genre and mode of address analysis

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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Genre and Mode of AddressFront Cover

These subheadings are presented to the audience of DJ Music. Research shows that this genre of music is very colourful and energetic, explaining the colour choice of the magazine and the serif font type used as well. The font used is bold and stands out as the colour of the text was made to stand out in contrast to the background. The mode of address is informal as it includes the use of slang/colloquial words such as ‘Whoomp’

The logo is in the top right corner as it is the first thing that you see and it is filled in with the colour red. Red is an aggressive colour and is also a very popular colour, it fits with the mode of address being informal and aimed at a male audience

The image in the centre of the page, fills up most of it. It is also including the use of bright colours and looks more like a cartoon than a photo. This fits with the mode of address being informal. The model has a serious expression on his face, he could be thinking about what he needs to do to get better. He is also looking directly at the camera, this makes a personal relationship between the model and the reader making the mode of address direct.

The word choice in the headline is very clever, the use of alliteration draws the attention of the reader however it isn’t formal as there are words meaning unorthodox ‘Maverick’ making the mode of address more informal .

Contents Page

The images used create a direct mode of address with the reader as the people in the photos are looking directly into the camera. Also the layout of these photos, they are placed in a uniform column making the magazine look more contemporary which fits with the house style for this type of music. The mode of address is informal because the photos are of people having fun whilst listening to this type of music.

The font used for the text on the contents page in serif as it has tails. This is unconventional for this type of music as normally a sans-serif font would be used because it fits with the more contemporary house style. The mode of address for this is in contrast to the rest of the magazine as it is more formal.

This feature headline uses slang/colloquial words by using shortened words typically used by teenagers whilst texting. This creates an informal mode of address. The font used is sans-serif and fits with the house style as this type of music is very contemporary and technology orientated.

The font used for this is sans-serif, it uses the shortened word ‘Tech’ instead of technology. Using shortened words I usually associated with the contemporary day and teenagers. This gives an informal mode of address as it is using shortened abbreviation for longer words. This also fits with the music style as it is associated with being a contemporary thing which is the same with the music

Double Page Spread

This article has a large amount of text that is in a sans-serif font which is associated with contemporary design making the magazine look more contemporary and fit in with the genre of music. This also gives an informal mode of address. The black font on the white background was chosen to stand out as it in a very good contrast.

The image is very modern as the costumes the models are wearing are very technology orientated with the helmets being very contemporary. With contemporary design the colours are also quite bright but fairly simple. This gives an informal mode of address as the costumes and colours overall reflect contemporary design with the helmets and gloves.

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