gallery picture 3

Post on 04-Dec-2014






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PICTURE GALLERY EXERCISE #3 -PUNCTUATION RULES -PARTS OF SPEECH - VERB, ADJECTIVE, ADVERB, PREPOSITIONAL PHRASE Pictures are worth 1000 words! How many can you write? Below you will see a series of pictures. You need to create a sentence that contains all the necessary ingredients. The sentence must also be about the picture in some way. You cannot use the same adjective, adverb, noun, verb, conjunction, or prepositional phrase more than once throughout the entire worksheet.



Comma Rule #2 2 Adjectives

Write sentences with the criteria listed in each box

My adjective is... That adjective modifies the word...

My adjective is... That adjective modifies the word...

Comma Rule #2 is...


Colon Rule #2 1 Adverb

Write sentences with the criteria listed in each box

My adverb is... That adverb modifies the word...

Colon Rule #2 is...

Comma Rule #4 1 Adjective

My adjective is... That adjective modifies the word...

Colon Rule #2 is...


Comma Rule #9 1 Adjective 1 Prepositional Phrase

Write sentences with the criteria listed in each box

My adjective is... That adjective modifies the word...

My prepositional phrase is...

Comma Rule #9 is...

Dash Rule #1 1 Adverb 1 Irregular Verb

My adverb is... That adverb modifies the word...

My irregular verb is...

Comma Rule #9 is...


Quotation Marks Comma Rule #1 2 Adjectives

Write sentences with the criteria listed in each box

My adjective is... That adjective modifies the word...

My adjective is... That adjective modifies the word...

Comma Rule #1 is...

Hyphen Italicized Title Comma Rule #5

Comma Rule #5 is...

My hyphenated word was...

I italicized the title...


Semi-Colon Rule #1 Verb - Future Tense 2 Adjectives

Write sentences with the criteria listed in each box

My adjective is... That adjective modifies the word...

My adjective is... That adjective modifies the word...

Semi-Colon Rule #1 is...

My verb in the future tense is...

Comma Rule #10 Quotation Marks 1 Adverb 1 Prepositional Phrase

My adverb is... That adverb modifies the word...

Comma Rule #10 is...

My prepositional phrase is...

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