genetically engineered food

Post on 13-Feb-2016






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The Ethical Issues Involving. Genetically Engineered Food . What Is Genetically Engineered Food?. Combines genes of different organisms into one substance It can include medicines, vaccines, vitamins, feeds, and fibers. It is a violation of natural organisms intrinsic values. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


The Ethical Issues Involving

Genetically Engineered Food

What Is Genetically Engineered Food?

● Combines genes of different organisms into one substance

● It can include medicines, vaccines, vitamins, feeds, and fibers.

It is a violation of natural organisms intrinsic values

● The food product will not be natural anymore.

● The original food product may become extinct.

Tampering with Nature

● Mixing Genes among species.

● Creating something that was never meant to be.

● Could negatively effect many different parts of nature.

Objections to consuming animal genes in food

● Vegetarians will eat animal genes against their will or with out them knowing.

● Different Religious groups may consume something that is against their believes to eat.

Reduce Genetic Diversity

● Reduces the chances for many things to survive because their nutritional importance can be re-created and put in to other foods.

● Also GM food can breed with other species

Violation of human rights● Vaccinations could be

placed in food● Pharmaceuticals could

be placed food● Many people don't

believe in those are healthy to be consumed.

Future of Genetically modified foods

● Mostly Genetically modified foods will be used.● Food will hold a longer shelf life● Vaccinations will be put into most food, and

more people will have access to them● The risk of ammunition to different antibiotics

will become more likely● Many different types of genes will be extinct

because there is no need for them anymore.

The other side...

● Provides more food in less land.

● Remove genes that trigger allergies.

● Produces healthier food (the removal of trans-fat or caffeine

Bibliography MLA

● McLean, Margaret R. "The Future of Food: An Introduction to the Ethical Issues in Genetically Modified Foods." Santa Clara University - Welcome. 15 Apr. 2005. Web. 02 Nov. 2010.

< modified-foods.html>.

● "Genetically Modified Foods and Organisms --HGP Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues." Oak Ridge National Laboratory. 05 Nov. 2008. Web. 02 Nov. 2010.


● Whitman, Deborah. "Genetically Modified Foods: Harmful or Helpful?" CSA. Apr. 2000. Web. 02 Nov. 2010. <>.

● Dharmananda, Subhuti. "Issues Surrounding Genetically Modified (GM) Products." Institute for Traditional Medicine | ITM | Portland, OR. Dec. 2005. Web. 02 Nov. 2010. <>.

● Jones, Leighton. "Science, Medicine, and the Future: Genetically Modified Foods." Science, Medicine, and the Future Genetically Modified Foods. 27 Feb. 1999. Web. 02 Nov. 2010.


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