georgia cattleman november 2013

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o f f i c i a l m a g a z i n e o f t h e g e o r g i a c at t l e m e n ’ s a s s o c i at i o n • n o V e m B e r 2 0 1 3

GeorGia Cattleman

ACC for Beef, pg. 22 • Supplementing Hay, pg. 41 • BVD Update, pg. 52

Charolais Feature pg. 34

1st Annual Angus & SimAngus Bull Sale12 Noon - Saturday

November 23, 2013Carroll Co. Livestock Sales Barn • Carrollton GASale Mgt. - Jeremy Haag, American Angus Hall of Fame • Auctioneer - Col. Mike Jones

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Selling 30 Angus & SimAngus Bullsand approx. 40 Commercial Replacement Females

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* Performance ** Predictability *

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4 November 2013 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N



ContentsContentsVolume 41 / number 11 / november 2013

GEORGIA CATTLEMAN (USPS 974-320, ISSN 0744-4451) is published monthly by the Georgia Cattlemen’s Association, 100 Cattlemen’s Drive,P.O. Box 27990, Macon, Georgia 31221. Subscription rate of $45.00 per year. Periodical Postage Paid at Macon, GA, and additional mailing offices.POSTMASTER — Send address changes to GEORGIA CATTLEMAN, 100 Cattlemen’s Drive, P.O. Box 27990, Macon, Georgia 31221. For advertisinginformation, contact Georgia Cattlemen’s Association, P.O. Box 27990, Macon, GA 31221. Phone: 478-474-6560.

GEORGIA CATTLEMEN’SASSOCIATION100 Cattlemen’s Drive / P.O. Box 27990Macon, GA 31221Phone: 478-474-6560 / Fax: /

GCA & GEORGIA BEEF BOARD STAFFExecutive Vice President:

Josh White,

Director of Operations:

Michele Creamer,

Director of Communications & Youth Activities:

Bailey K. Toates,

GBB Director of Industry Information & Public

Relations: Suzanne Black,

Membership and Facilities Coordinator:

Sherri Morrow,

GBB Program and Compliance Coordinator:

Tricia Combes,

MAGAZINE STAFFEditor: Josh White,

Industry editorial: Bailey K. Toates, or

Advertising: Bailey K. Toates,

Graphic artist: Gayla Dease,

Illustrator/cartoonist: Dennis McLain,

Billing: Michele Creamer,

Circulation: Sherri Morrow,


The cover of the November 2013 issue ofGeorgia Cattleman shows CrossbredCharolais steer acknowledging visitors atPerfect Farms, this month’s featuredproducer.

Cover photo by Bailey Toates

The Georgia Cattleman magazine and theGeorgia Cattlemen’s Association reserve theexclusive right to accept or reject advertisingor editorial material submitted for publication.The editorial content contained in thismagazine does not necessarily represent theviews of the Georgia Cattleman magazine orthe Georgia Cattlemen’s Association.




The mission of the

Georgia Cattlemen’s

Association is to unite

cattle producers to

advance the economic, political and

social interests of Georgia’s cattle


Member Since 2000


Association reports6 GCA President’s Report by David Gazda

9 GCA Executive Vice President’s Report by Josh White

10 GCA Leadership

21 Georgia Beef Board Report

70 Georgia Junior Cattlemen’s Report by Hope Edwards

Industry news2 GCA Emerging Leaders Conference Application

8 Your Beef Buck$ at Work

13 Meet Charles Woodward: Piedmont Chapter, Region 5 VP

14 The Future of the Farm Bill by Scott George

15 Five Nations Beef Alliance Agrees on Core Principles

22 Agricultural Commodity Commission for Beef: Why Vote Yes

24 Legislative Showdown by Katie Thigpen

28 IRS Manual Reveals Attitude Toward Industry

34 The Perfect Farms by Bailey Toates

50 GCA Dues Structure

51 Membership Counts/GCA Awards: Deadline Nov. 30

54 MAP-21 Broadens Hauling Exemptions

Reader services12 New Members

17 GCA Facebook Photo Contest Winner

18 Good Moos!

19 Chapter Connections

20 Georgia Beef Bites by Suzanne Black

25 Winch Up by Baxter Black

29 Associate Members

58 Local Market Reports

60 Classified Ads

61 Beef Management Calendar for the Month of November

63 Calendar of Events

71 Goin’ Showin’

72 Advertising Index

Expert advice41 Supplementing Hay by Lawton Stewart 52 Bovine Viral Diarrhea by Lee Jones & Roberto Palomares








page 34

a S S o C i a t i o n r e P o r t S • P r e S i D e n t ’ S r e P o r t

Fall has always been myfavorite season of the year foras long as I can remember. Forcattlemen in the Southeast, it isperhaps the busiest time ofyear: calving is in full swing,the last of the spring calveshave to be shipped, there’s win-ter grazing to be planted andsale catalogs to be studiednightly in the recliner in hopesof locating that next great herdsire. Fall also means numerouscounty fairs throughout thestate where juniors, countyagents and ag teachers havespent countless hours prepar-ing their livestock projects forexhibition.

One parent confided in merecently that you know your kidsmay have attended one too manyfairs when a) they have becomeFacebook friends with the carnival’s“Bearded Lady,” and b) they thinkfunnel cakes are one of the five mainfood groups. I recently spent twodays at the Georgia National Fair inPerry visiting with other fair atten-dees and watching many of thesesame young people exhibit their proj-ects. Without fail, near the conclu-sion of each show, regardless ofwhether it was their first trip to theGeorgia National Fairgrounds ortheir fifth, judges never miss theopportunity to publicly complimentthe excellent facilities, the quality oflivestock exhibited, and most impor-tantly the positive impression ouryoung people left upon them.Congratulations to these young peo-ple, and thank you for how you rep-resent 4-H, FFA and all othersinvolved in agriculture in our state.Good luck to you as the show season

continues. A special thanks goes to allGCA, GJCA and GCWA volunteersand staff for their time and effortsspent visiting with the many fairgoersthat went through the Beef Story.Your dedication to educating thoseabout our product, our way of lifeand our industry is much appreciated!

The building fund at GCA is pro-gressing nicely, and as of Oct. 1 over$40,000 had been collected andpledged. While we are still approxi-mately $20,000 from reaching ourgoal of $60,000 by the 2014 conven-tion, contractors will begin the minorrenovations planned to the frontoffice work areas next month. Manyindividuals and local chapters havegraciously made donations towardsthe fund – thank you for your gen-erosity! There is still time to makeyour contribution. I hope we cancount on your support!

The sign-up period to qualify tovote for the creation of anAgricultural Commodity Commis-sion for Beef (ACC for Beef) willrun through Dec. 31, 2013. Anyoneowning cattle in Georgia is eligibleto vote in the referendum; however,to receive a ballot you must firstsign up. This is your opportunity ascattlemen to vote in favor of thisbeneficial program that was devel-oped by cattlemen for cattlemen inour state. I would strongly encour-age you to vote “Yes” on the refer-endum for the future of Georgia’scattle industry.

In closing, I recently came acrossthis poem by cowboy poet SteveLucas that I wanted to share.

Wishing you and your family ablessed and happy Thanksgiving.

GCA President dAVid GAZdA And FAMiLY

6 November 2013 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

A Cowboy’s Thanksgiving Prayer

Dear Lord…

…I turned it all over to you, Lord.

Put my trust in your capable hands.

And I thank you that you let us keep


Making a living off your lands.

Thanks for these good friends and


and the love and the help that they


And I thank you Lord for these old


And the cowboy life they let me


…so, Lord on Thanksgiving,

As we take a break from our chores,

We thank you for this year’s blessings,

And for what you have in store.

- Steve Lucas

GeorGiA CAttLeMen stAFF And VoLunteer LeAders hit the road this fallto attend local meetings across the state. The South Georgia chapter hostedGCA Executive Josh White and presented a donation to the building fund atthe conclusion of the meeting (photo above). Mid Georgia Livestock hosteda customer appreciation luncheon in early October with more than 200attendees (photo at right). GCA and GBB provided material and visited withproducers. White addressed the crowd before the sale answering questionsabout the beef commodity commission and new DOT regulations.

GeorGiA BeeF BoArd partnered with Costco Wholesale stores in Augusta andBuford to promote beef by sampling Top Sirloin steaks in the meat department.GBB was excited to support this national demand building effort. “With shrink-ing checkoff dollars it is difficult for us to afford retail promotions,” says GBB’sSuzanne Black. “The Costco promotion was cost-effective and made a realimpact in the participating stores.”

Your Beef Buck$ at Work

8 November 2013 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

Thank you to all the volunteers at the

Georgia National Fair. Yourefforts in promoting beef to

thousands was greatlyappreciated. THANK YOU!

Two Douglas County youth pose proudly withtheir beef bumper stickers and beef samplesat the "September Saturdays" festival. GBB'sSuzanne Black teamed with Douglas CountyFarm Bureau to provide meatballs forconsumers to sample and new beef recipes toencourage them to eat more beef moreoften. The meatballs were loved by all agesand generated great interaction withconsumers!

a S S o C i a t i o n r e P o r t S

G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N • November 2013 9

Discussion of a “state checkoff” for Georgia officiallybegan in the summer of 2011 during Georgia FarmBureau’s commodity conference in the beef cattle com-mittee meeting. Then all the major cattle communitystakeholders – Livestock Markets, Georgia Milk Produc-ers, Georgia Farm Bureau and GCA – formed a workinggroup to determine if a state checkoff was needed and howto go about getting one started. It was unanimously decid-ed to move forward with an additional $1 per head statecheckoff. There have been more meetings and conferencecalls than I can remember over the past two years on thesubject and we have tried to keep GCA membersinformed with periodic updates. Ultimately, passage ofSenate Bill 97 through the General Assembly empoweredthe Commissioner of Agriculture, along with commissionex-officio members Zippy Duvall, Russ Moon and BuddyLeger, to appoint members of the Agriculture CommodityCommission for Beef. The newly appointed commission(see list of commission members and additional ACC forBeef info on pgs. 22-23) is working with the GeorgiaDepartment of Agriculture to conduct a referendum ofcattle owners to vote on the state checkoff.

