galit nimrod july, 2014 curriculm vitae and list of...

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Personal Details

Address and telephone The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

number at work: Department of Communication Studies

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

P.O. Box 653, Beer-Sheva 84105, Israel

Tel: 972-8-6477194

Fax: 972-3-6472855



1989-1992 B.A. Tel Aviv University, Israel, Economics, Summa Cum-Laude

1995-1997 M.A. Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, Communication and Journalism,

Summa Cum-Laude. Advisor: Prof. Hanna Adoni. Title of thesis: Leisure

and the family life cycle among young adults in Israel

1999-2003 Ph.D. Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, Communication and Journalism.

Advisor: Prof. Hanna Adoni. Title of thesis: Patterns of continuity and

change in leisure after retirement: Leisure activities, leisure meanings

and life Satisfaction

2004-2005 Post-




University of Georgia, US, The Gerontology Center and The

Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies.

Host for post-doctorate: Prof. Douglas A. Kleiber

Employment History





Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, The Faculty of Humanities

and Social Sciences, Department of Communication Studies

2011-2013 Senior Lecturer


Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, The Faculty of Humanities

and Social Sciences, Department of Communication Studies

2010-2011 Senior Lecturer Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, The Faculty of Humanities

and Social Sciences, Department of Communication Studies



Research Fellow Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, The Center for

Multidisciplinary Research on Aging

2007-1010 Lecturer

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Gilford Glazer School of

Business and Management, Department of Hotel and Tourism


2006-2007 Lecturer


University of Haifa, Faculty of Social Welfare and Health

Studies, Department of Aging Studies



2006-2007 Research Fellow University of Haifa, Faculty of Social Welfare and Health

Studies, The Center for Research and Study of Aging

2005-2007 Lecturer


Sapir Academic College, School of Communication

2003-2006 Instructor The Open University, Department of Mass Communication

1997-2004 Research and

Strategic Planning

Shalmor Avnon Amichay / Young & Rubicam Advertising


1995-1996 Research and

Strategic Planning

Kesher Barel / McCann-Erickson Advertising Agency

1994-1995 Research and

Strategic Planning

Bar-Lehavi Advertising Agency

Professional Activities

(a) Positions in academic administration

2012-2014 Member of the faculty's

committee for graduate students

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Ben-

Gurion University of the Negev

2010-present Advisor for graduate students Department of Communication Studies, Ben-Gurion

University of the Negev

2009-present Member of the Teaching


Department of Communication Studies, Ben-Gurion

University of the Negev

2009 Member of the university's

committee for improving the

service for Ph.D. candidates

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

2008-2009 Head of the Graduate Teaching


Department of Hotel & Tourism Management, Ben-

Gurion University of the Negev

2008-2009 Member of the School's

Teaching Committee

Gilford Glazer School of Business and

Management, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

(b) Professional functions outside universities

Leadership activities:

2013-present Member of the



Israel Communication Association (ISCA)


Member of the

Board of


World Leisure Organization (WLO) - a world-wide, non-governmental

association of persons and organizations dedicated to discovering and

fostering those conditions best permitting leisure to serve as a force for

human growth, development and well-being.




Founder and



The Leisure and Aging Research Group (LARG), a community of 130

scholars studying leisure and aging that aims to enhance

interdisciplinary and international dialogue between leisure and aging

researchers, educators, practitioners, and policy makers.

2007-2010 Participant The CREATE program, a Marie Curie (EU) series of events that

focused on developing young researchers' competencies tied to working

in large European projects, as well as their competencies in social

networking and relation building at an international level. The series

included four workshops, each lasted a week, on the following topics:

"From Creativity to Innovation," "Communication and Dissemination,"

Knowledge Transfer," and "Human Resources in Teams."

International collaborations:

2010-2014 Member COST Action IS0906 “Transforming Audiences, Transforming

Societies” that coordinates research efforts into the key

transformations of European audiences within a changing media and

communication environment, identifying their complex

interrelationships with the social, cultural and political areas of

European societies.

Ad-hoc referee and reviewer:

Peer reviewed


Ageing and Society, Gerontology, Hagar, Health Communication, International

Journal of Communication, International Journal of Disability and Human

Development, Journal of Applied Gerontology, Journal of Computer Mediated

Communication, Journal of Gerontology, series B: Social Sciences, Journal of

Gerontechnology, Journal of Leisure Research, Leisure / Loisir, Leisure Studies,

Leisure Sciences, Qualitative Sociology, Research on Aging, Society and Welfare,

World Leisure Journal

Conferences Canadian Congress on Leisure Research (CCLR), Israel Communication

Association, Hawaiian International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS),

National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) Leisure Research Symposium

Grants Elderhostel K. Patricia Cross doctoral research grant, Israel Cancer Association,

Israel Ministry of Science (social sciences), Israel Scientific Foundation (ISF), Keren

Shalem, Maccabee Institute, World Leisure Association - Thomas and Ruth Rivers

International Scholarship Award



Member in three committees nominated by the Israeli Council of Higher Education

in order to examine new educational programs in communication studies.

(c) Member of editorial board of scientific journal





Journal of Leisure Research, the official refereed journal of the American

National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA)



Guest Editor Participations: Journal of Audience & Reception studies – Special issue

on “Generations as (Media) audiences” (November 2014, Volume 11,

Issue 2).





Guest Editor The International Review of Social Research - special issue on “Health

and Communication” (June 2013; Volume 3, Issue 2).





