gamefaqs_ shepherd's crossing (ps2) faq_walkthrough by kopeofonrac

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Games PS2


Shepherd's Crossing: FAQ/Walkthrough by KopeofOnrac

Version: 0.9e | Last Updated: 2013-03-09 | View/Download Original File

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For Playstation 2


March 9, 2013

Version 0.9e

Joe Murphy






The first five (1-5) sections of this guide provide a chapter-by-chapter

walkthrough of Shepherd's Crossing. The game progresses through a series of

milestones. In most cases, there are several different valid routes to

achieving those milestones, and which route a player chooses will be a matter

of personal preference. So, this walkthrough will focus more on *what* is

to be achieved, rather than *how*, specifically, to achieve it.

The later sections of this guide provide some useful (I think) reference

materials, which can be consulted when the player is choosing to follow a

different path through the game. Information about specific topics can be

found using a CTRL+F search, or by referring to the table of contents below.


{ * * * TABLE OF CONTENTS * * * }


1. Intro (A Tale of Rabbit Fur)

- The First 4 Days

Yes No

- Building a Pen

- Feeding Your Animals

- Getting a Rabbit

- Getting Some Cabbage

- Getting Rabbit Fur

2. A Tale of Wheat

- Planting Wheat

- *** Side Quest: Getting Tools

- Harvesting Wheat

3. A Tale of Boars

- The Duck Way

- The Goose Way

- The Ferret Way

- *** Side Quest: Hunting For a Ferret Pelt

- It's Time to Make Ham

4. A Tale of Grapes

- Planting Grapes

- *** Side Quest: Hunting Sheep For Yarn

- Harvesting Grapes

5. A Tale of Sheep

- Getting a Wine Cask

- Making Wine

- Getting Sheep and Beating the Game

6. Crops


- Grass

- Pasture Grass

- Wheat

- Buckwheat

Fruits & Vegetables:

- Cabbage

- Berries

- Daikon

- Grapes

- Radish

- Tomato

- Potato


- Cosmos

- Red Cosmos

- Pansy

- W. Pansy

- Sunflower

7. Farm Animals

- Dogs (All Breeds)

- Marmot

- Rabbit

- Chicken

- Duck

- Goose

- Goat

- Boar

- Sheep

- Llama

- Yak Cow

- Donkey

- Raccoon

- Ferret

- Bobcat

8. Little Visitors

- Bees

- Butterflies

- Snails

- Grasshoppers

- Frogs

- Silkworms

9. Partners


- Terrier

- Basset

- Dachshund

- Retriever

- Shiba

- Corgi

- Whippet

- Sheep Dog

- Pointer

- Mastiff

- Shepherd

- Poitevin


- Marmot

- Rabbit

- Chicken

- Duck

- Goose

- Goat

- Boar

- Llama

- Yak Cow

- Donkey

- Raccoon

- Ferret

- Bobcat

10. Partner Skill List

- List of Partner Skills

11. Hunts

- The Pre-emptive Strike

- List of Hunts

12. Gifts

- List of Gifts

13. More Stuff

- Calendar

- Phases of the Moon

- Truffles

- Strawberries

- Harvested Egg

- Mystery Seed

- Mushrooms, Snowmen, and Mole Hills

- Dung & Fertilizer

- Yak Cow Pelt (pelt) versus Yak Cow Pelt (fur)

- Different Colored Animals

14. Market Trade Lists

- Caramella Market (North)

- Napot Market (South East)

- Seara Market (South West)

15. Brammy's Diary

- Diary

- Wisdom

- Dishes


{ 1. Intro (A Tale of Rabbit Fur) }


Let's get started! This game is divided into 5 chapters. Each chapter

is completed when you produce the product in the name of the chapter. By

that reasoning, the first chapter would be called "A Tale of Rabbit Fur,"

because when you produce Rabbit Fur, you beat chapter 1.

In other words, this is a nice relaxing game where you can do whatever

you want. But, I'm here to help you progress through the game, so this whole

first chapter of the FAQ is devoted to producing Rabbit Fur.


The First 4 Days


The beginning of the game introduces you to some new friends, Claire (the

girl with an Ocarina hanging around her neck), Raymond the Mayor (with

glasses), and a white duck with a green wine bottle on his back. The duck's

name is Brammy, and he will be your guide/minor annoyance for the rest of the

game. Your new friends give you your very own farm to settle down on, and you

find yourself there, on your new farm, on the first day of Spring. In this

game, Spring is called "Dandelion."

Take a look around your farm. Facing different objects will highlight

them, and Brammy will give you a brief description of them when you come

across a something new. Now, look around at some different Grass Sprouts.

Brammy will automatically advance your calendar by two days to show you how

Grass Sprouts grow up into Grass (This needed to be explained?).

Now it's Dandelion Day 3, and two events are about to happen.

First, Claire will appear and give you a pair of Marmots, one male and

one female.

Second, Marsha will appear and give you a Statue of her dog, Choco.

Just stash that Statue somewhere out of the way for now. You're going to end

up with a bunch of Statutes later, so anywhere is okay to stash it. Later

on, you should pick an out of the way corner to stash all your Statues.

From now on, if you want to advance the calendar ahead, you'll have to

push the L1 (Button). Pushing L1 once will take you to Dandelion (Day) 4,

and holding L1 down will continually advance the days, one day at a time.

On Day 4, some of your Pasture Grass is ready to harvest. Claire will

show up and give you a Sickle. She will tell you to leave the freshly cut

Pasture Grass out to dry, after you cut it down, to make Hay (just leave it

laying on the ground for a few days). Don't cut the Pasture Grass twice, and

don't cut it while it's still too young, because doing either will turn it

into Cut Grass. You'd rather make Hay than Cut Grass, because Hay can be

exchanged for more Marmots. However, you'll need some of both.

A this point, you're finally ready for your first real task: fencing off

a pen for your animals to live in.


Building a Pen


If you're going to raise any animals at all (and you need to raise at

least some to finish the game), it's a good idea to keep them fenced

separately from your crops. Otherwise, it's easy to lose track of animals,

and they'll eat and ruin your crops. Of course, you don't actually

*have* to build a pen, so long as you think you can watch all of your

animals closely enough.

Making a pen is simple. Use the Triangle Button to equip your Glove

tool (kind of looks like the Hamburger Helper guy without the face). Now,

pick up some pieces of Fence. You can use the R2 Button while holding a

piece of Fence if you need the piece turned the other way around. Then,

just throw the pieces of Fence wherever they make sense to you.

You might have to use the Sickle to clear away grass in places where you

think the Fence should go. That's fine. Also, try not to leave big gaps

between the pieces of Fence, or small critters might escape. Finally, make

a gap in the fence somewhere, and put the Stone Ornament in the gap.

The Stone Ornament is like a door; you can cross it, but your animals

cannot (Brammy and your dogs can, though).

(Author's suggestion): I fence off the whole top-right corner of the

farm; that's everything up by the entrance to the Doghouse. That way, I can

use the sides of my farm as fencing, too. That encloses the largest

possible area, since you only start out with just a few pieces of movable

Fence at first.

(Major contributor Sable's suggestion): Since the whole game is centered

around a fixed camera angle style of gameplay it's a little bit harder to

make a fence how you would in newer Harvest Moon games. I prefer to make a

sort of "triangle" of a farm. Crops fenced off on the left with Rounded

Pickets, animals fenced off to the right with Fence, Broadleaf Trees at the

top or "point" of the triangle, Needleleaf Trees at the bottom of the

triangle, what I like to call the "Birthing Pen" to the right of the

Needleleaf Tree area, and Blocks making a blocked off gate to all three

Markets. Of course, you haven't opened up all three markets and those

areas of the farm yet. So, this is an idea to build upon in anticipation

of later chapters, which is a good idea, too.

Eventually, you may want to consider creating separate pens. For

example, you might want to feed one animal a specific type of food, or you

might want to separate genders to prevent mating (careful, animals can still

breed if the penned-in areas are adjacent). Luckily, you do not need to

separate by species, because all the different types of animals get along

and will live together happily.

Finally, if I have any leftover Fence, I like to make a little jail cell

for Brammy. He doesn't need food or water, and he still talks to you. But,

if you put him inside a little fenced-in area with no way out, he stops

running under your feet all the time.


Feeding Your Animals


Very early on, Brammy advises you not to cut the Grass. That's very

bad advice.

Cutting the Grass is the best way to feed the small animals you'll have

early in the game. Rabbits eat Cut Grass (S), and Marmots eat Grass Seed,

which you can get at the Market in exchange for Cut Grass (S). Cut your

mature Grass and Wildflower to get Cut Grass and Grass Seeds to feed to

your animals. Don't worry, Cut Grass and Cut Grass (S) never go bad no

matter how long they sit out in the rain and snow, though I have a

suspicion that they slowly disappear over a very, *very* long time. Anyway,

store them somewhere.

You can also exchange the larger pieces of Cut Grass for Pasture

Seed at the Market. It's actually possible to bring in more than one crop

of Hay, if you acquire and spread Pasture Seed early enough. Pasture Grass

needs about 18-25 days to grow before you can cut it. So, if you're going

to plant a second crop of Pasture Grass, try to do it before the end of

Dandelion, to be safe.

Usually, only larger livestock will eat Hay, but in a pinch, Hay can

be cut into Cut Grass using the Sickle, and the Cut Grass can be traded for

Grass Seed.


Getting a Rabbit


You can get a Rabbit by trading a female Marmot at the Market. Just

pick up a female Marmot and walk through the North exit of your farm.

As soon as you get your first Rabbit, Helen shows up and gives you a

pair of Shears. Later, you'll use these Shears to collect fur from your


But first, you'll need to let your new Young Rabbit grow up. Rabbits

will eat all sorts of crops (but not seeds), but they are happy to eat Cut

Grass (S). In fact, if it's still Dandelion Month, Rabbits can chow down

on some nice, cheap-as-free Dandelions. I guess that's why they call it

"Dandelion Month", haha! Your Young Rabbit will grow up in about 4 days,

provided you fed it well. You'll know it's grown up when a blue "male" or

pink "female" symbol appears above the Rabbit.


Getting Some Cabbage


As soon as you get your first Cabbage Seeds, the mayor will show up. He

warns you not to let any Marmots near your Cabbage Seeds, or they'll eat the


Plant your Cabbage Seeds like any seeds; just scatter them on the ground.

There isn't any watering in this game, so forget all about that. Waiting for

Cabbage to grow can be a little frustrating; you'll get your first ripe

Cabbage after about 12 days.

As soon as your first Cabbage ripens, Marsha will come to visit. She'll

give you a Jar (Vase) that you can use to harvest the Cabbage (and other

things). The Jar also turns Cut Grass (S) into Grass Seed without having to

go to the market. [She'll also give you the Cookie statue, allowing you to

teach the "Search" command to your hunting dogs].


Getting Rabbit Fur


This is it. You have a Cabbage, and you have a grown-up Rabbit. Put the

Cabbage and the Rabbit together somewhere and make sure the Rabbit starts

eating the Cabbage. In a day or two, the Rabbit will finish eating the

Cabbage and grow a thick coat of Rabbit Fur. When the Rabbit grows fur, a

white symbol will appear above its head.

Use the Shears to harvest the Rabbit Fur, *immediately*. Waiting around

even one day can cause the Rabbit to shed its fur, and you'll lose your prize!

After you cut off a Rabbit's fur, it grows back naturally in about 10 days,

but it could take much longer. Feed your Rabbit another Cabbage to make it

grow back, then feed your Rabbit another Cabbage to make the fur grow long

enough to cut again!

Congratulations, you just finished the first Chapter.


{ 2. A Tale of Wheat }


Now that you've finished the first chapter, things become a little easier,

because you don't have to learn everything for the first time.

Claire appears and expands your farm. You'll notice it the following day.

There will be a lot of newly open land to the southeast (bottom-right), and

a new market, Napot Market, is available near that bottom-right corner.

Forget about the new market for now. I mean, go there if you like,

you'll use that market later.


Planting Wheat


If you want to plant Wheat, you'll need some Wheat Seeds. So, take

your Rabbit Fur to the north market and trade it for Wheat Seeds.

You can also exchange Rabbit Fur for Buckwheat Seeds, but buyer beware,

because growing Buckwheat will *not* complete this chapter. Buckwheat is

useful for some things, but only growing Wheat completes the chapter.

Wheat is planted the same way as anything; scatter the seeds on some

clear ground away from seed-eating animals, and wait. But with Wheat, the

wait is really, really long. Expect about 45 days before the Wheat is

ready to harvest. Don't plant Wheat late in Grape, because any Wheat

that's still growing at the start of No Grass will die. As long as you

plant during Dandelion or the first few days of Grape, you should be fine.


*** Side Quest: Getting Tools


Tools can be used to move trees, destroy Mole Holes, and turn Wool into

Yarn. You're going to want Tools.

First, you'll need a Marmot, so if you don't already have one, take 2

Hay to the north market and trade for a Young Marmot. Feed it grass seed

for 3-5 days, and you'll have a Marmot.

Second, take that Marmot to the north market, and trade him for Marmot

Meat, then trade the Marmot Meat for some Berry Seeds.

Plant your Berry Seeds and wait about 15 days. When they ripen, use the

Jar to harvest them. Now, take a Berry to the north market and trade it

for some Logs. This triggers a scene where the blacksmith gives you Tools.

Now enjoy the rest of Chapter 2!


Harvesting Wheat


You'll know the Wheat is ready to harvest because the whole thing will

turn brown, and when you walk up to it and stand still to highlight it, it

will just say "Wheat," and your Sickle icon will pop up next to that. Plus,

Brammy will tell you when the first Wheat is ripe. So, when it's ready,

harvest and dry your Wheat just like making Hay out of Pasture Grass. That

means you cut it once with the Sickle, and then leave the fresh-cut Wheat

sitting out to dry for a few days.

When your first bundle of Wheat dries, you have completed chapter 2!


{ 3. A Tale of Boars }


Technically, this chapter should be called "A Tale of Ham," because

producing Ham triggers the end of the chapter. Of course, Ham is made from

pigs. So, once you have your Boars, getting the Ham is easy.

So, this chapter really is all about getting Boars. There are three

main pathways to get Boars: A) The Duck Way, B) The Goose Way, and C) The

Ferret way. Each way has pros and cons; you can pick just one or any



A) The Duck Way


Step 1. Get a Duck or Ducks

Take a bundle of Dried Wheat to the southeast (bottom-right)

market and trade it for a Young Duck. Ducks are happy eating Grass

Seed, but will eat any kind of seeds they have access to, so keep your

duck in your animal pen. Your Young Duck will become an adult male

or female after about 8-10 days, but could take as long as 16 days.

Step 2. Feed Your *Adult* Duck a Wheat Seed or a Buckwheat Seed

This is just like when you fed Cabbage to your Rabbits to make

their fur grow, except this time you're feeding a Wheat or Buckwheat

Seed to a duck to get feathers to grow. When the feathers come in, use

your Shears to take the feathers off, again just like when you made

Rabbit Fur.

Step 3. Repeat Step 2

Sorry, but it takes 3 balls of Duck Feathers to get a Boar. When

you've got your three balls of Feathers, go to the southeast

(bottom-right) market and trade them for a Young Boar.

Step 4. Make Another 3 Feathers

Your goal is to make Ham, and to do that you'll need to get a Ham

Box. It costs another 3 balls of Duck Feathers at the southeast

(bottom-right) market. Luckily, if you're not into Feathers, there are

two other ways.


B) The Goose Way


Step 1. Get a Goose or Geese

Take a bundle of Dried Wheat to the southeast (bottom-right)

market and trade it for a Young Goose. Young Geese are happy eating

Cut Grass (S), but will eat good crops too, if you let them. Your

Goose will reach maturity in about 8-10 days, but could take as long

as 16 days.

Step 2. Did You Get a Goose or a Gander?

Okay, slow down. Step 3 will only work with adult male Geese. If

you got a male, you're all set. If you got a female, that's fine, too.

You can use her to start a breeding population of Geese. Or, if you're

in a hurry, just take her down to the southeast market and trade her

for a Male Goose.

Step 3. Feed Your *Adult Male* Goose a Wheat Seed or a Buckwheat Seed

Feeding a Wheat Seed or Buckwheat Seed to an adult Male Goose

will fatten him up for market. He'll become noticeably larger when

he's ready. Take him to the southeast (bottom-right) market and trade

him for a Goose Liver.

Step 5. Trade Goose Livers for Young Boar and Ham Box

It only costs 2 Goose Livers for a Young Boar and another 2 Livers

for a Ham Box, as opposed to 3 Duck Feathers for each if you went with

with the Duck route. And, you only fed 4 Wheat or Buckwheat Seeds to

the Geese (6 to the Ducks). On the other hand, you got to keep the



c) The Ferret Way


Step 1. Get a Ferret or Ferrets

Young Ferrets cost 2 bundles of Wheat each at the southeast market.

I know that might be impossible if you just got your first Wheat crop.

Step 2. Raise Your Young Ferret

This is a little more tricky than usual. Ferrets are kind of picky

eaters. They'll eat small meat, Berries, and Chestnuts. If you don't

have any, don't freak out. Remember, two pieces of Hay gets you a brand

new Young Marmot at the north market, so don't be afraid to take one of

your older Marmots to market to make some meat. It'll only take 2,

maybe 3 pieces of meat, Berries, or Chestnuts for your Young Ferret to

reach adulthood.

Step 3. Take Your Ferret to Market

As soon as your Ferret matures (and before it eats everything you

own), take it to the southeast market. There you can exchange your

ferret for a Ferret Pelt. One Ferret Pelt can be exchanged for one

Young Boar, and one more Ferret Pelt can be exchanged for one Ham Box.

