garnet & white - winter edition

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Garnet & White - Winter Edition, National Fraternity of Alpha Chi Rho Publication



CONTENT2 In This Edition

3 What’s New: The Garnet & White

4 From The President’s Pen

5 A View From The Road

8 Volunteer Form

9 Scholarship Application Information

10 Ave Et Vale

12 Message from AXPEF

13 1895 Gold Society

14 Chapter Correspondence

17 Upcoming Events

On the cover: Cover Art Provided by Frederick Kinglee II Editor: David Luckenbill

Information is correct at press time. Check for updates.

The Garnet & White is published quarterly by the National Fraternity of Alpha Chi Rho, 109 Oxford Way, Neptune, NJ. Signed articles do not necessarily reflect the official Fraternity policy. © 2014 Alpha Chi Rho. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or whole without permission is prohibited. Editorial, publishing and advertising offices: Editor, Garnet & White, 109 Oxford Way, Neptune, NJ 07753. Send all correspondences about subscriptions, undelivered copies and address changes to


Article Submission

The Chapter House image used on the front cover is that of Phi Psi (Trinity College) Chapter House at 114 Vernon Street, Hartford, CT. It was taken one evening by Brother William O. Richards, ‘57 in March 1956 after a heavy snowfall.

The back cover image is from Phi Lamda (The Pennslyvania State University) and features Brother Fred Waring at the piano. Both scanned by Brother David Luckenbill in 2011.

At the Garnet & White, we are always looking for content from Graduate and Resident Brothers! Please send Chapter or individual news to so we can publish them in upcoming editions!

Brothers, At the time I started to write this introduction it was almost 80 degrees Farenheit outside, and tomorrow it will be a mild 44 with a chance of snow and sleet. To say the weather has been all over the place this year is an understatement. Thankfully I can announce the birth of the latest Luckenbill, Allison. She naturally decided to arrive in early February during a snow and ice storm when roads were closed. It is a more interesting story in full, but I will spare you all of the details as this is not a blog or personal journal.

The Garnet & White is continuing to move forward with becoming entirely digital. We are currently at a phase where we just need to find a good stretch of time and weather to deliver the past editions to the contractor who will be imaging our back issues. Once this has been done, we will be sure to plaster information in every part of cyberspace for you to access old editions.

On a final note, please remember to submit your scholarship applications before the deadline of July 30, 2014. As a scholarship winner, I had no inclination or feeling that I would win something; but you cannot win if you do not apply. You would be surprised how many people do not apply thus increasing the odds of receiving a scholarship or award.

In The Bond,

David Omega Phi (LaSalle University) ‘05Editor, Graduate Councillor

Please join our Facebook group by clicking the below link! Also remember to follow the Fraternity on Twitter @AlphaChiRho.

WhAT’s NEW: The Garnet & White

Warm weather is in sight! I hope this edition of the Garnet & White finds you well and that you enjoyed the past few months of winter weather. The Fraternity starts off the year aggressively with many agenda items. Conclave was once again in State College January 24 – 26. Hopefully, you can find some time to stop by, get acquainted and see what the Fraternity is up to. The Council has been busy solidifying the foundations of the goals set back in 2013, namely improving the finances and communications of the Fraternity. Based on the current balance sheet, we can confidently say we are in a better financial standing than we were three years ago. The Garnet & White has been solidly re-established and the website has undergone changes and will continue to evolve. Many people deserve the credit and it goes

to show that if we all give a little of our time and talent, we can accomplish anything we set our minds to. I’m proud of this Council’s willingness to make the tough decisions that are required to run a fully functioning organization such as ours. I am speaking specifically about holding Chapters and Brothers to account for their actions. Unfortunately, we have had to close many Chapters for hazing, actions unbecoming of a Brother and financial neglect. I’m convinced that we have a better Fraternity because this Council has made the hard decisions while also dedicating thousands of man-hours to two stated specific goals.