Leisure / Loisir, the official refereed journal of the Canadian Association

for Leisure Studies (CALS)

(d) Membership in professional/scientific societies

2010-present Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR)

2010-present European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA)

2010-present International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR)

2009-present Leisure Studies Association (LSA)

2008-present Canadian Association for Leisure Studies (CALS)

2008-present Leisure and Aging Research Group (LARG)

2008-present World Leisure Organization (WLO)

2006-present Israel Communication Association (ISCA)

2006-present Israel Gerontological Society (IGS)

2006-present National Recreation and Parks Administration (NRPA)

2006-present Society of Parks and Recreation Educators (SPREnet)

Educational Activities

(a) Courses taught

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev:

Advertising workshop (BA)

Introduction to Leisure Services Management (BA)

Leisure – Journey of Discoveries (BA)

Principles of Marketing (BA)

Advertising Management (MA)

E-leisure (MA)

Leisure and Communication in Later Life (MA)

Leisure in the 21st Century (MA)

Internet and Society (MA)

Social and Cultural Aspects of Leisure Management (MA)

University of Haifa:

Leisure and Aging (MA)

Marketing to Older Consumers (MA)

Statistics (MA)

Sapir Academic College:

Creativity and Criticism (BA)

Issues in Recreation and Leisure Studies (BA)

Principles of Advertising (BA)

The Open University:

Leisure, Communication and Culture (BA)



(b) Research students


Student’s Name Degree University / Institution



Rinat Lifshitz Ph.D. Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

(with Dr. Yaacov Bechner)



Sigal Naim Ph.D. Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

2014 Sarit Okun-Yudka MA Ben-Gurion University of the Negev



Yael Ron


Ben-Gurion University of the Negev



David Sasson


Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

(with Prof. Amir Cohen-Shalev)

2012 Guy Krispin

MA Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

2012 Ariela Malushizki MA Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

(with Prof. Talma Kushnir)

2011 Chen Schorr MA Ben-Gurion University of the Negev


Anat Mizrahi MA University of Haifa (with Dr. Miri Cohen)

Awards, Citations, Honors, Fellowships

(a) Honors, Citations, Awards

2013 Journal of Gerontology Series B: Social Sciences, Oxford Journals – The Editor's

Choice Article

2011 The Gerontologist, Oxford Journals – The Editor's Choice Article

2008 Israel Gerontological Society - The 2008 Max Prohovnik Award

2007 NARSAD Young Investigator Award

1997 The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Department of Communication and Journalism -

The Noah Mozes Award

(b) Fellowships

2004 Fulbright - Post-doctoral Scholar Award for Academic Year 2004/2005 (20,000$)



Scientific Publications

(a) Editorship of collective volumes

1. Marinescu, V., Nimrod, G., & Carlo, S. (2013). Health and Communication – Special issue.

International Review of Social Research, 3(2). 173 pages.

(b) Chapters is collective volumes

1. Nimrod, G. (2011). The impact of leisure activity and innovation on the well-being of the

very old. In L. W. Poon & J. Cohen-Mansfield (Eds.). Understanding the well being in the

oldest-old, pp. 240-257. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

2. Nimrod, G. & Janke, M. C. (2012). Leisure across the later lifespan. In J. Singelton & H. J.

Gibson (Eds.). Leisure and aging: Theory and practice, pp. 95-109. Champaign, IL: Human


3. Leitner, M., & Nimrod, G. (2012). Recreation program evaluation and research. In Michael J.

Leitner & Sara F. Leitner (Eds.), Leisure in later life, 4th Edition, pp. 151-165. Urbana, IL:


4. Nimrod, G. (2013). Beneficial participation: Lurking vs. posting in online support groups. In

R. Ahmed and B. R. Bates (Eds.), pp. 81-95. Health Communication and Mass Media: An

Integrated Approach to Policy and Practice. Surrey, UK: Gower.

5. *Nimrod, G. (forthcoming). Incredibly diverse, truly challenged: Older Israelis and leisure.

In M. J. Leitner and S. Leitner (Eds.), Israeli life and leisure in the 21st century. Urbana, IL:


6. *Nimrod, G. (forthcoming). Seniors’ online communities and their potential to enhance

psychological well-being. In Nancy A. Pachana and Ken Laidlaw (Eds.), The Oxford

Handbook of Clinical Geropsychology: International Perspectives.

7. *Nimrod, G. (forthcoming). The roles technology plays in twenty-first century leisure. In G.

Walker, D. Scott & M. Stodolska (Eds.), Leisure matters: The state and future of leisure

studies. State College, PA: Venture.

8. *Lemish, D. & Nimrod, G. (forthcoming). From the womb to the tomb: Conceptual

similarities in studying the youngest and the oldest of audiences. In F. Zeller, C. Ponte & B.

O’Neill (Eds.), Revitalizing audience research. London, UK: Routledge.

(c) Refereed articles in scientific journals

1. Nimrod, G., (2003). Mipui uskira shel hamehkarim bethum hapnai lehahar haprisha (Leisure

after retirement: Research review and mapping). Gerontologia, 30 (1-2), 29-46. (Hebrew)

2. Nimrod, G., & Adoni, H. (2006). Leisure styles and life satisfaction among recent retirees in

Israel. Ageing and Society, 26, 607-630.

3. Nimrod, G. (2007). Expanding, reducing, concentrating and diffusing: post retirement

leisure behavior and life satisfaction. Leisure Sciences, 29(1), 91-111.



4. Nimrod, G. (2007). Retirees’ leisure: activities, benefits, and their contribution to life

satisfaction. Leisure Studies, 26(1), 65-80.

5. Nimrod, G. & Kleiber, D. A. (2007). Reconsidering change and continuity in later life:

toward an innovation theory of successful aging. International Journal of Aging and Human

Development, 65(1), 1-22.

6. Nimrod, G. (2008). In support of innovation theory: Innovation in activity patterns and life

satisfaction among recently retired individuals. Ageing and Society, 28, 831-846.

