika   Koeppen,   Germany   -­‐  Wants   some  more   clarification   on   the  AMEE  fight.    

• Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  –  IFMSA  has  a  student  representative  in  the  AMEE  executive  board.   It   is   the  only   student   representative   spot  and  IFMSA  wants  to  keep  it  that  way.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


• Veronika   Koeppen,   Germany   –   Refers   to   the   structure   proposed   and  asks  Tin  if  he  thinks  it   is  reasonable  to  think  that  a  person  could  be  in  both  boards  at  the  same  time,  wouldn’t  that  be  way  to  busy?    

• Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  –  Thinks  that  the  person  would  be  busy,  but  not  too  busy.  The  EMSA-­‐related  workload  could  be  very  low.  It  would  be  mainly  a   liaise   function.  Also,  EEB  members  also  don’t  need   to  be  present  at  all  the  meetings.    

• Veronika   Koeppen,   Germany   -­‐   What   steps   will   you   take   if   you   are  elected,  for  the  collaboration.    

• Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  If  we  vote  for  a  merge,  I  will  withdraw  my  candidature.   If   merging   is   one   of   the   options,   I   want   to   have   a  discussion.   Discussions   need   to   be   without   emotions.   We   need   to  negotiate  based  on  arguments  and  facts.  I  would  be  very  much  in  favor  of  negotiating.  And  let  me  be  clear,  merger  could  be  one  of  the  options  and  if  the  arguments  would  be  good,  I  would  not  stop  it!  

• Sietke   Postema,   Netherlands   -­‐   Tin   talks   a   lot   about   everything   that  IFMSA   did   wrong   and   that   EMSA   did   everything   right.   Don’t   let   this  influence  your  collaboration  a   local   level!   IFMSA  has  a  new  president,  from  Ghana.    

• Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  Agreed.  Local  level  is  different.  As  for  the  international  and  the  new  President,  time  will  tell  where  this  brings  us.  

• Naomi   Begemann,   The   Netherlands   (EEB)   -­‐   If   you   are   a   LC   of  Rotterdam,   can   you   respond   to   the   taskforce   and   talk   with   the   EEB  about  it?  

• Tin  Knežević,  Croatia   (EEB)   -­‐  The  taskforce  has  a   lot  of   ideas.  The  EEB  will  make  a  common  statement,  not  my  statement.    

• Jacinta   Lucke,   The   Netherlands   -­‐   Asks   everyone   to   look   at   the   two  options   of   the   taskforce.  We  will   talk   about   the   EEB   statement   after  the  break.    

• Veronika  Koeppen,  Germany   -­‐  Also  wants   to   talk  about   the  option  of  merging.    

• Iza  Ene,  Romania  -­‐  What   is  the  role  of  the  VPE  in  this  discussion?  The  VPE  needs  to  make  decisions,  so  also  about  this.  Iza  asks  if  the  person  can  help  with  the  discussion.    

• Tin   Knežević,   Croatia   (EEB)   -­‐   Prefers   if   there   are   2   persons   of   both  organizations  so  the  VPE  would  be  a  part  of  it.    

• Borislav   Manev,   Macedonia   -­‐   His   country   has   only   one   FMO.  Sometimes  having  two  organizations  isn´t  a  bad  thing.  When  one  can´t  do   a   project,   maybe   the   other   one   can.   It   works   in  Macedonia   very  well.  

• Alexandros   Papadopulos,   Greece   -­‐   He   is   confused   that   Tin   Knežević  wants   to  withdraw   if  we  want   the  merge.   He   thinks   is   not   ok   to   say  that.  You  put  an  ethical  dilemma  on  people.  He  sees  the  emotions,  but  if   the  could  have   talked   to  Silva,  not  an  entire  year  would  have  been  lost.    

• Tin   Knežević,   Croatia   (EEB)   -­‐   Nobody   is   perfect   and   mistakes   were  made.  Tin  says  he  tried  his  best.  Even  talked  to  the  person  who  tabled  the  Heidelberg  motion  to  make  sure  he  understands   the  background.  The  year  was  not  lost.  EMSA  grew  and  the  relations  with  IFMSA  will  in  time  as  well.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


• Sofia  Ribeiro,  Portugal  -­‐  I  don´t  feel  pressured  by  Tin.  I  think  it  takes  a  lot  of  courage  of  him  to  say  what  he  feels.  As  president  you  can  have  your  own  ideas,  you  are  not  the  slave  of  the  organization.    

• Ingmar   Rinas,   Germany   -­‐   the   problem   on   the   local   level   is   that  sometimes   IFMSA   and   EMSA   have   the   same   projects.   EMSA   works  differently  on  the  European  level  then  IFMSA,  this  is  very  important  for  EMSA.  Also  because  of  the  finances.    

• Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  Says  people  can  discuss  working  together  on  projects  on  a  local  level.    

• Ingmar  Rinas,  Germany  -­‐  Says  it's  a  good  idea  for  FMO’s  to  make  their  own  decisions.    

• Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  Points  out  the  difference  between  FMO’s  and  NMO’s  once  more  and  says  they  have  to  be  able  to  make  the  best  decision  for  themselves  on  their  own.  

• Iza   Ene,   Romania   -­‐   This   gives   me   an   ethical   dilemma.   We   can   only  choose  one  option  if  we  also  want  Tin  Knežević  as  President.    

• Tin   Knežević,   Croatia   (EEB)   -­‐   Says   he   only  will  withdraw   if  merging   is  the  ONLY  option  and  repeats   that  he  would  not  have  a  problem  with  negotiations   that   include   merger   as   one   of   the   options.   He   reminds  that  he  would  accept  merger  if  arguments  better  then  he  currently  has  would  be  presented  and  also  reminds  of  the  structure  with  integration  he   presented.   It   is   clear   that   he   is   in   favor   of   cooperation   and   even  integration.   He   just   cannot  work   on   one   option.  We   have   to   analyze  them  all.  Arguments  over  emotions!  

 Session  closed,  at  11.44    

Opening  session  V,  part  1:    Opening  at:  18.16    Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands  explains  the  agenda.   In  the  election  we  vote  with  papers.  • Borislav  Manev,  Macedonia   -­‐   I  would   like   to   vote   electronically.   Two  

people  need  to  sign  the  card.  Otherwise  they  can  change  them.    

Constitutional  Commission,  insists  on  voting  on  paper!    • Tamara  Darbyshire,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  We  prepared  the  envelopes.    • Borislav  Manev,  Macedonia  -­‐  Wants  somebody  else  in  the  commission  

who  is  not  from  the  Netherlands.  • Veronika  Koeppen,  Germany  -­‐  You  have  to  make  a  motion.    • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  Technically  we  need  to  stamp  every  paper.    • Jacinta   Lucke,   The   Netherlands   -­‐   Every   paper   will   be   stamped   so  

nobody  can  change  them.    • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  Will  stamp  the  all  one  by  one.  • Veronika   Koeppen,   Germany   -­‐   Disagrees   that   all   envelopes   will   be  

opened.  She  tables  a  motion.    

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


19:30  Motion  #73    Proposer:  Veronika  Koeppen,  Germany  ,  Seconder:  Ruben.    Voting  ballots  cannot  be  opened  or  marked  with  a  stamp  or  signature.  Anna  wants  to  vote.  42  in  favor,  24  against,  12  abstain.      Motion  passes  with  absolute  majority  at  18.30    Tamara  Darbyshire,  The  Netherlands  will  be  a  candidate  for  the  EEB,  so  she  is  not  going  to  count  the  votes.      Motion  #/  Motion  Withdrawn    Proposer   Anna   Dobek,   Poland(EEB):,   Seconder   Jeetindra   Balak,   The  Netherlands  (EEB).      NC   mandatory   in   every   country   with   more   than   one   FMO..   IR   8.3.1   (No  Motion  form  available)    • Veronika  Koeppen,  Germany  -­‐  Are  there  internal  rules  that  clarify  what  

happens  if  no  NC  is  elected?    • Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  Checks  if  there  is  a  rule.  • Amendment   Miguela,   delete   more   than   one   FMO,   so   every   country  

needs  a  NC.  • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  If  you  are  one  FMO  a  LC  can  do  that.    • Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  Motion  is  not  clear,  table  it  later.  

 Motion  is  withdrawn  

 Motion  #/  Motion  Withdrawn  Proposer:   Paul-­‐Henry  Mackeprang,   Germany,  Seconder   Tamara  Darbyshire,  The  Netherlands      About  the  workgroup.    (No  Motion  form  available)  • Tin   Knežević,   Croatia   (EEB)   -­‐   Point   of   information,   considers   the  

working  group  and  the  Workgroup  as  a  standing  body.    • Paul-­‐Henry  Mackeprang  -­‐  Withdraws.  

 18.37  Motion  #74  “To  write  all  the  abbreviations  once  fully,  then  use  the  abbreviation.  “  Proposer  Naomi  Begemann,  The  Netherlands  (EEB),  Seconder  Anna.      Anne  (Leiden):  there  needs  to  be  a  list.    Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB)  that  already  exists.    Motion  Passes  nemo  contra    18.37  Motion  #75    “To  adjust  the  index  to  the  changes  made  during  this  GA”  Proposer  Naomi  Begemann,   The  Netherlands   (EEB),   Seconder   Anna  Dobek;  Poland  (EEB).  Motion  Passes  nemo  contra

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c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


 18.40  Procedural  motion  #76    Proposer:   Luis   Machado,   Portugal   (EEB),   Seconder:   Jeetindra   Balak,   The  Netherlands  (EEB)    8.  To  let  the  meeting  take  an  unofficial  vote.  • Veronika  Koeppen,  Germany  -­‐  Specify  what  could  be  changed.    • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)   -­‐  Mandatory  changes  and  the  membership  

status.    • Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  We  are  not  voting  on  the  membership  

status  now.  We  vote  on  the  mandatory  changes  for  Belgium  law.  Passes  nemo  contra    18:  42  Motion  #77  “To   let   the   GA   accept   the   changes   that   has   to   be   made   in   the   statutes  according  to  the  motions  that  have  been  voted  upon  during  this  GA.”  Proposer:  Jeetindra  Balak,  The  Netherlands  (EEB),  Seconder:  Luis      Michaela  Hurmer,  Germany  wants  to  vote.  This  is  an  unofficial  vote.    60  In  favor,  9  against,  10  abstain.    Motion  passes  by  absolute  majority    18:34  Motion  #78  “NC  mandatory  for  every  country.”  “IR  8.3.1  “  “The  NC  position  is  mandatory  for  every  country  with  more  than  one  FMO.  In  counties  with  only  one“  “FMO  the  LC  acts  as  the  NC.”  “IR  8.3.3  to  add”  “Having  regular  meetings  with  the  LCs”  “Having  regular  meetings  with  the  other  NCs  in  EMSA”  “Reporting  on  those  meetings  to  the  Sec.  Gen.  of  the  EEB  at   least  every  half  year,  meaning  four  weeks  prior  to  the  NCM  and  the  GA.”  Proposer:   Anna   Dobek,   Poland   (EEB),   Seconder   Jeetindra   Balak,   The  Netherlands  (EEB).    Motion  Passes  nemo  contra    Jacinta   Lucke,   The  Netherlands,   there   has   been   a   lot   of  motions   to   change  the   IR.  The  EEB  didn’t  have  time  to  finish  them  all.  We  will   talk  about  them  now  and  vote  on  them  later.  • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)   -­‐  We  talked  about  having  a  online  GA.  We  

mention  it  now,  to  see  if  we  can  have  an  unofficial  vote.  Then  the  EEB  knows  if  they  can  work  on  it.  

• Veronika  Koeppen,  Germany  -­‐  This  would  be  a  change  to  our  statues.    Motion  #79  /  Motion  Missing  –  Possibly  withdrawn  due  to  Statutory  issues    Proposer   Tin   Knežević,   Croatia   (EEB),   Seconder   Tim   W.   Rattay,   Germany  (EEB)  “Procedural  motion  on  informal  vote  on  online  meeting.      Veronika  Koeppen,  Germany  wants  to  vote.    (Motion  form  is  missing)

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c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


 Next  Motion:  To  introduce  a  maximum  of  votes  per  country  • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  Explains  next  motion.    

This  means  the  number  of  votes  per  country  is  not  going  to  be  too  big.  EMSA  is  FMO  based  and  it  needs  to  stay  this  way.    

• Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  Wants  an  unofficial  vote.    18:53  Motion  #80  /  Motion  Missing    Proposer   Luis   Machado,   Portugal   (EEB),   Seconder:   Raquel.   (Motion   form  missing)  Unofficial  vote  about  the  votes  per  country.  55  In  favor,  9  against,  3  abstain  Motion  passes      Discussion  about  possibly  organizing  online  GAs    Longer   discussion   needed,   better   preparation.   Plus,   there   are   Statutory  issues.  • Veronika  Koeppen,  Germany  -­‐  This   is  all  going  very  fast  and  it’s  about  

important  stuff.    • Tin  Knežević,   Croatia   (EEB)   -­‐   Says   it’s   just   an   informal   vote,   if   no  one  

wants  it;  they  are  not  going  to  waste  their  time  on  it.      18:56  Motion  #/  Motion  Missing  Unofficial  vote,  about  having  an  online  GA.  Iza  Ene,  Romania  wants  vote.(Motion  form  missing)    47  in  favor,  27  against,  5  abstain.  EEB  is  going  to  think  about  it.      Motion  #81    “Procedural  motion  for  the  meeting  to  take  an  unofficial  vote  “  Proposer  Luis  Machado,  Portugal  (EEB),  Seconder  Raquel.      Sietke  Postrema,  The  Netherlands  (EEB)  wants  to  vote.    46  In  favor,  25  against,  8  abstain  Motion  passes  with  absolute  Majority  at  19.00    Unofficial  vote  about  the  number  of  votes  per  country.    Do  we  want  to  do  it  today?    24  In  favor,  40  against,  11  abstain.  GA  decides  to  postpone  topic  at  19.01.      Close  19.02.  


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Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


GA  session  V:    Opening  20.46    Chair:  the  rules  of  the  GA  still  apply.  She  explains  the  agenda.    Financial  report  • Tim   W.   Rattay,   Germany   (EEB)   -­‐   Gives   a   presentation   about   the  

financial  report.    • Anna  Dobek,   Poland   (EEB)   -­‐  Observers   and   external   should   leave   the  

room!  • Zergelis  Agisilaos,  Greece  -­‐  Only  4000€  for  JEMSA?    • Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB)   -­‐  Doesn’t  print  and  send  JEMSA.  There  

are  different  options.    • Tamara  Darbyshire,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  The  EEB  will  be  bigger  next  year.    • Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  That  can  be  changed.  • Tin   Knežević,   Croatia   (EEB)   -­‐  We  maybe   need   to   change   some   small  

stuff.  Like  shirts  and  gifts.  • Constanze  Born,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  Counsel  of  Europe  in  budget.    

 Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB),  continues  his  presentation.  

-­‐ Tobacco  officer    -­‐ We  asked  for  35000  euro  EU  money,  less  Christmas  cards,  still  EMSA  

certificate?    -­‐ We  cannot  pay  meetings  except  GA  and  NCM.  We  can’t  use  the  grant  

money  for  other  meetings,  such  as  the  WHO  meeting.  If  we  want  to  pay  for  them,  it  needs  to  come  from  another  sponsor.    

-­‐ Less  money  for  NCM  and  GA:  1940  €  less.  It’s  a  big  thing,  if  you  are  a  EEB   member   and   going   to   f2f   meetings,   you   are   not   refunded.  Neither  travel  expenses  nor  accommodation.  

-­‐ Clothing  and  Gifts  need  to  be  paid  by  the  EEB  members.    -­‐ Change  of  27230  euro.    -­‐ Elsevier  didn’t  give  any  money.    

 Ingrid  reads  the  statement  of  the  financial  commission    Tim   W.   Rattay,   Germany   (EEB)   -­‐   Someone   registered   as   Tim   van   Elst,  someone  else  pressed  his  button.  You  can  only  do  that  if  you  have  a  proxy.  If  you  leave  you  need  to  give  your  voting  device  to  the  credential  commission.      21:09  Motion  #82    “Tim  van  Elst  has  no  more  voting  rights.“  Proposed:  Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB),  Seconder  Paul-­‐Henry  Mackeprang,  Germany.      Ruben  Da  Cruz  Lopes,  The  Netherlands  has  a  direct  negative.  Vote.  34  in  favor,  21  against,  22  abstain.    Motion  passes  by  simple  majority    Constanze  Born,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  This  is  no  simply  majority.    Constitutional  commission  is  going  to  check  it.  -­‐  It  is  a  simple  majority

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c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


21:12  Motion  #83    “Accept  financial  report  as  presented  to  the  GA.”  Proposed:   Tim   W.   Rattay,   Germany   (EEB),   Seconder   Anna   Dobek,   Poland  (EEB)  :      70  in  favor,  2  against,  4  abstain.    Motion  passes  by  absolute  majority  at  21.12    Jacinta   Lucke,   The   Netherlands   (Chair)   -­‐   Thanks   Tim   W.   Rattay,   Germany  (EEB)  for  working  so  hard.    21:17  Motion  #84,  “3.8.2.  Membership  fee”  “3.8.2   Each   FMO  has   to   pay   an   annual   fee   of   120€.   The  membership   fee   is  determined   annually   by   the   GA   in   the   budget,   after   the   proposal   of   the  financial  commission  assisted  by  the  treasurer.”    Proposer:  Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB)  Seconder:  Tin  Knezevic;  Croatia;  Discussions:  • Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  Explains.  The  new  membership  fee   is  

only  10  €  per  month.  The  old  one  has  been  the  same  for  four  years.    • Zerdelis  Argisilaos,  Greece  -­‐  If  we  raise  the  fees,  will  the  deficit  be  less?  

It   means   we   can   pay   more   for   the   EEB   members.   That   Is   very  important.  Why  this  amount?    

• Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  There  was  a  lot  of  discussion,  because  we  didn’t  want  to  make  it  too  high,  people  still  need  to  afford  it.    

• Zerdelis  Argisilaos,  Greece  -­‐    Are  there  any  other  options?    • Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany   (EEB)   -­‐  Yes:   sponsors.  We  are  going   to  work  

on  that  this  year.  • Tin   Knežević,   Croatia   (EEB)   -­‐   Add   that  we   thought   about  making   rich  

countries  pay  more,  but  this  idea  still  needs  more  time.    Direct  negative.  Alexandros  Papadopulos,  Greece  wants  to  vote.  43  in  favor,  30  against,  2  abstain.    Motion  passes  by  absolute  majority  at  21.17    Constitutional  commission.  Motion  #83  passed.    • Tamara  Darbyshire,  the  Netherlands  -­‐  Can  the  externals  come  back?    • Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands  (Chair)  -­‐  No.  We  are  going  to  have  the  

vote  about  IFMSA  and  EMSA  now.    Chair  explains  the  procedure.    • Alexandros  Papadopulos,  Greece   -­‐  Asks   if  he   can   table  motions  while  

we  are  having  the  discussion.    • X  -­‐  Yes.    


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Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


21:32  Motion  #86    “To  accept  the  document  the  task  force  “for  Future  Corporation  with  IFMSA”  made  as  guideline  for  the  EEB  when  discussing  this  issue.”    Proposer:   Anna   Dobek,   Poland   (EEB),   Seconder:   Ruxandra   (Romania).   (No  motion  form  available)  Sietke  Postema,  The  Netherlands  doesn’t  seconds  this,  because  she  is  in  the  taskforce.      The  motion   is   to   accept   the   taskforce   document   as   a   guideline   for   the   EEB  when  discussing  this  issue.    Alexandros  Papadopulos,  Greece:  are  we  going  to  vote  upon  all  the  motions  at  the  same  time?    • Jacinta  Lucke,  the  Netherlands  –  No.  • Naomi  Begemann,  The  Netherlands  (EEB)  -­‐  I  want  to  amend,  that  FMOs  

also  need  to  use  this  as  a  guideline.  The  amendment  is  not  accepted  by  the  proposer    

• Alexandros   Papadopulos,   Greece   -­‐   If   this   motion   passes,   is   it  mandatory  for  the  EEB  to  use  them  as  guidelines?    

• Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  Yes.    • Alexandros  Papadopulos,  Greece  -­‐   It  has  to  be  very  clear  that  this   is  a  

guideline.      Motion  pass  absolute  majority.    In  favor  56,  against  13,  abstain  3,  total        21.25  Motion  #85    Amendment  of  Naomi  Begemann,  the  Netherlands  (EEB),    To  add  FMO’s  to  the  sentence.    44  in  favor,  23  against,  6  abstain.      Motion  passes  with  absolute  majority    Atanas  Banchev,  Bulgaria  amendment  NC’s,  to  also  add  NC  to  the  sentence.  The  proposer  accepts  the  amendment.    • Constanze  Born,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  To  Sietke  Postema,  externals  had  to  

leave   the   room.   If   this   motion   passes,   it   is   likely   they   will   see   the  taskforce  document.  Is  it  ok  for  IFMSA  to  see  it?    

• Sietke  Postema,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  Says  that  it  will  not  harm  us.  • Alexandros  Papadopulos,  Greece  -­‐  To  Atanas  Banchev.  Why  add  NC  to  

the  sentence?  If  “collaboration”  is  discussed,  it  is  with  IFMSA,  who  has  a  national  level.  

• Iza  Ene,  Romania  -­‐  Has  a  direct  negative.  If  it  good  to  FMO’s,  it  doesn’t  need   to   be   sent   to   the   NC’s   separately   and   she   thinks   it   can   be  harmful.    

• Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB)   -­‐  Really   important  to  the  NCs,  because  in  some  countries  the  NC  is  in  the  IFMSA  board.    

 56  in  favor,  13  against,  3  abstain.  Amended  motion  #86  passes  with  absolute  majority  at  21.32

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Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


21:42  Procedural  motion  #87  Proposer   Anna   Dobek,   Poland   (EEB),   Seconder   Sietke   Postema,   the  Netherlands,      To   have   an   unofficial   vote   with   all   the   possibilities   for   the   IFMSA/EMSA  relationship.  Explanation:  There   has   been  made   a   huge   document   by   the   taskforce   and   not   a   lot   of  people  got   the  chance   to   read   it.  To  have  a  good  opinion   they  should  have  this  opportunity.  The  situation  has  been  problematic  for  a  long  time,  so  there  is  no  need  for  an  immediate  official  vote.  They  want  to  do  the  official  vote  to  give  everyone  the  chance  to  give  their  opinion.    • Tin   Knežević,   Croatia   (EEB)   -­‐   With   this   vote   you   can   see   peoples  

preference?    • X  -­‐  Yes.  • Iza  Ene,  Romania  -­‐  What  is  the  next  GA?    • Sietke  Postema,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  The  ordinary  GA.    • Alexandros  Papadopulos,  Greece  -­‐  Has  a  direct  negative.  He  will  vote,  

but  not  official.  It  takes  too  long  to  work  on  this  for  another  year.  • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  Both  the  EEBs  of  EMSA  and  IFMSA  should  

work  on  something  that  can  be  adopted  in  one  year.    • Zergelis  Argisilaos,  Greece  -­‐  What  is  the  next  motion?    • X  -­‐  EEB  to  collaborate  with  IFMSA.    

 For  the  unofficial  vote:  50  in  favor,  23  against,  3  abstain.  Procedural  Motion  passes  with  absolute  Majority  

 21.43  Unofficial  vote  on  the  options  for  the  EMSA-­‐IFMSA  relations    1.  Option  1  –  Complete  merger  (IFMSA  standpoint)  2.  Option  2  –  Associate  Membership  3.  Option  3  –  New  Partnership  Agreement  4.  Option  4  –  Presented  by  Tin  Knežević  (as  a  private  option).   It  described  a  certain   level   of   regional   integration   that   keeps   regional,   national   and   local  autonomy.  5.  Option  5  –  Other  6.  Option  6  –  Against  all  7.  Option  7  –  Abstain    • Iza  Ene,  Romania  -­‐  What  is  option  5?  • Sietke  Postema,  The  Netherlands   -­‐   If   you  don’t  agree  with  any  of   the  

options.  • X  -­‐  Still  in  favor  of  cooperation.  • Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  It  is  an  unofficial  vote  so  there  are  no  


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c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


Results:  1.  Option  1  –  Complete  merger  (IFMSA  standpoint)  

17  votes  –  23,37%  2.  Option  2  –  Associate  Membership  

19  votes  –  25%  3.  Option  3  –  New  Partnership  Agreement  

9  votes  –  11,84%  4.  Option  4  –  Presented  by  Tin  Knežević  (as  a  private  option).   It  described  a  certain   level   of   regional   integration   that   keeps   regional,   national   and   local  autonomy.  

21  votes  –  27,36%  5.  Option  5  –  Other  

1  vote  –  1,32%  6.  Option  6  –  Against  all  

3  votes  –  3,95%  7.  Option  7  –  Abstain  

6  votes  –  7,89%  8.  Total:  76  votes    Relative  distribution:  

1. 23,37%  in  favor  of  merger  2. 65,52%  in  favor  of  some  kind  of  collaboration,  keeping  autonomy    3. 11,84%  against  all  kinds  of  collaboration  or  abstain  

 • Jacinta   Lucke,   The   Netherlands   -­‐   Shows   that   almost   no   one   has   the  

same  opinion,  so  that  there  has  to  be  more  discussion  about  this   in  a  later  stadium.    

 21:53  Motion  #88  Proposer:   Alexandros   Papadopulos,   Greece,   Seconder.   Veronika   Koeppen,  Germany    “To  create  a  joint  taskforce  between  IFMSA  and  EMSA  to  discuss  how  the  two  organizations  can  merge  or  how  EMSA  could  become  an  associate  member  of  IFMSA.”    • Alexandros   Papadopulos,   Greece   -­‐   Explains   that   this   discussion   has  

been  going  on  for  years  and  there  has  to  be  some  concrete  action.  He  wants  the  GA  to  give  a  direction  to  the  EEB.  

• Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  We  did  an  unofficial  vote,  as  a  result  of  that   I   also   want   to   add   to   the   motion   the   possibility   of   closer  cooperation.  Alexandros  Papadopulos,  Greece  accepts  this  motion.    

• Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  I  like  the  amendment.  I  am  not  happy  with  the   word   taskforce.   I   would   like   to   call   it   a   negotiation   body.   A  taskforce  is  a  body  created  for  a  project,  not  for  a  discussion.    

• Alexandros  Papadopulos,  Greece  -­‐  Understands  what  Tin  is  saying  but  the  purpose  of  the  taskforce  is  to  see  how  we  can  work  together.  So  it  is  a  taskforce.  Vroni  says  that  the   IR  does  not  conflict  with  calling   it  a  taskforce.    

 Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  withdraws  the  amendment.  Iza  Ene,  Romania  wants  to  vote.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


• Sietke  Postema,  The  Netherlands   -­‐  Wants  add   to   the  amendment,   ‘’if  agreed   by   IFMSA’.   If   IFMSA   does   not   agree   to   want   to   make   a  taskforce,  we  cannot  do  it.    

• Alexandros  Papadopulos,  Greece  -­‐  Accepts  the  amendment.  • Iza   Ene,  Romania   -­‐   It   is   already   clear   that   IFMSA  also  wants   the   joint  

taskforce.  They  also  used  the  word  taskforce.    • Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  Likes  this,  it  makes  IFMSA  responsible  

for  whether  or  not  starting  the  taskforce.    • Alexandros  Papadopulos,  Greece  -­‐  It  has  to  be  very  clear  that  we  want  

the  joint  taskforce  to  look  at  all  the  options,  not  only  the  merge.  It  has  to  be  minuted  very  clearly.    

 Paul-­‐Henry  Mackeprang,  Germany  wants  to  vote.  49  in  favor,  16  against,  11  abstain.  Motion  passes  with  absolute  majority      Motion  #89  Proposer   Anna   Dobek,   Poland   (EEB),   Seconder   Sietke   Postema,   the  Netherlands.    “EEB   2010-­‐2011  will   try   to  work   together  with   IFMSA  Officials   to   come   up  with   a   plan   concerning   the   future   corporation   with   IFMSA   and   present   it  during  the  EMSA  GA  2011.”    • Naomi  Begemann,  The  Netherlands  (EEB)  -­‐  Should  it  not  say  EB?    

It  is  an  amendment.  The  amendment  is  accepted.      • Tamara  Darbyshire,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  Then  the  SOLO  is  excluded.  • Tin   Knežević,   Croatia   (EEB)   -­‐   It   says   nowhere   that   the   SOLO   cannot  

cooperate  • Alexandros   Papadopulos,   Greece   -­‐   So   you   want   the   EB   and   TO   of  

IFMSA  to  work  together  and  there  will  be  a  taskforce.    • Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  Yes.    • Iza  Ene,  Romania  -­‐  I  think  it  should  say  EEB.    • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  Disagrees.  If  it  says  EB,  that  doesn’t  mean  

people  cannot  help.    • Sietke  Postema,  the  Netherlands  -­‐  Has  a  comment,  we  wrote  down  EB  

should  try  because  the  EMSA  GA  cannot  decide  what  the  TO  of  IFMSA  does.    

• Iza   Ene,   Romania   -­‐   I   have   an   amendment   to   change   it   to   EEB.   Anna  Dobek,  Poland  (EEB)  doesn’t  accept  it.  

• Sofia  Ribeiro,  Portugal   -­‐   It  was  EEB  and  was  amended   to  EB.  Can  you  propose  a  new  amendment  on  the  same  topic?    

• Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  No.    • Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  The  amendment  of  Iza  Ene,  Romania  

is  impossible.  It  will  be  an  alternative  motion.      

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


22:03  Alternative  motion  #90    “To  table  an  alternative  motion  that  reads  the  EEB  instead  of  EB”  Proposed  by  Iza  Ene,  Romania.    Vote  upon  #89-­‐90  1.  32  (#89,  EB)  2.  36  (#90,  EEB)  3.  4  (abstain)  4.  4  (against  all)    No  simple  minority.  Revote  upon  the  motion  with  the  most  votes.    22:06  Motion  #91  “To  propose  that  the  EEB  has  to  try  to  work  together  with  IFMSA  and  to  work  on  the  relationship  issue  and  come  up  with  a  plan.”  EEB  proposal    50  in  favor,  13  against,  13  abstain  Motion  passes  by  absolute  majority  at  22.06    22:10  Motion  #92    Proposer  Paul-­‐Henry  Mackeprang,  Germany  Seconder  by  Jeetindra  Balak,  the  Netherlands  (EEB).      “To  thank  all  the  commissions  and  the  plenary  team  for  their  work.”  (Jacinta   Luke,   Roben   De   La   Cruz,   Simone   Kooremons,   Veronika   Koeppen,  Sietke   Postema,   Borislav   Manev,   Tamara   darbyshire,   Wiebke   Verweloh,  Sanoeska  Siem  and  Rita  Kamara)    Alexandros  Papadopulos,  Greece  -­‐  Wants  to  thank  everyone  on  behalf  of  the  Greek  FMOs    Ruben  Da  Cruz  Lopes,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  Wants  to  vote.  64  in  favor,  6  against,  4  obstain.    Motion  passes  with  absolute  majority    • Anna  Dobek,  Poland  (EEB)  -­‐  This  is  the  last  vote.    • Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  Says  that  is  not  the  case,  because  now  

we  are  going  to  vote  on  the  candidatures.      Voting      • Jacinta   Lucke,   The   Netherlands   (Chair)   -­‐   Explains   the   procedure   and  

says   everyone   needs   to   listen   to   the   credential   commission,   because  otherwise  everything  needs  to  be  redone.    

• Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB)  -­‐  Wants  to  thank  the  University  for  the  Usage  of  the  voting  devices.    

Credential  commission  explains  the  procedure.    • Iza  Ene,  Romania   -­‐  Wants   the  boxes  with   the  votes   in   the   room  next  

year.    22.15  The  voting  begins.  23.23  The  voting  ends.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


Tim  W.   Rattay,   Germany   (EEB)   has   an   announcement.   If   you  want   you   can  pay  the  membership  fee  for  2011  (120)  now  in  cash.      Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands  suspends  the  plenary  at  23.28.      Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands  opens  the  plenary  at  1.47.      Election  results.      Order  of  the  results:    

-­‐ PRO  to  President  -­‐ GA  and  NCM  

   A  big  applause  for  the  commission,  who  was  counting  during  the  party.      Results:    EEB:    Public  Relations  Officer:  Ingmar  Rinas,  Germany    67  in  favor,  5  against,  5  abstain,  1  irregular  vote  He  accepts.  

 Human  resources  Officer  Iza  Ene,  Romania  50  in  favor,  15  against,  2  abstain,  1  irregular  vote  She  accepts.    Funds  Raising.  Officer  Tamara  Darbyshire,  The  Netherlands  48  in  favor,  10  against  She  accepts.    

-­‐ Note:  Missing  numbers  for  the  other  candidate.  Presumed  10.    EMO-­‐LO  Elif  Keles,  Turkey  40  in  favor,  25  against,  8  abstain,  4?,  1  irregular  vote  She  accepts.      

-­‐ Note:  Missing  data.  “4?”  are  presumed  to  be  the  number  of  votes  for  the  other  candidate.  

 European  Integration  director,  Sofia  Ribero,  Portugal  55  in  favor,  11  against,  11  abstain,  1  irregular  vote  Naomi   Begemann,   The   Netherlands   (EEB)   accepts   in   the   name   of   the  candidate.

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c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


Medical  science  Director  Borislav  Manev  ,Macedonia  56  in  favor,  13  against,  8  abstain,  1  irregular  vote    He  accepts.    Medical  Ethics  and  Public  Health  Director,  Sebastian  Schmidt,  Germany    72  in  favor,  4  against,  1  abstain,  1  irregular  vote  He  accepts.    Medical  Education  Director,    42  in  favor  of  Süleyman  Yildiz,Turkey    29  in  favor  of  Matthew  Attard    0  against  both,  6  abstain,  1  irregular  vote    The  winning  candidate  accepts.  Thanks  for  presentation  of  Matthew.    Treasurer    Tim  W.  Rattay,Germany    75  in  favor,  1  against,  1  abstain,  1  irregular  vote  He  accepts.    Secretary  General  Anna  Dobek,  Poland  69  in  favor,  5  against,  3  abstain,  1  irregular  vote  She  accepts.    Vice  President  for  External    Christoph  Phillipsenburg,  Germany  57  in  favor,  10  against,  10  abstain,  1  irregular  vote  Sietke  Postema,  The  Netherlands  accepts  in  the  name  of  the  candidate.    Vice  President  for  Internal  Sietke  Postema,  the  Netherlands  69  in  favor,  1  against,  1  abstain,  1  irregular  vote    She  accepts.    President  Tin  Knežević,  Croatia    56  in  favor,  20  against,  1  abstain,  1  irregular  vote  He  accepts.                

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Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


NCM  and  GA:  NCM  Poland,  64in  favor,  6against-­‐,  6  abstain.,  2  irr.  They  accept.    GA    32  Macedonia  44  Leiden,  1  abstain    1  irregular  vote  Leiden  accepts.  Thanks  to  Macedonia  for  candidateing.      Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands:  New  president  of  EMScouncil  Sandor,  Ory  The  Netherlands.  Ruxandra   is  vice  president  Applause  for  all  the  candidates  that  didn’t  get  elected.      Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  -­‐  Vote  of  thanks.    Thanks  Jacinta  for  chairing  this  great  GA.    Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands   liked  doing   it  and  sorry  for  not  always  being  nice.  She  hopes  it  was  a  good  GA.  See  you  in  Leiden  next  year.    Thanks   to  Ruben  Da  Cruz  Lopes,  The  Netherlands  and  Simone  for  being  the  plenary  team.    Thanks  to  all  the  commissions.  Special  thanks  to  the  OC!  

The   Dutch   sing:   “We   never   had   a   good   one   like   this.   (Zo’n   goeie  hebben  wij  nog  niet  gehad.).”  Special  thanks  to  Maria  and  George.  

The  entire  GA  claps  for  them.    

All  the  EEB  members  are  thanked  personally:     Anna  Dobek     Tim  W.  Rattay     Jeetindra  Balak     Naomi  Begemann     Micky  Las  van  Bannekom     Raquel  Correia     Kavita  Aggarwal     Constanze  Born     Verena  Thiel     Luis  Machado     Paul-­‐Henry  Mackeprang      OC  is  thanked  again.  Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  (EEB),  thanks  for  everything!  Borislav  Manev,  Macedonia,  congratulations  Duchies!  Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands,  thanks  to  Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)!    Tin   Knežević,   Croatia   (EEB)   says   the   circle   is   complete,   Athens   is   full   of  history.      Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands  closes  the  plenary  &  the  GA  at  2.21  am.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



Of the EMSA Extraordinary General Assembly 20th November 2010Muenster, Germany

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


1.  Opening  of  the  Extraordinary  General  Assembly  at  17:54    Pre  GA  session    Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (President  of  EMSA  Europe  2010/2011):    Introduction  of  the  GA  board  members.    Presentation  of  the  agenda.      1.  Opening    2.  Announcements    3.  Board:  Chair,  Vice-­‐Chair  and  Plenary  Secretary    

a.  explanations    b.  candidatures    c.  elections    

4.  Commissions:  Credential  and  Constitutional    a.  explanations    b.  candidatures    c.  elections    

5.  Explanation  of  necessity  of  extraordinary  (eo)-­‐GA    6.  Explanation  of  Statute  changes    7.  Explanation  of  motion  flow    8.  Motions    9.  Any  other  business    10.  Closing      2.  Announcements    New  EEB  members  have  been  elected:    

SO-­‐LO  -­‐  Anna  Potzy,  Germany     FI-­‐LO  -­‐  Mehtap  Yucel,  Turkey     EMS  Council  Secretary  General  -­‐  Luis  Machado,  Portugal    

 3.  GA  Board:    Voted  upon  by  raising  hands.    Chair:  Wander  Kenter,  The  Netherlands,    0  against,  0  abstains    Vice-­‐Chair:  Nienke  van  Andel,  The  Netherlands  0  against,  0  abstains    Secretary  General:  Anna  Dobek,  Poland,    was  appointed  by  the  GA  Board    with  no  direct  negative  of  the  eoGA.      4.  GA  Commissions    Credential  Commission:    Veera  van  Wijnen,  The  Netherlands    0  against,  0  abstains    Wiebke  Keweloh,  Germany  0  against,  0  abstains

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c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


Constitutional  Commission:    Paul-­‐Henry  Mackeprang,  Germany    0  against,  0  abstains    Naomi  Begemann,  The  Netherlands    0  against,  0  abstains      GA  Session  1    5.  Explanation  of  the  necessity  of  the  extraordinary  GA    Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  (EEB)  explains  the  necessity  of  the  extraordinary  GA:    -­‐  Illegal  organization    -­‐  Risk  of  being  dissolved    -­‐  Possible  fines    -­‐  Grant  (stricter  rules  now)    -­‐  Belgium  ministry  checking  Statutes    -­‐  It  was  not  done  in  Athens  due  to  lack  of  quorum      Situation  in  Athens:    -­‐  Changes  couldn‘t  be  voted  upon  officially  as  there  was  not  the  necessary  quorum    -­‐  An  unofficial  voting  procedure  took  place      Legal  issues:    Statutes  need  to  be  updated:    -­‐  Accordingly  with  the  IR  structural  changes  approved  in  Athens    -­‐  Accordingly  with  the  most  recent  Belgian  law  (2  May  2002)    -­‐  Grammar  changes,  spelling  mistakes  and  punctuations      6.  Explanation  of  statute  changes    Necessary  changes    Update  Statutes  according  to  the  IR  approved  by  the  GA  in  Athens:    -­‐  Art  3:  add  “Public  Health”  to  the  Ethics  pillar    -­‐  Art  19:  change  VP  to  Secretary-­‐General    -­‐  Art  25:  change  the  financial  year    -­‐  Art  27:  add  “Bylaws  as  well”      Mandatory  changes:    -­‐  Art  1:  Change  the  date  of  the  law  (2  May  2002)    -­‐  Linguistic/grammar  changes        According  to  what  has  been  decided  at  the  GA  in  Athens:    “GA  session  V,  part  1,  opening  at:  18.16      Motion  #77:    Motion  to  let  the  GA  accept  the  changes  that  have  to  be  made  in  the  Statutes  according  to  the  motions  that  have  been  voted  on  and  have  been  accepted  during  this  GA.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


Name  of  proposer:  Jeetindra  Balak    Name  of  seconder:  Luis  Machado    Procedural  Motion;  unofficial  vote    60  in  favor,  9  against,  10  abstain;  79  total    Time:  18.42”      • Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands  –  Will  it  be  done  one  by  one?    • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  –  Yes.    • Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  Why  weren’t  they  mentioned  in  the  e-­‐

mail?    • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  –  They  were  mentioned  in  the  e-­‐mail.    • Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  I  would  like  to  see  the  e-­‐mail.  Why  

didn’t  you  send  these  changes  –  prior  to  the  GA?    • Tin,  Croatia  –  They  are  all  mandatory  changes  –  we  don’t  know  the  

exact  changes  now.  We  first  need  to  start  the  registration  process.    • Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  They  were  all  done  in  Athens,  why  

didn’t  you  send  the  changes?    • Tin,  Croatia  -­‐  It  was  a  mistake.    • Tim  W.  Rattay,  DE  –  People  didn’t  really  ask.  It  was  indirectly  

announced,  because  it  was  stated  “We  need  to  update  the  Statutes  according  to  the  changes  in  Athens”  and  we  sent  the  changes  of  Athens  by  mail.    

