genesis - wugum.comuct: drinks, gels, shot, tablets or bars, as they require the digestive process...

Post on 28-May-2020






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The founders discovered on a trip to the USA that the Marines used a gum with high doses of caffeine for special missions. Following this discovery, the technical team begins to investigate the competitive advantages of using a chewing gum in the administration of food supplements.

After reviewing numerous scientific studies supporting the instantaneity of assimilation through the oral mu-cosa over traditional systems (drinks, gels, shot, tablets, capsules and pills ) that require the digestive process

WUG Functional Gums S.L. was creat-ed in April 2014 by two entrepreneurs: Jordi Clar-amonte Callejón and Jose Luis Rojano Jorge, who decided to develop, patent and commercialize the world’s first range of functional gums.

for proper assimilation, and after testing between ath-letes from many disciplines the competitive advantag-

es of IMMEDIACY and CONVENIENCE, they decided to initiate the development of a wide range of food supplements, using chewing gum as a vehicle for its administration.

Parallel to the industrial process, they develop mechanisms to protect and enforce industrial and intellectual property rights, resulting in the granting of numerous patents PCTs in 180 countries.

WUG Functional Gums is the first compa-ny worldwide that has developed a wide range of functional products, using the advantage of chew-ing gum so that the active ingredient is absorbed by the body instantly. In 5’ you can feel the effect against the 40’ that requires any conventional prod-uct: drinks, gels, shot, tablets or bars, as they require the digestive process for proper assimilation.


Visits to the website wugum. com between 16 October 2016 - 16 March 2017

Currently, its products are marketed in 35% of the Pharmacies in Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece.

In its three years of activity, it has generated a world-wide acclaim from Latin America, Oceania and Eas-tern Europe.

In November 2014 we began marketing our first three product ranges:

WUG Energy+: WUG Energy +: Energy gum with caffeine, guarana and ginseng, aimed to athletes of any discipline and level, for drivers, students and in general, anyone who needs a concentrated energy plus gum with only 2.4 Kcal.

WUG Diet: Satiating Chewing gum that helps eliminate the urge to snack between meals and enhances satiety in the body, helping to prevent a compulsive calorie intake.

WUG Vigor: Invigorating, which helps stimulate libido and sexual desire in both sexes.

All products are made with natural plant extracts, do not contain gluten and are sweetened with Steviol glycosides. It is therefore suitable for dia-betics and celiac.

4. DiscussionThe objective of this study was to evaluate the rate and extent of absorption of three doses of caffeine from a gum versus a capsule formulation.The results indicate that the rate of drug ab-sorp… 50, 1OO, and 200 mg groups, respecti-vely. It appears that for the lOO and 200 mg groups, the gum and capsule formulations pro-vide a near comparable amount of caffeine to the systemic circulation. These findings suggest that both physical and mental performance

Source: The rate of absorption and relative bioavailability of caffeine administered in chewing gum versus capsules to normal healthy volunteers.; Multiple Dose Pharmacokinetics of Caffeine Administered in Chewing Gum to Normal Healthy Volunteers;

deficits resulting from sleep loss or fatigue could be more quickly.

Fig. 2. Mean caffeine plasma concentration pro-files following a 200 mg dose of caffeine as a capsule or gum formulation to healthy male vo-lunteers. Twelve subjects were enrolled in each of the two treatment group. Inset shows plasma con-centration profiles of 200 mg dose as capsule or gum up lo 90 min after administration of caffeine.

Authors: Kamimori GH*, Karyekar CS, Otterstetter R., Cox DS, Balkin TJ, Belenky GL, Eddington ND.*Department of Neurobiology and Behavior, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Silver Spring, MD 20910-7500, USA.


The initial marketing channel of WUG Func-tional Gums is the pharmaceutical sector, there-fore, we develop all health and drug controls for all our product ranges.Being such a new concept, we need a health care professional to properly advise to the final consumar and be able to explain the benefits of this revolution-ary format administration.


To carry out the process of the accelerated growth of the company we incorporated to the management board and share-holders, Federico Calzado Castro, who brings his experience in the pharmaceutical industry, large-scale consumer and momentum sector, as well as its expertise in Human Resources.We have created the Departments of Marketing and Communications, Design, Business, Legal, Logistics and Administra-tion using the resources of independent companies that provide the best talent with maximum involvement in the project.













DEPT. R & D + i


Jose Luis Rojano JorgePRESIDENT & CEO


Training:Telecommunication Engineer from University of Malaga and Technical Telecommunications Engineer from University of Alcala de Henares. Master of Marketing and Sales for SEAExperience:16 years as Regional Director of Televes: Telecommunications multinational, company leader in its sector. 2 years as National Director of WISI Business Development: A leading German Multinational Telecommunications company. Specialized in Technical Sales Key Account Management.Function:General Management of Strategy, Marketing and Media Relations, General Management of Operations.

Experience:Entrepreneur since 1972 when founded his first bu-siness dedicated to the world of food and beve-rages. After 45 years as manager and director of its various companies, and having more than 500 employees, today his businesses and investments cover different sectors such as renewable energy, agriculture, industry, livestock, distribution, insuran-ce brokers, biotechnology, advertising and services sector. Among them, there are 32 companies with presence in Spain, Portugal, Mexico and Morocco.

Federico Calzado Castro

Training:Law degree from Universidad San Pablo CEU in Madrid. MBA Master in Business Management Ideor /Chamber of Commerce of Cordoba. Master in Human Resources by Instituto de Empresa, Madrid.Experience:14 years of experience in the commercial area and 9 years in Human Resources, having held responsible positions both in Marketing (Sales) and in Management and People Management. During these years I have gained profession-al experience from negotiations, strategy and manage-ment of large customers and the creation of a Human Re-sources department to develop each and every one of its areas. The company has growth from managing 10 people in 2002 to 800 in 2012, with a budget of 1 million € for the Department of Human Resources and of 400,000 € for the commercial area per year.Function:Commercial Management and Head of the main business lines: Consumer Goods, Pharmacy Channel and Impulse Channel. General management of the Manufacturing and Logistics Department.