7. Nimrod, G. (2008). Retirement and tourism: Themes in retirees' narratives. Annals of

Tourism Research, 35(4), 859-878.

8. Nimrod, G. (2008). Time for old friends and grandchildren? Post retirement get-togethers

and life satisfaction. Leisure / Loisir, 32(1), 21-46.

9. Nimrod, G., Janke, M. C., & Kleiber, D. A. (2008). Retirement, activity, and subjective

well-being in Israel and the Unites States. World Leisure Journal, 50(1), 18-32.

10. Janke, M. C., Nimrod, G., & Kleiber, D. A. (2008). Leisure activity and depressive

symptoms of widowed and married women in later life. Journal of Leisure Research, 40(2),


11. Janke, M. C., Nimrod, G., & Kleiber, D. A. (2008). Reduction in leisure activity and well-

being during the transition to widowhood. Women and Aging, 20(1-2), 83-98.

12. Janke, M. C., Nimrod, G., & Kleiber, D. A. (2008). Leisure patterns and health among

recently widowed adults. Activities, Adaptation & Aging, 32(1), 19-39.

13. Kleiber, D. A., & Nimrod, G. (2008). Expressions of generativity and civic engagement in

'third age' adults. Journal of Adult Development, 15, 76-86.

14. Nimrod, G. (2009). The Internet as a resource in older adults' leisure. International Journal

of Disability and Human Development, 8(3), 207-214

15. Nimrod, G., Janke, M. C., & Kleiber, D. A. (2009). Expanding, reducing, concentrating and

diffusing: Activity patterns of recent retirees in the US. Leisure Sciences, 31(1), 37-52.

16. Kleiber, D. A., & Nimrod, G. (2009). "I can't be very sad:" Constraint and adaptation in the

leisure of a ‘learning in retirement’ group. Leisure Studies, 68(1), 67-83.

17. Nimrod, G. (2010). Seniors' online communities: A quantitative content analysis. The

Gerontologist, 50(3), 382-392.

18. Nimrod, G., & Hutchinson, S. (2010). Innovation among older adults with chronic health

conditions. Journal of Leisure Research, 41(1), 1-23.

19. Nimrod, G., & Rotem, A. (2010). Between relaxation and excitement: Activities and benefits

gained in retirees' tourism. International Journal of Tourism Research, 12(1), 65-78.

20. Nimrod, G. (2011). The fun culture in seniors' online communities. The Gerontologist, 51(2),




21. Kleiber, D., Nimrod, G., & Hutchinson, S. (2011). Reconstructing leisure in adapting to

chronic illness in later life: Emotional and behavioral strategies. International Journal of

Disability and Human Development, 10(2), 131-138.

22. Mizrahi, A., Nimrod, G., & Cohen, M. (2011). Kehilot mekuvanout kekli lehitmodedut im

mahalat haAlzheimer (Online communities as a resource for coping with Alzheimer's

disease). Gerontologia, 38(1), 11-27. (Hebrew)

23. Nimrod, G. (2012). From knowledge to hope: Online depression communities. International

Journal of Disability and Human Development, 11(1), 23-30.

24. Nimrod, G. (2012). Online communities as a resource in older adults' tourism. The Journal of

Community Informatics, 8(1). Available at: http://ci-

25. Nimrod, G. (2012). Online depression communities: Does gender matter? Cyberpsychology,

6(1), article 6. Available at:

26. Nimrod, G. (2012). The membership life cycle in online support groups. International

Journal of Communication Research, 6, 1245-1261

27. Nimrod, G., & Adoni, H. (2012). Conceptualizing E-leisure. Loisir et Société / Society and

Leisure, 35(1), 31-56.

28. Nimrod, G., Kleiber, D.A., & Berdychevsky, L. (2012). Leisure in coping with depression.

Journal of Leisure Research, 44(4), 419-449.

29. Nimrod, G., & Rotem, A. (2012). An exploration of the innovation theory of successful aging

among older tourists. Ageing and Society, 32, 379-404.

30. Hutchinson, S., & Nimrod, G. (2012). Leisure as a resource for successful aging by older

adults with chronic health conditions. International Journal of Aging and Human

Development, 74(1), 41-65.

31. Khvorostyanov, N., Elias, N., & Nimrod, G. (2012). 'Without it I'm nothing': The Internet in

the lives of older immigrants. New Media and Society, 14(4), 583-599.

32. Nimrod, G. (2013). Applying gerontographics in the study of older Internet users.

Participations: Journal of Audience & Reception studies, 10(2), 46-64.

33. Nimrod, G. (2013). Challenging the Internet paradox: Online depression communities and

well being. International Journal of Internet Science, 8(1), 30-48.

34. Nimrod, G. (2013). Probing the audience of seniors' online communities. The Journal of

Gerontology: Series B, 68(5), 773-782.

35. Nimrod, G. (2013). Online depression communities: Participants' interests and perceived

benefits gained. Health Communication, 28(5), 425-434.

36. Berdychevsky, L., Nimrod, G., Kleiber, D. A. & Gibson, H. J. (2013). Sex as leisure in the

shadow of depression. Journal of Leisure Research, 45(1), 47-73.



37. Nimrod, G. (2014). The benefits of and constraints to participation in seniors' online

communities. Leisure Studies, 33(3), 247-266.

(d) Scientific reports

1. Nimrod, G. (2008). Online depression communities: Quantitative content analysis.

NARSAD - The Mental Health Research Association. 123 pages.

2. Nimrod, G. (2010). Online depression communities: A survey study. NARSAD - The Mental

Health Research Association. 232 pages.

