general information

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TCS Operations Documentation General Information

General Information

System Description

The Title Code System has two primary purposes: serving as the official repository of policies related to job classifications at the University, and processing range adjustments for staff, shift differential and academic rates. The system includes title codes for both academic and non-academic titles. These two groups of title codes are handled quite differently as far as the data that is carried, and the processes. For this reason, the system can be thought of as four systems:

1. official repository of data pertaining to non-academic title codes (including Tier 1 titles (Professional Support Staff, or PSS) and Tier 2 titles (Management and Senior Professionals (MSP) and Senior Management (SMG), defined as titles within Tier 2 in the range 0001 – 0199, formerly referred to as the Executive Program));

2. official repository of data pertaining to academic title codes;

3. processing for academic range adjustments; and

4. processing for non-academic base rates and shift differential range adjustments.

The last of these four functions, non-academic base rates and shift differential range adjustment processing, is largely performed by the Title Code Range system (TCR), a PC-based system that interfaces with the mainframe Title Code System. This document describes the mainframe side of these interfaces, but does not cover information regarding the TCR range adjustment system.

The Title Code System (TCS) database is a DB2 database consisting of the following base tables:

DB2 Table Description

Academic and Non-Academic tables:TCSTCIB Common Information, for all Personnel Programs

Non-Academic tables:TCSTCCB Campus-specific data, for non-academic titlesTCSTCSB Sub-Location data, for non-academic titles

TCSTDFB Shift Differential ratesTCSTOCB On-Call RatesTCSTSSB Staff Rate Set data (Tier 1 titles only)TCSTSRB Staff Rates (Tier 1 titles only)TCSTTGB Title Grade TableTCSTPGD Salary Grade Table

Academic tables:

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TCSTACB Academic Common information (academic titles only)TCSTARB Academic Step Id'sTCSTGRB Academic Compensation Group RatesTCSTGTB Academic Compensation Group Table Title informationTCSTRUL Academic Range Adjustment Rules

General Purpose tables:TCSTDAT Data Element Code Value tableTCSTCDT Campus Data Element Code Value TableTCSTCTL Control TableTCSTUSQ Utility Table (contains one blank row, used for

invoking DB2 utilities)

In addition to the above tables, there are audit tables for select base tables. These audit tables are used to record online updates made by the users via CICS:

DB2 Audit Table Description

Academic and Non-Academic Audit tables: TCSTCIA Common Information audit table

Non-Academic Audit tables: TCSTCCA Campus-specific audit table TCSTCSA Sub-Location audit table TCSTDFA Shift Differential rates audit table TCSTOCA On-Call Rates audit table TCSTSSA Staff Rate Set audit table TCSTSRA Staff Rates audit table TCSTTGA Title Grade audit table

Academic Audit tables: TCSTACA Academic Common information audit table TCSTARA Academic Step Id's audit table

Throughout the month users may make online changes to the TCS DB2 base tables via CICS screens. In general, the non-academic users and academic users work completely independently. Also, while the online system is up and available throughout the month, it is likely that the users will concentrate their updates within one week (although it may not be the same week for non-academic and academic users). The users will request audit reports for the period during which they are performing online updates, to enable them to check their work. The users may refer to the online update process as "monthly maintenance".

Once monthly maintenance is complete for both academic and non-academic users, month-end processing may proceed. This processing includes production of various reports and the following interface files:

1. a tape for TPF&C2. a Focus file for Corporate Personnel System3. transactions for the Payroll/Personnel System (PPS) Title Code Table (TCT)

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There may be months where no online activity occurs. In this case, month-end processing does not need to be run. Also, the interface to the PPS Title Code Table (TCT) may occur more frequently than monthly, and is often run after a range adjustment has completed.

Specific pay rates are carried within the Title Code System for non-academic base rates, Shift Differential rates, and Academic rates. Periodically, the University increases these rates, both within the Title Code System, and in each of the campus Payroll/Personnel Systems, to increase employee's pay (if they are working in one of the titles selected for inclusion in the range adjustment). These mass increases (or possibly decreases) of rates are called "range adjustments".

The academic range adjustment process is handled entirely by the mainframe system. The range adjustment process starts with the academic users making online entries, and requesting reports. Once the range adjustment is finalized, the Final Academic Range Adjustment job is run (TCS32F), and PPS range adjustment transactions are produced. Once the processes are reviewed and approved, the campuses are notified that the PPS range adjustment transactions are available for campuses to retrieve using ftp.

The non-academic base rates and shift differential range adjustment processes are performed by a combination of the mainframe TCS system and the TCR, a PC-based system. Initially, extracts from the mainframe TCS DB2 database are created and written to a server. The PC-based system copies these extract files and calculates new rates based on the old rates in the extract files plus online input from the users. Once finalized, these new rates are put on the server by the TCR system, and the mainframe job copies these files, updates the TCS DB2 database with the new, range adjusted rates, generates PPS range adjustment transactions, and produces reports. The TCSSAUP job performs these functions for non-academic base rates, and the TCSDFUP job performs these functions for shift differential rates.

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Application Control Information - Project Contacts

Production Control: David Doran 3rd floor, Kaiser 987-0202 mail id:

Maintenance: <who?> 7th floor, Franklin Building 987-xxxx mail id:

Information Management: Marit Marino 7th floor, Franklin Building 987-0395 mail id:

Academic Users: Jo Agustin 11th floor, Franklin Building 987-9486 mail id:

Non-Academic Users, <who?> monthly maintenance: ?th floor, Franklin Building 987-xxxx mail id:

Non-Academic Users, for non-academic range adjustment, range adjustment coordination with users will be handled by the Information Management contact

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Files Sent FROM the TCS System

The following files are sent out to other systems FROM the TCS system:

1. Corporate Personnel System (FCP) Interface

On a monthly basis, a Focus database is created and copied to tape for use by the Corporate Personnel System, running on the VM/CMS system at UCOP (UCCVMA machine).