PARTNERGerardo Caro Ruiz

Rafael Cintas Jurado de Flórez 37 YEARS OLD

Training:Law degree by Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid (ICADE). Degree in Administration and Busi-ness Management by Universidad Pontificia Comil-las de Madrid (ICADE) Master in Legal Consultancy by Instituto de Empresa (IE).Experience:2 years as Junior Lawyer in GARRIGUES procedural law department (Seville office). 2 years as a lawyer in ERNST & YOUNG, commercial area, (Málaga office). 4 years as Director of Legal Services MONTEALTO. 4 years as Director of MARTÍNEZ - ECHEVARRÍA, PÉREZ & FERRERO LAWYERS Córdoba office. 2 years as Managing Partner of TAPES & ASSOCIATES LAWYERS (Córdoba).Function:Legal department.

GENERAL COUNSELMontserrat Caro González36 YEARS OLD

Training:Degree in journalism by Universidad San Pablo CEU (Madrid). Master in management of audiovisual and multimedia by Institute of Higher Studies San Pablo CEU (Madrid).Experience:10 years working in the television industry for differ-ent national and regional media:52 productions as a writer, reporter and presenter.Cibeles productions (editorial department),Assistant director of Summers productions for 3 years developing TV formats.Today I run my business from where we offer external support in communication and image management to national companies as WUG, Puerto de Indias, Ju-ver, Zumosol, Pascual, IFA Spain and Renny Picot.Function:Marketing and communication management, coordina-tor of design, RRSS and Public Relations departments.



Manuel Fresno Ariza

Training:Graduate in Advertising Design by the School of Art “Mateo Inurria” of Cordoba.Experience:Creative Director in Social Communication in Xul for 4 years. Freelance designer for 12 years, with man-agement of own customers.Currently, founding partner and creative director of the study Defábrica Graphic Design & Communica-tion. External Creative Director of Noor Restaurant, chef Paco Morales’ restaurant (one Michelin Star).Function:Head of graphic design department of WUG Func-tional Gums.


From November 2014 to March 2015 WUG functional gums (Energy +, Diet and Vigor) are positioned in 2500 pharmacies in the country, using the Pharma-ceutical Distribution for presentation and distribute them mainly in Andalusia, Extremadura and Galicia.

In March 2015 we present 3 new product ranges in INFARMA, a European Pharmacy meeting, held in Barcelona, and consolidate the distribution network in the rest of Spain. The new ranges are:

WUG Bronze: Tanning chewing gum, which helps to enhance tanning and protect the skin from solar aggression. It contains: beta-carotene, lycopene and vitamins C,D and E.

WUG After Party: A chewing gum against hango-vers, which helps metabolize toxins that are generat-ed in the body after alcohol intake. It contains: vita-mins B6 and B12,Lycopene, Guarana and vitamin C.

WUG Relax: Relaxing gum, which helps to relax the muscles and nervous system, It contains: Valerian, Melissa, Tryptophan and Melatonin.


After these releases, we positioned ourselves in 5000 pharmacies around the country, considering that there are 21800 pharmacies in Spain.

In March 2016 we launched 4 new product rang-es coinciding with the European Fair of Pharmacy (INFARMA):

WUG Dren: Draining chewing gum that helps elimi-nate fluid retention.

Lifting WUG: Antioxidant chewing gum, which helps eliminate free radicals by antioxidants.

WUG Reartrix: Chewing gum that helps improve joint health.

WUG Tindal: Helps regenerate the intestinal microbiota.

After these releases, our existing presence exceeds 7,000 pharmacies nationwide.

We have distribution agreements with major na-tional pharmaceutical distributors and our pres-ence in the market continues at a high rate.

Our main customers in pharmacy channel

In April 2016 we launched the Horeca channel retail, the WUG Night Life line together with our partner in distributor for this

In May 2016 we launched Parapharmacy FMCG and Herbalists and Dietetics, WUG Life 5G line. It is cur-rently being implemented

Our products have all relevant European Union and FDA authorizations for free sale as Food Supple-ments. (Attached Certificate of Free Sale).

We have an Antidoping Certificate for the WUG En-ergy+ product: focus on athletes, both amateur and professional, who demanded this certificate to com-pete in elite competitions.


Objectives 2017In 2017 we started trade relations with Honduras, Ecuador, Mexico, Co-lombia, Peru, Mexico, Panama, United Kingdom, Romania, United Arab Emi-rates, Saudi Arabia, Dubai and Qatar.

WUG Functional Gums has obtained this year the

concession of the ENISA credit, from the Ministry of Industry, as a company with a high technological component.

In April, WUG Functional Gums was awarded with

the Deloitte Generation Award for Best Innovative Enterprise in 2016 by the Cotec Foundation and the Royal Academy of Engineering.

Last awards we have received:Revelation Award 2016 of the magazine “Actuali-dad Económica”.Award “Andalucia Emprende” 2017 in the category of “Creation”Innovation Award 2016 by CaixaBank and Grupo Joly

All our products are PCTs or International Patents that support innovation of this new vehicle for the administration of food supplements.Currently we have 17 projects in production and a pre-patent for the development of new functional products for the next 10 years.

Intellectual property


Patent certificate granted to WUG Functional Gums S.L. Antidoping certificate granted to WUG Functional Gums S.L.

Certificate of free sale in the European Union.

Trademark Registration Certificate in the European Union.

C/ Estocolmo, 214014 Córdoba (SPAIN)

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