In 1986 Georgia cattle farmers and dairymen voted“yes” in favor of the national checkoff by an over-whelming majority (88 percent). Cattle producers sawmounting challenges at the time with a “war on fat” andgrowing influence of animal rights groups. The cattleindustry felt the need to pool funds to promote anddefend the industry and our product. Over the past twodecades the challenges have only become greater. Theinfluence of animal rights groups, like HSUS, havegrown exponentially. Self proclaimed foodie “consumeractivists” are looking for a food (or food company) toblame for every health problem. Consumers are askingmore questions than ever about where their food comesfrom, how it is produced and how it is processed. InGeorgia, there are more consumers to ask the questions.Our state population has grown from 6 million in themid 80s to our current 10+ million. During this sametime period state cattle numbers have been reduced bymore than half a million head, meaning fewer cattle togenerate checkoff dollars. Finally, and probably themost negative dynamic, due to inflation, each dollar col-lected today is worth less than 50 cents when comparedto 1986. The number is even worse if you look at someof our largest expenses in beef promotion, liketravel/fuel costs, advertising costs and beef we buy forcooking demos and sampling. To make a long storyshort, national checkoff collections provide less than 3cents to promote beef to each person in Georgia. If weare going to continue to make a serious attempt to pro-mote beef in Georgia it is time for action!

The other big piece of the state commodity commis-sion puzzle that excites many cattlemen is the ability touse “state checkoff” funds to do production research oncattle and forage. Producers are not able to use nationalcheckoff dollars for production research, only beef (meat)research is allowed under existing checkoff rules. The abil-ity to do research on areas of concern for Georgia cattleproducers could be a real game-changer for our industry.Over the past few months I’ve had producers visitingabout problems including: new pink-eye strains affectingtheir cattle, Bermudagrass Stem Maggots reducing hay andforage quality statewide, pesticide resistant horn-fliespulling energy from cows and calves, concerns about tri-chomoniasis coming in from other states, and more. TheACC for Beef will provide resources to fund “real world”research on these or other areas of concern and will yieldvaluable results for Georgia cattle owners. Funding willalso enable educational programs to deliver the informa-tion discovered in checkoff-funded research to cattlementhroughout the state. None of this will be possible with-out you taking action.

A recurring concern brought up by local cattlemen’schapter leadership during our Region RoundUp series thisyear is the increasing average age of cattlemen. A “statecheckoff” will provide resources to fund additional youthand young or beginning producer education. Providingresources to fund impactful training, education and expe-riences for the next generation of cattle farmers would bean excellent investment of “state checkoff” dollars.

The idea of establishing a “state checkoff” in additionto a national checkoff is not anything new. There are adozen commodity commissions already active in Georgiaand several of them coordinate resources with nationalcommodity programs. In fact, most of our neighboringstates have already passed a state checkoff (TN, AL andNC) with the remaining southeastern states preparing toconduct referendums. The writing has been on the wallfor some time; now it is time for action!

We face numerous challenges both as individual pro-ducers and an industry. The real question is what are wegoing to do about it? It is time to sign up for a ballot today(! Once the ballot hits your mailboxin early 2014 you must be ready to vote YES and mail itin. There will be plenty more talk on this subject duringthe coming months – but these simple actions alone willcreate positive results for our industry in the future.

I hope that you have an opportunity to reflect on allthat is good during this wonderful season, committing tobe part of positive change for the future. Wishing you andyour family a beautiful and blessed Thanksgiving.

[Josh White is GCA and Georgia Beef Board Executive Vice President]


Time for Action

Executive Vice President’s Report

pJosh White


Kristy Arnold, Screven, 912-294-3485

Lee Brown, Colbert, 706-207-7048

Carroll T. Cannon, TyTy, 229-776-4383

Brent Galloway, Monticello, 678-410-6070

Kyle Gillooly, Wadley, 478-494-9593

Jan Scott, Hazlehurst, 912-309-2349


Region 1: James Burton, 423-838-0941

Region 2: Eddie Bradley, 706-994-2079

Region 3: Ron Ward, 706-213-9175

Region 4: Bill Cline, 770-251-3518

Region 5: Charles Woodward, 678-725-2292

Region 6: Tammy Cheely, 706-465-2136

Region 7: Steve Lennon, 706-577-1400

Region 8: Rodney Hilley, 770-567-3909

Region 9: Mike Burke, 706-551-3025

Region 10: Scotty Lovett, 229-938-2187

Region 11: Derek Williams, 229-315-0986

Region 12: Ray Hicks, 912-682-8670

Region 13: John Moseley, Jr., 229-308-6355

Region 14: Kurt Childers, 229-775-2287

Region 15: Alvin Walker, 912-282-1717

GCA Immediate past president: Chuck Joiner, 770-832-7299

425 Gray Road, Carrollton, GA 30116

NCBA Directors:Randy Fordham, Danielsville, 706-207-1301

Steve Blackburn, Waynesboro, 214-912-1993

Foundation Chairman:Bill Hopkins, Thomson, 706-564-2961

CattleWomen’s president:Nanette Bryan, Summerville, 706-397-8219

GCA pAST pRESIDENTS1961-1963 Ben T. Smith, Atlanta1963-1966 Henry Green, Sr., St. Simons1966-1968 Dr. Jack Tuttle, Barnesville1968-1970 J.W. Trunnell, Cochran1970-1971 K.J. Hodges, Blakely1971-1972 Edward B. Pope, Washington1972-1974 George Berner, Warm Springs1974-1976 Dr. O.E. Sell, Milner1976-1978 Joe Gayle, Perry1978-1980 Sam Hay, Covington1980-1981 Lee Campbell, Carrollton1981-1982 Charles Baker, Calhoun1982-1983 Webb Bullard, Camilla1983-1984 Bobby Rowan, Enigma1984-1985 Harvey Lemmon, Woodbury1985-1986 Don Griffith, Buchanan1986-1987 Gene Chambers, Douglas1987-1988 Mike Peed, Forsyth1988-1989 Sam Payne, Calhoun1989-1990 Bobby Miller, Lula1990-1991 Newt Muse, Carrollton1991-1992 Howard T. Jones, Foley, AL1992-1993 Mark Armentrout, Roswell1993-1994 Ralph Bridges, Lexington1994-1995 Lane Holton, Camilla1995-1996 Jim Goodman, Temple1996-1997 Dr. Frank Thomas, Alamo1997-1998 Joe Duckworth, Milledgeville1998-1999 Betts Berry, Chickamauga1999-2000 Curly Cook, Crawford2000-2001 Chuck Sword, Williamson2001-2002 Robert Fountain, Jr., Adrian2002-2003 Louie Perry, Moultrie2003-2004 Tim Dean, Lafayette2004-2005 John Callaway, Hogansville2005-2006 Bill Hopkins, Thomson2006-2007 Dr. Jim Strickland, Glennville2007-2008 Evans Hooks, Swainsboro2008-2009 Mike McCravy, Bowdon2009-2010 Bill Nutt, Cedartown2010-2011 Bill Bryan, Summerville2011-2012 Steve Blackburn, Waynesboro2012-2013 Chuck Joiner, Carrollton


65 Corey DriveDanielsville, GA 30633706-207-1301

MELVIN pORTERPresident-Elect

168 Hardman Rd.,Jefferson, GA 30549706-654-8283


172 Hidden Lakes DriveGray, GA 31032478-986-6893

JOSH WHITEExecutive V.P.

100 Cattlemen’s Drive /P.O. Box 27990Macon, GA 31221478-474-6560





Your GCA leadershipteam is here to serve you.Contact us with your ideasabout our association or tovisit about the cattle industry.


1985 Morton RoadAthens, GA 30605706-227-9098



GGeeoorrggiiaa CCaatt tt lleemmeenn’’ss AAssssoocciiaatt iioonn

10 November 2013 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

ABAC ................Aaron Weaver / 386-527-9232

Amicalola............George Lyons / 706-265-3328

Appalachian..........Phillip Jones / 770-894-2479

Baldwin-Jones-Putnam ...................David Lowe


Banks ...............Thomas Dalton / 706-677-3008

Barrow.............Mike Pentecost / 770-868-6046

Ben Hill-Irwin......Ronny Branch / 229-457-0407

Berrien .....................................................Vacant

Blue Ridge Mountain .............Laurie McClearen


Brooks..................Kurt Childers / 229-561-3466

Burke ........................Milo Hege / 706-554-4933

Carroll .......................Tony Cole / 770-596-6596

Clarke-Oconee ........Walter Lee / 706-769-4231

Colquitt .............Rocky Herndon / 229-782-5660

Cook.......................Sean Resta / 229-896-8285

Coweta ..................Robert Allen / 678-923-6159

Crawford Area .......Doug Bailey / 478-361-3024

Decatur .................Stuart Griffin / 229-246-0951

Elbert ........................Ron Ward / 706-213-9175

Floyd..........................Joe Rush / 706-346-7157

Franklin .............Daryl Freeman / 706-491-3354

Grady ...................Caylor Ouzts / 229-377-7561

Greene Area .............John Dyar / 706-453-7586

Hall ................Steve Brinson Jr. / 770-869-1377

Haralson ..................Joe Griffith / 770-301-9113

Harris................Sandy Reames / 706-628-4956

Hart ........................Jason Fain / 706-436-9299

Heard...................Keith Jenkins / 770-854-5933

Heartland ..............Tony Rogers / 478-934-2430

Henry ....................Howie Doerr / 404-502-6287

Houston...............Wayne Talton / 478-987-0358

Jackson....................Cole Elrod / 678-410-1312

Jefferson ...Donavan Holdeman / 706-833-2962

Johnson Area ..........Will Tanner / 478-278-1922

Laurens ...............Brad Childers / 478-376-4670

Lincoln.............Stan Tankersley / 706-359-7389

Little River ........Marvin Norman / 706-595-4291

Lowndes ...........Andrew Conley / 706-781-8656

Lumpkin ..........Anthony Grindle / 706-300-6605

Macon....................Ron Conner / 478-847-5944

Madison .................Trey McCay / 706-255-8422

Meriwether......Harvey Lemmon / 706-977-9222

Mid-Georgia .....Ray Brumbeloe / 770-567-0808

Miller...................Trent Clenney / 229-758-2844

Mitchell ............J. Dean Daniels / 229-336-5271

Morgan ..............Michael Ivy, Jr. / 706-202-5046

Murray ................Chris Franklin / 706-263-2008

North Georgia ........Wesley Hall / 770-888-7249

Northeast Georgia ........................David Barnes


Northwest Georgia ........................Don Douglas 706-259-3723

Ocmulgee ..............Jim Cannon / 229-467-2042

Ogeechee .......Romaine Cartee / 912-531-0580

Oglethorpe .......Andrew Gaines / 706-202-5742

Pachitla ................Scotty Lovett / 229-938-2187

Peach ....................Willis Brown / 478-956-2798

Piedmont..............Glenn Hayes / 404-272-7298

Piney Woods .........Steve Smith / 912-278-1460

Polk ....................Jason Bentley / 770-855-0082

Pulaski ...................Terry Moore / 478-952-0685

Red Carpet.........Doug Bramlett / 770/547-9851

Satilla ...............Alvin Walker Jr. / 912-449-5352

Seminole..............Bruce Barber / 229-524-8633

South Georgia .....Lavawn Luke / 912-345-2102

Southeast Georgia ......................Charles Harris


Stephens ...............Mark Smith / 706-779-7362

Tattnall ................Newley Halter / 912-690-0789

Taylor .................Wayne Wilson / 706-656-6351

Thomas.......Charles R. Conklin / 229-228-6548

Three Rivers .....Derek Williams / 229-315-0986

Tift .......................Buck Aultman / 229-382-3202

Tri-County..............Alan Sowar / 770-668-4226

Tri-State ...................Gary Autry / 423-902-5925

Troup ..................Tom Mahaffey / 770-329-7197

Turner ..................Randy Hardy / 229-567-9255

University of Georgia .....................Jenna Lacey


Walton.............Sammy Maddox / 770-267-8724

Washington.......Bobby Brantley / 478-240-0453

Wayne ................Randy Franks / 912-294-6802

Webster .................Andy Payne / 229-828-2140

Wilkes..................Shane Moore / 706-678-5705

Worth.................Donald Gilman / 229-776-3779

G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N • November 2013 11

GGeeoorrggiiaa CCaatt tt lleemmeenn’’ss AAssssoocciiaatt iioonn LLooccaall pprreessiiddeennttss