2. TPF&C tape

On a monthly basis, a tape is created and sent to TPF&C, the University Actuaries. This file contains only the Personnel Program (with academic titles split into two categories rather than one) and Title code.

3. Payroll/Personnel Title Code Table Interface

Transactions are generated on a regular basis (usually monthly) for the Title Code Table (TCT) within the local Payroll/Personnel System (PPS) at each campus. Unlike the interfaces to the other systems, the TCT transactions must represent changes made for the period since the last interface to TCT. To accomplish this, extract files are created on a regular basis, and a comparison is made between the current set of extract files and the previous set of extract files. When differences between the extract files exist, TCT transactions are generated to delete, change or add data in TCT.

4. Payroll/Personnel Range Adjustment Transactions (also called Payscale Table)

The range adjustment processes within TCS are designed both to update the TCS DB2 database with the range adjusted rates, and to produce transactions for each of the campus Payroll/Personnel systems to range adjust employees' pay rates. There are three range adjustment processes that generate PPS range transactions:

Academic range adjustments Non-academic base rates range adjustments (also referred to as "staff range

adjustment" in this document) Shift Differential rates range adjustments

The transactions generated by each of these three types of range adjustments are identical in format.

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5. Range Adjustment Extract Files

Much of the processing for the staff and shift differential range adjustments is performed within the Title Code Range (TCR) system, a separate PC-based system. When a non-academic base rates range adjustment or Shift Differential range adjustment is starting, extract files from the mainframe TCS DB2 database are created and copied to the IR&C server. The TCR system reads the server files and processes the range adjustment amounts entered by the users. Range adjustment extract files are either Preliminary, in which case the data will not be copied back to the mainframe, or Final, in which case the data will be copied back to the mainframe for processing.

Files Sent TO the TCS System

The following files are sent to the TCS system from elsewhere:

1. Final Range Adjustment Files

Much of the processing for the staff and shift differential range adjustments is performed within the Title Range System (TCR), a separate PC-based system. If the range adjustment extracts used by the TCR system were created as Final extracts, then the TCR system will place the resulting range adjusted files on the IR&C server, and these files will be copied by TCS batch jobs for processing. The mainframe processing of these files includes:

editing the files against the TCS DB2 database, to ensure that the correct files were copied from the server;

updating the TCS DB2 database with the newly range adjusted staff rates or shift differential rates;

generation of PPS range adjustment transactions; and generation of various reports.

Account Information

PROTCS is the MVS account used to submit jobs for the TCS system.

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Libraries (UCC MVS Machine)

The libraries where TCS code resides on MVS are as follows:

Library Description

PRO.CTL.CLIST TSO ClistsPRO.CTL.CNTLIB Control cards (e.g. sort control cards or program

control cards)PRO.CTL.FTPLIB FTP commandsPRO.CTL.ISPPLIB ISPF Panels for Job SubmissionPRO.CTL.ISPSLIB ISPF Skeletons (run JCL)PRO.CTL.PROCLIB JCL Cataloged Procedures (PROCs)PRO.CTL.REXX Rexx programs (TCS has only one)PRO.CTL.SYSTSIN utility statements that identify the DB2 subsystem and

plan namePRO.MNT.BINDLIB DB2 Bind statementsPRO.MNT.BMSLIB BMS maps (generated by SDF)PRO.MNT.COBOL COBOL Source CodePRO.MNT.COPYLIB COBOL Copy MembersPRO.MNT.DBRMLIB DB2 Database Request Modules created by the DB2

Precompiler for batch programsPRO.MNT.DBRMLIBO DB2 Database Request Modules created by the DB2

Precompiler for online programsPRO.MNT.DCLLIB COBOL Copy Members generated by DB2 DCLGENPRO.MNT.DDLLIB Data Definition statements (SQL code for creating

DB2 objects)PRO.MNT.DGIPNL SDF source for CICS screensPRO.MNT.FOCAFD FOCUS Access File Definitions for DB2 tablesPRO.MNT.FOCEXEC FOCUS source code (i.e. Focexecs)PRO.MNT.LOADLIB Load Modules for batch programsPRO.MNT.LOADLIBO Load Modules for online programs and CICS mapsPRO.MNT.MAPLIB Cobol copy members for maps (generated by SDF)PRO.MNT.MASTER FOCUS MastersPRO.STORPROC.LOADLIB DB2 Stored Procedures

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TCS Disk Datasets (UCC MVS Machine)

Dataset Name Description

FTPUSR0.GET.TCSRNGAC.Emmddyy.Dmmddyy Payroll range trans for Academic range(same for all campuses)

FTPUSRn.GET.TCSRNGSA.Emmddyy.Dmmddyy TCS Range Adjustment transactionsfor base rates, where n=campus code(1 – 10), Emmddyy is effective date of range, and Dmmddyy is system date when file was created

FTPUSRn.GET.TCSTCT.Dmmddyy TCT transactions for campus n (1 – 10)FTPUSRn.GET.TCSRNGDF.Eemedey.Dmmddyy Payroll range trans for shift, where n is

campus (1 – 10)FTPUSRn.GET.TCS339.Eemedey.Dmmddyy Final Rates rpt for shift, where n is campus

(1 - 10)FTPUSRn.GET.TCS349.Eemedey.Dmmddyy Final Rates rpt for staff, where n is campus


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Note: incremental image copy backups will no longer be created on a regular basis, but we are leaving the JCL in place that creates the incremental backups so that we still have that capability, should we need it at some point.