That brings us to the next stated goal of Expansion and my theme for the foreseeable future, Volunteerism. It’s no mistake that the better functioning Chapters are those with dedicated alumni support. That dedication all comes on a volunteer basis. As you know, the Council members are all volunteers. So are the Educational Foundation members. Some 30 odd volunteers in all, besides the 5 full time paid staff members. In order for us to achieve the next stated goal of expansion, however, we will need more volunteers and I’m appealing to all of you to please get involved. How, do you ask? Many ways. Volunteers are needed as Chapter Advisors. Are you retired or can you spare 3 hours a week? If there’s a Chapter near you or maybe not near you, you can volunteer to be a Chapter Advisor. Volunteers are needed for our new expansion campaign. Do you have the time to coordinate with the National Staff and live near a university where we might start a Chapter? Your help is needed to get the Chapter started on the right foot. Do you like woodworking? The headquarters is littered with old ritual equipment in need of refurbishing. New ritual equipment needs to be built as well. Your time in preparing new ritual equipment can offset some rather big costs for a new Chapter where funds are needed for other start up costs. Are you social media savvy? Your talents are needed by the order.

Perhaps you’ve been out of the loop for a while, perhaps not. Look within yourself, remember those landmarks that brought us together and pay it forward. Now’s the time, for life is short and if not now, when? Help your Fraternity continue to cultivate Men of Word and Deed.

I hope you enjoy this edition of the Garnet & White and look forward to building a better Fraternity in 2014.

Fraternally YoursIn the BondVic RamosPhi Lambda ‘91

From The President’s Pen



A VIEW FROM THE ROADBy Brother Ryan Thomas, Beta Phi (Rutgers University) ‘12 National Leadership Consultant Life on the road was once again a very pleasant experience. Now that I am a seasoned vet and learned from some of my blunders of the past year, I was able to take that experience and translate it into a very smooth semester. One of my biggest blunders last year was finding myself halfway across the country with nothing but a sweatshirt and some jeans as my “cold weather clothes”. I was not expecting to run into snow and freezing cold weather in early October, but in retrospect I probably should have done a little more research on the climates of the areas that I would be traveling. Needless to say, being drastically underprepared for the onset of winter in Michigan is not a mistake that you make twice! After sticking around Pennsylvania for much of September, I began to make my way across my territory. During my visits in September, the men were predominantly focused on recruitment and the upcoming Rush Week. As I ventured out towards Pittsburgh, I was able to witness the men on each of the campuses really immerse themselves in community service and philanthropy opportunities.

As I arrived at California University of PA, they had just completed their “Crow Jam” event, which they sponsored and organized a battle of the bands on campus to raise money for charity. This was the first time the men ran the event, but they experienced great success and learned a lot of valuable lessons for the next time around. The men were able to get all of the Greek organizations on campus involved in the event and really made a name for themselves, despite the fact that they are a relatively new group on campus. Another service/philanthropy event that I encountered was at Ferris State. The men were gearing up for their annual “Freeze Out” event, where they spend an entire day and night out in the quad to raise money. They have been very successful with the event and the men really seem to enjoy taking part in it. I was unable to stay for the event and I usually participate as much as I can when I am around, but that is one event that I would need to be a spectator. I guess you can say that I’m just not cut out for that Michigan cold weather! After my visit to Ferris, the next group that I came to that was working on their upcoming signature philanthropy event was the men at the University of Cincinnati. They have been running a philanthropy event on campus where they raise money to update the facilities on campus to make it handicap accessible. The men have been running the event for a few years and it has been growing every year. The event picks up more and more buzz every year and the men have a great amount of pride in the hard work that they put in for the success of the event. Following my trip to Cincinnati, I visited Robert Morris University. The men at Robert Morris had just hosted a 5k run to benefit a Brother that had been seriously injured at the end of the summer. The men had a great turnout and were looking forward to future opportunities. Finally, I arrived at Radford and was very impressed with the work the men had already done that semester. They really took all of the ideas that we gave them over the past few semesters for service/philanthropy and ran with it. The biggest philanthropy/service that they have done this semester was volunteering the whole Chapter to work security at Virginia Tech football games. Aside from this, the men have participated in numerous other service/philanthropy events on campus.

