gatsby reading schedule

Post on 14-Jun-2015






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Name: English 11

The Great Gatsby Reading Schedule

# pages Due Date

Preface & Chapter 1 30 pages 3/28 (AC Days) & 3/31 (BD)

Chapter 2 15 4/1 & 4/2

Chapter 3 21

Chapter 4 20

Chapter 5 & 6 31

Chapter 7 ** 34

Chapter 8 16

Chapter 9 18

Journals1 per chapter required for a total of 9.

Respond thoughtfully and thoroughly to the chapter. Must go beyond mere summarization, must be your own work. Must include textual evidence and citation. Write about whatever you want (these are just ideas):

1. Choose different characters to focus on:a. Describe the characterb. Assess a quote that represents the character. c. Describe the character's best/worst qualities and evolution.d. Describe the character's role in the novel.

2. Reflect on the significance of setting3. Choose a meaningful quote and describe its significance in the novel or questions it raises for

you. 4. Note the page number of symbols and explain their significance. Remember that symbols usually

help develop a theme. Here are some symbols identified by others: the color green the green light the color white

silver and gold the ash heap the eyes of T.J. Eckleburg

Gatsby’s career/Nick’s career Gatsby’s library of books Dan Cody

East vs. West Egg rain in chapter five heat in chapter seven

Wolfsheim’s cufflinks Gatsby’s car/clothes

5. Reflect on possible themes and your own experience with them today: The American Dream, Time, Money/Wealth, Loss, Hope, Success, Material Excess, Morality, the Past (can we go back, relive, do over?), Happiness, Imagination, Love, or something else.

Name: English 11

Gatsby Journal Grading

Exemplary Journals (95-100) will be thorough and complete, and will demonstrate clear and insightful thought. Journal will demonstrate connections between quotes and analysis, and will contain ample evidence of careful effort. Organization, grammar, spelling and citations of page numbers, etc. will be excellent.

Very Good Journals (88-94) will be complete, and will demonstrate clear thought. Journal will demonstrate connections between quotes and analysis as the result of solid effort. Organization, grammar, spelling and citations will be clear.

Good Journals (80-87) will be complete, and will demonstrate some thought. Journal will demonstrate a thread between quotes and analysis, though some connections may need to be pressed further. Organization, grammar, spelling, and citations may need some additional work to attain full clarity.

Journals in Need of Improvement (65-79) may be late, incomplete, and/or seem rushed, hurried, not finished, or otherwise the result of insufficient thought. A thread between quotes and analysis may be unclear because of lack of clarity in organization, grammar, spelling and/or citations.

Unacceptable Journals (64 and below) may suffer from a predominance of the concerns of Journals in Need of Improvement. This work is the result of careless effort.

** Samples to be posted on website after Chapter 1 is turned in.

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