Complete and mail this form to:

Georgia Cattlemen’s Association100 Cattlemen’s Drive

P.O. Box 27990Macon, GA 31221

478-474-6560 • Fax 478-474-5732Email:

q New Member q Renewal

Name ____________________________________________


City ______________________________________________

State____________ Zip______________________________

Phone ____________________________________________

E-mail ____________________________________________

GCA Chapter_______________________________________

Sponsored by ______________________________________

Birthday (juniors only) _______________________________

GCA Dues, 1 year ______________________________$ 50

GJCA Dues, 1 year______________________________$ 15

GCWA Dues, 1 year_____________________________$ 15

Additional Local Dues, 1 year _____________________$___

TOTAL PAYMENT        $___

Thank you ... for your membership!Membership dues entitle you to receive a one-year subscription to the Georgia Cattleman magazine.Payment of GCA membership dues is tax-deductible for most members as an ordinary businessexpense. Complying with tax laws, GCA estimates 5% of the dues payment is not deductible as abusiness expense because of direct lobbying activities. Also, charitable contributions to GCA are not tax-deductible for federal income tax purposes.


Levi Adkins, Bainbridge

Lyndel Allen, Thomaston

Bruce Bailey, Vienna

W D Ballard, Oxford

Thomas H Benton, Jefferson

Kelsie Bickett, Chickamauga

C B Farms, Pelham

Joshua B Cantrell, Dahlonega

Jennifer Childers, Montrose

Ford Childers, Montrose

Donald R Conner, Dahlonega G

Lindsey Cooper, Flowery Branch

Michael L Crider, Lindale

Dia Dean, Cordele

Lee Driver, Dahlonega

Ronnie Few, Tifton

Trebor Gaskins, Willacoochee

Bobby Gaskins, Willacoochee

Larry C Gauldin, Cochran

Jim Grindler, BBWH Insurers, Statesboro

Michael Hilton, Warner Robins

David L Huguenin, P.C., Martinez

Ed Johnson, Concord

Daniel J Kopczak, Douglasville

Land South Group, Lakeland, Fl

Lathem Farms, Pendergrass

Josh Mcgee, Flowery Branch

Daryl Metts, Willacoochee

Mid State Meat, Llc, Sandersville

Old South Farm, Bainbridge

Chelsea Pulsifer, Fort Valley

David Settle, Milledgeville

Kenneth Spivey, Ponce De Leon, Fl

Tom Stalvey, Cat Creek Cattle Co., Valdosta

Ben Umberger, Dawsonville

Wesley Walden, Stockbridge

Mack Waters, Rock Spring

12 November 2013 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

We are proud to have you join us!

m e e t Y o U r G C a l e a D e r S H i P

Share what it means to be a Regional VPand some of the responsibilities you undertake.

ansWer: I enjoy going to the local chaptermeetings in region 5 and discussing currentevents with the members. I like to shareactivities between chapters in an effort to makeeach stronger and more productive.

Describe your background andinvolvement in the beef cattle industry.

ansWer: I retired from Snapping Shoals EMCin Covington and have lived on a farm all of myadult life. We live on the McDonald farm inNewton County which is a Centennial family farm.My wife's great-grandfather built the house we livein. We have had brood cows but now lean more tostocker calves. We also produce good quality hayon 250 acres. I was the Piedmont AssociationPresident for the 2012 year.

In your opinion, what is the mostpertinent issue Georgia’s beef industry is facingtoday?

ansWer: Currently, the most pertinent issuefacing the Georgia beef industry is the AgriculturalCommodity Commission for Beef. We have a sign-up

period coming this fall and an opportunity to votethis winter. A lot of information has to be providedto the cattle producers across the state in order forthis to pass. Unfortunately, a lot of the producerswho may be qualified to vote are not members of theGeorgia Cattlemen's Association. We have to findways to reach all producers.

What improvements or changes wouldyou like to see evolve over the next year withinGCA?

ansWer: The Young Producers' Council is thegreatest improvement we have had recently. Thisgroup will provide the foundation for the nextgeneration of leaders in our association. GC

G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N • November 2013 13




Meet CharlesWoodward:PiedmontChapter,

Region 5 VP

FAst FACts• I have been married to my wife, Alexis,

for 45 years. We have three children,six grand children and two great-grand-children.

• I am past president of the PiedmontCattlemen's Association and currentlyserve as Region 5 Vice President.

• My favorite cut of meat is the filet.



“I enjoy going to the localchapter meetings in region 5and discussing current eventswith the members. I like to

share activities betweenchapters in an effort to make

each stronger and moreproductive.”

n C B a n e W S a n D U P D a t e S

Here we are in the last few months of 2013. This yearhas flown by; it seems as just yesterday NCBA wasannouncing its policy priorities for this year. These priori-ties, along with other important issues affecting cattlemenand women across the country, serve as the focus ofNCBA’s policy team in Washington, D.C. This organiza-tion is producer-owned and member driven. It’s importantthat the policy priorities set by NCBA are geared towardsustaining this industry for future generations.

Not only are we in the last few months of the year, butwe are also in the midst of the first government shutdownin 17 years. But, despite this setback, we are as close as we’veever been to passage of the Farm Bill. The 2013 Farm Billremains NCBA’s top priority for Congress to finalize.

NCBA has been working hard on behalf of cattle pro-ducers around the country in order to get a farm bill passed.One of the most important aspects of a full, five-year farmbill highlighted by not only the droughts and wildfires ofthe past two years, but the recent events in South Dakotaand my home state of Wyoming, is disaster assistance forproducers. Last year was a tough one on producers, with thedrought-stricken landscape and the loss of crops, hay andpastures in 2012 presenting numerous challenges for cattle-men and women but across our nation. Following the exces-sive spring moisture and record floods of 2011, no onewould have predicted that 2012 would bring extreme heat,a crippling moisture shortage and the worst drought indecades.

This year, wildfires in the West, floods in Colorado anda recent devastating blizzard in South Dakota have greatlyaffected farmers and ranchers and their herds. Because the

weather is so unpredictable,Congress must pursue fiscallyresponsible agriculture policiesthat ensure farmers and ranchers cancontinue to produce a reliable, safe and inex-pensive food supply with the appropriate level of regulato-ry oversight and at the least cost to taxpayers.

We hope that Congress will continue to move to passthe 2013 Farm Bill now that we have both a Senate andHouse version of the bill. Both versions of the bill incorpo-rate the priorities which NCBA and our membershipfought hard for last year. Both chambers of Congressworked to pass their bills out of their respective AgricultureCommittees, and the Senate passed their version of the billin June. The House instead split their bill into two por-tions – “agriculture only” and “nutrition only.” And aftermuch time and much debate, both of these were passedand recently the House voted to combine the two bills.

The next step is to name conferees from the House, so thatthese members of Congress can come together and hammerout a final farm bill product. The Senate named and recon-firmed its conferees, but the House has yet to do so.

NCBA supports the passage of sound agriculture policywhich will provide certainty to farmers and ranchers. Ashard working Americans who have a stake in the govern-ment process and whose voices must be heard, I stronglyencourage participation of family farmers and ranchers in thisprocess. Call your senators and representatives and let themknow how important it is to move forward and bring the2013 Farm Bill to the floor and finalize this important pieceof legislation. Your involvement is crucial to our success.

The Future of the Farm BillBy Scott George, NCBA President

14 November 2013 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N


The 2014 National Beef Ambassador competition washeld on Sept. 28-29 in Springdale, Ark. During the event,funded in part by the beef checkoff, 22 contestants ages 17-21 were judged in the areas of consumer promotion, edu-cation and outreach strategy, media interview techniqueand issues response.

Contestants from throughout the country vied for aplace on this elite team of agriculture advocates, plus$5,000 in cash prizes sponsored exclusively by FarmCredit. In addition, the American National CattleWomenFoundation and Monsanto awarded five educationalscholarships totaling $5,000.

After the judging was completed, the following sixcontestants were selected: Tori Summey of Arizona;Emma Morris of California; Sierra Jepsen of Ohio;Rachael Wolters of Tennessee; and Justana Von Tate ofTexas.

This year's contest also included a junior competitionfor youth advocates ages 12-16. Twelve contestants viedfor cash prizes, competing in three judged categories of

consumer promotion, media interview technique andissues response. The first place winner was KatelinSpradley of New Mexico, while second place went toMadison Martin of Tennessee, and third place to PhillipSaunders of Virginia.

While preparing for this national beef promotion andeducation competition, youth across the nation learnabout beef and the beef industry with support from statecattlewomen and cattlemen's associations and state beefcouncils. The preparation highlights industry issues ofcurrent consumer interest. Winners of the state competi-tions compete at the national level, where they receiveadditional training. After the event, the youth ambassa-dors speak about industry issues and misconceptions andeducate their peers and mealtime decision makers aboutbeef nutrition, cattle care, safety and more during con-sumer events, in the classroom and online.

Be sure to follow the national Beef ambassadors on twitter at@beefambassador and visit

or for more information.