3. Dahan. D. & Nimrod, G. (2014). The leisure patterns of senior citizens in Israel. Israel

Gerontological Data Center at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem & the Israeli Ministry for

Senior Citizens. 42 pages. (Hebrew)

(e) Un-refereed articles and publications

1. Nimrod, G., (1998). Mehurim laavoda velmishpaha (Addicted to work and family.) Panim,

5, 30-39. (Hebrew)

2. Nimrod, G., (2004). Mehapsim rigushim o shokim bakursa (Thrill seekers or couch

potatoes?) Panim, 27, 4-11. (Hebrew)

3. Nimrod, G., (2006). Pearim hevratiim vepnai: Hamikre shel gimlaim beisrael (Social

imbalance and leisure: The case of Israeli retirees). Hadea Harovahat, 41, 10-12 (Hebrew)

4. Nimrod, G. (2009). Baderech lemala: Hudshanut bepnai begil mevugar (On the way up:

Innovation in leisure in old age). Hagil Hahadash, 6, 14-16. (Hebrew)

5. Nimrod, G. (2010). Mehubarim umevalim: Kehilot mevugarim bainternet (Wired and

recreating: Seniors' communities in the Internet). Dorot, 126, 40-43. (Hebrew)

Lectures and Presentations at Meetings and Invited Seminars

(a) Invited plenary lectures at conferences / meetings

1. Nimrod, G., (2002). The challenges of leisure at old age. First convention for leisure in later

life. Ramat Efal, Israel. January, 2002

2. Nimrod, G. (2008). Does leisure’s meaning change with age? The Tenth World Leisure

Congress. Quebec, Canada. October, 2008.

3. Nimrod, G. (2008). Innovation among oldest old: Is it possible? Is it good? BSF conference

& workshop - 'Adding life to years: Development of sociological and psychological theories

of U.S. - Israel Research.' Tel Aviv University and Kibbutz Genosar, Israel. January, 2008.

4. Nimrod, G. (2008). Leisure in the web: What do we know about older adults' Internet use?

What is yet to be studied? Innovations and challenges in geriatrics: Technology serving the

elderly. Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel. December, 2008.

5. Nimrod, G. (2009). Seniors' online communities: The talk and the joke. Communication and

culture: Interfaces and confrontations - A joint conference by the School of Communications



at Herzliya Interdisciplinary Center and Van Leer Institute. Herzliya Interdisciplinary Center,

Israel. July, 2009.

6. Nimrod, G. (2011). Refining leisure research in increasingly virtual world. The George

Butler Lecture (Keynote). National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) Leisure

Research Symposium. Atlanta, Georgia. November, 2011. (Based on an article with Hanna


7. Kleiber, D. A. & Nimrod, G. (2011). Leisure and tourism in later life. The seventh World

Ageing & Generations Congress. St. Gallen, Switzerland. September, 2011.

8. Nimrod, G. (2012). Going online: The technological trend in seniors' leisure and the current

state of research. The 12th World Leisure Congress. Rimini, Italy. September-October, 2012.

9. Nimrod, G. (2013). Aging well in a digital world: The role of the Internet in promoting well-

being in later life. Multi-Disciplinary Perspective on Aging. Bar-Ilan University, Israel.

March, 2013.

10. Nimrod G. (2013). Leisure across the later life span: Continuity and change (Keynote).

OcioGune 2013. University of Deusto, Spain. June, 2013.

11. Nimrod, G. (2014). Leisure education: A perspective for problem solving. The beautiful and

dark sides of leisure. Beit Berl, Israel. March, 2014.

12. Nimrod, G. (2014, to be presented). Understanding the roles of technology in contemporary

leisure: A conceptual framework. The 13th World Leisure Congress. Mobile, Alabama.

September, 2014.

(b) Presentations of papers at conferences / meetings

1. Nimrod, G., (2003). Post retirement leisure behavior and well Being. The 15th Biennial

Meeting of Israel Gerontological Society. Tel Aviv, Israel. December, 2003. Also published

in the Abstracts of the Meeting of Israel Gerontological Society. Published by Israel

Gerontological Society.

2. Nimrod, G., Janke, M. C., & Kleiber, D. A. (2005). Activity and well-being in a cross-

cultural Perspective. 16th Biennial Meeting of Israel Gerontological Society. Tel Aviv, Israel.

December, 2005. Also published in the Abstracts for the Meeting of Israel Gerontological

Society. Published by Israel Gerontological Society.

3. Nimrod, G., Janke, M. C., & Kleiber, D. A. (2005). Post retirement leisure behavior and

well-being: a cross-cultural study. The Gerontology Society of America (GSA) 58th Annual

Scientific Meeting. Orlando, Florida. November, 2005. Also published in the Proceedings of

the Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America. Published by The Gerontological

Society of America.

4. Nimrod, G. (2006). "Silver surfers:" research review and directions for further studies. Tenth

conference of Israel Communication Association. Jerusalem, Israel. April, 2006. Also

published in the Abstracts for the Conference of Israel Communication Association.

Published by Israel Communication Association.

5. Nimrod, G., & Kleiber, D. A. (2006). Innovation in post retirement leisure. National

Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) Leisure Research Symposium. Seattle,



Washington. October, 2006. Also published in the Abstracts for the NRPA Leisure Research

Symposium. Published by The National Recreation and Park Association.

6. Kleiber, D. A., & Nimrod, G. (2006). Visages of generativity in a group of recent retirees.

The Gerontology Society of America (GSA) 59th Annual Scientific Meeting. Dallas, Texas.

November, 2006. Also published in the Proceedings of the Meeting of the Gerontological

Society of America. Published by The Gerontological Society of America.