TCS.RNGPREB[p].CAMPUS Campus/Pay Rep range adj file for staff base rates, Preliminarywhere p is the Population:C=Clerical stepped ratesM=merit-based ratesN=Nurses stepped ratesP=Patient Care Tech stepped rates

TCS.RNGPREB[p].CONTROL Control range adj file for non-acad. base rates, Preliminary

where p is the Population:C=Clerical stepped ratesM=merit-based rates

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N=Nurses stepped ratesP=Patient Care Tech stepped rates

TCS.RNGPREB[p].SRATES range adj file for non-acad. base rates, Preliminary

where p is the Population:C=Clerical stepped ratesM=merit-based ratesN=Nurses stepped ratesP=Patient Care Tech stepped rates

TCS.RNGPREB[p].ERR.RPT range adj extract error report for non-acad. base rates, Preliminary

where p is the Population:C=Clerical stepped ratesM=merit-based ratesN=Nurses stepped ratesP=Patient Care Tech stepped rates

TCS.RNGPREB[p].TNAME Title range adj file for non-acad. base rates, Preliminary

where p is the Population:C=Clerical stepped ratesM=merit-based ratesN=Nurses stepped ratesP=Patient Care Tech stepped rates

TCS.RNGPREDF.CAMPUS Campus/Pay Rep range adj file for shift rates (Preliminary)

TCS.RNGPREDF.CONTROL Control range adj file for shift rates (Preliminary)

TCS.RNGPREDF.DFRATES range adj file for shift rates (Preliminary)

TCS.RNGPREDF.ERR.RPT range adj extract error report for shift rates (Preliminary)

TCS.RNGPREDF.TNAME Title range adj file for shift rates (Prelim)

TCS.RNGFNLB[p].CAMPUS Campus/Pay Rep range adj file for non-acad. base rates, Final

where p is the Population:C=Clerical stepped ratesM=merit-based ratesN=Nurses stepped ratesP=Patient Care Tech stepped rates

TCS.RNGFNLB[p].CONTROL Control range adj file for non-acad. base rates, Final

where p is the Population:C=Clerical stepped ratesM=merit-based ratesN=Nurses stepped ratesP=Patient Care Tech stepped rates

TCS.RNGFNLB[p].SRATES range adj file for non-acad. base rates, Final

where p is the Population:C=Clerical stepped ratesM=merit-based ratesN=Nurses stepped ratesP=Patient Care Tech stepped rates

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TCS.RNGFNLB[p].ERR.RPT range adj extract error report for non-acad. base rates, Final

where p is the Population:C=Clerical stepped ratesM=merit-based ratesN=Nurses stepped ratesP=Patient Care Tech stepped rates

TCS.RNGFNLB[p].TNAME Title range adj file for non-acad. base rates, Final

where p is the Population:C=Clerical stepped ratesM=merit-based ratesN=Nurses stepped ratesP=Patient Care Tech stepped rates

TCS.RNGFNLDF.CAMPUS Campus/Pay Rep range adj file for shift rates (Final)

TCS.RNGFNLDF.CONTROL Control range adj file for shift rates (Final)

TCS.RNGFNLDF.DFRATES range adj file for shift rates (Final)

TCS.RNGFNLDF.ERR.RPT range adj extract error report for shift rates (Final)

TCS.RNGFNLDF.TNAME Title range adj file for shift rates (Final)

TCS.RNGRTNDF.CONTROL Shift Diff range adj control file, from server

TCS.RNGRTNDF.DFRATES Range Adj shift rates, from server

TCS.RNGRTNSA.CONTROL Non-acad. range adj control file, from server

TCS.RNGRTNSA.SRATES Range Adj non-acad. rates, from server

TCS.SORTED.TCSFSHJF intermediate shift diff. range file (temporary)TCS.TCSB2211.RPT Report listing Academic Comp Groups with

2nd column of rates moved to 1st columnTCS.TCSB3001.RPT Shift Differential range adj control lock rptTCS.TCSB321.TCSFACJF intermediate academic range adj fileTCS.TCSB323.CARDFIL runtime parameters for academic range adjTCS.TCSB3301.RPT Shift Diff range adj. evaluation--error rptTCS.TCSB332.TCSFSHJX intermediate shift diff. range adj fileTCS.TCSB332S.TCSFSHJX sorted intermediate shift diff. range fileTCS.TCSB340.TCSFSTJW temporary base rates range adj work fileTCS.TCSB3401.RPT Base rates range adj. evaluation--error rptTCS.TCSB342.TCSFSTJX intermediate base rates range adj. fileTCS.TCSB342S.TCSFSTJX sorted intermediate base rates range adj. fileTCS.TCSB381.TCSFTCTT Common info TCT transactions, all campusesTCS.TCSB382.TCSFTCTT staff rate set TCT transactions, all campusesTCS.TCSB383.TCSFTCTT staff rates TCT transactions, all campusesTCS.TCSB384.TCSFTCTT shift diff rates TCT trans, all campusesTCS.TCSB385.TCSFTCTT on-call rates TCT transactions, all campusesTCS.TCSB386.TCSFTCTT academic common info TCT trans, all campusesTCS.TCSB387.TCSFTCTT academic rates TCT transactions, all campusesTCS.TCSB388.TCSFTCTT Sub Location TCT transactions, all campusesTCS.TCSB389.TCSFTCTT Title Grade TCT transactions, all campusesTCS.TCSDBP.DSNTIAUL temporary PDS for the DB2 unload processTCS.TCSTCTAL all TCT transactions, all campusesTCS.TCSTCT01.GggggV00 TCT transactions for BerkeleyTCS.TCSTCT02.GggggV00 TCT transactions for SF

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TCS.TCSTCT03.GggggV00 TCT transactions for DavisTCS.TCSTCT04.GggggV00 TCT transactions for LATCS.TCSTCT05.GggggV00 TCT transactions for RiversideTCS.TCSTCT06.GggggV00 TCT transactions for San DiegoTCS.TCSTCT07.GggggV00 TCT transactions for Santa CruzTCS.TCSTCT08.GggggV00 TCT transactions for Santa BarbaraTCS.TCSTCT09.GggggV00 TCT transactions for IrvineTCS.TCSTCT10.GggggV00 TCT transactions for Merced