2014 National Beef Ambassadors Selected


n C B a n e W S a n D U P D a t e S

G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N • November 2013 15

An alliance of cattlemen representing Australia, Canada,New Zealand and the United States have signed on to a letterannouncing their support for a comprehensive Trans-PacificPartnership (TPP) agreement.

“By removing trade barriers and tariffs to create fair andopen access for all nations, the world’s population will haveequal opportunity to a reliable and safe food supply withouttrade barriers inflating the cost of that food,” said CattleCouncil President Andrew Ogilvie, from Kingston SE inSouth Australia.

The agreement is based on ten core principles, ensuringany agreement must be comprehensive and must eliminate alltariffs and market access barriers while emphasizing the impor-tance of unfettered trade.

“Working to achieve a TPP without product exclusions,especially in agriculture, that also eliminates tariffs and othermarket access barriers in the TPP region, is a goal worth strivingfor,” said Canadian Cattlemen’s Association (CCA) presidentMartin Unrau, a cow-calf producer from MacGregor, Manitoba.

The agreement also relies on risk based scientific decisionmaking, based on international science-based standards.

“We are a strong supporter of this agreement and otherslike it, on the grounds that they increase market access and pro-vide stable export markets based in internationally recognizedscientific standards,” said National Cattlemen’s BeefAssociation (NCBA) president Scott George, a cattle and dairyproducer from Cody, Wyo.

The Five Nations Beef Alliance (FNBA) is also asking thenegotiating countries to push for arrangements where beef pro-ducers are all treated the same.

The FNBA comprises the Cattle Council of Australia,Canadian Cattlemen’s Association, Confederacion Nacional deOrganizaciones Ganaderas, Beef + Lamb New Zealand and theNational Cattlemen’s Beef Association. Together, FNBA rep-resents producers from countries that account for one-third ofglobal beef production and approximately half of global beefexports.

The Public Lands Council (PLC)and the National Cattlemen’s BeefAssociation (NCBA) hail the introduc-tion of the Water Rights Protection Act(WRPA), H.R. 3189 by CongressmanScott Tipton (R-Colo.). The bipartisanbill was recently introduced withadditional co-sponsors: Mark Amodei(R-Nev.), Rob Bishop (R-Utah), TomMcClintock (R-Calif.) and Jared Polis(D-Colo.). This legislation provides ameans to combat the recent directivethat allows the United States ForestService (USFS) to seize private waterrights without just compensation.

“The USFS has taken a page out ofthe Environmental Protection Agencyplaybook and continues to illustrate itsdisregard for property rights through itscontinued efforts to federalize all watersin the U.S.,” said PLC president andColorado rancher Brice Lee. “They havefailed to provide adequate compensation;instead, they have attempted to acquirethese rights in exchange for special usepermits. It is clear this bureaucracy isgrossly overstepping its bounds and hasto be prevented from usurping our mem-bers' private property rights.”

The legislation proposed wouldprohibit the Secretary of the Interior andthe Secretary of Agriculture from requir-ing the transfer of water rights withoutadequate and just compensation.Additionally, the bill supports long-established state water laws, clarifyingthat the federal government does nothave jurisdiction.

“With 40 percent of the western cowherd spending some time on publiclands, the ability to have secure water

rights is imperative, not only to produc-ers but to the economy,” said NCBApresident Scott George, a rancher anddairy producer from Cody, Wyo. “Thislegislation is a common-sense bill thatprovides certainty to ranchers and leaveswater management to the states where itbelongs. The USFS must be accountable

to citizens and the states and cannot, atwill, circumvent state water laws at theexpense of landowners.”

Both Lee and George ask the Houseto take up and pass this legislation with-out delay, encouraging other representa-tives to co-sponsor and urging swift pas-sage out of committee.

NCbA and PLC Urge Congress to Pass the Water rights Protection Act



Five Nations Beef Alliance Agrees on Core Principles for the TPP Agreement

G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N • November 2013 17

Congratulations to Kassidy Jacobs

for submitting the winning entry in GCA’s November photo contest.

Check out our Facebook page for the December photo of the month contest!

18 November 2013 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

ZiPPY duVALL oF GeorGiAFArM BureAu presents acheck for $5,000 to David

Gazda, GCA president, andChuck Joiner, chair of the

building remodel campaign.

G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N • November 2013 19

C H a P t e r C o n n e C t i o n S

the sePt. 23 MeetinG oF the PAChitLA CAttLeMen's AssoC. was hosted bySunbelt Expo Georgia Farmer of the Year Will Harris of Bluffton at his White OakPastures pavilion. Harris has developed his southwest Georgia farm into one ofthe most diversified operations in the country. Harris maintains about 700 broodcows, and has qualified co-producers that help him supply 150 grass-fed cattle aweek to Whole Foods, Publix, Buckhead Beef and other retailers. PachitlaCattlemen wish Will luck at the Expo; he is certainly a great candidate forSoutheastern Farmer of the Year.

Mid-GeorGiA CAttLeMen's AssoCiAtion had another successfulfundraiser of selling ribeye steak sandwiches at Inman HeritageDays and Buggy Days Festival. They sold 1,650 sandwiches; pro-ceeds are used for FFA and 4-H projects, steer and heifer show, com-munity service, newsletter and promotional activities.

the PoLk CountY CAttLeMen's  FAir  Booth,

"LeAn BeeF & nutrition," won firstplace at the annual Polk County Fair. The

booth was designed by Laura Robinson andset up by the booth crew (pictured) JuniorCattleman Jacob Huitt, Laura Robinson,Glenn Robinson and Dondra Haney.

Members staffed the booth, answeredquestions and gave out recipes, bal-

loons and candy all theweek of Sept. 21.

20 November 2013 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

By suzanne Black,gBB director of

industry informationand public relations

The busy holiday season isupon us! Thanksgiving is rightaround the corner and will behere before we know it. Myfavorite things aboutThanksgiving are the deep root-ed holiday family traditions.Most families have their stapleThanksgiving meal which neverfails to bring back special memo-ries from previous years.Although turkey has beendeemed the Thanksgiving meatof choice, why not add newmemories to the table with abeef ribeye roast?

Whether you have alwaysincorporated beef into yourThanksgiving meal or this yearwill be a first, remember to passon your beef recipes and cookingknowledge, just as you passdown other traditions. As manyof you know the millennial gen-

eration is a major consumergroup we need to be targetingwith beef promotion and educa-tion. Recent research has shownthat millennials love beef, but donot know how to prepare differ-ent cuts of beef. There is now agap between the knowledge ofthe baby boomers and the mil-lennials when it comes to cook-ing and preparation methods.

So, as you are counting yourblessings this Thanksgiving, passdown those special traditionsthat are dear to you. Don’t for-get to pass down the tips, tricksand how-tos of your favoriterecipes. Also, enjoy this ribeyeroast with a Dijon crust andadd roasted green beans as oneof your sides. HappyThanksgiving, and remember...BEEF IT’S WHAT’S FORDINNER!

RIBEYE ROAST WITH DIJON CRUST AND ROASTED GREEN BEANSTotal Recipe Time: 2-1/2 to 3-1/4 hours • 6 to 8 servings

ingredients1 beef Ribeye Roast Bone-In, small end (4 to 6 pounds)1/2 cup Dijon-style mustard2-1/3 cups cheese and garlic or Caesar croutons, finely crushed (about 1-1/4 cups crumbs), divided1-1/2 pounds green beans, trimmed1 tablespoon olive oil

instructions1. Heat oven to 350°F. Spread mustard evenly over all surfaces of beef roast. Press

1 cup crouton crumbs evenly onto roast over mustard.2. Place roast, fat side up, on rack in shallow roasting pan. Insert ovenproof meatthermometer so tip is centered in thickest part of beef, not resting in fat. Do notadd water or cover. Roast in 350°F oven 1-3/4 to 2 hours for medium rare; 2 to 2-1/2 hours for medium doneness.3. Meanwhile toss green beans with oil on metal baking sheet. Add remaining 1/4cup crouton crumbs; toss to coat. Roast in 350°F oven with beef roast 30 minutes.

4. Remove roast when meat thermometer registers 135°F for medium rare; 150°Ffor medium. Increase oven temperature to 450°F; continue roasting green beans10 to 20 minutes or until tender and starting to brown.5. Transfer roast to carving board; tent loosely with aluminum foil. Let stand 15 to 20minutes. (Temperature will continue to rise about 10°F to reach 145°F for mediumrare; 160°F for medium.)6. Carve roast into slices. Season beef and green beans with salt and pepper, asdesired.


Harvey Lemmon,


P.O. Box 524

Woodbury, GA 30293

706-553-5124 Home

706-553-3911 Work

Gerald Long, Treasurer

3005 Old Whigham Road

Bainbridge, GA 39817


Dr. Frank Thomas

68 GA 149

Alamo, GA 30411


Betts Berry

546 Tom Hunt Rd

Chickamauga, Ga 30707


Zippy Duvall

P.O. Box 7068

Macon, GA 31298


Robert Fountain Jr.

P.O. Box 167

Adrian, GA 31002


Kenneth Murphy

5266 Luthersville Road

Luthersville, GA 30251

770-550-0339 Cell

Joel Keith

4541 Mountville Road

Hogansville, GA 30230

Home 706-637-8818 / Cell 706-594-2873

Allen Wiggins

1315 U.S. 41

Ashburn, GA 31714


Jim Malcom

P.O. Box 758

Greensboro, GA 30642


Clay Floyd

P.O. Box 566

Swainsboro, GA 30401


The Georgia Beef Board877-444-BEEF

Georgia Beef Board Report

GBB Update-NovemberBy Suzanne Black, GBB director of industry information and public relations

a S S o C i a t i o n r e P o r t S

Douglas County September Saturdays FestivalGBB spent a Saturday with Douglas Co. Farm Bureau at their local fall fes-

tival. Each year the festival is supported very strongly by the community withproceeds going to their local public schools. Despite the fact that it was a rainyday, we still handed out 300 meatballs and had great conversations with con-sumers while supplying them with various beef recipes and information.Reaching out to consumers with accurate information about cattle farming andagriculture at the local level is extremely important. Let us know how GBB canhelp you have an impactful local beef promotion event.

