generous use chili peppers

Post on 30-Oct-2021






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Home style sautéed sliced pork with vegetables 农家小炒肉 17.95Shredded pork with bamboo shoots 笋尖肉丝 17.95

Beef tripe with pig’s blood cake casserole 毛血旺 22.95 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Chitlins & mixed vegetable casserole 肠旺煲 22.95Chitlins dry-fry 干煸肥肠 17.95Chitlins & chicken hot pot肥肠火锅鸡 27.95Assorted meat & vegetables stewed in Sichuan hot chili sauce 火锅冒菜 22.95

Pork stomach in red oil soup 红汤草原肚 21.95

Stewed meatballs 红烧/干烧狮子头 21.95 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Twice cooked pork 回锅肉 17.95Dong Po shank bone with stewed veggie 东坡蹄髈 21.95Shredded pork with dried bean curd 香干肉丝 17.95


Sole with Chinese pickles酸菜鱼片 23.95

Sea bass in a red soybean sauce 豆瓣全鱼 28.95

Hot plate grilled shrimps& scallops铁板干贝大虾 26.95

Three delight with crispy rice cake 锅巴三鲜 23.95

Salt & pepper shrimps 椒盐大虾 24.95. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jumbo shrimps with chef special tomato sauce 茄汁虾球 24.95

Sautéed shrimps & scallops with crunchy garlic and onion 避风塘干贝大虾 26.95Jumbo shrimps with red hot chili sauce香辣大虾 24.95Crispy shrimps with walnuts in homemade mayonnaise sauce 脆皮核桃大虾 24.95Scallops with garlic sauce 鱼香干贝 23.95Stir fried baby squid with mild pickled chili 泡椒墨鱼仔 20.95


Steamed sea bass with ginger & scallion 清蒸全鱼 28.95. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Whole sea bass in hot chili oil sauce 沸腾全鱼 29.95Chongqing style sea bass with Sichuan chili pepper炝锅全鱼 28.95Sole with homemade Sichuan lemon sauce 柠檬鱼片 23.95

Sole with braised tofu in chili sauce 豆花鱼 23.95. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sichuan style sole in wild pepper sauce 泼辣鱼块 23.95Hot plate grilled salmon 铁板三文鱼 23.95Sautéed sole with ginger & carrots in white garlic sauce 鲜溜鱼片 23.95Sole in hot oil spicy sauce 水煮鱼片 23.95Cumin-flavored sole fillet孜然鱼柳 23.95

Wind-cured pork with garlic shoots 蒜苗腊肉 19.95Pork with lotus roots莲藕肉片 17.95Minced pork with beancurd in fermented blackbean sauce 豆豉肉沫豆干 14.95Sweet shredded pork with Mu Shu wraps 京酱肉丝 17.95Shredded pork in garlic sauce 鱼香肉丝 17.95Stewed pork cubes with tofu skin 大千红烧肉 17.95

Pork kidney with Chinese celery stir-fry 火爆腰花 17.95. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pork kidney with garlic& chili pepper 爽口腰花 17.95

the endorphin magic that complements your mealThe perfect balance of numbing and spiciness give powerful waves of sensation that can only be described as a rush of happiness and heightened mood.

generous use of chilipeppers

Deep fried sea bass with peas, carrots & pine nuts in sweet & sour sauce 松仁全鱼 28.95 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Twice cooked sole fillet 稻香回锅鱼 23.95

Stone pot sea bass with green bean jello 石锅凉粉鱼 28.95

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