TCS.TCS320.RPT Academic range adj. rules and change amts rptTCS.TCS324.RPT Academic range adj. exclude reportTCS.TCS325.RPT Academic range adj. include report, no ratesTCS.TCS326.RPT Academic range adj. include report, with ratesTCS.TCS328.RPT list of academic range adj. PPS transTCS.TCS336.RPT shift differential range adj.

ambiguous rates rptTCS.TCS33801.RPT shift diff. range adj. PPS trans rpt, BerkeleyTCS.TCS33802.RPT shift diff. range adj. PPS trans rpt, SFTCS.TCS33803.RPT shift diff. range adj. PPS trans rpt, DavisTCS.TCS33804.RPT shift diff. range adj. PPS trans rpt, LATCS.TCS33805.RPT shift diff. range adj. PPS trans rpt, RiversideTCS.TCS33806.RPT shift diff. range adj. PPS trans rpt, San DiegoTCS.TCS33807.RPT shift diff. range adj. PPS trans rpt,

Santa CruzTCS.TCS33808.RPT shift diff. range adj. PPS trans rpt,

Santa BarbaraTCS.TCS33809.RPT shift diff. range adj. PPS trans rpt, IrvineTCS.TCS33810.RPT shift diff. range adj. PPS trans rpt, MercedTCS.TCS339.RPT shift diff. range adj. final rates rptsTCS.TCS3393.RPT shift diff. range adj. final rates rpt (3rd only)TCS.TCS348[cc].RPT staff range adj. PPS trans report

where cc is the campus (01-10)TCS.TCS349.RPT staff range adj. final rates reportsTCS.TCS3493.RPT.GnnnnV00 staff range adj. final rates report (3rd only)TCS.TCS371M.TCSFCVAF merged old and new common info,

for TCT interfaceTCS.TCS371MS.TCSFCVAF sorted merged common info, for TCT interfaceTCS.TCS371X.GggggV00 common info extract, for TCT interfaceTCS.TCS372M.TCSFCVBF merged old and new staff rate set data, for

TCT interfaceTCS.TCS372MS.TCSFCVBF sorted merged staff rate set data,

for TCT interfaceTCS.TCS372X.GggggV00 staff rate set extract, for TCT interfaceTCS.TCS373M.TCSFCVCF merged old and new staff rates,

for TCT interfaceTCS.TCS373MS.TCSFCVCF sorted merged staff rates, for TCT interfaceTCS.TCS373X.GggggV00 staff ates extract, for TCT interfaceTCS.TCS374M.TCSFCVDF merged old and new shift rates,

for TCT interfaceTCS.TCS374MS.TCSFCVDF sorted merged shift rates, for TCT interfaceTCS.TCS374X.GggggV00 shift rates extract, for TCT interfaceTCS.TCS375M.TCSFCVEF merged old and new on-call rates,

for TCT interfaceTCS.TCS375MS.TCSFCVEF sorted merged on-call rates, for TCT interfaceTCS.TCS375X.GggggV00 on-call rates extract, for TCT interfaceTCS.TCS376M.TCSFCVFF merged old and new academic common info, for

TCT interfaceTCS.TCS376MS.TCSFCVFF sorted merged academic common info,

for TCT interfaceTCS.TCS376X.GggggV00 academic common info extract, for TCT interfaceTCS.TCS377M.TCSFCVGF merged old and new academic rates, for

TCT interfaceTCS.TCS377MS.TCSFCVGF sorted merged academic rates, for TCT interface

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TCS.TCS377X.GggggV00 academic rates extract, for TCT interfaceTCS.TCS378M.TCSFCVHF merged old and new Sub Location info, for

TCT interfaceTCS.TCS378MS.TCSFCVHF sorted merged Sub Location info,

for TCT interfaceTCS.TCS378X.GggggV00 Sub Location info extract, for TCT interfaceTCS.TCS379M.TCSFCVIF merged old and new Title Grade info, for

TCT interfaceTCS.TCS379MS.TCSFCVIF sorted merged Title Grade info,

for TCT interfaceTCS.TCS379X.GggggV00 Title Grade info extract, for TCT interface

TCS.TCS391.RPT listing of PPS TCT transactions by campusTCS.TCS4ACA.RPT academic common info audit reportTCS.TCS4AR.RPT academic rates (step id's) audit reportTCS.TCS4CCA.RPT campus-specific data audit reportTCS.TCS4CIA.RPT common information audit reportTCS.TCS4CSA.RPT Sub Location audit reportTCS.TCS4DFA.RPT shift differential rates audit reportTCS.TCS4OCA.RPT on-call rates audit reportTCS.TCS4SA.RPT staff rates audit reportTCS.TCS4TGA.RPT Title Grade audit reportTCS.TCS530.RPT Academic Compensation Group Table reportTCS.TCS531.RPT Academic Titles by Comp Group report, no ratesTCS.TCS532.RPT Academic Rates by Comp Group reportTCS.TCS538.RPT Non-academic titles by OSC/CTO reportTCS.TCS539.RPT Non-academic titles by FOC, OSC reportTCS.TCS540.RPT Academic titles by FOC, CTO reportTCS.TCS541.RPT Staff title listing rptTCS.TCS541R.RPT Staff title listing rpt (produced during range)TCS.TCS542.RPT Academic title listing rptTCS.TCS542R.RPT Academic title listing rpt (produced

during range)TCS.TCS543.RPT Executive and MAP title listing reportsTCS.TCS544.RPT A&PS title listing reportTCS.TCS545.RPT Shift and On-Call Rates reportTCS.TCS545R.RPT Shift and On-Call Rates rpt (produced

during range)TCS.TCS546.RPT OES and Six-month codes reportTCS.TCS555.RPT Index of Titles reportTCS.TCS556.RPT Restricted titles reportTCS.TCS557.RPT Frozen and Abolished titles reportsTCS.TCS558.RPT Index of academic title names reportTCS.TCS559.RPT Index of non-academic title names reportTCS.TCS702.RPT Class Title Outline reportTCS.TCS704.RPT Academic Position titles reportsTCS.TCS705.RPT Executive and MAP Position titles reportsTCS.TCS706.RPT A&PS and Staff Position titles reportsTCS.TCS771.RPT Staff Title and Pay Plan reportsTCS.TCS781.RPT A&PS Title and Pay Plan reportsTCS.TCS783.RPT On-Call rates title and pay plan reportsTCS.TCS784.RPT Shift Differential rates title and

pay plan reportsTCS.TCTSA Staff rate set and staff rates TCT trans,

all campusesTCS.UNLDPDS.TCSDBP.TEMPCOPY Temporary disk copy of unload backup tape being used

for a restore of the DB2 database

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TCS Disk Datasets (IR&C Server)

