gathering entrance may 6, 2018 - amazon bird mission craft fair in fellowship hall cumc is...

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Children’s Choir Musical

MEDITATION - But strive first for the Kingdom of God and his

righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as

well. -Matthew 6:33

*please stand if you are able


MUSICAL INTERLUDE (10:40) Christina Harris


PRELUDE Melody Chimes

“He Has Made Me Glad” arr. by P. Bettcher

(Please use this time to prepare your heart for worship.)



Pastor Bernhardt: Now is the time for worship.

People: Now is the time to express our love to God.

Pastor Bernhardt: We have come together to receive what God

has to give.

People: We have gathered to make our requests known.

Pastor Bernhardt: God is worthy of our trust.

People: God hears our every prayer.

*OPENING HYMN “Be Thou My Vision” No. 451


Liturgist: The Lord be with you.

People: And also with you.

Liturgist: Let us pray together.

People: Great God of heaven and earth, be Lord of our hearts this

day. Grant us the vision and wisdom to live for you. You are our

treasure. Nothing is more precious than your presence. Amen.


FIRST LESSON: Matthew 13:44-46 pg. 15 NT

SECOND LESSON: Luke 12:29-34 pg. 75 NT

Reader: This is the Word of God for us.

People: Thanks be to God.


CHILDREN’S MUSICAL “Treasure Island”+


(You may complete a prayer card in the pew rack in front of you

and place it in the offering plate or hand it to one of our pastors.)

OFFERTORY “With Grateful Hearts” J. S. Bach


Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;

Praise God, all creatures here below: Alleluia! Alleluia!

Praise God, the source of all our gifts!

Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts!

Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!



THE LORD’S PRAYER – use “trespasses” pg. 895


*HYMN “Seek Ye First” No. 405


*POSTLUDE “Jubilation” J. D. Payne

(If you are able, please remain in the pews briefly for the postlude.)

+Treasure Island Musical Program

“We’re Takin’ a Trip”

“Pirate’s Adventure”

Solos - Adam MacNair, Chris Hooper, Henry Barlick, Stella Baruffi,

Haruka Weir

“I’m Storin’ Up Some Treasures”

Solo – Lucy Chelton Drums – Chris Hooper, Adam MacNair

“Blessed Is the One”

Trio 1 – Juliana Napolitano, Mia Prusak, and Caroline Reid

Trio 2 – Nicholas Hadka, Ryan Reid, Tomoki Weir

“The Kingdom of God”

Solo – Allyson Barlick


Solos – Cierra Ruser, Stella Baruffi, Olivia Iseman, Chris Hooper,

Adam MacNair, Anna Weatherwax

“The Pearl of Great Price”

“Time Will Tell”

Solo – Nicolas Baruffi

“Amen! The Treasure of Heaven Is Alive!”

Solo – Haruka Weir

Cast List:

Captain Fisher- Haruka Weir First Mate- Anna Weatherwax

Polly 1- Adam MacNair Polly 2- Lucy Chelton

Stella- Stella Baruffi Bella- Olivia Iseman

Becky– Allyson Barlick Bob- Henry Barlick

Hannah– Cierra Ruser Timmy- Chris Hooper

Bart- Nicolas Baruffi Lost Pirate- Tomoki Weir

Announcer- Lucy Chelton

Island Visitors– Andrew Blissman, Natalie Hadka, Juliana Napolitano,

Becca Prusak, Mia Prusak, Caroline Reid, Ryan Reid, Misaki Weir,

and Tomoki Weir

ALL music is presented by the Carol and Cherub choirs.

ALL songs, except “Gold”, are written by Celeste and/or David T.

Clydesdale and arranged by David T. Clydesdale.

“Gold” is written by Britt Nicole, Jess Cates, and Dan Muckala, Arr. David

T. Clydesdale.

May 6, 2018

8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.

Welcome to Worship at

Transforming Lives in the Love of Jesus Christ

Health and Healing…

D. Sakon Dennis Diane Bresser The Family of Samuel Laverty

Barbara Doyle *

*indicates newly added

Financial Information: Special Offerings...

Mission of the Month:

April—Mitzvah Circle Foundation $5,003.50

May—Red Bird Mission Craft Fair $669.00

Attendance - April 29, 2018 8:30: 109 11:00: 135

Special Happenings This Week at Christ United Methodist Church…

Wednesday, May 9:

8:30am– Men’s Breakfast Group at West Main Diner

1:30pm– Earthen Vessels in the Lounge Thursday, May 10:

7pm– Board of Trustees Meeting in Reichley Room Saturday, May 12:

9am-2pm-Red Bird Mission Craft Fair in Fellowship Hall Sunday, May 13:

Red Bird Mission Craft Fair in Fellowship Hall

CUMC is delighted to host the Red Bird Mission Appalachian Craft

Fair on Saturday, May 12, 9am-2pm, and Sunday, May 13, before,

between and after services. Located in the Appalachian region of

Kentucky, The Red Bird Mission seeks to assist local Kentucky crafters

by marketing and selling their crafts. The craft ministry provides extra

income to retired, disabled and unemployed persons living with

limited resources. The items sold at the craft fair are high-quality and

hand-crafted by skilled artisans. Crafts include hand carved wood

toys, dinnerware and decorations; pottery, jewelry, carved coal

figurines, woven items and even furniture! You will not only be

supporting a mission with your purchase, you will be purchasing a

quality item you are sure to value!