 PoI  (Point  of  Information)  by  Tim  W.  Rattay  -­‐  We  are  going  to  make  statutory  changes,  so  we  need  a  two  third  majority.  We  have  to  remember  that  we  need  to  have  a  2/3  majority  of  votes  of  people  present  here.      PoI  Constitutional  Commission  -­‐  We  have  a  minority  quorum  which  is  subject  to  approval  of  the  EB.      7.  Explanation  of  motion  flow    It  was  done  by  the  Chair.      8.  Motions    The  motions  are  explained  by  Tin  Knežević,  Croatia.      Credential  commission  gives  out  voting  cards.    44  votes  in  total.      

• Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  Is  the  EEB  allowed  to  call  2  GAs  in  a  row?    

• Constitutional  Commission  –  There’s  nothing  mentioned  in  the  IRs  or  Statutes  about  that.    

• Michaela  Hurmer,  Germany  –  Does  it  say  in  the  Statutes  that  the  changes  in  the  Statutes  have  to  be  sent  to  the  Mailing  List  prior  to  the  GA?    

• Constitutional  Commission  –  No.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


• Tim  Rattay,  DE  –  It  states  in  the  Statutes  that  you  have  to  mention  in  the  call  for  the  GA  that  there  will  be  statutory  changes.  

• Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands  reads  the  email  sent  by  the  EEB  to  the  EMSA-­‐net  and  EMSA-­‐Europe  mailing  list:  In  the  mail,  there  is  nothing  stated  like  „according  to  the  changes  from  Athens“  and  it  says  nothing  about  the  linguistic  changes.    

• Tamara  Darbyshire,  The  Netherlands  –  but  still  it  is  possible  because  it  was  announced  during  the  GA  2010  Athens  –  it  is  in  the  minutes  of  the  GA  –  we  voted  upon  it  unofficially.    

• Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  But  not  everyone  was  present  there,  it  would  have  been  nice  to  have  it  announced  via  mail  before  the  GA.    

• Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  –  There  was  so  much  to  do  on  short  notice  and  we  were  not  able  to  inform  you  better.  The  EEB  would  like  to  apologize  for  that.    

• Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  –  The  board  acts  in  good  will.  We  want  to  work  for  better  -­‐  always,  we  are  repairing  the  mistakes  done  before.  We  have  to  remember  that  it  is  also  the  responsibility  of  the  NCs  and  LCs.    

 PoI  by  Credential  Commission:  If  you  leave  the  room,  give  back  your  voting  card  to  the  Credential  Commission.  The  voting  card  is  personal.      18:37  Motion  #1    “Article  3.    The  objectives  of  EMSA,  which  has  no  lucrative  aims  whatsoever,  are:    

to  act  as  a  forum  for  all  medical  students  in  Europe,  to  discuss  topics  related  to  the  fields  of  medical  education,  medical  ethics,  public  health  and  medical  research.    

 And  to  change  “General  Secretary”  to  “Secretary  General”  through  the  text  of  the  Statutes”    Proposer:  Tin  Knežević,  Croatia,  Seconder:  Tim  W.  Rattay,  DE      Question:    

• Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  Can  we  vote  upon  these  changes  if  it  wasn’t  announced  in  the  e-­‐mail?    

• Credential  Commission:  Paul-­‐Henry  -­‐  This  is  maybe  not  the  best  procedure,  but  there  is  nothing  against  it  in  the  Statutes.  Naomi  -­‐  It’s  specified  that  there  are  going  to  be  changes  of  the  Statutes.  Nothing  mentioned  about  the  exact  things.    

• Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  Which  article  are  you  referring  to  in  your  motion?    

• Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  –  It’s  about  the  whole  document,  not  a  single  article.    

• Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  Could  you  separate  this  motion  please,  as  it  contains  2  completely  different  subjects?

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


Wander  Kenter,  The  Netherlands  (Chair)  -­‐  Are  people  in  favor  of  separating  the  motion?    An  informal  vote  takes  place:    Informal  vote:  18  in  favor,  14  against,  12  abstains    Chair:  Motion  fails.      

• Rianne  Schutter,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  This  vote  is  just  an  advice  to  the  proposer,  the  proposer  has  to  decide.    

• Credential  Commission  -­‐  It  is  not  possible  to  vote  on  both  motions  at  the  same  time.  

• Rianne  Schutter,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  Can  the  proposer  reconsider  

splitting  his  own  motion.  • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  -­‐  I  don’t  see  the  necessity  but  ok,  I  will  accept  

the  proposed  change  and  divide  it.  

   18:49  Alternative  motion  #1a    ““General  Secretary”  will  be  “Secretary  General”  throughout  the  entire  text  of  the  Statutes”    Proposer:  Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands,  Seconder:  Wendelien  van  der  Graag,  The  Netherlands,    Motion  passes  nemo  contra      18:49  Alternative  motion  #1b    “Article  3.    The  objectives  of  EMSA,  which  has  no  lucrative  aims  whatsoever,  are:    

“to  act  as  a  forum  for  all  medical  students  in  Europe,  to  discuss  topics  related  to  the  fields  of  medical  education,  medical  ethics,  public  health  and  medical  research.“    

 Proposer:  Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands,  Seconder:  Renske  Bruinsma,  The  Netherlands,    Motion  passes  nemo  contra      18:53  Motion  #2    “Article  19.    

In  the  absence  of  the  president,  the  vice  president  of  internal  affairs  will  assume  the  president's  functions.”    

 Proposer:  Tin  Knežević,  Croatia,  Seconder:  Christoph  Philipsenburg,  Germany  Amendments:  no      Direct  Negative  from  Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  We  should  have  been  informed  on  that.      No  alternative  motion.    We  vote.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


Vote:  In  favour:  43,  Against:  0,  Abstain:  3,  Total:  46  False  voting;    Vote:  In  favour:  41,  Against:  0,  Abstain:  3,  Total:  44    Motion  passes      18:57  Motion  #3    ”Article  25.    •  The  financial  year  starts  on  the  1st  of  January  and  ends  on  the  31st  of  December.”      Proposer:  Tin  Knežević,  Croatia,  Seconder  Süleyman  Yildiz,  Turkey    Amendments:  no      

• Michaela  Hurmer,  Germany  –  After  this  change,  a  FMO  will  be  a  member  of  which  year  in  December  2010?    

• Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  –  The  financial  year  has  nothing  to  do  with  the  membership  status,  so  all  the  members  keep  their  regular  membership  status.    


Direct  Negative  from  Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  We  should  have  been  informed  on  that.  

No  alternative  motion.    We  vote:    Vote:  In  favor:  43,  Against:  0,  Abstain:  1,  Total:  44    Motion  passes      19:00  Motion  #4    “Article  27    

The  present  Statutes  and  everything  not  explicitly  foreseen  by  these  Statutes  are  subject  to  Belgian  law.  The  same  conditions  apply  to  the  Internal  Rules  and  Bylaws  as  well.”    

 Proposer:  Tin  Knežević,  Croatia,  Seconder  Elif  Keles,  Turkey  Amendments:  no      Direct  Negative  from  Wendelein  van  der  Graag,  The  Netherlands  –  It  has  not  been  mentioned  in  the  e-­‐mail.    No  alternative  motion.    We  vote:    Vote:  In  favor:  40,  Against:  0,  Abstain:  4,  Total:  44.    Motion  passes      19:03  Motion  #5    “Example:  Article  5.    2)  Ordinary  members  of  FMO:    

FMOs  at  European  Medical  Faculties.    And  to  change  every  other  grammar  changes  in  the  Statutes.”

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


 Proposer:  Tin  Knežević,  Croatia,  Seconder  Sandor  Ory,  The  Netherlands    Amendments:  no      

• Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands  –  The  grammar  changes  are  obvious  for  15  years,  how  come  there  was  not  time  to  inform  the  members  in  advance?    

• Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  –  We  had  other  priorities  and  it  is  perfectly  normal  that  Statutes  contain  this  kind  of  mistakes.    

• Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  –  Even  after  that  GA  we  will  have  a  lot  of  work  with  the  Statutes  and  come  back  on  that  later.    

 No  direct  negatives.    Motion  passes  nemo  contra.      PoI  by  Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  –  The  last  bus  leaves  at  20.15,  we  should  try  to  be  done  by  that  time.    Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  Food  is  important,  but  the  Statutes  are  the  basics  of  our  organisation,  so  we  should  not  rush  this  and  do  our  very  best  to  

make  this  clear  and  transparent.  We  have  a  responsibility  towards  other  EMSA  members.  

19:08  Motion  #6    “Example:  Article  1.    

This  association  will  be  registered  under  the  Belgian  law  of  25th  October  1919,  modified  by  the  law  of  6th  December  1954  and  2nd  May  2002.    

And  to  allow  the  Executive  Board  to  adopt  the  necessary  changes  as  introduced  by  the  Belgian  Ministry  during  registration  process.”      Proposer:  Tin  Knežević,  Croatia,  Seconder  Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  Amendments:  no      

• Tamara  Darbyshire,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  When  we  receive  the  changes  the  ministry  wants,  we  will  inform  the  members  about  it.    

• Robbert  Schouten,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  Is  it  legal  to  vote  on  those  non-­‐specific  changes?    

• Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  –  The  changes  are  not  really  non-­‐specific.  And  if  at  any  point  the  process  has  to  be  stopped,  for  example  if  the  Belgian  Ministry  has  the  same  point  like  you  did,  the  process  will  be  stopped  and  we  will  re-­‐start  it  at  the  next  GA.  

• Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  -­‐  Our  Statutes  state  that  if  we  have  a  rule  that  is  against  Belgian  law,  the  Statutes  will  automatically  be  reposed  to  the  point  where  it  was  legally  accepted.  At  the  next  GA  we  will  present  the  changes  to  adopt  by  the  GA.    

• Robbert  Schouten,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  I  see  your  point,  but  is  the  procedure  legal?

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


• Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  -­‐  As  far  as  I  am  informed  with  the  law  and  as  far  as  I  understand  it  and  our  Statutes,  it  is.  Again,  if  it  is  not,  the  process  will  be  stopped  like  I  mentioned  before  and  what  Tim  and  I  said  will  happen...    

• Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands–  The  EMSA  Statutes  have  to  be  in  French  according  to  IR  5.2.2,  not  Dutch.    

• Michaela  Hurmer,  Germany  -­‐  Why  didn’t  you  check  the  Belgian  law?    • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  -­‐  Because  we  had  to  start  the  registration  

process  and  it  was  impossible  to  check  it  before.  In  addition,  we  will  only  change  linguistic  things,  as  soon  as  others  appear  we  will  stop  the  process.    

• Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  -­‐  We  can’t  ask  them  what  to  change  before  starting  the  registration  process.    

 Direct  Negative  from  Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands  –  The  Netherlands  want  to  vote  on  this.    No  alternative  motion.    We  vote.    Vote:  In  favour:  34,  Against:  0,  Abstain:  10,  Total:  44    Motion  passes      19:18  Motion  #7    “The  members  of  EMSA  present  at  this  GA  would  like  to  point  out  their  concern  regarding  this  extraordinary  GA  and  the  motions  tabled.  We  as  members  of  EMSA,  would  like  to  encourage  the  EEB  to  be  more  pro-­‐active  in  preparing  this  extraordinary  GA  and  its  content.  More  European-­‐wide  transparency  in  the  upcoming  changes  in  the  changes  in  the  Statutes  would  have  been  appropriate.”    Proposer:  Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands,  Seconder:  Michaela  Hurmer,  Germany  

• Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  –  I  agree,  but  not  fair  to  kick  someone  who  is  trying  to  do  a  job  that  hasn’t  been  done  since  1996.    

• Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands  –  I  am  not  trying  to  kick  you.  I  just  want  to  make  a  statement.  It  is  not  personal.    

• Amendment  proposed  by  Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  –  Not  only  to  encourage  the  EEB,  but  also  the  members  of  EMSA  to  become  more  pro-­‐active  as  well.    

 The  proposer  does  not  accept  the  amendment.    The  amendment  is  withdrawn.      Direct  Negative  from  Paul-­‐Henry  Mackeprang,  Germany  –  I  don’t  think  it’s  appropriate  towards  the  job  that  has  been  done.      Vote:  In  favour:  18,  Against:  16,  Abstain:  9,  Total:  43,  False  vote    Vote:  In  favour:  19,  Against:  15,  Abstain:  9,  Total:  43  False  vote    Vote:  In  favour:  19,  Against:  16,  Abstain:  9,  Total:  44

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Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


Motion  fails      

• Wander  Kenter,  The  Netherlands  (Chair)  -­‐  We  need  a  simple  majority.  The  motion  is  rejected.    

• Questions  to  the  Constitutional  Commission  -­‐  What  is  a  simple  majority  and  a  relative  majority,  how  many  do  we  need  to  pass  a  motion?    

• Constitutional  Commission  -­‐  There  is  no  answer  in  the  IRs.    • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia    -­‐  PoI  -­‐  There  is  no  official  definition  that  EMSA  

uses  and  since  there  are  several  definitions  in  the  Anglo-­‐Saxon  world,  we  agreed  at  the  GA  in  Athens  that  the  EEB  would  prepare  this  issue  for  the  upcoming  GA  and  that  the  issue  would  be  solved  then  and  there.    

• Wander  Kenter,  The  Netherlands  (Chair)  –  I  have  defined  the  majority  in  the  beginning,  so  the  motion  fails.    

 A  part  of  the  delegation  leaves  the  room.  PoI  by  Credential  Commission  -­‐  There  are  36  votes  left.      19:27  Motion  #8    “The  EEB  should  send  a  timeline  of  the  follow  up  of  the  statutory  changes  on  the  EMSA-­‐net  server  within  two  weeks  after  the  end  of  this  GA.”    Proposer:  Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands,  Seconder:  Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany    Amendments:  no    Direct  negative:  no    Motion  passes  nemo  contra      19:29  Motion  #9    “The  EEB  should  send  monthly  updates  on  the  progress  of  the  Statutory  changes  on  the  EMSA-­‐net  server  after  the  end  of  this  GA.”  

Proposer:  Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands,    Seconder:  Robbert  Schouten,  The  Netherlands    Amendments:  no    Direct  Negative  from  Tim  W.  Rattay.    No  alternative.    We  vote.      Vote:  In  favor:  25,  Against:  0,  Abstain:  11,  Total:  36    Motion  passes      PoI  by  Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands  –  I  don’t  want  this  to  be  just  one  sentence  in  the  Monthly  Reports.    Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  –  I  think  everyone  understands  that  we  need  to  do  this;  I  just  gave  the  negative  to  see  how  many  people  abstain.      9.  Any  Other  Business  (AOB)

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c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


• Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  –  We  wanted  to  thank  you  for  being  here  and  helping  us.    

• The  deadline  for  the  grant  was  moved  to  2  months  prior  to  the  former  deadline,  which  is  why  we  had  no  time  to  prepare  this  GA  well.    

• Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  –  The  Monthly  Reports  were  in  time  by  the  way.    • Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  -­‐  I  was  very  uncomfortable  with  the  

situation.    • Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  Final  remark  –  I  feel  that  at  the  GA  in  

Athens  –  me  and  Veronika  Koeppen,  Germany  were  very  clear  that  we  wanted  the  EEB  to  be  more  transparent  and  now  we’re  sitting  here  with  less  transparency  and  I  know  you  had  a  lot  of  business  but  we  need  to  be  on  the  loop  with  the  important  stuff,  we  need  more  professionalism.    

• Sietke  Postema,  The  Netherlands  –  Thank  you  for  being  here,  we  appreciate  your  effort  to  come  here.    

• Luis  Machado,  Portugal  -­‐  Since  it  is  their  last  meeting  for  EMSA,  I  would  like  to  thank  PH  and  Naomi  for  their  work  in  EMSA.    

• Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  -­‐  I  also  want  to  thank  Naomi  for  creating  the  Training  system.    

• Tamara  Darbyshire,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  And  all  the  old  board  members  who  are  not  here  tonight.    

• Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  -­‐  We  want  to  invite  all  EMSA  members  to  come  to  the  NCM  to  start  working  with  us  on  our  Statutes.  We  would  like  to  work  together  with  our  members  on  the  local  level.  To  make  it  clear,  we  will  send  it  also  to  the  mailing  list.    

• Jacinta  Lucke,  The  Netherlands  -­‐  Are  you  talking  personally  or  on  behalf  of  the  EEB?    

• Tim  W.  Rattay,  Germany  -­‐  On  behalf  of  the  EEB.    • Tin  Knežević,  Croatia  -­‐  I  want  to  thank  IFMSA-­‐The  Netherlands  for  the  

valuable  feedback.      Vote  of  thanks  for  the  Chair  and  Vice-­‐Chair    10.  Closure:  19.38

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


Report:National Coordinators and Enthusiasts’ Meeting 2011

5-8 May, Warsaw, Poland

Prepared by: Sietke PostemaVice-President of Internal Affairs

In May 2011 the National Coordinators and Enthusiasts’ Meeting was organized by EMSA-Warsaw. On a beautiful location a group of enthusiastic EMSA-members can together to discuss, learn and enjoy. The two-day-program was packed with many pillar-sessions, NC-sessions, Small Working Groups and trainings.

After the NCM an extensive NCM-report was sent to the mailing lists. This 15 page document includes detailed information about the agenda and outcomes of each pillar session, Small Working Group session, NC-session and trainings. This document is a small extract of the detailed NCM-report. If you wish to read the extensive NCM-report, please contact the VPI of the EEB (

Pillar sessionsThe directors had 3,5 hours of pillar session on the first day and 2 hours on the second day.

Medical EducationDuring the medical education session different projects like Teddy Bear Hospital, EMSA summer schools and medical English course were discussed. Also the Bologna Process Workshop Follow-up and Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) were discussed. EMSA has a new project cooperation with AMEE and next year EMSA members can benefit from AMEE regarding the organisation of projects. Furthermore the participants got an training on ‘Group Dynamics and Motivation’.

Medical ScienceThis pillar session started with an introduction to the pillar and workgroup, after which an presentation was given about how to write and present a good case report. Furthermore, there was a presentation on medical science conferences. Very important was the brainstorm on new projects. The group came up with two new projects: ‘I can do science’, which will be a database with all necessary information for students wanting to start with research, and ‘Secret Science Society’, which aims to unite all science clubs in Europe.

Medical Ethics and Public HealthThis pillar too started with an introduction, assessing the participants’ knowledge on experience with the pillar. After that it the participants carried out on SWOT analysis for the pillar. Furthermore, three topics were chosen to brainstorm on in an ideas café and small working groups. These

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


three topics were: pillar structure, pillar projects (M&M and new ideas) and meetings.

European IntegrationDuring the sessions of this pillar, current projects (Twinning Project, Eurotalk, Best Buddy and Different Christmas) and new projects were discussed. Different subjects regarding Twinning Project came up, for example by the Youth in Action grant. There is a handbook about this grant available. The new project ‘Cultural Injection’ was presented. Finally, the future of the pillar was assessed and a list was made of what should be done before the GA in Leiden.

Small Working GroupsDuring the SWG External of EMSA a short summary on the existing cooperations and their development within the last six months was given. The session focused on the participants experiences. Pros and cons of cooperations were discussed and concluded was that if you have the right attitude there is more to gain than to lose. The second SWG was about Pharmaceutical Sponsoring and EMSA’s statutes. Background information was given about both subjects. The main aim was to get input and create a plan of action on how these two topics would be handled. The participants gave valuable input and a plan of action for both subjects was created. The SWG Communication between FMOs and EEB started with theoretical information about communication, after which the communication within EMSA was assessed. The participants rated the communication within EMSA (results: 6 (on a 1-10 scale)) and named good and bad things. After talking about the negative things in communication within EMSA, groups were formed to discuss how these negative things could be improved.

Trainings There were three trainings, given by EMSA-trainers and one external trainer. The topics of the trainings were: Peer education, Project management and Writing smashing policy statements. During the second European Integration pillar session a training about Conflict Management was given and the participants of the second Medical Education pillar session got a training on Motivation & team dynamics.

NC-sessionThis NCM was the first GA with an actual session for NCs. It appeared to be a great success as every NC was missing contact between each other and the chance to solve some problems in their countries. During the first session we first described what would be the perfect NC-world. Based on this ‘perfect NC-world’ we came up with ten realistic ground rules for NCs. The second day we talked about a job description for NCs, based on the ground rules. Divided in three groups we discussed ‘on meetings and meeting preparations’, ‘communication with the EEB and FMOs’ and ‘promotion of EMSA and EMSA events’.

Future of EMSA -sessionDuring this session an short overview of EMSA’s activities were given. After a short SWAT analysis by the participants, several topics were discussed in Small Working Groups and the outcomes were presented to the group.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium




EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


1. Online  EEB  meeting  28  September  2010  

2. Online  EEB  meeting    5  October  2010      

3. Online  EB  meeting    10  October  2010  

4. Online  EEB  meeting    12  October  2010      

5. Online  EEB  meeting  26  October  2010    

6. Online  EB  meeting    31  October  2010  

7. Online  EEB  meeting  9  November  2010  

8. EEB  F2F  meeting,  Muenster,  Germany  18-­‐21  November  2010  

9. Online  DIA  meeting  6  December  2010  

10. Online  EB  meeting  7  December  2010  

11. Online  EEB  meeting    8  December  2010  

12. Online  EB  meeting  13  December  2010  

13. Online  EEB  meeting  15  December  2010    

14. Online  DIA  meeting    4  January  2011  

15. EEB  F2F  meeting,  Bucharest,  Romania  6-­‐9  January  2011    

16. Online  EEB  meeting    23  January  2011  

17. Online  DIA  meeting    27  January  2011  

18. Online  EEB  meeting  3  February  2011      

19. Online  DIA  meeting  7  February  2011  

20. Online  meeting  about  the  statutes    16  February  2011  

21. Online  EEB  meeting  21  February  2011      

22. Online  EB  -­  NCM  OC  meeting  28  February  2011  

23. Online  EEB  meeting  06  March  2011      

24. Online  EEB  meeting  14  March  2011  

25. Online  DIA  meeting,  including  Christoph  (VPE)    16  March  2011  

26. EMSA  F2F  meeting,  Istanbul,  Turkey  25-­‐30  March  2011  

27. DIA  online  meeting  4  April  2011  

28. DIA  online  meeting  11  April  2011  

29. EEB  online  meeting    13  April  2011  

30. EEB  online  meeting    18  April  2011  

31. DIA  online  meeting  20  April  2011  

32. EEB  F2F  meeting  in  Warsaw  3-­‐5  May  2011    

33. National  Coordinators  and  enthusiasts’  Meeting  in  Warsaw,  Poland  5-­‐8  May  2011  

34. EEB  F2F  meeting  in  Warsaw  9  May  2011  

35. DIA  online  meeting  17  May  2011  

36. EEB  online  meeting  concerning  the  EMS  Council  22  May  2011  

37. EB-­GA  OC  online  meeting  24  May  2011  

38. DIA  online  meeting  25  May  2011  

39. EEB  F2F  meeting,  Skopje  and  Ohrid,  Macedonia  28  -­‐  31  May  11  

40. EEB  online  meeting  13  June  2011  

41. EEB  online  meeting  28  June  2011  

42. DIA  online  meeting  20  June  2011  

43. Online  NC  meeting  28  June  2011  

44. Online  EEB  meeting  14  July  2011  

45. Online  NC  meeting  27  July  2011  

46. Online  EEB  meeting  3  August  2011  

47. EEB  F2F  meeting,  Cres,  Croatia  8-­‐12  August  2011  


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c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



Tin KneževićPresident of EMSA Europe 2010-2011

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



12th October 2010 (elected by the General Assembly in Athens)


EEB Face 2 Face meeting and Extraordinary General Assembly in Muenster, Germany - November 2010EEB Face 2 Face meeting in Bucharest - December 2010EEB Face 2 Face meeting and the Training Centre of Excellence in Istanbul, Turkey - April 2010EEB Face 2 Face meeting and the NCM in Jablonna (near Warsaw), Poland - May 2010TBH Book presentation and a F2F meeting with the President of IFMSA in Lisabon, Portugal - May 2010EEB Face 2 Face meeting and the EMS Forum in Ohrid, Macedonia - June 2010EEB Face 2 Face meeting in Heidelberg, Germany - July 2010BIMS – Batumi International Medical Summit in Batumi, Georgia - July 2010 EEB Face 2 Face meeting in Croatia - August 2010

Additionally, chaired most of the online EEB meetings and EB meetings, had frequent online meetings with EEB members (especially with the PR Officer); attended several online meetings with various externals (especially with the web developer), EMS Council OC and Board.


As this has been my second term in this position, there was no actual handover.However, being one of the „senior“ board members I was activelly working on handovers related to other positions. Especially the VPi and VPe positions having in mind the major structural changes of the board we have done at the GA in Athens.I would like to note that making the handover period last for aproximately 3 months after the general assembly was a good idea as it gives old board members an opportunity to wrap up what they have been doing as well as to successfully hand over their possitions, but it also enables the new board members to get up to speed on all running matters as well as to get acquanted with board work without having to instantly take over all the responcibility. The entire process probably would have been made easiet with clear (written) job descriptions. This is something we have decided to work on this year. The entire handover was also made slightly more complicated due to the fact that some positions were left empty. Which mainly concirns the Department of Extenrnal Affairs that had two vacancies.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium




The overall main goal of this term was sustainability that we tried to reach through continuity and development of existing as well as new capacities.

The original roadmap (for this position) was divided into several sub-categories:1. Finances - Gaining sustainability through increased FR activity and financial independence.2. Activation and motivation of EMSA members - Increase of activity on the international level.3. International Recognition


1. Finances - After we changed the structure at the GA in Athens and introduced the position of the Funds Raising Officer (FRO) we believed that EMSA would be able to reach financial stability and no longer be highly dependent on EU (EACEA) grants. Unfortunately, due to low activity of our FRO that was caused by personal matters and then consequential resignation most of the main goals of this position as well as the strategy were not achieved. - Nevertheless, EMSA has shown considerable financial stability in the term of 2010-2011. This was mainly because of a better budget plans, higher membership fees that covered more of our needs and the successful application for the YiA grant (EMSA was approved a full grant of 35 000 euros).

2. Activation and motivation of EMSA members - Human resources are probably the most important aspect of any given organization. This is why last year the training system as well as the position of the Human Resources Officer (HRO) were established within EMSA. - Apart from that, in order to increase the international activity of EMSA Europe, an international WorkGroup was created two years ago and during this year it’s development was one of our focuses. Even though this task was not easy, one can safely say that its overall activity is raising and that we can expect it to develop even further in the upcoming period. - It should be noted, however, that we have expected the level of activity to be larger. It has been difficult at points to reach our Emsai on the local level and mobilize them to international activity. In general, one might say that we felt a constant overall we feel that the strategy was a success, but it still requires diligent effort in lack of manpower on the international level. We tried to introduce several solutions and order to make the entire project successful. - We highly suggest further improvement of the EMSA online

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


solutions (main website, communication and collaboration platform, FB and other social media activity, WG report system, project management system…). - A very successful project was the introduction of mandatory NC position to our structure. Having active NCs (and monthly NC meetings) has proven to raise communication between our local and international level, increase information flow and feedback system. It has especially proved helpful in preparations for the GA so far. - Our online activities have also become more increasing. Our Facebook page is now followed by over 3500 people and the number is rising. - We have also noticed a raise in annual events. The Training Center of Excellence (TNT and general trainings) was organizes at Yeditepe university in Istanbul and the Batumi International Medical Summit was organized by our Georgian FMOs. - Alongside this general increase in activity we have also increased the overall number of FMOs even though we have had several FMOs discontinue their membership at the end of the last calendar year.

3. International Recognition - In spite of the low activity of the Department of External Affairs - DEA (inactivity issues, resignations…) one could say that we were very successful in this field. - We have developed very good relations with EPSA (European Pharmacy Students’ Association) and ELSA (European Law Students’ Association) with whom we have signed cooperation agreements, we also have a developing relation to EDSA (European Dentistry Students’ Association) with which we hope to finalize an agreement in the short-term period and we have very good developing relations with the EMSOC (European Medical Students’ Orchestra and Choir). - Furthermore, our relations with different EMOs (European Medical Organizations – Domus Medica alliance) has been sustained and developed further. We have been invited to several EMOs events and were represented to our best ability. We hope to be able to develop those relations even further in the course of the following years. - Specifically, we have been very successful in our work with AMEE and within the MEDINE2 network. - More of these achievements can be found in the reports of remaining DEA members and the Medical Education Director (AMEE, MEDINE2).


More prominent tasks:> Worked on and finalised the 2011 EACEA YiA Grant Application as well as the 2010 Final Grant Report.> Held 2 trainings at the TCE in Istanbul.> Worked on the organization of the NCM.> Helped in preparations of the EMS Council 8 in Ohrid. After it got cancelled, prepared a substitution event, EMS Forum and facilitated it.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


> Maintained relations with several student organizations through personal connections (EESTEC, EMSOC, EPSA, ELSA).> Been involved in development of several agreements (EPSA, ELSA, EMSOC...).> Promoted EMSA at several meetings and international events such as the Batumi International Medical Summit in Batumi, Georgia.> Coordinated the discussion about the structural and other changes of EMSA Europe.> Worked on the changes of the Internal Rules and Statutes of EMSA Europe.> Made necessary preparations for the EMSA GA.


1. Online solutions - Developing a good website, establishing an online communication and collaboration platform and generally making EMSA’s online activity more effective was one of the important priorities for me. - I regret to report that only about half of online solutions were implemented so far (and they were only implemented by August while we expected them to be implemented around the NCM time – May). - There has nevertheless been considerable progress. A milestone was surely the acquisition of our own server. With this achieved we are from now on not only able to set up our own webspace in regard to website and the groupware, but are also able to provide webspace for our projects, events and FMOs. Should we be able to set up a web development and moderation team in the following period, we could be able to put this existing potential to very good use. - The main website has also been finished and is being populated. Some parts have been left unpopulated (and Lore Ipsum has been used) partially due to expected structural modifications and focus on other priorities (GA preparations). - The structure of the NewsPortal has been finished and the site is ready to be used. However, a team has to be created to manage the site as added workload for the EEB would be unproductive. We expect (and hope) we will be able to create a PR team that will take over this job. - Finally, the gropupware (communication and collaboration platform) has been chosen (Feng Office), however we have not been able to set it up due to overflow of tasks and general lack of manpower. This nevertheless remains a high priority and we do hope it’s realization will commence shortly.

2. Registrations of new Statutes and the EMSA European Board - This has been one of the priorities of this term, regrettably, we were unable to register the board due to several reasons. In the first few months of the term this was not done as the board was not complete and we were waiting to complete it so we would be able to register it entirely. After that we have had some legislative problems as well as other high

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


priorities (financial analysis and grant report for 2010 and other) and finally around the time of the NCM (May) we have had two resignations and one discharge due to which the process was again postponed. Finally, a mistake in the application process was done which caused a delay. After this it was decided that it would be best to forfeit this process this term and simply register the newly elected board. - Our recommendation is that this process should be started shortly after the GA, that the members of the 2011-2012 at that time should be registered and that a lawyer should be contacted through the CPME and asked for assistance. There is still budgeted money for that. - As for the Statutes, a full report will be provided at the GA. For now it is suffice to say that we have had troubles with legal issues and that we have encountered additional translational problems. Finally, as we have prepared additional statutory changes for the Leiden General Assembly, we deducted that the best course of action would be to update our new Statutes again right after the Assembly.

3. EMSA-IFMSA relations - I am happy to report that the overall relations with IFMSA have been successful. We have sent full delegations to 3 IFMSA events (March Meeting, EuRegMe and the August Meeting) and have been successful in setting up project collaboration. - Probably the best achievement was the organization of the joined Bolognia Process Follow-up Workshop (BPFW) and MEDINE2 meeting organized at the Yeditepe University in Istanbul. This was a joined project with very good outcomes and we hope to see more joined events and projects like that. - Unfortunately, our diplomatic relations have been less successful. It was very difficult to establish official dialogue and due to that fact this year our political relations have not been discussed at al. Nevertheless, a discussion about the new European Partnership Agreement has been started and we hope this process will continue.

4. Department of External Affairs - Unfortunately, we were rather unlucky with this department this year. At first the department was not full (2 vacant positions) and after that there were some periods of inactivity due to personal issues and travels and finally there was one resignation and one discharge. - Furthermore, the EMS Council (what could be considered a focal point for the DEA) was not completely successful (as previously stated in the report) was not as successful as we have hoped. (It was canceled and the EMS Forum was organized instead. The result is a draft resolution on the importance of youth organizations for Europe and European integration processes.) - Nevertheless, overall outcomes of the DEA are noticeable. We have developed good relations to other student organizations and have signed several agreements, the relations with the European Medical Organizations have also been improved and

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


EMSA has started working on a more sustainable strategy for policy making and lobbying. - After the resignation of the elected VPe and the discharge of the appointed FILO (Formal Institutions Liaison Officer) I have taken over the responsibilities of the VPe, but as the SOLO and the EMOLO already had their own action plans my job as the acting VPe was not at all difficult. - We have not, unfortunately, been able to focus our efforts on policy making as we would have liked because we lacked capacity and because establishing good relations with certain organizations (that the next board could use) seemed to be a bigger priority.


> Financial stability - Ensure an active FR department and do your best to see that EMSA receives the full YiA grant again. Research other YiA options – project proposals.> International activity - Focus on sustaining the EMSA WG and developing it further. However, aim for quality and not quantity when it comes to members! - It would be a good idea to create HR, PR and other teams during the handover period and see if old board members could join them. - Pay special attention to human resources (and especially internal board resourcing) activities. Try to introduce profiling (connected to job descriptions and psychological requirements) for applicants as well as follow-up for members.> International cooperation - Continue developing multidisciplinary cooperation. There is a lot of potential within the EHSAP (European Healthcare Students’ Association Platform – coordination of work and lobby activities in Brussels), cooperation with ELSA on healthcare law as well as the eBios project (biomedicine and bioengineering) that has been on low activity due to a lack of workforce.> Policy making capacity - EMSA has been involved in policy making and lobbying for quite some time, but our efforts have so far been of limited effect. If we want to be serious about it we have to take more proactive steps by ensuring quality papers, having people constantly work on a strategy and have clearly defined goals and objectives. There is a lot of potential in EHSAP as well as the EMS Council. But EMSA may need to firstly appoint people responsible to develop this field.> Management - Start using a groupware and also preferably Weekly Reports (again). If the groupware does not cover it, start using the online Task Manager and develop an online Project Management system.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



Leading a team is hard enough; you do not have to be your own enemy. ;-)Make sure you delegate. Be friendly and kind, but if someone is not doing his or her job clear that out! You are not a buddy. You are here to make sure the organization develops.On the other hand, make sure that you inspire people. Create authority by setting example and by helping the board members become leaders themselves. Maintain the EMSA Spirit!Use the F2F meetings for trainings, brainstorming sessions and team building. Most of the work can be done online. Teambuilding cannot!Lead your board! Build trust!Make sure they have an emotional buffer. If you are not that person, find it within the EEB and be in contact with him or her! When personal life interferes, let your board members step back and solve it. Make sure they have enough rest so they do not burn out!Make sure you do not burn out!You are no better (or worse) then your board! And as such you deserve a brake as well!If the board cannot function without you, then you have not done a good job making leaders out of them! ;-)Find time to sharpen the saw! Use Gmail and label your mails, create or find a task managing system, improve your leadership skills! Read a book or two about leadership, organizational management and all that jazz. Read Sun Tzu! JHave a check-list and a priority list. Make sure to work on important things that will have an impact on the organization! Work on big projects, but make sure you work on a few smaller ones as well. It is important to feel the sense of accomplishment when a task is finished. And remember… Once it’s finished, it’s finished!Plan some “freestyle” time! Let yourself and your team brainstorm and come up with new ideas! Remember that sometimes 15 minutes of coffee break are more productive then a 2 hours working session. ;-) Relax, take it easy! Everything that happens, or does not happen, always happens, or does not happen, for a reason! Something happening can be serendipity... And sometimes something not happening is a brilliant stroke of luck. :-)


George Washington, one of the greatest Statesman of history, has once said: “True friendship is a plant of slow growth, and must undergo and withstand the shocks of adversity before it is entitled to the appellation.“If we are ready to sacrifice a piece of ourselves for the sake of making this world a better place, if we are ready to work long hours and stay come what may, then we might be lucky enough to develop a deep relation not only to people around us, but also to our work. Or an organization. Like every relationship, a relationship with an organization has its ups and downs. But what better test of character can one imagine then that of staying devoted in times of trouble?!I can honestly say that the past experience has not only changed, but also shaped my life. I am eternally grateful to all my friends and my colleagues that have walked on the same Road. It is you that make EMSA what it is. It is you that shape its future. And it is you that have changed my life.

„My friends are my estate.“ - Emily DickinsonThank you for being my own.

Europeanly yours,Tin

Contact details:Tin KneževićPresident of EMSA Europe 2010-2011

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



Sietke PostemaVice-President of Internal Affairs 2010-2011

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



12 October 2010 (elected by the general assembly in Athens).


• GA in Athens, Greece (8-12 September 2010) • IFMSA-NL National Assembly, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (24-26 September 2010) • German Bundeskongress and EEB face to face meeting in Münster, Germany (18-20 November 2010) • EEB face to face meeting, Bucharest, Romania (6-10 January 2011)• EEB face to face meetings in Warsaw, Poland (3-5 and 8-10 May 2011)• NCM in Warsaw, Poland (5-8 May 2011) • EEB face to face meeting in Gieten and Leiden, the Netherlands (29 August – 1 September 2011)• GA in Leiden, The Netherlands (1-4 September 2011)

Besides the above mentioned face to face meetings I attended most executive board (EB) and EMSA European Board (EEB) online meetings and all Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) and National Coordinator (NC) online meetings.


The position of VPI was newly created at the GA in Athens, were I was elected as the first VPI. Because of this, there was no handover document and no predecessor. Instead of a handover we had meetings with the EB, to discuss task division. Furthermore I had a meeting with Ania Dobek, the Secretary General, because we had the joined responsibility for contact with the LCs and NCs. We discussed our task distribution and because of personal preference and experience we decided on the following task division: she would be in charge of contact with the FMOs and LCs and would CC me in every email, so I would be updated and could take over in her absence and I would be in charge of contact with the NCs. She was also on the NC-mailing lists and was CC’ed in personal emails to the NCs. Important emails to the FMOs, LCs and NCs we wrote together.



In my candidature for VPI 2010-2011 my plan of action consisted of four topics:• A new position – asking for good record keeping• Good contact with the FMOs• Activation of the national layer• Contact with the directors

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



A new position – asking for good record keepingThe position of VPI was newly created at the GA in Athens, just before I got elected. Even though the past EEB had given a lot of thought to the job description of the VPI , the real tasks would be decided along the year. In order to give future VPIs a clear image of their tasks and the efforts of the current year wouldn’t get lost, I planned for good record keeping. I started with the handbook for future VPIs already in my handover period and added things along the year. Every time I encountered something that I thought was important to mention in this handbook, I wrote it down. I plan to have this handbook finished before or right after the GA in Leiden, the Netherlands. Furthermore I have kept all important documents, which I will put together in a map for the future VPI.