Dataset Name Description

TCRBRA.DAT Final range adjusted staff base ratesTCRCRAB.DAT Final staff base rates control fileTCRCRAS.DAT Final range adjusted shift differential ratesTCRSRA.DAT Final shift differential rates control fileTCSCTLBC.PRN Control file for staff base rates, ClericalTCSCTLBM.PRN Control file for staff base rates, MeritTCSCTLBN.PRN Control file for staff base rates, NursesTCSCTLBP.PRN Control file for staff base rates, Patient

Care TechTCSCTLSS.PRN Control file for shift differential ratesTCSSRPBC.PRN Campus/Pay Rep range adj. file for staff base

rates, ClericalTCSSRPBC.PRN Campus/Pay Rep range adj. file for staff base

rates, Merit-basedTCSSRPBN.PRN Campus/Pay Rep range adj. file for staff base

rates, NursesTCSSRPBP.PRN Campus/Pay Rep range adj. file for staff base

rates, Patient Care TechniciansTCSSRPSS.PRN Campus/Pay Rep file for shift differential

ratesTCSSRTBC.PRN Staff base rates for range adj., ClericalTCSSRTBC.PRN Staff base rates for range adj., MeritTCSSRTBN.PRN Staff base rates for range adj., NursesTCSSRTBP.PRN Staff base rates for range adj.,

Patient Care TechTCSSRTSS.PRN Shift Differential rates for range adjustmentTCSTTLBC.PRN Title range adj. file for staff base rates,

ClericalTCSTTLBMPRN Title range adj. file for staff base rates,

MeritTCSTTLBN.PRN Title range adj. file for staff base rates,

NursesTCSTTLBP.PRN Title range adj. file for staff base rates,

Patient Care TechTCSTTLSS.PRN Title range adj. file for shift differential


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TCS Onsite Tape Datasets (UCC MVS Machine)

Note: This list is not up-to-date as of May 2000

Dataset Name Description

TCS.FCPTC.mmmyy Focus interface file for Corporate Personnel System (CPS, or FCP)

TCS.FCPTC.MASTER.mmmyy Focus master for interface file for CPSTCS.RNGAC.PPSAL.BKP.Dmmddyy Payroll range trans for Academic rangeTCS.RNGDF.PPS01.BKP.Dmmddyy Payroll range trans backup for shift,

BerkeleyTCS.RNGDF.PPS02.BKP.Dmmddyy Payroll range trans backup for shift, SFTCS.RNGDF.PPS03.BKP.Dmmddyy Payroll range trans backup for shift, DavisTCS.RNGDF.PPS04.BKP.Dmmddyy Payroll range trans backup for shift, LATCS.RNGDF.PPS05.BKP.Dmmddyy Payroll range trans backup for shift,

RiversideTCS.RNGDF.PPS06.BKP.Dmmddyy Payroll range trans backup for shift,

San DiegoTCS.RNGDF.PPS07.BKP.Dmmddyy Payroll range trans backup for shift,

Santa CruzTCS.RNGDF.PPS08.BKP.Dmmddyy Payroll range trans backup for shift, SBTCS.RNGDF.PPS09.BKP.Dmmddyy Payroll range trans backup for shift,

IrvineTCS.RNGDF.PPS10.BKP.Dmmddyy Payroll range trans backup for shift, MercedTCS.RNGRTNDF.CONTROL.BKP.Dmmddyy Shift Diff range adj control file bkpTCS.RNGRTNDF.DFRATES.BKP.Dmmddyy Range adj. shift rates backupTCS.RNGRTNSA.CONTROL.BKP.Dmmddyy Staff range adj control file backupTCS.RNGRTNSA.SRATES.BKP.Dmmddyy Range adj staff rates backupTCS.RNGSA.PPS01.BKP.Dmmddyy Payroll range trans backup for staff,

BerkeleyTCS.RNGSA.PPS02.BKP.Dmmddyy Payroll range trans backup for staff, SFTCS.RNGSA.PPS03.BKP.Dmmddyy Payroll range trans backup for staff,

DavisTCS.RNGSA.PPS04.BKP.Dmmddyy Payroll range trans backup for staff, LATCS.RNGSA.PPS05.BKP.Dmmddyy Payroll range trans backup for staff,

RiversideTCS.RNGSA.PPS06.BKP.Dmmddyy Payroll range trans backup for staff,

San DiegoTCS.RNGSA.PPS07.BKP.Dmmddyy Payroll range trans backup for staff,

Santa CruzTCS.RNGSA.PPS08.BKP.Dmmddyy Payroll range trans backup for staff, SBTCS.RNGSA.PPS09.BKP.Dmmddyy Payroll range trans backup for staff,

IrvineTCS.RNGSA.PPS10.BKP.Dmmddyy Payroll range trans backup for staff, MercedTCS.TCSTCTAL.BKP.Dmmddyy backup of TCT transactions, all campusesTCS.TCSTCT01.BKP.Dmmddyy backup of TCT transactions for BerkeleyTCS.TCSTCT02.BKP.Dmmddyy backup of TCT transactions for SFTCS.TCSTCT03.BKP.Dmmddyy backup of TCT transactions for DavisTCS.TCSTCT04.BKP.Dmmddyy backup of TCT transactions for LATCS.TCSTCT05.BKP.Dmmddyy backup of TCT transactions for RiversideTCS.TCSTCT06.BKP.Dmmddyy backup of TCT transactions for San DiegoTCS.TCSTCT07.BKP.Dmmddyy backup of TCT transactions for Santa CruzTCS.TCSTCT08.BKP.Dmmddyy backup of TCT transactions for Santa BarbaraTCS.TCSTCT09.BKP.Dmmddyy backup of TCT transactions for IrvineTCS.TCSTCT10.BKP.Dmmddyy backup of TCT transactions for MercedTCS.TCS371X.BKP.Dmmddyy backup of common info extract, for