This is the quickest, easiest way to get the stuff you need to complete

this chapter, but obviously it requires more Wheat up-front and Ferrets

eat costlier food. The Ferret way is well-suited to a very established

farm. The Duck and Goose ways might be better for newer farms.


*** Side Quest: Hunting For a Ferret Pelt


By the way, have you been doing the hunts? If you can catch a

Ferret on a hunt, it'll give you a freebie Ferret Pelt, which can be

traded for a Young Boar or Ham Box. Ferrets go into Hide and Hole, so

you'll need a hunting dog with "Search," "Chase Out," or "Hole Chomp."




Did you see that little header up there? I wrote it nice and big, just

in case you were skipping ahead to this part.

Okay, you've got the Boar. You fed it things like Cut Grass (S), Dead

Grass, Acorns, and Mushrooms. It's all grown up. Now, take it to the

southeast market and trade it for some Boar Meat (Ah, Boary McGee, we

hardly knew ye). By the way, if you have a Female Boar, trade it for a

Male Boar, then trade that for Boar Meat.

Here's a fun part: the first time you bring Boar Meat home from the

market, the game will instruct you to set the Boar Meat next to a "Ham


HAM BOX!" Relax, it's a typo in the game text. They meant to say Ham Box.

Now, take your Ham Box and put it somewhere out in the open; somewhere

with lots of space all around it. Then, just set the Boar Meat down on

the ground, right up against the Ham Box... like touching it. You can fit

up to six pieces of Boar Meat at a time next to the Ham Box.

In a day or two, you'll see the Boar Meat has turned into "Partial Ham,"

if you did it right. If a few days go by, and you don't see Partial Ham,

try moving the Boar Meat to a different spot next to the Ham Box. Once you

see Partial Ham, try not to move either the Hams or the Ham Box. Why mess

with it when you know it's working? It'll probably take about 12 days to

make Ham, but be patient.

Congratulations! You have completed the third Chapter. Now, it's time

to look into making Wine.


{ 4. A Tale of Grapes }


Chapter 4 is a "Tale of Grapes," but to complete the chapter, you'll have

to turn those Grapes into Wine. Don't worry, though. This is an easy


This first thing to do is advance the calendar one day. That farm

expansion that Claire told you about doesn't take effect until the next day.

After you roll the clock ahead a day, you'll notice a lot of newly open

space in the southwest (bottom-left) area of your farm. In the bottom-left

corner is a new market, Seara Market. Take your Ham and go there.


Planting Grapes


You can trade 1 Ham for 3 Grape Seeds. That might seem like giving a

lot for a little, but trust me, Grapes are a good investment. First off,

you can make Wine out of them. Second, they attract Snails, which can be

traded for Sausage. Third, and best of all, they are perennial. That's

right, unlike all you other crops, they don't die after harvest, but keep

producing Grapes every Autumn (Acorn), year after year, from just one seed.

Once you plant your Grape vines, you'll have to wait a long time until

they produce Grapes. If you plant in Acorn or No Grass (Fall or Winter),

the Grape vines will grow all throughout Dandelion and Grape (Spring and

Summer), and you should get at least some ripe Grapes during the first few

days of Acorn. Grapes only ripen during Acorn. Since it'll be a long wait,

see the side quest subsection "Hunting Sheep For Yarn," just below in this



*** Side Quest: Hunting Sheep For Yarn


Now would be a good time to catch up on other side projects in the game

that looked interesting to you. You've been doing the hunts, right?

You can get a lot of great things from hunts. For example, if you have a

Sheepdog, you might take down some Runaway Sheep. That would score you some

Wool, which can be made into Yarn, using the Tools. Yarn can be traded for

2 Hams each, which then can be traded for a Wine Cask and more Grape Seeds!

To defeat Sheep, you'll need a Sheepdog (not super-easy to get). The

other (computer) player's dogs will chase the Sheep to Fled, then to Far.

When the Sheep are at Far, use "Coll. Sheep" to bag your quarry.

If you don't have Tools yet, look back at the side quest in Chapter 2

(Section 2. of this guide). In any event, you need Tools to complete the

next chapter, at which point, it's no longer a side quest, so go get the



Harvesting Grapes


When your Grapes ripen, you'll see it, because they turn purple. Use

the Jar to harvest the Grapes. Be careful *NOT* to use the Sickle. Using

the Sickle on a Grape vine will permanently remove it, thus negating all

the work you put into buying the seed, planting it, and waiting for it

to yield fruit. On the other hand, if you feel you put a Grape vine in a

bad place, at least you can use the Sickle to remove it.

As soon as you harvest your first ripe Grapes with the Jar, a cut scene

will happen. Congratulations! You've just completed chapter 4.


{ 5. A Tale of Sheep }



Getting a Wine Cask


There's only one way to do it, I think. Make another Ham and go to the

southwest (bottom-left) market. Trade 1 Ham for 1 Wine Cask.


Making Wine


This is really too simple. It's just like when you made Ham, except

this time, you put the Grapes on the ground next to the Wine Cask. Put the

Wine Cask somewhere with plenty of room around it. Again, like the Ham Box,

you can fit up to 6 bunches of Grapes around 1 Wine Cask at the same time.

On the next day, if you did it right, you should see that the Grapes

turned into a Wine Cask +. Be patient; that Wine Cask + needs to age into

a fine vintage. It'll take 50-60 days before you see any Wine.


Getting Sheep and Completing the Game


Whenever you're ready, trade two Wines for a Young Sheep at the southwest

(bottom-left) market.

Congratulations! After a short scene, the credits will roll. You've

completed the last chapter and finished the game!!!

Of course, there are still plenty of other things to try out, like

raising the Sheep you just got, or raising Donkeys, Yaks, and Llamas. Also,

there is a second ending to the game if you can find all 70 diary entries

in Brammy's Diary. The rest of this guide will help you on your way. Good



{ 6. Crops }






Growing Season: Dandelion 1 - Acorn 20, but will not sprout after Acorn 1.

Days to maturity: Unreliable. Grass Seed may turn to dandelions or even just

disappear. Placed near animals, it tends to stay on the

ground as food. It grows better near other grass and

beneath Broadleaf trees. Under these ideal conditions,

it reaches full growth in about 6 days, and goes to

Wildflower after about 8 days.

Harvest with: Sickle.

Uses: Feed for smaller livestock. Provides habitat for Silkworms.

Wildflower will attract bees, but also butterflies and grasshoppers.


Pasture Grass


Growing Season: Dandelion 1 - Acorn 20, but will not sprout after Acorn 1.

Days to maturity: 18-26 days

Harvest with: Cut with sickle and let dry to make Hay.

Uses: Trade Hay for marmots or use as feed for large livestock. Can also be

cut into grass using the sickle.




Growing Season: Dandelion 1 - Acorn 20, but will not sprout after Acorn 1.

Days to maturity: 38-50 days

Harvest with: Cut with sickle and let dry to make Dried Wheat.

Uses: Can be fed to larger livestock. Feed seeds to ducks to make feathers

grow. Feed seeds to male geese to fatten for market. Dried wheat can

be traded for marmots.




Growing Season: Dandelion 1 - Acorn 20, but will not sprout after Acorn 1.

Days to maturity: 18-26 days

Harvest with: Cut with sickle and let dry to make Dried Buckwheat.

Uses: Can be fed to larger livestock. Feed seeds to ducks to make feathers

grow. Feed seeds to male geese to fatten for market.

Fruits & Vegetables:




Growing Season: Dandelion 1 - Acorn 20, but will not sprout after Acorn 1.

Days to maturity: 10-18 days

Harvest with: Jar

Uses: Feed to Rabbits to make fur grow.




Growing Season: Dandelion 1 - Acorn 20, but will not sprout after Acorn 1.

Days to maturity: 10-18 days

Harvest with: Jar

Uses: Trade for logs to make fencing.




Growing Season: Grape 1 - Acorn 20, but will not sprout after Acorn 1.

Days to maturity: 10-18 days

Harvest with: Jar

Uses: Trade for Cosmos, Red Cosmos, and Sunflower seeds.




Growing Season: Dandelion 1 - to all year, but only produces grapes in


Days to maturity: Reaches Green Grapes in 45-60 days, but will not ripen

until Autumn (Acorn).

Harvest with: Jar

Uses: Make wine, trade for Radish Seeds and Silk Eggs.

Typo: When you highlight a Grape vine that has grown to its stage of

development called "Grape Tree," the game text will read: "Will soon

become a tomato." Disregard this silly text. Your Grape vine will,

under no circumstances, become a tomato.




Growing Season: Dandelion 1 - Acorn 20, but will not sprout after Acorn 1.

Days to maturity: 10-18 days

Harvest with: Jar

Uses: Feed ripe--but UN-harvested--radishes to sheep to get wool.

Unharvested radishes stay good for a pretty long time, though. They

last about 20 days after they ripen before they go to stems.




Growing Season: Dandelion 1 - Acorn 20, but will not sprout after Acorn 1.

Days to maturity: Reaches Green Tomato in 18-26 days, but will not ripen

until Summer (Grape).

Harvest with: Jar

Uses: Feed to Llama to get Wool.




Growing Season: Dandelion 1 - Acorn 20, but will not sprout after Acorn 1.

Days to maturity: 24-32 days

Harvest with: Jar

Uses: Feed to Yak cows to get Yak Cow Fur.





Growing Season: Plant in Grape. It'll sprout during Grape, then bloom in

Acorn. They die about 12-18 days after they bloom.


Red Cosmos


Growing Season: Plant in Grape. It'll sprout during Grape, then bloom in

Acorn. They die about 12-18 days after they bloom.




Growing Season: Plant in Acorn. It'll sprout in Acorn, and may bloom as

early as Acorn 12. They die about 12-18 days after they



W. Pansy


Growing Season: Plant in Acorn. It'll sprout during Acorn, then bloom in

No Grass. They die about 12-18 days after they bloom.




Growing Season: Plant in Dandelion. It'll grow to Young Sunflower during

Dandelion, then bloom in Grape. They die about 12-18 days

after they bloom. Do not plant during Acorn or No Grass.

It will try to sprout, but the sprout will die the next day.


{ 7. Farm Animals }


This is a list of every animal you can raise on your farm, what it eats,

what it produces, how long it takes to grow up, and how long it takes to


There are actually 4 stages of an animal's life: 1) a baby stage when

it nurses, 2) a young stage, 3) a long adult stage, when it has a male or

female symbol above its head, and 4) an elderly stage, when it has an

hourglass above it.

In this list, "Days to maturity" refers to the approximate length of time

from young (stage 2) to adult (stage 3), because I wanted to show how long it

would take to raise new animals acquired at the market. If you need to know,

stage 1 is usually about the same length as stage 2, or just a little shorter.

Anyway, the numbers are only rough approximations, because in practice

these lengths of time can vary considerably. The numbers are based on many

repeated experiments and are mainly to let you know what reasonable best-case

and worst-case scenarios to expect.

"Gestation" refers to how long an expectant mother will be pregnant

before she gives birth. Again, these numbers reflect reasonable

best-case/worst-case scenarios. For example, I once had a mother boar give

birth after only 7 days, yet my estimate here is 8-16 days, because that

7-day pregnancy was fairly abnormal. In fact, though frustrating, sometimes

an animal will miscarry for no reason at all.


Dogs (All Breeds)


Eats: Normally, dogs eat nothing. When young, old, pregnant, or nursing,

dogs eat goose liver or any small meat (i.e. Marmot Meat or anything

that looks exactly like it). Mastiffs are an exception. While

Mastiffs provide good protection for your farm, they never stop

eating meat.

Produces: Protection and annoyance. If you have enough of them, and they're

big enough, dogs will chase away pests that attack your farm.

However, certain breeds and genders will also try to pick up your

stuff, and move it all over the place, while generally being

underfoot. The various dog breeds are also your primary hunting


Days to maturity: 2-3 days

Gestation: 2-6 days




Eats: Seeds

Produces: Females may be traded for Young Rabbit.

Days to maturity: 2-6 days

Gestation: 2-6 days




Eats: Cut Grass (S), cut grass, other cut grass dandelion, leafy scraps,

cabbage, berries, daikon, radish, tomato

Produces: Rabbit Fur when fed Cabbage.

Days to maturity: 2-6 days

Gestation: 2-6 days




Eats: Seeds

Produces: Eggs

Days to maturity: 6-12 days

Gestation: 2-6 days




Eats: Seeds

Produces: Duck Feathers when fed Wheat Seed or Buckwheat Seed. Eggs.

Days to maturity: 8-16 days

Gestation: 8-16 days




Eats (young & adult males): Cut Grass (S), cut grass, grass sprout,

danelion, leafy scraps, cabbage, berries,

daikon, tomato

Eats (adult females): Seeds only

Eats (pregnant females): All of the above.

Produces: When adult males are fed Wheat Seed or Buckwheat Seed they can be

traded for Goose Liver. Eggs.

Days to maturity: 8-16 days

Gestation: 8-16 days




Eats: Cut grass (S), other cut grass, dandelion, leafy scraps, cabbage,

berries, daikon, radish, tomato

Diet changes during pregnancy and nursing. She'll no longer eat

cut grass or cut grass (S), but will prefer dead grass (during

pregnancy) and fruit and vegetable crops (while nursing). She may

also eat hay and dandelion while nursing, depending upon whether

she needs to produce milk.

Produces: For a short time after giving birth, if fed hay, milk.

Days to maturity: 8-16 days

Gestation: 8-16 days




Eats: Dead grass, cut grass (S), cut grass, dandelion, leafy scraps, acorn,

chestnut, mushrooms, snails (they'll sit still next to a flower pot),

truffle, and grasshopper (they'll sit still next to any fruit

or vegetable crop).

Produces: Boar Meat, which can be used to make ham.

Days to maturity: 8-16 days

Gestation: 8-16 days




Eats: Dead grass, grass, cut grass (S), cut grass, other cut grass,

dandelion, leafy scraps, cabbage, berries, daikon, young pasture

and various sprouts.

Produces: Wool when fed Radish, but not just any Radish. You have to plant

radishes, then wait for the radishes to be ready to picked, but

not pick them. Instead, let your sheep eat the ripe radishes out

of the ground. Then, you can shear your sheep for wool. Do not

let your sheep eat the radishes before they are ripe. That will

kill the radish, and it will not put any wool on your sheep!

Days to maturity: 8-16 days

Gestation: 8-16 days. Diet switches to hay.




Eats: Dead grass, leafy scraps, hay, cabbage, berries, daikon, grapes,

radish, tomatoes, potatoes

Produces: Llama fur when fed tomatoes. Produces Dung.

Days to maturity: 16-24 days

Gestation: 16-24 days


Yak Cow


Eats: Dead grass, grass [but not cut grass or cut grass (S)], dandelion, hay,

leafy scraps, dried wheat, dried buckwheat, cabbage, berries, daikon,

grapes, radishes, tomatoes, potatoes

Produces: Produces Yak Cow Fur when fed potatoes. Produces Dung.

Days to maturity: 16-24 days

Gestation: 12-16 days




Eats: Grass, cut grass (S), cut grass, dandelion, leafy scraps, cabbage,

radish, green tomato, young potato, daikon, berries, grapes

Produces: Produces Dung. May be traded for a Shepherd, Mastiff, or Poitevin.

Days to maturity: 16-24 days

Gestation: 16-24 days




Eats: cabbage, berries, daikon, grapes, radish, eggs, tomatoes, potatoes,

acorn and chestnut, snails, (they'll sit still next to a flower pot),

frogs (they'll sit still next to dandelion), and grasshoppers (they'll

sit still next to any fruit or vegetable crop).

Produces: May be registered as hunting partner with unique abilities.

Days to maturity: 8-12 days

Gestation: 3-5 days




Eats: Meat, berries, chestnuts, eggs, grapes, snails (they'll sit still

next to a flower pot), frogs (they'll sit still next to

dandelion), and grasshoppers (they'll sit still next to any fruit or

vegetable crop).

Produces: Once mature, it may be traded for a valuable ferret pelt.

May be registered as hunting partner with unique abilities.

Days to maturity: 2-6 days

Gestation: 2-6 days




Eats: Any small meat, ham, sausage, goose liver, snails (they'll sit still

next to a flower pot). Unlike dogs, it keeps eating forever, if you

let it. Register your Bobcat as a hunting partner ASAP.

Produces: May be registered as hunting partner with unique abilities.

Days to maturity: 2-6 days

Gestation: 2-6 days


{ 8. Little Visitors }


Assuming the right conditions are met, there are six different little

visitors that your farm might get. Let's take each one in turn:




Bees cannot be harmful, only helpful. They are attracted to your farm

by letting your grass grow long to Wildflower from Dandelion 1 - Acorn 20.

They will try to find Wildflower or other potted or planted flowers and

gather nectar there. When they have nectar, a yellow symbol will appear

above them, and they will look for a Beebox. If they find a Beebox, they

will go to it and, after a few days, they will leave honey there for you

to collect with the Jar.




Butterflies are only a pest. Like Bees, they are attracted to your farm

by letting your grass grow long to Wildflower from Dandelion 1 - Acorn 20.

Butterflies will seek out your crops, such as cabbage, and may infest

and ruin them. You cannot destroy butterflies, but if you place a

flowerpot between them and your crops, the butterflies will be lured to the

flowerpot and leave your crops alone.




Snails are welcome, helpful visitors. They will be attracted to your

farm by Grape Vines from Dandelion 1 - Acorn 20.

Snails can be traded for sausage at the market, which is a good way to

preserve meat for breeding dogs. Sausage is also good to have if you want

to plant a lot of flowers. You can trade sausage for chicken meat, which

can be traded for Pansy and W. Pansy Seeds. Or, the chicken meat can be

exchanged for Daikons, which can then be traded for Cosmos and Red Cosmos


Also, snails can be fed to your farm animals, but you have to put the

snail next to a flowerpot, so that it will hold still. Snails can be eaten

by Ferrets, Raccoons, Bobcats, and Boars.