Liturgists: 8:30— Pastor Nicholson 11:00— Pastor Nicholson

Acolytes: 8:30— 11:00—

Greeters: 8:30— Carolyn Gibson & Dennis Bieler 11:00— Fred & Carol Wynne

Lay Readers: 8:30— Caroline & Ryan Reid 11:00— Caroline & Ryan Reid

Sound Technicians: 8:30—Steve Fallows 11:00— Andrew Guenther

Nursery Volunteers: 8:30— Wendy Clemmer


11:00— Paul Bernhardt

Circuit Kids: Anne Marie Legates

Communion Steward:

Ushers: 8:30—Jim Hare, Tony Trifiletti, Jeff Baer, Mark Stauffer, John Sullivan, and

Sharon Moran.

11:00—Barbara Doyle, Dick Robinson, Scott Shorts, Gina Shorts, Judi

Plummer, and Brian Harrison.

Phil Woodruff is this month’s captain.

Contact Us!

Church Website

Church Phone 215-855-1643

Preschool Phone 215-412-7836

Church E-mail

Trustees E-mail

Prayer Concerns


Rev. Gary Nicholson, Pastor

Rev. Tawny Bernhardt, Pastor, Children’s Ministries

Pastor Eric Chelton, Assistant Pastor & Interim Director of Student Ministries

Marge Kramer, Director of Congregational Care

Miki Chelton, Director of Music

Katie Campbell, Organist/Dir. Youth Choir

Elysa Dalbow, Praise Band

Mary Conroy, Preschool Director

Nikki Young, Church Office Manager

Kara Johnson, Church Secretary 215-855-1643

Rev. Tracy Bass, District Superintendent

Bishop Peggy A. Johnson, Resident Bishop

See our full staff list on our website —and click on Meet Our Staff!

Today’s sanctuary flowers are presented by:

Carolyn Gibson & Dennis Bieler in celebration of their wedding

on May 11.


Marge Kramer & Bruce Lawhon in loving memory of their

parents, Ruth & Bernard Lawhon and Jo & Walt Kramer.

Members, Regular Attendees,

and Visitors, please fill out the

attendance sheet in the teal

folder at the end of your pew. Pass the folder to your fellow

worshipers then return it to the center aisle. First Time Visitors: please

also complete a blue “CONNECT” card in the pew rack in front of

you; it may be placed in the offering plate. Also, pick up a Welcome

Packet at the Welcome Table before you leave. If you have special

needs, please see one of our ushers.

Christ UMC offers a staffed nursery from 8:30am until after the 11am

service, in room 21, in the preschool hallway. Children, birth through 4

years old, can be dropped off and picked up as needed throughout

the morning. If you would rather keep your child with you, an

unstaffed space, in rooms 15-17, is available in case you need a

diaper change, a quiet place to rock, or some space to move

around. The worship service is broadcast through a speaker.

For more information on these and other happenings at CUMC, please pick up a copy of this

month’s Evangel in the lobby or go to our website at and click on the

Newsletter box for this month’s newsletter.

Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN) is back at CUMC! During the

month of June, we need volunteers to help welcome our families and

we would love to have your help! There are three ways in which you

can help: By preparing or purchasing a meal that you will share with

our guests, by transporting our guests to and from their daytime

location or to be an overnight host to our guests, which means you

get to wear your pajamas to church for a sleepover!! There are sign-

up calendars available on the IHN table in the narthex, along with

coordinators who can answer any questions you may have.

Coordinators for IHN include: Host coordinators: Chad Hussein

(, Sherry Harris (; Meal

Coordinators: Gwen Diamond (, Becky Sitler

(; Transportation Coordinators: Jim Barlick

(, Tina Eckhart (;

Overnight Coordinator: Brian Dalbow (

We are excited to have a Christ UMC outing to the Lehigh Valley Iron

Pigs! A fun family event for all. We will be going to the game

on Saturday, August 25th at 6:35pm. This is Salute to Philly Night. It

includes appearances by the Philly Phanatic and Philadelphia

Inspired Fireworks. Tickets are $11/ticket (Children 2 and under are

free IF they sit on a lap). The ticket also includes a $2 ball park credit

that can be used for food or souvenirs. If you would like, you can also

pre-purchase a parking pass for $5. Please sign up in the lobby or

contact Nikki Young in the church office at 215-855-1643

or Don't delay, commit to this fun

outing TODAY!

One more Sanctuary Flower Sponsor is needed for May 20th. Please

contact the office to sponsor this arrangement ($20).

We have recently learned that the Lansdale Acme will be closing in

June. This is a store we have grocery gift cards for. We would like to

sell through our stock of gift cards and then will no longer be offering

those cards. If you shop there we encourage you to help us by

purchasing grocery gift cards in the lobby on Sunday

mornings. Remember all gift card sales help to pay down our


A Drama Director is needed for VBS skits. Please contact Pastor Tawny

if you are interested in this role.

There is a need for volunteers to dismantle the Craft Fair on Sunday

afternoon, May 13. Please let Pastor Nicholson know if you are

available to help.

Join the CUMC Grass Cutting Team. Is your Spiritual Gift mowing the

lawn? If so, we have the group for you! Our team mows the lawn at

the church between May and October. Each team member usually

commits to helping about once per month, but one-time pinch

mowers are also welcome. For more information and to sign-up,

please contact Tim Weir at

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