Good contact with the FMOsIn my plan of action I wrote that time management and accuracy are important words in my vocabulary and that I wanted to make sure that emails to the FMOs are understandable and send in time. During the year it turned out that contact with the FMOs was less my responsibility than I had anticipated, because of the arrangement Ania and I made early in the year (see ‘Handover period’). This arrangement worked quite well, although it was sometimes difficult if one of us was absent, and important emails had to be written. Since I was very much involved in the organisation of the NCM and GA, I could make sure that our members were well informed and important documents were sent in time. One of the documents that I created together with help of the EEB, was the ‘How-to-prepare-the-NCM/GA?’ (two separate documents, one for each event). These documents contained all important information about the NCM and GA and helped the participants to be well prepared for the event. Both documents were sent to the participants at least one month before the start of the event.

Activation of the national layerThis was an important topic for me. Due to EMSA’s growth it has been more difficult for past Vice-Presidents to stay in good contact with the FMOs. Besides, for the local members it is easier to contact somebody in their own language, from their own country. A national coordinator (NC) might have a better understanding of the needs of a country, than the EEB. My plan of action regarding this topic was to talk with the NCs about their thoughts and to form together a plan to activate the national layer. Furthermore, I planned to create a separate mailing list for the NCs and VPI and to promote the election or appointment in countries that do not have an NC yet. During the GA in Athens, Ania and me gave a three-hour-session for NCs (I wasn’t officially elected as VPI then). Current NCs, NC-elects and people from countries that did not have an NC yet, were invited. More people joined the session, than we anticipated beforehand! The participants were very enthusiastic and active, which motivated us very much! In December 2010 we created the mailing list for NCs. The start was kind of rough and it took effort to get all the NCs on the list and have them participate in discussions. Different topics were discussed, like FMO-NC-EEB-communication and the agenda of the NCM. But the real big breakthrough was not until the NCM, which was actually the first NCM with an NC-session.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


At the NCM, Ania and me gave 5,5 hours of NC-sessions of which every hour was well spent! The group was small, but the present NCs were very active and motivated to work. After an extensive brainstorm we wrote down ten ground rules for NCs and we wrote a more detailed job description. In the Internal Rules (IR) you can find the tasks of an NC, but these are not very detailed and won’t help a current or future NC in executing his/her tasks. Hopefully this more detailed job description will. The job description consist of three parts: on meetings – meeting preparations, communication with the EEB and FMOs, and promotion of EMSA & EMSA-events. Furthermore we had time during the NC-sessions to discuss some problems the current NCs are facing in their countries.

After the NCM, Ania copied the outcomes written on flip chart papers to Word and together we made a document of it. This document also includes an extract from the IR about the position of the NC and will hopefully help current and future NC to execute their tasks. One of the ground rules we came up with at the NCM is to have one online meeting per month with all NCs. Since the NCM we have had an online meeting with the NCs every month and those were very effective. The first one was about FMO-NC-EEB communication. Furthermore we decided during this meeting to have small monthly updates from every NC (by email, questions can be asked during the online meeting) and we accepted the job description as guidelines for NCs. The second online meeting dealt with GA preparations. Private meetings were scheduled with those who couldn’t be present at that meeting. The third one will be right before the GA and will also be about the GA preparations. Minutes of each meeting were made, for those not present. Ania and I have recently contacted all LC-1s and LC-2s of countries that do not have an NC yet. This were eleven countries in total. Two of them already had NCs, but these we not on the mailing list yet (of course they are now). With five of them we are in contact and they are actively in the process of getting an NC and I have good hopes that they are elected or appointed before the GA. Only four countries are difficult to contact and it is unclear who is their NC. All these countries have only one FMO, so officially the LC-1 is also the NC.

I think the national layer grew tremendously in the past year. From a few active NCs (of whom even less were active on the European level) we now have active NCs in more than ten countries, a mailing list, sessions at the GA and NCM and monthly online meetings and updates. Besides that five more countries will have an NC soon. I can really see the activity level increasing and I’m really proud of that! I see a more prominent role for NCs in the future. Thanks, dear NCs, for your work and effort this year!

Contact with the directorsThe structural changes within the EEB, voted upon during the GA in Athens, included the forming of the ‘Department of Internal Affairs’ (DIA). This name was unofficial in use, but became very effective. It consist of the four directors and the VPI. Since it was completely new, the start wasn’t easy. We needed to find our place in the board, a way communication, and a way of working together. We started with monthly online meetings and our own mailing list. Minutes of meetings were made, sometimes by me, sometimes by one of the directors. When necessary we had extra online meetings. These meetings and regular emails to the DIA-mailing list, but also personal emails in times of lower activity, helped me to stay updated about their work.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


In the beginning of our term we decided on a strategic plan for DIA. Topics in this strategic plan were: • Four stable pillars: qualified directors to lead the pillars, enthusiastic local members of EMSA to organize projects, improvement of current projects;• Growth of the pillars: dissemination of current projects, creation of new projects;• EMSA being a useful and respected partner towards European organisations: development of a framework for European recognition of EMSA, in the context of medical education, bring the voice of European medical students into discussion on political, public and global health issues.

We used this strategic plan less as a guideline than I had wanted, mainly because daily management already took so much time. But when looking at it, I can see that we managed to do a lot! One of the directors was already a trainer and two more became trainers at the Training Centre of Excellence (March 2011, Istanbul, Turkey), and becoming trainers and receiving trainings was one of our objectives to create qualified directors. All directors will have a handover document ready for their successors. Furthermore all pillars have created, or are in the process of creating, new projects. And actions were taken to improve the pillar and its projects, for example by writing handbooks or creating a website. The last topic was the most difficult one, due to lower activity of the Department of External Affairs, but the Bologna Process Workshop Follow-up created policy papers, which will bring the voice of European medical students and European Integration’s project ‘Sharing is Caring’ improved collaboration with other student organizations. Another thing we have been working on was the Workgroup. This is a group of EMSA-members active on the European level, but not in the EEB. Since the Workgroup existed in name, but not in reality, we first started the discussion of what each pillar would need. Very soon we figured out that every pillar had its own needs and we wrote an document according to that. In the beginning of 2011 we launched a call for the Workgroup. The document was accompanied with a PowerPoint presentation, which I created. The presentation explained about the Workgroup could be shown by our members during their local meetings. 15 people applied before the deadline, and another ten after the deadline. All people were assigned to a position of project coordinator or director’s assistant, or were placed in a team. Project coordinators and assistants were a great help to the director! Over time it turned out that is was more difficult than expected to work with a team, due to different expectations between the directors and the team. We discussed Workgroup management several times during the online meetings and try to find solutions for existing problems. I think it is safe to say that we made a good start in creating a sustainable and effective Workgroup!

Last thing I want to mention here is the NCM. This meeting is very important for the directors. We helped each other with the preparations of the sessions, by giving advise and share each other’s plans during online meetings. We prepared a document with information about each session (trainings were included in this document as well, with thanks to Iza Ene), so the participants could read beforehand what the sessions would be about and choose the one they were most interested in. After the NCM we created a document (NCM-report) with all the outcomes of the sessions organized at the NCM. It was a

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


big document, but helped our members to be updated about the pillars and other things that were discussed at the NCM. I was in charge of coordinating the creation of both these documents. In order to help the directors in the preparations of the pillar sessions at the GA, I created a Google form and sent this to all participants. The form asked about their wishes for the GA and the things they would like to discuss during the pillar sessions. The directors can use this information to prepare their sessions. The four directors are four different people, from different countries and with different personalities, but we became a team. A very close team! I found it very motivating to work with them and want to thank them for their hard work! DIA rocks!

OtherBesides the above mentioned tasks I completed, there was more that crossed my path. In order to improve the general work of the EEB I helped creating a general handbook for future EEBies and wrote the ‘EEB e-mail conversation rules’. Furthermore I wrote an article for Euromeds to introduce DIA, and parts of the grant application (visibility of EMSA in Europe and the strategic plan of DIA, with input from the directors). In the beginning of the term I created the FMO-forms, sent these to the EMSA-mailing lists and LCs and helped collecting them. I also gave, together with Ania, a session about communication between the FMOs and EEB at the NCM. I collected evaluations of the sessions given at the NCM, in order to help the future board with the preparations for their sessions. And I was active in the preparations of the GA and NCM: created a timeline for both events with tasks for the EEB, prepared the ‘How-to-prepare-the-NCM/GA’ handbooks, created presentations for the general hours of the NCM, created a document for the EEBies about the NCM (including ground rules and a detailed agenda) and coordinated the NCM-report.


Advise that I would like to give to the future VPI: • Discuss with the future Secretary General how you would like to deal with the shared responsibility for the NCs and LCs; • Organize NC-sessions at both the GA and NCM!;• It might be an idea for the future to collect the monthly updates from the NCs and send these to the EMSA-mailing lists;• Make in the call for Workgroup clear what the expectations from the directors are for the team members;• Read the handover document!


During the last year I learned that the VP work is very hard but also rewarding and can be fun. I was lucky to have a team of characters with a great sense of humour, which made the work easier. We all would prefer to work together on most of the tasks but because of the distance it is impossible. Therefore, it is really important to attend the online and Face 2 Face meetings in order to keep the team and EMSA spirit.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



Besides preparing a lot of documents, motivating people was an important part of my job. And it wasn’t easy to motivate people mainly by email and during Skype conversations. But although we all had our more difficult times, DIA became a real team and also the national platform shaped up and became active. I’m very grateful for that! I want to thank my dear directors for their hard work, their motivating words and encouraging emails! And to the NCs I want to say: let EMSA hear you! I made some very good friends in the board, and I want to thank them for their support, encouragement and kind words!

Contact details: I feel like I have finished every email with this last sentence, but here it is once more: please, don’t hesitate to contact me, if you have any questions!

Sietke PostemaE-mail 1: vpi@emsa-europe.euE-mail 2: Skype: sietkePhone number: 0046 722 247 362

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



Christoph PhilipsenburgVice President of External Affairs 2010-2011


EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



Anna Dobek Secretary-General 2010-2011

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



12 October 2010 (elected by the General Assembly in Athens)


Handover meeting with Jeetindra Balak 13.11.2010Extraordinary GA and EEB F2F meeting, Münster, Germany together with the Bundeskongress held by BVMD 18-21.11.2010F2F meeting with the head of the NCM OC 20.12.2010EEB Face 2 Face meeting Bucharest, Romania 6-9.01.2011 F2F meeting with the NCM OC 22.02.2011Online EB - NCM OC meeting 28.02.2011Training Centre of Excellence (TCE), Istanbul, Turkey 25-28.03.2011EEB Face 2 Face meeting in Warsaw, Poland 2-5.05.2011NCM Jabłonna, Poland 5-8.05.2011EEB Face 2 Face meeting Cres, Croatia 8-12.08.2011

Attended as many as possible online meetings of EEBAttended as many as possible NC online meetings Attended as many as possible EMSA Warsaw meetings

Upcoming meetings:

EMSA Europe GA in Leiden, The Netherlands (including a face 2 face meeting of the EEB) 1 – 4.09.2011

Handover meeting Date and place not yet settled


After the GA in Athens I didn’t need any special introduction to the EMSA general work as I was already in the 2009/2010 board in the position of the Vice President. As for the tasks of the Secretary General, according to the new structure many tasks were overlapping with my last year’s position. To get to know my new tasks I had an online handover meeting with my predecessor, Jeetindra Balak, during which he explained me my upcoming tasks. I was also supposed to receive a CD with all the Sec Gen data from previous years but unfortunately I have never received it. In case of any questions I was writing

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


an e-mail to Jeetindra but unfortunately not all of them were answered. Ne-vertheless, he was very supportive.



As the Vice-President there were a few aims I set and of those I reached the following:

• Support the President of EMSA European Board in accomplishing his tasks • Encourage other medical students to join EMSA• Improving the communication between the EEB and the FMOs by keeping the FMO list updated• Keep in touch with the FMOs and update the contact details on a regular basis. • Gain all the necessary data for the Grant Report beforehand.• General Sec Gen tasks.


The work as the Secretary General was a very interesting and valuable ex-perience. I have learned a lot about myself on a personal and professional level. Additionally, having the last year’s experience, it was easier for me to foresee the problems we were facing during our term. I also could share my experience with my new team.

The specificity of the work of the Secretary General is that there is a constant workload of doing minutes, Euromeds, updating documents, working on the grant application, joining the EEB discussions and much, much more (for more look at the list of tasks I have completed this year). Apart from that, as the Sec Gen, you also should be updated on everything that is going on in the EEB. Hence, I consider this year to be an extremely busy year for me. In this part of the report I will focus on the most time-consuming and most difficult parts of the year. For all the most important tasks I have done this year, please refer to the list of the tasks I have completed this year, which can be found below.

The first couple of months were very busy as the EACEA Grant Application deadline was shifted to mid of October (the year before it was in the begin-ning of December). Hence all the workload concerning the application was condensed in the period just after the GA in Athens. Unfortunately, during the biggest workload I had my post-EMSA-term vacation planned so I wasn’t able to commit to that task as much as I wanted. Nevertheless, I was helping as much as it was possible.

Another task I had to deal with in the first couple of months of my term was implementing the changes of the Internal Rules accepted at the GA in Athens (they were over 90 motions accepted!). Together with not clear mi-nutes made at the GA it was a really challenging task. During that time we also had to prepare for the Extraordinary GA held in November in Muenster. After this event I had to finish the minutes of the sessions and implement

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


and publish the changes to the Statutes accepted at the eoGA. Not to mention the work on the minutes of the GAs. This lasted till December. Then it was time to finally focus on the University and go for a short vacation in January/February. After February my focus was shifted to the TCE (Training Centre of Excellence) and the NCM. Especially the last one was very involving and time-consuming for me as it was organised by my local FMO and I was in con-stant contact with them as I tried to support them as much as I possibly could from a personal and professional level.

After the NCM, which appeared to be very exhausting, the University nee-ded my attention as soon after the event, my exams started. Since June I was struggling with my exams and personal issues. The period was very stress-ful for me personally and professionally and it affected my EMSA work – I couldn’t focus on EMSA work as much as I would like to.

During the whole year I was doing my best to complete all my ongoing tasks. My priority was to attend the F2F and online EEB meetings as I know from experience how important they are not only for the team but also for the work that needs to be done. I also was doing my best to answer all the new FMO applications although at points it was very difficult due to time-management/university issues.

I was also trying to collect articles for Euromeds but unfortunately it was har-der than I expected. Unfortunately for the first 2 editions, released during our term, I had to focus on other Sec Gen tasks. Then I was trying to collect artic-les for the next edition but due to lack of local input (articles), not meeting the deadlines for sending the articles and general EEB workload, this task failed. I preferred to postpone the release of Euromeds rather than having only few ar-ticles in it. I am planning to release 1 more Euromeds after the GA and I hope I will collect enough articles for the last edition of my term.

Summing up, the biggest achievements of this year were the following:

> Keeping the FMO list updated so that we had proper contact details to our FMOs> Receiving many applications for new FMOs of which 8 are complete and 6 are in the application process> The other big success of Sietke and me was to start an NC mailing list and an NC chat every month. > We also gave a very successful and needed NC session at the NCM > Updating the emsa-net mailing list with all the proper e-mail addresses of the NCs and LCs> Updating EMSA official documents (Internal Rules and Statutes)

Summing up, the biggest obstacles of this year were the following:

> Not knowing the team and being used to a certain way of working from last year> Changes in the structure were not easy to implement as everyone had to find his/her way> Lack of communication among everyone in the board the structure doesn’t allow to contact everyone in the EEB> WEBSITE o I couldn’t fulfil my plan of creating online accounts for each

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


FMO on our website as there were constant problems o no groupware, hence communication problems within the EEB> Workload of the Sec Gen should be reduced

Lastly, the new structure of the board indeed decreased the amount of e-mails to read but unfortunately it created some other problems like lack of commu-nication between the different departments and some board members feeling left out from the team.

To finish, although my term was very busy and stressful it was also a wonder-ful experience and I can’t regret anything. I experienced something special and totally different than in the previous year. I also feel like I gained many new friends I can count on also in very difficult times. Looking back I feel that I have done a good job although I there is always place for improvement :)


• Starting the process of gaining new FMOs.• Supporting the president and sharing some tasks• Finding new EEB members for vacant positions and managing the applications• Communication with the FMOs• Discussing the new layout of the EMSA documents• Helping out with EMSA Portfolio/Brochure• Creating EEB polls, replying to external mails, participating in important discussions etc• Working on the “newies” booklet• Being in contact with the OCs especially the NCM OC• Creating a Writers’ Committee• Updating the Contact Details of the FMOs and the emsa mailing lists

• Tasks completed concerning the extraordinary GA: o Writing motions for the eo GA o Updating Internal Rules (over 90 motions) o Updating EMSA Statutes o Copying and archiving all the motions from the GA Athens and eoGA Muenster o Being the Sec Gen of the eo GA and working on the minutes o Handling the proxies of the eo GA

• Tasks completed concerning the NCM o Being in constant contact with the OC concerning the budget and organisation of the event o Helping as much as I can with the budget and fundraising o Prolonging the registration as long as it’s possible o Trying to attend all the OC meetings o Helping to update the website o Sending calls and reminders to the EMSA servers and facebook o Organising sleeping places for the EEB before the NCM o Organising a meeting place for the EEB F2F meeting o Discussing the problems with the participants who were registered but not coming o Together with Sietke we held 2 NCM sessions and one Small

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


Working Group o And much more

• General Sec Gen affairs o Handling FMO applications o Creating new e-mail addresses for the EEB and handling old ones o Clearing EMSA servers together with Tin Knezevic o Attending and minuting e-EEB meeting o Attending and minuting the F2F meetings o Moderating the EMSA International Yahoogroups o Moderating the EMSA EEB Googlegroups o Compiling Monthly Reports of the EEB o Creating polls/doodles for meetings and accepting FMOs etc o Deleting and adding new EEB members o Helping out the FMOs with the NC elections o Writing calls o And much more

- Extra tasks • Working on the EMSA official meetings issues (applications, schedule, issues etc) • Discussing the new layout of the EMSA documents • Being in contact with the NCs together with Sietke • Having online meetings with the NCs • Correcting together with the EEB the minutes of the GA in Athens and making sure they are correct

- General EEB tasks

• Helping with the EACEA Grant Application as much as it was possible concerning the circumstances • Improving the Internal Rules, together with the EB • Preparing and joining the meetings • Joining the discussions about the finances of EMSA and EMSA meetings • Appointing new EEB members


> Support the President and stay up to date on all issues so you can replace the President in case of any emergency.> Keep in touch with the FMOs and update the contact details on a regular basis. > Create an account for each FMO on the website with their current status of their FMO – to simplify the update process and communication.> Send out EMSA brochures to all medical faculties in Europe (refer to the Faculties list created by the WHO).> Keep the deadlines within the EEB and the FMOs and act consistently

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


towards them.> Maintain a smooth information flow within the EEB and the EB so that the tasks can be completed with high efficiency.> Gain all the necessary data for the Grant Report beforehand.> Keep the Writers’ Committee close together and brainstorm about solutions for the Euromeds problem of lacking articles> Shift the responsibility of Euromeds to the PRO> Keep in mind that having part of the job is teambuilding.


During the last year I learned that the Sec Gen work is very hard and sometimes invisible but it can be also rewarding and can be fun. I was lucky to have a team of people who appreciated my work very much and in case of any problems they could help me out. It is much easier to work with a team of friends instead of strangers. Hence, it is really important to attend the online and Face 2 Face meetings in order to keep the team and EMSA spirit alive - it is much easier to work via e-mail if you can pin a face to the partner of your conversation :)

For my successor I would recommend to:1. Read the Internal Rules and Statutes in the beginning of your term2. Try to attend as many online and Face 2 Face meetings as possible3. Try to attend teambuilding events with the rest of the EEB – it is very important for the pleasure of working together4. Have regular online meetings with the EB and the EEB – sometimes separate5. Introduce a new communication platform so that the communication becomes easier to handle6. Work on the Grant Application as soon as possible7. Have a to-do-list8. Keep track of the activities you carried out - it’s helpful especially for the reports9. In case of any question just ask, there is nothing wrong about it10. Share if you need help especially if you are lacking motivation, there will be always someone to help11. Remember also about yourself – your health and family should come first I would also recommend the next EEB to think about shifting some tasks of the Sec Gen to other positions as my work as the Sec Gen after the changes in the structure appeared to be a former VP job with additional tasks which at points appeared to be a too much to combine with the University (not to mention the private life).

As the last word, I would like to thank the whole EEB and the EB for the ama-zing year. It was a pleasure working with you and I’m sure that we will be in contact for a very long time! I wish my successor to have such a wonderful team I had a chance to work in for the last 2 years.

Contact details: Anna DobekSecretary General 2010/ Ul. Świetlików 8/13101-389 WarszawaPoland

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



Tim W. RattayTreasurer 2010-2011

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



20th of November 2009 – Elected and appointed by the EEB Re-elected at the GA in Athens, Greece on September 11th 2010 with no rival candidate with 75 votes in favour, one abstain and one against and one irregular vote (78 total eligible votes)


EMSA GA in Athens, Greece 07.09.2010 – 12.09.2010First meeting for the upcoming term and the last meeting with the board of 2009/2010. After the decision to recandidate at the GA for the position of the treasure and the application I was focusing on the preparation for the GA. One of my goals was to reach the quorum at the GA so I was contacting all LC1+2 before, so that FMOs which were not planning to attend prepared the proxy form in order to assign the votes to people present. The quorum at the GA was reached so we were able to vote upon the changes for the IR which we, as the EEB, proposed beforehand. The IR-modifications were probably the biggest changes which EMSA experienced within the last 5-10 years. I was administrating the IR changes at the EEB Face 2 Face Meeting in Zagreb and Cres, Croatia and therefore applicable involved in the process of preparing EMSA for the upcoming term. At the GA I was presenting the annual financial report and all financial documents were controlled by the financial committee which criticized only minor errors. We increased the membership fees by 50 Euro per anno as well as the late fees and registration fees, after the Youth in Action Grant 2010 was cut by approximately 28.000 Euro in order to stabilize EMSA financially for its bright future in Europe. At the GA I was responsible for the newly introduced electronic voting devices which were thankfully lent by the medical education dean of the medical faculty in Münster, Germany. I am very thankful for the support of the good friends who were present at the GA which enabled the entire EEB to work hard through long nights and to bring the GA to a very successful end with an almost filled EMSA European Board (EEB).

EEB Handover meeting with eoGA at the bvmd Bundeskongress in Münster, Germany 18.11.2010 – 21.12.2010First face to face meeting with a major part of the European board after the GA. Besides a little bit of teambuilding with the bvmd (German IFMSA division) trainer we were really busy with preparations for the eoGA. The Bundeskongress OC was very supportive. Thanks again for hosting the eoGA. The eoGA became necessary because after the changes of the IR which were adopted at the GA some parts were inconsistent within the EMSA Statutes. Another reason were law changes by the Belgium ministry and some minor spelling mistakes as well as punctuation errors. Even though I was very busy with hosting the EEB as well as coordinating with the BK OC I really enjoyed this meeting with the new board.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


EEB Face 2 Face Meeting in Bukarest, Romania 06.01.2011 – 09.01.2011A great warming meeting considering the cold and snowy atmosphere with a great host (Iza Ene) in Romania with a very supportive SSMB (Societatea Studentilor in Medicina din Bucuresti) our local EMSA FMO.

NCM Warsaw 2011 in Warsaw, Poland (including Face to Face meeting with the EEB) 05.05.2011 – 08.05.2011Responsible for the participation fees and the financial coordination with the local coordinating committee as well as doing some last minute budgeting with the local OC treasurer. The meeting was stressful but the NC session (after our IR-changes in Athens, the NC was now mandatory) which I attended gave me a good insight into the National work of EMSA. I was busy with taking pictures of the meeting – which were published on Facebook still during the meeting.

Meeting with the extended bvmd board in Jena, Germany 13.05.2011 – 15.05.2011I got the chance to discuss some EMSA – bvmd relations with the new elected bvmd president Caroline Fleischmann (former vice president of externals) as well as other bvmd officials while being there while the bvmd board was meeting.

Swiss National Academy Summer School on Biology, Ethics and Religion in Magliasio, Italy 25.07.2011 – 02.08.2011I got the chance to participate with a diverse group of students (law, business, philosophy, medicine, theology and biology) together with five professors from German, US, and Swiss universities) a very controversial topic. I was able to promote EMSA to Swiss medical students as well as to students from other subjects.


F2F meeting on Cres, Croatia and EMSA GA with EMS Con in Leiden, NL – I will not attend both due to the start of my elective at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Queen Square, University College, London which began on August 1st 2011

Attended several online meetings of EEB.Attended several online meetings of the EB.Had plenty of online meetings with the president while and before the grant application.Had plenty of online meetings with the president while and before the grant review process.Had plenty of online meetings before the FRO (fundraising officer) resigned, tried to meet two times in person with her, but it was cancelled twice due to different reasons.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



There was no handover necessary because I was the former EMSA Treasurer.



As Treasurer there were a small number of aims I set and presented in my candidature presentation at the GA of those I reached the following:• Continuity• Stability• Establishment of a support for Fundraising (position of the FRO)


Already at the GA I announced that my term was going to end earlier due to my start of my elective phase (practical year) already in August 2011. Now it is a week before the end of July, and I will shortly send an email to all EMSA members informing them of my inactive period up to the GA. I will still be active for my duties as treasurer regarding membership fees, membership certificates as well as EEB reimbursements and other financial tasks. But I will decrease my activity within the EEB mailing list dramatically. It was a great time looking back on almost two years of achievements for EMSA as well as obstacles and personal experiences.

To start out with things I disliked this term:

Resignations within the board due to personal reasons, lack of functions or inactivity. It was hard to see that the EEB needed to go as far as firing someone from the board to resign him from his active duties. This was a new step for us but important because after the experiences the entire board of 2009/2010 at the GA in Athens, Greece with two annual reports not accepted and almost two other ones close to be dismissed as well – having a member which didn’t attend a single f2f meeting and was still carrying an EEB function throughout almost an entire year – it was important to take this step.The other resignations were hard to take but I rather see someone resigning from a position he or she cannot fill with passion, time and energy than being inactive or not fully supporting with you spirits the idea of our EMSA work.

My personal lack of time.Due to a lot practical time in the hospital with mandatory attendance it was hard for me to miss a couple of f2f meetings. I was able to finish the tasks which were expected of me as a treasurer but I couldn’t participate in general EEB tasks as in the previous year. This was quite a difference in my commitment towards EMSA but it was a new experience to see other EEB members stepping up and working hard for EMSA as well. With a very active group of directors and a very supportive executive board all tasks were handled more as well so that my lack of time was not harming EMSA in any way.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


Lack of fundraisingThere were some troubles with fundraising due to many different reasons. The resignation of the FRO was not helpful either. The discussion about pharmaceutical sponsoring was discussed without a solution within the EEB as well as with EMSAi at the NCM in Warsaw. It doesn’t seem to be solved until the GA because the time seems to be too short to go through the process of creating a working group, surveying all FMOs and presenting those results. Maybe the upcoming GA is a good starting point to prepare this discussion for the upcoming terms to maybe have one solution to this topic so that the new FRO will be able to act according to rules set at some point.

And I will finish with the facts I loved about the last year within EMSA as an active EEB member:

Financial stabilityI promised financial stability at the GA in Athens, Greece at least for EMSA. This goal was more than achieved. We received the YiA grant of the maximal amount possible (35.000 Euro). Our IR changes we did together at the GA as well as our experiences with EACEA grant applications were extremely helpful when applying for the grant for 2011. Even a three months earlier deadline (which we got to know a couple of weeks before) didn’t stop the great team of the EEB to be as successful as we are.

Growth of EMSA and more active FMOsThe FMOs are now paying a lot better than the last years. We have almost all memberships collected and are growing with new FMOs joining our European Project monthly. Even though the increased membership fees scared a couple of rather inactive FMOs away we are now at almost the same number before the last GA. And it seems that we are losing ballast. The process of clearing out inactive FMOs and regaining way more active ones seems quite healthy to me.

Reimbursements of EEB travel expenses and other costs on timeIn the term of 2008/2009 without a treasurer and all reimbursements done with me taking action in November of 2009 one of my goals was reimbursing all expenses quicker than before. With the creation of a working account which the President and the Treasurer could access rather than just the honorary trustee in Belgium was very helpful. And with money from the YiA grant for 2011 we were able to support the enormous time invested by all active EEB members at least with paying their travel expenses to our f2f as well as other planned EMSA related meetings.

Started the discussion of Pharmaceutical Sponsoring and Statutatory Changes as promised at the NCMAfter the eoGA in Münster, we earned a lot of criticism about lack of transparency within the EEB. I promised back then that we would work on this issue more openly and invited everyone interested to participate at this discussion at the NCM 2011. Surprisingly the people who were shouting before the eoGA in Münster the loudest, got lost somewhere on the way to the NCM in Warsaw. It was important to call this important issue back into the focus so that we reach a quorum big enough to change our Statutes at the GA or even later. Most EMSAi never seem to have read our Statutes, at least it seems this way, which is a very interesting fact.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


Friends, support and EMSA spiritIf you are looking for people you want to spend your free time with and you would like to spend more time if you could - you should join the EEB. I never saw so many active and involved medical students with a common European Idea within EMSA and especially within the EEB that it is great to look back on this. As soon as EMSAi gather, you can grasp an atmosphere which enlightens your personal experiences – we call it the EMSA spirit. It was great to spend a lot of time with EMSA members, to work with them on common goals or even visit them in our spare time. It’s great to know that in almost every country there is someone who is looking forward seeing you at (almost) any time.


Treasurer• Entire reimbursements for the EEB up to the GA travel expenses• Collecting membership fees as well as registration fees of new FMOs• Updating of our financial budget throughout the year• Budget 2010/011• helped with the grant application of the YiA grant for 2011• responsible for the YiA grant budget for 2011• got the YiA grant with the full amount possible (35.000 Euro) for 2011• send the financial report for the 2010 grant to the EU• updated the portfolio with pictures of the new EEB• send membership certificates to a number of FMOs, prepared certificates which were send to our FMOs by our President• helped with budgeting for the NCM

General EEB tasks• Document with information about positions within the EEB (treasurer information).• Updated FMO Address and LC list together with Anna Dobek (Secretary General) and Sietke Postema (Vice President of Internal Affairs)• EMSA-IFMSA relations with focus to the German Situation.

* Envisioned roadmap for the role of the treasurer in 2010/11:• major increase in fundraising activities with the new printed portfolio• new grant application with necessary changes to allow EEB travel reimbursements to Face 2 Face meetings, NCM and GA• Easier access to the bank account to be able to check quickly for money transfers• Enabling FMOs in Non-EU countries to pay without wasting money for transaction fees (pay in cash at GA or other opportunities for transactions)• Increase in membership fees to ensure the financial stability of EMSA


Working with a board of Europeans is at times exhausting and time consuming, but the spirit within the board and their high goals and visions are some of the things which keep you “reaching for the stars” to quote our president. At times, especially when deadlines or exams are approaching, the fun part

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


moves partly into the background. I wouldn’t really call it a job, because we don’t earn any money with it, but it is important to keep in mind that as a member of the EMSA European Board we have a responsibility for not only accomplishing the tasks which are delegated to us, but show initiative and be active internally motivated. It was quite a shock to get to know that our grant application deadline was almost three months earlier than expected but we are now even happier that we achieved our goals and received the full maximum grant amount.Last year in the following paragraph I mentioned something about inactive members and suggested suspensions if necessary. I still support this idea and I am proud to be able to state for the upcoming GA that all the annual reports which will be presented that I fully support every EEB member which is left within the board (as well as I would support the two people who resigned due to personal reasons). Having some online meetings and talking on Skype while working together on some documents or some tasks makes it a lot easier if you are doing it together. This technique was used way more often in 2011 then back in 2010.

The DIA (department of internal affairs) worked very well. A lot better than the year before, which is mainly caused by our new structure of a VPI (vice president of Internal Affairs) and regular meetings within the groups of directors. The information flow from the DIA to the rest of the board was at the beginning of the term not very good, but improved throughout the rest of the term.

The DEA (department of external affairs) didn’t work at all. Inactivity, lack of reliability, language problems, integrative problems and a lack of well distributed tasks as well as the resignation of the VPE (vice president of external affairs) were only some of the reasons which assisted to a rather big mixture of chaos. The time period without a PO (permanent officer at the CPME) probably didn’t help either and our former very active PO Luis Machado left a big whole which was not filled until today (last week of July).


I changed some parts from the year 2009/2010 but I kept most points because I still think they are very valuable to all EEB positions. 1. Having more online EB meetings, especially in Skype with voice rather than writing and writing the minutes later together after finishing one topic. – This was a point which I added last year and I would still add this topic. 2. Have a schedule for all EEB members where they can enter more and less active periods from the beginning of the term, so that time-consuming projects can be moved to times with high activity. – It was another point from last year – it was used through parts of the year but should still be in the list. 3. You are taking over a working financial organisation, but there are always things that can be improved. So if you like to take over a running system and make it better, just like any quality guy, you are certainly invited to do so. 4. The fundraising officer who assists the treasurer with the fundraising activities is a position which was created already at the last GA in Athens, Greece. He or she needs to increase

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


the sponsoring money for EMSA in order to be more financially independent. 5. The face to face meetings are the heart of the entire board. Without personal contact an organisation like EMSA is not going to run smoothly. You need that contact in order to be able to rely on someone and to know how he or she is really working. Emails might tell to some people a lot, but skipped introductions or missing signatures are not always a sign for rudeness or bad social behaviour. (Still stays on this list!) 6. If you don’t know how to work efficiently, ask other EEB members especially EB members for help. There might be some who are doing this job already for quite some time, and they might have figured out a way to me more effective than you think you could ever be. 7. Write down when you achieved something or you finished something with a date when. Or start doing to-do lists where you cross of things – or even combine both. Then you have an overview of what needs to be done and what you already accomplished. – It makes your reports easier and keeps you motivated. 8. If you don’t understand something, just ask. There is nothing like dumb questions. Even when working in an organisation for 10 months, there are still abbreviations or organisations which you never heard before. But I am surprised that some people didn’t know the difference of basic things of our organisation after almost a year. Reading the internal rules and statutes is mandatory (it is even written in there!), so you should know at least what your tasks are according to the internal rules.

Contact details: Tim W. RattayTreasurer 2009/2010 and 2010/11

Address in Germany and postal address after April 1st 2012:Teichstraße 748151 MünsterGermany

skype: timwrattayprivate email:

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



Süleyman YıldızMedical Education Director 2010-2011

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



12th October 2010 (elected by the general assembly in Athens).


• General Assembly in Athens, Greece (8-12 September 2010)• German Bundeskongress and EEB (EMSA European Board) face to face meeting in Munster, Germany (Germany (18-20 November 2010)• EPSA (European Pharmaceutical Students ‘Association) Executive Board Meeting, EMSA representative (18-21 December, Oslo, Norway)• EEB (EMSA European Board) face to face meeting in January Bucharest, Romania (6-10 January 2011)• IFMSA (International Federation of Medical Students’ Association) March Meeting 2011, EMSA Representative Jakarta, Indonesia (5-12 March)• EEB (EMSA European Board) Face to Face meeting, Training New Trainers and Training Center of Excellence in Istanbul, 5 (23- 28 March)• EEB (EMSA European Board) Face to Face meeting and the NCM in Warsaw, Poland (3-5 and 8-10 May 2011)• EMS (European Medical Students’) Forum and EEB (EMSA European Board) Face to Face meeting in Ohrid, Macedonia (1-6 June 2011)• Bologna Process Follow-up Workshop&MEDINE2 Istanbul (Medical Education in Europe) meeting 2011(18-23 July)• EEB (EMSA European Board) face to face meeting in Zagreb, Croatia (10-16 August)• AMEE (Association for Medical Education in Europe) Conference 2011 Vienna August (26-31 August)• EEB (EMSA European Board) face to face meeting in Leiden, The Netherlands (31 August- 1 September 2011)• General Assembly in Leiden, The Netherlands (1-4 September 2011)• EMSA representative, Expert Conference - Education in Quality Care and Patient Safety-Krakow, Poland (9th September)

Besides the above mentioned face to face meetings I attended most external meetings (MEDINE2, IFMSA,etc.) and EMSA European Board (EEB) online meetings and Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) and Medical Education Working Groups online meetings.


The handover took place via a Skype meeting with Raquel Correia, past director. She has been very helpful during the first few weeks of my term. I was able to receive a short overview. However, I had to train myself for many things, luckily though with dear president Tin Knezevic as contact person in any matter. My predecessor and I had an online meeting and then tried to work on strategic plans for next three years. It was affective for me and I am happy to say that I could follow our created strategic plan in whole year.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


Overall, I cannot say it was a productive handover period which I believe it cost at least 2 or 3 month to understand what EMSA has in its hands about medical education.



When I candidate for the position of EMSA Medical Education Director 2010/2011, I stated main points for me to focus on:

• Motivating and improving members on medical education projects• Keeping EMSA active in European projects dealing with medical education• Develop a framework for international recognition of qualifications of EMSA, in the context of medical education• Work with IFMSA and AMEE and other organizations towards medical education issues• Create an international network through organizations, medical schools and individual students can share ideas, experiences and expertise and collaborate in the further development of medical education • Organizing a professional summer school and facilitates necessities for a faultless program• Bologna Process& MEDINE2 o Contribute to enhancement of interest of all participants to related projects o Collaborate closely with other related associations and inform all members regularly o Create a web database about all related projects


Training Center of Excellence (TCE)EMSA is expanding in Europe day by day within the responsibility of being European medical students‘ voice. For this meaningful aim, EMSA makes new magnificent projects come true. One of these projects, TCE (Training Center of Excellence) is planning to train new trainers at Yeditepe University. From now on, EMSA is going to train students to become trainers thus, EMSA is going to make its meetings and projects more efficient with the help of these new trainers. There is also a general training program at the TCE which makes possibly to train EMSA members about popular trainings (time management, stress control, leadership skills, etc.). This year, TCE held between 25-28 of March and I was head of the organization committee.To increase the number, quality and awareness of trainings in EMSA, a guide for trainings, which includes such information as what are the steps to organise a training event, what skills which year EMSA member should get, possible funding sources and how to set up a training strategy on national and local level, needs to be prepared by a team of professionals.All this year’s activity has shown us that the results are on a satisfactory level, but with still a lot of work in need to be done in the upcoming years. We all want the synergy effect of 1+1=2 to appear in the EMSA and working with such partners like we can truly reach our goals together and continue to

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


contribute to the European identity. So already now, I can inform you about new collaborations between EMSA and other European associations on training.After TCE, I again understand that EMSA needs to set its standards very high when organising events. In general, the events are organised by organising committees at the universities where the tasks are divided after individual knowledge, motivation and experience. To secure the quality of the TCE, in EMSA-Yeditepe we have constructed a guideline on how an organising committee should and could organise TCE in a high quality level. These guidelines also give the organising committees basic knowledge on how to actually organise an event step by step.