Grasshoppers are unwelcome, destructive creatures which will try to

destroy your fruit and vegetable crops, if you leave them alone. They will

come to your farm if you let the grass grow long, primarily during Acorn.

Grasshoppers can be destroyed by swinging the Sickle at them. But,

they're elusive, and it can be difficult to tell whether you got them.

Grasshoppers can be fed to Ferrets, Raccoons, and Boars. However, to

get the little bugger to stand still long enough to eat, you have to let it

get a hold of one of your fruits or vegetables, such as cabbage, berries,

daikon, grapes, tomato, or potato.




Frogs are attracted to your farm by building a pond, which you can get

from the list of Gifts in the Doghouse (after you've won enough points from

hunting). You'll see them jumping around from Dandelion 1 - Grape 30.

Frogs don't seem to do anything. During Spring, they will hop to the

nearest dandelion and just hang out there. While they're paused at the

dandelion, Frogs are an easy meal for a Ferret or a Raccoon.




Silkworms are very cool, but they won't just show up at your farm

spontaneously. You'll need to trade Grapes for Silkworm Eggs at the

southwest market.

Silkworms will feed on long grass during Dandelion. Some time in Grape,

they will spin a cocoon. You can use the Jar to harvest Silk from the

cocoon, which can be exchanged for fairly valuable things.

Since Silkworms eat long grass, it's easy to lose them in the overgrowth.

If you lose them, don't worry about it too much. The Silkworms will become

Moths and lay Silkworm Eggs for next year. Moths typically lay two bunches

of Silkworm Eggs, whereas Silk can be traded for three Silkworm Eggs. So,

it's economically advantageous to collect the Silk from any cocoons, but

try to make at least one Moth appear, anyway. There's a Wisdom entry in

Brammy's Diary that you can only get by seeing a Moth.


{ 9. Partners }


Partners are mostly your hunting dogs, but animals other than dogs can

also be used. Pick up the animal you want to use on a hunt, and carry it

into the Doghouse in the northeast (top-right) corner of your farm. Once

inside, register your new hunting partner.

Note: All partners start with "Retreat" and "No Action," so those are

not listed under Starting Skills.

Note: There are two different skills which are both called "Track." One

is for bringing enemies back from Far status, and the other brings enemies

back from Fled. To avoid confusion, I call them "Track (Far)" and

"Track (Fled)." You can distinguish them by their game text descriptions.

Note: There are two different skills which are both called "Alert." One

is a "bird & sheep skill that increases your party's defense." Using this

will increase each allies' defense by one point. The other "Alert" will

"warn an ally of danger, putting them on guard." This one [incomplete as

of version 0.9].





Max HP: 12

Attack: 3

Skill starting/max: 6/22

Starting Skills: Attack

Learnable Skills: Search, Collect (S), Step Back, Conceal, Chase Out, Decoy,

Calm, Drive Off




MAX HP: 15

Attack: 3

Skill starting/max: 10/26

Starting Skills: Attack, Track (Far)

Learnable Skills: Attack, Search, Collect (S), Step Back, Track (Far),

Conceal, Tease, Decoy, Scold Ally, Return, Guard,

Encourage, Track (Fled), Taunt, Drive Off




MAX HP: 12

Attack: 3

Skill starting/max: 10/26

Starting Skills: Attack, Hole Chomp

Learnable Skills: Search, Step Back, Conceal, Decoy, Drive Off, Step Back,

Tease, Scold Ally, Return, Guard, Hole Chomp, Encourage,


Special Note: Dachshund cannot learn Collect (S), nor Collect (L)




Max HP: 21

Attack: 3

Skill starting/max: 6/38

Starting Skills: Collect (L)

Learnable Skills: Attack, Collect (S), Step Back, Track (Far), Decoy,

Track (Fled), Drive Off




MAX HP: 18

Attack: 3

Skill starting/max: 10/30

Starting Skills: Attack, Distract

Learnable Skills: Attack, Search, Collect (S), Surprise, Decoy, Surround,

Chomp, Step Back, Track (Fled), Tease, Scold Ally,

Return, Guard, Encourage, Track (Far), Taunt, Distract,

Drive Off, Boo!




MAX HP: 18

Attack: 3

Skill starting/max: 6/34

Starting Skills: Cattle Drive

Learnable Skills: Attack, Search, Decoy, Drive Off

Special Note: Corgi cannot learn Collect (S), nor Collect (L)




Max HP: 15

Attack: 3

Skill starting/max: 10/26

Starting Skills: Attack, Sprint

Learnable Skills: Attack, Step Back, Decoy, Drive Off, Sprint, Scold Ally,

Encourage, Guard, Return, Dash, Taunt


Sheep Dog


Max HP: 21

Attack: 3

Skill starting/max: 6/34

Starting Skills: Coll. Sheep

Learnable Skills: Attack, Step Back, Decoy, Drive Off, Scold Ally,

Encourage, Guard, Return, Tease, Shepherd, Guide,

Coll. Sheep, Taunt




Max HP: 21

Attack: 3

Skill starting/max: 10/38

Starting Skills: Attack, Lunge

Learnable Skills: Attack, Collect (S), Surprise, Lunge, Decoy, Step Back,

Track (Far), Tease, Scold Ally, Return, Guard, Encourage,

Up Tree, Track (Fled), Taunt, Distract, Drive Off, Boo!




Max HP: 30

Attack: 4

Skill starting/max: 10/30

Starting Skills: Attack, Cow Kill

Learnable Skills: Attack, Cow Kill, Chomp, Decoy, Drive Off, Return,

Step Back, Scold Ally, Guard, Collect (L), Encourage,





Max HP: 21

Attack: 3

Skill starting/max: 6/42

Starting Skills: Attack

Learnable Skills: Attack, Track (Far), Collect (S), Step Back, Decoy,

Drive Off, Scold Ally, Boo!, Encourage, Guard, Return,

Chomp, Shepherd, Coll. Sheep, Coll. Cattle, Distract,

Alert (Type 2), Guide, Yawn, Collect (L), Track (Fled),





Max HP: 24

Attack: 3

Skill starting/max: 6/38

Starting Skills: Attack

Learnable Skills: Attack, Collect (S), Step Back, Track (Far), Decoy,

Calm, Drive Off, Lightfoot, Scold Ally, Boo!, Encourage,

Guard, Collect (L), Return, Chomp, Ambush, Cow Kill,

Track (Fled), Taunt, Distract


Please note that you can only register male Goats, Yak Cows, and

Donkeys, and that you cannot register Sheep at all.




Max HP: 3

Attack: 1

Skill starting/max: 6/18

Starting Skills: Conceal

Learnable Skills: Attack, Conceal, Calm, Hide!, Call in Hole,

All in Hole, Stop Trail, Return, Bait, Alert (Type 1)




Max HP: 6

Attack: 1

Skill starting/max: 2/18

Starting Skills: none

Learnable Skills: Attack, Briar Run, Conceal, Calm, Hide!, Scout,

Call in Hole, All in Hole, Scold Ally, Stop Trail,

Return, Bait, Alert (Type 1), Turn, Dash




Max HP: 3

Attack: 1

Skill starting/max: 6/14

Starting Skills: Climb Tree

Learnable Skills: Attack, Climb Tree, Calm, Guard, Return, Bait, Tease




Max HP: 3

Attack: 1

Skill starting/max: 6/14

Starting Skills: Alert

Learnable Skills: Attack, Calm, Drive Off, Alert (Type 2)




Max HP: 6

Attack: 2

Skill starting/max: 2/18

Starting Skills: none

Learnable Skills: Calm, Alert (Type 2), Bait




(You can only register Male Goats)

Max HP: 18

Attack: 2

Skill starting/max: 6/26

Starting Skills: Return

Learnable Skills: Attack, Climb Tree, Counter, Zigzag, Decoy, Run Away!,

Scold Ally, Return, Alert (Type 1), Guard




Max HP: 39

Attack: 5

Skill starting/max: 10/26

Starting Skills: Stop Trail, Toss

Learnable Skills: Attack, Collect (S), Scold Ally, Toss, Stop Trail,

Raise Hair, Guard, Atten-hut!, Lightfoot, Ambush,

Break Line, Yawn




Max HP: 21

Attack: 1

Skill starting/max: 6/22

Starting Skills: Alert

Learnable Skills: Attack, Zigzag, Scold Ally, Guard, Return, Alert

(Type 2, but acts like Type 1 in a fight)


Yak Cow


(You can only register Male Yak Cows)

Max HP: 42

Attack: 5

Skill starting/max: 6/26

Starting Skills: Herd

Learnable Skills: Attack, Decoy, Run Away!, Alert (Type 1), Scold Ally,

Return, Toss, Herd, Guard




(You can only register Male Donkeys)

Max HP: 30

Attack: 4

Skill starting/max: 6/34

Starting Skills: Attack

Learnable Skills: Attack, Scold Ally, Guard, Return, Alert (Type 2)




Max HP: 12

Attack: 2

Skill starting/max: 6/18

Starting Skills: Climb Tree

Learnable Skills: Attack, Search, Conceal, Climb Tree, Hide!, Guard,

Return, Play Dead




Max HP: 9

Attack: 2

Skill starting/max: 2/26

Starting Skills: none

Learnable Skills: Attack, Search, Conceal, Climb Tree, Calm, Hide!,

Scold Ally, Gas Attack, Guard, Return




Max HP: 21

Attack: 3

Skill starting/max: 10/22

Starting Skills: Conceal, Bush Bite

Learnable Skills: Attack, Search, Step Back, Conceal, Bush Bite, Decoy,

Hide!, Guard, Return


{ 10. Partner Skill List }


This is a list of the various skills which your hunting partners can

learn. New skills are usually acquired either by trading points for the

small animal statues on the Doghouse Gift list, or by earning them on hunts.

This list is not in any particular order. Skills will be listed in your

gamefile according to the order in which you obtained them.

Finally, please note yet another glaring mistake in the game's text.

There are two skills which are both called "Track." One is for bringing

enemies back from Far status, and the other brings enemies back from Fled.

To avoid confusion, I call them "Track (Far)" and "Track (Fled)." You

can distinguish them by their game text descriptions.


List of Partner Skills


According to the game text:

Attack - Attack, reducing HP. Diminishes as you use it.

Search - Search for hidden game. Cannot find large animals.

Collect (S) - Collect small fallen game.

Conceal - Hide out of sight from enemies in the brush.

Chase Out - Drive out game hiding in holes.

Climb Tree - Move up a tree.

Scout - Jump up and look around, preparing to guard.

Counter - Counter-attack approaching enemies.

Zigzag - Flee, zigzagging through a ravine, deterring all enemies.

Surprise - Surprise Open opponents, greatly reducing their HP.

Lunge - Inflict heavy damage upon opponents in trees.

Decoy - Draw all opponents' attention to you, protecting allies.

Calm - Soothe the hostility of all enemies.

Gas Attack - Attack with flatulence! Usable when scared.

Call in Hole - Call an ally into a hole.

All in Hole - Call all allies into a hole.

Surround - Have allies prepare to attack as well.

Chomp - Bite like a pit bull! Cannot use when Open.

Step Back - Step back, letting all foes focus on the leader.

Track (Far) - Track down distant game.

Briar Run - Flee into thorny scrubs that harm pursuers.

Run Away! - Allow an ally to escape.

Sprint - Allows you to attack distant opponents.

Alert () - Bird & sheep skill that increases your party's defense.

Play Dead - Suddenly jump to your feet after being knocked down.

Lightfoot - Move far away while covering tracks to set up for counter.

Tease - Tease opponents, angering them.

Stop Trail - Move far away while covering tracks.

Scold Ally - Scold allies, frightening them.

Return - Return from hide, far, tree, hole & Open.

Coll. Cattle - Lead back and collect distant cows.

Toss - Skill used by boars and deer. Effective against dogs.

Alert () - Warn an ally of danger, putting them on guard.

Herd - Yak cow skill that increases defense of all allies.

Turn - Turn to avert an oncoming enemy, soothing its hostility.

Dash - Rapidly move far away while evading attacks.

Ambush - Counterattack pursuers while fleeing.

Guide - Guide the actions of opponents, preventing them from escaping.

Guard - Block opponent attacks, protecting your HP.

Hole Chomp - Allows you to attack opponents in holes.

Bait - Lure out beasts that are hiding or are in trees.

Cattle Drive - Bite a yak cow's leg, chasing it far away.

Shepherd - Lead a fled sheep back to a 'far' distance.

Collect (L) - Collect large fallen game (except for cows & sheep).

Coll. Sheep - Collect distant sheep and alpaca.

Raise Hair - Raise your hair, intimidating opponents.

Encourage - Encourage others, restoring their HP.

Bush Bite - Allows you to attack while hidden.

Up Tree - Chase game up trees.

Cow Kill - Attack strong enough to take down a bull. Use when angry.

Yawn - Make an ally Open.

Break Line - Break through the enemy line, frightening all of them.

Track (Fled) - Track down and attack opponents who have fled.

Taunt - Taunt an opponent, drawing its attack to you.

Distract - Cause large animals to drop their guards.

Drive Off - Threaten opponents, causing them to flee.

Hide - Hide allies. Use on all except the user.

Boo! - Drop out of sight of mettlesome dogs, frightening them.

Atten-hut! - Bring Open allies back to attention.

Roll - Make all opponents Open. Usable when Open.

Gaze - Seek out herds of hidden game with True Vision.

Glare - Glare at opponents, turning their blood cold.


{ 11. Hunts }



The Pre-emptive Strike


To be a good hunter, you need the right partners with the right skills.

But most of all, you need to learn (or remember) this word "pre-empt":

"To appropriate, seize, or take for oneself before others."

See, each time you go out hunting, one of the townsfolk goes with you.

Their dogs are going to do things based on what happened *last* round. You

need to tell you dogs what to do based on what's going to happen in this

coming round.

For example, if you fell an enemy rabbit this round, the townsfolk's dog

is going to try to use "Collect (S)" next round to steal your kill. So, if

you know you're going to finish off a rabbit this round, use "Collect (S)"

*pre-emptively* so that your dog can rush in to Collect the kill in the same

round it falls. This "pre-emptive strike" tactic works in many different

ways and on most hunts.


List of Hunts


This is a list of the hunts with information about each one.

Also note that once you have won a hunt, you can redo that hunt whenever

you want by entering the barn and selecting "Hunt."


Burrow Rabbit






Notes: Uses "Counter" until 11 turns remain, then burrows into Hole!



Points: 4

Collect: Small

Notes: Goes into Hole! on its first turn, but may return 2nd turn.

Burrow Rabbits


Points: 2

Collect: Small

Notes: Goes into Hole! on its first turn, but may return 2nd turn.


Wild Geese


Bonus: Win and defeat White Duck for White Duck statue, "Drive Off" skill.

Wild Goose

HP: 6

Points: 3

Collect: Small and Large both work.

Notes: Uses "Drive Off" to cause your small dogs to flee. Chomp does not

work. Flees with 5 turns left.

White Duck

HP: 5

Points: 2

Collect: Small and Large both work.

Notes: Uses "Drive Off" to cause your small dogs to flee. Chomp does not



Rabbit & Kit


Bonus: Befriend Princess to learn "Track" skill.

Bonus: Kit gives up "Step Back" skill.

Bonus: Win and defeat Rabbit Kit for Rabbit Kit Statue, "Wire Leap" skill.

Bonus: win and defeat Rabbit Parent for Briar Rabbit, "Briar Run" skill.

Rabbit Parent

HP: 9

Points: 6

Collect: Small and Large both work.

Notes: Uses "Briar Run" to counter attack. Exhausts "Briar Run" with 11

turns left. Flees with 10 turns left. You get that tiny window

of time to take it out.

Rabbit Kit

HP: 6


Collect: Small

Notes: Uses "Step Back" so that all attacks hit Parent, who counters.

Flees with 11 turns remaining.


Farm Marmot


Bonus: Win by points to get Finch, "Chase Out" skill.

Bonus: Win and beat Hiding Marmot for marmot statue, "Conceal" skill.

Farm Marmots

HP: 3

Points: 1

Collect: Small and Large both work.


Hiding Marmot

HP: 3

Points: 2

Collect: Small and Large both work.

Notes: Uses "Conceal" to Hide on second turn. Returns next turn. Or, you

could use "Search" to counteract Hide status.




Bonus: Befriend Lesker for "Lunge" and "Surprise" skills.

Bonus: Minion gives up "Zigzag" to get "Zigzag" skill.


HP: 18

Points: 6

Collect: Large

Notes: May use "Counter" to counterattack. "Drive Off" will cause Gruff

to flee.

Gruff Minion

HP: 18

Points: 6

Collect: Large

Notes: May use "Counter" to counterattack. "Drive Off" will cause Minion

to flee.




Bonus: Weasel gives up "Climb Tree" skill.

Bonus: Winning this hunt is a diary entry.

Bonus: For every weasel you Collect, you receive a valuable Ferret Pelt.


HP: 9

Points: 3

Collect: Small and Large both work.

Notes: Uses burrow to go into Hole. Counteract with "Chase Out" or

"Hole Chomp."

Guardian Weasel

HP: 9

Points: 3

Collect: Small and Large both work.

Notes: Uses burrow to go into Hole. Counteract with "Chase Out" or

"Hole Chomp." Uses "Decoy" to draw attacks.




Bonus: Befriend Tiny, learn "Up Tree" skill.

Bonus: Bobcat gives up "Bush Bite" skill.