TCT interfaceTCS.TCS372X.BKP.Dmmddyy backup of staff rate set extract, for

TCT interface

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TCS Operations Documentation General Information

TCS.TCS373X.BKP.Dmmddyy backup of staff rates extract, for TCT interface

TCS.TCS374X.BKP.Dmmddyy backup of shift rates extract, for TCT interface

TCS.TCS375X.BKP.Dmmddyy backup of on-call rates extract, for TCT interface

TCS.TCS376X.BKP.Dmmddyy backup of academic common info extract, for TCT interface

TCS.TCS377X.BKP.Dmmddyy backup of academic rates extract, for TCT interfaceTCS.TCS378X.BKP.Dmmddyy backup of sub location extract, for

TCT interfaceTCS.TCS379X.BKP.Dmmddyy backup of title/grade extract, for

TCT interfaceTCS.TPFC.PERSPGM.mmmyy TPF&C interface tape (monthly)TCS.UNLDBKP.TCSDBP.GggggV00 onsite unload backup of TCS DB2 databaseTCS.UNLDDLY.TCSDBP.GggggV00 onsite daily unload backup of TCS DB2 dbTCS.UNLDRNG.TCSDBP.GggggV00 unload backup of TCS DB2 database (range)

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TCS Operations Documentation General Information

TCS Offsite Tape Datasets (UCC MVS Machine)

Dataset Name Description

TCS.UNLDBKP.TCSDBP.ARC.GggggV00 offsite unload backup of TCS DB2 database

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TCS Operations Documentation General Information

TCS Reports -- Description by Report Id

Report Id Job Name Description

TCSB300-1 TCSDFR Shift Differential range adj control lock reportTCSB310-1 TCSSAR Staff range adj control lock reportTCSB330-1 TCSDFUP Shift Differential range adj evaluation error reportTCSB340-1 TCSSAUP Staff Range Adj. evaluation error reportTCSCKCTL TCSDFUP Check job parameters against values in CONTROL file

TCSSAUPTCS221-1 TCS22 Report listing Academic Comp Groups with 2nd column

of rates moved to 1st columnTCS304 TCSDFR Shift Differential rates range adj extract error rptTCS314 TCSSAR Staff Rates Range Adj extract error reportTCS3201 TCS23 Academic range adjustment rules report

TCS32P "TCS3202 TCS23 Academic range adjustment change amounts report

TCS32P "TCS3241 TCS32P Academic range adjustment exclude report by Comp GrpTCS3242 TCS32P Academic range adjustment exclude report by TitleTCS3243 TCS32P Academic range adjustment exclude report by TUCTCS3251 TCS32P Academic range adj include rpt (no rates) by Comp GrpTCS3252 TCS32P Academic range adj include rpt (no rates) by TitleTCS3253 TCS32P Academic range adj include rpt (no rates by TUCTCS3261 TCS326 Academic range adj include rpt (w/rates) by Comp GrpTCS3262 TCS326 Academic range adj include rpt (w/rates) by TitleTCS328 TCS32F Academic PPS range adjustment transactions reportTCS336 TCSDFUP Shift Differential range adj. ambiguous rates rptTCS33801 TCSDFUP Shift PPS range adj transactions rpt, BerkeleyTCS33802 TCSDFUP Shift PPS range adj transactions rpt, SFTCS33803 TCSDFUP Shift PPS range adj transactions rpt, DavisTCS33804 TCSDFUP Shift PPS range adj transactions rpt, LATCS33805 TCSDFUP Shift PPS range adj transactions rpt, RiversideTCS33806 TCSDFUP Shift PPS range adj transactions rpt, San DiegoTCS33807 TCSDFUP Shift PPS range adj transactions rpt, Santa CruzTCS33808 TCSDFUP Shift PPS range adj transactions rpt, Santa BarbaraTCS33809 TCSDFUP Shift PPS range adj transactions rpt, IrvineTCS33810 TCSDFUP Shift PPS range adj transactions rpt, MercedTCS3391 TCSDFUP Final shift range adj. report, by linkageTCS3392 TCSDFUP Final shift range adj. report, by TUCTCS3393 TCSDFUP Final shift range adj. report, by TitleTCS34801 TCSSAUP Staff PPS range adj transactions rpt, BerkeleyTCS34802 TCSSAUP Staff PPS range adj transactions rpt, SFTCS34803 TCSSAUP Staff PPS range adj transactions rpt, DavisTCS34804 TCSSAUP Staff PPS range adj transactions rpt, LATCS34805 TCSSAUP Staff PPS range adj transactions rpt, RiversideTCS34806 TCSSAUP Staff PPS range adj transactions rpt, San DiegoTCS34807 TCSSAUP Staff PPS range adj transactions rpt, Santa CruzTCS34808 TCSSAUP Staff PPS range adj transactions rpt, Santa BarbaraTCS34809 TCSSAUP Staff PPS range adj transactions rpt, IrvineTCS34810 TCSSAUP Staff PPS range adj transactions rpt, MercedTCS3491 TCSSAUP Final staff range adj. report, by linkageTCS3492 TCSSAUP Final staff range adj. report, by TUCTCS3493 TCSSAUP Final staff range adj. report, by titleTCS391 TCSTCT2 listing of PPS TCT transactions by campusTCS4ACA TCS4AC academic common info audit reportTCS4AR TCS4AC academic rates (step id's) audit reportTCS4CCA TCS4N campus-specific data audit reportTCS4CIA TCS4N common information audit reportTCS4CSA TCS4N Sub Location audit reportTCS4DFA TCS4N shift differential rates audit report