7. Janke, M. C., Nimrod, G., & Kleiber, D. A. (2006). Changes in leisure participation and

well-being among recently widowed persons. The Gerontology Society of America (GSA) 59th

Annual Scientific Meeting. Dallas, Texas. November, 2006. Also published in the Proceedings

of the Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America. Published by The Gerontological

Society of America.

8. Janke, M. C., Nimrod, G., & Kleiber, D. A. (2006). Leisure activity and widowhood – how

does activity change and does participation affect health and well-being? National

Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) Leisure Research Symposium. Seattle,

Washington. October, 2006. Also published in the Abstracts for the NRPA Leisure Research

Symposium. Published by The National Recreation and Park Association.

9. Nimrod, G. (2007). Preliminary support for 'innovation theory': innovation in leisure and

post retirement well-being. National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) Leisure

Research Symposium. Indianapolis, Indiana. September, 2007. Also published in the

Abstracts for the NRPA Leisure Research Symposium. Published by The National

Recreation and Park Association.

10. Nimrod, G. (2007). The role of innovation in promoting older adults health. Franco-Israeli

Symposium - 'Confronting aging: a cross-national perspective.' Paris, France. October, 2007.

11. Nimrod, G., & Kleiber, D. A. (2007). Innovation in recent retirees' leisure. Faculty of Social

Welfare & Health Sciences Research Fair. University of Haifa, Israel. May, 2007. Also

published in the Abstracts for the Faculty of Social Welfare & Health Sciences Research

Fair. Published by The University of Haifa.

12. Kleiber, D. A., & Nimrod, G. (2007). Generativity in a group of recent retirees. Faculty of

Social Welfare & Health Sciences Research Fair. University of Haifa, Israel. May, 2007.

Also published in the Abstracts for the Faculty of Social Welfare & Health Sciences

Research Fair. Published by The University of Haifa.

13. Janke, M. C., Nimrod, G., & Kleiber, D. A. (2007). Leisure involvement and depressive

symptoms of widowed and married women in later life. The Gerontology Society of America

(GSA) 60th Annual Scientific Meeting. San Francisco, California. November, 2007. Also

published in the Proceedings of the Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America.

Published by The Gerontological Society of America.

14. Nimrod, G. (2008). Innovation and life satisfaction among retirees in Israel. The 17th

Biennial Meeting of Israel Gerontological Society. Tel Aviv, Israel. February, 2008. Also

published in the Abstracts for the Meeting of Israel Gerontological Society. Published by

Israel Gerontological Society.

15. Nimrod, G. (2008). Retirement as an opportunity for traveling. The 12th Canadian Congress

on Leisure Research (CCLR12). Montreal, Canada. May, 2008. Also published in the



Abstracts for the Canadian Congress on Leisure Research. Published by the Canadian

Association for Leisure Studies.

16. Nimrod, G. (2008). Retirement, continuity and adaptation: themes in older adults’ narratives

of tourism and travels. The 17th Biennial Meeting of Israel Gerontological Society. Tel Aviv,

Israel. February, 2008. Also published in the Abstracts for the Meeting of Israel

Gerontological Society. Published by Israel Gerontological Society.

17. Nimrod, G. (2008). Shell we meet for coffee? Probably not. Post retirement social activity

and subjective well being. The 17th Biennial Meeting of Israel Gerontological Society. Tel

Aviv, Israel. February, 2008. Also published in the Abstracts for the Meeting of Israel

Gerontological Society. Published by Israel Gerontological Society.

18. Nimrod, G. (2008). Traveling retirees' perceptions of tourism and travel. The annual

conference of the Israeli Academic Forum of Tourism Researchers. Eilat, Israel. February,

2008. Also published in the Abstracts for the Conference of the Israeli Academic Forum of

Tourism Researchers. Published by the Israeli Academic Forum of Tourism Researchers.

19. Nimrod, G., & Hutchinson, S. (2008) Innovation in leisure among older adults with chronic

health conditions. National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) Leisure Research

Symposium. Baltimore, Maryland. October, 2008. Also published in the Abstracts for the

NRPA Leisure Research Symposium. Published by The National Recreation and Park


20. Nimrod, G., & Kleiber, D. A. (2008). The role of innovation in successful aging. The 17th

Biennial Meeting of Israel Gerontological Society. Tel Aviv, Israel. February, 2008. Also

published in the Abstracts for the Meeting of Israel Gerontological Society. Published by

Israel Gerontological Society.

21. Nimrod, G., Janke, M. C., & Kleiber, D. A. (2008). Less may be more: changes in leisure and

well-being among recent retirees in the US. The Tenth World Leisure Congress. Quebec,

Canada. October, 2008. Also published in the Abstracts for the World Leisure Congress.

Published by World Leisure Organization.

22. Kleiber, D. A., & Nimrod, G. (2008). Expressions of generativity and civic engagement in

'third age' adults. The Tenth World Leisure Congress. Quebec, Canada. October, 2008. Also

published in the Abstracts for the World Leisure Congress. Published by World Leisure


23. Kleiber, D. A., & Nimrod, G. (2008)."Not a bad thing:" constraint and adaptation in the

leisure of a 'Learning in Retirement' group. The 12th Canadian Congress on Leisure Research

(CCLR12). Montreal, Canada. May, 2008. Also published in the Abstracts for the Canadian

Congress on Leisure Research. Published by the Canadian Association for Leisure Studies.

24. Nimrod G. (2009). Cyberseniors just want to have fun. National Recreation and Park

Association (NRPA) Leisure Research Symposium. Salt Lake City, Utah. October, 2009. Also

published in the Abstracts for the NRPA Leisure Research Symposium. Published by The

National Recreation and Park Association.