The Beef StoryThe Georgia National Fair has come and gone once again! First and fore-

most, thank you so much to all of our volunteers and staff. The generous sup-port and hard work from everyone made my first Georgia National Fair expe-rience a great one! From Oct. 3-13 we reached thousands of consumers through

the Beef Story. Consumers were eagerto learn and new displays providedinformation about new beef cuts and byproducts. They gathered around ourinteractive trivia wheel to learn aboutGeorgia’s beef industry, beef nutritionand facts about production. The atten-dees made their way around to registerfor the gas grill giveaway, gather beefrecipes and test their knowledge of beefcuts and cooking methods. Again,

thank you to everyone who volunteered their time to help promote Georgia’scattle industry and BEEF! It was such a pleasure to work with each of you.

partners In Action ConferenceOct. 7-10 I joined state beef council staff from around the United States

and attended the Partnership in Action conference hosted by the Cattlemen’sBeef Board and NCBA’s Federation Division. Through this conference I wasable to collaborate with fellow state beef councils as we went through severalsessions ranging from leadership building to new media outlets. We discussedthe future direction of different beef promotion efforts for the next fiscal yearas well as resources that are available to us at the state level. NCBA offers guid-ance and help to all state beef councils in all areas whether it be in advertisingor nutrition. Coordinating our projects with national promotions and activi-ties is important. Having alignment of priorities through our state-nationalpartnership helps us all be more effective when reaching the consumer. ThePIA conference sent all state staff home empowered and ready to begin the newfiscal year implementing programs that will effectively reach consumersdespite having less checkoff revenue to work with.

Georgia BQA UpdateGBB continues to partner with UGA extension and GCA and offer BQA

training at multiple events throughout the state each year. Recently GBB’sJosh White was able to participate in the BQA training portion of UGA’sMaster Cattlemen’s program held in Jackson County this fall. If you are notBQA certified and would like to be, visit with your local chapter leadershipabout hosting a BQA training in your county. Mark your calendar and plan toattend the GCA Convention where plans are underway to offer BQA trainingon Thursday, April 3, 2014 in Perry, Ga. GC

GEORGIA CATTLEMAN • November 2013 21

Thanks to all of ourvolunteers at the

Georgia National Fair.Pictured are a few jun-iors who volunteeredtheir time to promote

beef. Left, DaltonGreen, Makayla

Holmes and MacySeagraves.

GEORGIA CATTLEMAN • November 2013 23

24 November 2013 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

The annual Legislative Livestock Show brought specta-tors to the Sutherland Livestock arena on the first Saturdayof the Georgia National Fair. The show allowed Georgialegislators the opportunity to experience livestock exhibitionfrom the show ring. Senators and representatives chose acalf shown by 4-H and FFA students and spent a few hoursprior to show time learning about their animal, the ins andouts of showmanship and preparing the animal for show.

Exhibitors comprised two teams that represented theHouse of Representatives and Senate. Sen. John Wilkinsonserved as Senate captain with Rep. Tom McCall serving as

team captain forthe House.

Rep. TomKirby of HouseDistrict 114 pre-pared MakaylaHolmes calf“Jolene” for showas he learnedabout the calf’sdiet and familyline.

“She’s[Makayla] donean excellent job

preparing mefor the show.She’s remindedme of things Ihave notthought of inyears.”

JudgeEmily Griffthsof OhioCattlemen’sAssociationplaced the ani-mals as theshowmen ledthem aroundthe arena. The

students watched nervously from the center of the arenaoccasionally whispering directions to the legislator showingtheir animal.

When asked how it felt to watch another showmanexhibit his animal Peyton Mattox of Ogelthorpe FFA said,“Watching makes me pretty nervous, I feel like my parentsdo when I’m in the show ring.”

Baylee Steed of Carroll County 4-H prepared Sen. BillHeath for the show.

“Always watch the judge, feet placement and remem-ber to go slow and easy,” said Steed.

The show concluded with Rep. Tom Kirby placingfirst and the Senate team winning the competition.

Legislative ShowdownBy: Katie Thigpen, communications intern

i n D U S t r Y n e W S


r e a D e r S e r V i C e S

Winch Up

A while back I decided to buildup my ranching reputation byimproving my equipment. I pur-chased a 1997 crew cab GMC one-tondiesel with only 254,000 miles on it.I traded in a ’74 one-ton flat bed F350with a winch, plus $4,000. I asked theused car dealer if I could keep thewinch. He said it was the only reasonhe took the flatbed in trade!

Cal told me his neighbor Jerrycame by to show him his new pur-chase. A brand-spankin’ new ¾ ton4-wheel drive with payments of $600a month over 5 years… but, whatJerry was most proud of was a 20-tonwinch with 50’ of cable mounted onthe front bumper. Jerry talked Calinto goin’ to check cows with him. Itwas a beautiful fall day in the Palousecountry of Idaho. Miles of yellowpasture and wheat stubble, not a treein sight. As they motored throughthe herd they noticed a cow with alump on her jaw, one big tit and,

what looked like a bundle of wirearound one foot.

Together these cowmen decidedto catch her, tie her to a fence toremove the wire and maybe lance thelump. They rifled through his tool-box and found an old rope and a hal-ter with no lead rope. Cal easilycaught the cooperative cow and hal-tered her. Before he could get the ropeattached, Jerry suggested that he hookthe winch to the halter. It was just anexcuse to play with his new toy.

They pulled 20’ of cable from thewinch and hooked it to the halter.Jerry stood by the winch with theremote in his hand like TheodoreRoosevelt in a backhoe about to takehis first bite out of the PanamaCanal… modern man vs. MotherNature.

The cow immediately pulled backand went ballistic! She raced to theright till the cable tightened andswung her around the pickup behind

the right rear wheel well!She managed to take Jerry out withthe cable, broke off the headlight, toreoff the side mirror and bashed in therear fender.

As soon as Jerry arose, the cowreversed course and made the left sidesymmetrical! Jerry climbed on thehood, remote in hand, as the cowcontinued to swing back and forthpendularly, from one side to theother.

By the time she was reeled in tightto the winch, the pickup looked likeit had been in a dogfight with a switchengine! One taillight survived, unlikeboth headlights, side panels, mirrorsand the driver’s side window.

They removed the tangle of wireand wisely decided to cut the nylonhalter off with a pocket knife ratherthan give her some slack and try tounbuckle it.

Good thinking, I’d say.

Baxter Black is a cowboy poet and author. Visit his site at


G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N • November 2013 25

i n D U S t r Y n e W S

26 November 2013 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N


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28 November 2013 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

The IRS Manual has a section in the Audit TechniqueGuide entitled “IRC Section 183: Farm Hobby Losses WithCattle Operations and Horse Activities.” The guide is intendedto alert IRS auditors to situations pertaining to the horse and cat-tle industries. The guide says that “Current trends indicate that thesetwo activities, due to their nature, contain certain opportunities for taxpay-er abuse.” Auditors are advised: “Many of the taxpayers who poten-tially fall under the provisions of IRC section 183 with respect to horse andcattle activities have been involved in such activities during their youth.These taxpayers have grown up on farms or had close relatives whooperated farms. Other taxpayers had unfulfilled childhood aspirations tobe involved with such activities, but circumstances prevented participa-tion. As adults, these taxpayers have achieved the financial wherewithalwhich permits participation.”

Other selected provisions in the guide are quoted below:“The taxpayers who have had prior experience in these activities find

peace and solace in returning to this lifestyle. These taxpayers haveaffection for the horses as well as the cattle. The taxpayers find pleasureand satisfaction from watching their herds and baby animals grazing inthe pastures. Examiners will frequently find retirement homes nestled onthe land set aside for the activity.”

“Some taxpayers have found that agricultural status will reduce theproperty taxes on their land. Small numbers of cattle have been main-tained on large parcels of land in order to qualify for this agricultural sta-tus. In such situations, the cattle activity was not engaged in for profit, butrather for the purpose of reducing property taxes.”

“The examiner should be alert that some taxpayers may not main-tain the contemporaneous records necessary to satisfy the requirementsof the breed association. Some of the data may be “plugged.”Contemporaneous records would include some type of field book that iscarried out to the pasture. The data would be transferred from the fieldbook to a permanent record.”

“The taxpayer’s use of incomplete records could indicate a lack ofprofit motive.”

“The taxpayer should have a formal written plan. The plan shoulddemonstrate the taxpayer’s financial and economic forecast for the activ-ity. The plan should not be a “fantasy Schedule F or C.” In other words,some taxpayers may wish to submit a business plan that is nothing morethan a Schedule F or C, which unrealistically overstates the expenses forthe activity. This is not an acceptable business plan.”

“The examiner should not request the business plan in the firstInformation Document Request (IDR). Otherwise, the examiner willpossibly receive a ‘canned’ document. The examiner should inquire asto the business plan during the Initial Interview and follow-up with a sub-sequent IDR.”

“Some taxpayers will attempt to downplay any pleasurable aspectsof the activity. Some will attempt to portray the activity as laborious withemphasis placed on the drudgery. These taxpayers know where theexamination is leading. They will emphasize the labor to clean or muckthe stalls. The examiner needs to understand that if these taxpayers careabout their animals that any such task is a labor of love or concern for thewell being of the animal.”

“The examiner should establish if the taxpayer has used any advi-sors or experts in the operation of the activity. Obtain names, positiontitles, and addresses of these advisors. Document how the advisors werechosen by the taxpayer. Establish the credentials of the advisors.Document if a personal relationship exists between the taxpayer and hisadvisors.”

“Many taxpayers will express a passion for their activity. A skilledexaminer will be able to draw this passion from the taxpayer through con-versation.”

“The tax return may have minimal or zero gross receipts. The activ-ity’s history of gross receipts should be addressed. The examiner needs

to determine why there have been minimal or no gross receipts. Theexaminer needs to determine specifically when the taxpayer expects forgross receipts to increase and specifically how the taxpayer expects toaccomplish this.”

“Determine that the income source truly relates to the activity con-tained in the Schedule. Examiners should also determine that the incomesource truly exists as some taxpayers have manufactured income in orderto make it appear as though the activity earned some income.Manufactured income raises a potential fraud issue.”

“Horse activities provide a competitive outlet for some taxpayers.For example, some taxpayers have been quoted as saying that cuttinghorse competitions provide stress relief from the chaos in the corporateworld.”

“The thrill of competition draws participants into various shows andcompetitive events. A sense of accomplishment attracts participants tocompete in events where there may not be any monetary compensationfor their efforts. Great pride accompanies the receipt of large trophies andfancy rosette ribbons and award banners.”

“The taxpayer knows about the nine relevant factors. A taxpayerwith a savvy representative has been advised to downplay the pleasura-ble aspects and emphasize the drudgery and dirty work of the activity.”

“A significant amount of showing and showing-related expensescould be indicative of an activity not engaged in for profit if the prizes areminimal in financial remuneration. The examiner needs to determine thespecific purpose for which the taxpayer participates in show competitions.The examiner needs to determine if the show winnings justify the show-ing expenses.”

