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Victoria Independent School District

Patti Welder Middle School


Patti Welder Middle SchoolGenerated by 1 of 15 November 21, 2019 4:20 pm

Table of Contents

Goals 3Goal 1: Patti Welder will provide effective instructional leaders with clear roles and responsibility. ESF Lever 1-Strong School Leadership andPlanning 3Goal 2: Patti Welder Middle School will recruit, develop, and retain highly effective teachers & staff which reflect the rich diversity of the studentsthat Patti Welder serves. ESF Lever 2: Effective, Well-Supported Teachers Aim: Highly Effective and Qualified Personnel and Responsive to StudentNeeds 6Goal 3: Patti Welder Middle School will provide learning environments and structures designed to promote a physical, emotional, and cultural focuson safety, wellness, and order. ESF Lever 3: Positive School Culture Aim: Safe and Nurturing Learning Environment 7Goal 4: Patti Welder Middle School will structure collaborative conversations focusing on common assessment data, student growth, and qualityinstructional materials to ensure a high level or rigor. ESF-Lever 4: High Quality Curriculum Aim: Open Effective Communication and ExcellentStudent Achievement 10Goal 5: Patti Welder will maintain rigorous standards of academic achievement to prepare 21st learners to high school. ESF-Lever 5- EffectiveInstruction 11

Comprehensive Support Strategies 14RDA Strategies 15

Patti Welder Middle SchoolGenerated by 2 of 15 November 21, 2019 4:20 pm


Goal 1: Patti Welder will provide effective instructional leaders with clear roles and responsibility. ESF Lever 1-Strong School Leadership and Planning

Performance Objective 1: The campus administrators will provide feedback to teachers utilizing the Results Coaching model weekly performing 8 walks aweek.

Evaluation Data Source(s) 1: Eduphoria walkthrough data

Summative Evaluation 1:

Strategy Description ELEMENTS Monitor Strategy's Expected Result/ImpactReviews

Formative SummativeOct Jan Mar June

Comprehensive Support StrategyTargeted Support Strategy

Additional Targeted Support StrategyRDA

TEA PrioritiesBuild a foundation of reading and math

Improve low-performing schoolsStrategy Aims


1) Leadership team members will coach teacherson creating exemplar lesson plans, utilizing theResults Coaching Model.

Administration Lesson plans will maximize instruction andstudents will show progress.

Patti Welder Middle SchoolGenerated by 3 of 15 November 21, 2019 4:20 pm

Strategy Description ELEMENTS Monitor Strategy's Expected Result/ImpactReviews

Formative SummativeOct Jan Mar June

Comprehensive Support StrategyTargeted Support Strategy

Additional Targeted Support StrategyRDA

TEA PrioritiesBuild a foundation of reading and math

Strategy AimsAIM 1

2) Productive PLC planning led by teachers todiscuss student data and implement reteachingopportunities.


Teachers will be able to discuss and interpret datafrom assessments.

= Accomplished = Continue/Modify = No Progress = Discontinue

Patti Welder Middle SchoolGenerated by 4 of 15 November 21, 2019 4:20 pm

Goal 1: Patti Welder will provide effective instructional leaders with clear roles and responsibility. ESF Lever 1-Strong School Leadership and Planning

Performance Objective 2: ELL's and Special Education populations will make a 5% increase in progress from the 2018-2019 STAAR test.

Evaluation Data Source(s) 2: 2020 STAAR results; Common Assessments, Benchmarks

Summative Evaluation 2:

Strategy Description ELEMENTS Monitor Strategy's Expected Result/ImpactReviews

Formative SummativeOct Jan Mar June

TEA PrioritiesBuild a foundation of reading and math

Improve low-performing schoolsStrategy Aims


1) PLC's will be held with ELL and SpecialEducation teachers on a monthly basis

2.4, 2.6 Administration,InstructionalCoaches

The percentage passing in ELL's and SpecialEducation will increase.

= Accomplished = Continue/Modify = No Progress = Discontinue

Patti Welder Middle SchoolGenerated by 5 of 15 November 21, 2019 4:20 pm

Goal 2: Patti Welder Middle School will recruit, develop, and retain highly effective teachers & staff whichreflect the rich diversity of the students that Patti Welder serves.ESF Lever 2: Effective, Well-Supported TeachersAim: Highly Effective and Qualified Personnel and Responsive to Student Needs

Performance Objective 1: Patti Welder will maintain the turnover rate from 2018-2019 school year for the 2019-2020 school year.

Evaluation Data Source(s) 1: Retention rate from Human Resources Dept. - VISD

Summative Evaluation 1:

Strategy Description ELEMENTS Monitor Strategy's Expected Result/ImpactReviews

Formative SummativeOct Jan Mar June

TEA PrioritiesRecruit, support, retain teachers and principals

Strategy AimsAIM 5

1) Mentoring new teachers to campus


New teachers will feel supported and grow intotheir craft

TEA PrioritiesRecruit, support, retain teachers and principals

Improve low-performing schoolsStrategy Aims


2) PLC's to strengthen instruction, classroommanagement, and overall growth for all teachers


Teachers feel supported, heard, and studentprogress will be met

TEA PrioritiesRecruit, support, retain teachers and principals

Improve low-performing schoolsStrategy Aims


3) Results Coaching Model to be used toformulate exemplar lesson plans.