HP: 21

Points: 7

Collect: Large

Notes: Bobcats use "Conceal" and "Bush Bite" to attack while concealed.

Counteract with "Bait."


Wild Chickens


Pet Bird

HP: 3

Points: 4

Collect: Small and Large both work.

Notes: Uses "Guard" to dodge attacks.

Wild Chicken

HP: 3

Points: 2

Collect: Small and Large both work.



White Weasel


Bonus: White Weasel statue, "Decoy" skill.

Bonus: Runaway Weasel statue, "Calm" skill.

White Weasel

HP: 15

Points: 8

Collect: Small and Large both work.

Notes: Chomp works. Uses "Decoy" to direct attacks to itself. Uses

"Burrow" to hide in Hole. Counteract with "Chase Out" or "Hole


Runaway Weasel

HP: 12

Points: 4

Collect: Small and Large both work.

Notes: Chomp works. "Uses Calm." Uses "Burrow" to hide in Hole. Counteract

with "Chase Out" or "Hole Chomp."


Wild Marmot


Bonus: Win and defeat Rockie for Rockie statue, "Hide" skill.


HP: 3

Points: 3

Collect: Small and Large both work.

Notes: All use "Conceal" to Hide on the first turn. Counteract with

"Search" or just keep attacking, because sometimes they return.

Wild Marmots

HP: 3

Points: 2

Collect: Small and Large both work.

Notes: All use "Conceal" to Hide on the first turn. Counteract with

"Search" or just keep attacking, because sometimes they return.


Mountain Witch


Bonus: Mountain Witch gives up "Gas Attack" skill.

Bonus: Win and collect Mountain Witch for Mountain Witch statue,

"Gaze" skill.

Win and collect Mountain Witch for Gazing Witch statue,

"Glare" skill.

Mountain Witch

HP: 18

Points: 10

Collect: Small and Large both work.

Notes: Uses "Glare" to hit for 6 HP. Uses "Conceal" to Hide. Uses "Climb

Tree." counteract "Climb Tree" with "Lunge."

Guardian Weasel

HP: 9

Points: 3

Collect: Small and Large both work.

Notes: Uses "Decoy" to direct attacks to itself. Uses burrow to go into

Hole. Counteract burrow with "Chase Out" or "Hole Chomp."


Red Fox


Bonus: Befriend Mist, learn "Sprint" skill.

Red Foxes

HP: 15

Points: 5

Collect: Small and Large both work.

Notes: Uses both Hide and Hole. Counteract Hide with Search, Hole with

Chase Out or Hole Chomp.

Little Fox

HP: 15


Collect: Small and Large both work.

Notes: Uses both Hide and Hole. Flees early.


White Rabbit


Bonus: Win and defeat White Rabbit for White Rabbit statue, "Scout" skill.

White Rabbit

HP: 12


Collect: Small and Large both work.

Notes: On the first turn, White Rabbit performs "Yak Herd," which summons

one Yak Bull.

Yak Bull

HP: 42

Points: 14

Collect: "Coll. Cattle"

Notes: To defeat Yaks, you need a Corgi to use "Cattle Drive," then once

the Yak is Far, use "Coll. Cattle."




Bonus: Yak Cow gives up "Herd" skill.

Yak Cow

HP: 42

Points: 10

Collect: "Coll. Cattle" (I know the game told you to use "Coll. Sheep",

but ignore that).

Notes: To defeat Yaks, you need a Corgi to use "Cattle Drive," then once

the Yak is Far, use "Coll. Cattle."

Yak Bull

HP: 42

Points: 14

Collect: "Coll. Cattle"

Notes: To defeat Yaks, you need a Corgi to use "Cattle Drive," then once

the Yak is Far, use "Coll. Cattle."


Runaway Sheep


Bonus: Runaway Sheep give up the "Alert" skill.

Runaway Sheep

HP: 18

Points: 4

Collect: "Coll. Sheep"

Notes: To defeat Runaway Sheep, use "Drive Off," then after sheep is Fled,

use "Shepherd" to bring the sheep to Far. Finally, use "Coll.

Sheep" to collect. No need to attack them at all.


Waku Waku (king of the marmots)


Bonus: Waku Waku Tribe gives up "Call into Hole" skill.

Bonus: Win and defeat Waku Waku for Waku Waku statue, "All in Hole" skill.

Waku Waku

HP: 6

Points: 4

Collect: Small and Large both work.

Notes: Uses "Call into Hole" or "Burrow" to go into Hole, first round.

Alternates between going into Hole and "Return" each round.

Waku Waku Tribe

HP: 3

Points: 2

Collect: Small and Large both work.

Notes: Uses "Call into Hole" or "Burrow" to go into Hole, first round.

Alternates between going into Hole and "Return" each round.


Fox & Kit


Bonus: Mother Fox gives up "Scold Ally" skill.

Bonus: Win and defeat Mother Fox for Mother Fox statue, "Boo" skill.

Mother Fox

HP: 15

Points: 5

Collect: Small and Large both work.

Notes: Uses "Conceal" to Hide, then uses "Burrow" to Hole, third round

uses "Boo" to Scare anyone that attacks. Once Scared, you can't

do anything, and might as well retreat.

Cross Fox

HP: 18


Collect: Small and Large both work.

Notes: Uses "Conceal" to Hide, then uses "Burrow" to Hole, third round



Runaway Rabbit


Bonus: Runaway Rabbit gives up "Stop Trail" skill.

Runaway Rabbits

HP: 6

Points: 2

Collect: Small and Large both work.

Notes: Uses "Stop Trail" to move to Far. Uses "Counter" to counterattack.

Uses "Burrow" to go into Hole.





HP: 18

Points: 6

Collect: Large

Notes: Badgers "Burrow" into Hole, but "Chase Out" does not work against

Badgers. You'll need a Dachshund to use "Hole Chomp." Or, they

use "Guard" to negate "Attack." They flee after 2-3 turns. At

least they don't hit your dogs.


Silver Fox


Bonus: Win and defeat Silver Fox (he's alone) to get Silver Fox statue,

"Roll" skill.

Silver Fox

HP: 18

Points: 16

Collect: Small and Large both work.

Notes: Scares hunting partners to freeze their commands. In round 3,

he uses "Lightfoot" to move to Far and counter attack. Uses

"Legtie" to reverse your attacks and send your partner Far.

It's a good strategy to bring a Whippet that knows "Return" and

can use "Sprint" at least 6 times.


Boar Queen


Bonus: Befriend Blanche, Learn "Cheer" skill.

Bonus: Young Boar gives up "Raise Hackles" skill.

Boar Queen

HP: 51


Collect: Large

Notes: Uses "Lightfoot" to go Far. Flees with 19 turns left.

Wild Boarss

HP: 39


Collect: Large

Notes: Uses "Stop Trail" to go Far. Uses "Raise Hair" to decrease allies

power by 2.

Young Boar

HP: 28

Points: 9

Collect: Large





Bonus: Chuck gives up the "Alert" skill.

Bonus: Win and defeat Chuck


HP: 6

Points: 8

Collect: Small and Large both work.

Notes: Uses "Stop Trail" to move to Far. Counteract with "Track."

Uses "Leg Tie" to lead your hunting dogs Far. Counteract with

"Return." You can attack Chuck when Far using "Sprint" without

incurring the "Leg Tie" reversal. "Collect (S) and (L)" still

work at Far distance. "Chomp" doesn't work.

Runaway Rabbits

HP: 6

Points: 2

Collect: Small and Large both work.

Notes: Uses "Stop Trail" to move to Far. Counteract with "Track." Uses

"Counter" to counterattack. Uses "Burrow" to go into Hole.

Counteract with "Chase Out" or "Hole Chomp." "Chomp" doesn't work.





HP: 30

Points: 10

Collect: Large

Notes: Uses "Stop Trail" to move to Far. Counteract with "Track."


King Jeer


King Jeer

HP: 30

Points: 10

Collect: Large

Notes: Uses "Leg Tie" to move to Far and Reverse. Counteract with

"Sprint." "Distract" and "Surprise" combos work well in this



HP: 30

Points: 10

Collect: Large

Notes: Uses "Stop Trail" to move to Far. Counteract with "Track."

"Calm" did not work on Angry Moose.





HP: 24

Points: 8

Collect: Large

Notes: Uses "Incite Ally." Calm did not work against Angry Wolves.

Uses "Cow Kill" when angry. Uses "Guard" to avoid hits.




Bonus: Win and defeat Rex for Rex statue, "Atten-hut" skill.


HP: 24

Points: 12

Collect: Large

Notes: First round, always uses "Guard" to avoid hits.

Uses "Incite Ally." Calm did not work against Angry Rex.

Uses "Cow Kill" when angry.

Uses "Atten-hut" to counteract "Distract."


HP: 24

Points: 8

Collect: Large

Notes: Uses "Incite Ally." Calm did not work against Angry Wolves.

Uses "Cow Kill" when angry. Uses "Guard" to avoid hits.


Wild Dog Pack


Bonus: Befriend Erin, learn "Chomp" skill.

Bonus: Wild Dog gives up "Surround" skill.


HP: 18

Points: 6

Collect: Large

Notes: Uses "Guard" to avoid hits. Uses "Surround on Wild Dogs to make

them hit twice. Uses "Summon Ally" to replace fallen Wild Dogs.

Wild Dog

HP: 18

Points: 6

Collect: Large

Notes: Uses "Guard" to avoid hits.


Field Donkey


Bonus: If you can collect a donkey, you get to keep him!

Field Donkey

HP: 30

Points: 10

Collect: "Coll. Sheep"

Notes: To defeat Donkeys, use "Drive Off," then after Donkey is Fled,

use "Shepherd" to bring the donkey to Far. Finally, use "Coll.

Sheep" to collect. No need to attack them at all. It's the same

as taking down Runaway Sheep, but there is no collect donkey skill.

You use "Coll. Sheep."




Bonus: Raccoon gives up "Play Dead" skill.


HP: 12

Points: 4

Collect: Small and Large both work.

Notes: Raccoons use "Conceal" to Hide, but Samson's dog will chase them up

into the trees. Bring a dog that knows "Lunge."




Bonus: Bear gives up "Lightfoot' skill.


HP: 60

Points: 20

Collect: Large

Notes: Uses "Lightfoot" to move to Far with reverse. Counteract with

"Track." Runs up into trees, however "Lunge" does not work.




Bonus: Alpaca gives up "Tease" skill.


HP: 18

Points: 6

Collect: "Coll. Sheep"

Notes: To defeat Alpacas, use "Drive Off," then after alpaca is Fled,

use "Shepherd" to bring the alpaca to Far. Finally, use "Coll.

Sheep" to collect. No need to attack them at all. It's the same

as taking down Runaway Sheep, but there is no collect alpaca skill.

You use "Coll. Sheep."


Brown Bear


Bonus: Brown Bear gives up "Ambush" skill.

Bonus: Win and defeat Brown Bears for Brown Bear statue, "Guide" skill.

Brown Bears

HP: 90

Points: 30

Collect: Large

Notes: May use "Lightfoot" to move to Far and reverse with Imp. Counter.


HP: 60

Points: 20

Collect: Large

Notes: Uses "Lightfoot" to move to Far with reverse. Counteract with

"Track." Runs up into trees, however "Lunge" does not work.




Bonus: Boar Piglet gives up "Yawn" skill.

Bonus: Win and defeat Kanna for Kanna statue, "Break Line" skill.


HP: 60

Points: 20

Collect: Large

Notes: Causes one Boar Piglet to Flee each turn until they're all gone by

using "Run Away." Uses "Guard," but "Chomp" and "Surprise" still


Boar Piglet

HP: 15

Points: 5

Collect: Large

Notes: Boar Piglets use "Yawn," leaving each other Open. Try "Surprise."


Lucky Star


Bonus: Lucky Star Gives up "Turn" skill.

Bonus: Win and defeat Lucky Star for Lucky Star statue, "Dash" skill.

Lucky Star

HP: 6

Points: 12

Collect: Small and Large both work.

Notes: Uses "Dash" to move to Far. Counteract with "Sprint." Sometimes

he goes a few rounds in a row just using "Counter," so maybe bring

a dog with "Chomp."

Runaway Rabbits

HP: 6

Points: 2

Collect: Small and Large both work.

Notes: Uses "Stop Trail." Counteract with "Track" or "Sprint."




Bonus: Win and defeat Auld for Auld statue, "Play Dead" skill. Too bad, even

if you survive Auld's "Stricken" skill, and defeat and collect him,

and win, you still don't get to learn "Stricken."

(note: I'm not 100% sure about this statue. You always get the unique

skill from the defeated enemy, which for Auld would be "Play Dead,"

but I didn't get a new skill, because I already had "Play Dead"

from a previous Raccoon fight).

(note: It may very well be that the Auld statue teaches no skill. It

is unique in that if you stare at it, it gets a description, which

reads, "A decoration." Perhaps it is merely that, a decoration).


HP: 30

Points: 10

Collect: Large

Notes: Uses "Decoy" to attract all attacks to himself. Samson gives you

a vague threat about not taking out Auld first, but as long as you

"Collect (L)" him in the same round he falls, Auld will not give

you a problem. If you kill Auld and fail to Collect him, he will

use "Stricken" and get back up with 21 HP with power and defense

both increased by 3 and Angry with reversal by "Imp. Counter."

Next round after "Stricken" he'll use "Whimper" to recall all

Moose from Far as Angry.


HP: 30

Points: 10

Collect: Large

Notes: Uses "Stop Trail" to move to Far. Counteract with "Track."

"Calm" did not work on Angry Moose. Moose may start using "Counter"

frequently in later rounds.




Bonus: Win and defeat Snow Drift for Snowdrift statue, "Cow Kill" skill.

Snow Drift

HP: 24

Points: 16

Collect: Large

Notes: Uses "Atten-hut" to raise Wolves' defense and negate Open statuses.

I went after Snow Drift right away. Be sure to "Collect (L)" Snow

Drift during the same round he falls, or next round he will use

"Whimper" to make all Wolves Angry.


HP: 24

Points: 8

Collect: Large

Notes: Uses "Incite Ally." Calm did not work against Angry Wolves.

Uses "Cow Kill" when angry. Uses "Guard" to avoid hits. "Drive

Off" does not work when Wolves are Angry. May Flee, then use

"Revert" to come back with most HP.


Black Wing


Bonus: If you can collect a donkey, you get to keep him!

Black Wing

HP: 30

Points: 16

Collect: "Coll. Sheep"

Notes: May use "Scold Ally," or "Counter." Meryl does not bring a dog

that knows "Drive Off," so you'll have to bring one that does.

Field Donkey

HP: 30

Points: 10

Collect: "Coll. Sheep"

Notes: To defeat Donkeys, use "Drive Off," then after Donkey is Fled,

use "Shepherd" to bring the donkey to Far. Finally, use "Coll.

Sheep" to collect. No need to attack them at all. It's the same

as taking down Runaway Sheep, but there is no collect donkey skill.

You use "Coll. Sheep."


Sacred Steeds



HP: 30

Points: 18

Collect: "Coll. Sheep"

Notes: Uses "Scold Ally" to make Dragon Scared. Calm did not work on Angry

Blue. I couldn't use "Drive Off" because I couldn't un-Angry Blue,

so I fell Blue but didn't Collect him.


HP: 30

Points: 18

Collect: "Coll. Sheep"

Notes: Uses "Incite Ally" to make Blue Angry.

To defeat Donkeys, use "Drive Off," then after Donkey is Fled,

use "Shepherd" to bring the donkey to Far. Finally, use "Coll.

Sheep" to collect. No need to attack them at all. It's the same

as taking down Runaway Sheep, but there is no "collect donkey"

skill. You use "Coll. Sheep."


Wild Dog King



HP: 24

Points: 8

Collect: Large

Notes: Uses "Scare" to shut down your command list. "Yawn" did not

unscare allies.


HP: 18

Points: 6

Collect: Large

Notes: Uses "Taunt" to draw your attack.


HP: 9

Points: 3

Collect: Large

Notes: Just attacks weakly.


Cannibal Bate


Cannibal Bate

HP: 24

Points: 20

Collect: Large

Notes: Uses "Guard" and "Incite Ally."


HP: 24

Points: 8

Collect: Large

Notes: Uses "Incite Ally." Calm did not work against Angry Wolves.

Uses "Cow Kill" when angry. Uses "Guard" to avoid hits. "Drive

Off" does not work when Wolves are Angry. May Flee, then use

"Revert" to come back with most HP.


{ 12. Gifts }



List of Gifts


Hunting will earn you points, which can be spent on Gifts in the Doghouse.

This is a list of those Gifts and how much they cost. It appears that many

of these Gift items are purely for decoration. If they have any other

function, I have tried to note that also.




points: 2

game text: Can trade for a marmot at market.

notes: It's just regular hay.


Marmot Meat


points: 4

game text: Can be traded for cabbage or berry seed at the market.

notes: It's just regular marmot meat.


Decoy Flowers


points: 6

game text: (None)

notes: This will attract snails, butterflies, and bees, but no more or less

than other flowerpots.




points: 8

game text: (None)

notes: This will attract snails, butterflies, and bees, but no more or less

than other flowerpots.




points: 10

game text: Produces cut grass (S).


Seed Jar


points: 12

game text: Produces grass seed.


Hole Chomper


points: 14

game text: (None)

notes: Gives the "Hole Chomp" skill.


Returning Dog


points: 16

game text: (None)

notes: Gives the "Return" skill.




points: 18

game text: (None)

notes: Gives the "Bait" skill.


Cattle Driver


points: 20

game text: (None)

notes: Gives the "Cattle Drive" skill.


Shepherding Dog


points: 22

game text: (None)

notes: Gives the "Shepherd" skill.


Collect Large


points: 24

game text: (None)

notes: Gives the "Collect (L)" skill.