25. Nimrod, G. (2009). From knowledge to hope: Online depression communities. The 8th

Global Conference Making sense of: Health, Illness and Disease. Oxford, UK. July, 2009.



26. Nimrod, G., & Rotem, A. (2009). Learning to balance? Activities and benefits in older adults'

tourism. Leisure experiences: Participating, Planning, Providing - The Leisure Studies

Association (LSA) Conference. Canterbury, UK. July, 2009. Also published in the Abstracts

for the Conference, by the Leisure Studies Association (LSA).

27. Nimrod, G., & Rotem, A. (2009). Between relaxation and excitement: Older adults’ tourism.

The annual conference of the Israeli Academic Forum of Tourism Researchers. Haifa, Israel.

February, 2009. Also published in the Abstracts for the Conference of the Israeli Academic

Forum of Tourism Researchers. Published by the Israeli Academic Forum of Tourism


28. Adoni, H., Kama, A., Nimrod, G. & Nossek, H. (2010). Audience research in Israel. The first

meeting of COST Action “Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies.” Lisbon,

Portugal. November, 2010.

29. Adoni, H., Kama, A., Nimrod, G. & Nossek, H. (2010). Mediatization of leisure in cross-

cultural perspective (research note). The first meeting of COST Action “Transforming

Audiences, Transforming Societies.” Lisbon, Portugal. November, 2010.

30. Nimrod, G. (2010). Depression online – A content analysis of web-based communities. The

14th conference of Israel Communication Association. Herzlia, Israel. March, 2010. Also

published in the Abstracts for the Conference of Israel Communication Association.

Published by Israel Communication Association.

31. Nimrod, G. (2010). The discussion of coping strategies in online depression communities.

The 17th ISA World Congress of Sociology. Gothenburg, Sweden. July, 2010. Also published

in the Abstracts for the ISA World Congress of Sociology. Published by the International

Sociological association (ISA) in cooperation with CSA Sociological Abstracts.

32. Nimrod, G. (2010). Wired and recreating – seniors' online communities. The 18th Biennial

Meeting of Israel Gerontological Society. Tel Aviv, Israel. February, 2010. Also published in

the Abstracts for the Meeting of Israel Gerontological Society. Published by Israel

Gerontological Society.

33. Nimrod, G., & Hutchinson, S. (2010). Continuous renewal – new leisure activities among

chronically ill older adults. The 18th Biennial Meeting of Israel Gerontological Society. Tel

Aviv, Israel. February, 2010. Also published in the Abstracts for the Meeting of Israel

Gerontological Society. Published by Israel Gerontological Society.

34. Nimrod, G. & Rotem, A. (2010). Activities, benefits, and balance mechanisms in older

adults' tourism. The 18th Biennial Meeting of Israel Gerontological Society. Tel Aviv, Israel.

February, 2010. Also published in the Abstracts for the Meeting of Israel Gerontological

Society. Published by Israel Gerontological Society.

35. Nimrod, G. & Rotem, A. (2010). External and internal innovation in older adults' tourism.

The 17th ISA World Congress of Sociology. Gothenburg, Sweden. July, 2010. Also published

in the Abstracts for the ISA World Congress of Sociology. Published by the International

Sociological association (ISA) in cooperation with CSA Sociological Abstracts.

36. Dorchin S., & Nimrod, G. (2010). Beneficial participation: Social interactions in online

depression communities and psychological well-being. The International Association for

Relationship Research Conference. Herzlia, Israel. July, 2010. Also published in the



Abstracts for the Conference of the International Association for Relationship Research.

Published by the International Association for Relationship Research.

37. Hutchinson, S., & Nimrod, G. (2010). Can leisure be a health resource for "living well" with

a chronic health condition? The Canadian Coalition for Seniors' Mental Health (CCSMH) 4th

National Conference. Halifax, Canada. September, 2010.

38. Mizrachi, A., Cohen, M., & Nimrod, G. (2010). Online forums as a coping resource: Content

analysis of online discussion in Alzheimer forums. The Faculty of Social Welfare & Health

Sciences Research Fair. University of Haifa, Israel. June, 2010.

39. Nimrod, G. (2011). From the balcony to the screen: Games in seniors' online communities.

The 15th conference of Israel Communication Association. Haifa, Israel. April, 2011. Also

published in the Abstracts for the Conference of Israel Communication Association.

Published by Israel Communication Association.

40. Nimrod, G. (2011). The fun culture in seniors' online communities. The 13th Canadian

Congress on Leisure Research (CCLR13). St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada. May, 2011. Also

published in the Abstracts for the Canadian Congress on Leisure Research. Published by the

Canadian Association for Leisure Studies.

41. Nimrod, G. (2011). Using netnography for studying “pure” cyber-cultures. The first

conference of COST Action ISO906 “Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies” in

collaboration with ECREA, IAMCR and ICA: New Challenges and Methodological

Innovations in European Media Audience Research. Zagreb, Croatia. April, 2011.

42. Nimrod, G. (2011). Using Netnography in leisure research. The 13th Canadian Congress on

Leisure Research (CCLR13). St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada. May, 2011. Also published in

the Abstracts for the Canadian Congress on Leisure Research. Published by the Canadian

Association for Leisure Studies.

43. Nimrod, G., & Adoni, H. (2011). Online leisure. The 15th conference of Israel

Communication Association. Haifa, Israel. April, 2011. Also published in the Abstracts for

the Conference of Israel Communication Association. Published by Israel Communication


44. Nimrod, G., & Adoni, H. (2011). The unique qualities of E-leisure. The International

Sociology association (ISA) RC 13 Mid-term Conference. Palermo, Italy. September, 2011.