Each of the Chapters that I consult participates in tons of service and philanthropies in their respective communities and this is not to take away from any of the hard work of the unmentioned Chapters. Every time I visit one of the Chapters, I am always provided with a detailed schedule of all of the service that all of the men have planned out for the semester. The men at all of the Chapters have really done a fantastic job of getting involved in the community. During each of my visits, service and philanthropy opportunities tend to be a large portion of what is discussed. Keep up the outstanding work men and I look forward to seeing what the spring semester holds for us!

By Brother Larry Sarver, Phi Kappa Lambda (Northwood University) ‘12 National Leadership Consultant Convention 2013 was a great time for everyone who attended. It was also the final summertime hoorah for the AXP consultants before leaving headquarters for the semester. Many great memories were had this past summer and we’ll be sad to see it go. I’m writing now in December, at the beginning of the holiday season, my how time flies!

I started my Fall ’13 tour differently from my past tour routes and decided to stay local at our New Jersey Chapters first. Always an enjoyable trip for me, southern NJ is a nice change in culture from coastal Jersey and New York. My first stop was to our newly re-chartered Phi Eta Chi Chapter at Richard Stockton College near Atlantic City, NJ. I was happy to see them still going strong and showing us why they deserved to charter last winter. From there I moved on to TCNJ and then to Rowan University. There’s something to be said about the excitement of a college campus early into the fall semester. For me it brings back memories from my college days and that warm post summer weather.

From southern Jersey I began my journey north, stopping at my north Jersey Chapters including our Seton Hall Colony. Recently pinned as a Colony, Seton Hall is doing a great job forming the foundation of a successful Chapter. Queens College and NYIT came next. I was happy to see Queens moving along well as a Colony. Sadly I was unable to make it, but NYIT recently held a Ritual event involving some Chapter alumni from the past. It’s nice to hear about such great events that are bringing together Chapter alumni and undergraduates to remember the bonds that we all have.

From northern NJ I moved onto NY state, stopping at SUNY Albany and Rensselear Polytechnic Institute in New York’s capital city. Albany is an interesting change of pace from my other Chapters in terms of location, they’re mostly downtown. It’s nice to be able to walk around and explore a little bit.

Our lone Connecticut and Massachusetts Chapters are up next. First on my route I went to the founding Chapter of AXP at Trinity College. I enjoy this trip to Hartford because it’s nice to think about all of the history that was started just a few feet away. On to Massachusetts at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, our reigning Curly Walden Chapter of the year award winners from Convention. The WPI guys are very welcoming and I have to commend them on their willingness to travel and the support they give to other Chapters each year.

Westward in New York state I go. Making stops at Syracuse, Utica College, and SUNY Geneseo. Syracuse has been working hard on their Chapter house making all the repairs they can handle themselves. They’ve also hired contractors to come out and fix their roof and basement. The house is starting to look good as new, despite it being decades old. Utica College is also one of our newest Colonies, recently gaining more ground in their quest to being re-chartered. They’re an explosive bunch on their campus, having changed the culture of Greek life almost overnight.

On break from some of my travels I was lucky enough to visit our Northwood University Chapter for homecoming this year. It was a blast seeing my old Chapter and Chapter Brothers. I was impressed with the job they’re doing this semester especially with their recruitment efforts. Shout out to all the mid-west Chapters!