Collect Sheep


points: 26

game text: (None)

notes: Gives the "Coll. Sheep" skill.


Collect Cattle


points: 28

game text: (None)

notes: Gives the "Coll. Cattle" skill.


Guard Dog


points: 30

game text: (None)

notes: Gives the "Guard" skill.




points: 32

game text: (None)




points: 34

game text: (None)

notes: Brammy says: "A hoe made in this village." Getting this item

triggers a scene with the blacksmith. The scene adds a new diary

entry to Brammy's Diary.




points: 36

game text: (None)


Angel Statue


points: 38

game text: Reduces chance of bad weather.




points: 40

game text: (None)




points: 42

game text: Reduces chance of bad weather.

notes: This item will not prevent every storm, and it will disappear the day

after a heavy storm.


Square Table


points: 44

game text: (None)


Round Chair


points: 46

game text: (None)




points: 48

game text: (None)




points: 50

game text: (None)


Gas Lamppost


points: 52

game text: (None)




points: 54

game text: (None)


Canvas Stand


points: 56

game text: (None)


Cooking Stand


points: 58

game text: (None)




points: 60

game text: (None)




points: 62

game text: Meat next to this won't rot.

notes: Brammy says, "Small-sized meat placed next to this won't rot!"

I tested this, and it definitely works with any small meat

(anything that looks just like Marot Meat). I use it to store

game meat, since that can be traded for 3 dried wheat while taking

up much less space. It will also preserve Goose Liver, which will

go to "Meaty Scraps" and then disappear, if you leave it too long.


Rocking Horse


points: 64

game text: (None)


Many Bottles


points: 66

game text: (None)


Angel Back Stat


points: 68

game text: Reduces chance of bad weather.


2-tier Fountain


points: 70

game text: (None)




points: 72

game text: Reduces chance of bad weather.

notes: This parasol seems to reduce the odds of bad weather more than

the 42-point parasol. However, just like the other parasol, it

will disappear the day after a heavy storm.


Round Table


points: 74

game text: (None)




points: 76

game text: (None)


Red Mailbox


points: 78

game text: (None)


Stove 2


points: 80

game text: (None)


Covered Pot


points: 82

game text: Things are heating up inside. This might even break!

notes: Getting this gift prompts Brammy to say, "Snails increase!"

This is a temporary item. It will last exactly 10 days.




points: 84

game text: Things are heating up inside. This might even break!

notes: Getting this gift prompts Brammy to say, "Frogs increase!"

This is a temporary item. It will last exactly 10 days.


Half Barrel


points: 86

game text: (None)




points: 88

game text: (None)


Laundry Rack


points: 90

game text: (None)


Grass Rack


points: 92

game text: (None)




points: 94

game text: (None)




points: 96

game text: (None)


Sewing Machine


points: 98

game text: (None)




points: 100

game text: (None)


Broken Fan


points: 102

game text: (None)

notes: Getting this gift will trigger a scene with Helen, but it does

not create a new diary entry. Helen says something about using

the Broken Fan as decoration, so maybe that's all some of these

things are.


Umbrella Stand


points: 104

game text: (None)


Expensive Jar


points: 106

game text: (None)




points: 108

game text: (None)


Bronze Statue


points: 110

game text: Reduces chance of bad weather.


Pond Sign


points: 112

game text: (None. Wherever you place this, a pond will appear).

notes: The pond will begin producing frogs in Dandelion. The frogs will

gravitate toward grassy areas. Also, I have heard that your pond

may dry up if you don't have a Well, but I have tried and failed

to make my pond dry up.


Large Well


points: 114

game text: (None)

notes: The Large Well might be a permanent version of the gift "Well,"

which is a temporary item that Brammy claims causes frogs to

increase. However, Brammy doesn't say anything when you acquire the

Large Well. Also, if true, that would suggest that there's a

permanent version of the Covered Pot gift, but what? Expensive Jar?


Barber Sign


points: 116

game text: (None, but I like to imagine it makes fur and wool grow faster).


Bus Stop


points: 118

game text: (None, but I like to imagine it increases pleasant visits).




points: 120

game text: Keeps pests away.


Golden Chicken


points: 122

game text: Reduces chance of bad weather.


Cat Statue


points: 124

game text: (None. Likely only decorative).


Gold Cat Statue


points: 126

game text: (None. Likely only decorative).




points: 128

game text: Keeps pests and others away.


Goddess Statue


points: 130

game text: Greatly reduces bad weather.


{ 13. More Stuff }


This is a miscellaneous section for things that did not fit neatly





The year is 100 days long, and it is divided into 4 seasons. For some

odd reason, this game refers to these 4 seasons as "months."


Dandelion = Spring and is 30 days long.

Grape = Summer and is 30 days long.

Acorn = Autumn and is 20 days long.

No Grass = Winter and is 20 days long.


Note that Fall and Winter are shorter than Spring and Summer.

Crop seeds will not germinate during Acorn (Fall), however crops which

were already growing when Acorn (Fall) began will continue to grow. Any

crops which have not yet reached maturity when No Grass (Winter) comes will


Most crop seeds left on the ground when Dandelion (Spring) begins will

germinate, but there are a few that need a different season. For example,

Daikon will not start growing until the first day of Grape (Summer).

The Japanese-to-English translation on the Save/Load screen was done

very poorly. Allow me to translate the translation by way of this example:

If you saved on the 1st day of Acorn in the 4th year, the Save/Load

screen will read: "4 Day Chestnut 1." The first number, "4" refers to the

year. "Chestnut" is an incorrect translation of "Acorn" (meaning Autumn),

and the last number, "1," refers to which day of the season. So,

"4 Day Chestnut 1" means, in English, "The 1st Day of Acorn (Fall)

in the 4th year."

This "Chestnut" instead of "Acorn" thing isn't too surprising when you

consider that even the all-English paper instruction booklet that came

with the game incorrectly refers to the "Dandelion" season as "Daffodil"

(page 5, 3rd paragraph).


Phases of the Moon


The phases of the Moon may be observed in the top-right corner of the

screen, just to the right of the date.

To observe the phases of the Moon, one must first know the terminology.

Counter-intuitively, the phases of the Moon move from right-to-left,

not like reading from left-to-right. The phases go, in order:

New Moon: A lunar cycle begins with a "New Moon." A New Moon is an all

black circle.

Waxing Crescent: A curved sliver of light on the right side.

Waxing Half Moon: The right half is light; the left half is black.

Waxing Gibbous: The right 3/4 of the Moon is lit; the left 1/4 is black.

Full Moon: The entire circle of the Moon is lit.

Waning Gibbous: The left 3/4 of the Moon is lit, the right 1/4 is black.

Waning Half Moon: The left half is lit; the right half is black.

Waning Crescent: A curved sliver of light on the left side of the Moon.

New Moon: This brings us back to where we started, an all black circle.

The cycle repeats from here.

It is unknown to me what, if anything, the phases of the moon may affect.

However, since the game gives you this piece of information, it may account

for some (or even all) of the variability in any given matter. For example,

because the 28-day cycle of the Moon closely resembles the 28-day estrous

cycle in women, and affects neap and spring tides, ancient people widely

believed that their fortunes were driven, in part, by the phases of the Moon.

So, it's not so far-fetched to think that the gestation time in animals

might be affected by the cycles of the Moon in this (intentionally quaint)





These are not super-easy to get. You need a female Boar, some

Needleleaf trees (the pine trees), and it has to be during Acorn.

Give the female boar something to eat under or near the Needleleaf

trees; mushrooms have been working for me, and eventually, she will

surprise you with a truffle. Truffles are pretty valuable early in the

game. They can be exchanged for Ham or a Ham Box.

If you get a truffle, pick it up *immediately*. Boars eat truffles.




There's no such thing as strawberries. There is a typo in the Wisdom

section of Brammy's Diary that suggests that the game has strawberries, but

it does not.


Harvested Egg


There is a special kind of chicken egg called a "Harvested Egg," which

has its own Wisdom entry in Brammy's Diary. To get the Harvested Egg, you

need a chicken to lay a non-fertilized egg. Then, you need


Mystery Seed


These make trees, which you can't get rid of. Think long and hard about

how many trees you really want before you bring this little devil home from

the market. Keep in mind that you get more trees foisted on you every time

your farm expands, so by the end of the game, you will have at least

6 Broadleaf Trees, and at least another 6 Needleleaf Trees.


Mushrooms, Snowmen, and Mole Hills


These three seemingly unrelated things are all different phases of the

same story.

During Acorn, your Needleleaf trees will occasionally drop Mushrooms

on the ground. They can be fed to your animals or traded for Pasture Seed.

If No Grass 1 comes around, and you left any mushrooms (or truffles) on

the ground, they will turn into Snowmen. Snowmen don't do much other than

look cute. You can shove them out of your way. Snowmen will last all

winter long.

On Dandelion 1, the Snowmen will melt, but expect there to be at least

one Mole Hill in the area where the Snowman(men) were. You can destroy

Mole Hills by using your Tools. Or, if you have Terriers, they will attack

any Mole Hills for you. Mole Hills will spread every day, if you don't take

care of them. Allegedly, they can harm your crops, but I've never actually

seen that happen. Anyway, all Mole Hills turn into Young Grass on

Grape 1.

I should also mention that sometimes Mole Hills will spring up on

Dandelion 1, even if you were careful not to allow any Snowmen to appear.


Dung & Fertilizer


Large Dung is left behind by large livestock: Donkeys, Llamas, and Yaks.

Dung should be moved away from growing crops, because it can cause them to

wither. Left alone, Dung sometimes just vanishes. Sometimes, if left to

sit out for about 50-60 days, Dung may become Fertilizer.

Fertilizer will also sometimes mysteriously disappear. If you place

Fertilizer next to a growing crop that is just starting to sprout, you will

get an additional sprouting plant of the same crop, as if you had planted

an additional seed. Rarely, you may even get two new sprouts from the

same piece of Fertilizer.


Yak Cow Pelt (pelt) versus Yak Cow Pelt (fur)


This confusion is due to a typo in the game's market trade lists. A Yak

Cow Pelt (pelt) is a big, cigar-looking thing that you get by trading-in an

adult make Yak Cow at Seara Market. Yak Cow Fur looks like a faintly bluish

Wool and is obtained by feeding adult Yak Cows potatoes and shearing them.

But, both Yak Cow Pelts and Yak Cow Fur are called "Yak Cow Pelt" when

you see them on the game's market trade list.

To alleviate the confusion, I will call them "Yak Cow Pelt (pelt)" and

"Yak Cow Pelt (fur)," or just "Yak Cow Fur."


Different Colored Animals


At one point, there was much interest in creating a guide to making

different colored plants and animals. It seems that this idea has long

since been abandoned, because the factors are so variable. Could the

phases of the Moon play a role? I just don't know.

However, I can give general advice. If you want a different colored

animal, feed the mother non-regular things during pregnancy. For example,

you can make differently colored Marmots by feeding the mother flower seeds

(try cosmos or pansies) during pregnancy, instead of grass seed. I once

bred a group of brown goats by feeding one mother dead grass during

pregnancy. It's not a sure bet, but it will up your odds to feed them

stranger things.

Also, it seems that mothers of an odd color are more likely produce

offspring of odd colors, too. On the other hand, it's random. For example,

I once got a grayish-brown marmot as the first baby Marmot I ever bred in

one game, just from grass seed. It's a funny thing.

I've even heard that berries can come in other colors, such as yellow

and orange, but I have not yet replicated that experiment, though I have

tried planting berries in many different seasons.

I encourage you to try, and maybe you'll be the person who cracks the

code!!! A lot of people would love to get that information as a FAQ, but

unfortunately it is beyond me and beyond the scope of this FAQ. Also, I

have a creeping suspicion that it might just be random.


{ 14. Market Trade Lists }



Caramella Market


This is the Market at the north end (top) of your farm.