AMEE (Association for Medical Education in Europe)AMEE (Association for Medical Education in Europe) is one of the most important organisations for Medical Education in Europe. Among its activities, it produces the journal ‚Medical Teacher‘ and organises the largest annual medical education conference in the world: the AMEE Conference! In the last years, more than 2300 participants attended the AMEE Conferences, with workshops, lectures, poster presentations, short communications, exhibitions, etc.Each year, AMEE offers 25 international medical students a change to attend the Conference free, with financial support for travel and accommodation expenses (500 €). In exchange for that those students are asked to assist in basic tasks, related to helping out with practical issues and assisting participants during the conference.IFMSA holds a student representative spot in the AMEE Executive Board. And EMSA and IFMSA select students for AMEE Conference Students Taskforce together. However, our relationship with IFMSA in relation to AMEE had sometimes been difficult in this year. Some difficulties, especially problems concerning transparency, have lead to a highly unproductive situation that made it difficult to achieve the main goal of EMSA and IFMSA - to work together in order to be able to offer best offers and conditions for Medical Students in Europe. To overcome this situation it is clear EMSA needs to set an official agreement with IFMSA about AMEE. By this way, we can keep transparency between both organisations. If we get it right, transparency will create a virtuous circle where there would not be any doubt about our works and nobody feel he/she is out of team – which in turn leads to improved and sustained cooperation between representatives of both organizations.EMSA is keen to continue cooperation with IFMSA about AMEE and improve the overall situation. It became self-evident after many works together that those two international organisations representing medical students all over Europe have to speak with one voice towards external organisations. However, this is also obvious current situation is not beneficial for EMSA members and cannot be acceptable anymore. If EMSA would not get any result about its wishes for a more productive structure in AMEE, EMSA should evaluate AMEE’s offer to gain a student representative within the AMEE board, an offer that we rejected in order to keep cooperation with IFMSA in AMEE.As EMSA Medical Education Director, I recommend AMEE Conference for each medical student, especially EMSAi who has a good experience in international area. In my opinion, each individual party of the AMEE Conference process benefits from it in an effective and very satisfactory way. AMEE get qualified students for conference and students get valuable experience.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


Bologna Process Follow-up Workshop 2011-YeditepeAs I say all time, medical education is our life that we feel everyday with every details and we are a group of students working on improvements in our education. Therefore, I want to underline this again, bring it to your attention, and remember why we are doing workshop about Bologna Process. I believe it is important for many of us to be part of it or at least contribute to works.In BPFW 2011, we succeed to create two different policy papers about “Students Involvement in Bologna Process& Accessibility to Higher Education”. Partnership between the EMSA and IFMSA about Bologna Process needs to keep at this high-level professionalism. We value this active partnership and I want to say that I fully enjoyed the cooperation with Ioana that we did this year in Yeditepe University. I would like to thank Ioana Goganau, IFMSA SCOME-D, for everything we shared together and succeed to create two important policy papers about Bologna Process. The organisation of the event itself went very well. Based on the experience coming from past works and with the important financial support of Yeditepe University, the quality of the event was ensured by all means. I hope that the BPFW series continues to be as dynamic, excited and intellectually stimulating in the future as it has been in this year.

EMSA Summer SchoolThis year 6 EMSA Summer Schools were organized successfully by EMSA FMOs. I tried to get involve in most of them, especially in promotional part. I cannot say we succeed as I expected but in general, I am hopefully about high quality of summer schools that will be another unique part of EMSA in future. What needs to be kept in mind is that EMSA Summer Schools need a professional promotion by EMSA-Europe. I hope, we will solve this problem via new EMSA-Europe web site. What will make the EMSA Summer Schools unique in the future is that when each EMSA FMOs, which organize summer school, work parallel with EMSA-Europe in a professional way. I already prepared a special part in my handover document that will help to overcome this situation.

Teddy Bear Hospital Project (TBH)In recent years, EMSA has become increasingly aware of the promotion of TBH project and demand of members so that as many people around the world can learn how to organize this project and get info about “white coat anxiety”. To end this necessity, we agreed to create a website which one will be updated by work group members regularly: www.emsa-tbh.comIn December, I attended EPSA Executive Board meeting in Oslo. In Oslo, I presented EMSA and its projects and discussed possibly project cooperation between EMSA and EPSA. Within many projects, TBH project really attracted their attention. I am happy to announce that TBH project is also an international project of EPSA by the contribution of EMSA. Local cooperation between the EDSA and EPSA with EMSA is the most valuable cooperation we can offer them in faculty level, since we all wear “white coat” and TBH project fights against “white coat anxiety”.It was a big disappointment to me that I could not get any feedback from IFMSA although TBH is a joint project between EMSA and IFMSA. After several tries, we decided go on it alone. Honestly, it is obvious that EMSA needs to continue work on TBH separately because this is three years there is no any action from IFMSA about TBH project. Therefore, we, as EMSA, do not want to involve TBH project in next European Partnership Agreement (EPA). Otherwise, this restriction will continue and this popular project will decrease its attractivity anyway.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


Healthy Erasmus ProjectWorking group members prepared a booklet about Healthy Erasmus. We still wait feedback from EPSA. It seems next year we will finish all work and then we can publish booklet.

Working GroupOne of the my main aim was the one that defines how to keep up team spirit and enjoy members’ every single moment working in EMSA. That was my personal vision to Medical Education Working Group.Since January, I welcomed 13 work group members. I am delighted that our Work Group members continues to grow and look forward to working closely with our new members in the years to come to raise awareness and enhance the profile of Medical Education in Europe.Albert Camus said “Don‘t walk in front of me; I may not follow. Don‘t walk behind me; I may not lead. Just walk beside me and be my friend”; this is how I see the role of the Work Group member. Let’s hope EMSA Medical Educational Working Group will rock next year! I would not let him alone and I will be huge supporter of Working Group all time.I am finishing my term, and I fully enjoyed the cooperation with all work group members. I would like to thank you for everything we shared and wish you all the best for your future!

MEDINE2EMSA has gained a good name and reputation in the international associations. EMSA is known especially in the European organisations and institutions and still makes them aware of the fact that in case they are looking for a partner among students’ organisations for co-operation, EMSA is there to rely on. The co-operation between international organisations and institutions and NGOs such as EMSA is based on the exchange of information. From our perspective, EMSA should always be informed about the programmes and projects of international organisations and institutions in which it is relevant and important for EMSA to actively participate. From the other perspective, it is equally important that EMSA informs the international organisations and institutions about its programmes and projects. Both of these aspects of the information exchange are mainly guaranteed through the formal way of the granted consultative status of EMSA with several important international organisations and institutions and one of the important of them is MEDINE2 representavity which EMSA holds.What makes the EMSA and Medical Education Pillar as unique as it is, is our involvement in MEDINE2 and other official associations in Europe. EMSA is one of the founders of MEDINE and it is true that EMSA is ascending progress in medical education in Europe with the positive effects of our involvement in MEDINE2. In short, the MEDINE2 network is mainly composed by professionals, faculty representatives and medical educa¬tors, in the same time EMSA has student representative in MEDINE2 . Throughout the workshop that we organized in Yeditepe, we tried to gather more opinions from medical stu¬dents and forwarded it as a resolution to MEDINE2 and contribute to their work. Here again, I want to thanks Ahmet Murt, previous Medical Education Director of EMSA, again for all great works he did until now. Both in MEDINE2 workshop and in MEDINE2 general works, we received important contributions from him all time.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


Lastly, we got two good news from MEDINE2 Executive Board. One of them is EMSA will be also representative of Permanent Working Group of European Juniors Doctors(PWG) in MEDINE2. The other one is I will be new representative of European medical students in MEDINE2 Executive Board.

EMSA YeditepeAs being EMSA Yeditepe president, I did a lot of work with EMSA Yeditepe. I would not write them in details but if I list it:• 5 international meetings (TCE, Summer School, BPFW and MEDINE2 meeting, ICML)• 6 TBH projects• 3 Medical Science conferences• Several social aid programs• MSF(Doctor Without Borders) symposium • Twinning Project with IFMSA-Leiden• Contributed to “1st Inter University Certificate Program Of Predictive & Personalized Medicine in Daily Medical Practice”

Department of Internal AffairsCharles Millhuff said that many of life‘s circumstances are created by three basic choices: the disciplines you choose to keep, the people you choose to be with; and, the laws you choose to obey. Whether it started as a matter of choice or destiny, the Department of Internal Affairs 2010/2011 lived EMSA for one year – the most memorable year of our lives. What was discipline for us? It was the determination to strive towards our goals as a team and as individuals. We brought our experience and our visions together as individuals, and we grew up as a team with a motto- DIA Rocks! The desire was to achieve our goals, act professionally and always give the best of oneself. As we have experienced, a year of living EMSA is not a race towards the end, but a mosaic full of memories, great people, professionalism, battles and funny stories.As a team, we all pointed out what was the focus in each of our areas of activities. We wanted more active member in Working Groups, successful sessions in NCM and General Assembly, increase variety of collaboration with partner associations, improving EMSA at project level, following up EMSA Board topics, making sure that all members can access directors easily, improving the communication between directors and members and making sure that EMSA spirit lives through EMSA members. Of course, all these pieces of the puzzle called the one-year strategic plan were in line with the main goals of our association.How did we choose the people to be with? Simply we didn’t. It was the choice of the General Assembly in September 2010 Athens☺ Each of the individuals brought their culture, experience and personalities to the stage. Together we met our own strengths and weaknesses and as a result, we learned to live and work as a team. We appreciate the advice and example that she gave us all time, Sietke our Dear Vice President of Internal Affairs. Other board members also gave us that we owe a lot. There is one essential thing in living in a team – success of one is a success of the team. When I look back, I am really happy to see that we succeed to be one.This success was not done by us alone, but we had the pleasure to welcome our working group members after January. They were our right hand without which we wouldn’t have reached the goals we set as a team. For that we are grateful and we appreciate first of all their friendship and support and, of course, their devotion to work with us and for one of the key team players; the player

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


without whom all our efforts wouldn’t be worth: the EMSA Working Group. But what are the laws that we set? Besides the rules that we were obliged to follow, such as our statutes and precedents that we follow in usual , there were some additional rules that we committed to. We acknowledged the importance of our task to represent the General Assembly. Discussing every single step before hand we learned that the only way to achieve our goals. But one of the main rules however is the one that defines how to keep up team spirit and enjoy every single moment working in EMSA.

General EEB WorkI was also busy with general EEB work many times when working for specific subjects of Medical Education. I read and wrote lots of emails, took part in the EEB face to face and online meetings, wrote monthly reports, helped editing documents like the handbooks or the EMS Forum Outcome Paper and represented the EEB in the many external meetings. All in all, I sent 1329 emails and received app. 8000 emails on 3 accounts, failed 1 and passed 11 exams. It seems I survived.

EMS ForumTo make the event success we took part in EMS Forum with an enormous effort and worked shoulder to shoulder with other EEB members who were in Ohrid, Macedonia. EMSA-Macedonia made it an unforgettable event for us. It was a great pleasure to see that we prepared a great resolution paper on “The Importance of Students’ Organization in Europe”. I would like to give a huge thank Tin Knezevic, Elif Keleş, Sofia Ribeiro and of course especial one to Borislav Manev for their great enthusiasms in EMS Forum. It again felt me that it is a honourable pleasure being a member of EMSA!

EMSA TurkeyThe EMSA Turkey’s reputation continues to grow and we have various vehicles that aid our visibility, including our website (, and our new collaboration with ELSA(European Law Students’ Association)- Turkey and EPSA(European Pharmaceutical Students’ Association)-Turkey are just two important of them lastly we did. Let’s hope EMSA-Turkey will continue its aim to give medical students throughout Turkey a drive to get involve in EMSA. Here I want to thanks especially to Ceren Sultan Altay, our dear EMSA-Turkey National Coordinator. It was especially inspiring to receive friendly advice and support from her. It was a great pleasure work with her shoulder to shoulder against all against movements to EMSA-Turkey. I also cannot pass this part without mention the names of two important person that gave support all time in this stressful process: Elif Keleş and Semih Küçükcankurtaran. Thanks for their great support all time.EMSA’s future is defined by the people in it, by the history we have, and by the activities we are organising. I am proud that several projects were a part of our lives and we were a part of EMSA’s life. EMSA-Turkey is one of the projects that we will proud all time! Hurrah for EMSA and hurrah for EMSA-Turkey!

Multidisciplinary Bologna Process Follow-up WorkshopBologna Process discussion has become widespread within European students’ associations but it does not mean that we all associations have enough power to attract attention of authorized persons. The multidisciplinary Bologna Workshop will be a joint effort of the European Medical Students’ Association (EMSA), the European Nursing Students’ Association (ENSA), the European Pharmaceutical Students’ Association (EPSA), the European Law Students’ Association (ELSA)

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


and European Students’ Union (ESU). The aim of this workshop is to promote European integration between students and professions in Europe, and create a discussion platform about implementation of Bologna Process in higher education. The students will discuss what the implementation of the Bologna Declaration means for their educational systems and share experiences and opinions.The outcome of this workshop will be a position paper on the ideas and recommendations of European students regarding the Bologna Process. I already shared my draft plan with other associations’ education representatives and discussions will start next term with headship of next Medical Education of EMSA. So far fellow organisations like EPSA and ENSA became partners officially in this project . We look forward to see further steps from ELSA and ESU for this unique project. The student organizations in this project are planning a workshop, which will probably be held in 2012.


DIRECTOR 2011-2012:

EMSA – MEDINE2 (Medical Education in Europe2): EMSA has gained a good name and reputation in the MEDINE2. EMSA is known especially in the MEDINE2 network makes them aware of the fact that in case they are looking for a involvement from European students for co-operation, EMSA is there to rely on. The co-operation between EMSA and MEDINE2 based on the exchange of information. From our perspective, EMSA should always be informed about the programmes and projects of MEDINE2. From the other perspective, it is equally important that EMSA informs the them about its programmes and projects.It is advisable to get involve actively in the student team, and to make it a dynamic team. Last year Bologna Process Follow-up Workshop included also MEDINE2 workshop, in order to spread the word and to get more students involved. The Director should also, in case needed, have some face to face meetings with the student team.

EMSA – CPME (Comité Permanent Des Medecins Europeens- Standing Committee of European Doctors): I recommend EMSA medical education director to be in close contact with the EMO-LO, and to try to attend at least one of the CPME meetings. Also, try to read CPME’s newsletter, since they frequently have interesting subjects on Medical Education issues.

EMSA – PWG (Permanent Working of European Junior Doctors): I recommend EMSA medical education director to be in close contact with EMO-LO, since he/she is the one responsible for this contact. This year, we accepted that EMSA will be also representative of PWG in MEDINE2 which one is offered by MEDINE2 executive board.

EMSA – AMEE (Association for Medical Education in Europe): EMSA medical education director should be on the student team of AMEE and if possible try to a present projects or conducting workshops in the AMEE conference. EMSA is keen to continue cooperation with IFMSA about AMEE and improve the overall situation. It became self-evident after many works together that those two international organisations representing medical students all over Europe have to speak with one voice towards external organisations. However, this is also obvious current situation is not beneficial for EMSA members and cannot be acceptable anymore. If EMSA would not get any result about its wishes for a more productive structure in AMEE, EMSA should evaluate AMEE’s offer to gain a student representative within the AMEE board, an offer that we rejected in order to keep cooperation with IFMSA in AMEE.

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c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


EMSA – IFMSA relations: Director should be in close in contact with IFMSA SCOME-d (recently elected Ioanna Goganau again, also an EMSA member and a MEDINE2 student team member) in order to have stronger events, similar positions and representability. Always be aware that you are representing European students and that you are fighting for a better education of doctors, regardless of your Association. The main goal of EMSA and IFMSA that I learned from all my past work is to work together in order to be able to offer best offers and conditions for Medical Students in Europe. In short, One aim but definitely Two different organizations!

EMS Forum (European Medical Students’ Forum): EMSA medical education director should be one of the main contributors to EMS Forum in means of facilitation and expanding the content.


Skilled and open-minded people create the platform of the present generation. It is true, but they become such by participating in various activities, by organising events, by communicating with their colleagues in different countries and by participating in trainings. Kevin Murphy once wrote - learning that produces no change is about as useful as a parachute that doesn’t open. I know that and this is why I believe it was worth it after all stress and bore I felt this year.This year the EMSA Medical Education Pillar did a great job and I hope that future directors will continue the tradition of success that the EMSA Medical Education directors have had during the previous years.At this point, I also want to thank my FMO, EMSA Yeditepe, and my university, Yeditepe University, for the support they gave me from the beginning on. Without their big support, I would not have done as much as I did.Thousands of words can be written about my enthusiasm to EMSA but I want to keep it short…

I believe that the time and energy devoted in organisations like EMSA gives a three-fold reward: you have good time, you make friends for life and it certainly does not harm your professional career later on the contrary makes better. So let us make friends for life with EMSA!

Contact details:

Suleyman Yıldız Medical Education Director 2010/11

Kordonboyu Mah. Akdeniz Cad. I. Eksioglu Apt. 35/8 Atalar Kartal Istanbul 34186Turkey

skype: suleyman-yeditepeprivate email:

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



Sebastian SchmidtMedical Ethics and Public Health Director 2010-2011


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c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



Borislav ManevMedical Science Director 2010-2011

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



12th October 2010 (elected by the General Assembly in Athens, Greece)


October 2010 - 05. 10.: Handover meeting with Kavita; - 12. 10.: Online meeting (handover, meeting, share of important documents); - 17. 10.: Attended at World Sight Day Event in Vienna; November 2010 - 24. 11.: First online NEMSC meeting; December 2010 - 22.12.: EMSA - Macedonia GA; January 2011 - 06. – 09.01.: EEB face-to-face meeting, Bucharest, Romania; - 09. 01.: face-to-face meeting with Luis, Ruxandra and Tin; general strategy, ideas and plans about EMS Council 8; February 2011 - 03. 02.: 2nd online meeting with NEMSC; March 2011 - Attend at the TNT in Istanbul; - Attend at the TCE and held my first training session for Conflicts Management; - Attend the face-to-face meeting meetings in Istanbul after the TNT and TCE; - Had a face-to-face meeting with Elshad Hasanov, Editor in Chief of JEMSA; - Had face-to-face meeting with Ozan Unlu, the MSD assistant; - Had face-to-face meeting with Emrah Tekin, the MSD of EMSA–Yeditepe; - Had face-to-face meeting with Luis Machado, the general secretary of EMS Council8 board and Tin Knezevic, about the progress of the organization for the event; - Had face-to-face meeting with Ceren Sultan Atay, the new NC of Turkey about plan for promotion of the medical science and corporation between our countries; May 2011 - 01.05.: Pre - NCM face-to-face meeting (EEB) & LCs in Warsaw, Poland; - 05-08.05.: National Coordinators’ and Enthusiasts’ Meeting (NCM) Jablonna, Poland; - 08-10.05.: face-to-face meeting (EEB) Warsaw, Poland; - 18.05.: face-to-face meeting with OC of 2nd EMSA - Macedonia Summer School, Skopje - 20-22.05.: European Student Summit on Right 2 Research Coalition, Berlin, Germany; - 28-31.05.: face-to-face meeting with part of the EEB, Skopje and Ohrid, Macedonia;

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c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


- 30.05.: face-to-face meeting with the web developer, Shtip, Macedonia;

June 2011 - 01.-06.06: European Medical Student’s Forum; Ohrid, Macedonia; - 05.-07.06: EEB face-to-face meeting; Skopje, Macedonia; - 07.-10.06: representing EMSA at ISCOMS – Groningen, The Netherlands; - 08.06.: face-to-face meeting, all three representatives of NEMSC; - 09.06.: face-to-face meeting with the NC of the Netherlands Ellen Stolker; - 23.-28.06.: EMSA Summer School - „Infectious Diseases in the 21st Century“ Istanbul, Turkey; - 24.-27.06.: face-to-face meeting with the Medical Education Director of EMSA, Suleyman Yildiz; - 28.06.: face-to-face meeting with the NC of Turkey Ceren Sultan Altay; face-to-face meeting with the EEB members in Heidelberg, Germany; July 2010 - 01.-03.07: 3th EEB face-to-face meeting in Heidelberg, Germany; - 06.-10.07: 2nd International Emergency Medicine Summer School in Macedonia, Ohrid, R. Macedonia; - 23.- 29.07: EMSO – ESO, Oncology Course, Ioannina, Greece; - 30th - ... IFMSA AM, Copenhagen, Denmark;


August 2010 - ... till 7th – IFMSA AM, Copenhagen, Denmark; - 8th till 15th – EEB f2f at Cres, Croatia; - MS WG online meeting; - EEB online meeting;

September 2010 - 1st till 4th EMSA GA 2011 in Leiden, The Netharlends; - 4th till 7th face-to-face meeting handover meeting, Leiden, The Netharlends; - xx.09 Online EEB board meeting;


• face-to-face meeting with Nikola Milenkovic from Nis, Serbia; Skopje, R. Macedonia;• face-to-face meeting with Milot Hasani, Gazmend Gashi and Valon

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


Hamza from Prishtina, Kosovo; Skopje, R. Macedonia;• Skype meeting with president of AMSB-SU, Metodija Sekulovski;• face-to-face meeting with Ana Maksimovic from Belgrade, Groningen, Nederland;• Face-to-face meeting with Prof. D-r. Nikola Kamcev, the Dean of the Medical Faculty in Shtip, R. Macedonia;• face-to-face meeting with Naim Skenderi, president of the medical students association in Tetovo, R. Macedonia;• face-to-face meeting with Tomasz Zawadzki from Gdans, Poland; Copenhagen, Denmark;

Considering the board online meetings I have visited most of them and take active participation.Considering the Department of Internal affairs online meetings I have visited most of them. When I was not able to attend I always send mail updates written by the agenda for the upcoming meeting.Considering the Medical Science Work Group online meetings I attend and chair all of them.

BRIEF REPORT OF HANDOVER PERIOD: The handover period with the Medical Science Director 2009/10 Kavita Aggarwal took place over 2 Skype meetings.

At the first meeting I get the basic information about the Medical Science Pillar. Also I was named all the medical scientific events around Europe that one Medical Director should visit. At the second meeting I was transferred a lot of essential documents for the functioning of Medical Science Director.

But after the handover period was done I did not gain all the necessary information of what had happened in previous years and how far discussions have been at the moment with regard to continuing projects such as Scientific Pancakes in conjunction with IFMSA, the European School of Oncology or the status of JEMSA.

For the future Medical Science Director Handover process I propose at least one handover meeting to me preformed “tet at tet”.


Having never been involved with EMSA before on a European level, I had no idea what to expect but my main aims were to continue and improve on all aspects of Medical Science from 2009/10. Than making my research what was done I find out that there is no follow up. No active projects at all.

At this point I will go back to my candidature from the GA in Athens, promising to the GA that I will: (in short)

1. Shift the relations with NEMSC, arrange, event host face to face meetings, rearrange the web page and ect....2. Look in to the research data base for best case report, evaluated it

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


and republished again;3. Publish to JEMSA hard copy editions;4. Attend the ISCOMS and ESC – Berlin events;

Now as my term is almost over connected to this I can say, EMSA does not have a research data base according to this I cannot find the best case report, we couldn’t publish hard copies of JEMSA most of finical problems and some were on my half term NEMSC representatives from ISCOMS had an idea to dissolve NEMSC.

So I sit-down and wrote a totally new action plan. I was directly included to all activities, all ongoing things and familiar with all the problems of the Medical Science Pillar. My travels around Europe helped me to conclude what is missing at a FMO level; the role of local faculties in Medical Science and how are they connected with the Medical Science Pillar.

So I divide my action plan in two parts. First is to refresh all medical science pillar projects and second was to create two new projects for the Medical Science Pillar. And one of them will represent the base for the first EMSA research exchanges. The follow up I will try to explain on the next pages.


One of the biggest problems I faced this year was lack of time. This is always an issue but I really would have liked to attend ESC – Berlin, IFMSA MM and much more international medical related events. It would have been very beneficial to attend especially as I already have links with this organisation and would have liked to further the relationship for the future. But most of these events were over lapping and it was impossible to visit them. If we can financially support our work group members they can represent EMSA at these events.

From the events I visit I can comment on these ones:

1. ISCOMS – International Students Conference of (bio)Medical ScienceFirst of all I want to congratulation to the Organization Commit of ISCOMS. It was one of the best scientific connected events I have ever visited. Over 450 participants, best professors over Europe and also two Nobel Prize winners in the scientific jury and all of this people at one place. Amazing! I as representative was warmly welcomed. There was already placed stand for presenting EMSA in the centre of the Hospital were all the lecturers were given. This relationship has to be good taken care of. The best students found of medical science can be found here at this event.

2. NCM – National Coordinators and enthusiastic Meeting; Jablona, Poland;Before the start of the Medical Science Session at this NCM I used thirty minutes to explain to the participants what Medical Science Pillar represent to EMSA and what Medical Science Pillar of EMSA represent to the medical students around Europe. Through several simple slides of power point presentation I present the structure and update the status of the MSP today.Than one of the important points in medical science and medical science research is the presentation of the results. No matter are they prepared as poster or audio/video presentation the results have to be presented professional.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


These were the goals why we start with discussing the guidelines of a good paper work, and then continue with training of presentation skills and oral speaking. Another goal of this session was students to gain self-confidence and to be prepared for the questions of the audience.

After the coffee-brake we boldly enter the session number two, the medical science conferences and medical scientist through time. The idea of talking how important was medical scientist engagement and dedication to science and how they change the humanity was suppose to make the participants, the future, scientist to understand the importance of the science research. But also to understand the hard work and fight with all the obstacles that time and society prepare to this scientist. This subject open really nice and productive discussion.The third session was dedicated for creating and developing drafts for future science projects. That is why we start with training on brainstorming and defining some rules of the session. Based on the research that was discussed in the Medical Science Working Group through the year and added to the brainstorming at the NCM we put some ideas on paper and then grouping all our suggestion we create two projects. The explanation of the projects I will give in the next paragraph...

3. First European Medical Students Forum, Ohrid, R. Macedonia“The Importance of Students’ Organization in Europe” is the resolution paper we succeed to prepare at this international event. Under the guidance and the facilitation of Dr. Thorsten Honung and our president Tin Knezevic writing the statement was pleasure. And we definitely had a special and private training on writing policy statements.

4. ESO – European School of OncologyI will define this event as the highlights of being Medical Science Director. The most professional approach in the medical education today, exceptional professors from all across Europe, giving lessons to the best 40 students from the branch of the Medical Oncology. 5 academic days and 5 exams to define the best student who receive one mount of internship at the clinic he wants to choose from all the present professors and 2000 Euros of financial support. I was there as ESO partner and representative of EMSA. It was very helpful as not only did I get to impart my knowledge and ideas about EMSA and the role of Medical Science but I also got to take part in the conference and meet medical students from all across Europe. Giving EMSA presentation at the closing ceremony I succeed to motivate the present students to ask me lots of EMSA related questions in next several weeks. 5. EMSA Summer School - „Infectious Diseases in the 21st Century“ Istanbul, TurkeyYeditepe – the home of EMSA! Being between friends it is always pleasure. I give an opening speech and small present to the Dean of the medical faculty of Yeditepe. EMSA didn’t need to be presented to Yeditepe folks as they were all updated whit EMSA events and all active projects. That is why I use my visit to have face to face meetings with lots of EMSA representatives in Turkey like the Medical Education director of EMSA, the National Coordinator of EMSA – Turkey and other enthusiastic students.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


6. 2nd International Emergency Medicine Summer School in Macedonia, Ohrid, R. Macedonia;Being a Supervisor to a team that works synchronized it is not so hard. The 2nd International Emergency Medicine Summer School in Macedonia was organized perfect. 75 participants, 15 professors and lecturers, theoretical and practical knowledge, lessons and workshop, and the best social program in the city of Ohrid.I give the opening speech and all the energizers at the school presenting what is the EMSA spirit and what EMSA stands for. We will see much follow up from this event.

About the Medical Science Work Group:Leading the medical science work group was not so easy job. All the meetings we had were more and less updates what I was working in last weeks. I had luck to work with really enthusiastic people. Their contribution was enormous. Not only that they lead my thoughts trough the creation of these huge projects but also they were around as truth team for any problem.I think that there was a bit of lack of communication between various people in this and there was a lot of potential that still needs to be discovered I this but due to time restraints, it was not possible to dedicate more time to this, again something that can be improved upon in the future. However, what I think did work well from this was my ability to trust my team and due to exams.As with anything, you start of very proactive and enthusiastic and as time goes on, the enthusiasm begins to fade as you experience more sleepless nights, more emails than you can read and numerous reports to finish with the deadlines fast approaching. I think that this is a similar story in EMSA, and at times it could be seen in the EEB that there were periods of particularly low activity.

Concerning the projects in the Medical Science Pillar I can comment:

1. NEMSC – Network of European Medical Scientific Conferences;The first meeting with the representatives from NEMSC, the ISCOMS and ESC – Berlin representatives I had at the very beginning of my term. Stefan Knapen from ISCOMS stated that ISCOMS will take the lead of NEMSC this year. We suggested creating new web page for NEMSC and with that to reach people and scientific events around Europe. This topic was prolonging for more than 6 mounts. Most of the online meetings that we had were between EMSA and ISCOMS and ESC – Berlin representative show at only one meeting to share with as that they had new representative.Then in March, I and the ESC – Berlin representative were informed by Stefan that ISCOMS has no more motivation and see no point to keep this network and they proposed cancelling of the NEMSC.As I was not sharing the same opinion with Stefan I replay to him that NEMSC has enormous potential and that we have to talk about this in person. There was no replay from ESC representative. I share this information with the EEB and I also ask for help from our president Tin, who send mail to all NEMSC representatives and later had on line meeting and explained that dissolving is not the solution.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


At our face to face meeting with our EEB in Poland I propose three solutions for fixing this problem. First we fix the relations inside NEMSC and keep what was building séance 2005, second we terminate NEMSC and not waste energy on this topic and third one was to replace NEMSC old partners with new one. Our next face to face meeting was in Groningen at the ISCOMS were all three partners were there and we had internal meeting were we conclude that dissolving NEMSC is bad move. In the coming period we will work on internal relation between three of us, work on the vision and the goal of NEMSC and try to find smaller partners for joining.

2. JEMSA – Journal of EMSA on Medical Scientific AffairsFirst issue of JEMSA was published at the beginning of this year. But as I mention on the start of my report, we didn’t find the necessary finances to print hard copy. Most of you will say how much 1000 copies of student’s newspaper cost, but the process goes more complicate. As you may know JEMSA is registered journal and printing one copy or several and then missing some number mean that we will lose our registration number. This was only one of the reasons. Another one was the there was low communication between the JEMSA editors team and me. The Chef editor Elshad Hasanov didn’t answer to any of my mail in the first 4 mounts and didn’t show at any on line meeting. This was a reason to organize face to face meeting and met Elshad in Istanbul and talk in person. The meeting was facilitated by the president of EMSA. There were some decisions made in Istanbul but now follow up. The situation stay “status quo”. A big personal aim was to improve the current status of JEMSA as I feel that research and publications is an important part of life as a medical student as well as for the future as a doctor. But our news paper JEMSA stayed in the hands of Elshad till today. All the executive power and decisions are made by him and the Medical Science Director has no jurisdiction over them. All my remarks were send to the EB and the President.

3. Secret Science Club & Secret Science Society Medical research is the most popular topics in medicine. The modern society today makes the scientific research available for all students across Europe. The clinics and universities where we study under the mentorship of the best teachers, we can work on latest medical challenges, and recheck latest scientific outcomes.But each of us may feel the inadequate and the weak link between the research and the students. So we decided that we should link these young researchers, young scientists with research teams and of course to help enthusiasts who do not have this opportunity to find their way. This would be the first step of our project.With this move we will update all ongoing projects in our university labs and other research opportunities offered by these projects and of course to offer to our colleagues.Last phase or the vision of this project is one day this umbrella project to become a base for the first student exchange between scientific teams, first EMSA exchanges.For our vision to become your reality would ask you to carefully read this brochure and certainly help us in the realization and improvement of this

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c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


project by sending your comments, observations, critics and questions.

4. ICDS - I Can Do Science;EMSA’s first platform where you can find research and build you up to date with all scientific conferences in Europe and beyond.

This project has a much larger role and meaning despite information. By creating an on line archive, we will try to get them here, especially for beginners all the necessary guidance, tips, tricks for creating a professional paper, case report, case study, or scientific presentation but also and Info where you can publish these articles and your research.

Furthermore, a successful researcher would not be successful unless it would be awesome presenter; precisely because of this online database you can find links, brochures, manuals and the entire fort coming trainings session across Europe. Trainings for public speaking, communication skills, Presentation skills and many more....

Medical Science Director 2011/12: My successor will have just two roles, to continue everything I/we started and second one to contribute even double :)It is really important to continue to work on the development of the two new projects, as they are supported from all the medical students I meet on my pathway with EMSA. Everything is written and explained in the handbooks for them. So with good management of his time everything can be done.I understood that a large part of being Medical Science Director involved good communication skills with a variety of different organisations, as well as managing different groups of people for specific tasks and working alongside a diverse range of students, professionals and professors alike. This would require good time keeping skills as well as organisation to ensure that all tasks are completed by the deadline. Important core skills include good communication skills, the ability to multitask and also leadership as you are essentially in charge of one of the core 4 pillars of EMSA and therefore have a role to organise different sub committees and motivate them in various tasks ensuring that they are done to a high standard and by the deadline that has been set. This is the hardest bit about being the Medical Science Director, having to juggle numerous projects, keep people motivated as well as keep on top of studies. With the numerous meetings, reports and emails...As a director (I am sure this is common between all directors) you are acting a key connection between your pillar and the rest of the EEB and therefore I think that it is important to keep them up to date with the projects that you are involved with and how this could potentially affect the rest of the EEB. Sometimes, things don’t go to plan and so the ability to cope with this and strive for other alternatives as solutions to these problems is another key skill.The most important thing is that you must have a passion for Medical Science.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



It is really important always to be aware to stop, evaluate your work and adapt. And same scheme over again. The good or bad thing in the EEB is that there is always some work to be done. So while I was defining the job description of the Medical Science Pillar I enjoyed working on all going task in the EEB. This is good as all the members of the board will be always aware how much work there is.Later when I need all the help I can get, here was the whole team to help me. This is the base of good teamwork. I share my progress with the EEB all the time and with their input the chances of mistake were equal to zero. This is the first recommendation – share your work with the EEB.Share your work with your work group, share your status, were are you and what are you doing, so you don’t lose the continuity of the team dynamic. Follow the goals of the medical science pillar, believe in your work, and you will feel the satisfaction and see the results of your work even sooner than you expect.

Europeanly Yours,

Borislav ManevMedical Science Director 2010/

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



Sofia RibeiroEuropean Integration Director 2010-2011

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



12th October 2010 (elected by the general assembly in Athens).


German Bundeskongress and EEB Face 2 Face meeting in Munster, Germany - November 2010

EEB Face 2 Face meeting, Training New Trainers and Training Center of Excellence in Istanbul, Turkey - March 2011

EEB Face 2 Face meeting and the NCM in Warsaw, Poland - May 2011

EMS Forum and EEB Face 2 Face meeting in Ohrid, Macedonia - June 2011

EEB Face 2 Face meeting in Heidelberg, Germany - July 2011

GA and EEB Face 2 Face meeting in Leiden, The Netherlands -September 2011

Additionally, attended most of the online EEB meetings; most of the Department of Internal Affairs meetings; some online meetings with externals and three APYN meetings (Advocacy School, Training Course and Training For Trainers).

Missed the EEB F2F meeting in Bucharest (January) and F2F meeting in Croatia (August) due to personal reasons.


As the assistant of the 2009-2010 European Integration Director, Naomi Begemann, I had already been involved with EMSA on the European level, and therefore had some experience on the tasks involved in the job of the European Integration Director. Due to that, I only had to focus on adapting to the general EEB workload and getting to know the other EEBies, which alone was a lot.The handover was carried out during the designated period, and two extensive online meetings were carried out, in which the handover files were exchanged, including the Handover Handbook, a precious help to develop my work as European Integration.To sum up, I must underline that having the full support for Naomi Begemann was crucial during the first months of the term. That’s the piece of advice I want to leave for next term: keep good contact with your predecessor, he/

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


she knows better than anyone how to help you and keep you motivated!



As European Integration Director there were a few aims I set and of those I reached the following:- Attending all the e-EEB meetings- Attending all F2F meetings- Attending NCM, EMS-Council, EuRegMe and EMSA-GA- Contributing to Euromeds- Representing EMSA when needed- Helping all the other members of the board when needed

Twinning Project- Continuing to update the Twinning Project Handbook- Setting up the Twinning Project Map- Encouraging FMOs to write articles to Euromeds about their Twinning Projects- Continuing the monthly meeting to discuss issues related to European Integration with any interested members- Giving workshops on how to organize a TP when necessary- Promoting the project to other students’ organizations

Eurotalk- Promoting this project and its potential to all FMOs- Creating a handbook to help FMOs setting up this project

Erasmus- Creating an European database with basic information on all the destinations for Erasmus- Working on the Healthy Erasmus Project

Collaboration with other Student’s Associations- Creating a platform on the EMSA website with information about other students’ associations- Keeping in touch with FMOs to inform about initiatives going on other students’ associations- Attending meetings and other events of other students’ associations- Working closely to SOLO, and helping whenever needed- Promoting our projects, namely Twinning Project, Best Buddy and Different Christmas- “Sharing is caring” Project

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


Following Leadership Summer School, after sharing so much knowledge with people from other organizations, the idea of this project came up. The main goal would be setting up workshops on topics that are familiar to us as medical students (for example STDs, alcohol and drugs) and giving them in other students’ organizations’ events, spreading the knowledge. On the other hand, they would also give workshops on EMSA events on topics that might be interesting for us (medical informatics, management and many more).


First of all, I must say that the personal outcomes of this year as a board member of EMSA are far beyond my initial expectations.

When I started the term, I decided to work hard in order to maintain the Pillar as it was left by my predecessor, but also to develop it as much as possible. Starting from the Plan of Action of my candidature, and with the help of the Department of Internal Affairs, I developed a strategic plan in which I included all the tasks I would like to have accomplished this year. Those were mostly related to European Integration Projects, and instead of focusing on the Twinning Project, I preferred to develop other projects such as Eurotalk, Best Buddy and Different Christmas, which were in dire need of promotion.

Apart from Pillar-related work, I engaged myself into trainings by being a participant at the training new trainers, which was something I wanted to do for a long time. Being a trainer also helped me deliver the Pillar Sessions and make the most out of them-which was one of my main objectives for the NCM. As I’m also interested in other fields within the DIA, I started negotiations with APYN (Alcohol Policy Youth Network) in order to make EMSA a member organization. I also contributed to the DIA-work whenever I could, helping the other directors and asking for advice whenever needed.

One of the main challenges this term for me was definitely the creation of the Workgroup, and its management. The establishment of a functional WG took a very long time, and this delayed my personal deadlines. However, all the EMSAi working in European Integration were doing all the tasks required within the deadlines, which helped a lot. I can proudly say that due to their help (and of course to the whole DIA as well), the Pillar has finally handbooks for all the projects, and all the objectives accomplished.

Luckily, by the NCM I found a lot of enthusiastic EMSAi which motivated me to pursue the work along the lines I was thinking, and contributed with awesome ideas to develop until the end of the term, including the “Eurotalk fair”, which will happen together with the Twinning Project fair. Thank you for that!

Looking back on this term, I must say that I didn’t face as many obstacles as I thought in the beginning I would. Perhaps the most important one was the lack of time: I moved to Italy in January and had to adapt to living there,

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


and I was in the hospital most mornings and was studying around 3-4 hours in the afternoon the whole time for my state exam. There was not much time for EMSA left, but I was making everything I could to ensure that all my objectives were achieved and that my contribute to the general EEB workload was given whenever needed, especially during the second half of the term, when I started being more proactive. I guess I can say I’ve been testing my time management skills to the limit, but I’m happy with the outcomes so far.


More prominent tasks:

The European Integration Pillar is mostly about projects, so I will be stating all the accomplished tasks per project and also the general EEB work and other tasks accomplished.

