genre research: comedy

Post on 09-Feb-2017






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Comedy and subgenres.Comedy is a genre within film intended to make the audience laugh, often through exaggeration of onscreen performance to create a comedic effect. These are usually lighthearted and even unrealistic to some degree, their purpose to joke about matters which wouldn't necessarily be funny within real life. Subgenres of comedy differentiate depending on the audience and context of the film. The most popular comedy genres are as following:Surreal Comedy – Nonsense logic with absurd situations, similar to cartoons such as Tom and Jerry or Spongebob.Cringe Comedy – Actors onscreen will do things to which would be embarrassing in real life, usually by saying moment-killer punchlines or publicly/privately doing things that would be deemed ‘cringe-worthy’, like The Inbetweeners.Black Comedy – Making fun out of unfunny subjects, such as drugs, violence, and terrorism; an example director would be Quentin Tarantino.

Hybrid genres.Hybrid genres are unusual formats of films, often daring to cross popular genres with their own differences. Usually, hybrids combine two film genres with more differences than similarities – but they’re often the most unique films. Some hybrid genres of comedy might be:Horror-Comedy – Examples such as Scary Movie, these are usually parody movies of traditional horror films for those who enjoy lighthearted movies.Fantasy-Comedy – This is a more popular hybrid genre of comedy, where the supernatural crosses over with humor. Blockbusters like Guardians of the Galaxy and Xmen: Origins fall under this category.Military-Comedy – A lesser mainstream hybrid genre, military comedy is quite literally what it says. Comedy, set in a military environment. These usually don’t consist of genuine military narrative, but instead jokes regarding the matter. Saving Private Benjamin and Forrest Gump are considered Military-Comedy films.

OVERALL,Though comedy is one of few genres that are incredibly popular to both, olden day and modern cinema, I don’t believe this will be the basis of my project.This is because of the higher demand and specifications, alongside the art of comedy; which often slims down the target audience as it is. Comedy takes plenty of experience to exceed in its goal, without falling flat.

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