gas turbine lab report

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  • 8/16/2019 Gas Turbine Lab report



    Table of Contents

    1.0 Introduction 3


  • 8/16/2019 Gas Turbine Lab report


  • 8/16/2019 Gas Turbine Lab report


    to de)elop po+er %rom a source o% hi'h pressure 'as. The tur(ine can (e used to

    dri)e the compressor (ut unless extra ener'y is pro)ided there +ould not (e

    enou'h po+er a)aila(le %rom the tur(ine to dri)e the compressor let alone ha)e

    any le%t o)er. Ener'y is there%ore supplied in the %orm o% heat to /expand/ the

    compressed 'as and o(tain a net positi)e ener'y output

    2. Theoryas tur(ine theory- The rayton or the oule cycle is commonly used to analyse

    the 'as tur(ine systems and the %i'ure 2 sho+s a Temperature*Entropy T"

    dia'ram representation o% an ideal rayton cycle. In %i'ure 2- %rom point 1 to point

    2 the air is Isentropically compressed and the heat is supplied at constant

    pressure %rom point 2 to point 3. inally the air is isentropically expanded %rom

    point 3 to point 4. In practice- the compression process and the expansion

    process al+ays increase their entropy alon' the %lo+ path due to the )arious

    losses inside the machines. Practically- the process %rom point 2 to point 3 also

    experiences the pressure drop alon' the %lo+ path due to losses. 5ence- the

    o)erall per%ormance o% the 'as tur(ine hi'hly de)iates %rom the ideal cycle.

    i'ure 16 'raph o% T*s ia'ram.3. Experimental Apparatus and Procedure

    .1 Experimental Apparatus

    1. T+o*sha%t 'as tur(ine simulator

    3.2 Procedure1. All the parameters needed in the system dia'ram o% the apparatus

    +as setup.2. The experiment +as started (y pressin' the i'nition (utton once all

    the parameters are con%irmed.3. All the re7uired readin's +as care%ully monitored.4. 8hen the system is in operated- care%ul ad9ustment o% the

    parameters can allo+ the system response to (e explored. The

    parameter +as chan'ed only one parameter at a time.


  • 8/16/2019 Gas Turbine Lab report


  • 8/16/2019 Gas Turbine Lab report


    #ompression 6 Pressure is increased throu'h compressor as )olume is


    #om(ustion 6 5eat added at this sta'eExpansion 6 8or, output %or sha%t po+er:thrust produced at this sta'eExhaust 6 Excess heat is expelled %rom the system

    4.2.2 rie%ly state the superiorities o% a t+in*sha%t tur(ine o)er a sin'le*sha%t

    tur(ine. * A t+in sha%t tur(ine is 'enerally superior to a sin'le*sha%t tur(ine as it

    allo+s %or 'reater tur(ine speed o% rotation )ia t+o separate sha%ts.

    A,hani- 2013

    * T+in sha%t tur(ines also ena(les the usa'e o% add*on po+er tur(ine-

    pro)idin' )ersatility in terms o% choice %or a particular aero en'ine.

    A,hani- 2013

    * 5ence- the desi'n allo+s %or a +ide ran'e o% speed in the second

    sta'e +ithout a%%ectin' the auxiliaries. ram'- 200$4.2.3 Present your results in a data sheet. y plottin' the 'raph- determine

    the relationship (et+een the compression ratio- B- and the e%%iciency o%

    a t+in*sha%t 'as tur(ine. #omment on the o(tained result.

    * Re%er to 'raph 2 in Appendix4.2.4 Include in any other discussions that- in your opinion- mi'ht (e o%

    rele)ance to the experimental +or, conducted.

    * 8ith increasin' 'lo(al e%%orts to reduce 'reenhouse 'as emissions-

    research has (een more %ocused on increasin' the e%%iciency o% the

    desi'ns o% po+er plants +orld+ide. A common practice to achie)e

    hi'her le)el o% e%%iciency is done (y reducin' load and ad9ustin'

    en'ine speed

  • 8/16/2019 Gas Turbine Lab report


    5. Summary $ Conclusions

    6. References

    Akhani, E. A. (2013, September). Single and Two Shaft Gas Turbines .Retrie ed fr!m En"ineerin" Artic#e$%http%&&t!p10e#ectrica#.b#!"$p!t.m'&2013&0 &$in"#e and t*! $haft"a$ t+rbine$.htm#

    A##iance f!r ater E-cienc'. (2016). Resource Library: Introduction toCooling Towers . Retrie ed fr!m A##iance f!r ater E-cienc' eb

    Site%http%&&***.a##iancef!r*atere-cienc'.!r"&c!!#in" t!*er intr!.a$p/

    a i$!n, . (n.d.). Resources: HVAC Education Australia Retrie ed fr!mA Ed+cati!n A+$tra#ia eb Site%

    http%&&***.h aced+cati!na+$tra#ia.c!m&Re$!+rce$& & 89:;

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