General EEB work o Attended most online meetings o Active on the EEB mailing list o Handed all the monthly reports o Attended 2 F2F meetings, NCM, EMS forum and GA o Contributed to Euromeds with 2 articles o Contributed to the Handover Document o Contributed to the Job description template o Wrote the content for the website (Pillar-related) o Contributed to the survey for the Pillar Sessions and Training sessions at the GA o Preparing (together with other EEB members) the Knowledge Management handbook for IFISO o Preparing European Youth Forum membership document for the GA

General DIA work o Attended most online meetings o Contributed to the stategic plan at the beggining of the term o Chose the members of the European Integration Workgroup o Wrote the template for the project Handbooks o Helped the other directors whenever needed o Helped the VPI whenever needed o Looked for sucessors

General Pillar work o Helped EMSAi on the existing projects, especially on the Twinning Project o WG management o Prepared and delivered the Pillar Session at the NCM o Wrote the handouts of the Pillar Session o Accompanied the EMSA-AMSA Twinning Project o Prepared the Pillar Session for the GA

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


Twinning Project o Created a form to update the Map with George Tsaknias o Updated the Twinning Project Map with Leander Grundeken o Created a survey on the project with George Tsaknias o Created Twinning Project Certificates with Ingmar Rinas o Prepared information about the YiA grant application for the GA o Followed the EMSA-AMSA Twinning Project through online meetings

Eurotalk o Wrote the Handbook with Damla Saymazlar o Promoted the project at the NCM o Preparing the Eurotalk fair for the GA

Different Christmas o Wrote the Handbook with Diogo Belo o Promoted the project at the NCM

Best Buddy o Wrote the Handbook with Ellen Stolker o Promoted the project at the NCM

Cultural Injection o Adopted the project as an official EMSA project o Adapted the existing Hanbook together with Ingmar Rinas o Invited Olga Rostkowska to promote the project at the NCM

Erasmus Medicus o Adapted the existing Handbook o Will promote the project at the GA

Trainings o Delivered the following topics on EMSA events: advocacy and lobbying, peer education and conflict management. o Wrote the handouts o Had online meetings with Iza Ene about the “Sharing is Caring” project

Other tasks o Negotiated the membership of EMSA with APYN o Contacted PWG of Junior Doctors about the EuroMedMobility project o Contacted Mrs. Madalena Patrício (AMEE president)

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



- Maintain the stability of the Pillar - Continue to develop the projects (focusing especially on Eurotalk and Erasmus Medicus) - Facilitate the access to information about YiA grants for exchange projects - Encourage FMOs to promote their projects and initiatives (eg. By writing articles to Euromeds) - Empower the Workgroup - Cooperate with other directors, creating joint projects - Cooperate with other student organizations, especially using the Twinning Project


With an amazing year lying behind me, I can say I learned lots of things, both at the personal level and the professional level. Even though there were some obstacles along the way, I can (proudly) say that most of my initial objectives were accomplished, and that I could engage in a lot of things I wasn’t expecting initially. Of course this was not only about me: I had an amazing team of directors and an awesome VPI (DIA rocks!) motivating and helping me, a hard-working workgroup and good EEBies-all that made a good combination for me to develop my work.I started slowly, adapting to the EEB communication flow, and tried to raise my activity level and initiative as I went through the term. F2F meetings helped a lot in this process, since I got to know the team better.

At the professional level, here are some recommendations I would like to leave for future EEBies:

- Try to know your team better. You don’t have to be friends with your working buddies, but that helps a lot when it happens.- Be strict about deadlines. Don’t forget to send everything on time, not to delay the work of the other EEBies.- Be active and proactive on the EEB mailing list and on general EEB work. Answer your emails on a daily basis, and let the others know when you won’t be able to do so.- Keep realistic goals and stick to your priorities. Otherwise you risk not having your tasks done on time.- Don’t overwork yourself. Know your limits and your capacities and ask for help when you feel that you’re not managing everything anymore.

And some general recommendations:Expect the unexpected. Be prepared to be surprised.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



I have to leave a word of thanks, not because I feel compelled to, but because I truly mean it. And it goes out to all of the people that somewhere along the way believed in me and in my ability to do this. To the ones who shared moments with me, and whose awesomeness is still difficult for me to describe. I guess you know who you are, and I hope you know what you meant to me at some point. Thank you!

And in the end, for me, it is all about commitment and passion. That makes any job a lot easier.

“Impossible is nothing”.Muhammad Ali

Contact details:

Sofia RibeiroEuropean Integration of EMSA Europe 2010-2011

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



Elıf KeleşLiaison Officer towards European Medical Organisations 2010-2011

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



12th October 2010 (elected by the general assembly in Athens).


• EMSA General Assembly , Athens , Greece, September 2010• EEB Face to Face Meeting , Athens, Greece, September 2010• German Bundeskongress and EEB Face 2 Face meeting in Munster, Germany, November 2010• EEB Face 2 Face meeting, Training New Trainers and Training Center of Excellence in Istanbul, Turkey March 2011• CPME Board Meeting and General Assembly , Brussel Belgium, April 2011• EMS Forum and EEB Face 2 Face meeting in Ohrid, Macedonia, June 2011• European Forum of Medical Associations & WHO Europe Meeting, Brussel Belgium, June 2011• AMEE Annual Conference , Vienna , Austria , August 2011• GA and EEB Face 2 Face meeting in Leiden, The Netherlands September 2011

Additionally, attended most of the online EEB meetings; most of the Department of External Affairs meetings; some online meetings with externals and CPME Board Meeting and General Assembly and EFMA & WHO Europe MeetingI missed the EEB F2F meeting in Bucharest (January) ,and F2F meeting in Heidelberg an Cres due to the meeting calendar and academic schedule. I also did not attend NCM in Warsaw due to the fact that I attended CPME Board Meeting and General Assembly one week before NCM.


As the assistant of the 2009-2010 Medical Ethics Director, Mickuela Vas Bennekom and Working Groups Member , I had already engaged in EMSA on the European level, and had insight on the duties of EEB Member, I only had to focus on adapting to the general EEB workload , European Medical Organizations , and getting to know the other EEBies.

The handover was went out in the planned period, and consequent online meetings were carried out with Constanze Born ( WHO-LO 2009-2010) Luis Machado ( EMO-LO 2009-2010), Christoph Philipsenburg ( VPE 2010-2011). Handover files were exchanged, including the Handover Package , an invaluable contribution to improve my work as European Medical Organizations Liasion Officer.

I should underline that having the full support for Luis Machado and Constanze Born were crucial during the first months of the term. My advice

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


for next eeb : keep in good contact with your predecessor, don’t hesitate to contact them if you have any questions .



In my application I mentioned my objectives to my term, keeping in mind that many topics are flexible.• Compile current contacts and sustain strong collaboration • Establish new contacts from European Medical Organizations

These are the European Medical Organizations which I would like to work during my term:• Comité Permanent Des Medecins Europeens -CPME (The Standing Committee of European Doctors ) • European Forum of Medical Associations(EFMA) • World Health Organization Europe Office ( WHO-EURO) • Permanent Working Group of European Junior Doctors (PWG )• European Association of Senior Hospital Physicians(Association Européenne des Médecins des Hôpitaux -AEMH)• World Medical Associations ( WMA)• The European Union of General Practitioners (UEMO)• The European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS)• Attend EMO’s Meeting to see how we colloborate with them• Present EMSA in the the preparation for attending specific meetings of different European Medical Organizations• Propose the new resolutions as a voice of European Medical Student


- Attending all the e-EEB meetings- Attending all F2F meetings- Attending NCM, EMS-Council, EuRegMe and EMSA-GA- Contributing to Euromeds- Representing EMSA in European Medical Organizations General Assembly and Meetings- Helping all the other members of the board when needed

1) Sustain Contacts - Introduced by meeting EMO Representative- Setting up the communication with EMO Representative- Encouraging EEB and EMSA to have resolution - Giving workshops on how to work with EMOs- Promoting EMSA projects to EMOs

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


2) Present EMSA in EMOs Meeting- Promoting EMSA Policy around of Europe

3) Collaboration with EMOs- Creating an handover manual regarding potential collaboration ways and current contacts- Following their General Assembly Reports and commenting on their policy papers- Giving students’ perspective on ongoing topics

4) Collaboration with other EMOs- Creating a platform on the EMSA website with information about other EMO’s and European National Medical Associations- Keeping in touch with EMOs to inform about initiatives going on our activities- Attending meetings and other events of them - Working closely to VPE , and improve strategy to communicate them efficiently- Promoting our projects, namely European Medical Students’ Council and EMSA Policy PaperFollowing CPME Meeting , after sharing knowledge with representative from EMOs, I understood smoothly how can I collaborate more with EMOs. As you seen in the completed tasks part ; my activity has increased after CPME Meeting .


Being Liasion Officer requires 1. Internatıonal experience 2. Comprehensive knowledge on EMSA and European Medical Organizations 3. Good communication and negotation skilss 4. Grabbing the opportunuties 5. Energy and motivation

When I launched the term at least I wanted to work hard in order to maintain the Liasion towards European Medical Organizations as it was left by my predecessor. Starting from the Plan of Action of my candidature, I developed the communication with CPME and European Medical Organizations and came across many opportunities for EMSA. I am really happy to work as an EMO-LO. I tried to establish good communication with European Medical Organizations’ Representative. They are really positive to EMSA and always appreciate the our efforts.They would like to support as much as they can do.I presented the Vienna Resolution in CPME Meeting and EFMA & WHO Meeting. I have met very distinguished person from different organizations and European National Medical Associations. They are always waiting from EMSA to be more active in policy making especially Bologna Process.Trying to start in a new structure , it is not so easy for new EEB Member.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


In our term , Department of External Affair (DEA)has established in EMSA. DEA include VPE , EMO-LO, SO-LO ,FI-LO,Permanent Officer. When I looked back , resignation of VPE and not find a new permanent officer ; I have to continue all work myself. It is hard to decide alone some issue , I asked eeb wiew and act according to them.

Attendance Face to face meetings, and external meeting motivated me so much. When I came back , I have always full of enthusiasim and desire to work. It was really excellent.One of the main challenges this term for me was definitely the finding working group member for CPME and permanent officer. I sent several calls to server , unfortunately I could not assign EMSAi as a CPME Working Group Member. I have followed all discussion but it should have been better that EMSAi get involved in CPME.I should proudly say that the Liasion toward European Medical Organizations is step forward and almost all objectives accomplished.Being fifth year medical student and have exam in every 2 or 3 weeks at the same time work for EMSA is not easy task. I did not face as many obstacles except the health problems. I was infected with adenoviruses and suffered from Adenoviral conjunctivitis. Due to the case , I could not look at computer screen and any document.The second most important one : having lack of time. Everday I went to school at 8:30 and came back 18:00 . On Saturday I had also special course for residency exam from 8:30-19:30. Practically It was hard to find a time for EMSA. Especially second half of term , after attendance to EFMA Meeting and CPME Meeting I have started more active than beginning of my term.I am happy that my objective were achieved and EEB is happy with the outcome of work.


More prominent tasks:

Being Liasion Officer is mostly about communication and give input regarding policy paper and informing EEB and EMSAi about progress.

• General EEB work o Attended most online meetings o Active on the EEB mailing list o Wrote all the monthly reports o Attended 2 F2F meetings, , EMS forum and GA o Contributed to the Handover Document o Preparing (together with other EEB members) the Knowledge Management handbook for IFISO o Represent EMSA in World Healthcare Students’ Symposium

• General DEA work o Attended most online meetings o Contributed to the stategic plan at the beggining of the term o Gave contacts for EPSA& EMSA Partnership Agreement. o Compensated vacant position’s work with the rest of DEA. o Communicate WHSS Joint Working Group Representative.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


• General Liasion work o Sustain contact with CPME ,PWG,FEMS, Domus Medica o Sustain contact with CPME Secretariat o Sustain contact with EFMA Liasion Committee o Followed CPME Working Group o Started Colloboration with EFMA o EMSA has gained observer status only students’ organization o Wrote an article for World Medical Journal ( it will be published soon) o Presented Vienna Resolution in CPME Board Meeting and EFMA & WHO Meeting o Presented our portfolio to World Medical Association President and explained EMSA o Sent our portfolio to European Medical Organizations and European National Medical Associations

• Other tasks o Negotiated the membership of EMSA to SEEMF o Contacted SEEMF ( SouthEastern European Medical Forum) and preparing for SEEMF Congress o Contacted Suleyman Yıldız and Ceren Sultan Altay regarding EMSA Turkey


> Maintain the liaison towards European Medical Organizations especially with CPME , European Junior Doctors ,FEMS ,. > Help the Directors and DEA to have policy paper > Attend EMO Meeting with EMSA Policy Paper > Promote policy making > Colloborate in specific issue with PWG European Junior Doctors. > Continue supporting multidisciplinary student (and non- student) cooperation especially EPSA,EDSA , > Inform EEB regarding progress > Continue searching for new collaboration > Encourage EMSAi to get involved in CPME > Present and Publish EMSA Resolution


I was the youngest participant in EFMA & WHO Europe and it was pretty experience concerning being part of EMSA, representing EMSA in medical professional organizations ,offerings resolutions.Although I am very busy and have some health problem, I love being EMO LO and I try to do in my best.I get along well with the people that participate in EEB. I learned several things about professional and European volunteerism.I reach that what I achieve the goal so I am delighted that. Only I could

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


not effectively connect with t WHO Europe as we need to obey European partnership agreement. That issue should come up with EPA and take action about that.I endeavoured to adapt to the EEB communication network and increase the activity level and preliminary as I went through the term. F2F meetings helped and improved us and were very beneficial for participant in this process to enhance the team.I like being EMO LO, it is very fascinating experience for me and I would like to continue in the future or next time.

At the professional level, here are some recommendations I would like to leave for future EEBies:• Do not hesitate concerning broaden your horizons and take action to revolutions. • EMSA will teach that what is the best for you. • Know your team and team members are where they are good at and ask for help • Read and check all e-mail and tell your ideas because it is a proper way to meet EEB members each other. • Far away from procrastination , once getting used to that it may become a pattern. Inform EEB members and others about what you done.


I am grateful EMSA as it makes me happy and special, gives me chances to meet perfect people and allows to study for in favour of European future & European health. I will always do in my best for EMSA

Contact details:

Elıf KeleşEuropean Medical Organizations Liasion Officer of EMSA Europe 2010-2011

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



Semih KucukcankurtaranLiaison Officer towards Formal Institutions 2010/11


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c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



Anna PotzyLiaison Officer towards Medical Stuidents‘ Organizations 2010/11

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



1st of November 2010 (elected by the EB)


EEB Face 2 Face meeting in Münster -November 2010bvmd Bundeskongress in Münster - November 2010EEB Handover meeting with Verena Thiel in Bamberg -November 2010IFMSA General Assembly in Jarkarta, Indonesia - March 2011Swimsa SwimsCon in Zürich - April 2011bvmd MV in Halle - May 2011EEB– Face 2 Face meeting and NCM in Warsaw - May 2011 EEB Face 2 Face meeting in Heidelberg - July 2011IFMSA General Assembly in Copenhagen -August 2011EEB Face 2 Face meeting in Cres, Croatia -August 2011

Additionally, attended most of the online EEB meetings and several DIA/DEA meetings; attended all WHSS online meetings; attended and chaired 2 online meetings with AMSA (Asian Medical Students Association), attended 2 IFISO online meetings and 2 online meetings with FELOSCEM about the Mulicentric “ I love my heart” congress.

I missed the WHSS F2F due to unforeseen difficulties with my Lab work.


Even though I had considerable experience with other SO such as bvmd and EMSA Heidelberg I was new to EMSA Europe. Fortunately I got a very good handover from Verena Thiel, who also provided a nice written manual. Also I was fortunate to live in the same city as two other EEB members and in the first months I was always able to contact our VPE, if there were any questions. Due to the fact that I wasn´t appointed at the EMSA GA in Athens the handover process took a little longer but was overall very smoothly and thorough. Having had a good handover I would like to stress the importance of such and urge the next board to continue professionalising the Handover process.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium




- Represent EMSA and its ideas towards other student organizations o I did so via mail and also through attening meetings. I managed to establish and delelop our relations with EDSA and AMSA. I represented EMSA on two bvmd meetings and on one swimsa meeting. Although I joined two IFISO online meetings I was unable to attend the F2F meeting because one was held before I was appointed and the other one was at the same time as the IFMSA MM.

- Keeping up the dialogue with IFMSA o I attended both IFMSA Gas and was able to represent and promote EMSA there. Unfortunately there was no progress made on agreeing on a new EPA mainly due to time problems of the RC Europe. I also liaised with a lot of NMOs in the NMO management session and hope that this will result in some new EMSA FMOs in the near future

- Taking part in the organization of World HSS 2011 o I followed the mailing list and helped finding a host and creating the agenda. As the So-Lo has only an advisory position within the JWG, I gave input whenever possible, but could not participate in the voting process of the JWG. I promoted the event at the EMSA NCM, via our Facebook page and at the IFMSA GA. I organized all medical students that go to Prague to have a joined mailing list and Facebook page. I will follow up on the whole process by staying in the WG until the WHSS is finished and evaluated. .

- Supporting FMOs to establish joint projects with other student organizations (medical and non medical) o My session on the NCM was focused mainly on accessing the needs of the FMOs regarding this topic. I also provided an overview over possible partners of cooperation and accessed which local projects would be eligible for cooperation. Since our webpage is not working right now I saved the info in a document and will hand it over to my successor.

- Establish the multidisciplinary Bologna workshop as a yearly event o Since this is more part of the medical education pillar Suleyman Yildiz worked on this and held a Joined Bologna workshop with IFMSA at Yeditepe. For making it multidisciplinary I felt that I should focus first on internal stability and did not have the resources to make this happen.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


- Exploring possible fields of cooperation with student organizations from technical disciplines o Due to overlapping schedules I was unable to make it to the IFISO meetings. But our training programe is cooperating very efficiently with trainers from technical disciplines and I see a lot of potential there for future boards.

- Establish interprofessional twinning projects o I worked and planned the twinning with AMSA which will be held in summer 2012.I think this is a good way to strengthen our ties to other regional medical student associations and find more effective ways of cooperation in the future.


Working on an international board is a great challenge but nothing that’s worthwhile is ever easy! And if I realized something this year it is that EMSA is worthwhile. In the last year I did not only grow on a personal level but also met many awesome people and started new projects.

In the beginning of my term I took some time to access the current situation of EMSA and find out in which way I could benefit the organization the most. As a result I first focused on correcting the portfolio and getting input from the directors. I also worked on submitting our new logo to our external partners and created a short description about EMSA for various webpage. I also caught up with the things going on the different servers and finding my way in the multitude of European, national and international Student Organizations them being medical or non medical. After setting that into perspective with the things I learned about EMSAs European projects and contacts (current and future) I decided to focus mainly on medicine related and medical SOs this term. This decision was made due to two reasons: 1. I realized that the main cooperating field for non medical SOs would be our training system and our HRO had a multitude of amazing contacts through the Trainers Forum. So my assistance there was not needed.2. There were two important things coming up in our relations with medicine related SOs: The EPA with IFMSA was running out and the WHSS was coming up in 2011. Both things would require a great deal of work and where very important for EMSA.At around the same time we started our negotiations with EPSA which were mainly carried out by our PO Luis Machado due to the fact that he and the EPSA PO were both in Brussels at the time. I followed this process closely and used it to gain experience for my upcoming negotiations with IFMSA. Suggesting improvements and familiarizing myself with the formal aspects of such a document. After that I prepared the IFMSA GA in Jakarta.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


In March I went to Jakarta and had a very successful MM for EMSA. Me and the RC Europe worked on the EPA in the European Regional Meeting and agreed on a timeline for the follow up. I promoted EMSA as well as the EMS council together with Sandor Ory the EMS Council president. I was also able to collect some best practices from different NMOs regarding our board work.As I was in Indonesia I could not attend the TCE and the F2F in Istanbul.

After my return from Indonesia on April 1st several things happened: 1. Due to personal reasons our Vice president for external affairs resigned. 2. I was unable to communicate with the RC Europe due to her refusal to reply to my mails and FB messages 3. Due to organizational issues, that I was unable to control, I could not continue my thesis as planned and was therefore unable to attend both the EuReMe and the WHSS F2F.

Suddenly I was left with only one fellow DEA member (as Luis term as a PO ended in April as well) and most importantly without a head of department, I could coordinate myself with. This was very difficult because I was struggling with the IFMSA relations at this point and had to work more than foreseen at my thesis ( a project I was anticipating to finish before my travels to Indonesia).So I focused on Swimsa and bvmd and prepared the NCM sessions, since I was unable to work on the IFMSA relations.


More prominent tasks:• Worked on and finalised the handover template and the General Handover Document together with Sietke Postrema, Sophia Ribero and Iza Ene.• Reviewed the EMSA portfolio.• Held and prepared a session at the NCM, assisted at the policy statement training and at the MEPH pillar session.• Worked on the World HSS 2011 agenda, goals and promotion. • Promoted EMSA within bvmd and swimsa.• Represented EMSA and promoted cooperation on projects at two IFMSA GAs.• Developed and started a pilot twinning project with AMSA (Asian Medical Students association).• Maintained relations with several student organizations (AEGEE; JWG, IFISO, IFMSA, etc).• Organized and hosted the F2F in Heidelberg.• Took part in the development of structural changes to the EEB and especially the DEA.• Talked with FELOSCEM about setting up a joint project on the prevention of cardiovascular risk factors • Prepared a Memorandum of understanding with EDSA• Helped gain 2 new FMO• .Ensured a smooth handover in my FMO.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


Along with the general task of the SOLO such as processing requests from other SO and/or forwarding them to the responsible person and vice versa plus following the respective mailing lists, I also supported other EEB members and helped to provide a better infrastructure for future boards.


If the structural changes are adopted by the GA: - The position of the SO-LO would be incorporated in the position of the LO - The cooperation on projects would go to the directors with the LO only forwarding possible requests from Externals - Create and maintain a DEA workgroup with some skilled and experienced members who can take part of long term projects such as WHSS, the AMSA/EMSA twinning, the cooperation with FELOSCEM. - For the LO the relations he should focus upon are the IFMSA, IFISO and FELOSCEM/AMSA. Also he should be taking care of the more official duties such as inviting externals to our meetings and keeping up the official parts of our communication. - The LO should be in charge of preparing and collecting reports from all the attended meetings and publish them on our new webpage or on the EMSA mailing lists. It would also be his duty to update our database of external contacts. - The LO should work together with the VPE as close as possible and coordinate well with him as to not overlap on certain issues. Regular DEA online meetings should be held to update each other on the current progress. EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS

Get to know you fellow board members as soon as possible!Is hard to work with someone you only know via e-mail. Have private chats/ call them via skype if you can´t make it to the F2F meetings. Try to make it to as many F2F as possible throughout the year and take part in making them productive! Most things that take days or weeks to discuss via mail can be solved in an hour or two on a F2F so use your time there well.

Prepare yourself! Whether it is a F2F, an online board meeting or a meeting with Externals. You have better results in less time, which will save a lot of energy and keep you motivated. Remember every minute you talk unnecessarily will take a minute from all the 10+ other people there so that makes 10+ minutes they could be working for EMSA. Consider the same thing when writing e-mail.

Agree on a strategy within the DEA and keep the other DEA members updated about your work. Consider writing reports for the meetings you attended telling the EMSAi about your work.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


Coordinate your work with the directors and be flexible in reacting to their needs.

Be aware of your limitations! You are not part of the EB so you do not have the power to set up cooperation by yourself, you need an EB member. Also you are not a director, so be sure to involve them when setting up joint projects.

Try to find a source of intrinsic motivation and be flexible in finding other things you can do if the original plan is not working out.

In e-mail communication: think before you write and try to keep it clear and to the point. Format important mail and be specific about what you want the others to do. Use google docs/ doodle etc whenever possible. Also if you are very upset by a mail consider answering the following day.

You need a working website! Being a year without one made me realise that this should have been the top priority of the whole board from the beginning. But hopefully it will be online by the time you get this report!

Learn from others! There is no need to reinvent the wheel. If you think someone, be it a person or an organisation, is good at something ask them how they do it. Gather best practises and share them within the board

And last but not least: You are the face of EMSA! Whenever you go to a meeting it depends on you what people think of EMSA.


I would like to thank every hardworking Emsai that has made this year an amazing one!And I would especially like to thank my Board for keeping up with all my mails, my ideas and my nagging. You have been a great team and it was my absolute pleasure and honor to work with you!You are emsastic! Stay that way! ;-)

Contact details:

Anna PotzyLiasion Officer towards Student Organisatins 2010/11

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



EMSA EUROPE 2010 - 2011

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



Ingmar RinasPublic Relations Officer 2010-2011

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



12th of October 2010 – Elected by the EMSA General Assembly 2010 in Athens, Greece


eoGA and German Bundeskongress and EEB Face 2 Face Meeting in Münster, Germany - November 2010EEB Face 2 Face meeting in Bucharest, Romania - January 2011EEB Face 2 Face meeting and Training Center of Excellence in Istanbul, Turkey - March 2011EPSA annual congress in Lisbon, Portugal - April 2011EEB Face 2 Face meeting and the NCM in Warsaw, Poland - May 2011TBH book presentation in Lisbon, Portugal - May 2011Right2Research Coalition congress in Berlin, Germany - May 2011EEB Face 2 Face meeting in Cres, Croatia - August 2011GA and EEB Face 2 Face meeting in Leiden, The Netherlands - September 2011

Additionally, attended most of the online EEB meetings; most of the Department of External Affairs meetings; some online meetings with externals (Right2Research Coalition, EPSA)

Missed the EEB F2F meeting in Ohrid, Macedonia (June) and F2F meeting in Heidelberg, Germany (July) due to personal reasons.


I had my handover throughout my predecessor Paul-Henry Mackeprang at the GA in Athens in Greece. He gave me most of the needed files, designs and information in the days during and after the GA. In the upcoming weeks he passed me further needed files and layouts making it possible to me start working. I was worked in the EEB work by several online meetings and the mailing list.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium




Before starting my work for EMSA last year I had no experience in working in a students organization’s board at all. Meeting my predecessor Paul-Henry in Athens was coincidental and I did not really know what to expect from my first year in a (international) students’ board. Fortunately, I benefited a lot by the great work of Paul Henry who gave EMSA a corporate identity, which had basically to be spread throughout all official documents that are published by our organization.

In addition in October 2010 I was elected as one of two Germany’s National Coordinator’s assistants at bvmd assembly in Cologne, Germany. NC was Michaela Hurmer from Munich and the second assistant was Mareike Evers from Berlin. Together we dissolved EMSA Germany and managed the integration of EMSA as a standing committee of the bvmd (IFMSA Germany) in order to avoid double structures and gain a better efficiency. From that time on the working group leader of the bvmd was NC of Germany and able to have two assistants helping her with the workload. Finally, I was released from that position in June 2011 in Tübingen. As a result, most of the time as my term as an EMSA EEB member I was part of the extended IFMSA Germany board (bvmd) as well. Especially in the end of 2010 and the beginning of 2011 the time needed for EMSA increased temporarily and it was quite hard to fulfil the aims I set to myself according to the results of my work for both positions facing the fact that I had to pass several additional exams for my studies making it possible to start my ERASMUS period in Lisbon in March 2011.Due to the characteristics of my work for EMSA that were mainly more technical than substantial one’s I think I could manage to give my best to both positions and organizations. Understandably, I spent more time and gave more personal resources for my work as a full responsible member of the EEB.Coming back to my work for EMSA most of the layouts Paul Henry developed I could use for the publications I worked upon, too. I modified some and continued working on the EMSA logo in order to enhance the professional appearance of EMSA.

After the handover period in which Paul-Henry ordered the business cards for the new board and designed new membership certificates for our FMO’s I started working on personalized letterheads for the EEB. After that I started thinking about redesigning our logo again. Paul-Henry presented an updated logo at the GA in Athens, which included the full name of EMSA around the four letters. It looked more professional and I wanted to keep that idea. Looking at the four letters in detail it appear to me that they actually look like three-dimensional objects that indeed could look more plastic and haptic. I decided to take a sketch of them and scan the draft to split up each letter to several shapes and add transparencies to them. After enhancing this draft for several times I finished working on the final version in December 2010. It was in fact the deadline facing the fact that we had to order several promotional materials until the end of the year 2010.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


Finally, I used the brushed up version of the logo after it was accepted by the EEB in all upcoming online and print documents connected to EMSA. In addition, soon there will be a so-called polygon model of our four letters as three-dimensional objects in a space. I imagine to let the letters spin in a virtual room enlightened by several spots and create a short movie as an introduction to our new website. The help of a professional 3D-graphic expert only can implement these ideas. I am in contact with him and expect results until the GA in Leiden.In November 2010 I designed as well email signatures for the board and finished the layout of the portfolio and the EEB introduction document together with Tin (President) to order and print them next to envelopes, ball pens, stickers and noting pads in December. The first part of promotional material was handed out at the NCM in May 2011; the second part is going to be distributed at the GA in Athens. In addition, I took a look to EMSA archives and put them in a proper order to work with them.After completing these tasks I started on working on the New Years Edition of Euromeds layout and we published it due to big exams with a delay of a month in February 2011.

In March I started my ERASMUS in Lisbon, Portugal and dedicated my work to design updated certificates of attendance to our members according to EMSA’s CI and clothing (t-shirts, polo’s and hoodies) for the EEB. You will finally see the results of that work by the GA in Leiden. In April I started to enhance the EMSA appearance on Facebook by creating a banner, created a new version of Training New Trainers logo and visited together with Luis Machado, former Permanent Officer in Brussels, the annual congress of the European Pharmaceutical Students’ Association (EPSA) in Lisbon due to the fact that at this time I was at the place and could represent EMSA quite easily. I established several contacts and saw once again (there was a meeting between EPSA representatives and the EEB during our F2F in Bucharest in January 2011) how similar our organizations are and how much potential for future collaboration there is. I talked to the new elected president Guilherme Monteiro Ferreira and both organizations signed a partnership agreement. Furthermore, I realized how important our external relations are and how much potential shared knowledge between students associations has. The way towards future should be clear. Further collaborations will enhance the quality of each participating organization.

The next month, May, was a quite busy one for me. Together with Luis and Borislav I went to Berlin to gather more information about the Right2Research Coalition, which is an organization that claim free access to recent research results to every student. We discussed a possible collaboration with them and are looking ahead to adopt an agreement at the GA in Leiden. After compiling the layout for the Cultural Injection project description and redesigning our Teddy Bear Hospital (TBH) logo, our great National Coordinators Meeting (NCM) in Warsaw started where I assisted Sebastian (MEPH Pillar Director) in his policy making session. Directly after the NCM I travelled with Tin to Lisbon to the presentation of a TBH book created in collaboration between EMSA Portugal and AEFML Protugal, the IFMSA equivalent. There I recorded an interview between Tin Knežević and Chijioke Kaduru (IFMSA President) that were both invited by the organisation committee in Lisbon. Parts of that interview will most probably be presented at the GA in Leiden. It was the first recorded meeting

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


between the leaders of both organizations so far. In June most of my work was dedicated to the preparations for the GA in Leiden and I redesigned several documents needed for the assembly such as proxy or motion form. Next to that I compiled the “How to prepare the GA?!” layout. Together with Tin I set up articles and filled our web site with texts and pictures. The new EMSA web site will be online until the GA.


Public Relations Officer• EEB handover with Paul-Henry Mackeprang (predecessor)• Updated the Portfolio as a general EMSA overview• Created a new brushed up EMSA logo • Created several templates and documents using the existing colour scheme, design elements • Layout of various documents for the NCM, FMO certificates, the EEB and the GA• Designed and ordered the EEB envelopes, brochures, folders and stickers

General EEB tasks• Worked on the new EMSA structure• Public Relations Officer job description• Updated FMO Address and LC list together with the EB• Improved the Internal Rules together with the EEB.• Set a draft for the Statutes together with the EEB.• Established merger of EMSA Germany and IFMSA Germany (bvmd)• Established collaboration to the European Pharmaceutical Students’ Association• Established collaboration to the Right2Research Coalition• Assisted workshops about policy making during the NCM in Warsaw.• Involved in strategically planning of the Future of EMSA


- Extended competencies of the PR branch - external contacts - Major increase in fundraising activities with the printed portfolio - Distribution of the new EMSA design to the FMOs - Further development of the CI - Updating of the web site by giving recent information about upcoming events, press releases, - Improving in spreading information throughout internet media like facebook, twitter, etc.


Looking back on my first year in the EEB it was a very exciting period of my life. I met a bunch of new people and cultures. The possible collaborations with the other student’s initiatives in Europe gave me a new perspective of EMSA and its potential. The time in the EEB showed up that all of us have the potential to do great things just by keeping ourselves awake and staying set off to new horizons.Technically, I learned a lot in designing and theory of publications including

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


ordering promotional materials and creating corporate identities in order to spread information. In addition, of course I improved my language and organisation skills. Furthermore, working successfully in a team requires good communication and the personal sacrifice by each member. It is necessary to be able to empathize with other board members and to stick to a common goal.

Due to my exams I had a more or less inactive time in January 2011 and a more active time from May till the GA in 2011. I did as much as I could combining my studies and EMSA work and my work for the bvmd but still didn’t achieve everything I wanted to. I wanted to promote EMSA amongst the media agencies amongst Europe and promote EMSA events much more with the help of our new established web sites and our servers. Unfortunately, the web site was introduced with a delay of several months that made it difficult to fill the press release section there with fruitful contents. All in all I am quite satisfied with the amount of work I got done during the year, even though it was partly different from what I imagined it to be. My work was obviously not only limited to the creation of promotion materials for EMSA. Due to my ERASMUS stay I got the opportunity to represent EMSA to other student’s organizations and therefore gained a lot more of experience than I expected. When it comes to deadlines I would recommend to set deadlines early for all EEB members, otherwise the PRO has not enough time to compile the contents with the layout of the documents in time properly.

For the future I recommend to focus on building up a sustainable work group of public relations that can share the tasks amongst each other. The last year showed that the workload can turn very intense for one person alone doing the job of a web designer, graphic designer, publications officer, IT expert, web developer, fundraising officer and representative. Therefore, I suggest creating a working group that can share these tasks between each other. This will help to sustain the professional image of EMSA towards external contacts. It will furthermore help to improve a field that has almost been neglected in EMSA history for years.


- Make use of the Work Group! These tasks are too time consuming to be conducted by a single person. Find specialists for tasks that are out of your work focus early!- Keep in mind you don’t have the same amount of time you can spend on EMSA work during the whole year. Parts of the PR work can easily be rescheduled or be worked on in advance. Use the EEB calendar- Be ready for a change in your communication infrastructure. Having Internet available anytime, anywhere is no pleasing vision, but it surely eases work and cuts it into accomplishable bits.- Reduce communication overhead to a minimum. As the EEB works without personal contact most of the times, communication is essential and misunderstandings occur. Quality of communication really makes the difference in everyday work and the number of tasks being accomplished. Try to be as precise as possible saying everything that has to be said in a minimum number of E-Mails.- Follow the concept of tension and release. No one can survive this

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


workload without taking time off in between. If you include short periods of reduced workload or holidays, your motivation will be even better and working for EMSA will remain fun and easy.- Set early deadlines to EEB members to make sure you yourself have enough time to work in your field which basically starts when all the other work is done!!!

Contact details:

Ingmar RinasPublic Relations Officer 2010/ Doberaner Str. 3418057

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



Iza EneHuman Resources Officer 2010-2011

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



12th of October 2010 (elected by the General Assembly in Athens)


GA in Athens and Post-GA Face to Face meeting - 8-13th of September 2010German Bundeskongress and EEB Face 2 Face meeting in Münster, Germany - 18-22 of November 2010EEB face to face meeting, Bucharest, Romania - 6-10 January 2011 - Organized the meeting.Trainers’ Forum 2011, Vienna - 3rd - 7 th of March 2011 Representing EMSA, getting ideas and input for EMSA’s Training system, bringing EMSA to the attention of trainers of other organizations. Held face to face meetings with the training coordinators from Germany and The Netherlands, with the training director of EPSA and with IFISO training coordinators. The Trainers Forum was organized by the Board of European Students of Technology (BEST).EEB face to face meeting, Training New Trainers and Training Center of Excel-lence in Istanbul, Turkey - 20-30th of March 2011 Organized the content and training-related part of the event.EEB face to face meeting and the NCM in Warsaw, Poland - 2nd to 10th of May 2011EEB face to face meeting in Heidelberg, Germany - 30th of June- 4th of July 2011EEB face to face meeting in Cres, Croatia - 8-13th of August 2011GA and EEB Face 2 Face meeting in Leiden, The Netherlands - 28th of August- 4th of September

Attended as many as possible online EEB meetings; Held online meetings with the trainers in preparation for the training sessions; Held meetings with the OC of the TCE. Online and face to face meetings with local or international training represen-tatives from non medical student organizations such as AIESEC, EPSA, EGEA, EFPSA, IFSA, Zero Generation, with trainers from the IFISO trainers platform and with the BVMD and IFMSA NL training coordinators.

Missed the EMS Forum & face to face meeting in Ohrid, Macedonia from the 1-5 of June 2011 because of overlapping exam dates.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



After the EMSA GA in Athens and then by online meetings Naomi Bege-mann handed over all the important documents, her views on the future EMSA training system and an overview of the tasks of the Human Resources Officer. A job description, a list of contacts and the results of the NCM trai-ning event in Istanbul were also part of the handover.



As Human Resources Officer the aims I set and reached are the following:

• Create a sustainable & functional EMSA Training System• Organize the first EMSA TNT • Create, foster and empower the EMSA Training Team • Organize the first edition of the Training Center of Excellence (in cooperation with the Yeditepe OC)• Provide Trainings, training material and support for the EMSA European Board• Discuss and cooperate with the existing training coordinators in the process of creating this new training system• Creating and updating a database of training material• Analyze what the needs are and organize EMSA Trainings in accordance to those needs (TNT, TCE, trainings on topics that are needed at the major events)• Organizing trainings for the NCM, GA and also trainings for the EEB• Establish a follow-up system and an internal recognition system for EMSA trainers – in progress• Share training opportunities with the trainers and members. The sources were mainly the IFISO training Coordinators mailing list, the Trainers Forum and the Salto platforms.• Make use of the input and experience of other training systems. I have gathered input from over 10 student and 3 professional organizations that have an established training system and training database*• Help reach a good level of communication within the board both online and face to face.• Provide support for the handover process and other training information when and where needed • Give the board access to information and skills (trainings, booklets, resources)

I hope to be able to use the website and in particular the groupware, in the near future, so that to further the communication amongst trainers and also as platform for sharing training material.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



In the past year I have been given the amazing opportunity of more or less inventing a training system for EMSA and took it as a unique chance and as a personal challenge. The things I wanted most were to implement and foster high quality standards, sustainability and an appropriate place for personal development. The first part of my term was dedicated to scouting for best practices amongst the many currently existing training systems*. It was a wonderful process of finding - choosing - adapting & upgrading different solutions or approaches to the needs of EMSA or to the problems we might face. There slowly appeared to be a solution to mostly everything one might think of and a year was barely enough time to put part of those into practice or to get some others started. Striving for sustainability, I compiled and structured the notes, the references and the contacts and have included them in my handover document so that my successor will be able to continue using the result of that research time.Amongst the improvements I found most important and that tried to include in our now existing training system were:

- A coaching and mentorship program that would start at the TNT and continue until the trainer is recognized as an experienced trainer.- Sustainability, motivation and internal recognition- Quality evaluation and a straight forward reporting system for all trainings including the trainings of trainers- Putting together an extensive database of training materials- High quality standards for the EMSA TNT

The TNTs trainers’ team included 3 experienced trainers 2 from amongst medical students and a non medical student trainer from BEST, AIESEC and AEGEE. We took particular care to help the trainees set and accomplish perso-nal improvement goals with the help of coaching and also put an emphasis on training design, training delivery and motivation. Before the TNT at the Training Center of Excellence was organized I had pre-pared a prospective EMSA TNT (28. 01to 3.02.2011) that I was supposed to held in Bucharest together with Rianne Schutter from The Netherlands. Logistically it could have been done (we had accommodation, food arrangements and 22% (270 euros) covered from the budget) but since one month and a half would have been be very short notice for an international TNT, together with the trainers we decided to focus our efforts on the TNT at the upcoming Training Center of Excellence (Istanbul 22-28 of March 2011). At the TCE – Training Center of Excellence 12 trainings were delivered by both experienced and TNT trainers. The training subjects were chosen accor-ding to the survey done at the NCM training event.At the NCM 6 trainings were held by EMSA trainers. The topics were chosen according to the needs of the pillars and the working group as described by the directors. At the GA 4 trainings will be delivered by EMSA trainers and EMSA alumni in accordance with the preferences of the GA participants.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium




Training• Worked in close cooperation with Wander Kenter and kept into account the input received from the national training directors of IFMSA NL and BVMD• Developed, distributed and analyzed questionnaires about training needs. • Selecting the training topics and the trainers for the TCE, TNT and NCM• Providing the trainers with a proper needs assessment, informational and logistical support (TNT, TCE, NCM).• Selected the training topics for the next GA and contributed to their integration in the agenda.• Started the process of finding trainers for the GA training sessions.• Evaluating the EMSA training sessions• Completed Handover on my part.