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TCS Operations Documentation General Information

TCS4OCA TCS4N on-call rates audit reportTCS4SA TCS4N staff rates audit reportTCS4TGA TCS4N title/grade audit reportTCS530 TCS53 Academic Compensation Group Table reportTCS531 TCS53 Academic Titles by Comp Group report, no ratesTCS532 TCS53 Academic rates by Comp Group reportTCS538N TCS54 Non-academic titles by OSC reportTCS539N TCS54 Non-academic titles by FOC, OSC reportTCS540A TCS54 Academic titles by FOC, CTO reportTCS542A TCS32F Academic Title Listing report

TCS54 "TCS545 TCS54 Shift and On-Call Rates report

TCSDFUP "TCS547 TCS54 List of non-academic titles with no ratesTCS548 TCSSAUP Non-Academic Title Listing report

TCS54 "TCS549 TCS54 Non-Academic Title Report, rates in 3 formatsTCS555 TCS54 Index of Titles reportTCS556 TCS54 Restricted titles reportTCS5571 TCS54 Frozen titles reportTCS5572 TCS54 Abolished titles reportTCS558 TCS54 Index of Academic title names reportTCS559 TCS54 Index of Non-academic title names reportTCS702 TCS70 Class Title Outline reportTCS7041A TCS70 Academic Title Position report, by titleTCS7042A TCS70 Academic Title Position report, by name

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TCS Operations Documentation General Information


To be filled in

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TCS Operations Documentation General Information

How to Produce or Update This Document

The complete TCS Operations Document is available on the web, by job. The Word files that comprise the entire Operations Documentation by Operations Stream are listed below:

General Information:TCSgeneral.doc

Backup Operations Stream:TCSDLY.docTCSWKLY.doc

Audit Reports Operations Stream:TCS4AC.docTCS4N.doc

Month-end Reports and Interfaces Operations Stream:TCSMTH.docTCS54.docTCSFCP.docTCSTPFC.docTCSTCT1.docTCSTCT2.doc

Shift Differential Range Adjustment Operations Stream:TCSDFR.docTCSDAUP.docTCSDFLK.doc

Staff Range Adjustment Operations Stream:TCSSAR.docTCSSAUP.docTCSSALK.doc

Academic Range Adjustment Operations Stream:TCS53.docTCS32P.docTCS326.docTCS32F.docTCS22.docTCS23.doc

On-Request Reports Operations Stream:TCS548.docTCS549.doc

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TCS Operations Documentation General Information


Restore TCS DB2 Database – Recovery Only:TCSREST.doc

The web table of contents (in html) is in the document TCStableofcontents.htm.

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TCS Operations Documentation General Information

Glossary of Terms Used for TCS

The following abbreviations or acronyms may be used in this document or by users when requesting jobs:

Term Description

CPS Corporate Personnel System, a corporate system that is run on the VM/CMS system (i.e. the UCCVMA machine). This system is also referred to as FCP.

CTO Class Title Outline, a 3-character field used to group titles. This same field is sometimes referred to as OSC (Occupational SubGroup Code) when used for non-academic titles.

FCP Corporate Personnel System, a corporate system that is run on the VM/CMS system (i.e. the UCCVMA machine). This system is also referred to as CPS.

FLSA Fair Labor Standards Act--laws which affect some University personnel policies. In particular, this act affects how overtime is handled, which is related to the Overtime Exemption Status Code (OES code) in the Title Code System.

MSP Management and Senior Professional Staff, part of the Tier 2 non-academic Personnel Program. (The other part of the Tier 2 personnel program is Senior Management (SMG), identified as having titles in the range of 0001 – 0199 within Tier 2.) This group generally corresponds to the former Management and Professional personnel program referred to as MAP.

OES Overtime Exemption Status Code, a one-character field in the Title Code System database that indicates how overtime is handled for the title.

OSC Occupational Subgroup Category, a 3-character field used to group titles. This same field is sometimes referred to as CTO (Class Title Outline) when used for Academic titles.

PCT Patient Care Technicians, one of the three groups of non-academic titles that may be selected for a non-academic base rates range adjustment (the other two are: Nurses and Clerical).

PPS Payroll/Personnel System, the payroll system that is run at each of the nine campuses. The Title Code System sends transactions to update

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TCS Operations Documentation General Information

the Title Code Table (TCT) within the PPS, and also sends range adjustment transactions to PPS.

PSS Professional Support Staff, which comprises the Tier 1 non-academic personnel program. This group generally corresponds to the former A&PS and Staff Personnel Programs.

SMG Senior Management, part of the Tier 2 non-academic Personnel Program. (The other part of the Tier 2 personnel program is Management and Senior Professional (MSP). The Senior Management group is identified as having titles in the range of 0001 – 0199 within Tier 2.) This group generally corresponds to the former Executive Program.

TAPP Title and Pay Plan reports, of which there are several types (Staff, A&PS, Shift and On-Call rates are the four types of Title and Pay Plan Reports). These reports have become obsolete over the years, but people still refer to the "Title and Pay Plan". One report is still run by Information Management, but it is no longer part of the production TCS system.

Note: PPS also produces local versions of the Title and Pay Plan report(s) based on data in the Title Code Table (TCT) within PPS.

TCT Title Code Table in the Payroll/Personnel System that is run at each of the campuses

TPF&C Towers, Perrin, Forester and Crosby, the University Actuaries

TUC Title Unit Code, a 2-character code within the Title Code System indicating the representation group for the title.

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TCS Operations Documentation General Information

TCS Operation Streams

Backup Operations Stream

In order to capture online updates for backup purposes, a DB2 unload backup is run on a nightly basis and a full image backup is run on a weekly basis.