45. Nimrod, G., Kleiber, D. A. & Berdychevsky, L. (2011). Trapped in vicious circles: Leisure

in coping with depression. National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) Leisure

Research Symposium. Atlanta, Georgia. November, 2011. Also published in the Abstracts for

the NRPA Leisure Research Symposium. Published by The National Recreation and Park


46. Khvorostyanov, N., Elias, N., & Nimrod, G. (2011). 'Without it I'm nothing': The Internet in

the lives of older immigrants. Transforming Audiences 3rd International conference. London,

UK. September, 2011.

47. Khvorostyanov, N., Elias, N., & Nimrod, G. (2011). Appreciating the past, coping with the

present: Digital diaspora in later life. The Diaspora, Migration and Media ECREA

conference. Maynooth, Ireland. December, 2011.



48. Nimrod, G. (2012). There is an alternative for playing cards in the balcony. The 19th

Biennial Meeting of Israel Gerontological Society. Tel Aviv, Israel. March, 2012. Also

published in the Abstracts for the Meeting of Israel Gerontological Society. Published by

Israel Gerontological Society.

49. Nimrod, G. (2012). Play in later life: New opportunities for not-so-new players. The 1st

Global Conference Making sense of: Play. Oxford, UK. July, 2012. Also published in the

Abstracts for the Conference, by the

50. Nimrod, G., Kleiber, D. A. & Berdychevsky, L. (2012). Fighting the devil: Depression as a

leisure constraint. Leisure, living, learning - The Leisure Studies Association (LSA)

Conference. Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. July, 2012. Also published in the Abstracts for the

Conference, by the Leisure Studies Association (LSA).

51. Nimrod, G., & Rotem, A. (2012). New findings regarding innovation in later life. The 19th

Biennial Meeting of Israel Gerontological Society. Tel Aviv, Israel. March, 2012. Also

published in the Abstracts for the Meeting of Israel Gerontological Society. Published by

Israel Gerontological Society.

52. Nimrod, G. (2012). Wired Joyfulness: The benefits of participation in seniors' online

communities. The 12th World Leisure Congress. Rimini, Italy. September-October, 2012.

Also published in the Abstracts for the World Leisure Congress. Published by World Leisure


53. Berdychevsky, L., Nimrod, G., Kleiber, D. A. & Gibson, H. J. (2012). Sex as leisure in the

shadow of depression. National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) Leisure Research

Symposium. Anahaim, California. October, 2012. Also published in the Abstracts for the

NRPA Leisure Research Symposium. Published by The National Recreation and Park


54. Nimrod, G. (2013). Friends at the end of the keyboard: Joyfulness, stimulation and

companionship in seniors' online communities. The 17th conference of Israel Communication

Association. Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel. April, 2013.

55. Nimrod, G. ( 0102 ). Socializers, swappers and concerned users of seniors' online

communities. National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) Leisure Research

Symposium. Houston, Texas. October, 2013.

56. Nimrod, G. (2014). New media and the growing senior audience: Refining the research

agenda. The final conference of COST Action ISO906 “Transforming Audiences,

Transforming Societies” in collaboration with ECREA, IAMCR and ICA: The future of

audience research. Ljubljana, Slovenia. February, 2014.

57. Berdychevsky, L., Nimrod, G., & Lee, C. (2014, accepted). "Let's talk about sex":

Discussions in seniors' online communities". National Recreation and Park Association

(NRPA) Leisure Research Symposium. Charlotte, North Carolina. October, 2014. To be

published in the Abstracts for the NRPA Leisure Research Symposium. Published by the

National Recreation and Park Association.



(c) Presentations at informal international seminars and workshops

Date Place Nature of talk Title

2005 The Gerontology Center at the

University of Georgia


Seed Grant


Retirement, Activity, and

Subjective Well Being in Israel

and the Unites States

2005 The Gerontology Center at the

University of Georgia



Aging and Gerontology in


2007 School of Health and Human

Performance, Dalhousie

University, Halifax, Canada



Innovation Theory: Existing

Findings and Future Research


2013 Interdisciplinary Center on Aging,

California State University, Chico



Leisure across the Later Life

Span – Continuity and Change

2013 Interdisciplinary Center on Aging,

California State University, Chico



The Digital Seniors and Their

Online Communities

2013 Interdisciplinary Center on Aging,

California State University, Chico



Leisure in Coping with


2014 Institute for Health Care & Public

Management, University of

Hohenheim, Stuttgart



The Digital Seniors and Their

Online Communities

2014 Institute for Health Care & Public

Management, University of

Hohenheim, Stuttgart

Guest Lecture Fighting Together: Online

Communities for People with


(d) Seminar presentations at universities and institutions

Date Place Nature of talk Title

2002 The Haim Zippori Community

Education Center, Jerusalem

Guest lecture Old Age Activities – Recent


2003 Department of Communication,

The Hebrew University of




Patterns of Continuity and Change

in Leisure after Retirement

2004 JDC-Brookdale Institute of

Gerontology and Human




Post Retirement Leisure Changes

and Well Being

2004 The Haim Zippori Community

Education Center, Jerusalem

Guest lecture Leisure and Well Being at Old Age

2005 Department of Communication,

The College of Management

Guest lecture Strategic Planning of Advertising


2006 Department of Gerontology,

University of Haifa



The Challenges of Leisure at the

Third Age

2006 School of Management, Ben


University of the Negev



Leisure and Aging in Israel

2006 Department of Behavioral Studies,

The College of Management



Do Older Israelis Successfully Face

the Challenges of Post Retirement


2008 Department of Communication,

The Max Stern Academic College

of Emek Yezreel



Innovation in Older Adults' Leisure

2008 Department of Geography and

Environmental Studies, University

of Haifa



Tourism at an Older Age

2009 School of Management, Ben Colloquium Innovation in Older Adults' Leisure




University of the Negev


2009 Faculty of Health sciences, Ben

Gurion University of the Negev

Guest lecture Leisure and Aging

2010 AMAL Educational Institutions –

Tourism teachers' training

Guest lecture Work and Leisure in the 21st


2010 School of communication, Sapir

Academic College

Guest lecture Games in Seniors' Online


2014 Department of communication,

University of Haifa



Surprising Discussions in Seniors'