Teachers will be able to create exemplar lessonplans for execution.

= Accomplished = Continue/Modify = No Progress = Discontinue

Patti Welder Middle SchoolGenerated by 6 of 15 November 21, 2019 4:20 pm

Goal 3: Patti Welder Middle School will provide learning environments and structures designed topromote a physical, emotional, and cultural focus on safety, wellness, and order.ESF Lever 3: Positive School CultureAim: Safe and Nurturing Learning Environment

Performance Objective 1: Patti Welder Middle School will have an Attendance of 95% for the 2019-2020 school year.

Evaluation Data Source(s) 1: ESchool Plus attendance report

Summative Evaluation 1:

Strategy Description ELEMENTS Monitor Strategy's Expected Result/ImpactReviews

Formative SummativeOct Jan Mar June

TEA PrioritiesBuild a foundation of reading and math

Connect high school to career and collegeImprove low-performing schools

Strategy AimsAIM 2 AIM 6 AIM 7

1) Reward incentives to the grade level that hasthe highest attendance each nine weeks.

Administration,Student SuccessFacilitator,Teachers

Students will be in class, thereby being able toparticipate in instruction

= Accomplished = Continue/Modify = No Progress = Discontinue

Patti Welder Middle SchoolGenerated by 7 of 15 November 21, 2019 4:20 pm

Goal 3: Patti Welder Middle School will provide learning environments and structures designed to promote a physical, emotional, and cultural focus onsafety, wellness, and order.ESF Lever 3: Positive School CultureAim: Safe and Nurturing Learning Environment

Performance Objective 2: Patti Welder Middle School will have a reduction of 5% in Discipline referrals from the 2018-2019 school year to the2019-2020 school year.

Evaluation Data Source(s) 2: Discipline data from ESchool Plus report

Summative Evaluation 2:

Strategy Description ELEMENTS Monitor Strategy's Expected Result/ImpactReviews

Formative SummativeOct Jan Mar June

TEA PrioritiesImprove low-performing schools

Strategy AimsAIM 2 AIM 4 AIM 6

1) Post in hallways the number of disciplinereferrals for each grade level.

2.6 Administration Students will work toward the reward and not bedisruptive in class

= Accomplished = Continue/Modify = No Progress = Discontinue

Patti Welder Middle SchoolGenerated by 8 of 15 November 21, 2019 4:20 pm

Goal 3: Patti Welder Middle School will provide learning environments and structures designed to promote a physical, emotional, and cultural focus onsafety, wellness, and order.ESF Lever 3: Positive School CultureAim: Safe and Nurturing Learning Environment

Performance Objective 3: 100% of students will participate in quarterly Enrichment/Refinement days.

Evaluation Data Source(s) 3: Student/Teacher surveys, Attendance data

Summative Evaluation 3:

Strategy Description ELEMENTS Monitor Strategy's Expected Result/ImpactReviews

Formative SummativeOct Jan Mar June

TEA PrioritiesBuild a foundation of reading and math

Improve low-performing schoolsStrategy Aims


1) Teachers will design and implementEnrichment/Refinement day activities for Math andReading

2.4, 2.5, 2.6 Administration,InstructionalCoaches

Students will look forward to theEnrichment/Refinement days

= Accomplished = Continue/Modify = No Progress = Discontinue

Patti Welder Middle SchoolGenerated by 9 of 15 November 21, 2019 4:20 pm

Goal 4: Patti Welder Middle School will structure collaborative conversations focusing on commonassessment data, student growth, and quality instructional materials to ensure a high level or rigor.ESF-Lever 4: High Quality CurriculumAim: Open Effective Communication and Excellent Student Achievement

Performance Objective 1: During the 2019-2020 school year, Patti Welder MS will show an increase in scaled score 58 to 68 in progress measure(Domain 2).

Evaluation Data Source(s) 1: A-F Estimator Tool; Student assessment data; Lead4ward progress tool

Summative Evaluation 1:

Strategy Description ELEMENTS Monitor Strategy's Expected Result/ImpactReviews

Formative SummativeOct Jan Mar June

TEA PrioritiesBuild a foundation of reading and math

Improve low-performing schoolsStrategy Aims


1) Students and Teachers will be taught to use aprogress tracking tool and monitored throughoutthe year.

2.4, 2.5, 2.6 Administration,InstructionalCoaches

Students and Teachers will see where they are andwhere they need to be to reach their goals.