A VIEW FROM THE ROAD(continued from Pg. 9) It’s now beginning to get cold up in Northern NY just in time for me to visit our Plattsburgh and Clarkson Chapters. At this point, the largest neighboring cities are in Canada. I’m willing to bet there are more pairs of boots in this region than anywhere else I go during my travels. The views and wilderness at both of these Chapters make the trip a pleasure, but I have to be on my way soon. The Canadian geese are migrating overhead and frost is starting to show up on the windows. I’m thankful Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and only thoughts of turkey and stuffing keep me warm.

From here I begin to head back south to the Jersey Shore. At this time though, the shore isn’t as we left it. There are no tourists or beachgoers and some of our favorite places have closed for winter. It looks more like a ghost town than the shore city that we’ve come to know so well these past summers. Although it’s different and we’re sad to have seen it change, we’re also happy because it feels relaxed and relaxing is exactly what we’re ready to do after so much time away on the road!

Life at the office over the past few weeks has been a great change of pace from life on the road. The sound of phones ringing, printers printing and fingers typing fills the office. Everyone is hard at work tying up loose ends from the semester before our holiday break. January will bring a new list of things to do to set up for annual Conclave. Conclave this year will be held at Penn State University January 24-25th. I encourage all undergraduate Chapters and Colonies to register their delegates as soon as they can.

I’m looking forward to the holiday season, Conclave, and another semester on the road. I wish all of you Happy Holidays and I’ll see you in 2014! (Editor’s Note: Brother Sarver wrote this article prior to the New Year.)

Share your skills, gain practical experience, and build your contacts while giving back to your Fraternity! Get involved in a Graduate Club, a Fraternity or Foundation Committee, or assisting an Undergraduate Chapter near where you live. Those are just three examples of ways to volunteer. There are many other volunteer roles you can take advantage of with Alpha Chi Rho. Actions Speak Loudly and by taking the time to complete this Interest Profile you are letting us know you care and want to help. We are not asking for a huge time commitment. We would like to know when to call on you, what interest you have in volunteering, and where you feel your efforts can best help Alpha Chi Rho. Graduates and undergraduates are helping to grow the Brotherhood now because of the time and knowledge that is being volunteered. When you choose to volunteer, you can make a difference as well as make Alpha Chi Rho, its Foundation, Chapters and Brotherhood stronger. Tell us how you would like to get involved. Project Based Volunteer Activities

Name _______________________Chapter ___________ Email ____________________________________________ Phones H__________________ C____________________ AXPEF Leadership Opportunities Trustees are the Board of Directors of the Foundation. We are always looking for individuals who want to get involved on a national level, helping to achieve goals. Generally speaking, Trustees have been involved in the Fraternity or Foundation in other capacities and must be willing to participate in meetings, conference calls and e-mail communications. Trustees are elected at the annual membership meeting held in the spring and must be a Brother in good standing.

AXPEF Positions within 2 years

within 5 years

Trustee Standing Committee member Events and Outreach Finance Development Governance Programs & Services Other Ad hoc Committees Technology File updating Reconnection Leadership School

Engage in activities as your schedule permits. There are a variety of opportunities, including one day speaking engagements, writing stories for the Garnet and White or Foundation Focus, answering questions or helping Brothers with particular topics. Some activities may require travel and in-person meetings.

Garnet & White Contributor –writing about AXP Past and Present

Foundation Focus Contributor-editing and writing news

Helping/advising a local Chapter Attending alumni events in your area Hosting national alumni events in your area Speaker at educational student programs Producing programs for electronic

distribution to undergrads Financial literacy speaker for student

programs Contact me about any other project-based

volunteer activities that develop Other volunteerism

If there is anything not on this page, which you can help us with, skills, or knowledge you have to share you can write it on the back or email or call your President of the Foundation. Actions Speak Loudly Gary DelPiano Sigma Phi ‘77 203.795.1127

Volunteer Interest Profile Actions Speak Loudly

The scholarship application deadline is July 30, 2014. You can find all applications on the AXPEF

website (

Undergraduate Scholarships

Paul K. Addams ($4,000.00) Undergraduate Juniors and Seniors. Richard V. Olson ($3,000.00) Undergraduate Juniors and Seniors. James McFadden ($2,000.00) Undergraduate Juniors and Seniors. John C. Enk ($2,000.00) Undergraduate Juniors and Seniors. Donald F. Jones ($2,000.00) Undergraduate Juniors and Seniors. Robert B. Stewart Undergraduate Man of the Year ($1,500.00) One nominee per Chapter. Charles W. Coughlan ($500) Newly Initiated Brothers only.