Pasture Seed x 2 -> Rossony x 1

Radish Seed x 2 -> Greeny x 1

Daikon Seed x 2 -> Bruny x 1

Cabbage Seed x 2 -> Greeny x 1

Buckwheat Seed x 2 -> Crony x 1

Wheat Seed x 2 -> Crony x 1

Tomato Seed x 2 -> Momony x 1

Grape Seed x 2 -> Momony x 1

Seed Potato x 2 -> Bruny x 1

Berry Seed x 2 -> Rossony x 1

Cut Grass (S) x 1 -> Grass Seed x 1

Cut Grass x 1 -> Pasture Seed x 1

Radish x 1 -> Radish Sign x 1

Daikon x 1 -> Daikon Seed x 2

Daikon x 1 -> Sunflower Seed x 3

Daikon x 1 -> Red Cosmos Seed x 3

Daikon x 1 -> Cosmos Seed x 3

Daikon x 1 -> Hay Shed x 1

Daikon x 1 -> Daikon Sign x 1

Daikon x 1 -> Block x 2

Daikon x 1 -> Young Terrier x 1

Cabbage x 1 -> Cabbage Seed x 2

Cabbage x 1 -> Log x2

Cabbage x 1 -> Cabbage Sign x 1

Cabbage x 1 -> Cabbage Crate x 1

Cabbage x 1 -> Young Terrier x 1

Cabbage x 2 -> Grass Shed x 1

Cabbage x 2 -> Walamy x 1

Tomato x 1 -> Tomato Sign x 1

Tomato x 1 -> Tomato Crate x 1

Grapes x 1 -> Grape Sign x 1

Potato x 1 -> Potato Sign x 1

Potato x 1 -> Potato Crate x 1

Berries x 1 -> Berry Seed x 3

Berries x 1 -> Log x 3

Berries x 1 -> Cornered Picket x 1

Berries x 1 -> Berry Sign x 1

Berries x 2 -> Seed Shed x 1

Berries x 2 -> Tanemy x 1

Hay x 1 -> Farm Sign x 1

Hay x 2 -> Young Marmot x 1

Dried Wheat x 1 -> Wheat Sign x 1

Dried Wheat x 1 -> Wheat Crate x 1

Dried Wheat x 1 -> Female Marmot x 3

Dried Wheat x 2 -> Young Basset x 1

Dried Buckwheat x 1 -> Buckwheat Sign x 1

Dried Buckwheat x 1 -> Buckwheat Crate x 1

Dried Buckwheat x 2 -> Young Basset x 1

Dried Buckwheat x 3 -> Young Dachshund x 1

Acorn x 1 -> Cut Grass (S) x 2

Chestnut x 1 -> Cut Grass x 3

Chestnut x 1 -> Marmot Meat x 1

Mushroom x 1 -> Pasture Seed x 3

Wine x 1 -> Ham x 2

Wine x 1 -> Wine Crate x 1

Wine x 1 -> Young Whippet x 1

Wine x 2 -> Young Pointer x 1

Cheese x 1 -> Cheese Crate x 1

Cheese x 2 -> Young Shiba x 1

Cheese x 3 -> Young Sheepdog x 1

Yak Cheese x 1 -> Wine x 3

Yak Cheese x 2 -> Young Mastiff x 1

Yak Cheese x 3 -> Young Poitevin x 1

Marmot Meat x 1 -> Cabbage Seed x 3

Marmot Meat x 1 -> Berry Seed x 3

Rabbit Meat x 1 -> Daikon Seed x 3

Rabbit Meat x 1 -> Cabbage Seed x 3

Rabbit Meat x 1 -> Cornered Picket x 3

Rabbit Meat x 2 -> Stone Ornament x 1

Game Meat x 1 -> Dried Wheat x 3

Ham x 1 -> Dried Wheat x 3

Ham x 1 -> Ham Crate x 1

Ham x 1 -> Young Shiba x 1

Ham x 2 -> Young Whippet x 1

Ham x 2 -> Young Sheepdog x 1

Ham x 3 -> Young Pointer x 1

Sausage x 1 -> Young Basset x 1

Sausage x 2 -> Young Retriever x 1

Goose Liver x 2 -> Young Retriever x 1

Goose Liver x 2 -> Young Corgi x 1

Duck Feathers x 1 -> Mystery Seed x 2

Duck Feathers x 3 -> Young Retriever x 1

Duck Feathers x 3 -> Young Corgi x 1

Ferret Pelt x 1 -> Mystery Seed x 2

Ferret Pelt x 1 -> Young Corgi x 1

Ferret Pelt x 2 -> Young Retriever x 1

Yak Cow Pelt (pelt) x 1 -> Wine x 3

Yak Cow Pelt (pelt) x 1 -> Young Mastiff x 1

Yak Cow Pelt (pelt) x 1 -> Young Shepherd x 1

Yak Cow Pelt (pelt) x 1 -> Young Poitevin x 1

Rabbit Fur x 1 -> Buckwheat Seed x 3

Rabbit Fur x 1 -> Wheat Seed x 2

Rabbit Fur x 1 -> Young Chicken x 1

Rabbit Fur x 2 -> Stone Ornament x 1

Rabbit Fur x 2 -> Sizamy x 1

Rabbit Fur x 3 -> Bee Box x 1

Yak Cow Pelt (fur) x 1 -> Young Terrier x 1

Yak Cow Pelt (fur) x 1 -> Young Basset x 1

Yak Cow Pelt (fur) x 1 -> Young Dachshund x 1

Yak Cow Pelt (fur) x 1 -> Young Shiba x 1

Yak Cow Pelt (fur) x 1 -> Young Corgi x 1

Llama Fur x 1 -> Wine x 3

Llama Fur x 2 -> Young Shepherd x 1

Llama Fur x 3 -> Young Mastiff x 1

Snail x 2 -> Sausage x 1

Yarn x 1 -> Wool Crate x 1

Male Marmot x 1 -> Marmot Meat x 2

Male Marmot x 2 -> Female Marmot x 1

Female Marmot x 1 -> Male Marmot x 1

Female Marmot x 1 -> Young Rabbit x 1

Old Marmot x 1 -> Marmot Meat x 1

Male Rabbit x 1 -> Rabbit Meat x 2

Male Rabbit x 2 -> Female Rabbit x 1

Female Rabbit x 1 -> Male Rabbit x 1

Rooster x 1 -> Young Basset x 1

Rooster x 2 -> Young Dachshund x 1

Old Chicken x 1 -> Chicken Meat x 1

Male Goat x 1 -> Young Shiba x 1

Male Donkey x 1 -> Young Mastiff x 1

Male Donkey x 1 -> Young Shepherd x 1

Male Donkey x 1 -> Young Poitevin x 1

Male Terrier x 2 -> Female Terrier x 1

Female Terrier x 1 -> Male Terrier x 1

Male Basset x 2 -> Female Basset x 1

Male Basset x 2 -> Young Retriever x 1

Male Basset x 2 -> Young Corgi x 1

Female Basset x 1 -> Male Basset x 1

Female Basset x 2 -> Young Retriever x 1

Female Basset x 2 -> Young Corgi x 1

Male Dachshund x 2 -> Female Dachshund x 1

Male Dachshund x 2 -> Young Retriever x 1

Male Dachshund x 2 -> Young Corgi x 1

Female Dachshund x 1 -> Male Dachshund x 1

Female Dachshund x 2 -> Young Retriever x 1

Female Dachshund x 2 -> Young Corgi x 1

Male Whippet x 2 -> Female Whippet x 1

Male Whippet x 2 -> Young Mastiff x 1

Male Whippet x 2 -> Young Shepherd x 1

Male Whippet x 2 -> Young Poitevin x 1

Female Whippet x 1 -> Male Whippet x 1

Female Whippet x 2 -> Young Mastiff x 1

Female Whippet x 2 -> Young Shepherd x 1

Female Whippet x 2 -> Young Poitevin x 1

Male Retriever x 2 -> Female Retriever x 1

Male Retriever x 2 -> Young Shiba x 1

Male Retriever x 2 -> Young Sheepdog x 1

Female Retriever x 2 -> Male Retriever x 1

Female Retriever x 2 -> Young Shiba x 1

Female Retriever x 2 -> Young Sheepdog x 1

Male Shiba x 2 -> Young Whippet x 1

Male Shiba x 2 -> Female Shiba x 1

Male Shiba x 2 -> Young Pointer x 1

Female Shiba x 1 -> Male Shiba x 1

Female Shiba x 2 -> Young Whippet x 1

Female Shiba x 2 -> Young Pointer x 1

Male Mastiff x 2 -> Young Terrier x 1

Male Mastiff x 2 -> Female Mastiff x 1

Male Mastiff x 2 -> Young Shepherd x 1

Male Mastiff x 2 -> Young Poitevin x 1

Male Corgi x 2 -> Young Shiba x 1

Male Corgi x 2 -> Female Corgi x 1

Male Corgi x 2 -> Young Sheepdog x 1

Female Corgi x 1 -> Male Corgi x 1

Female Corgi x 2 -> Young Shiba x 1

Female Corgi x 2 -> Young Sheepdog x 1

Male Sheepdog x 2 -> Young Whippet x 1

Male Sheepdog x 2 -> Female Sheepdog x 1

Male Sheepdog x 2 -> Young Pointer x 1

Female Sheepdog x 1 -> Male Sheepdog x 1

Female Sheepdog x 2 -> Young Whippet x 1

Female Sheepdog x 2 -> Young Pointer x 1

Male Shepherd x 2 -> Young Terrier x 1

Male Shepherd x 2 -> Young Mastiff x 1

Male shepherd x 2 -> Female Shepherd x 1

Male Shepherd x 2 -> Young Poitevin x 1

Female Shepherd x 1 -> Male Shepherd x 1

Female Shepherd x 2 -> Young Terrier x 1

Female Shepherd x 2 -> Young Mastiff x 1

Female Shepherd x 2 -> Young Poitevin x 1

Male Pointer x 2 -> Young Mastiff x 1

Male Pointer x 2 -> Young Shepherd x 1

Male Pointer x 2 -> Female Pointer x 1

Male Pointer x 2 -> Young Poitevin x 1

Female Pointer x 1 -> Male Pointer x 1

Female Pointer x 2 -> Young Mastiff x 1

Female Pointer x 2 -> Young Shepherd x 1

Female Pointer x 2 -> Young Poitevin x 1

Male Poitevin x 2 -> Young Terrier x 1

Male Poitevin x 2 -> Young Mastiff x 1

Male Poitevin x 2 -> Young Shepherd x 1

Male Poitevin x 2 -> Female Poitevin x 1

Female Poitevin x 1 -> Male Poitevin x 1

Female Poitevin x 2 -> Young Terrier x 1

Female Poitevin x 2 -> Young Mastiff x 1

Female Poitevin x 2 -> Young Shepherd x 1

Tanemy x 1 -> Square Flowerpot x 1

Sizamy x 1 -> Square Flowerpot x 1

Tamamy x 1 -> Square Flowerpot x 1

Walamy x 1 -> Round Flowerpot x 1

Rossony x 1 -> Round Flowerpot x 1

Greeny x 1 -> Round Flowerpot x 1

Crony x 1 -> Potted Flowers x 1

Bruny x 1 -> Potted Flowers x 1

Momony x 1 -> Potted Flowers x 1


Napot Market


This Market is in the southeast (bottom-right) corner of your farm.

Pasture Seed x 2 -> Rossony x 1

Radish Seed x 2 -> Greeny x 1

Daikon Seed x 2 -> Bruny x 1

Cabbage Seed x 2 -> Greeny x 1

Buckwheat Seed x 2 -> Crony x 1

Wheat Seed x 2 -> Crony x 1

Tomato Seed x 2 -> Momony x 1

Grape Seed x 2 -> Momony x 1

Seed Potato x 2 -> Bruny x 1

Berry Seed x 2 -> Rossony x 1

Cut Grass (S) x 1 -> Grass Seed x 1

Cut Grass x 1 -> Pasture Seed x 1

Radish x 1 -> Radish Sign x 1

Daikon x 1 -> Daikon Sign x 1

Daikon x 1 -> Young Terrier x 1

Cabbage x 1 -> Cabbage Sign x 1

Cabbage x 1 -> Cabbage Crate x 1

Cabbage x 1 -> Young Terrier x 1

Tomato x 1 -> Tomato Sign x 1

Tomato x 1 -> Tomato Crate x 1

Grapes x 1 -> Grape Sign x 1

Potato x 1 -> Potato Sign x 1

Potato x 1 -> Potato Crate x 1

Berries x 1 -> Berry Sign x 1

Hay x 1 -> Farm Sign x 1

Dried Wheat x 1 -> Buckwheat Seed x 2

Dried Wheat x 1 -> Wheat Sign x 1

Dried Wheat x 1 -> Wheat Crate x 1

Dried Wheat x 1 -> Female Marmot x 3

Dried Wheat x 1 -> Young Duck x 1

Dried Wheat x 1 -> Young Goose x 1

Dried Wheat x 2 -> Young Ferret x 1

Dried Wheat x 2 -> Young Basset x 1

Dried Buckwheat x 1 -> Buckwheat Seed x 2

Dried Buckwheat x 1 -> Wheat Seed x 3

Dried Buckwheat x 1 -> Buckwheat Sign x 1

Dried Buckwheat x 1 -> Buckwheat Crate x 1

Dried Buckwheat x 1 -> Plank x 1

Dried Buckwheat x 2 -> Young Basset x 1

Dried Buckwheat x 3 -> Young Dachshund x 1

Acorn x 1 -> Cut Grass (S) x 2

Chestnut x 1 -> Cut Grass x 3

Chestnut x 1 -> Marmot Meat x 1

Truffle x 1 -> Ham x 1

Truffle x 1 -> Ham Box x 1

Mushroom x 1 -> Pasture Seed x 3

Duck Egg x 1 -> Buckwheat Seed x 2

Duck Egg x 1 -> Wheat Seed x 1

Duck Egg x 1 -> Brick x 3

Chicken Egg x 1 -> Buckwheat Seed x 2

Chicken Egg x 1 -> Wheat Seed x 1

Chicken Egg x 1 -> Fence x 2

Chicken Egg x 2 -> Egg Shed x 1

Chicken Egg x 2 -> Tamamy x 1

Goose Egg x 1 -> Buckwheat Seed x 2

Goose Egg x 1 -> Wheat Seed x 1

Goose Egg x 1 -> Block x 3

Harvested Egg x 1 -> Buckwheat Seed x 2

Harvested Egg x 1 -> Wheat Seed x 1

Harvested Egg x 1 -> Pansy Seed x 2

Harvested Egg x 1 -> W. Pansy Seed x 2

Harvested Egg x 1 -> Fence x 2

Honey x 1 -> Buckwheat Seed x 3

Honey x 1 -> Wheat Seed x 2

Honey x 1 -> Marmot Meat x 1

Honey x 1 -> Board Fence x 3

Honey x 1 -> Brick x 3

Honey x 1 -> Square Flowerpot x 1

Honey x 1 -> Round Flowerpot

Honey x 1 -> Potted Flowers x 1

Honey x 1 -> Young Chicken x 1

Honey x 2 -> Deck x 1

Wine x 1 -> Ham x 2

Wine x 1 -> Wine Crate x 1

Wine x 1 -> Young Whippet x 1

Wine x 2 -> Young Pointer x 1

Goat Milk x 1 -> Pasture Seed x 3

Goat Milk x 1 -> Duck Feathers x 1

Goat Milk x 2 -> Goose Liver x 1

Goat Milk x 3 -> Ferret Pelt x 1

Cheese x 1 -> Cheese Crate x 1

Cheese x 2 -> Ham Box x 1

Cheese x 2 -> Young Boar x 1

Cheese x 2 -> Ferret x 1

Cheese x 2 -> Young Shiba x 1

Cheese x 3 -> Young Sheepdog x 1

Yak Cheese x 1 -> Wine x 3

Yak Cheese x 2 -> Young Mastiff x 1

Yak Cheese x 3 -> Young Poitevin x 1

Chicken Meat x 1 -> Buckwheat Seed x 3

Chicken Meat x 1 -> Wheat Seed x 2

Chicken Meat x 1 -> Pansy Seed x 3

Chicken Meat x 1 -> W. Pansy Seed x 3

Chicken Meat x 1 -> Daikon x 3

Chicken Meat x 3 -> Bee Box x 1

Game Meat x 1 -> Dried Wheat x 3

Boar Meat x 1 -> Sausage x 3

Ham x 1 -> Dried Wheat x 3

Ham x 1 -> Ham Crate x 1

Ham x 1 -> Young Shiba x 1

Ham x 2 -> Young Whippet x 1

Ham x 2 -> Young Sheepdog x 1

Ham x 3 -> Young Pointer x 1

Sausage x 1 -> Marmot Meat x 3

Sausage x 1 -> Rabbit Meat x 3

Sausage x 1 -> Chicken Meat x 3

Sausage x 1 -> Young Basset x 1

Sausage x 2 -> Young Retriever x 1

Goose Liver x 2 -> Ham Box x 1

Goose Liver x 2 -> Cheese Rack x 1

Goose Liver x 2 -> Young Goat x 1

Goose Liver x 2 -> Young Boar x 1

Goose Liver x 2 -> Young Retriever x 1

Goose Liver x 2 -> Young Corgi x 1

Duck Feathers x 1 -> Mystery Seed x 2

Duck Feathers x 3 -> Ham Box x 1

Duck Feathers x 3 -> Young Goat x 1

Duck Feathers x 3 -> Young Boar x 1

Duck Feathers x 3 -> Young Retriever x 1

Duck Feathers x 3 -> Young Corgi x 1

Ferret Pelt x 1 -> Mystery Seed x 2

Ferret Pelt x 1 -> Ham Box x 1

Ferret Pelt x 1 -> Cheese Rack x 1

Ferret Pelt x 1 -> Young Goat x 1

Ferret Pelt x 1 -> Young Boar x 1

Ferret Pelt x 1 -> Young Corgi x 1

Ferret Pelt x 2 -> Young Retriever x 1

Yak Cow Pelt (pelt) x 1 -> Wine x 3

Yak Cow Pelt (pelt) x 1 -> Young Mastiff x 1

Yak Cow Pelt (pelt) x 1 -> Young Shepherd x 1

Yak Cow Pelt (pelt) x 1 -> Young Poitevin x 1

Yak Cow Pelt (fur) x 1 -> Young Terrier x 1

Yak Cow Pelt (fur) x 1 -> Young Basset x 1

Yak Cow Pelt (fur) x 1 -> Young Dachshund x 1

Yak Cow Pelt (fur) x 1 -> Young Shiba x 1

Yak Cow Pelt (fur) x 1 -> Young Corgi x 1

Llama Fur x 1 -> Wine x 3

Llama Fur x 2 -> Young Shepherd x 1

Llama Fur x 3 -> Young Mastiff x 1

Snail x 2 -> Sausage x 1

Yarn x 1 -> Wool Crate x 1

Old Marmot x 1 -> Marmot Meat x 1

Rooster x 1 -> Chicken Meat x 2

Rooster x 1 -> Young Basset x 1

Rooster x 2 -> Hen x 1

Rooster x 2 -> Young Dachshund x 1

Hen x 1 -> Rooster x 1

Old Chicken x 1 -> Chicken Meat x 1

Male Duck x 1 -> Chicken Meat x 2

Male duck x 2 -> Female Duck x 1

Female Duck x 1 -> Male Duck x 1

Male Goose x 1 -> Chicken Meat x 2

Male Goose x 2 -> Female Goose x 1

Big Male Goose x 1 -> Goose Liver x 1

Female Goose x 1 -> Male Goose x 1

Male Goat x 1 -> Cheese Rack x 1

Male Goat x 1 -> Young Ferret x 1

Male Goat x 1 -> Young Shiba x 1

Male Goat x 2 -> Female Goat x 1

Female Goat x 1 -> Male Goat x 1

Male Boar x 1 -> Boar Meat x 2

Male Boar x 2 -> Female Boar x 1

Female Boar x 1 -> Male Boar x 1

Male Donkey x 1 -> Young Mastiff x 1

Male Donkey x 1 -> Young Shepherd x 1

Male Donkey x 1 -> Young Poitevin x 1

Male Ferret x 1 -> Ferret Pelt x 1

Male Ferret x 2 -> Female Ferret x 1

Female Ferret x 1 -> Ferret Pelt x 1

Female Ferret x 1 -> Male Ferret x 1

Male Terrier x 2 -> Female Terrier x 1

Female Terrier x 1 -> Male Terrier x 1

Male Basset x 2 -> Female Basset x 1

Male Basset x 2 -> Young Retriever x 1

Male Basset x 2 -> Young Corgi x 1

Female Basset x 1 -> Male Basset x 1

Female Basset x 2 -> Young Retriever x 1

Female Basset x 2 -> Young Corgi x 1

Male Dachshund x 2 -> Female Dachshund x 1

Male Dachshund x 2 -> Young Retriever x 1

Male Dachshund x 2 -> Young Corgi x 1

Female Dachshund x 1 -> Male Dachshund x 1

Female Dachshund x 2 -> Young Retriever x 1

Female Dachshund x 2 -> Young Corgi x 1

Male Whippet x 2 -> Female Whippet x 1

Male Whippet x 2 -> Young Mastiff x 1

Male Whippet x 2 -> Young Shepherd x 1

Male Whippet x 2 -> Young Poitevin x 1

Female Whippet x 1 -> Male Whippet x 1

Female Whippet x 2 -> Young Mastiff x 1

Female Whippet x 2 -> Young Shepherd x 1

Female Whippet x 2 -> Young Poitevin x 1

Male Retriever x 2 -> Female Retriever x 1

Male Retriever x 2 -> Young Shiba x 1

Male Retriever x 2 -> Young Sheepdog x 1

Female Retriever x 1 -> Male Retriever x 1

Female Retriever x 2 -> Young Shiba x 1

Female Retriever x 2 -> Young Sheepdog x 1

Male Shiba x 2 -> Young Whippet x 1

Male Shiba x 2 -> Female Shiba x 1

Male Shiba x 2 -> Young Pointer x 1

Female Shiba x 1 -> Male Shiba x 1

Female Shiba x 2 -> Young Whippet x 1

Female Shiba x 2 -> Young Pointer x 1

Male Mastiff x 2 -> Young Terrier x 1

Male Mastiff x 2 -> Female Mastiff x 1

Male Mastiff x 2 -> Young Shepherd x 1

Male Mastiff x 2 -> Young Poitevin x 1

Male Corgi x 2 -> Young Shiba x 1

Male Corgi x 2 -> Female Corgi x 1

Male Corgi x 2 -> Young Sheepdog x 1

Female Corgi x 1 -> Male Corgi x 1

Female Corgi x 2 -> Young Shiba x 1

Female Corgi x 2 -> Young Sheepdog x 1

Male Sheepdog x 2 -> Young Whippet x 1

Male Sheepdog x 2 -> Female Sheepdog x 1

Male Sheepdog x 2 -> Young Pointer x 1

Female Sheepdog x 1 -> Male Sheepdog x 1

Female Sheepdog x 2 -> Young Whippet x 1

Female Sheepdog x 2 -> Young Pointer x 1

Male Shepherd x 2 -> Young Terrier x 1

Male Shepherd x 2 -> Young Mastiff x 1

Male shepherd x 2 -> Female Shepherd x 1

Male Shepherd x 2 -> Young Poitevin x 1

Female Shepherd x 1 -> Male Shepherd x 1

Female Shepherd x 2 -> Young Terrier x 1

Female Shepherd x 2 -> Young Mastiff x 1

Female Shepherd x 2 -> Young Poitevin x 1

Male Pointer x 2 -> Young Mastiff x 1

Male Pointer x 2 -> Young Shepherd x 1

Male Pointer x 2 -> Female Pointer x 1

Male Pointer x 2 -> Young Poitevin x 1

Female Pointer x 1 -> Male Pointer x 1

Female Pointer x 2 -> Young Mastiff x 1

Female Pointer x 2 -> Young Shepherd x 1

Female Pointer x 2 -> Young Poitevin x 1

Male Poitevin x 2 -> Young Terrier x 1

Male Poitevin x 2 -> Young Mastiff x 1

Male Poitevin x 2 -> Young Shepherd x 1

Male Poitevin x 2 -> Female Poitevin x 1

Female Poitevin x 1 -> Male Poitevin x 1

Female Poitevin x 2 -> Young Terrier x 1

Female Poitevin x 2 -> Young Mastiff x 1

Female Poitevin x 2 -> Young Shepherd x 1

Tanemy x 1 -> Square Flowerpot x 1

Sizamy x 1 -> Square Flowerpot x 1

Tamamy x 1 -> Square Flowerpot x 1

Walamy x 1 -> Round Flowerpot x 1

Rossony x 1 -> Round Flowerpot x 1

Greeny x 1 -> Round Flowerpot x 1

Crony x 1 -> Potted Flowers x 1

Bruny x 1 -> Potted Flowers x 1

Momony x 1 -> Potted Flowers x 1


Seara Market


This market is in the southwest (bottom-left) corner of your farm.