The Backup Operations stream for the Title Code system consists of the following jobs:

Job Frequency

TCSDLY Run nightly, after shutdown of the CICS region for TCS (CICSPTCS).

TCSWKLY Run weekly, after shutdown of the CICS region for TCS (CICSPTCS) on Monday, and before the CICS region is brought back up on Tuesday morning.

Audit Reports Operations Stream

All updates to the TCS DB2 database (outside of the range adjustment processes) occur as online updates performed by the users via CICS. A record is kept of nearly all of the online changes made by the users (a few of the DB2 tables do not have corresponding audit tables for tracking online changes). These changes are recorded in DB2 audit tables, which are part of the TCS DB2 database. The users will periodically ask for audit reports to be produced from these audit tables for a specified period of time, so that they may check their online updates. These jobs will be on-request.

Note: The users may refer to online updates made to the TCS DB2 database as "monthly maintenance", even though online updates may be made at any time on a daily basis.

The Audit Reports Operations stream for the Title Code system consists of the following jobs:

Job Frequency

TCS4AC Run upon user request during online updating by academic users.

TCS4N Run upon user request during online updating for non-academic users.

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TCS Operations Documentation General Information

Month-end Reports and Interfaces Operations Stream

Once all online updates to the TCS DB2 database by the user have been completed and reviewed, month-end reports and monthly interface files may be created. The users must indicate when month-end processing may be completed.

Note: The users may refer to completion of online updates to the TCS DB2 database as completion of "monthly maintenance".

Month-end processing includes creation of the TCT interface. While this interface will normally be run as part of the month-end processing, sometimes users will request that the TCT interface be run more frequently, often following a range adjustment process.

The TCT interface relies on comparing a current extract of data to the prior extract created as part of the last run of the TCT interface. It is therefore critical that reruns are done carefully; consult with the Maintenance programmer when in doubt.

The Month-End Reports and Interfaces Operations stream for the Title Code system consists of the following jobs:

Job Frequency

TCSMTH Run once users indicate that month-end processing may proceed

TCS54 Run once users indicate that month-end processing may proceed

TCSFCP Run once users indicate that month-end processing may proceed

TCSTPFC Run once users indicate that month-end processing may proceed

TCSTCT1 Run when users indicate that the TCT interface should be run (normally part of month-end processing)

TCSTCT2 Run upon successful completion of TCSTCT1

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TCS Operations Documentation General Information

Shift Differential Range Adjustment Operations Stream

In general, Shift Differential range adjustments occur on an annual basis, but may occur more frequently (or less frequently). Much of the processing for a Shift Differential Range process occurs in a PC-based system. Data is initially extracted from the mainframe TCS DB2 database, is then processed on the PC, and is finally uploaded back to the mainframe for processing. The initial extract job (TCSDFR) may be run multiple times as a Preliminary extract for a given range adjustment, but must be run only once as a Final extract.

The Shift Differential Range Adjustment Operations stream for the Title Code system consists of the following jobs:

Job Frequency

TCSDFR Run upon user request during range adjustment processing. (This job may be requested multiple times during a range adjustment process.)

TCSDFUP Run upon user request after the PC-based range adjustment processing is complete. (This job will be run only once for a range adjustment process.)

TCSDFLK Run upon user request, to unlock the shift differential range lock in the CTL DB2 table

Non-academic base rates (or Staff) Range Adjustment Operations Stream

In general, Staff range adjustments occur on an annual basis, but may occur more frequently (or less frequently). Staff Range Adjustments are performed for three separate populations (Nurses, Patient Care Technicians, and Clerical), so three range adjustments may occur very close together. The range process is also used to update merit-based rates, although no payscale files are sent to campuses in this case.

Much of the processing for a Staff Range process occurs in a PC-based system TCR. Data is initially extracted from the mainframe TCS DB2 database, is then processed on the PC, and is finally uploaded back to the mainframe for processing. The initial extract job (TCSSAR) may be run multiple times as a Preliminary extract for a given range adjustment, but must be run only once as a Final extract.

The Staff Range Adjustment Operations stream for the Title Code system consists of the following jobs:

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TCS Operations Documentation General Information

Job Frequency

TCSSAR Run upon user request during range adjustment processing. (This job may be requested multiple times during a range adjustment process.)

TCSSAUP Run upon user request after the PC-based range adjustment processing is complete. (This job will be run only once for a range adjustment process.)

TCSSALK Run upon user request, to unlock the staff range lock in the CTL DB2 table

Academic Range Adjustment Operations Stream

In general, Academic range adjustments occur on an annual basis, but may occur more frequently. During a range adjustment process, certain jobs will be run multiple times while users are finalizing the selection for the range process.

The Academic Range Adjustment Operations stream for the Title Code system consists of the following jobs:

Job Frequency

TCS53 Run upon user request prior to or during range adjustment processing. (This job will probably be requested multiple times during a range adjustment process.)

TCS32P Run upon user request during range adjustment processing. (This job will probably be requested multiple times during a range adjustment process.)

TCS326 Run upon user request, after the TCS32P job has successfully completed (this job will not always be requested when a TCS32P job is requested)

TCS32F Run upon user request during range adjustment processing. (This job will be run only once for a range adjustment process.)

TCS22 Run upon user request, after completion of one or more range adjustment processes

TCS23 Run upon user request, after completion of one or more range adjustment processes

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TCS Operations Documentation General Information

On-request Reports Operations Stream

The jobs below produce reports that are needed on an on-request basis. These reports are:

TCS548 non-academic rates report (including stepped, merit-based and graded rates)

TCS549 non-academic rates report, with rates in three formatsTCS70 the Academic and Staff Position reports TCS71 a listing of the Salary Grade table (PGD)

Job Frequency

TCS548 Run upon user request (Note: this report is also part of the TCS54 monthly report job)

TCS549 Run upon user request (Note: this report is also part of the TCS54 monthly report job)

TCS70 Run when users request the Position reports

TCS71 Run when users request the Salary Grade table report

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