Graduate Scholarships Wlibur M. “Curly” Walden ($3,000.00) Full-time student attending graduate school. F. Prescott Hammond ($3,000.00) Full-time student attending graduate school. Stanley G. Bedford ($3,000.00) Full-time student attending graduate school. Donald F. Jones ($1,000.00) Full-time student attending graduate school.



Alpha Beta Phi Mansfield University Matthew W. Riddell, ‘93 Alpha Phi Purdue University John D. Cook, ‘57 Harold W. Wilson, ‘36

Delta Phi Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Paul L. Vincent, ‘59

Delta Sigma Phi Worcester Polytechnic Institute Charles R. Cain, ‘72

Epsilon Phi Temple University Stephen L. McKittrick, ‘62

Eta Phi Gettysburg College J. William Ditter, ‘70

Iota Phi Parsons College Walter M. Knish, ‘70

Lambda Chi Phi Drexel University David Johnson, ‘08 Nu Phi Franciscan University of Steubenville Robert R. Knee, ‘67 Phi Alpha Lafayette College Arnold V. Cigliano, ‘44 Harry L. Geissinger, ‘41 Theodore D. Pennington, ‘59

Phi EpsilonSyracuse University Philip J. Cerniglia, ‘62 John F. Chatfield, ‘44 Paul F. Everett, ‘51 Robert A. Negaard, ‘49 Russell G. Pelton, ‘35 Douglas R. Shanklin, ‘53 Bruce M. Usinowicz, ‘86 Phi Eta ChiRichard Stockton College Mark A. Ruskoski, ‘04 Phi GammaWesleyan University William H. Allison, ‘41 Phi IotaAllegheny College M. Reeves Cole, ‘38 Milton Jacob Merz, ‘52 Phi KappaUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign William F. Dunn, ‘47 Daniel J. Glowicki, ‘12 John D. Goman, ‘64 George Byron Healy, ‘37 Alexander B. Moir, ‘63 Thomas M. Paulson, ‘58 Thomas A. Prickett, ‘58 James R. Rehak, ‘60 Terry J. Romack, ‘62 John T. Weisenberger, ‘60

Ave Et ValeThe National Secretary has been notified that the following Brothers have entered the Chapter Eternal. The Brothers listed herein were reported between December 17th, 2012 and December 11th, 2013.

Phi Lambda The Pennsylvania State University John Joseph Curran, ‘47 Temple A. Reynolds, ‘54 Robert C. Wagner, ‘71 Phi Mu Lehigh University Richard M. Frantz, ‘69 Phi Nu ChiWest Chester University Timothy A. Donnelly, ‘87 Phi OmegaColumbia University Stephen C. Franke, ‘66 Phi OmicronUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison Edmund H. Ollmann, ‘52 Farnsley L. Peters, ‘51 Phi Psi Trinity College Conor Gregory, ‘10 William R. Pierre, ‘44 Phi Rho University of California Jack L. Dickman, ‘52 Phi Rho Chi University of Massachusetts Amherst Evan Peterson, ‘97 Phi Tau Iowa State University Ellsworth G. Dutton, ‘71 George H. Williamson, ‘67 Phi Zeta Chi State University of New York - Geneseo Phillip G Heiler, ‘09

Pi Phi Robert Morris University David M. Porter, ‘93 Xi Phi Hartwick College William R. Kosbob, ‘76


A MEssAGE FrOM ThE FOuNdATION“Happy New Year to All!” is the way I will start this first Focus of 2014. I hope everyone finished 2013 with family and is having a great start to the year!