Training in relation to EEB• Put together a guide with basic information on grant writing• Organised trainings specifically for board members (Team building and strategic planning, Project management, Communication, Handover), found experienced trainers to deliver them and worked on having them personalized to the specific needs of the board.• 5 board members became EMSA trainers and thus got a chance to improve their knowledge and abilities in topics such as facilitation, delivery and construction of sessions, and public speaking

  EMSA  Trainer   Country   EMSA  Trainer  since:  

1.   Aleksandra  Petrović   Croatia   EMSA  TNT  in  Istanbul  22-­‐28th  of  March  2011  

2.   Jurica  Vrbanec   Croatia   EMSA  TNT  in  Istanbul  22-­‐28th  of  March  2011  

3.   Tin  Knezevic   Croatia   EESTEC  TNT  on  an  EMSA  spot  in  July  2009  

4.   Borislav  Manev   FYR  Macedonia   EMSA  TNT  in  Istanbul  22-­‐28th  of  March  2011  

5.   Sebastian  Schmidt   Germany   EMSA  TNT  in  Istanbul  22-­‐28th  of  March  2011  

6.   Georgios  Tsaknias   Greece   EMSA  TNT  in  Istanbul  22-­‐28th  of  March  2011  7.   Maria  Tsichli   Greece   EMSA  TNT  in  Istanbul  22-­‐28th  of  March  2011  

8.   Federico  Pisanu   Italy   Trainer  at  the  EMSA  TNT  in  Istanbul  

22-­‐28th  of  March  2011  

9.   Sofia  Ribeiro   Portugal   EMSA  TNT  in  Istanbul  22-­‐28th  of  March  2011  

10.   Alexandra-­‐Ioana  Ienak   Romania   EMSA  TNT  in  Istanbul  22-­‐28th  of  March  2011  

11.   Bogdan  Matei   Romania   EMSA  TNT  in  Istanbul  22-­‐28th  of  March  2011  

12.   Iza  Ene   Romania   Trainer  at  the  EMSA  TNT  in  Istanbul    22-­‐28th  of  March  2011  

13.   Tamara  Darbyshire   The  Netherlands   EMSA  TNT  in  Istanbul  22-­‐28th  of  March  2011  

14.   Naomi  Begemann   The  Netherlands   EMSA  TNT  in  Istanbul  22-­‐28th  of  March  2011  

15.   Wander  Kenter   The  Netherlands   Trainer  at  the  EMSA  TNT  in  Istanbul    22-­‐28th  of  March  2011  

16.   Lamia  Jouini   Tunisia   EMSA  TNT  in  Istanbul  22-­‐28th  of  March  2011  

17.   Aslı  Kaplan   Turkey   EMSA  TNT  in  Istanbul  22-­‐28th  of  March  2011  

18.   Ceren  Sultan  Altay   Turkey   EMSA  TNT  in  Istanbul  22-­‐28th  of  March  2011  

19.   Semih  Küçükcankurtaran   Turkey   EMSA  TNT  in  Istanbul  22-­‐28th  of  March  2011

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


• Contributed to having training or training methods included in the NCM pillar sessions

Creating and working on the EMSA Training System• Organized the first EMSA Training New Trainers (TNT) and the first edition of the Training Center of Excellence (TCE)• Prepared for and then held the first EMSA Training New Trainers Workshop together with Wander Kenter and Federico Pisanu.• Providing support to the team of trainers (coaching, training material, and feedback on training agendas). • Supporting the EMSA trainers to find or create training opportunities and providing references for them.• Forming, together with the trainers an interactive trainers server and social platform.• Contact with Training-Coordinators from different NGO’s.• Assembled a Training material database (aka a Training Library) of over 8 GB• Training team identity: 2 Logos of the EMSA Training team.• Continuing work on Training system.

General EEB tasks• Handover document – a standard form adapted to the needs of the EEB for personal handover• Contributed to the job description template• Composing the first version of the sponsorship package.• Writing the minutes of the face to face board meeting in Istanbul

Other• Familiarised myself with the work of the former PO at the CPME in view of the 6 months period when I will be occupying the same position (September 1st 2011 - March 1st 2012)


Student organisations with a training system: AIESEC, EPSA, EGEA, EFPSA, IFSA, IFMSA, AEGEE, BEST, Bonding, World Organisation of the Scouts Movement - through the Romanian Scouts Association, USR (Romanian Students Union)Professional organisations concerned with training: Stand for Development; New Media School; Zero Generation, No Label Project.

ENVISIONED ROADMAP FOR THE ROLE OF HUMAN RESOURCES OFFICER IN 2011- 2012: - Support and help develop the EMSA team of trainers - Help organize EMSA trainings and training events such as the TCE or trainings at the GA and NCM - Provide the EMSA European board with training related information or material - Give a helping hand with the team dynamics within the EMSA international team (trainings, handover support, team building, facilitation, mediation or whatever will be needed)

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



Being a team and working from so far apart can be rather tricky. Individual online work in a multi cultural team will require quite a bit of innovation and adapting but can also be a lot of fun. Your work will also be about helping with this and not only about the training.

RECOMMENDATIONS FOR OUR SUCCESSORS WOULD BE: 1. Support and foster communication and cooperation within the EMSA trainers team by online and interactive tools and by offering constant and frequent training opportunities. 2. Encourage and support the trainers to constantly improve themselves. 3. Organize trainings or training events for EMSAi, for EEB members and also for trainers with the occasion of each of the EMSA meeting or wherever there is a need or demand 4. Conduct and analyze periodically the needs or problems faced by the EMSAi the FMOs, LCs, local boards, NCs and the international board and try to offer trainings that will help overcome the problems that seem frequent and important. 5. Help maintain a good communication and productivity within the EEB. 6. Provide training knowledge and help improve skills where this is needed. You can contribute in particular by using training methods and experience to help make the handover periods and the sessions be as productive as possible. 7. Create a strategic plan for your term, look over it and update it monthly.

Credits and special thanks to:

Naomi Begemann, trainer formed by EESTEC and the person who brought trai-ning to EMSA, for putting a very good basis and inspiring a great start.Wander Kenter, IFMSA trainer for his constant support in making all our ob-jectives and dreams fade in the face of reality. Tin Knezevic, trainer formed by EESTEC and ongoing active supporter of trainings within EMSA in the last 2 years and during the Training Center of Excellence.Federico Pisanu, BEST, AEGEE and AIESEC trainer, trainer at the TNT for his help with the process of coaching the new trainers during the TNT.Süleyman Yıldız, Medical Education Director for taking on the challenge of organizing the TCE and for his constant strive to make it impeccable.

Contact details:

Iza EneHuman Resources Officer 2010/2011hr@emsa-europe.euizaene@gmail.comCalea Vitan 113 bl.V16B, ap.18, sector 3031282 Bucharest RomaniaSkype: iza_ene

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



Tamara DarbyshireFund Raising Officer 2010/11


EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium




EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



Brussels, February 2011

The undersigned European students’ associations,

Committing to establish a solid and long lasting partnership, in order to conso-lidate the relations between our two organizations, Willing to improve collaboration in the Healthcare sector and the field of Public Health, Aiming to empower our roles and strengthen our positions within the Euro-pean Institutions and relevant stakeholders, in order to voice our students’ concerns and address their needs,

Endorse the following Statement:

“The European Medical Students’ Association (EMSA) and the European Phar-maceutical Students’ Association (EPSA) are European student organizations representing Healthcare students and have been cooperating in several initia-tives. Both our organizations have common interests and share common needs and face common challenges.

With this Statement it is our primary goal to formalize cooperation and a long term partnership between our two organizations.

The objects of the cooperation shall be:

- To actively searching for new joint projects and initiatives with greater benefit for our student members;

- To enhance communication between the boards of the two associations and ensure the continuity of this communication;

- To encourage and promote regular meetings between our trainees based in Brussels, namely the EMSA Permanent Officer and the EPSA Vice-President for External Affairs;

- To share our best practices, as well as relevant contacts and experience, without overlapping each other’s affairs;

- To seek to act with a common voice whenever the topic is appropriate and there are common interests for both organizations;

- To aim strengthen the cooperation between other European Healthcare Students’ Associations or other Associations whose aim might be relevant for both.

While respecting our differences, we see much potential in our closer collabo-ration and urge our Boards as well as our members to adopt a synergic form of cooperation in order to fully achieve the aforementioned potentials.We furthermore strongly advise our successors and their boards to proactively and open- mindedly search for a more efficient model of joint activity, also

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


taking into account other European healthcare student organizations, with the aim of increasing the effectiveness of our common efforts.Lastly, we applaud the effort, the collaborative spirit and the mutual respect that has been shown so far and remain hopeful to see an improvement in the near future but especially in the far one.

Luís MachadoEMSA Permanent Officer 2010-2011On behalf of the European Medical Students’ AssociationFebruary 2011

Sanziana Marcu-LapadatEPSA Vice-President for External Affairs 2010-2011On behalf of the European Pharmaceutical Students’ AssociationFebruary 2011

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


a. b.

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c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium





Affirming the importance, impact and success of youth exchange programs such as the Erasmus program;Recognizing the importance of further developing the European Higher Education, common standards and diploma recognition;Recognizing the impact of youth mobility and international youth events on the process of European Integration;Appraising the work of European institutions such as the European Union and the Council of Europe as foundations of European integration and cooperation;Appraising the involvement of Youth Organizations in the European political process and recognizing the importance in bringing those political processes closer to the general public by making them more transparent as well as involving the public in them;Emphasizing that the bureaucratic process to develop initiatives in Europe should be simplified in order to stimulate the European youth to initiate new projects;Recognizing the differences in the socio-economic background as important challenge to the equal involvement of young Europeans youth activities;Affirming the continued European youth enthusiasm and energy towards the common European goals;Being aware of the fact that the support and the success of the European youth has been recognized around the world.Convinced of the necessity of European institutions and governments providing perspectives to young people;


Convinced that the European youth is the key to European future;

We, the youth of Europe, endorse the following statements:


In addition to the existence of European Supranational bodies, integration of youth of all European countries needs to be strengthened.Understanding that the youth of today and especially the leaders of the youth organizations are already and are going to be strongly involved in the civil society as well as the political processes, we feel thatinternational youth organizations and improved mobility through projects such as the Erasmus program have a deep and lasting impact on the quality and strength of the European integration processes.Therefore, nowadays having friends from other European countries is a growing reality for many of the European youth.In spite of the vast language barriers within Europe, the new generations of young Europeans are more connected than ever. This happened not only

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


due to new opportunities social media but also due to the open-minded spirit of European cooperation deeply rooted in many European youth’s minds. Technological advances and falling prices of both travel and communication today have helped this project to gain momentum. Furthermore, solving European political debates and opening up borders to citizens throughout the European region have enabled and then after empowered the European youth to communicate and cooperate thereby lifting the European spirit.However, this process is far from being complete and may be endangered by the economic instability and especially conflicting political agendas. Therefore, we call upon all European nations to cooperate and to devote themselves to the empowerment of youth as well has to continue the path that has been bringing increased stability and peace in the region that has, not that long ago, been deeply divided.


Europe has provided many opportunities for young people. However, access to these opportunities is far from equal. Even though European countries are aiming on building a common European higher education area there are vast inequalities in access to higher education and between higher education programs. Increasing economic pressure, not only due to the current economic crisis, is prohibiting many young people from accessing these opportunities. Appreciating diversity and acknowledging the differences between European countries, we believe that all European youth is equal and should be provided as many opportunities as possible. We call upon European nations to work together towards providing equal opportunities to all. Therefore we call upon all the stakeholders to commit themselves to the cause and continue working in and developing youth organizations and European civil society as well as providing multiple and diverse opportunities to the youth of Europe.


Recognizing the increasing value of soft skills, especially intercultural awareness, which can hardly be attained through traditional formal education; we understand and are affirming the importance of non- formal education and lifelong learning. Youth organizations have become an important platform for young people to develop these skills. Even though there is an increasing awareness of the value of non-formal education and the role of youth organizations, much remains to be done. We call upon decision makers to recognize the need of non-formal education when designing curricula and support their students in extra- curricular activities. We support the idea of recognition of non-formal education, for example through the ECTS system.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



Experiencing the strength and spirit deeply rooted in youth organizations, many young people commit themselves volunteering their time, skills and expertise in order to achieve common goals. By doing so, those young people are becoming an integral part of the European civil society. This work includes theimprovement of living, education and work standards, thereby making an effort towards a better future not only for individuals and groups, but for the whole Europe. Even though the added value of Youth Organizations within the European society is recognized and highly valued by many, we are becoming increasingly aware of the obstacles that the young Europeans are facing. First and foremost, the recent economic crisis has not only led to strong economic pressure but also decreased opportunities. Specifically, there have been noticeable cuts in local, national and international funding of youth organizations. Should those cuts continue the activity and thereby value of youth organizations would be considerably decreased, endangering not only todays but also tomorrow’s European society.We call upon the appropriate bodies across Europe to recognize the value of European youth organizations in their funding and political decisions and to include financial support of those organizations into their financial planning. Also, the European governments can considerably help youth organizations with supporting visa regimes, public consultation and early involvement as stakeholders. Finally, governments and other stakeholders should adopt a more proactive approach in making the European youth organizations active stakeholders in their work.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


We the EMSA European Board, representing the European Medical Students' Association, endorse the following:

Statement of Intent

Being aware of the simmilarities between our organizations and that added value that strong cooperation between us could bring to European medical students, we feel that our two organizations are ready to undertake a process of integration with the aim of strenghtening our relations, empowerin EMSOC in it's activities and bringing added value to the activities of EMSA in the field of culture.

We therefore suggest an integration process which would result in EMSOC being integrated under the EMSA structure, but with high level of authonomy.

Being aware of the fact that EMSA and it's structure are larger then those of EMSOC, we are also aware of the possibility of EMSOC loosing it's identity within the EMSA structure. To ensure this does not happen, we are ready to ensure this process of integration keeps a high level of authonomy of EMSOC officials and at the same time empowers EMSOC as a project.

To that end we are ready to offer the following status of EMOS within the EMSA network:

1. Authonomy 1.1. EMSOC members would retain the right to elect the organizing committee and the board of EMSOC. EMSA members would gain no priority. 1.2. Non-EMSA members would be free to join EMSOC, host it's events

and be members of it's committees. EMSA members would gain no priority.

1.3. All EMSOC members would gain the right to attend EMSA international events, however the internal rules and bylaws of EMSA Europe on the quota would be observed.

2. Continuity 1.1. EMSOC concert would continue to be hosted annually. 1.2. EMSOC would be able to organize smaller events connected to the EMSA international events.

3. Support 1.1. EMSA would offer EMSOC assistance. Specifically in the fields of human resources (training), funds raising (knowledge and experience of European Grants and other) and public relations (server solution, design support and so on).


EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


4. Initiative 1.1. EMSOC and EMSA would work together on establishing a network

of local and national medical students' choirs and orchestras and would agree to support those already existing.

Furthermore, to ensure high quality and continuity, the following regulations would be necessary:

1. EMSOC and EMSA would agree on one or more liaisons. This person would be in direct contact with the international board of EMSA and would ensure good communication between the two boards.

2. EMSOC would provide an annual activity report that would be presented at the EMSA General Assembly.

EMSA would furthermore obide to the following: 1. EMSOC would be promoted through all EMSA communication

channels equal to all international projects of EMSA Europe. 2. EMSA would activelly promote EMSOC and connect it to other culture-

related activities of the organization. 3. EMSA would furthermore promote EMSOC through other promotional

materials such as broschures, lieflets and alike.

EMSOC would furthermore obide to the following: 1. The logo of EMSA Europe would be prominently placed on the EMSOC

website and on all EMSOC promotional material. 2. EMSOC would promote it's activities as „under the auspices of EMSA


We hope that after carefully reading the content of this document the board and the members of EMSOC will decide to undertake official steps to formalize the relations between our two organizations.

The EMSA European Board looks forward to a reply.

On behalf of the EMSA European Board,

Tin Knežević President

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium




A policy statement of the medical students of EuropeIstanbul, Turkey, 22nd July 2011

Outcome of the Bologna Process Follow-up Workshop-Yeditepe Organized by

European Medical Students’ Association (EMSA) and

International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA)


The students are the core of the university, thus students should be actively involved in academic activities and decisions that are affecting them. Progress in increasing student participation in higher education continues to be slow, with only around one third of respondents to the European Student Union questionnaire, recording a rise compared to 2007 [1]. In particular, there are delays with the implementation of legislation on student participation, where this exists. Only a very small proportion of students’ organizations are satisfied with the current situation, highlighting a need for much greater action to be taken over the next years [1].

Higher education should play a strong role in fostering social cohesion, reducing inequalities and raising the level of knowledge, skills and competences in society [1]. Medical education is not an exception from the situation in general education regarding student involvement and participation in higher education governance.

Student involvement refers to the quantity and quality of the energy that students invest in the experience [2]. Such involvement takes many forms, such as inclusion in academic work, participation in extracurricular activities, and interaction with faculty and other institutional personnel. It is necessary to widen participation at all levels on the basis of equal opportunities.The main problem we identify is that students are not considered to be as relevant as academic staff and other stakeholders are in decision making related to medical education in higher education processes. Getting involved and motivation are linked. Students’ involvement is fundamentally based on motivation. It strongly depends on opportunities, university support, academic staff and educational setting.


We consider students should be equal contributors in the governance of higher education. We believe students are competent, active and constructive partners in the establishment and shaping of educational systems. Students need to be involved in decision-making at all levels, and for their voice to be recognized as of equal value in governance structures.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


STUDENT REPRESENTATIONMedical faculties should have a policy on student representation and appropriate participation in every important matter in the university. Legislation guaranteeing minimum level of student participation is needed and student representativity assured by a certain percent of votes in all higher education bodies.The student representatives should be chosen by democratic vote by all students, periodically. The process should be transparent and any student should have equal rights to candidate and be elected. It should be the student representative’s responsibility to facilitate bilateral communication between university and students, by providing clear, understandable information and total transparency. The students elected as representatives should speak on behalf of the student body as a group regardless of their individual opinion.The students should be assured through their representatives a significant percentage of votes in all decision making bodies of the institution. The university has to provide comprehensive information to students so that they can make informed decisions, as well as providing necessary knowledge in the medical education field. The students should be able to integrate their representation tasks within their academic schedule. Organized development of student opinion is necessary thus we recommend collaboration and communication within the student body on the local, national and international levels, as well as with other governmental or non-governmental bodies and organizations.

STUDENT ORGANIZATIONSStudent organizations provide services and programs needed by students which are not directly provided by the institutions [3].To support students’ involvement, students’ organizations should be encouraged and facilitated. Student activities and organizations would include student self-government and representation on educational committees and other relevant bodies as well as volunteering and social activities [4].Student organizations are essential for national and international cooperation between medical students. We acknowledge the important role of all organizations and recommend collaboration and coordination of different student organizations and students structures.

POLICY, DECISIONS AND REGULATIONSWe believe that students should be involved in all policy, decisions and regulations regarding medical education and higher education governance, at the university level as well as national and international ones.

LEARNING AND TEACHING ACTIVITIESWe support an active role of students in their education by engagement in all learning activities e.g. lectures, tutorials, labs, small or large group teaching, developing of education resources and of teaching skills, including formal and informal involvement in collaborative learning and peer teaching. Faculty should be trained to encourage student involvement.

CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENTStudents should be involved in curriculum development by expressing their opinions and contributing to the design, implementation and evaluation of curriculum. Student representatives should participate in curriculum committee.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIESExtra-curricular activities increase student engagement, satisfaction and personal development. We acknowledge the need for students to be involved in organization of educational, social activities and projects, including meetings, conferences, volunteering activities, social gathering activities and others.We urge the faculty to support such activities not only by creating funds and resources but also by encouraging and motivating student participation.

ASSESSMENTStudents should be involved in assessment by encouraging self-assessment as well as peer-to-peer evaluation. Student representatives should take part in the bodies that decide on the assessment tools used in the university as well as in decisions regarding national post-graduate entry procedures.

FACULTY EVALUATION AND DEVELOPMENTStudents’ opinions regarding content of courses and teaching methods should be taking into consideration in order to improve the quality of teaching and give the direction for faculty development needs. Student representatives should be involved in deciding on tools used for evaluation of faculty and teaching. They should also evaluate to what extent the students’ input has been taken into consideration by the institution. We suggest the result of the evaluation to be public.

HEALTH-CARE COMMUNITY SERVICESMedical students should be stimulated to take part in community services such as primary and preventive care. These activities can be informal, but we recommend faculties to officially structure and recognize them in means of education and in the best benefit of the medical students and the community. Student-led community projects, participation in local healthcare clinics, in health-care delivery should be encouraged.

RESEARCH AND SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIESStudents must be introduced to new research and get the chance to increase their understanding in terms of the search for new knowledge [1].It is essential for students to be encouraged to get involved in conducting scientific research. The faculty should provide information and contacts of the research and scientific activities available and the procedures for students to join them.Interested students should be engaged in ongoing research projects and their initiatives should be stimulated. Also, they should be engaged and supported to participate in local, national and international scientific meetings.

LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT ROLESWe consider leadership and management skills very important for students, and the involvement in leadership and management roles essential. Educational institutions should engage students in leadership positions and in managerial roles. They should also support the organizations that are student led and self-governed. Student organizations provide opportunities for students to develop leadership skills and individual responsibility through participation and leadership in student activities and organizations [3].

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


STUDENT-SUPPORT ACTIVITIESThe universities should provide career exploration and counseling and involve students in the delivery of them. Students and institutional alumni should be engaged in mentoring and supporting junior students, providing information about developing their education plan by alternative experiences in their home country and abroad, e.g. internships, exchange programs, scholarships, extra-curricular activities.

QUALITY ASSURANCE AND INSTITUTIONAL ACCREDITATIONQuality of education not only affects students’ academic careers, but to a high degree determines their future lives, thus it is only fair that they have a strong say in accreditation and quality improvement. We see the need to increase the effectiveness of both internal quality assurance systems and student involvement in quality assurance at the institutional level. Additional efforts need to be made in order to properly inform students of present education standards. Finally, students need to be involved in external quality assurance bodies and creation of national and international standards for accreditation.


Students, as partners in the educational system, have the responsibility to bring their own contribution to the educational process. Furthermore, students can bring their own unique perspective to education that can only complete the visions of the rest of the stakeholders. Thus we urge students to take a stand, and governments and higher education institutions to recognize and empower students as key stakeholders.


1) Bologna with student eyes 2009 ( publications/official_publications/BWSE2009-final.pdf)2) Astin, A. W., 1984, Student involvement: a developmental theory for higher education, Journal of College Student Development, 40(5), 518-529 ( downloads/astininv.pdf)3) UNESCO – The role of student affairs and services in higher education ( pdf)4) WFME - The global standards of medical education ( Documents%20and%20translations/WFME%20Standard.pdf)

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



A Policy Statement from the Medical Students of EuropeBologna Process Follow-up Workshop-Yeditepe

2011, Istanbul-TurkeyEMSA/IFMSA23rd July 2011


The pace of the chance in the area of higher education increased in the 1990’s, and this trend has continued with a high speed into the 2000’s and included the countries outside Europe. All these changes and developments have, once again, underlined the importance of the role of the students’ organizations in Bologna Process and society. Student associations are considered to have a critical role in improving EHEA in the Bologna Process. We are developing carefully tailored policies and strategies for the implementation of innovation and creativity take a prominent role in the Bologna Process.There are several factors that shape higher education’s today and future. And accessibility is one of the these factors. Limitation to education because of financial problems is a big problem for many European countries. This of course has significant effect on higher education and students’ education. European countries search for new ways to find solutions...We should keep in mind that the Bologna Process is basically a process of collaboration in order to increase the quality, attractiveness and internationalization of higher education. It is impossible to achieve innovative and creative solutions and to build up a sustainable and safe future without collaborating and working with students. Since 2003, European Medical Students‘ Association (EMSA) and International Federation of Medical Students Associations (IFMSA) have jointly organised workshops dedicated to the study of the development of the Bologna Process in the European Higher Education Area. The Bologna Process Follow-up Workshop is an annual workshop where medical students from all over Europe discuss the implementation of the Bologna Process in medical education. Together they voice the position of European medical students with the aim to advise the European authorities and medical faculties from the students‘ point of view.During these workshops, students develop statements to represent their views and perspectives, and to influence European policymakers and other relevant stakeholders in the process of development and implementation of the Bologna Process.From 18th-23rd July 2011, the 9th Bologna Process Follow-up Workshop organized by the European Medical Students’ Association (EMSA) and International Federation of Medical Students’ Association took place in Yeditepe University, Istanbul. In this workshop, more than 40 medical students’ representative from 10 countries agreed on an outcome-based “Accessibility to Higher Education”.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



The Bologna Process and EHEA in Retrospect

Sorbonne Joint Declaration on “Harmonization of the Architecture of the European Higher Education System”, which was signed by the representative of the Germany, France, Italy and United Kingdom in May of 1998, is taken as the start of the Bologna Process. In the declaration, the central role of universities in developing European cultural dimension and promoting mobility and employability is addressed Bologna declaration on June 19, 1999 by the signatures of 29 countries practically started the Bologna Process, whose main aim is to establish the “European Higher Education Area”(EHEA) till 2010.

Process has contained 6 action areas: • To establish easy perceptible and comparable system of certificate and degree • To practice two stage system of degree • To perform ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) • To increase mobility • To constitute internal and external quality assurance systems and networks • To develop European dimension in higher education

In 2001 in Prague, 32 countries decided to add 3 more action areas to Bologna Process and to establish Bologna Monitoring Committee:

• Encouraging life long learning• Ensuring the active participation of students higher education institutions in the Bologna Process• Making EHEA attractive

In 2003 in Berlin, 10th action plan of “Establishing Synergy between European Research Area(ERA) and EHEA and Doctorate Degree Studies” was added and three priority areas were determined to speed up the Bologna Process:

• Two stage degree structure in Higher Education• Approval of higher education certificate and degrees and education duration• Quality assurance

In May of 2005, the Ministers of Education from 45 different countries met in the city of Bergen in Norway. In this meeting, the determination, implementation of and monitoring of quality standards along with the implementation of qualifications framework were the main issues for discussion. In this meeting, “Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area” were adopted. In the following conference in London in May of 2007, two prior areas were also added to the areas defined in Bergen Conference:

• Life long learning• Establishment and approval of common degrees

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



Bologna Declaration suggests that students should have access to higher education in an easy way without obstacles, as the access is the right of every single qualified candidate to apply and to be considered for admission. It is also claimed that higher education should play a strong role in fostering social cohesion, reducing inequalities and raising the level if knowledge, skills and competences(1).Over years, higher education has become widespread, but it does not exactly mean that higher education is provided equally to all socio-economical classes. This situation brings inequality to socioeconomically disadvantaged groups, which includes people that face special problems such as physical and mental disability, lack financial support or are politically deemed to be without sufficient power(2).We are concerned with these socioeconomically disadvantaged groups, specifically that lack financial support. As, the social dimension of the envisaged European Higher Education Area (3) aims at, equality of opportunities in higher education, in terms of access, participation and successful completion of studies; studying and living conditions; guidance and counselling; financial support and student participation in higher education governance; these all should be given utmost importance.The modern systems in medical education have been created for a successful, effective and efficient progression and completion of the studies. The limited places in the 2nd and 3rd cycle cause this system to get a leakage which in addition to the future applicants will cause a worsening of the situation. An increasing number of non-functional 1st cycle graduates may lead to a waste of public resources.The governments should play a key role in accessibility and funding of medical education(4), which is henceforth discussed.



As the European society is passing through a global financial crisis higher education can be one of the saving tools for the well-being of the community. Increasing the public funding in higher education is considered to be an investment in the future which can lead to an improvement in both health care and financial well-being.Thus, higher education must be accessible for all who are qualified regardless of their demographic and personal characteristics(5).In order to start, progress and complete medical education financial concerns are one of the major problems. Students who are from socio-economically disadvantaged and vulnerable parts of society cannot afford the expenses which can lead to less interest in studying medicine.We call the governments to make sure that universities have the necessary resources to fulfil their very own task in medical higher education. Consequently students do not have to pay for their education as tuition fees were abolished in Hungary and Ireland(2).If this is not possible, student from disadvantaged groups will be granted an exemption from the fees. But we also believe that the faculties as well as the

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


government should offer other possible ways of financing like scholarships or loans yet the government should carry the final responsibility to assure that the university has relevant cooperation with private-sector-funding and donations(2,5,6).Any way of financing should cover all the costs both for learning and living(2). We believe that higher education is important for the best benefit of the community. That is why we consider being a student should be enough for being eligible to receive a loan.It is known that students are forced to work in order to compensate the lack of financial resources. Hence students have less time to prepare for exams and failure is more likely which can lead to delays. Any delay may cause an increase in costs students have to deal with. Thus students have to concentrate on finishing the study in time which possibly limits the interest in extracurricular activities and personal development. On the other hand this will stimulate a shift to exam-focused extrinsic motivation instead of naturally medical interest. Students who face life related problems such as physical and mental disabilities or who have to deal with special social issues like being single parent should be approached differently, for a delay is more likely. Social support should be provided to this group and when possible schedules can be adjusted individually.


In some countries i.e. in the Netherlands students experience difficulties to proceed fluently into the next cycles due to lack of places. As first cycle currently is not a job-defining degree it causes the intervening time to become unproductive.It should be assured that there are enough places for all students finishing first cycle to get into second cycle.It is highly demanded that the first cycle degree is a basic job-defining degree(6). Especially those students who have to wait for entering further cycles due to unmanageable number of applicants will have a greater benefit. Hereby the intervening time can become more productive.All dimensions of accessibility should be dynamically evaluated by a committee composed of members of government, faculties, student bodies and relevant stakeholders.

REFERENCES(1) London Communiqué 2007 ( hogeronderwijs/bologna/documents/MDC/London_Communique 18May2007.pdf)(2) Bologna with student eyes 2009 ( publications/official_publications/BWSE2009-final.pdf)(3) Berlin Communiqué 2003 ( Communique_dt.pdf)(4) Albufeira Resolution on Medical Students’ Rights in Europe (http:// EN.pdf)(5) UNESCO – The role of student affairs and services in higher education ( Leuven/Louvain-la-Neuve Communiqué 2009 (http://www.ond. leuven_louvain-la-neuve_communiqu%C3%A9_april_2009.pdf)

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c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium





E u r o p e a n M e d i c a l S t u d e n t s ’ A s s o c i a t i o nc/o CPME Standing Committee of European Doctors - Rue Guimard 15 - 1040 Brussels - Belgium

Please leave fields below blank and proceed to the motion form!

Number of proposal: ......................Event: ...........................................Date: ...........................................Time: ...........................................


Amendments No of votes Motion passes

In favor Nemo contra

Against Absolute majority

Abstain Relative majority

TOTAL Motion fails

Yes No

If yes, motion no.:

Signature chair:

Name of the Proposer: Name of the Seconder:

a summary of proposal - what will practically happen if this proposal is accepted?Summary






E u r o p e a n M e d i c a l S t u d e n t s ’ A s s o c i a t i o nc/o CPME Standing Committee of European Doctors - Rue Guimard 15 - 1040 Brussels - Belgium

your proposal - be very clear and write in a way that cannot be misinterpreted!

background of proposal - what facts have lead you to make this proposal?

the aim of proposal - what do you hope to reach with this proposal?

Number of proposal: ......................



Therefore we propose…

If this proposal is…

…accepted, then… …rejected, then….



E u r o p e a n M e d i c a l S t u d e n t s ’ A s s o c i a t i o nc/o CPME Standing Committee of European Doctors - Rue Guimard 15 - 1040 Brussels - Belgium

Please leave fields below blank and proceed to the motion form!

Number of proposal: ......................Event: ...........................................Date: ...........................................Time: ...........................................Chair:

Amendments No of votes Motion passes

In favor Nemo contra

Against Absolute majority

Abstain Relative majority

TOTAL Motion fails

Yes No

If yes, motion no.:

Signature chair:

Name of the Proposer: Name of the Seconder:

List of procedural motions (Internal Rule 10.11):


Procedural Motion

1. Challenge to the ruling of the chairperson.2. No confidence in the chair.3. The debate on the motion be reopened.4. The meeting be adjourned.5. The meeting proceed immediately to vote.6. The meeting proceed to next business.7. Consideration of the motion on table be postponed.8. The meeting take an unofficial vote.9. A discussion be not recorded in the minutes.10. Candidates for election leave the hall during preliminary discussion.11. Voting be by ballot.12. Observers leave the hall.13. The speakers' list be reopened.14. To add subjects to the agenda.15. To overrule decisions upon constitutional controversies.16. Internal Rules to be suspended.17. Internal Rules to be resumed.18. The order of the agenda be changed.




According to EMSA Internal Rules 11.3 (“Delegation of voting right”) • Any EMSA Representative may delegate his/her voting rights to any other EMSA Representative through a signed proxy. • The maximum number of received proxies is limited to one per person.

Herewith I,

Last Name: ____________________________________________________________________________

First Name: ____________________________________________________________________________

EMSA FMO: ____________________________________________________________________________

Position in EMSA FMO: ____________________________________________________________________

would like to delegate my voting right for the following meeting:

EMSA General Assembly held from the 1st until 4th of September 2011.The General Assembly is taking place in Leiden, Netherlands.


Last name: _____________________________________________________________________________

First name: _____________________________________________________________________________

The carrier of this proxy shall have voting rights

□ on all issues □ only on the following issues:

Date, Place: _____________________________________________________________________________(invalid if dated more than 30 days prior to the first day of the specified meeting)

Signature: _____________________________________________________________________________


E u r o p e a n M e d i c a l S t u d e n t s ’ A s s o c i a t i o nc/o CPME Standing Committee of European Doctors - Rue Guimard 15 - 1040 Brussels - Belgium



EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



As amanded by the Extra-ordinary EMSA General Assembly in MünsterNovember 20th, 2010

Edited by:Anna DobekSecretary General 2010-2011EMSA European Board

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


Statutes of EMSA Europe

Chapter I - Name, Social Seat

Article 1.

The signatories of this act decided to constitute an international association with a pedagogic and scientific purpose.

The association will be known as „European Medical Students‘ Association“ and will be officially abbreviated to EMSA.

This association will be registered under the Belgian law of 25th October 1919, modified by the law of 6th December 1954 and 2nd May 2002.

Article 2.

The social seat is situated at:

EMSA c/o Standing Committee of European Doctors Rue Guimard 15B-1040 BrusselsBelgium

It may be transferred to any other region of Belgium through a decision by majority of the European Board. Every transfer of the social seat has to be published in the Belgian Gazette within the month of the transfer.

Chapter II - Objectives

Article 3.

The objectives of EMSA, which has no lucrative aims whatsoever, are:> to form a network between European medical students to facilitate European integration and develop a sense of European identity.> to represent and voice the opinions of the medical students of Europe.> to act as a forum for all medical students in Europe, to discuss topics related to the fields of medical education, medical ethics, public health and medical research.> to promote the highest standards in European medical education and ensure the quality of healthcare in Europe.> to promote training, activities and projects related to health in Europe to the benefit of medical students and society.> to facilitate intercultural understanding by organising social and cultural events.> to co-operate with other student organisations representing the medical profession.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


Chapter III - Members

Article 4.

The association consists of Faculty Member Organizations (FMO), Official Representatives, associate members and honorary trustees. EMSA has to have at least 3 semi-official representatives.

Article 5.

The admission of new members has to comply with the following conditions:

1) Representatives:

> The signatories of this document who are also ordinary trustees elected by the medical students of his/her FMO accredited European Medical FMOs whose fees have been remitted for that membership year. The number of representatives is limited to two per faculty.

2) Ordinary members of FMO:

> FMOs at European Medical Faculties. The concept „Europe“ is defined in the Internal Rules.

3) Associate members:

> A person supporting the objectives of EMSA, who is not a medical student studying at a European Medical Faculty.

4) Honorary members:

> A person who has contributed outstandingly to EMSA. They receive their status by a decision of the General Assembly.

5) Senior members:

> A person who has been an EMSA member; and who wants to stay involved within EMSA.

6) Executive members:

> An EMSA member belonging to the EMSA Executive Body.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


Chapter IV - Resignation, exclusion and suspension

Article 6.

All FMOs are free to resign from EMSA at any moment by addressing their written resignation to the European Board.

FMOs who do not pay the membership fee, are considered to have resigned.

Membership can only be suspended, revoked and reinstated by a decision of the General Assembly by a two-thirds majority vote. This decision can only be adopted after giving the FMO the opportunity of a hearing.

A decision about reinstating a suspended FMO must be made at the first General Assembly after the suspension of the member.

Article 7.

A FMO, having resigned or being suspended, or his rightful claimants, have no right to the assets and ideas of EMSA.

Chapter V - Contribution

Article 8.

All FMOs are required to pay annual fees, to be fixed annually by the GA, but never more than 200 EUR.

Associate members may be required to pay fees to be fixed annually by the GA, but never more than 200 EUR. Honorary trustees are exempted from fees.

FMOs in need of fees may be exempted from fees for a period of one year by means of an application to the EEB, who will present the application to the GA which then requires a two-thirds majority vote for approval.

Chapter VI - General Assembly

Article 9.

The General Assembly consists of all the representatives. The ordinary members of FMOs and associate members may be present with speaking and proposing right.

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c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


Article 10.

The General Assembly is the decision making body of the association. It possesses all the powers vested in it by law and the present statutes.The General Assembly is the only body to decide upon:

1. all modifications of the present statutes and/or the Internal Rules of the association

2. exclusion, suspension and readmittance of members

3. dissolution of the association.

4. election of the members of the European Board.

5. suspension, removal or reinstatement of the members of the EMSA European Board.

6. approval of the budgets and accounts of the members and associate members

7. fixation of the amounts of the membership fees

8. others items as defined in the Internal Rules

Article 11.

The General Assembly has to meet at least once a year, in principle in September or October.

However, the European Board, by a majority vote of its members, can convoke the General Assembly in an extraordinary meeting at any time. At the request of at least one fifth of the representatives, the European Board has to convoke the General Assembly.

Representatives and ordinary members are invited by convocation to the meeting of the General Assembly. The convocation has to contain specifications as to date, time and place of the meeting. It has to be delivered to representatives and ordinary members by most approriate means (for example e-mail, post, phone, etc.).

Informing representatives and ordinary members, along with third parties on decisions taken by the Genreral Assembly will also be done by most appropriate means (for example e-mail, post, phone, etc.).

Article 12.

A convocation has to be put down in writing and must be distributed to

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


all FMOs and NC in written or electronic form at least one month prior to any General Assembly, signed by the secretary general in the name of the European Board. The agenda is to be enclosed in the convocation.

Article 13.

Every medical student studying in Europe has the right to attend the meeting of the General Assembly.

All representatives have an equal right to be credentialed to vote, each representative holding one vote.

The ordinary members of FMOs and associate members have the right to be present at the General Assembly, but they cannot participate in the voting. They have the right to give their opinion on items arising in the agenda.

A representative has the possibility to transfer his/her voting right to another representative or ordinary member of FMO. Any representative or ordinary member of FMO can only hold one transferred vote.

The General Assembly is valid if at least half of representatives are present or represented.

Article 14.

Decisions are taken by a majority of votes, except when decided otherwise by the present statutes and/or Internal Rules. In case of equality of votes, the Chair has the casting vote.

Article 15.

The General Assembly can only deliberate on the modification of the statutes, the dissolution or the liquidation of the association, if this is specified in the convocation and if two-thirds of the registered representatives are present.

If less than two-thirds of the registered representatives are present at this General Assembly, a second General Assembly can be convoked, which can deliberate and vote by a two thirds majority concerning the items on the agenda, regardless of the number of representatives who are present.The decision to modify the statutes needs a two-thirds majority vote.Every modification of the statutes will take effect after a registration by royal decree and after the conditions for publication, stated in article 3 of the law of 25th October 1919, have been fulfilled.