Pasture Seed x 2 -> Rossony x 1

Radish Seed x 2 -> Greeny x 1

Daikon Seed x 2 -> Bruny x 1

Cabbage Seed x 2 -> Greeny x 1

Buckwheat Seed x 2 -> Crony x 1

Wheat Seed x 2 -> Crony x 1

Tomato Seed x 2 -> Momony x 1

Grape Seed x 2 -> Momony x 1

Seed Potato x 2 -> Bruny x 1

Berry Seed x 2 -> Rossony x 1

Cut Grass (S) x 1 -> Grass Seed x 1

Cut Grass x 1 -> Pasture Seed x 1

Radish x 1 -> Radish Seed x 2

Radish x 1 -> Tomato Seed x 2

Radish x 1 -> Seed Potato x 1

Radish x 1 -> Radish Sign x 1

Daikon x 1 -> Daikon Sign x 1

Daikon x 1 -> Young Terrier x 1

Cabbage x 1 -> Cabbage Sign x 1

Cabbage x 1 -> Cabbage Crate x 1

Cabbage x 1 -> Young Terrier x 1

Tomato x 1 -> Tomato Seed x 2

Tomato x 1 -> Tomato Sign x 1

Tomato x 1 -> Tomato Crate x 1

Grapes x 1 -> Radish Seed x 3

Grapes x 1 -> Grape Seed x 2

Grapes x 1 -> Silkworm Egg x 2

Grapes x 1 -> Grape Sign x 1

Potato x 1 -> Seed Potato x 2

Potato x 1 -> Potato Sign x 1

Potato x 1 -> Potato Crate x 1

Berries x 1 -> Berry Sign x 1

Hay x 1 -> Farm Sign x 1

Dried Wheat x 1 -> Wheat Sign x 1

Dried Wheat x 1 -> Wheat Crate x 1

Dried Wheat x 1 -> Female Marmot x 3

Dried Wheat x 2 -> Young Basset x 1

Dried Buckwheat x 1 -> Buckwheat Sign x 1

Dried Buckwheat x 1 -> Buckwheat Crate x 1

Dried Buckwheat x 2 -> Young Basset x 1

Dried Buckwheat x 3 -> Young Dachshund x 1

Acorn x 1 -> Cut Grass (S) x 2

Chestnut x 1 -> Cut Grass x 3

Chestnut x 1 -> Marmot Meat x 1

Mushroom x 1 -> Pasture Seed x 3

Wine x 1 -> Ham x 2

Wine x 1 -> Wine Crate x 1

Wine x 1 -> Bucket x 1

Wine x 1 -> Seed Jar x 1

Wine x 1 -> Young Whippet x 1

Wine x 2 -> Young Sheep x 1

Wine x 2 -> Young Pointer x 1

Cheese x 1 -> Cheese Crate x 1

Cheese x 2 -> Young Shiba x 1

Cheese x 3 -> Young Sheepdog x 1

Yak Cheese x 1 -> Wine x 3

Yak Cheese x 2 -> Young Mastiff x 1

Yak Cheese x 3 -> Young Poitevin x 1

Game Meat x 1 -> Dried Wheat x 3

Sheep Meat x 1 -> Tomato Seed x 3

Sheep Meat x 1 -> Seed Potato x 3

Sheep Meat x 2 -> Young Pointer x 1

Yak Cow Meat x 1 -> Wool x 3

Yak cow Meat x 1 -> Young Bobcat x 1

Ham x 1 -> Grape Seed x 3

Ham x 1 -> Dried Wheat x 3

Ham x 1 -> Wine Cask x 1

Ham x 1 -> Ham Crate x 1

Ham x 1 -> Young Shiba x 1

Ham x 2 -> Young Whippet x 1

Ham x 2 -> Young Sheepdog x 1

Ham x 3 -> Young Pointer x 1

Sausage x 1 -> Young Basset x 1

Sausage x 2 -> Young Retriever x 1

Goose Liver x 2 -> Young Retriever x 1

Goose Liver x 2 -> Young Corgi x 1

Llama meat x 1 -> Young Raccoon x 1

Duck Feathers x 1 -> Mystery Seed x 2

Duck Feathers x 3 -> Young Retriever x 1

Duck Feathers x 3 -> Young Corgi x 1

Ferret Pelt x 1 -> Mystery Seed x 2

Ferret Pelt x 1 -> Young Corgi x 1

Ferret Pelt x 2 -> Young Retriever x 1

Yak Cow Pelt (pelt) x 1 -> Wine x 3

Yak Cow Pelt (pelt) x 1 -> Young Mastiff x 1

Yak Cow Pelt (pelt) x 1 -> Young Shepherd x 1

Yak Cow Pelt (pelt) x 1 -> Young Poitevin x 1

Yak Cow Pelt (fur) x 1 -> Seed Potato x 3

Yak Cow Pelt (fur) x 1 -> Young Terrier x 1

Yak Cow Pelt (fur) x 1 -> Young Basset x 1

Yak Cow Pelt (fur) x 1 -> Young Dachshund x 1

Yak Cow Pelt (fur) x 1 -> Young Shiba x 1

Yak Cow Pelt (fur) x 1 -> Young Corgi x 1

Llama Fur x 1 -> Tomato Seed x 3

Llama Fur x 1 -> Wine x 3

Llama Fur x 2 -> Young Shepherd x 1

Llama Fur x 3 -> Young Mastiff x 1

Snail x 2 -> Sausage x 1

Yarn x 1 -> Tomato Seed x 3

Yarn x 1 -> Seed Potato x 3

Yarn x 1 -> Ham x 2

Yarn x 1 -> Wool Crate x 1

Yarn x 1 -> Young Llama x 1

Yarn x 1 -> Young Yak Cow x 1

Yarn x 2 -> Young Donkey x 1

Silk x 1 -> Radish Seed x 3

Silk x 1 -> Silkworm Egg x 3

Silk x 1 -> Young Goat x 2

Silk x 1 -> Young Boar x 2

Old Marmot x 1 -> Marmot Meat x 1

Rooster x 1 -> Young Basset x 1

Rooster x 2 -> Young Dachshund x 1

Old Chicken x 1 -> Chicken Meat x 1

Male Goat x 1 -> Young Shiba x 1

Male Sheep x 1 -> Sheep Meat x 2

Male Sheep x 2 -> Female Sheep x 1

Female Sheep x 1 -> Male Sheep x 1

Male Llama x 1 -> Llama Meat x 2

Male Llama x 2 -> Female Llama x 1

Female Llama x 1 -> Llama Meat x 2

Female Llama x 1 -> Male Llama x 1

Male Yak Cow x 1 -> Yak Cow Meat x 2

Male Yak Cow x 1 -> Yak Cow Pelt x 1

Male Yak Cow x 2 -> Female Yak Cow x 1

Female Yak Cow x 1 -> Male Yak Cow x 1

Male Donkey x 1 -> Young Mastiff x 1

Male Donkey x 1 -> Young Shepherd x 1

Male Donkey x 1 -> Young Poitevin x 1

Male Donkey x 2 -> Female Donkey x 1

Female Donkey x 1 -> Make Donkey x 1

Male Terrier x 2 -> Female Terrier x 1

Female Terrier x 1 -> Male Terrier x 1

Male Basset x 2 -> Female Basset x 1

Male Basset x 2 -> Young Retriever x 1

Male Basset x 2 -> Young Corgi x 1

Female Basset x 1 -> Male Basset x 1

Female Basset x 2 -> Young Retriever x 1

Female Basset x 2 -> Young Corgi x 1

Male Dachshund x 2 -> Female Dachshund x 1

Male Dachshund x 2 -> Young Retriever x 1

Male Dachshund x 2 -> Young Corgi x 1

Female Dachshund x 1 -> Male Dachshund x 1

Female Dachshund x 2 -> Young Retriever x 1

Female Dachshund x 2 -> Young Corgi x 1

Male Whippet x 2 -> Female Whippet x 1

Male Whippet x 2 -> Young Mastiff x 1

Male Whippet x 2 -> Young Shepherd x 1

Male Whippet x 2 -> Young Poitevin x 1

Female Whippet x 1 -> Male Whippet x 1

Female Whippet x 2 -> Young Mastiff x 1

Female Whippet x 2 -> Young Shepherd x 1

Female Whippet x 2 -> Young Poitevin x 1

Male Retriever x 2 -> Female Retriever x 1

Male Retriever x 2 -> Young Shiba x 1

Male Retriever x 2 -> Young Sheepdog x 1

Female Retriever x 2 -> Male Retriever x 1

Female Retriever x 2 -> Young Shiba x 1

Female Retriever x 2 -> Young Sheepdog x 1

Male Shiba x 2 -> Young Whippet x 1

Male Shiba x 2 -> Female Shiba x 1

Male Shiba x 2 -> Young Pointer x 1

Female Shiba x 1 -> Male Shiba x 1

Female Shiba x 2 -> Young Whippet x 1

Female Shiba x 2 -> Young Pointer x 1

Male Mastiff x 2 -> Young Terrier x 1

Male Mastiff x 2 -> Female Mastiff x 1

Male Mastiff x 2 -> Young Shepherd x 1

Male Mastiff x 2 -> Young Poitevin x 1

Male Corgi x 2 -> Young Shiba x 1

Male Corgi x 2 -> Female Corgi x 1

Male Corgi x 2 -> Young Sheepdog x 1

Female Corgi x 1 -> Male Corgi x 1

Female Corgi x 2 -> Young Shiba x 1

Female Corgi x 2 -> Young Sheepdog x 1

Male Sheepdog x 2 -> Young Whippet x 1

Male Sheepdog x 2 -> Female Sheepdog x 1

Male Sheepdog x 2 -> Young Pointer x 1

Female Sheepdog x 1 -> Male Sheepdog x 1

Female Sheepdog x 2 -> Young Whippet x 1

Female Sheepdog x 2 -> Young Pointer x 1

Male Shepherd x 2 -> Young Terrier x 1

Male Shepherd x 2 -> Young Mastiff x 1

Male shepherd x 2 -> Female Shepherd x 1

Male Shepherd x 2 -> Young Poitevin x 1

Female Shepherd x 1 -> Male Shepherd x 1

Female Shepherd x 2 -> Young Terrier x 1

Female Shepherd x 2 -> Young Mastiff x 1

Female Shepherd x 2 -> Young Poitevin x 1

Male Pointer x 2 -> Young Mastiff x 1

Male Pointer x 2 -> Young Shepherd x 1

Male Pointer x 2 -> Female Pointer x 1

Male Pointer x 2 -> Young Poitevin x 1

Female Pointer x 1 -> Male Pointer x 1

Female Pointer x 2 -> Young Mastiff x 1

Female Pointer x 2 -> Young Shepherd x 1

Female Pointer x 2 -> Young Poitevin x 1

Male Poitevin x 2 -> Young Terrier x 1

Male Poitevin x 2 -> Young Mastiff x 1

Male Poitevin x 2 -> Young Shepherd x 1

Male Poitevin x 2 -> Female Poitevin x 1

Female Poitevin x 1 -> Male Poitevin x 1

Female Poitevin x 2 -> Young Terrier x 1

Female Poitevin x 2 -> Young Mastiff x 1

Female Poitevin x 2 -> Young Shepherd x 1

Tanemy x 1 -> Square Flowerpot x 1

Sizamy x 1 -> Square Flowerpot x 1

Tamamy x 1 -> Square Flowerpot x 1

Walamy x 1 -> Round Flowerpot x 1

Rossony x 1 -> Round Flowerpot x 1

Greeny x 1 -> Round Flowerpot x 1

Crony x 1 -> Potted Flowers x 1

Bruny x 1 -> Potted Flowers x 1

Momony x 1 -> Potted Flowers x 1


{ 15. Brammy's Diary }


Brammy's Diary can be accessed by walking into the front door of your

house, in the northwest (top-left) corner of your farm, just left of the trash

bin. As you progress through the game, you will make discoveries and

experience events which will then be added to Brammy's Diary.

This section of the FAQ directly quotes the text of Brammy's Diary. It

is written from Brammy's first-person point of view, and parts of it contain

useful clues. I have added notes in parentheses in places where that text

is erroneous.

Brammy's Diary is divided into three sections: Diary, Wisdom, and Dishes.

The text is as follows. I have added triggering events [in brackets].




#1 A newcomer came. I'll be playing caretaker.

[Just start the game]

#2 Claire dropped by. Said she'll come again.

[Automatic on Day 3]

#3 If the grass grows any thicker, I'll need an axe to hack through.

[Automatic on Day 4]

#4 Kai paid a visit. He has goats.

[Produce fist hay]

#5 Sofia is Marsha's big sister.

[Produce fist hay]

#6 Marmots can be bred different colors using wool and wine seed.

(note: this is incorrect. Use flower seeds. What's a wool seed, anyway?)

[Have a baby marmot born on your farm]

#7 I found out the tailor has yarn.

[Acquire rabbit]

#8 The mayor's daughter gave me some cabbage seeds.

[Trade marmot meat for cabbage seeds]

#9 Found some berries. Marsha loves to eat berries.

[Grow ripe berries]

#10 The cabbage grew about halfway. There were pests on it.

[Grow cabbage to Young status. Receive Cookie statue from Marsha.]

#11 Apparently Kai was clinging to Claire as if she were his mother.

#12 Cabbage can grow sprouts too.

[????????Missed it???????????]

#13 I picked up chestnuts. I sat and watched, anyway.

[Get 1st chestnut]

#14 The blacksmith came by. The ground quaked.

[Trade cabbage or berries for logs. Get Tools!]

#15 I sowed some wheat seeds. The mayor has wheat.

[Obtain Wheat Seed at the market]

#16 I met the butcher. He collects honey.

[Bring home your first Beebox from the market]

#17 The wheat's ready to harvest. I'm ready to farm on my own!

[First Wheat is ready to harvest]

#18 The wheat dried. The mayor was thrashing it.

[Dry your first Wheat]

#19 I met Claire. She makes porridge.

[Dry your first Wheat]

#20 I was advised to keep sheep, yaks and donkeys.

[Dry your first Wheat]

#21 A weasel came by. It was long!

[Win the Weasel hunt]

#22 The buckwheat turned yellow. Found out Claire has a mortar.

[Dry your first Buckwheat]

#23 Claire was going to town kneading flour.

[Dry your first Buckwheat]

#24 I met Sofia. I nearly had the feathers plucked from my chest!

[Bring home your first duck from the market]

#25 Kai said Marsha is a tailor.

[Produce first Duck Feathers]

#26 I met the tailor. She sized me up.

[Produce first Duck Feathers]

#27 A goat came. It almost ate Claire!

[Bring home your first young goat from the market]

#28 Now I have a female goat. Claire makes cheese as well.

[Grow a Young Goat up to an adult female]

#29 One of my goats can be milked! Kai milk (sic.) goats.

[Have a pregnant goat give birth to a kid]

#30 I met the butcher. He makes cheese.

[Use the Jar to get first Goat Milk]

#31 Helen hits cotton with a bow.

#32 I made some ham from wild boar. The butcher makes ham.

[Bring home your first Boar Meat (not ham) from the market]

#33 The butcher makes sausages.

[Bring home your first Boar Meat from the market]

#34 Miss Meryl was keeping the town ledger.

[Produce first ham, completing "A Tale of Boars"]

#35 Apparently yaks and donkeys are in high demand.

[Produce first ham, completing "A Tale of Boars"]

#36 Helen stepped on sheep wool. That made it hard!

[Obtain first Wool]

#37 The sheep's wool has grown. Helen made some yarn.

[Obtain first Wool]

#38 Everyone's impressed I can knit.

[Obtain first Wool]

#39 I made some yarn. The tailor wanted me to take it to the next level.

[Use Tools on Wool to make first Yarn]

#40 Marsha was proudly hanging out grass.

[Bring home first Young Llama from the market]

#41 I saw a snail. It peeped in and out of its shell.

[Attract first Snail]

#42 I picked grapes... and squished some snails in the process.

[Harvest first Grapes, completing "A Tale of Grapes"]

#43 I learned how to make wine. The butcher makes wine too.

[Harvest first Grapes, completing "A Tale of Grapes"]

#44 Claire is having a hard time. I should buy a donkey for her.

