ganapati atharvashirsha

Post on 28-Jan-2015






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A nice synopsis of ganapati and the Atharvashirsha



The Ganapati Atharvashirsa is a hymn recited in praise of Lord Ganapati.

Ganapati as an elephant- faced deity was first recognized around the

fourth century A.D. and the Ganapati Atharvashirsa was composed

during the seventeenth century A.D. In Sanskrit, everything that exists in

the cosmos is called “gana” “pati” means lord. Thus, “gana pati”, is the

“Lord” of all ganas or of all creation.

How did Ganapati attain this unique position?

The basic concept in Hindu mythological symbolism is the principle:

That man is the image of God or in Sanskrit: “Tat Tvam Asi”. This is

often referred to as the “Mahavakya” in the Upanishads and the


“Tat” is the truth or the ultimate reality. God

“Tvam” represents all the creations or the “Ganas”.

“Asi” is the synthesis that binds tat and tvam together.

In the Chandogya Upanishad and the Ganapati Atharvashirsa this central

position of “Asi” that participates in both creation and death has been

assigned to Ganapati.

“Tat Tvam Asi”, means, “Thou Art That”.

“Thou, the living person, art the image of God

In the Ganesha Purana, Ganapati is also depicted as two different deities.

As “sukhakarta-dukhaharta”, or as “vighnakarta-vighnaharta.” He either

creates or removes obstacles or allows those already there to exist. In

each case for a reason specific to the worshiper.

Ganapati is probably the most worshiped and popular god in India. His

popularity stems from the powers and premises that have been attributed

to him. Extensive manuals were thus produced in the Puranas to guide the

worshiper and much stress was put on the mechanics of ritual to fulfill his

devotees hopes and desires. In addition to that 96 years ago Lokamanya

Tilak used the celebration of Ganesh Chaturthi as a political movement to

collect an audience for his anti British cause. This propelled Ganapati to

the highest position in the hierarchy of Hindu Gods making him the

premier deity in all Hindu ceremonies of worship.

Because of all these attributes and glorification it is easy to see why

Ganapati enjoys such a high status in the ranking of all the Hindu gods put



Hindus believe that Ganapati unites man to god both at birth and death.

We also believe that all of creation

started with Ganapati’s intervention.

Hence, we always bow to Ganapati

first and worship him at the beginning

of every enterprise.

As a protector, his image is always

placed at the entrance of every house

and temple.

REFERENCES:• Robert l. Brown, Ganesh, studies of an Asian god. 1991• Alain Danielou The gods of India, Hindu polytheism. 1985• Manchester The Upanishads. 1975• Paul Courtright Ganesha, lord of obstacle & beginnings”. 1985• Phyllis Granoff Ganesha as metaphor: the Mudgala Purana, 1991• Pramod Chandra the sculpture of India, 3000b.C.-1300a.D. 1985• M. K. Dhavalikar Ganesha, myth and reality. 1991

Ganesha is not easily defined. He contains within himself a variety of

combined presence somehow manages to appear natural. Ganesha has

everything that is fascinating to anyone who is interested in the Hindu

religion. He has charm, mystery, popularity, political importance,

everything you can think of. One can start from Ganesha and work from

there in an unbroken line to almost any aspect of Indian culture.

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