[John Alan Cohan is a lawyer who has served the horse, stock and farming industriessince 1981. He can be reached by telephone at (310) 278-0203 or via His website is]

IRS Manual Reveals Attitude Toward Industry by John Alan Cohan, Esq.


Georgia Cattlemen’s Association100 Cattlemen’s Drive / P.O. Box 27990 / Macon, GA 31221

(478) 474-6560 • Fax (478) 474-5732 • Email:

q New Member q Renewal

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Sponsored by _________________________________


q Tenderloin Member $600 or more

q T-Bone Member $300 - $599

q Rib-Eye Member $150 - $299

q Sirloin Member $ 75 - $149

Contribution Amount ______________

Thank you ... for your membership!Membership dues entitle you to receive a one-year subscription to the Georgia Cattleman maga-zine. Payment of GCA membership dues is tax-deductible for most GCA members as an ordinarybusiness expense. Complying with tax laws, GCA estimates 5% of the dues payment is not tax-deductible as a business expense because of direct lobbying activities. Also, charitable contribu-tions to GCA are not tax-deductible for federal income tax purposes.


i n D U S t r Y n e W S


T-Bone Members ($300-$599)Atlantic & Southern

Equipment, LLC, TiftonGeorgia Development

Authority, MonroeGeorgia Metals Inc., DanielsvilleManor Cattle Company, ManorStephens County Farm Bureau,

EastanolleeUnited Bank, Barnesville

Ribeye Members ($150-$299)Aden’s Minit Market, DouglasAmicalola EMC, JasperC & B Processing, MilledgevilleCabinet Depot Inc., KnoxvilleCarden and Associates, Winter Haven, FLFirst Madison Bank & Trust, DanielsvilleFlint River Mills, BainbridgeFranklin County Farm Bureau, CarnesvilleGerald A. Bowie, Auctioneer, West PointIvey’s Outdoor and Farm, AlbanyJackson EMC, GainesvilleJackson EMC, HullLumber City Supplements, Lumber CityMid-America Feed Yard, Ohiowa, NebraskaMid State Meat, LLC, SandersvilleMoseley Cattle Auction LLC, BlakelyNationwide Insurance, WinstonParks Livestock Fencing & Barns,

MurrayvillePasture Management Systems,

Mount Pleasant, NCPeoples Community National Bank, BremenRidley Block Operations, Montgomery, ALSunbelt Ag. Expo, MoultrieUnited Community Bank, CarrolltonWare Milling Company, WaycrossWaters Agricultural Labs, Inc., CamillaZeeland Farm Services Inc., DeSoto

Sirloin Members ($75-$149)AgGeorgia Farm Credit, DublinAgGeorgia Farm Credit, PerryAgGeorgia Farm Credit, RoystonArnall Grocery Company, Newnan

Athens Stockyard, Athens, TN

Baker Cattle Service, QuitmanBank of Camilla, CamillaBanks County Farm Bureau, HomerBartow County Farm Bureau, CartersvilleBBWH Insurors, StatesboroBekaert Corp., DouglasBig Indian Feed Tack, LLC, Fort ValleyBraswell Cattle Company, AthensBubba Chicks, HamiltonBurke Truck and Tractor, WaynesboroC & H Hardware & Outdoors, RobertaCarroll County Livestock, CarrolltonCarroll E.M.C., CarrolltonCat Creek Cattle Co., ValdostaChapman Fence Company, JeffersonChattooga Farm Bureau, SummervilleClarke County Farm Bureau, Athens Colony Bank-Fitzgerald, FitzgeraldColony Bank Wilcox, RochelleCommunity Bank & Trust, ClarkesvilleCountry Pride Market, LLC, MilanDosters Farm Supply, RochelleDublin Eye Associates, DublinEastonollee Livestock Market, EastonolleeEdward Jones, CarrolltonElbert County Farm Bureau, ElbertonFarm and Garden Inc., CorneliaFirst State Bank of Randolph Co., CuthbertFlint EMC,, DahlonegaForsyth County Farm Bureau, CummingFort Creek Farm, SpartaGreene County Extension Office, GreensboroGreg’s Meat Processing, ComerGriffins Warehouse, McRaeHabersham Co. Farm Bureau, ClarkesvilleHabersham EMC, ClarkesvilleHaralson County Farm Bureau, BuchananHarris County Farm Bureau, HamiltonHart Co. Farm Bureau, HartwellHartford Livestock Insurance, WatkinsvilleHenry County Farm Bureau, McDonoughHolly Hill Farm, RobertaDavid Hilliard, CPA, McRaeHolland Fertilizer Company, CedartownJ&B Tractor Company, WaynesboroJames Short Tractors & Equipment of Alto, AltoJames Short Tractors & Equipment, Inc.,

CarnesvilleKnoxville Store, KnoxvilleLand South Group, Lakeland, FLLaurens County Farm Bureau, Dublin

Lumber City Meat Company, Lumber CityMacon Co. Veterinary Hospital, MontezumaMadison County Chamber of Commerce,

DanielsvilleMadison County Farm Bureau, DanielsvilleMeriwether County Farm Bureau,GreenvilleNortheast Georgia Livestock, AthensOconee County Farm Bureau, WatkinsvilleOconee State Bank, WatkinsvilleOconee Well Driller, WatkinsvilleOsceola Cotton Co., LLC, OcillaOwens Farm Supply, ToccoaPalmetto Creek Farm, HamiltonPaulding County Farm Bureau, DallasPickens County Farm Bureau, JasperPiggly Wiggly, McRaePublic Service Communications Inc., ReynoldsReedy Creek Farms, MetterRhinehart Equipment Company, RomeRoberta Drugs, RobertaRoberta Piggly Wiggly, RobertaRollin-S-Trailers, MartinR.W. Griffin Feed, DouglasR.W. Griffin Industries, NashvilleSecurity State Bank, McRaeSmith Agricultural Insurance Services, LLC,

FitzgeraldSmith’s Pharmacy, McRaeSouthern Bank & Trust, ClarkesvilleSouthern States, CarrolltonSouthern States, WoodstockSunSouth, CarrolltonThompson Appraisals, SopertonTroup County Farm Bureau, LaGrangeTurner’s Wings, ReynoldsTwin Lakes Farm, HullUnion County Farm Bureau, BlairsvilleUnited Community Bank, BlairsvilleUnited Community Bank, ClevelandUnited Community Bank, CorneliaUpson County Farm Bureau, ThomastonViridiun LLC, CummingWalker County Farm Bureau, LafayetteWallace Farm & Pet Supply, Bowdon JunctionWards Service Center, Inc., DexterWayne Chandler Plumbing & Well,

DanielsvilleWhite County Farmers Exchange, ClevelandWhitfield County Farm Bureau, DaltonWilcox Co. Farm Bureau, RochelleWilkes County Stockyard, Wash.Y-Tex Corporation, St. Augustine, FL

AgGeorgiaFarm Credit

AgSouth Farm Credit

Alltech, Inc.,Thomasville

Athens Seed Co.,Watkinsville

SouthwestGeorgia Farm Credit

FPL Food, ShapiroPacking Company

Fuller Supply Company



Pennington Seeds

Purina Mills

Southern States

Each month, the GCA Associate Memberssection recognizes GCA’s allied-industry

and business members. To become anassociate member, complete the form on the

bottom of page 28 or call 478-474-6560.GCA members are encouraged to use the

services of these industry-supportingprofessionals.

Tenderloin Members ($600+)

r e a D e r S e r V i C e S

Yancey Bros. Company

G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N • November 2013 29

i n D U S t r Y n e W S

30 November 2013 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N


David and Susan Vaughan

Chris Heptinstall, General Mgr.706-337-2295 Office


PO Box 185Fairmount, GA 30139

For the best in


Mike Coggins • Lake Park, GA 31636

229/559-7972 Office • 229/559-6097 Fax

229/232-3096 Cell • Email:

Ranch located just off I-75, on the Georgia-Florida line.


G e o r g i a B r a n g u s B r e e d e r sG



a c


Char-No FarmRegistered Brangus and Ultrablacks

Black Simmental /

Angus Composites

C.E. (CHUCK) & NORMA SWORD545 Scott RoadWilliamson, GA 30292(770) 227-9241• 770-468-3486 (cell) •

HollonvilleHighway 36212 Miles West

of Griffin Vince Roberts, Farm Manager - 678-378-4697 cellScott Barkley, Herdsman - 678-378-0598 cell

G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N • November 2013 31

FARM SIGNScan be ordered now for November shipments.

custom signs $45 plus shippingsigns without name $40 plus shipping

Call Michele Creamer478-474-6560

michele@gabeef.orgor log on to

www.gabeef.organd order from our

online store!Please note: signs are one-sided.

32 November 2013 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

Directions: I-75 To Exit 41, Easy Calving, Smooth PolledRight Onto Roundtree Br. Rd., Charolais With An Emphasis4 Mi. To Farm Sign On Right On Milking Ability

lITTlE RIvER CHAROlAISMarshall & Mary Beth Bennett Buck & Jean BennettP.O. Box 406 1175 EM Rogers RoadAdel, Georgia 31620 Adel, Georgia 31620Phone: (M) 229-300-3164 Phone: 229-549-8654

(O) 229-896-4517

Georgia-Florida Charolais associationFor information on the Georgia-Florida Charolais Association,

contact Scott Tipton, President, 1001 Preacher Campbell Road, Clarkesville, GA 30523

706-200-6655 •

Polled Charolais Cattleperformance Testing for over 35 years

Ted A. Collins693 Old 179 South

Whigham, GA 39897

Oak Hill Farm

Home of Bennett Charolais

Wayne & Lois Bennett

Barn: 770-893-3446

Home: 770-893-2674

Cell: 770-826-9551

1779 Holcomb Road

Dawsonville, GA 30534

www.oakhillfarmga.comCattle for Sale Private Treaty

Collins & SonHerd Certified& Accredited


2509 Old Perry RoadMarshallville, Georgia 31057

478-396-5832 •











Put your operation at center stage with a spotlight ad in the magazine!

call 478-474-6560 or email to place yours today.