[Harvest first Grapes, completing "A Tale of Grapes"]

#45 Marsha came when I was sowing radishes. We set up a fence.

[Bring home first Radish Seeds from the market]

#46 The radishes have really grown! Sprouts grew out of Marsha's.

[Grow first Radishes to maturity]

#47 Miss Meryl congratulated me.

[Bring first Young Sheep home from the market, completing "A Tale

of Sheep, and getting the first ending of the game]

#48 The number of wells went up, so I should increase my livestock.

[Bring first Young Sheep home from the market, completing "A Tale

of Sheep, and getting the first ending of the game]

#49 Claire said she's so lucky to have it so easy.

[Bring first Young Sheep home from the market, completing "A Tale

of Sheep, and getting the first ending of the game]

#50 Everyone told me how grateful they were. That made my day!

[Bring first Young Sheep home from the market, completing "A Tale

of Sheep, and getting the first ending of the game]

#51 I got some snacks. Marsha fell in love with me at first sight...

[Collect first Honey from Beebox]

#52 The sheep's coats have grown. Kai says the tailor will be thrilled!

[Grow first Wool on a *MALE* sheep; female won't do it]

#53 Kai was picking up some yak droppings. They were hard.

[Bring first Young Yak Cow home from the market]

#54 The potatoes are ready. The mayor got dragged by a cow.

[Harvest first Potatoes]

#55 The tomatoes are red. The mayor grows tomatoes too.

[Grow first Tomatoes to maturity]

#56 I saw some caterpillar eggs. They looked yummy!

[First time Silkworms spin themselves into cocoons]

#57 Claire didn't have any luck growing tomatoes.

[Harvest first Tomatoes]

#58 The teacher likes to color scale insects.

[Harvest first Silk from cocoon]

#59 I liked boiling the wool.

[Harvest first Silk from cocoon]

#60 Miss Meryl was giddy about the thought of having children.

[Harvest first Silk from cocoon]

#61 A donkey came. The blacksmith said he's going to celebrate.

[Bring first Young Donkey home from the market or Field Donkey hunt]

#62 I milked a yak. Claire makes butter tea.

[Milk a Yak Cow for the first time]

#63 Apparently yak milk is brought by train.

[Produce first Yak Cheese]

#64 Tanned yak hide. That's gotta be something to write home about.

[Bring home Yak Cow Pelt (pelt) from Seara Market]

#65 Claire like to leave fruit intact when making jam.

#66 Truffle boars (sic.) Marsha talks too much.

[Dig up a truffle]

#67 Morgan was also a blacksmith. The old forest lady was feisty.

[Get the Plow from the list of Gifts in the Doghouse]

#68 Even cut grass can be recycled if you have a goat!


#69 ???


#70 ???







Pasture Grass - This can be cut with a sickle. Just be sure to do it

before any flowers bloom!

Hay - You can trade this at the market for marmots.

Flower - When pasture grass grows this much, it can't be turned into



Berries - Use a jar to harvest these. If you grow a lot your farm

won't look so monotone!

Berries - You can trade these at the market for logs.


Radish - Use a jar to harvest these. The leafy scraps can be used to

feed animals.

Radish - Radishes are good for sheep in the month of No Grass. They

won't put hair on their chest, though!


Daikon - You can trade these for all kinds of things. You can also

feed them to rabbits.

Daikon - You can get all kinds of flowers with this!

(note: Daikons are listed under Radish, and Radishes under

Turnip. This is probably just bad translation. A Daikon

is a white radish common is East Asia. In the U.K., it

may be called a "mooli").


Cabbage - Rabbits love cabbage. Feed them these and you'll be able

to shave off their fur.

Cabbage - You should make lots of these. Feeding them to rabbits

helps their fur come in!


Buckwheat - Cut these off with a sickle and place them on the ground

to dry. If you let it grow, big animals will eat it.

Dried Buckwheat - Use a jar to collect the seeds.


Wheat - After cutting these off with a sickle, place them on the

ground to dry.

Dried Wheat - Use a jar to collect the seeds.


Tomato - Use a jar to harvest these. The leafy scraps can be used to

feed rabbits.

Tomato - Feeding tomatoes to llamas helps their fur come in!


Grapes - These ripen in the month of the Acorn. They shrivel and

fall in the month of No Grass.

Grapes - Place grapes next to a wine cask to make wine!

Wine - I don't believe I've ever smelled a wine more fragrant. You

should take this to the market!


Potato - You can use a jar to dig up potatoes.

Potato - Yak cows love potatoes.



Grass - Lots of animals feed on grass. Don't cut it; grow more!

Cut Grass - You can trade this at the market for pasture seed, or

use a sickle to cut it even finer.

Cut Grass (S) - You can get grass seed for this at the market, or

feed it to animals.


Needleleaf Tree - Female boars dig up truffles in the month of

the Acorn.

Broadleaf Tree - Grass grows around these trees.

Needleleaf Tree (Acorn) - Mushrooms sometimes grow around this.

Broadleaf Tree (Acorn) - Chestnuts and acorns sometimes fall

from this.

Needleleaf Label - Place this where you'd like to plant a tree.

Broadleaf Label - Place this where you'd like to plant a tree. I

suggest a place not too cramped.


Dandelion - This grass grows in the month of the Dandelion. Rabbits

and geese eat it.


Sunflower - This flower blooms in the month of the Grape. Fields of

these are a sight to behold!


Red Cosmos - This flower blooms in the month of the Acorn.

Cosmos - Cosmos have such gentle colors. They bloom in the month of

the Acorn.


Winter Pansy - These beautiful flowers bloom in the month of

No Grass.

Pansy - These flowers bloom in cold seasons.


Chestnut - These fall from trees in the month of the Acorn. It

helps to have a lot of trees!


Acorn - In the month of the Acorn, these are everywhere. Makes

sense, huh? Take them to the market!


Mushroom - These grow in the month of the Acorn. Take them to

the market!


Truffle - Looks like a female boar dug this up.

Livestock 1


Young Marmot - After this grows a little more, you should be able

to tell whether it's male or female.

Marmot Mound - When marmots go hungry in the month of No Grass,

they hibernate.


Young Rabbit - This little rascal will gobble up all your crops

if your (sic.) not careful!

Male Fur Rabbit - You can use shears to cut off all this fur. After

you cut it off, it won't grow back for a while.


Rooster - You can get a basset or a dachshund for this at the

market. Trade two of them and you can get a female.

Hen - When hens are placed together with roosters, they lay eggs

that hatch chicks.

Chick - Chicks won't mature unless they are next to a hen.


Young Duck - These eat seeds. Feathers of all sorts of colors grow

on them when they eat wheat and buckwheat seeds.

M Feathered Duck - This duck has a full coat of feathers on its

chest. Try clipping them off with shears.

Duckling - Ducklings mature when next to female ducks.


Young Goose - These eat small grasses. Male geese get fat eating

buckwheat or wheat seed.

Big Male Goose - Yep. This one's nice and plump! Take him to the

market to see what you can get!


Young Goat - You'll need a few of these to get both male and

female goats.

Storing Goat - These store milk by eating hay and dead grass.

Nursing Goat - You can use a jar to collect milk. Just be sure to

leave a little for the kids!


Young Boar - These have an usual diet of acorns and dead grass.

Boar Piglet - These need to stick with nursing boars in order to

grow big.


Male Wooly Sheep - Use shears to cut off the wool!

Young Sheep - When these mature, you can cut off their wool.

this (sic.) one will grow to produce a fine coat!


Young Llama - This one's got grit. It loves tomatoes, but will

even eat dead grass!

Male Fur Llama - This one's fur grew in nicely from a steady

tomato diet. It's ready for cutting!


Young Yak Cow - Yak cows are good for their meat, fur and milk.

They can eat dried grass, but prefer potatoes.

Nurs. Yak Cow - You can use a jar to collect milk. But have a

heart and wait for the calf to grow a little first.

M Fur Yak Cow - This one's fur grew in nicely from a steady diet

of potatoes!

Livestock 2


Young Donkey - Donkeys are real troopers. They'll stomach just about

anything you throw at them!


Young Raccoon - These rascals wreak havoc on crops. Even so, it's

hard to hate them...


Young Ferret - You can take ferrets along with you on hunts just

like dogs! They can also be skinned at the market.


Young Bobcat - These beasts only eat meat, making them difficult

to keep.



Marmot Meat - You can trade this for cabbage or berry seed at the

market. You should make lots of this!

Rabbit Meat - You can trade this for daikon seed or a stone ornament

at the market.

Chicken Meat - You can trade three of these for a bee box.

Goose Liver - You can trade this for a boar. Of course, a retriever

would be useful when hunting.

Boar Meat - Place next to a ham rack to make ham.

Sausage - That's a mighty fine sausage! You can trade it for

bassets--useful on boar hunts!

Ham - You can trade ham for grape seed and all kinds of dogs.

Llama Meat - You can trade this for a raccoon at the market.

Sheep Meat - Sheep meat is also useful. You can trade it for potato

and tomato seed, or dogs.

Yak Cow Meat - You can trade yak cow meat for a bobcat!


Rabbit Fur - You can trade this for wheat, chickens and bee boxes.

Grow lots and lots of cabbage!

Duck Feathers - You can trade duck feathers for all kinds

of things!

Wool - Spin this into yarn, and you can trade it for all kinds of

things. It's doesn't go bad like meat.

Yarn - Once you make yarn, you can get yaks and donkeys, tomatoes

and potatoes at the market.

Llama Fur - You can trade this for a shepherd or a mastiff.

Yak Cow Fur - You can trade this for any kind of small dog.


Ferret Pelt - Pelts are luxury goods. Even just one can fetch you

all sorts of goodies at the market.

Yak Cow Pelt - You can trade this for a mastiff, or a poitevin.


Non-Fer Chic Egg - You can trade this at the market for something


Chicken Egg - These hatch into chicks when next to female chickens.

Non-Fe Goose Egg - Eggs can also be given as food to your partners.

Duck Egg - These hatch into ducklings when next to female ducks.

Harvested Egg - You can trade this for pansies.

Goose Egg - These hatch into goslings when next to female geese.


Goat Milk - Place this next to a cheese rack to watch it magically

transform into cheese!

Cheese - You can trade this for a boar. They eat dead grass,

you know.

Yak Cheese - That's a fine chunk of yak cheese. You can trade that

for a large dog.

Small/Medium Dogs


Young Terrier - These need meat to grow bigger. Try feeding them

marmot meat.

Male Terrier - When a terrier comes across a mole hole, it'll go

about destroying it.

Female Terrier - These will try to carry cabbage.

Basset Hound

Young Basset - These make great partners going on boar hunts.

Male Basset - These will take dried wheat over to the wheat crate.


Young Dachshund - These are excellent badger hunters.

Male Dachshund - These will take potatoes over to the potato crate.


Young Shiba - It helps having a few of these strong dogs with you

when fighting boars.

Male Shiba - These will take dried buckwheat over to the hay crate.


Young Corgi - Corgis can bite cows during hunts, driving them

far off.

Male Corgi - These will take ham over to the ham crate.

Big Dogs


Young Whippet - These dogs are fast, making them excellent choices

when hunting rabbits.

Male Whippet - These will take tomatoes over to the tomato crate.


Young Retriever - These dogs can carry large game back from hunts.

Male Retriever - These will take hay over to the hay crate.


Young Pointer - This dog can go after game in trees.

Male Pointer - These will take wine over to the wine crate.


Young Poitevin - These are master hunters--the epitome of all

that is dog!


Young Sheepdog - When you take along one of these, it can collect


Male Sheepdog - These will take wool over to the wool crate.


Young Shepherd - This dog can learn all kinds of skills.

Male Shepherd - These will take cheese over to the cheese crate.


Young Mastiff - When fully grown, this is the strongest dog around.

You can count on him!


Mole Hole

Mole Hole - You'd better hurry and destroy this, or the mole will

cause nearby crops to die.


Snowman - If this is in your way, just give it a shove.


Silkworm egg - Place this near grass, and larva will hatch in the

month of Dandelion.

Silkworm - Silkworms eat large grasses. They can't move once inside

their cocoons, so you'll have to move them.

Cocoon - Use a jar to turn this into silk.

Moth - Leave this alone, and it'll bear eggs.


Bee - These fly around flowers, and may even carry some nectar.


Butterfly - Look out! Your cabbage is in danger!


Grasshopper - The more grass and crops grasshoppers eat, the more

they grow in number!

(note: I know, this make no sense under Strawberry).


Frog - What's with that frog? He's just hanging around here!


Snail - You can find these near grape trees.



Stone Ornament - No one can get by this stone except humans, Brammy,

his kin and dogs.

Plank - No one can cross this plank except humans, Brammy and

his kin.

Deck - Only humans can pass through this.


Hay Shed - Retrievers will gather hay.

Grass Shed - Walamy will gather cut grass.

Egg Shed - Tamamy will gather eggs.

Seed Shed - Tanemy will gather seeds around this shed.


Tomato Sign - Momony will bring tomato seed here.

Potato Sign - Bruny will bring seed potatoes here.

Berry Sign - Rossony will bring berry seed here.

Grape Sign - Momony will bring grape seed here.

Farm Sign - Rossony will bring pasture seed here.

Wheat Sign - Crony will bring wheat seed here.

Buckwheat Sign - Crony will bring buckwheat seed here.

Cabbage Sign - Greeny will bring cabbage seed here.

Radish Sign - Greeny will bring radish seed here.

Daikon Sign - Bruny will bring daikon seed here.


Potato Crate - Potatoes can be stored here.

Tomato Crate - Tomatoes can be stored here.

Wheat Crate - Wheat can be stored here.

Buckwheat Crate - buckwheat can be stored here.

Wine crate - Wine can be stored here.

Wool Crate - Wool can be stored here.

Ham Crate - Ham can be stored here.

Cabbage Crate - Cabbage can be stored here.

Cheese Crate - Cheese can be stored here.

Wine cask

Wine Cask - When you place grapes next to this, they will turn

into wine.

Cheese rack

Cheese Rack - When you place milk you've collected next to a

cheese rack, it eventually will turn into cheese.


Bee Box - Bees will come put honey in this.

Honey - Trade for lots of things at the market with this. Increase

your bee boxes to collect more!



Brammy - You aide. Has many friends.


Tanemy - Tanemy is a speed demon when it come to gathering seed.

Collected seed will be stored in the seed

(note: I know, that made no sense).


Sizamy - Sizamy can clip off rabbit fur and duck plumage.


Tamamy - Tamamy collects milk from goats and yak cows, and

gathers eggs as well!


Walamy - Walamy carries cut grass to the grass shed.


Rossony - Rossony carries pasture and berry seed to their signposts.

Of course, you need a pasture or berry sign!

Greeny - Greeny carries radish and cabbage seed to their signposts.

Bring back all the seed you want from market!

Crony - Crony brings buckwheat and wheat seed to their signposts

even when scattered all over the place.

Bruny - Bruny carries daikon seed and seed potatoes to their


Momony - Try to obtain both the tomato and the grape signs!




#1 Bean Soup - The soup was a mix of sausage, white and kidney beans...

#2 Focaccia - With cheese and bacon. Love the smell of fresh bread!

#3 Grain porridge - Boiled wheat and buckwheat for breakfast.

#4 Bacon & Arugula - The bacon went well with the soft arugula.

#5 Berry Vacherin - Meringue was crisp. Got cream all over.

#6 [No name] - A newcomer came. I'll be playing caretaker.

(note: This is obviously a typo in the game, but the picture

is asparagus covered with cheese. This diary entry is

triggered by milking a Yak Cow).

#7 Pears & Cheese - Also, walnuts and white wine very exquisite.




Thanks and Credit to: for generating the ASCII art image.

Comments, corrections, concerns, queries, additions, and subtractions are

all welcome. Please direct them to me, Joe Murphy, at

Thanks and credit will be posted in this section for anything I use in

future updates.

Copyright 2012 Joseph N. Murphy

This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,

private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed

publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other

web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a

violation of copyright.

The following websites have the author's permission to display:

Version history

0.9, 26 Nov 2012: Original (incomplete).

0.9a, 28 Nov 2012: Updated to allow permission to

permission to post this FAQ.

0.9b, 30 Nov 2012: Minor edits.

0.9c, 30 Nov 2012: More minor edits. Capitalizing important terms

in the first 5 sections (walkthrough).

0.9d, 4 Dec 2012: Updated to allow permission to

permission to post this FAQ.

0.9e, 8 March 2013: Updated with major revisions to Chapter 1 provided

by Sable, who is a fantastic writer and, I deem, a lovely person.

Hey kids! Do you know what time it is?

*Plays the jingle*

* Well I've got no money and I've got no friends. *

* Took a bath today, and came out with the bends. *

* Cheer up, Charlie; here's the place to start! *

* It's time for Celebrity ASCII ART!!! *

It's time to play Celebrity ASCII Art, everyone! Are you excited? Of

course you are. Here's how we play:

The piece of ASCII art below, generated by, depicts a

well-known individual. Anyone can play. The first contestant to identify

the celebrity depicted and notify the game judge, me, at

will be honored in the Thanks and Credit and Legal Stuff section of this FAQ.

Additionally, the winner will be allowed to change any one item of this

FAQ to a piece of misinformation of the winner's choosing, subject to game

judge's approval. All decisions of the game judge are final!

This FAQ will be updated once a winner has been chosen, so if you're

reading this, you've still got a shot at winning!

Now, let's play Celebrity ASCII ART!!! Concentrate, and take a look:






























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Shepherd's Crossing: FAQ/Walkthrough by KopeofOnrac

Version: 0.9e | Last Updated: 2013-03-09 | View/Download Original File




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