Article 16.

The elections of the General Assembly are minuted by a representative elected by the GA as secretary of the Chair, these minutes are to be

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


signed by the chair and a member of the European Board.

These minutes, signed and dated, are kept at the social seat, where all members have access to them.All FMOs or eventual external parties who justify their interest, have the right to demand access to extracts of the signed and dated minutes. Approval is to be granted by the European Board.All modifications of the statutes have to be published in the Belgian Gazette, within one month as of the date of decision

Chapter VII - European Board

Article 17.

The European Board is composed of at least seven members. The members are elected by the General Assembly for a one-year term. They are revocable by the General Assembly at all times. At least one administrator must be a Belgian by nationality.

Article 18.

The members of the European Board can be re-elected. Any member can hold his function for two years only.

Article 19.

In the absence of the president, the vice-president of internal affairs will assume the president‘s functions.

Article 20.

The European Board meets on convocation by the president or the secretary general.

Decisions can only be made if at least five members of the European Board are present at the meeting. These decisions are made by a majority vote.

In case of equality of votes, the president has the casting vote. In his/her absence, the chair of the meeting has casting vote.

The minutes of every meeting of the European Board are to be approved of at the next meeting and signed by the president and the secretary general.

Any extract from these minutes is to be signed by the president and the

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


secretary general, who will hold them at the disposal of the members.

Article 21.

The European Board is in charge of the daily management and the administrative tasks of the organisation, except for the assignments of the General Assembly.

It can, among other things, draw up and sign all documents and contracts and come to an agreement unless there are of utmost important to all EMSA members, except legacies, etc.

It can delegate the daily management to the president, a member of the European Board or a third party.

It can assign, under its responsibility, special and defined tasks to one or more persons, concerning the financial management of the association.

Article 22.

All legal actions, both defending and accusing, are supported by the European Board, represented by the president or another European Board member indicated by the president.

Legal actions which engage the association in any other way than the daily management (which can be delegated), are to be signed by two members of the European Board, who do not have to justify their position towards a third party.

Article 23.

The members of the European Board are not personally legally liable but are responsible for the execution of their mandate while in office.The members of the European Board fulfill the functions of their office free of charge.

Chapter VIII - Dissolution, financial year

Article 24.

In case of dissolution of the association, the General Assembly appoints one or more persons, responsible for the liquidation of the association, defines their powers and their remuneration. The same person(s) will make decisions on the destination of the remaining goods and values of the association, transferring them to another association following objectives of EMSA.

These decisions, and also the name(s) of the liquidator(s) have to be published in the Belgian Gazette, within one month as of the date of the decision.

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c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


Article 25.

The financial year starts on the 1st of January and ends on the 31st of December.

Article 26.

The financial report and the budget for the next year have to be submitted annually by the EEB to the General Assembly for approval.

Article 27.

The present Statutes and everything not explicitly foreseen by these Statutes are subject to Belgian law. The same conditions apply to the Internal Rules and Bylaws as well.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


European Medical Students’ Association Internal Rules 11.0


Edited by: EMSA European Board 2009/2010

Revised by:Anna DobekSecretary General 2010/2011

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



1. General Regulations 1.1 Management of EMSA 1.2 Knowledge 1.3 Availability 1.4 Legal status of the Organisation 1.5 Observance and violation of EMSA Statutes and Internal Rules

2. Nomenclature 2.1 General 2.1.1 Europe2.1.2 Medical Faculty 2.1.3 Medical Student 2.1.4 EMSA-Europe 2.1.5 EMSA European Event (EEE) 2.2 Executive Bodies 2.2.1 EMSA European Board (EEB) 2.2.2 EMSA National Boards 2.2.3 Faculty Member Organisations (FMOs) 2.2.4 EMSA Task Forces2.2.5 Working Group 2.3 Persons 2.3.1 EMSA Member 2.3.2 EMSA Representatives 2.3.3 EMSA Honorary Trustees 2.3.4 EMSA Alumnus

3. Membership 3.1 General 3.1.1 Registration 3.1.2 Access3.1.3 Conditions for EMSA Members3.1.4 Official EMSA Functions

3.2 EMSA Honorary Trustees 3.2.1 General 3.2.2 Conditions 3.2.3 Objectives3.2.4 List of Honorary Trustees 3.3 EMSA Alumni 3.3.1 Conditions 3.3.2 Official EMSA Functions 3.3.3 Objectives 3.4 Faculty Member Organisations 3.4.1 General 3.4.2 Requirements 3.4.3 Objectives 3.4.4 Local Membership 3.5 Registration 3.5.1 General 3.5.2 Registration fee 3.5.3 Practical Regulations 3.6 Acceptance and refusal 3.6.1 Acceptance as Faculty Member Organisation (FMO) 3.6.2 Refusal as Faculty Member Organisation (FMO) 3.6.3 Report of registered Faculty Member Organisation (FMO) 3.7 Duration, prolongation and termination of membership 3.7.1 Duration 3.7.2 Membership fee 3.7.3 First registration 3.7.4 Prolongation 3.8 Termination 3.9 Late fee payment 4. Faculty Member Organisations (FMOs) 4.1 Representatives 4.1.1 General 4.1.2 Election 4.1.3 Registration

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c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


4.2 Appelation4.2.1 Appelation of FMOs

5. EMSA structure & general management 5.1 Languages 5.1.1 Official language 5.1.2 Other languages 5.2 Statutes 5.2.1 Purpose 5.2.2 The EMSA European Statutes 5.2.3 EMSA National / Local Statutes 5.2.4 Modifications to the Statutes 5.2.5 Notification of the Statutes 5.3 EMSA Internal Rules 5.3.1 Validity 5.3.2 Translations 5.3.3 Modifications-Amendments 5.3.4 Regulations for modifications 5.3.5 Denominations 5.4 Additional Rules 5.4.1 Executive Bodies

6. EMSA European Board 6.1 General 6.1.1 Composition 6.1.2 Voting rights6.1.3 Meeting frequency 6.1.4 Convocation 6.1.5 Continuity between EMSA European Boards 6.1.6 Handover period 6.1.7 Advising role 6.1.8 General tasks 6.1.9 Delegation 6.1.10 Consultation 6.1.11 Resignation 6.1.12 Suspension and discharge

6.1.13 Vacancy 6.2 Specific tasks 6.2.1 President 6.2.2 Vice-President of Internal Affairs (VPi)6.2.3 Vice-President of External Affairs (VPe)6.2.4 Secretary General 6.2.5 Treasurer 6.2.6 Medical Education Director 6.2.7 Medical Ethics & Public Health Director 6.2.8 Medical Science Director 6.2.9 European Integration Director 6.2.10 Liaison Officer to European Medical Organisations (EMO-LO)6.2.11 Liaison Officer to Student Organisations (SO-LO)6.2.12 Liaison Officer towards Formal Institutions (FI-LO)6.2.13 EMS Council Secretary shall: 6.2.14 Public Relations Officer6.2.15 Fund Raising Officer 6.2.16 Human Resources Officer 6.2.17 Permanent Officer 6.3 Advisory Council 6.3.1 General Definition6.3.1.2 General Objectives6.3.1.3 Membership6.3.1.4 Communication6.3.1.5 Dissolution

7. Taskforces & Working Groups 7.1 Taskforces 7.1.1 General Definition7.1.1.2 Annual Report7.1.1.3 Financing

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium

210 Coordination of EMSA Task Forces7.1.2 Creation of EMSA Task Forces Requirements for creation7.1.2.2 Statement of purpose, objectives and means7.2 Working Groups 7.2.1 General 7.2.2 Definition 7.2.3 Supervision 7.2.4 Duration

8. Regulations for EMSA National sections8.1 General 8.2. Conditions 8.3 National Coordinator 8.3.1 General 8.3.2 Coordination 8.3.3 Activities 8.3.4 Communication 8.3.5 Promotion 8.4 Notification and registration 8.4.1 Notification to the EMSA European Board 8.4.2 Registration of the National section

9. Regulations of EMSA Faculty Member Organisations 9.1 General 9.2 EMSA Local Board 9.3 Local Coordinator 1 9.4 Local Coordinator 2 9.5 Notification to the EMSA European Board

10. Procedures at meetings 10.1 Applicability 10.2 Minutes

10.3 Delegation of voting right 10.3.1 Proxy 10.4 Candidature for elections 10.5 Quorums 10.5.1 Quorum at meetings of executive bodies 10.5.2 Insufficient quorum 10.5.3 Adjournment of meetings 10.5.4 Minority quorum 10.5.5 Quorum at the General Assembly 10.5.6 Insufficient quorum at the General Assembly 10.6 Written voting 10.6.1 Definition 10.6.2 Procedure 10.6.3 Official voting ballots 10.6.4 Return address 10.6.5 Conclusion 10.7 Chairperson 10.7.1 Precedence 10.7.2 Tasks of the Chairperson 10.7.3 Vice Chairperson 10.7.4 Plenary Secretary 10.7.5 Temporary Chairperson 10.7.6 Casting vote 10.7.7 Challenge to the ruling 10.7.8 No confidence in the Chair 10.8 Motion and debate 10.8.1 Tabling 10.8.2 Presentation 10.8.3 Seconding 10.8.4 Withdrawal 10.8.5 Call for amendments 10.8.6 Call for direct negatives – alternative motion 10.8.7 Speaking rights 10.8.8 Call for vote 10.8.9 Motions ‘out of order’ 10.9 Point of order 10.9.1 Nature

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


10.9.2 Precedence 10.9.3 Abuse 10.10 Point of information 10.10.1 Nature 10.10.2 Presentation 10.10.3 Abuse 10.11 Procedural motion 10.11.1 Nature 10.11.2 Precedence 10.11.3 Seconding 10.11.4 Application 10.11.5 Majority 10.12 Voting 10.12.1 Majority 10.12.2 Voting mode 10.12.3 Voting cards 10.12.4 Change of voting mode 10.12.5 Ballot 10.12.6 Representation 11. Records 11.1 Annual reports 11.1.1 Report of activity 11.1.2 Financial report 12. Commissions 12.1 General 12.1.1 Definition 12.1.2 Supervision 12.1.3 List of EMSA Commissions 12.2 Credential Commission 12.2.1 Tasks 12.2.2 Election 12.2.3 Voting Cards 12.3 Constitutional Commission 12.3.1 Tasks 12.3.2 Election 12.3.3 Decision of overrule 12.4 Financial Commission 12.4.1 Tasks 12.4.2 Rights

12.4.3 Election 12.4.4 Financial Commission assistance

13. The Social Seat 13.1 General 13.1.1 Storage 13.1.2 Access 13.1.3 Services 13.1.4 Location

14. Finances 14.1 General 14.1.1 Financial year 14.1.2 Receipts 14.1.3 Report of the Treasurer 14.1.4 Official currency 14.2 Bank accounts 14.2.1 EMSA European accounts14.2.2 EMSA International account 14.2.3 EMSA Working account 14.2.4 Other accounts 14.2.5 Authorisation – Notification 14.2.6 Closing of accounts 14.3 Financial regulations 14.3.1 Access to the EMSA General account 14.3.2 Sources of income 14.3.3 Funds transfer 14.3.4 Acces to EMSA International and Savings account 14.3.5 Expending clearance 14.4 Regulations for the EMSA Budget 14.4.1 Budget 14.4.2 Financial Commission 14.4.3 Budget report 14.5 Regulations of the EMSA

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


Membership fee 14.5.1 General

15. External Relations 15.1 General 15.2 Consultation 15.3 Liaison Officers

16. Partners 16.1 International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA) 16.1.1 General 16.1.2 Conditions for cooperation16.1.3 Meetings 16.2 Asian Medical Students’ Association (AMSA) 16.2.1 General 16.2.2 Conditions for cooperation 16.3 FELSOCEM 16.3.1 General 16.3.2 Conditions for cooperation

17. Fundraising17.1 Responsibility17.2 Consultation17.3 Exclusion17.4 Contract17.5 Conditions

18. Regulations for EMSA recognition of non- EMSA events 18.1 Applicants 18.2 Application contents 18.3 Conditions 18.4 Violation of EMSA Internal Rules and Statutes

19. EMSA Activities 19.1 EMSA European Event 19.2 Regulations host EMSA

Meeting 19.2.1 Hosting country 19.2.2 Contract19.2.3 Registration Fee19.2.4 Invitation 19.3 Local Projects 19.3.1 Eurotalk 19.3.2 Working Abroad Database Project (WADP) 19.3.3 Twinning Project (TP) 19.3.4 EMSA Summer School (ESS) 19.3.5 EMSA Movies & Medicine (M&M) 19.3.6 Teddy Bear Hospital (TBH)

20. Publications 20.1 JEMSA Task Force 20.1.1 Definition 20.1.2 Supervision 20.1.3 Editing 20.2 EUROMEDS Task Force 20.2.1 Definition 20.2.2 Supervision 20.2.3 Editing 20.3 European Words Task Force 20.3.1 Definition 20.3.2 Supervision 20.3.3 Editing

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



1.1 MANAGEMENT OF EMSA Management of EMSA is governed both by the EMSA Statutes and Internal Rules, where all information should be sought. When in doubt, the EMSA European Board will decide on the relevant action.

1.2 KNOWLEDGE All EMSA members and all EMSA Executives in particular are expected to know the contents of both the EMSA Statutes, Internal Rules and EMSA Bylaws.

1.3 AVAILABILITY The EMSA Statutes, Internal Rules and EMSA Bylaws are available for download on the official website of EMSA.

1.4 LEGAL STATUS OF THE ORGANISATION EMSA is registered under Belgian Law as an International Association with a pedagogic and scientific purpose.

1.5 OBSERVANCE AND VIOLATION OF EMSA STATUTES AND INTERNAL RULES Every EMSA member is expected to know and observe the EMSA Statutes, Internal Rules and EMSA Bylaws. When an EMSA member, honorary member, EMSA alumnus, representative or executive board member is proven guilty of violating the EMSA Statutes, Internal Rules or EMSA Bylaws, his/her membership and/or status can be temporarily suspended by the EMSA European Board until the next General Assembly. This decision will require two-thirds majority of the EMSA European Board. The matter must be presented at the next General Assembly for a final decision, reached by two-thirds majority.



2.1.1 EUROPEEurope is defined as the whole of countries lying totally or partly within the geographical borders of Europe. These countries are the member states of the Council of Europe and

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


those with the status of special guest of its Parliamentary Assembly, as they are stated in the official list of the Council of Europe‘s members on its website.

2.1.2 MEDICAL FACULTY Any medical institution, school or faculty teaching medicine with the purpose to educate medical students to become physicians. In the Internal Rules medical faculty may be abbreviated to faculty. 2.1.3 MEDICAL STUDENT A medical student is anybody studying at a medical faculty and following a medical curriculum with the, and who does not yet have the authorisation to practice.

2.1.4 EMSA-EUROPE To avoid confusion between EMSA and its sections or branches, the Association shall be referred to as „EMSA-Europe“ when necessary. 2.1.5 EMSA EUROPEAN EVENT (EEE) An EMSA European Event (EEE) is any event organised in the name of EMSA and intended for people from more than one country.

2.2 EXECUTIVE BODIES EMSA Executive bodies are: • The EMSA European Board• EMSA National Boards• Faculty Member Organisations (FMOs)• An EMSA Task Force• The European Medical Students’ Council (EMS Council)• Advisory Council• Working Group

2.2.1 EMSA EUROPEAN BOARD (EEB) The EMSA European Board (EEB) is the supreme executive body of EMSA. It is in charge of the daily management of the Association.

2.2.2 EMSA NATIONAL BOARDS The EMSA National Boards are in charge of the daily management of the relevant EMSA section.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


2.2.3 FACULTY MEMBER ORGANISATIONS (FMOs) A Faculty Member Organisation (FMO) is an organisation representing EMSA at faculty level.

2.2.4 EMSA TASK FORCES An EMSA Task Force is any EMSA entity in charge of a specific EMSA activity, approved by the EMSA General Assembly.

2.2.5 WORKING GROUPThe EMSA Working Group or the EMSA WG is an international body of EMSA Europe that supports the EMSA European Board and coordinates various international projects.Members of the WG are appointed by the EB and their mandate is not limited. Membership in the WG can only be given to Director’s Assistants, Project Coordinators or other prominent EMSA members, as deemed fit by the EB.Every member of the WG reports to his or her designated EEB member. Those are mostly the Directors.Every member of the WG can lead his/her own team. This group/committee has to abide by the EMSA Europe statutes, internal rules and bylaws and answers to the EMSA European Board.


2.3.1 EMSA MEMBER An EMSA member is any current medical student registered as a member of the FMO at his/her faculty.

2.3.2 EMSA REPRESENTATIVES An EMSA Representative, abbreviated „Rep“, is an EMSA member officially entitled to represent his/her faculty during an EMSA General and/or National Assembly.

2.3.3 EMSA HONORARY TRUSTEES EMSA honorary trustees are people who have contributed outstandingly to EMSA. They receive their status by a decision of the General Assembly.

2.3.4 EMSA ALUMNUS An EMSA Alumnus is any person who is affiliated to EMSA and wants to remain as such.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



3.1 GENERALEMSA is made up of members, which are regular members or representatives. EMSA also has honorary trustees, and alumni.

3.1.1 REGISTRATION The registration of members is done by Faculty Member Organisations (FMOs) or the EMSA European Board (EEB). Honorary trustees and alumni are registered by the EMSA European Board.

3.1.2 ACCESS Every EMSA member, honorary trustee and alumnus has access to: • EMSA information networks• EMSA activities• EMSA publications• Any privileges granted to EMSA members by any third party

3.1.3 CONDITIONS FOR EMSA MEMBERS Being an EMSA member supposes: • Being a medical student at a European medical faculty• Being registered by the Faculty Member Organisation (FMO) at his/her faculty• Supporting the objectives of EMSA• Acting according to the spirit of EMSA • Having no debts towards EMSA

3.1.4 OFFICIAL EMSA FUNCTIONSEvery EMSA member has the right to run for any function on any EMSA Executive body and is eligible to become an EMSA Representative at his/her faculty.


3.2.1 GENERAL EMSA honorary trustees are people who have contributed outstandingly to EMSA. They don’t necessarily need to be former EMSA members or medical students therefore.receive their status by a decision of the General Assembly. Such a decision can only be taken by the General Assembly with a two-thirds majority vote.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


3.2.2 CONDITIONS Being an EMSA honorary member supposes: • Contributed outstandingly to EMSA• Supporting the objectives of EMSA• Acting according to the spirit of EMSA• Having no debts towards EMSA

3.2.3 OBJECTIVES The EMSA Honorary Trustees: • are welcome to participate in EMSA activities• are welcome to participate at the National Coordinators Meeting and the General Assembly of EMSA according to the conditions of regular participants• will have access to digital copies of EMSA publications

3.2.4 LIST OF HONORARY TRUSTEES All honorary trustees will be listed in this article with their name, country and the date of receiving their status. • Tjasa Vizintin, Slovenia, 06.10.1996• Clementine Maddock, United Kingdom, 19.10.1997• Stefan Waegemans, Belgium, 09.10.1998• Jacco Veldhuyzen, The Netherlands, 07.10.1999• Vijay Rawal, United Kingdom, 30.09.2000• Cristina Dias, Portugal, 30.09.2000• William Ching, United States of America, 30.09.2000• Magdalena Pietka, Poland, 17.10.2002• Ana Guerreiro, Portugal, 17.10.2002• Nick Schneider, Germany, 17.10.2002• Filip Stoma, Poland, 27.9.2003• Dr Gauthier Desuter, Belgium, 02.04.2004• Anabela Serranito, Portugal, 16.10.2004• Hrvoje Vrazic, Croatia, 16.10.2004


3.3.1 CONDITIONS Being EMSA Alumni supposes: • Supporting the objectives of EMSA• Acting according to the spirit of EMSA• Having no debts toward EMSA

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


3.3.2 OFFICIAL EMSA FUNCTIONS EMSA Alumni can remain involved in EMSA Europe as members of the advisory council or as external advisors to EMSA Project committees.

3.3.3 OBJECTIVES The EMSA Alumni aim to keep former EMSA members and other people affiliated to EMSA involved within EMSA. General aims of the EMSA Alumni are: • To support EMSA in general with knowledge acquired during previous active years in EMSA affairs• To administer advice to any EMSA member, upon request. The EMSA Alumni will: • Be regularly updated about EMSA activities • Be encouraged to attend National Coordinators Meeting and the General Assembly of EMSA• Have access to digital copies of EMSA publications.


3.4.1 GENERAL Faculty Member Organisations, abbreviated FMOs, are the registration body of the EMSA members at their faculty.

3.4.2 REQUIREMENTS In order to become a Faculty Member Organisation (FMO), the following requirements have to be fulfilled. The organisation: • consists of medical students from a medical faculty situated in Europe• operates at only one faculty. has to be a non-political organisation• allows all medical students at its faculty to become a member• has statutes and is registered and under law• should inform the dean of the faculty of the existence of the FMO• supports the objectives of EMSA• acts according to the spirit of EMSA• has paid the annual registration fee• has no debts towards EMSA

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


Taking into account that: • National organisations can only become Faculty Member Organisation (FMO) if the respective country only has one medical faculty. • There can only be one Faculty Member Organisation (FMO) per medical faculty. • When two organisations at one faculty want to become an EMSA FMO, the two groups should try to work together in one EMSA spirit, if this is not possible they EEB will make the decision after carefully considering both sides.

3.4.3 OBJECTIVES Faculty Member Organisations (FMOs): • Have to promote EMSA activities at their faculty among students and physicians. • Have to co-operate with all the FMO‘s and the EEB by participating in activities and providing relevant information and materials. • Shall try to organise EMSA activities. • Are responsible for updating their complete contact data (including two personal email addresses and one FMO email address if possible)on a regular base at least once every year.• Are responsible for informing the EEB if they have personal changes (LC 1 and LC 2) within a week of the elections.• The FMOs must complete the Activity Report for the current year before mid-October of the same year.• The FMOs are strongly urged to participate in questionnaires about relationships to other student organisations.

3.4.4 LOCAL MEMBERSHIP The Faculty Member Organisations (FMOs) can decide themselves upon the practical regulations concerning the application of individual members to become EMSA Members.


3.5.1 GENERAL Registration of Faculty Member Organisations (FMOs) is done by the EMSA European Board. In order to become registered as Faculty Member Organisation (FMO) it is necessary to: • Send in the necessary data.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


• Pay the registration and membership fee. • Submit the officially published Statutes of the organisation in original language and an explanatory note in English.

3.5.2 REGISTRATION FEE To become a Faculty Member Organisation (FMO) an organisation has to pay a registration fee of 50 EUR.

3.5.3 PRACTICAL REGULATIONS The EMSA European Board will decide on the practical regulations concerning the registration of Faculty Member Organisation (FMO). The EMSA European Board will issue official forms for all parts of the registration procedure.


3.6.1 ACCEPTANCE AS FACULTY MEMBER ORGANISATION (FMO) The EMSA European Board determines for each request of registration if the requirements are met. When all requirements are met the status of Faculty Member Organisation (FMO) will be granted.

3.6.2 REFUSAL AS FACULTY MEMBER ORGANISATION (FMO) A request for registration as Faculty Member Organisation (FMO) can be refused when the requirements are not met. In this case the EMSA European Board will send a letter of refusal to the requesting organisation, providing an explanation and possible solutions. Any payments will be returned, necessary transaction fees are paid by the applying FMO.

3.6.3 REPORT OF REGISTERED FACULTY MEMBER ORGANISATION (FMO) The EMSA European Board has to present a report to the General Assembly, which states the number of registered Faculty Member Organisations (FMOs), including the number of prolonged, new and terminated registrations. Also the cases in which registration was refused should be reported.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



3.7.1 DURATION The membership is valid for one calendar year, from 1st of January until 31st of December.

3.7.2 MEMBERSHIP FEE Each Faculty Member Organisation has to pay annual membership fee of 120 EUR. The membership fee is determined annually by the General Assembly in the budget, after the proposal of the Financial Commission assisted by the Treasurer.

3.7.3 FIRST REGISTRATION When all requirements are met the status of Faculty Member Organisation (FMO) is granted after the registration and membership fees are received by the Treasurer. In case of registration between 1st of October and 31st of December, membership is granted for the next calendar year.

3.7.4 PROLONGATION For prolonging membership status: • The membership fee for the next calendar year has to be paid prior to the 31st of October of the current calendar year. • Along with the membership fee, an updated Data Card has to be submitted to the EMSA European Board. This Data Card will be provided by the EMSA European Board and will be available online. • All pending obligations, if any, need to be fulfilled.

3.8 TERMINATION In case the membership fee is not received before the 1st of January of the new calendar year, the Faculty Member Organisation (FMO) will no longer be considered active and membership will be terminated. In this case the Faculty Member Organisation will have to submit new registration to obtain membership status.

3.9 LATE FEE PAYMENT Membership fee received from 1st November until 31st December for the next calendar year will be considered as late fee. An additional 40 EUR will be charged for this reason.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium




4.1.1 GENERALAn EMSA Representative, abbreviated „Rep“, is an EMSA member officially entitled to represent his/her faculty during an EMSA General and/or National Assembly. Each faculty contains two EMSA Representatives. The Reps. are called Local Coordinator-1 and Local Coordinator-2, abbreviated LC-1 and LC-2.

4.1.2 ELECTION Representatives are elected by the members of the Faculty Member Organisation (FMO).

4.1.3 REGISTRATION Representatives have to be registered by the EMSA European Board. The EMSA European Board will decide on the practical regulations concerning the registration of Representatives. The EMSA European Board will issue official forms for this registration.


4.2.1 APPELATION OF FMOsFor official external communication the name used by EMSA and the FMOs should be the full name of the city or university or medical faculty which the FMO represents. On condition that the FMO is also representing the whole state it may also use the name of state used by the United Nations. For official internal communication the name used by EMSA and the FMOs should be the constitutional name of the city, the faculty, the country, or the name of the university.



5.1.1 OFFICIAL LANGUAGE The official language of EMSA is English.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


5.1.2 OTHER LANGUAGES In case another language than English is used, a translation in English has to be made.


5.2.1 PURPOSE The EMSA Statutes govern the general management and the structure of the Association. The EMSA Statutes constitute the legal basis of the Association.

5.2.2 THE EMSA EUROPEAN STATUTES The EMSA European Statutes are the supreme legal chart of the association. This text is deposited in French language. In the event of controversial interpretations and/or omissions arisen from a translated version, the official Statutes in French shall prevail.

5.2.3 EMSA NATIONAL / LOCAL STATUTES Both the EMSA national and local statutes cannot be incompatible with the EMSA-Europe statutes.

5.2.4 MODIFICATIONS TO THE STATUTES Modifications to the EMSA-Europe Statutes shall demand a two-thirds majority of the General Assembly (See also Statutes article 15). If these modifications are incompatible with the previous version, of national and/or local statutes, then these national and local statutes must be updated within 12 months. During the process of changing the national and/or local statutes article 5.2.3 does not apply.

5.2.5 NOTIFICATION OF STATUTES An English translation of all national and local statutes (and the changes to these statutes) must be forwarded to the EMSA European Board and will be available at the social seat.


5.3.1 VALIDITY • The EMSA Internal Rules, once approved by a General Assembly, cannot be amended or modified in any way until the next General Assembly.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


• The latest version of Internal Rules voted by the General Assembly, shall constitute the sole official reference and invali- dates all previous versions.

5.3.2 TRANSLATIONS In the event of controversial interpretations and/or omissions arisen from a translated version, the official Internal Rules in English shall prevail.

5.3.3 MODIFICATIONS-AMENDMENTS Modification and amendments to the EMSA Internal Rules shall be voted by the General Assembly by simple majority.

5.3.4 REGULATIONS FOR MODIFICATIONS • All articles shall be titled and capitalised for legibility reasons. • When necessary, itemised propositions within an article shall be numbered accordingly. • Articles shall be written as concise as possible, without allowing ambiguities of any kind. • Changes made by the General Assembly will be modified by the Secretary General and send to the members within two weeks after the General Assembly. The Secretary General is responsible to address any contradictions resulting from these modifications.

5.3.5 DENOMINATIONS To comply with the EMSA Statutes denominations: the „Conseil d‘administration“ shall be referred to in the Internal Rules as the „EMSA European Board“ (EEB); the „Membres effectives“ as „Representatives“ (reps).


5.4.1 EXECUTIVE BODIES Any recognised EMSA executive body may add officious rules for internal use only and provided they are not incompatible with the EMSA Statutes and Internal Rules.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium




6.1.1 COMPOSITION The EMSA Executive Board (EB) is composed of: • The President. • The Vice-President-Internal.• The Vice-President-External. • The Secretary General. • The Treasurer.

The EMSA European Board (EEB) is composed of the Executive Board and the Officials Board (OB). The latter being composed of Elected Officials and Appointed Officials.The EMSA GA elects the following officials to the EMSA EEB:• The Medical Education Director. • The Medical Ethics & Public Health Director. • The Medical Science Director. • The European Integration Director EMSA Executive Board appoints following officials to perform specific tasks: • Liaison Officer towards European Medical Organisations (EMO-LO). • Liaison Officer towards Student Organisations (SO-LO). • Liaison Officer towards Formal Institutions (FI-LO). • Human Resource Officer (HRO)• Fund Raising Officer (FRO)• The EMSA Permanent Officer• Public-Relation Officer• EMS Council Secretary General. • Temporary position• Trainers

6.1.2 VOTING RIGHTS The Executive Board members hold voting rights. The members of the Officials Board do not hold voting rights.The Directors and the Officers play an advisory role towards the Executive Board and can exceptionally gain voting rights while decisions concerning his or her field of work are being made.In case of a tie-vote, the President has the casting vote.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


6.1.3 MEETING FREQUENCY The EMSA European Board will have at least six mandatory face-to-face meetings a year.

6.1.4 CONVOCATION Dates of EMSA European Board face to face meetings will be set all together be decided for the entire term, with the first one to be held within one months, preferably immediately after the General Assembly and the last after the next General Assembly.

6.1.5 CONTINUITY BETWEEN EMSA EUROPEAN BOARDS The resigned EMSA European Board and the newly elected EMSA European Board should meet within one months, preferably immediately after the General Assembly to ensure the continuity between EMSA European Boards. The resigned EMSA European Board members must hand over all relevant documents and information to the newly elected EMSA European Board, preferably in the form of handbooks.Before the term of the EEB-elect starts the two Boards will create a plan of action for the upcoming term(s).

6.1.6 HANDOVER PERIOD Immediately after the elections a handover period of around 2 months will follow.During the first month the past EMSA European Board will remain responsible for all actions and decisions. In this period the EEB-Elect will join the discussions, but will not have decision-making power. During the second month, the EEB-Elect will be responsible for all actions and decisions. In this period the Past-EEB will attain an active advisory position.

6.1.7 ADVISING ROLEThe past-EB members will remain as advisors to the EEB-Elect until the Annual Report has been finished. The Annual Report is due in January of the following year and is defined by specific bylaws. 6.1.8 GENERAL TASKS • Every EMSA European Board member including all appointed officers must present a written final report (annual report) on activities undertaken in the past year to the General Assembly. A copy of those should be sent by the Secretary General to the

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


official EMSA mailing list two weeks before the General As- sembly. • Each EMSA European Board member including all appointed officers must write a monthly report on his/her activities at the end of each month, a copy should be send to the official EMSA mailing list.• The EMSA European Board has the right to decide upon immediate sanctions in case an EMSA European Board member does not submit a report for at least three months in a row. • For every international EMSA event, the EB will appoint an EEB member to be responsible for its coordination.• Each Executive Board member is responsible for the management of a part of the European Board.• Each EMSA European Board member is responsible for the promotion of the establishment of EMSA in all European Medical faculties where EMSA is not present.• EB members automatically become members of the Advisory Board of EMSA Europe after their term is over (and in case they are not staying in the EEB the following term). They carry on this for the period of one year.

6.1.9 DELEGATION • Any EMSA European Board member may delegate a part of his/her task to (an)other person(s), but (s)he remains at all times responsible. • The EMSA European Board member has at all times the right to withdraw the delegation.

6.1.10 CONSULTATIONThe EEB can call for an official non-binding opinion from Honorary Trustees, Alumni, National and Local Co-ordinators. The result of this official opinion should be made known in the EEB report to EMSA members.

6.1.11 RESIGNATION Members of the EEB who wish to resign must give six weeks notice in writing to the remaining members of the EEB, during which time they must continue to carry out their duties and endeavour to aid the EEB in finding a suitable replacement.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


6.1.12 SUSPENSION AND DISCHARGE Members of the EEB and appointed officers may be suspended or discharged with the approval of the two thirds of the sitting members of the EB or by a decision of the General Assembly with a two thirds majority should they fail to abide by the Statutes, Internal Rules and Bylaws of the organization or neglect their duty for a period longer than three consecutive months.

6.1.13 VACANCY When a vacancy arises, the EB shall delegate tasks to another member or members of the EEB until such time as they find and appoint a suitable replacement. During this vacancy period the EEB will seek actively for a replacement. An incomplete EEB shall still have its full authority.


6.2.1 PRESIDENT The President shall: • Be responsible for the general management of EMSA. • Be responsible for co-ordination of the Executive Board, as well as share the responsibility of their tasks. • Oversee the work of the Human Resources Officer. Prepare preliminary agendas for Board meetings and chair them.• Prepare preliminary agendas for face to face meetings and chair them.• Ensure objectives of EMSA Statutes, Internal Rules and Bylaws are observed. • Present an official annual report regarding the status quo of EMSA to the General Assembly.• Together with the Vice-President of external affair represent EMSA toward External Relations Is co-responsible for the financial stability of the organization together with the Treasurer.

6.2.2 VICE-PRESIDENT OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS (VPi)The Vice-President shall: • Assume the functions of the President in his/her absence. • Maintain the contact with the NC’s and/or LC’s, together with the Secretary General.• Be co-responsible for the co-ordination of the Executive Board.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


• Be responsible for the co-ordination of part of the EMSA European Board; the four Pillar Directors, and supervise them.• Report about these to the President and the rest of the Executive Board.

6.2.3 VICE-PRESIDENT OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS (VPe)The Vice-President-External shall:• Be responsible for the co-ordination of part of the EMSA European Board; the three Liaison Officers, the Permanent Officer in Brussels and the Public Relations Officer, and supervise them.• Report about these to the President and the rest of the Executive board. • Promote the establishment of EMSA in all European Medical faculties where EMSA is not present. • Maintain the contact with the Organising Committees of International events together with the Secretary General.

6.2.4 SECRETARY GENERAL The Secretary General shall:• Be responsible for the minutes of all EMSA European Board meetings and the General Assembly (with the Chair). • Send out the minutes and/or reports of the General Assembly, the National Co-ordinators Meeting and the EMSA European Board Meetings to the EMSA-net mailing list within four weeks. This does not include online EMSA European Board Meetings. • Be responsible for the internal communication within EMSA as an organisation. • OVERSEEING THE CURRENT FMO ACTIVITY• Be responsible for the maintenance of the EMSA Statutes and Internal Rules • Send a call for the Board meetings.• Maintain the contact with the NC’s and/or LC’s together with the VPi.• Maintain the contact with the Organising Committees of International events together with the VPe.

6.2.5 TREASURER The Treasurer shall: • Be responsible for the financial management of all the EMSA

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


European Board‘s expenses. • Be responsible for the official EMSA-Europe bank accounts and for a legally relevant bookkeeping. • Keep the EB up to date on EMSA Europe financial status. He/she should also provide the EEB members with all necessary information when the need arises.• Present a final written financial annual report to the General Assembly. • Formulate a written analysis of the general financial situation of EMSA to be presented to the General Assembly. • Audit all EMSA Task Forces accounts. • Be responsible for the registration of Faculty Member Organisations (FMOs). • Be responsible for the collection of the membership fees and the distribution of membership cards. • Issue official invoices and receipts. • Be responsible for finding fundraising for the general management of EMSA together with the Funds Raising Officer. • Four weeks before the membership fee is due, the treasurer will contact all FMO’s in order to remind them to transfer the fee including bank account date and the concrete deadline. If this will not be conducted on time, FMOs should not be required to pay the late fee in case they miss the deadline.

6.2.6 MEDICAL EDUCATION DIRECTOR The Medical Education Director shall: • Co-ordinate all tasks related to EMSA activities in the field of medical education. • Promote activities in the field of medical education in medical faculties. • Establish and maintain contacts with other institutions pursuing similar objectives and activities. • Contribute to the according Subcommittee of CPME (Standing Committee of European Doctors), as appropriate • Head a working committee consisting of medical students committed to the field of interest, as appropriate • Be responsible for coordination of pillar projects as defined by the internal rules, the bylaws or as appointed by the EB.• Organise at least one joined meeting of the Directors and the VPi.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


6.2.7 MEDICAL ETHICS & PUBLIC HEALTH DIRECTOR The Medical Ethics & Public Health Director shall: • Co-ordinate all tasks related to EMSA activities in the field of medical ethics and public health. • Promote activities in the field of ethics and public health in medical faculties. • Establish and maintain contacts with other institutions pursuing similar objective and activities. • Contribute to the according Subcommittee of CPME (Standing Committee of European Doctors), as appropriate • Head a working committee consisting of medical students committed to the field of interest, as appropriate• Organise at least one joined meeting of the Directors and the VPi.

6.2.8 MEDICAL SCIENCE DIRECTOR The Medical Science Director shall: • Co-ordinate all tasks related to EMSA activities in the field of science. • Promote scientific activities in medical faculties, including scientific congresses and symposia. • Establish and maintain contacts with other institutions pursuing similar objectives or activities. • Supervise pillar projects as defined by the internal rules, the bylaws or as appointed by the EB. • Contribute to the according Subcommittee of CPME (Standing Committee of European Doctors), as appropriate. • Head a working committee consisting of medical students committed to the field of interest, as appropriate. • Organise at least one joined meeting of the Directors and the VPi.

6.2.9 EUROPEAN INTEGRATION DIRECTOR The European Integration Director shall: • Co-ordinate all tasks related to EMSA activities in the field of European integration. • Promote and develop activities that bring Europe’s medical students closer together and that lead to peace and friendship between the European nations. • Establish and maintain contacts with other institutions pursuing similar objective and activities.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


• Head a working committee consisting of medical students committed to the field of interest, as appropriate. • Integration of members at international meetings (such as NCM and GA)• Organise at least one joined meeting of the Directors and the VPi.

6.2.10 LIAISON OFFICER TO EUROPEAN MEDICAL ORGANISATIONS (EMO-LO)The Liaison Officer to European Medical Organisations shall: • Be elected by the General Assembly• Maintain strong links to the CPME (Commité Permanent des Médecins Européens - Standing Committee of European Doc- tors). • Maintain strong links to the PWG - Permanent Working Group of European Junior Doctors. • Maintain strong links between EMSA and the EFMA/WHO, the European Forum of Medical Associations and WHO. • Maintain links with any other relevant medical organisations 6.2.11 LIAISON OFFICER TO STUDENT ORGANISATIONS (SO-LO)The Liaison Officer to Student Organisations shall: • Be elected by the General Assembly • Maintain strong ties between EMSA and all student organisations as as defined by the internal rules, the bylaws or as appointed by the EB.• Maintain links with any other relevant student organisations.

6.2.12 LIAISON OFFICER TOWARDS FORMAL INSTITUTIONS (FILO) The FI Liaison Officer shall: • Be appointed by EMSA European Board. • Maintain strong ties between EMSA and international formal institutions, paying special attention to European Formal Institutions such as the Council of Europe and the EU.

6.2.13 EMS COUNCIL SECRETARY The EMS Council Secretary shall: • Be appointed by the EMSA European Board. • Fulfil his/her duties according to the EMS Council Statutes.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


6.2.14 PULIC RELATIONS OFFICERThe Public relations officer shall:• Maintain, promote and encourage Internet activities. • Be responsible for the development of promotional material for EMSA.• Ensure that the related services (website, mailing lists, etc.) are functional and updated at all times. • At all times allow access to the administration of domain and all of services associated with his domain to the president. • After termination of his/her mandate transfer all adminis- trative rights and services to the next webmaster within 30 days after appointment.