Look for our bulls at:

Calhoun Bull Sale (Dec. 6, 2013)

Tifton Bull Sale (March 5, 2013)

Alabama Wiregrass Bull Sale (October 2014)

Collins & Son

Collins and Son

ted a. collins693 Old 179 South • Whigham, GA 39897 • 229-762-4259

Top Charolais bulls for

many years at Tifton and

Calhoun bull tests

Performance-Tested bulls

for more than 35 years

Most bulls are productof et or ai.

angusBulls also

34 November 2013 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N • November 2013 35


38 November 2013 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

miKe croWder733 Shoal Creek RoadGriffin, GA 30223Ph: 770-227-6801 • Cell: 770-605-9376

Will GodownsCattle Manager

Phone: 770-624-4223

Established 1963

angus •

DANFOWIN FarmBalanced Performance


Edwin FosheeP.O. Box 331Barnesville, GA 30204(770) 358-2062


8881 Hwy. 109 WestMolena, Georgia 30258


John & Marcia Callaway2280 Coweta-Heard RoadHogansville, GA 30230

Home: 770-583-5688John’s Cell: 770-355-2165

Marcia’s Cell: 770-355-2166

Kurt Childers11337 Moultrie Hwy.Barney, GA 31625

229/561-3466 (mobile)229/775-2287 (home)


Moultrie, GA 31776229-891-8629


Rodney Hilley Family

Georgia Simmental-Simbrah BreedersGeorgia siMMentAL siMBrAh Association

Billy Moss, secretary/treasurer Phone 706-654-6071  

Junior Advisordonna Priest






40 November 2013 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

Did we have too much rain this summer? How will it affect your winter-feeding strategy?


By Lawton Stewart

nutritional implicationsEnergy: As grass grows, the structural carbohydrate

portion increases. You will notice this on a forage reportas higher lignin and/or acid detergent fiber (ADF). Thesecompounds help support the growing grass. However,these are less digestible by cattle. Therefore, an energysupplement may be needed.

protein: As the grass grows, protein content may ormay not decrease. However, as it matures, it becomes lessavailable in the rumen for the fiber-digesting microbes.Protein can be broken down into two forms (1) Rumendegradable protein (RDP) is utilized by the microbes and(2) Rumen undegradable protein (RUP) escapes the rumento potentially be utilized further down the digestive tract.Both are needed in the diet, however, as the foragesmature, RDP decreases causing a potential deficiency forthe ruminal bugs. This is why feeds with nonproteinnitrogen are fed with these type forages.

nutritional Strategies1. Forage Testing. Hands down, this is the first and

foremost step. The cost of the test will pale in com-parison to the money saved either in feed cost if theforage is better than expected, or the cost of lowerconception rates if the forage is not as good asexpected.

2. Liquid or Dry protein Supplements. There arethree major advantages to liquid, block or tub-based protein supplements; those are convenience,reduced labor and increased forage intake. As men-tioned earlier, these provide RDP for the microbesto utilize the forage. This, in turn, increases forageintake on lower quality forage. These can be anexcellent source of protein when a small amount isneeded to bridge the gap with marginal hays, espe-cially with dry cows. However, as with any otherfeed, they need to be analyzed to ensure they aremeeting the nutritional needs of the animals in acost-effective manner. Another positive for manyof these is the addition of essential vitamins andmacro- and trace-minerals.

3. Byproduct Feeding. Many producers do not have thefacilities or machinery to handle large amounts of com-modity or byproduct feeds. However, with a little inge-nuity, such as ton-tote bags, 50-gallon drums, etc., therecan be a real opportunity to utilize these. The strategythen becomes pricing and getting these early enough toensure an economical price. Often times, something assimple as a 50:50 mix of corn gluten feed and soybeanhulls or straight whole cottonseed can be a versatileration that can be fed at variable rates to match the hayand cattle stage of production.

The truth is, it may be more of an art than a sciencewhen it comes to developing a strategy. The best indica-tor is cow condition and conception rates each year. Also,at the end of the day, if you take nothing else from thisarticle, testing forages is your best tool. No matter the sizeof your operation, always start by understanding youravailable nutrients in your forages, and then develop yoursupplementation strategy around maintaining productionin an economically feasible manner. For more informa-tion on winter-feeding strategies, contact your localCooperative Extension Agent (1-800-ASK-UGA-1).

For most of us, this summer was a complete 180 from previous years. The rainfall total forJanuary to July for the SE United States was the second wettest on record. That is great if you aretrying to grow forage, but it’s bad if you are trying to cut, rake and bale hay. For many, this hasresulted in (1) grass harvested at significantly higher maturity than anticipated and/or (2) hay thatwas cut, but rained on before it could be raked and baled. This can have major implications onutilizing the hay for winter-feeding programs. Considering this, it would be good to understandthe nutritional implications of this situation, aswell as potential strategies.


G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N • November 2013 41

Table 1. Influence of Inadequate Dietary Nutrient Intake on Reproduction in Beef Cattle (Bearden And Fuquay, 1992).

Table 2. Feed amounts and costs of several supplements for hay (Early lactating cows; average milk production).

1Amount needed to meet both energy and protein requirements. 2Based on the following prices: CGF = $150/ton, Molasses tub = $86/225 lb tub, Liquid feed = $285/ton, Range cubes = $330/ton, and Whole cottonseed = $200/ton. 3Molasses based with a mixture of natu-ral protein and non-protein nitrogen. * Exceeds safe feeding level or manufactures suggested intake level.

Windell & Lawanda Gillis (478) 374-48682891 Hawkinsville Hwy. Eastman, GA 31023

Cell 478-231-8236

• Accredited• Certified

• No Creep• Est. 1979


AHIR HerdEstablished 1982

Source of Great Females

6585 Jett Rd., Dawsonville, GA 30534


See our menu for success

Jay Tinter, owner Billy Kidd, Manager404-316-4969 Terrell Higgins,

Clint, Kim, Will & Samuel SmithP.O. Box 820

Wadley, GA 30477(478) 252-0292

Clint’s Cell: (706) 551-2878

Smitty, SuzAnne, Tatum &Beau Brinson Lamb

(229) 386-0491Smitty’s Cell:

(229) 392-1409

Mature Cow Herd Dispersal, May 5, 2012

Custom Built Since 1982Home of Hillside Juniatti ND 598 (Third Generation Pathfinder® Cow)

Hillside Georgina ND 6475 (Second Generation Pathfinder® Cow)

Hillside Dividend 47 (Second Generation Pathfinder® Cow)

For more information on GAA activities, contact:Christy Page

2681 Gum Springs Church Rd.Jefferson, GA 30549 •

Dues - $50 per year

For more information on GJAA activities, contact:

Chris and Julie Throne,

Doug and Tammy Williams, Advisors

Jr. Dues - $10 per year

Turnpike Creek FarmsReg. Blk. Angus & Blk. Simmental

Certified & Accredited Herd #152

David T. 

Williams & Sons

1555 Workmore-Milan Rd.

Milan, GA 31060

David (229) 362-4716

Doug (229) 860-0320

Derek (229) 315-0986






2509 Old Perry RoadMarshallville, Georgia 31057

478-396-5832 •


Specializes in raising bulls on forage.

Marion Barnett, Jr. 1685 Lexington RoadWashington, GA 30673

Cell: 706-202-8435Wilkes Barnett cell:


Purebred Angus CattleHarvey LemmonWoodbury, GA





HigHWay 341 SoutH

CHiCkamauga, ga 30707

Larry & Virginia rigSby


pHone: 423.595.0539 • emaiL:

1095 Charles Smith Rd.Wadley, GA 30477

www.smithangusfarm.comCharles E. Smith

(478) 494-7567Kyle Gillooly

(478) 494-9593

garY W. autrY

352 West Watts Rd.Ringgold, GA 30736


42 November 2013 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

GAA Annual Meeting

& Banquet


January 25, 2014

The Classic Center

Athens, GA

Georgia Beef Expo

Southeast Angus Sale

Friday, April 4, 2014

Georgia National


Perry, GA

*Seeking nominations for Angus consignments.

Contact the GAA for more information.

Wa t c h f o r t h e s e U p c o m i n g E v e n t s :

Cloud Brothers Angus


Clark and Wally

155 Stover Drive • Canton, GA 30115

Herd Certified & Accredited AHIR

770/479-5947 (Wally)


Idone Angus FarmDot Idone

469 Pioneer Road

Macon, GA 31217


www.idoneangus.comHerd Certified & AccreditedAHIR

1651 Deep South Farm Rd.Blairsville, GA 30512

line breeding with graham angus genetics.

following graham’s Program begun over 45 years ago.

Best of stock. complete records.

Phone and fax706-745-5714


Cattle that Work

154 McKaig Loop • Rising Fawn, GA 30738

Ted Dyer(423) 605-1034

Jeremy Dyer(423) 605-2431

WaSdin anGUS ranCh485 Davis Rd. Norman Park, GA 31771

Owner: Ed & Dot Wasdin

Ranch: 229-769-3964 Cell: 229-873-1230

“Where Quality & CustomersCome First in Cattle & Hay”

Georgia Angus Breeders

Owners: 229 Cook RoadArnold & Susan Brown Griffin, Ga. 30224

(770) 228-5914

Registered Angus

Mickey & Patricia PoeOWNERS


Jason JohnsMANAGER


C.L. & Joyce Cook1185 highway 11 southsocial circle, ga 30025

(770) 787-1644C.L.’s Cell (678) 910-4891

Clay Bussell, manager, 478-357-6113

The CABE FamilyCarnesville, GA 30521706-384-7119 home706-988-0018

Davis FarmsThe Bart Davis Family

Bart: 229-881-2110

Trey: 229-881-3510 (Primary Contact)

7861 Thigpen Trail • Doerun, GA 31744






Andy Page: 770-307-7511 Phil Page: 770-616-6232Winder, GA 30680


1851 Syrup Mill CrossingGreensboro GA 30642

Phone 404-421-0686

2020 Mt. Moriah • Dallas, GA

All Natural Beef

Breeding good mama cows...


at atime

Tim & Tandy West • 256-927-2025/678-986-2510846 County Road 26, Centre, Al 35960

HAyS FARMSelling Bred Angus and SimAngus heifers,

Angus and SimAngus bullsMack and Kathy Hays8555 Gravel Hill Road

Doerun, GA 31744Home: 229-787-5791 • Cell: 229-881-0158

Harris Livestock, LLcterry Harris

1689 Watkins RoadBoston, GA 31626

David horton912-663-8085

farm Address

722 herndon rd

Midville, Ga 30441

15271 County Rd. 49 • P.O. Box 1260 •Vernon, AL 35592


Black Angus & Sim-Angus

Bull Sale

3rd Saturday in November

Female Sale

1st Saturday in May

G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N • November 2013 43

44 November 2013 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

Bulls for sale out of proven sires and our superior donors

O C C Emblazon 854E N Bar Emulation EXT

O C C Missing Link 830M Black Grove Elation

DH D Traveler 6807 Emulation N Bar 5522

2 year old Bulls for sale at the farm

These Bulls will: Sire Low Birth Weight CalvesAdd Depth and Extra Muscle

Produce Efficient ReplacementsLower Input Costs & Increase Profits

Buy Proven Low Input Genetic Bulls

Not high maintenance bulls that melt when turned out

Walter D. Shealy & Family20977 US Hwy 76

Newberry, SC 29108Dixon Shealy (803) 629-1174

Fax (803) 276-2358Email:

At Black Grove, we breed and raise them the way we like to buy them.

calving ease, heavily muscled, easy fleshing,

low input, docile longevity,Pasture hard & ready

Celebrating 50 Years ofBreeding Registered Angus

Friday, Nov. 22, 7 p.m.