Online Communities

Research grants

Years Granting Institution Grantees Subject Amount in $



Israeli Ministry for Senior




Data Center,

Galit Nimrod


Leisure and media use

among Israeli retirees




The American Mental

Health Research Association


Galit Nimrod Online depression



2007 Burda Center for Innovative

communications at Ben

Gurion University of the


Galit Nimrod Seniors' online communities 3,000

2007 Dalhousie University


Hutchinson (PI),

Galit Nimrod


Innovation among older

adults with chronic health



2007 Israel Association for

Canadian Studies

Galit Nimrod

(PI), Susan

Hutchinson (Co-


Innovation among older

adults with chronic health



2007 Sapir Academic College.

Internal grants and awards

Galit Nimrod Innovation in retirees'



2007 The University of Haifa.

Internal grants and awards

Galit Nimrod Innovation in retirees'



2005 Gerontology Center at the

University of Georgia

Douglas Kleiber

(PI) & Galit

Nimrod (Co-PI)

Post retirement innovation

in leisure


2003 The Harvey L. Silbert

Center for Israel Studies

(The Hebrew University of


Galit Nimrod Continuity and change in

leisure after retirement


2003 Israel’s Social Security


Galit Nimrod Continuity and change in

leisure after retirement


2002 The Levi Eshkol Institute for

Social, Economic, and

Political Research in Israel

(The Hebrew University of


Galit Nimrod Continuity and change in

leisure after retirement


2002 The Shaine Center for Galit Nimrod Continuity and change in 500



Research in Social Sciences

(The Hebrew University of


leisure after retirement

2002 The Smart Family

Foundation Communications

Institute (The Hebrew

University of Jerusalem)

Galit Nimrod Continuity and change in

leisure after retirement


2002 The Strauss Group Galit Nimrod Continuity and change in

leisure after retirement


2001 JDC-Brookdale Institute of

Gerontology and Human

Development and Eshel –

the Association for the

Planning and Development

of Services for the Aged in


Galit Nimrod Continuity and change in

leisure after retirement


2001 The Department of

Communication and

Journalism (The Hebrew

University of Jerusalem)

Galit Nimrod Continuity and change in

leisure after retirement


2001 The Israeli Local

Community Centers


Galit Nimrod Continuity and change in

leisure after retirement


2001 The Israeli Ministry of

Labor and Social Welfare

Galit Nimrod Continuity and change in

leisure after retirement


2001 The Kama Foundation Galit Nimrod Continuity and change in

leisure after retirement


2001 The Levi Eshkol Institute for

Social, Economic, and

Political Research in Israel

(The Hebrew University of


Galit Nimrod Continuity and change in

leisure after retirement


2001 The Smart Family

Foundation Communications

Institute (The Hebrew

University of Jerusalem)

Galit Nimrod Continuity and change in

leisure after retirement


Synopsis of Research

My interests concentrate on the field of Leisure Studies, and in particular on leisure and well-being

of populations with special needs such as older adults and people with disabilities.

Within this area, I focus on several subjects:

- Leisure and life transitions (such as retirement, widowhood, and health decline)

- Innovation in leisure

- Online leisure activities and their functions for individuals and various social groups

The nature of my research is theoretical, cross-cultural, and inter-disciplinary. It combines knowledge

and methods from various fields including sociology, psychology, mass communication, new media,

social work, and culture studies. Yet, it has a clear and rather practical aspiration. My hope is that my

research will eventually contribute to developing adequate leisure, media and culture services and in

so doing will help contribute to a better quality of life for disadvantaged groups.



Present Academic Activities

(a) Research in progress

(In parentheses - Expected date of completion)

E-Audiences: A comparative study of European media audiences – A cross European project

involving 9 national teams performed within the framework of the COST Action IS0906

‘Transforming audiences, transforming societies.’ (2015)

Leisure and media use among older adults in Israel – In collaboration with Israel Gerontological Data

Center at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Funded by the Israeli Ministry for Senior Citizens.


Sex as leisure in later life – In collaboration with Liza Berdychevsky of the University of Illinois in

Urbana-Champaign (2014)

(b) Books and articles to be published

Journal articles in preparation

1. Nimrod, G. (in preparation). Older adults as media e-audiences

2. Nimrod, G., Adoni, H., & Nossek, H. (in preparation). The Internet as a cultural forum: A

European Perspective.

3. Ben-Shem, I. & Nimrod, G. (in preparation). "It's like survivor": Older adults' perceptions of

successful aging.

4. Berdychevsky, L. & Nimrod, G. (in preparation)."Sexual until we drop": Sex as leisure in

later life.

5. Krispin, G. & Nimrod, G. (in preparation). Me, myself, and my city: Volunteering in tourism

and identity preservation in later life.

Submitted for publication in refereed journals

1. Nimrod, G. (under review). Early birds and night owls: Differences in media preferences,

usages, and environments. International Journal of Communication.

2. Nimrod, G. & Shrira, A. (under review after minor revisions). The paradox of leisure in later

life. Journal of Gerontology, Series B: Social Sciences.

3. Berdychevsky, L. & Nimrod, G. (under review). "Let's talk about sex": Discussions in

seniors' online communities". Journal of Leisure Research.

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