6.2.15 FUND RAISING OFFICERThe Fund Raising Officer shall: • Work together with the Treasurer and will co-ordinate the fund raising activities of EMSA Europe.• Be co-responsible for the financial stability of the organization. • Appoint assistants and lead the FR Team.

6.2.15 HUMAN RESOURCES OFFICERThe Human Resources Officer shall: • Work with the President on internal EEB communication and team dynamics.• Will organize trainings for EEB members.• Will coordinate the international EMSA Training System.

6.2.16 PERMANENT OFFICER The Permanent Officer is a full-time employee under Belgian law representing EMSA at the premises of the CPME. The Permanent Officer shall: • Be appointed by the EEB for a renewable 6 months term. • Manage the EMSA Secretaries in Brussels. • Liaise with and maintain strong ties with European institutions, agencies and NGOs • Assist the VPe and the EEB in their tasks

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



6.3.1 GENERAL DEFINITION The Advisory Council is a sleeping body, constructed to support the EMSA European Board. GENERAL OBJECTIVES The Advisory Council will: • Administer advice upon request from the EMSA European Board. • Administer advice based upon the Year Plan of the new EMSA European Board (November) and the Half Year report of the EMSA European Board (April). MEMBERSHIP The Advisory Council will consist of three to eight people that consists of former EB members and people elected individually by the General Assembly of EMSA or appointed by the EB. Advisory Council members should: • Have considerable experience in EMSA Europe affairs. • Have knowledge of EMSA European Board business. • Have no other activities or interest within EMSA. COMMUNICATION The Advisory Council members • Will be in contact through a separate mailing list. • Will give a report about their activities of the previous year at the General Assembly. • Will be members of the Council for a period of one year with the possibility to re-candidate. DISSOLUTION The EMSA General Assembly may vote with a two-thirds majority the dissolution of the Advisory Council.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium




7.1.1 GENERAL DEFINITION An EMSA Task Force is any EMSA entity in charge of a specific EMSA activity. ANNUAL REPORT EMSA Task Forces shall present an annual report to the General Assembly. FINANCING • As a general rule EMSA Task Forces should be self-financed. The General Assembly may decide on subsidies or loans from internal sources. • Funds raised by the Task Forces in the frame of fund-raising campaigns lead by the EMSA European Board are to be transferred to the association‘s general account, except for exceptions established by common agreement. CO-ORDINATION OF EMSA TASK FORCES An EMSA Task Force is co-ordinated by a member of the EMSA European Board.

7.1.2 CREATION OF EMSA TASK FORCES REQUIREMENTS FOR CREATION To be recognised as an EMSA Task Force the following requirements must be met: • presentation of statement of Purpose, Objectives and Means at the General Assembly. • the General Assembly must approve the taskforce with a simple majority. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE, OBJECTIVES AND MEANS A statement of „Purpose, Objectives and Means“ shall define the Task Force‘s mission. It shall include: • Name of the Task Force.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


• Clearly stated anticipated „Objectives“, specifying the projected accomplishments in the short and long term, including at least one of the following topics: • subjects to be addressed if any. • event(s) to be organised, if any, in which a detailed explanation of its/their nature shall be sent. • An explanation of the „Means“ and plan of action by which the above mentioned objectives are expected to be realised, including: • names of the EMSA members interested to be actively involved. • event(s) to be organised, if any, in which a detailed explanation of its/their nature shall be sent. • list of possible institutions to be contacted if any. • strategy for promotion and financing, including a budget if any.



7.2.2 DEFINITION The EMSA Working Group is a working group appointed by the EMSA European Board, consisting of several Wroking Committees, with a broad range of activities to carry out, which are specified by the EMSA European Board.

7.2.3 SUPERVISION The EMSA Working Group is under the supervision of the EMSA European Board.

7.2.4 DURATION The EEB will decide on the future status of the Working Committee. This status can either be: • Dissolve Working Group• Proceed Working Group

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



8.1 GENERALFaculty Member Organisations (FMOs) or members in one country can work together in a national section. The National Coordinator position is mandatory for every country with more than one FMO.

8.2 CONDITIONS • If there is no National Coordinator in a country with EMSA member FMOs, the EMSA European Board can appoint an acting National Coordinator. The term of this acting NC ends automatically when a new NC is elected by a National Assembly of the respective country. • The FMOs, preferably during the National Assembly decide upon the composition of an EMSA National Board (ENB), according to the needs of the national section.


8.3.1 GENERAL • The FMOs agree by vote on the way the National Coordinator, abbreviated NC, is elected to work as a facilitator within the national section. The election is preferably during the National Assembly. • The National Coordinator (NC) oversees and encourages all activities by the FMOs in a country and facilitates communication between the EMSA European Board and the FMOs.

8.3.2 COORDINATION The National Coordinator (NC) is responsible for: • The co-ordination of EMSA within his/her section. • Ensuring the continuity of EMSA within his/her section.

8.3.3 ACTIVITIES The National Coordinator (NC) is responsible for: • Giving information on EMSA activities. • Encouraging the Faculty Member Organisations (FMOs) to organise and participate in EMSA activities. • Informing EMSA bodies outside his/her section of the activities within his/her section.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


• Having regular meetings with the LCs.• Having regular meetings with the other NCs.• Reporting on these meetings to the secretary general of the EB at least every half year, meaning 4 weeks before respectively the NCM and the GA.

8.3.4 COMMUNICATION The National Coordinator (NC) is responsible for: • Facilitating the communication between the Faculty Member Organisations (FMOs) within his/her section and other EMSA bodies. • Assisting Faculty Member Organisations (FMOs) in the registration of their organisation. • Regular meetings with his/her LCs.• Giving the Secretary General a report every half-year on the meetings.

8.3.5 PROMOTION The National Coordinator (NC) is responsible for: • The promotion of EMSA and its activities within his/her section. • Keeping contact with and informing relevant organisations of EMSA • Encouraging medical students at faculties where no Faculty Member Organisation (FMO) is established in his/her National section, to participate in EMSA.


8.4.1 NOTIFICATION TO THE EMSA EUROPEAN BOARD The National Coordinator (NC) has to notify the EMSA European Board (EEB) of the composition of the National Board.

8.4.2 REGISTRATION OF THE NATIONAL SECTION The national section can register itself under the law of the respective country, after notifying the EMSA European Board (EEB). A copy of all official registration documents has to be sent to the EMSA Social Seat.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



9.1 GENERAL On the Local Level EMSA representatives – see chapter 1400 – serve as Local Coordinator 1 (LC 1) and Local Coordinator 2 (LC 2).

9.2 EMSA LOCAL BOARD The EMSA Local Board (ELB) will comprise at least of a LC 1 and a LC 2.

9.3 LOCAL COORDINATOR 1 The Local Coordinator (LC) shall: • Supervise EMSA within his/her FMO. • Ensure the continuity of EMSA within his/her FMO. • Hold the contact between the FMO and the EMSA European Board. • Hold the contact between the FMO and the EMSA National Board, as appropriate. • Represent his/her FMO at EMSA General Assemblies and EMSA National Assemblies, as appropriate.

9.4 LOCAL COORDINATOR 2 The Local Coordinator (LC 2) shall: • Assume the functions of the Local Coordinator 1 in his/her absence • Represent his/her FMO at EMSA General Assemblies and EMSA National Assemblies, as appropriate.

9.5 NOTIFICATION TO THE EMSA EUROPEAN BOARD The Local Coordinator 1 (LC 1) has to notify the EMSA European Board (EEB) of the composition of the EMSA Local Board immediately after the election.


10.1 APPLICABILITY These procedures at meetings shall be observed in any EMSA European meetings. These procedures at meetings shall also be used at a regional and/or local meeting if no other rules, concerning these matters, exist.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


10.2 MINUTES All meetings will be subject to minutes or reports. These will be written in English.

10.3 DELEGATION OF VOTING RIGHT Any EMSA Representative may delegate his/her voting rights to any other EMSA Member through a signed proxy. The maximum number of proxies is limited to one per person.

10.3.1 PROXY The proxy shall have the following requirements, otherwise it shall be considered void: • Specifying the name, FMO and function of the LC-1 and LC-2 that delegates his/her vote• Specifying the meeting or congress it is valid for. • Dated and no proxy shall be dated more than 30 days prior to the first day of the event in question. • Specifying the name of the carrier. • Specifying whether the carrier shall have voting right on all voting issues or on certain ones, which shall be listed. • Signed.

10.4 CANDIDATURE FOR ELECTIONS Candidature motions forms must be submitted to the President of the EMSA European Board or his/her nominated deputy two weeks prior to the scheduled start of the elections. If there is no candidate for a certain post at the start of the elections, there will be a final call for candidates at the beginning of the plenary session in which the elections take place.


10.5.1 QUORUM AT MEETINGS OF EXECUTIVE BODIESAt all meetings of EMSA Executive bodies, half of its members plus one, present or represented by a proxy, shall form a quorum.

10.5.2 INSUFFICIENT QUORUMIn the event the quorum is not attained, the meeting shall be adjourned.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


10.5.3 ADJOURNMENT OF MEETINGS The adjournment of meetings shall normally be pronounced by the chairperson. Any member with a voting right, may propose the adjournment of the meeting (s)he is attending. This decision shall require a procedural motion with a two thirds majority of any member present with a voting right.

10.5.4 MINORITY QUORUM In the event of the adjourned meeting did not attain a quorum, the present or represented members with a voting right shall constitute a „minority quorum“, whose deliberations shall be subject to the EMSA European Board approval before application.

10.5.5 QUORUM AT THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY At the General Assembly, 50% of the registered Representatives present or represented by a proxy, shall form a quorum.

10.5.6 INSUFFICIENT QUORUM AT THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY If the quorum at the General Assembly is not reached, the registered voting members present or represented by a proxy, will elect the new EMSA European Board. The election of the new EMSA European Board must be validated by the written voting procedure.


10.6.1 DEFINITION Written voting is an exceptional voting procedure only to be applied for validating the EMSA European Board if the quorum during the General Assembly is not reached.

10.6.2 PROCEDURE The credential commission has to send out official voting ballots to all registered Representatives within two weeks after the General Assembly where the quorum was not reached. The voting can be one of the following options: • Approval of the new EMSA European Board as a whole. • Disapproval of the new EMSA European Board as a whole. • Blank. The official voting ballots have to be returned within eight weeks after the General Assembly to the return address.The official voting ballots have to be returned within eight weeks after

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


the General Assembly to the return address. The credential commission shall count the votes and will send the result to the EMSA European Board and the EMSA-net mailing list.

10.6.3 OFFICIAL VOTING BALLOTS Official voting ballots shall state: • The names and faculties of the elected EMSA European Board members. • The address where the official voting ballots have to be returned to. • Deadline for receiving the official voting ballots.

10.6.4 RETURN ADDRESS The return address for the official voting ballots is the address of one of the members of the credential commission.

10.6.5 CONCLUSION • Not returned official voting ballots will be considered as blank votes. • If a simple majority is obtained, the EMSA European Board is validated. • If a simple majority is not obtained the EMSA European Board will be called as an Acting Board.


10.7.1 PRECEDENCE • At the General Assembly the President of EMSA has the precedence as chairperson, unless (s)he declines to chair the meeting. In which case a chairperson shall be elected by the participating members present with a voting right, by a simple majority. • At the General Assembly the Vice-President of EMSA has the precedence as vice-chairperson, unless (s)he declines the role. In which case a vice-chairperson shall be elected by the participating members present with a voting right, by a simple majority. • At the General Assembly the Secretary General of EMSA has the precedence as secretary, unless (s)he declines the role. In which case a secretary shall be elected by the participating members present with a voting right, by a simple majority.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


• Any candidate needs to have participated in at least one previous EMSA General Assembly of the same nature. • This election shall take place preceding the first General Assembly Session.

10.7.2 TASKS OF THE CHAIRPERSON The chairperson shall: • Conduct the meeting. • Interpret and give his/her ruling on all matters of procedure, order, competency and relevancy, as stated in the Statutes and Internal Rules. • Call delegates for indication to a speakers‘ list. • See to that minutes are taken.

10.7.3 VICE-CHAIRPERSON The vice-chairperson shall: • assist the chair in all his/her tasks. The vice-chairperson shall take the chair: • When requested to do so by the chairperson. • In the absence of the chairperson. • In the case of no confidence in the chair.

10.7.4 PLENARY SECRETARY The secretary shall: • Draft the minutes of the General Assembly under guidance of the Secretary General and the chairperson, according to the rules set in the statutes and Internal Rules. • Send the draft minutes within a maximum of two weeks to the EMSA European Board for review and approval. The approved draft minutes shall then be sent to the EMSA-net mailing list within four weeks after the General Assembly. The draft minutes will be presented for adoption by the EMSA European Board at the next General Assembly.

10.7.5 TEMPORARY CHAIRPERSON In the event of both the chairperson and vice-chairperson being absent for more than 15 minutes after the appointed time of the opening or resuming of the meeting, the participating voting members shall elect a temporary chairperson amongst themselves. The temporary chairperson shall act until the chairperson or vice-chairperson arrives at the meeting and takes over the chair.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


10.7.6 CASTING VOTE In the event of an equality of votes, the chairperson shall call for re-vote. If an equality of votes occurs on the second round of voting, the chairperson has the casting vote. In case the chairperson isn’t a Representative or carrying a proxy, the vice-chairperson will have the casting vote.

10.7.7 CHALLENGE TO THE RULING The ruling of the chairperson may be challenged by any present EMSA member. Such a decision requires a procedural motion with a simple majority. In the event of the motion being passed, the chairperson shall reverse the ruling in question.

10.7.8 NO CONFIDENCE IN THE CHAIR The competence of the chairperson may be questioned by a procedural motion of „No confidence in the chair“, requiring a two thirds majority. In the event of the motion being passed, the chairperson shall immediately thereafter leave the chair in favour of the vice-chairperson, who becomes chairperson and shall call for an immediate voting for a new vice-chairperson.


10.8.1 TABLING A written motion must be tabled before debate is undertaken on a subject. The motion has to be named and numbered for reference in the minutes of that meeting.

10.8.2 PRESENTATION When a motion is tabled, the chairperson must read it and the proposer may explain briefly the purpose of the motion if necessary.

10.8.3 SECONDING • In the event of a motion being proposed, the chairperson shall, after a brief introduction by the proposer, ask for a seconder. • Any present voting EMSA member may second a motion. If there is no seconder found, the motion fails immediately.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


10.8.4 WITHDRAWAL • No motion may be withdrawn without the consent of both the proposer and the seconder. • If only the proposer withdraws, the seconder automatically becomes the proposer of the motion in question and another seconder needs to be found. • After closure of the debate, no withdrawal of motions is acceptable.

10.8.5 CALL FOR AMENDMENTS Following the introduction of the motion, the chairperson shall call for amendments to the motion. All alternate motions and amendments to the motions shall be tabled in writing. In the event of an EMSA-member proposing an amendment to a motion, the chairperson shall: • Ask the proposer and the seconder of the motion if they accept the amendment. • A motion passes if it reaches a simple majority of voting members, present or represented by a proxy. Abstentions do not count into the number of votes needed to reach the simple majority, unless the number of abstentions reach the relative majority. • In the event the proposer and the seconder of the motion accepting the amendment, it shall be immediately incorporated into the original motion. • In the event the proposer or the seconder of the motion being unwilling to accept the amendment, (s)he shall be allowed a short explanation before calling for an immediate vote on the amendment. In case the amendment is accepted by a simple majority, the amendment is incorporated into the original motion.

10.8.6 CALL FOR DIRECT NEGATIVES - ALTERNATIVE MOTION • In the event of no further amendments, the chairperson shall call for any direct negatives of EMSA members to the motion. Should no further EMSA member oppose the motion, the motion passes nemo contra without further debate. • In the event of a direct negative, the chairperson shall call for an alternative motion. The proposer of such an alternative motion may explain briefly the purpose of the motion if necessary.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


• After the call for alternative motions, the chairperson will open the speakers list for a moderated discussion.

10.8.7 SPEAKING RIGHTS The proposer of the motion and the proposer of the alternate motion shall have the right to speak before the closure of debate on the motion, the proposer of the motion being the last to speak.

10.8.8 CALL FOR VOTE • The chairperson shall call for a vote on the motion and any alternative motions if present. • A motion passes if it reaches a simple majority of voting members, present or represented by a proxy. Abstentions do not count into the number of votes needed to reach the simple majority, unless the number of abstentions reach the relative majority. • In case alternative motions have been submitted and no simple majority is reached for any of the motions, there will be an immediate second vote only on the motion receiving the highest number of votes in the first round. • If an equality of votes occurs on the second round of voting, the chairperson has the casting vote. In case the chairperson isn’t a Representative or carrying a proxy, the vice-chairperson will have the casting vote.

10.8.9 MOTIONS ‘OUT OF ORDER’Any submitted motion that is deemed to be in violation of the Internal Rules or Statutes of EMSA should be declared to be out of order.


10.9.1 NATURE A point of order shall be concerned with the enforcement of interpretations of the Statutes and Internal Rules.

10.9.2 PRECEDENCE A point of order shall take precedence over all the terms of address to the chair and shall carry the right of interrupting the current speaker and shall require the chair immediately to allow the delegate to make his/her point of order.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


10.9.3 ABUSE In the event of any delegate using the point of order to make statements, which are not directly related to the defined concern, (s)he shall be called to order by the chairperson. In the event of a delegate being so warned on three occasions during the same meeting (s)he shall personally lose the right to use the point of order for the rest of the meeting.


10.10.1 NATURE A point of information to somebody shall be brief information of a fact, which is of value to the current speaker or to the meeting at large. A point of information can in no case be abused to express a personal point of view. A point of information from somebody serves to put a brief question to the current speaker on the meeting at large, which is relevant to the particular debate.In the event of an EMSA member being so warned on three occasions during the same meeting (s)he shall personally loose the right to use the point of information for the rest of the meeting.

10.10.2 PRESENTATION • When a point of information is indicated to the chairperson while a speaker is exercising his/her speech, the chairperson will ask the speaker whether (s)he will accept the point of information. • In the event of the speaker refusing it, the chairperson must take it as soon as the speaker has finished.

10.10.3 ABUSE • In the event of any EMSA member abusing the point of information to make statements or to express personal views which are not directly related to the particular debate t, (s)he shall be called to order by the chairperson. • In the event of an EMSA member being so warned on three occasions during the same meeting (s)he shall personally loose the right to use the point of information for the rest of the meeting.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



10.11.1 NATURE The following motions shall constitute procedural motions: 1. Challenge to the ruling of the chairperson. 2. No confidence in the chair. 3. The debate on the motion be reopened. 4. The meeting be adjourned. 5. The meeting proceed immediately to vote. 6. The meeting proceed to next business. 7. Consideration of the motion on table be postponed. 8. The meeting take an unofficial vote. 9. A discussion to be not recorded in the minutes. 10. Candidates for election leave the hall during preliminary discussion. 11. Voting by ballot. 12. Observers leave the hall. 13. The speakers‘ list be reopened. 14. To add subjects to the agenda. 15. To overrule decisions upon constitutional controversies. 16. Internal Rules to be suspended. 17. Internal Rules to be resumed. 18. The order of the agenda be changed.

10.11.2 PRECEDENCE A procedural motion shall take the precedence over all terms of address to the chair apart from the point of order, but shall not carry the right of interrupting the current speaker.

10.11.3 SECONDING • In the event of a procedural motion being proposed, the chairperson shall after a brief introduction by the proposer ask for a seconder. • If the motion is seconded, the chairperson shall immediately put the procedural motion to the vote.

10.11.4 APPLICATION In the event of a procedural motion being carried out it shall be put into effect immediately.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


10.11.5 MAJORITYOfficial voting cards shall state the name and the faculty of the registered voting member. All procedural motions require a simple majority except 2 and 16, which shall require a two-thirds majority.

10.12 VOTING

10.12.1 MAJORITY Unless mentioned in the Statutes or Internal Rules, all decisions shall require simple majority.

10.12.2 VOTING MODE Unless mentioned in the Statutes or Internal Rules, all decisions shall be by show of official voting cards, or voting devices.

10.12.3 VOTING CARDS • Official voting cards shall state the name and the faculty of the registered voting member. • The credential commission shall issue official voting cards just before the plenary session of the General Assembly. The cards are only issued once. By losing the voting card the member will lose his/her voting right.

10.12.4 CHANGE OF VOTING MODE Any EMSA member at any meeting may propose a procedural motion on voting by ballot paper.

10.12.5 BALLOT Voting by ballot shall be defined as voting conducted by written indication on ballot.

10.12.6 REPRESENTATION EMSA members shall be represented at the General Assembly through the Representatives of their Faculty or by the members carrying a proxy.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium




11.1.1 REPORT OF ACTIVITY All EMSA European Board members shall document their annual activities in the form of a written report to the General Assembly.

11.1.2 FINANCIAL REPORT The EMSA European Board and all EMSA Task Forces (if applicable) shall present a written financial report to the General Assembly.



12.1.1 DEFINITION An EMSA Commission is an EMSA Task Force with a specific task to carry out during the General Assembly. In case one of the commissions is not able to finish its task during the GA, it shall persist until the task is completed.

12.1.2 SUPERVISION All commissions are under the supervision of the EMSA European Board.

12.1.3 LIST OF EMSA COMMISSIONS • Credential Commission. • Constitutional Commission. • Financial Commission.


12.2.1 TASKS The credential commission shall: • Verify the identities of participants in General Assemblies. • Verify the credentials of every EMSA Representative. • Produce a list of registered voting members. • Propose to the General Assembly a list of EMSA registered

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


members to be granted voting right. • Conduct all voting procedures, including the written voting procedure in case of a minority quorum at the General Assembly.

12.2.2 ELECTION The Credential Commission shall be elected at a preceding session to a General Assembly (specifically a pre-General Assembly session) and shall be composed of at least three to five EMSA members.

12.2.3 VOTING CARDS Official voting cards shall state the name and the faculty of the registered voting member. The credential commission shall issue official voting cards just before the plenary session of the General Assembly. The cards are only issued once. By losing the voting card the member will lose his/her voting right.


12.3.1 TASKS The Constitutional Commission shall: • Be the decision making body when controversies in interpretation of EMSA Statutes and Internal Rules arise. • See to that the EMSA Statutes and Internal Rules are observed.

12.3.2 ELECTION The Constitutional Commission shall be elected at a preceding session to a General Assembly (specifically a pre-General Assembly session) and shall be composed of three EMSA members. The candidates must have prior knowledge of the EMSA Statutes and Internal Rules.

12.3.3 DECISION OF OVERRULE A decision of overrule can be demanded by any EMSA member or by the chairperson of the meeting. To overrule a decision by the constitutional commission in the interpretation of the EMSA Statutes and Internal Rules a two-thirds majority of vote is required.


EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


12.4.1 TASKS Financial commissions shall audit the financial state of EMSA Europe and shall thereafter produce a written report. 12.4.2 RIGHTS Financial commissions shall have access to all account bookkeeping in connection with its task.

12.4.3 ELECTION A financial commission shall be elected at a preceding session to a General Assembly (specifically a pre-General Assembly session) and shall be composed of at least three EMSA members.

12.4.4 FINANCIAL COMMISSION ASSISTANCE The relevant treasurer shall assist the financial commission in its tasks and shall give the financial commission full access to all sources of information required.



13.1.1 STORAGE The Social Seat shall store EMSA archives, documents and General Assembly minutes.

13.1.2 ACCESS The Social Seat is open to any EMSA member and honorary trustee. Any third party, who justifies their interest, may demand access to extracts of signed and dated minutes. Approval is granted by the EMSA European Board with a simple majority vote.

13.1.3 SERVICES The General Secretariat shall provide all information on EMSA-Europe activities.

13.1.4 LOCATION The social seat is situated at: EMSA c/o Standing Committee of European Doctors (CPME) Rue Guimard 15

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


B-1040 Brussels Belgium It may be transferred to any other part of Belgium through a decision of the EMSA European Board.



14.1.1 FINANCIAL YEARThe financial year of EMSA runs from September 1st to August 31st of the following year.

14.1.2 RECEIPTS All expenses made for EMSA-Europe shall be presented in writing on the official EMSA expenses claims form, together with the official receipt stating: • The total amount,• The name of the receiver, • The name of the authorised payer, • The date, when the payment was made.The expenses claims form shall state: • The total amount, • The name of the receiver, • The name of the authorised payer, • The date, • The purpose of expense.

14.1.3 REPORT TO THE TREASURER • All Task Forces shall report to the Treasurer through a full financial report on a quarterly basis. This report shall be specified upon request. • All the European Board members must provide financial reports every half-year, if they don’t the treasurer will be able to freeze their payments. • Organisers of European events must provide a financial report of the event.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


14.1.4 OFFICIAL CURRENCY The official currency used is EUR (Euro).


14.2.1 EMSA EUROPEAN ACCOUNTS EMSA shall have accounts in convertible currency. The accounts are: • The EMSA International Account • The EMSA Working Account • The EMSA Savings Account• Other accounts

14.2.2 EMSA INTERNATIONAL ACCOUNT The International Account is based in Belgium at Fortis bank and only the honorary trustee Stefan Waegemans has direct access to the account. The Treasurer as well as the President are allowed to instruct bank transfers together. The honorary trustee ensures that the International Account is balanced and transfers money from the EMSA Saving account if necessary. Upon request the honorary trustee sends the balance sheet to the Treasurer.

14.2.3 EMSA WORKING ACCOUNTThe EMSA working account is an account created by the Treasurer and President to ensure the reimbursments and payments of bills by decreasing the workload for our honorary trustee in Belgium and allowing payments to EMSA European Board members, externals and companies. The balance on the working account should be kept at around 3000 Euro and is in responsibility of the Treasurer.

14.2.4 OTHER ACCOUNTS The opening of bank accounts for Executive bodies (for example Task Forces or local organizing committees) shall require the written authorisation from the Treasurer, who shall have their references (number of accounts, account numbers, bank address and names of authorised users) at all times.

14.2.5 AUTHORISATION - NOTIFICATION The opening of bank accounts for EMSA Task Forces shall require the written authorisation from the Treasurer, who shall have their references (number of accounts, account numbers, bank address and names of authorised users) at all times.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


14.2.6 CLOSING OF ACCOUNTS In the event of the closure of any of the general accounts, the Treasurer shall be consulted previously and will decide on the transfer of the remaining asset. This decision shall require ratification by the EMSA European Board.


14.3.1 ACCESS TO THE EMSA INTERNATIONAL ACCOUNT Payments out of the EMSA international account can only be authorised by the Treasurer and the President. The subject used in the bank transfer should be specified.

14.3.2 SOURCES OF INCOME The sources of income are: • Membership fees• Subsidies• Grants and funds • Advertisements in EMSA publications• EMSA Events: o Congresses o General Assembly• Contributions from EMSA branches, sections or Task Forces• OthersThe incoming money must be paid into the EMSA International Account.

14.3.3 FUNDS TRANSFER The EMSA International Account is only to be used to transfer money to other EMSA accounts.

14.3.4 ACCESS TO EMSA INTERNATIONAL AND SAVINGS ACCOUNT Access to EMSA International and Savings Accounts is granted to: • The honorary trustee Stefan Waegemans only, he will be instructed by the treasurer signing with the President If the above mentioned are not able to sign, access will be granted to: • The Treasurer signing together with any other Board member. • The President signing together with any other Board Member.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


14.3.5 EXPENDING CLEARANCE Expenses and withdrawals can be authorised by: • The Treasurer up to a limit of 1000 EUR. • Sales. • The President together with any other Board Member up to a limit of 1000 EUR. • The EMSA Executive Board for any higher amount. All transactions have to be notified to the Treasurer within a week form the date of the transaction. Every transaction must be ratified at the next EMSA Executive Board meeting to renew the expending clearance amount; else the transacted amount will be deducted form the initial expending clearance amount. In the event that the transacted amount exceeds the expending clearance amount, the EMSA European Board will decide on appropriate action, which may include legal action.


14.4.1 BUDGET The EMSA budget for the coming financial year is proposed by the EMSA European Board and shall be presented for adoption to the EMSA General Assembly. The budget should be prepared according to the application rules of the applicable grants.

14.4.2 FINANCIAL COMMISSION The Financial Commission, assisted by the Treasurer shall propose guidelines for the coming financial year to the new elected EMSA European Board. (See also Financial Commission, articles 2430-2434). 14.4.3 BUDGET REPORT The budget report shall include all known items as follows: • Incomes from: o Membership fees o Subsidies o Sponsorship o Advertising o Contributions from EMSA Task Forces o Sales o Interests o Other incomes

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


• Expenses for: o Administration o Communication o Printing costs of the EMSA European Board members o Travel costs of the EMSA European Board members o Other expenses o Any other relevant information


14.5.1 GENERAL The membership fee is based on one year of membership.


15.1 GENERAL The President of EMSA is responsible to maintain and establish the contacts with the following relevant institutions: • Medical and non-medical entities. • Student and non-student entities. • European and International entities. No funds may be raised for EMSA activities and/or publications from sources disapproved by the EMSA General Assembly and/or EMSA European Board. Disapprovals needing a simple majority vote. This concerns:

15.2 CONSULTATION Task Forces can maintain and establish contacts with other institutions and associations within the field of their activities. Before contacting other institutions and Associations the Task Forces should communicate with the President of EMSA.

15.3 LIAISON OFFICERS The EMSA European Board can appoint liaison officers to keep contacts with external relations. Liaison officers work under jurisdiction of the President of EMSA.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium




16.1.1 GENERAL IFMSA works in the same field as EMSA with partly the same target group and similar objectives, on an International level.

16.1.2 CONDITIONS FOR CO-OPERATION The conditions for co-operation are defined in the European Partnership Agreement, signed in 2007.

16.1.3 MEETINGSIf one of the General Assemblies (March / August) will be in Europe, at least two EMSA European Board members will attend this meeting if possible.The EMSA European Board will also send members to the EuregMe (European Regional Meeting) of IFMSA.


16.2.1 GENERAL AMSA works in the same field as EMSA with partly the same target group and similar objectives in the Asian region.

16.2.2 CONDITIONS FOR COOPERATION The conditions for cooperation are defined in the Agreement signed in 2008.


16.3.1 GENERALFELSOCEM works in the same field as EMSA with partly the same target group and similar objectives in the Latin American Region.


EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



17.1 RESPONSIBILITY Raising funds is the joint responsibility of the President and the Treasurer.

17.2 CONSULTATION Before contacting International companies for fundraising purposes EMSA members should communicate with the President and the Treasurer.

17.3 EXCLUSION No funds may be raised for EMSA activities and/or publications from sources disapproved by the EMSA General Assembly and/or EMSA European Board. Disapprovals needing a simple majority vote. This concerns: • Tobacco companies • Any other institution vetoed as mentioned above

17.4 CONTRACT EMSA will only accept specified funds from any source. All funds raised and services obtained must be documented in a contract, signed and dated by both parties.

17.5 CONDITIONS The contract must state: • The funded EMSA activity shall not be used in commercial advertising by the sponsoring source, safe for authorisation from the EMSA European Board, regardless of the sponsoring level. • That funding sources shall not control the content, planning administration or execution of the sponsored activity. • That EMSA will provide a summary report to the sponsoring source. • That information should be provided to the participants and public that there is no commercial obligation implied.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



18.1 APPLICANTS Non-EMSA organisations can apply to EMSA for recognition and promotion of non-EMSA events, which they intend to organise. The EMSA European Board‘s answer, voted by simple majority, and shall be made known to them after the next EMSA European Board meeting.

18.2 APPLICATION CONTENTS The application shall include: • Name, address and composition of the organising entity. • Aims and objectives of the event. • Prerequisites for participation. • Official languages and draft programme (including dates, place, time-schedule, registration fees, travel information, budget proposals, etc.).

18.3 CONDITIONS The International event should be organized according to the EMSA objectives.

18.4 VIOLATION OF EMSA INTERNAL RULES AND STATUTES The EMSA European Board shall take proper action including legal action if it deems necessary if the EMSA Statutes and/or Internal Rules are violated within associated events.


19.1 EMSA EUROPEAN EVENT • An EMSA European Event (EEE) is any event organised in the name of EMSA and intended for people from more than one country. • The EMSA European Board has to be notified of any EMSA European Event taking place. An EMSA European Event will be recognised if a written approval by the EMSA European Board is granted.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium



19.2.1 HOSTING COUNTRY The GA should elect a hosting country for the next General Assembly (GA) and National Coordinators Meeting (NCM). If there is no proposal or the elected country cannot fulfil the requirements, the EMSA European Board (EEB) has to decide on a new location for the meeting.

19.2.2 CONTRACT • The Organising Committee (OC) and the EMSA European Board (EEB) should sign a written contract regarding the organisation of the meeting. The OC and the EEB should clearly outline the registration fee, estimated budget, preliminary programme, the working facilities, board and lodging. • The contract for the forthcoming meeting should be signed within two months of the preceding GA.

19.2.3 REGISTRATION FEE The registration fee for EMSA meetings should not exceed 200 EUR. 10 % of all registration fees of the General Assembly and the National Coordinators’ Meeting are reserved for the EMSA European Board and shall be transferred to this account.

19.2.4 INVITATION The EMSA European Board members should be invited by the Organising Committee of the meeting. Partners of EMSA and EMSA Honorary Trustees should be invited by the EMSA European Board (EEB).


19.3.1 EUROTALK A Eurotalk is a course on medical phraseology. The mains of a Eurotalk are to introduce medics to the medical terminology of a European language and to relearn the everyday language and grammar, with a view to study or work in another country. 19.3.2 WORKING ABROAD DATABASE PROJECT (WADP) The Working Abroad Database Project was initiated to develop a website database ( including all necessary

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


information about working and postgraduate training conditions for medical students and young doctors willing to work outside of their home countries in Europe.

19.3.3 TWINNING PROJECT (TP) A medical education based short term exchange-like program on local level to experience the teaching methods used by other medical faculties and in other health care systems as well as to promote the integration of medical students on the academic, social and cultural level.

19.3.4 EMSA SUMMER SCHOOL (ESS) The EMSA Summer Schools offer medical students from all geographical Europe to study a specific field of medicine during the summer in an international group. The students not only learn medical knowledge, but also interactive communication and teamwork with other medical students from diverse social and cultural backgrounds.

19.3.5 EMSA MOVIES & MEDICINE (M&M) Movies & Medicine combines a movie on a medical topic with a lecture on the topic of the film. This project unifies entertainment and medical education.

19.3.6 TEDDY BEAR HOSPITAL (TBH) Teddy Bear Hospital is a roleplay of the hospital setting with children and medical students. This project allows medical students to gain experience working with children. The Teddy Bear Hospital schedule is a joint project of the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA) and the European Medical Students’ Association (EMSA).


20.1 JEMSA TASK FORCE20.1.1 DEFINITIONJEMSA is the Journal of EMSA on Medical and Scientific Affairs (registered under the ISSN 0779- 1577). JEMSA contains mainly scientific papers from and for medical students. At least one issue should be published at the ESC in Berlin. JEMSA should contain full articles and is edited by the JEMSA Task Force.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


20.1.2 SUPERVISIONJEMSA is under the supervision of the EMSA Medical Science Director.

20.1.3 EDITINGThe JEMSA Task Force is responsible for editing, publishing and spreading JEMSA all over Europe.


20.2.1 DEFINITION EUROMEDS is a newsletter-like journal, which contains information on EMSA and EMSA events. The EUROMEDS shall appear at least five times a year.

20.2.2 SUPERVISIONThe EUROMEDS Task Force is under the supervision of the EMSA Secretary General.

20.2.3 EDITING The Secretary General is responsible for editing, publishing and spreading the EUROMEDS among Faculty Member Organisations (FMOs), external relations and interested students in Europe.


20.3.1 DEFINITION European Words is an online newsletter for all EMSA members, which contains articles from and for medical students in Europe. In order to represent the words of Europe. European Words shall appear at least two times a year.

20.3.2 SUPERVISION The European Words Task Force is under the supervision of the EMSA European Integration Director.

20.3.3 EDITING The EMSA European Integration Director is responsible for editing, publishing and spreading the European Words among Faculty Member Organisations (FMOs) and interested students in Europe.

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


gniniarT lacideM no eettimmoC yrosivdA TMCA sed xuareneG statE sed noitaicossA EEGEA

Etudiants d' Europe ñ European Studentsí Forum

srotcoD roineS fo noitaicossA naeporuE HMEA ne stnaidutE sed elanoitanretnI noitaicossA CESEIA

Sciences Economiques et Commerciales. noitaicossA lacideM naciremA AMA

lacideM noitaicossA lacideM naciremA SSM-AMAStudents Section

eporuE ni noitacudE lacideM rof noitaicossA EEMA noitaicossA ístnedutS lacideM naciremA ASM naciremA

eporuE ni sloohcS lacideM fo noitaicossA ESMA )EMPC( noitasinagrO detaicossA OA

ssenisuB rehto ynA BOA elbissop sa noos sA PASA

noitaicossA ístnedutS lacideM naisA ASM naisA noitaicossA lacideM namreG KEAB ro KƒB

noitaicossA lacideM hsitirB AMB lanruoJ lacideM hsitirB JMB

noitacudE lacideM gniunitnoC EMC eporuE fo licnuoC EOC

tnempoleveD lanoisseforP suounitnoC DPC srotcoD naeporuE fo eettimmoC gnidnatS EMPC

)CE( lareneG etarotceriD GD erutluC dna noitacudE GD CAE GD

noitcetorP remusnoC dna htlaeH GD OCNAS GD rof licnuoC noitatiderccA naeporuE EMCCAE

Continuous Medical Education ro noissimmoC naeporuE CE

Executive Committee (CPME) draoB naeporuE ASME BEE

gniteeM draoB naeporuE ASME MBEE snoitaicossA stnedutS waL naeporuE ASLE

snoitasinagrO lacideM naeporuE OME nosiaiL-snoitasinagrO lacideM naeporuE OL-OME

Officer ssergnoC ístnedutS lacideM naeporuE noCSME

tnemailraP naeporuE PE snoitaicossA stnedutS ycamrahP naeporuE ASPE

ecnerefnoC ístnedutS naeporuE CSE loohcS remmuS ASME SSE

noinU naeporuE UE srotcoD deiralaS fo noitaredeF naeporuE SMEF

noitasinagrO rebmeM ytlucaF OMF noitamrofnI ruoy roF IYF

ylbmessA lareneG AG stnedutS lanoitanretnI fo muroF lamrofnI OSIFI

Organisations ístnedutS lacideM fo noitaredeF lanoitanretnI ASMFI

Associations retteL noitativnI LI

noitaredeF stnedutS ycamrahP lanoitanretnI FSPI seluR lanretnI RI

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European Doctors

Rue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium


rotanidrooC lacoL CL reciffO nosiaiL OL rotcoD lacideM DM

htlaeH fo yrtsiniM HOM htlaeH cilbuP fo retsaM HPM

rotanidrooC lanoitaN CN gniteeM srotanidrooC lanoitaN MCN

eettimmoC gnisinagrO CO htlaeH cilbuP HP

elpoeP LPP naeporuE fo puorG gnikroW tnenamreP GWP

Junior Doctors eettimmocbuS CS

noitacudE lacideM fo eettimmoC gnidnatS EMOCS(IFMSA)

tnedutS sdrawot reciffO nosiaiL OL-OSOrganisations

latipsoH raeB yddeT HBT tcejorP gninniwT PT

srenoititcarP lareneG fo noinU naeporuE OMEU stsilaicepS lacideM fo noinU naeporuE SMEU noitacudE lacideM rof noitaredeF dlroW EMFW

ylbmessA htlaeH dlroW AHW noitasinagrO htlaeH dlroW OHW

muisopmyS ístnedutS erachtlaeH dlroW SSHW eettimmoC gnikroW oCoW

stnedutS ycamrahP dna lacideM dlroW sPaMdlroW

Please use the remaining space to note down any other terms which may be confusing for you. Please also inform an EEB member, so that it can be included in a future list.

Got a question?

Write an E-Mail to eeb@emsa-europe.euor ask us anytime at the GA.

European Medical Students’ Association

EMSA European Board2010 / 2011

c/o CPMEStanding Committeeof European DoctorsRue Guimard 151040 Brussels, Belgium

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