TEA PrioritiesBuild a foundation of reading and math

Improve low-performing schoolsStrategy Aims


2) Creating and delivering exemplar lesson plans

2.5, 2.6 Administration,InstructionalCoaches

Teachers will focus on essential TEKS andstudents will show progress

= Accomplished = Continue/Modify = No Progress = Discontinue

Patti Welder Middle SchoolGenerated by 10 of 15 November 21, 2019 4:20 pm

Goal 5: Patti Welder will maintain rigorous standards of academic achievement to prepare 21st learners tohigh school. ESF-Lever 5- Effective Instruction

Performance Objective 1: During the 2019-20 school year the campus will increase from 27% to 35% at the Meets level and the Masters level willincrease from 11% to 18%on the STAAR Reading test.

Evaluation Data Source(s) 1: ,A-F estimator tool,Results coaching data reflective sheets, Benchmark and STAAR results.

Summative Evaluation 1:

Strategy Description ELEMENTS Monitor Strategy's Expected Result/ImpactReviews

Formative SummativeOct Jan Mar June

Comprehensive Support StrategyTargeted Support Strategy

Additional Targeted Support StrategyRDA

TEA PrioritiesImprove low-performing schools

Strategy AimsAIM 4

1) The campus will provide teachers withProfessional development centering around writingand delivering effective exemplar lessons.

InstructionalLeadership Team

Teachers will be able to create and execute exemplarlessons in their classrooms.

Patti Welder Middle SchoolGenerated by 11 of 15 November 21, 2019 4:20 pm

Strategy Description ELEMENTS Monitor Strategy's Expected Result/ImpactReviews

Formative SummativeOct Jan Mar June

Comprehensive Support StrategyTargeted Support Strategy

Additional Targeted Support StrategyRDA

TEA PrioritiesBuild a foundation of reading and math

Improve low-performing schoolsStrategy AimsAIM 1 AIM 6

2) Teachers will track student data in classroomsutilizing the Quality Tools process.

TEA PrioritiesBuild a foundation of reading and math

Improve low-performing schools3) Teachers will lead productive PLC's to discussstudent data and provide reteach opportunities totarget gaps in student achievement.

Entire campus Teachers will address gaps in reteach opportunitiesand we will see student achievement gains.

= Accomplished = Continue/Modify = No Progress = Discontinue

Patti Welder Middle SchoolGenerated by 12 of 15 November 21, 2019 4:20 pm

Goal 5: Patti Welder will maintain rigorous standards of academic achievement to prepare 21st learners to high school. ESF-Lever 5- Effective Instruction

Performance Objective 2: During the 2019-20 school year, the campus will increase from 28% to 35% at the Meets level and the Masters level willincrease from 12% to 18% on the STAAR Math test.

Evaluation Data Source(s) 2: Benchmarks and Common Assessments

Summative Evaluation 2:

Strategy Description ELEMENTS Monitor Strategy's Expected Result/ImpactReviews

Formative SummativeOct Jan Mar June

Comprehensive Support StrategyTargeted Support Strategy

Additional Targeted Support StrategyRDA

TEA PrioritiesBuild a foundation of reading and math

Improve low-performing schoolsStrategy AimsAIM 1 AIM 4

1) Teachers will lead productive PLC's focusingon student data and essential standards. Inaddition, teachers will focus on reteachopportunities to ensure all students are showingprogress.

Teachers, IC'sandAdministration

Students will show progress in the areas of Meetsand Masters on Benchmarks and STAAR tests.

TEA PrioritiesBuild a foundation of reading and math

Improve low-performing schools2) The campus will host an Academic focusnight to center around Reading and Math.

Administration Increased student achievement in Math onCommon assessments, Benchmarks and STAARtests.

3) The campus will host an EnrichmentRemediation day quarterly.


Students will make progress in Reading and Mathas a direct result of interventions/enrichment time

= Accomplished = Continue/Modify = No Progress = Discontinue

Patti Welder Middle SchoolGenerated by 13 of 15 November 21, 2019 4:20 pm

Comprehensive Support Strategies

Goal Objective Strategy Description1 1 1 Leadership team members will coach teachers on creating exemplar lesson plans, utilizing the Results Coaching Model.1 1 2 Productive PLC planning led by teachers to discuss student data and implement reteaching opportunities.

5 1 1 The campus will provide teachers with Professional development centering around writing and delivering effective exemplarlessons.

5 1 2 Teachers will track student data in classrooms utilizing the Quality Tools process.

5 2 1 Teachers will lead productive PLC's focusing on student data and essential standards. In addition, teachers will focus onreteach opportunities to ensure all students are showing progress.

Patti Welder Middle SchoolGenerated by 14 of 15 November 21, 2019 4:20 pm

RDA Strategies

Goal Objective Strategy Description1 1 1 Leadership team members will coach teachers on creating exemplar lesson plans, utilizing the Results Coaching Model.1 1 2 Productive PLC planning led by teachers to discuss student data and implement reteaching opportunities.

5 1 1 The campus will provide teachers with Professional development centering around writing and delivering effective exemplarlessons.

5 1 2 Teachers will track student data in classrooms utilizing the Quality Tools process.

5 2 1 Teachers will lead productive PLC's focusing on student data and essential standards. In addition, teachers will focus onreteach opportunities to ensure all students are showing progress.

Patti Welder Middle SchoolGenerated by 15 of 15 November 21, 2019 4:20 pm

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