The state of the Foundation is better, thanks to many of you who are reading this and an improving stock market. I have noticed that many Brothers are once again adding AXPEF to their giving list. I want to thank everyone who gave because, as you know, every dollar helps the Fraternity and Foundation to continue to Cultivate Men of Word and Deed, men like you who stay involved with the Brotherhood.

With this message I want to encourage you to continue to stay involved with YOUR Fraternity and Foundation. You can do so in many ways. Signing up to help with special projects, offering your expertise for us to use, and of course making a dollar donation is another way to stay involved. In order to donate your time or talent, just get in touch with me by using my email below or by calling me. My phone number is on the web site. I would be happy to discuss with you our needs and what you could do to help. We are always looking for people who have fundraising experience, experience with web pages and web sites, as well as Brothers who live near a campus with a Chapter that needs mentoring. If any of these seem like something you would like to do, please do not hesitate to call or write the National Office or me.

On the other hand, if you don’t have extra time and you just don’t think you can help with your expertise right now because of other commitments in your life, I totally understand! I took 30 years off between being an undergraduate and graduate Councillor to the Fraternity and now volunteering for the Foundation. If this is your situation, you can still help by making a donation.

Many Brothers do give each year. Some give one year, then don’t give for one or many years, then start again. We all have our reasons for which we give or don’t give and certainly they are all reasonable. But I now am asking you for a commitment to giving this year. For those of you who already give $300 or more dollars annually, I am asking you to continue to give at that level or higher. For Brothers who give less than that, I am asking will you miss $5 a week? I would bet the answer is no. So I have to ask … will you donate that $5 a week to the Foundation? Will you help to ensure undergraduate Brothers continue their education and become graduates like yourself who live the motto of Alpha Chi Rho to “Be Men”?

I would like to suggest you start by clicking the link below and using the PayPal tab to have your credit card charged $20 a month. We will automatically charge your card each month until you tell us to stop and it will be much easier on you than that one big donation each year. Most likely you will not miss that $5, that 1.5 gallons of gas, that 2 cups of coffee a week. But you will have the satisfaction of ensuring that other young men will have the great experiences which you had being a resident Brother of Alpha Chi Rho.

Thank you and, again, Happy New Year! Gary DelPiano, AXPEF PresidentSigma Phi (Southern Connecticut State University), ‘77

WHAT IS IT?A continued giving program, which builds your legacy through the years and supports the Fraternity and Foundation.

WHY?¥ Fund Leadership Institute and Conclaves

¥ Support new and re colonization efforts

¥Support Foundation work

¥ Build camaraderie between Chapters and Brothers.

HOW?¥ New Grad 1-3 yrs$18.95 Biannually - Less than $4 a month

¥ Grad 4-10 yrs $18.95 Bimonthly - Less than $10 a month

RECOGNITION ¥ All members will be listed on the AXPEF website

¥ New Graduate donations will be listed by Chapter amounts

¥ Recognition pins will be given to all who give at suggested or higher levels.

1895 Gold Society

1895GOLD SOCIETYTradition! As the Labarum represents the past, you, as a recent graduate, represent Alpha Chi Rho’s future. Undergraduate Brothers make an impact on their college campus every day. You participated in class, you socialized with your friends, you were involved in campus activities and organizations, and you were there for your Fraternity! Now as a Graduate Brother, it’s time to act and make a mark in your career and as an alumnus. Stay involved with your Alpha Chi Rho Brothers by joining the 1895 GOLD SOCIETY. Start a new Tradition! Help us continue to create men of word and deed!

JOIN HERE: AXPEF.ORG | 732-988-0588

WHAT IS IT?A continued giving program, which builds your legacy through the years and supports the Fraternity and Foundation.

