general information swimming lessons at corby...

Post on 24-Aug-2020






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Swimming Lessons at Corby East Midlands InternationalPool

Corby East Midlands International Pool aims to provide quality swimming lessonsdelivered by enthusiastic and qualified instructors. We follow the AmateurSwimming Association (ASA) National Plan for Teaching Swimming (NPTS).

Parent and Toddler

Classes are designed for parent and toddler from 3 months to 4 years. A fun andfriendly learning environment with a qualified instructor. Highly recommendedprior to Duckling lessons. See pool timetable for sessions.

Duckling (3-4 years) – No Parents

Children will be taught under the supervision of the instructor the basics oflearning to swim and gain water confidence through the ASA Ducklings Awards1-5. Available Saturday and Sunday morning.

Intensive Swimming Lessons (available during schoolholidays)

These lessons are booked at the pool on a first come first served basis. Details ofcourses are displayed in the centre and on the web site prior to each holidayperiod.

Juniors (5 years plus)

Children will work through the NPTS stages 1-7 developing water confidence andstroke technique.

Available Monday – Friday 4pm-7pm and Saturday/Sunday 9am-12noon.

General Information

A waiting list is in operation for all lessons; an application form can be collectedfrom reception or printed off the website Once yourname is on the waiting list we will phone you when we can offer you a place, weaim to give 7 days notice. Classes take place once a week over the 10/12 weekperiod. Each lesson is 25 minutes with 5 minutes additional time foradministration.

• Children should arrive on poolside 5 minutes prior to their lesson

• Lockers are available in the pool changing area, a wristband should be collected from reception. Clothes should not be left in the changing cubicles.

• Toilets are located in the changing area, we advise children use thetoilet prior to their lesson as instructors cannot accompany them.

• Pre-swim showers are located as you walk on to poolside, we request all attendees shower prior to their lessons.

• Instructors will collect children for their lessons from the entrance to poolside.

• A parent/guardian must stay within the building during swimming lessons.

• Swimming trunks/shorts above the knee or one piece swimsuit preferred. Children with long hair should tie it back or wear a swimming hat.

• Every effort is made to offer continuity of instructor through the course, however this is not guaranteed.


National Plan for Teaching Swimming (NPTS) Stages

Stage 1 – developing basic safety awareness, the “class” scenario, basicmovement skills and water confidence. Swimmers may use aides e.g. floats,woggles etc

Stage 2 - developing safe entries including submersion, travel front and back,plus rotation to regain upright positions. Swimmers may use aides.

Stage 3 – developing safe entries including submersion, travel front and back5 metres, progress rotation skills and water safety knowledge. At this stageswimmers will be assessed without the use of aides.

Stage 4 – developing the understanding of buoyancy through a range of skills,refining kicking technique for all strokes. ASA stroke technique standardsrequired (10 metres).

Stage 5 – developing ‘waterskills’ through sculling treading water and rotations.Perform all strokes for a distance of 15 metres to ASA stroke standards.

Stage 6 – develop effective swimming skills including co-ordinated breathingacross all strokes. Maintain ASA stroke standards for 25 metres.

Stage 7 – develop quality stroke techniques up to 100 metres incorporating skillslearnt through stages 1-7.

Stages 8-10 – Once the swimmer has developed the core range of skills requiredto be confident, competent and safe in the water through stages 1-7, theswimmer may then have the choice to take part in different aquatic disciplines.Stages 8-10 are currently available in Competitive Swimming, Diving and RookieLifeguard.

Corby Amateur Swimming Club

Corby Swimming Club offers competitive swimming training to all levels;from the Corby Swimming Academy which aims to bridge the gap betweenswimming lessons and club training (stages 8,9 & 10), up to National squadaiming for national qualifying times. There is also a growing Masters section foradults looking to swim competitively or simply for fitness. Club training sessionsat 25 and 50 metres are held on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Fridayevenings. Please email for more information, stating yourage and ability.

One-to-One Lessons

Individual lessons available for children, priority will be given to children who areunable to participate in group lessons.

Adult Beginners

These sessions are for non swimmers and nervous adults. The lessons are taughtin shallow water and are designed to help develop water confidence. Adults inthis group are aiming to swim 10 metres and could go on to join the improver’sclass.

Adult Improvers

Available evenings and weekends. These sessions are for adults who areconfident and wish to work on stroke technique and distance achieved. Adults inthe group are aiming to swim 50 metres.


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