WHY?¥ Fund Leadership Institute and Conclaves

¥ Support new and re colonization efforts

¥Support Foundation work

¥ Build camaraderie between Chapters and Brothers.

HOW?¥ New Grad 1-3 yrs$18.95 Biannually - Less than $4 a month

¥ Grad 4-10 yrs $18.95 Bimonthly - Less than $10 a month

RECOGNITION ¥ All members will be listed on the AXPEF website

¥ New Graduate donations will be listed by Chapter amounts

¥ Recognition pins will be given to all who give at suggested or higher levels.

1895 Gold Society

Graduation is exciting! Yet, as a Brother of Alpha Chi Rho, leaving your Brothers is a difficult time. As a new GOLD SOCIETY Brother (Graduate Of Last Decade), you can stay connected. Join the 1895 GOLD SOCIETY!


ChAPTEr COrrEsPONdENCEPhi Kappa (University of Illinois) The Brothers of the Phi Kappa Chapter ventured to Firemark paintball for a Brotherhood event. Photo provided by Brother Tony Gallo.

Phi Epsilon (Syracuse University) and Lehigh University (Phi Mu)

Brother Jay Anhorn (Phi Mu) was recently hired as the Assistant Executive Director for the Delta Phi Epsilon Sorority International Headquarters. While on a trip to Syracuse University, he dropped in on the Phi Epsilon Chapter House and met with the Brothers, and posted the below image to the National Facebook group.

Pi Phi (Robert Morris University)

A photo of Brother Tim Forsha receiving a Dean’s Scholar Award for academic excellence. Submitted by Brother Ken Chapel.

Zeta Phi (Clarkson University)

Brother Larry Sarver provided photographs of newly initiated Postulants and the Relay for Life event.


ChAPTEr COrrEsPONdENCEKappa Chi Phi Colony (Shippensburg University) The Alpha Chi Rho, Kappa Chi Phi Colony of Shippensburg University, is a very dedicated and respectful Greek organization. These Crows inspire change in their community and strive to better the community as a whole by way of philanthropy. The Fraternity sets out to enhance the lives of people with illness such as cancer or other terminal diseases. The Fraternity does its part by holding a unique philanthropy event called a ”couch push” throughout the academic year for the Relay for Life organization. This allows students to be given a comfortable ride around campus for a supportive cause. It also raises awareness and money for those affected.

In addition to the “couch push”, the Crows see to it that the town of Shippensburg is supported as well. Alpha Chi Rho adopted a highway to continue to keep the community at large looking beautiful, one highway at a time. Furthermore, the Fraternity has been doing highway clean ups for several semesters and continues to make the residents of Shippensburg University and the town very happy.

Additionally, the Brothers have also volunteered at an animal shelter to help out the animal community. They cleaned cages, took dogs for walks, and of course played with the animals.

To promote communication, unity, and a sense of belonging between men, the Crows began having monthly brotherhood dinners. Several Brothers cook dinner for the other Brothers and create a welcoming environment for everyone.

Finally, to further our communication with our alumni, we tailgated with them during homecoming this semester and had a pleasing experience.

ALPHA CHI RHO EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION ANNUAL MEETINGSaturday, April 26, 2014From 10:00 AM to 2:30 PM The annual meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Ruth Bedford at 232 Highfield Lane, Nutley, New Jersey, 07110. NATIONAL COUNCIL OF ALPHA CHI RHO MEETINGSaturday, May 17, 2014Starting at 9:00 AM This meeting of Council will be held at R.B. Stewart National Headquarters in Neptune, New Jersey. This Page: Two Brothers from Philadelphia University (Alpha Phi Alpha) take first and second place in the first annual Greek God at Philly Univ.


R. B. Stewart National Headquarters 109 Oxford Way | Neptune, NJ 07753 T 732-869-1895 | F 732-988-5357 |

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