Early Consignments include:

• Good herd of Brangus cows

& pairs bred to Hereford &

Angus bulls

• Black & Black Baldie cows

bred to Hereford bulls

• Consignments welcome!

Beef Sale every Wednesday

at 12:30 p.m.

dairy Sale 2nd & 4th Monday

at 12:30 p.m.

contact:Jeff holloway770-550-4340

Brent galloway678-410-6070


Livestock Market



Cow Sale

G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N • November 2013 45

46 November 2013 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

Registered Red AngusSince 1965

ANGEL FARMS2445 Gadsden Road S.W.Cave Spring, GA 30124

R.L. (Bob) Angel • (706) 777-3968

Jim & Alvina Meeks, owners Raymond Prescott, mgr.

803 Phillips Road 1986 Trinity Church Rd.

Greer, SC 29650 Gray Court, SC 29645

(864) 682-3900 (864) 682-2828


Mike and Debbie Smith2699 West Grantville Rd.

Newnan, Ga. 30263OFFICE 770-253-7099

FAX 770-253-1468

JanBil FarmsRed Angus & Red Simmental

Red Coat 099TSSemen Available

Janet & Bill Nutt 1418 Sixth Street Road,Cedartown, GA 30125

770-748-6424 •

Georgia Red Angus Breeders706-882-7423





McLean Red AngusJim and Alynda McLean206 Morningside Drive

Alma, GA 31510(912) 632-7985, (770) 595-3542

mcleanredangus@aol.comRegistered Red Angus since 1970

(38) 2-year-old bulls (2) 18-month-old bulls

(50) Black Baldie Heifers (2) Angus cows w/LI 1 Hereford calves

Myers Hereford FarmBull & Heifer Sale

Dec. 14, 2013 • 1 p.m.

MYERS HEREFORD FARM321 Elmwood Rd., Statesville, NC 28625

Phone: 704/872-7155 • Cell 704/450-1598 • Fax 704/871-9997Email: • Website:

Online bidding through DV Auctions Inc. •

We welcome youto come and seeour cattle andvisit with us!

HayMaster Nutrition Injection Systems, Inc.


Poor Hay?Old Hay?


& Feed

W e C a n H e l p !

Call us today!877-348-3048

2 Methods &

2 Formulas to

choose from.

G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N • November 2013 47

Cattle Enterprises1230 Reeves Rd., Midville, Ga. 30441-9998

Tommy Mead(706) 554-6107 • Fax: (706) 544-0662

301 Dennis Station Rd., SWEatonton, Georgia 31024

(706) 484-1799cell phone: 706-473-1374

thiS ad CoUld Be YoUrS!

CALL RAY HICKS912-865-5593

WhaleY Polled hereFordSA Program to Watch

A Name to RememberOwners: Truman and Starr Whaley

2634 River Bend RoadDalton, GA 30720

Res. (706) 277-3240; Office (706) 277-3993“Home of Great Victors”


1095 Charles Smith Rd.Wadley, GA 30477

CSR Polled HerefordFarm

Steve RobertsRt. 1, Box 4260

Alapaha, Ga. 31622Phone: 229-532-7963

Herd Certified and Accredited.

Whitey & Candler HuntP.O. Box 488, 255 W. Jefferson St.

Madison, GA 30650706/342-0264 (off.) 706/342-2767 (home)

PlantationSam and Pat Zemurray477 Honey Ridge Road

Guyton, GA 31312-9661Office: 912/772-3118 Night: 912/234-7430

Charles Smith - (478) 494-7567Kyle Gillooly - (478) 494-9593

leonard PolledhereFordSSherman LeonardP.O. Box 280 706/695-8351 dayChatsworth, GA 30705 706/695-2008 night

private treaty cattle for sale at all times.

Herd Certified & Accredited

DOUBlE FARMBBRegistered Polled Herefords

Bobby Brantley H: 478-552-93281750 Wommack-Brantley Road Tennille, Georgia 31089

Cows & Bulls

For Sale at

Private Treaty

1651 Deep South Farm Rd.Blairsville, GA 30512

line breeding neil trask Plato dominos for over 45 years. thick muscled. grass Performers.

complete Program. full records.

Phone and fax:


660 Seaburn Vickery Road, Statesboro, GA 30461 • 912-865-5593

C: 478-553-8598

Quality Polled HerefordsAt Affordable Prices

525 district line roadamericus, ga 31709

(229) 924-0091

cell (229) 337-0038 or (229) 886-7465





Pat Neligan437 Milledgeville Road,

Eatonton, GA 31024706-485-8373

Bob Neligan485 Milledgeville Road, Eatonton, GA 31024706-485-9577 • 706-318-0068 cell

Hereford -

The MaternalBreed

Since 1960

Johnson Polled HerefordsRegistered Polled Herefords

Thomas R. Johnson, Owner


Home of “The Ugly Bull”PO Box 254 • Watkinsville GA 30677

Hunter Grayson (706) 206-1824

1968 Burton’s Ferry Hwy.Sylvania, GA 30467


912-690-0214 cell

Greenview Farms, Inc. Winton C. & Emily C. Harris & Family

Jonny and Teri Harris

(921) 586-6585

Cell (912) 294-2470

Performance & Quality from Grazing Since 1942

Square & Round:

Bermuda Grass Hay,

and Quality Polled

Hereford & Braford Cattle

“Breeding Hereford cattle since 1959”

• l in e 1 ca t t l e f or s a l e •

7731 Bastonville Road Warrenton, Georgia 30828

Home: 706-465-2421 • Cell: 706-339-4607

1359 County Line Road, Cumming, Georgia 30040770-886-6849 / Cell: 404-376-6414

Email: •

Performing on

our forage.

Georgia Hereford Association

Your ad could be here!Call 912-865-5593





48 November 2013 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N


Georgia Santa Gertrudis

3175 Bridgeshaw DriveCumming, GA 30040Phone: 678.852.7301







32% Protein Liquid Supplement

• Slow release protein

• Vitamins A D E

• Liquid Trace Minerals

• Cost effective

DIXIE LIX is formulated forfeeds grown on Georgia soils.A high level of SELENIUM and COPPER compensate for lowlevels of these minerals inGeorgia soils.

adaMS ranChRegistered Red Brahman Cattle

Quality, gentle bulls andheifers for sale. Also haveSimmental and Simbrah.

3837 Stateline Road Cliff AdamsBowdon, Georgia 30108 770-258-2069


Po BoX 703 • san antonio, fl

(407) 908-9866

(352) 585-1732





BeeFIt’s What’s For Dinner!

50 November 2013 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

ImPoRTAnT InfoRmATIon WHen SIGnInG neW memBeRS

GCA regular dues are $50 per year. This structure includes a standard

rebate of $5.00 per member that isreturned to the local Association themember is affiliated with. Some local

Associations have chosen to levy addi-tional local dues beyond the $5.00 whichis presented in the information below.

Please use this table as you are signingup new members into GCA.

GCA Duesstructure

sTATE DUEs ArE $45.ChAPTErs WiTh $5 LOCAL DUEs ($50):

Chapters with $15 local dues ($60):Red Carpet

Chapters with $20 local dues ($65):Satilla

Southeast GAWayne County

Chapters with $30 local dues ($75):Piney Woods

AbAC Chapter local dues are $5 ($15)

UGA Chapter local dues are $10 ($20)

All Junior members dues for every chapteris $15:

$10 State dues$5 Local dues

Troup County collects their own local dues; therefore they pay 

state dues only ($45).

ChAPTErs WiTh $10 LOCAL DUEs ($55):



Ben Hill/IrwinBerrien

Blue Ridge MountainBrooksBurke



Crawford AreaDecaturElbertFloyd





Johnson AreaLincoln

Little RiverLowndesLumpkin


MeriwetherMid GAMitchellMorganMurray

North GANortheast GA




SeminoleSouth GATattnallTaylor




BarrowClarke-OconeeGreene Area


Northwest GAPulaski



Amicalola 20 15 -5Appalachian 78 66 -12At Large 158 158 0Baldwin/Jones/Putnam 94 94 0Banks 63 55 -8Barrow 36 28 -8Ben Hill/Irwin 67 62 -5Berrien 9 11 2Blue Ridge Mountain 61 62 1Brooks 12 18 6Burke 95 75 -20Carroll 154 144 -10Clarke-Oconee 96 98 2Colquitt 46 48 2Cook 9 7 -2Coweta 112 114 2Crawford Area 17 38 21Decatur 12 15 3Elbert 39 46 7Floyd 72 71 -1Franklin 116 114 -2Grady 35 42 7Greene Area 39 40 1Hall 36 36 0Haralson 41 45 4Harris 54 42 -12Hart 79 74 -5Heard 54 65 11Heartland 34 29 -5Henry 60 64 4Houston 13 12 -1Jackson 167 154 -13Jefferson 32 33 1Johnson Area 27 21 -6L.T.D. 11 9 -2Laurens 84 100 16Lincoln 37 41 4Little River 82 78 -4Lowndes 43 47 4Lumpkin 21 29 8Macon 17 17 0Madison 130 126 -4Meriwether 47 54 7Mid GA 182 194 12Miller 38 38 0Mitchell 100 116 16Morgan 73 81 8Murray 28 33 5North GA 61 76 15Northeast GA 72 66 -6Northwest GA 52 59 7Ocmulgee 37 44 7Ogeechee 98 99 1Oglethorpe 74 85 11Pachitla 49 48 -1Peach 10 9 -1Piedmont 123 133 10Piney Woods 26 34 8Polk 109 115 6Pulaski 16 12 -4Red Carpet 105 104 -1Satilla 108 133 25Seminole 11 10 -1South GA 91 100 9Southeast GA 19 21 2Stephens 52 55 3Tattnall 77 72 -5Taylor 18 22 4Thomas 16 16 0Three-Rivers 206 194 -12Tift 40 43 3Tri-Co. 36 34 -2Tri-State 118 117 -1Troup 13 16 3Turner 14 11 -3Walton 44 39 -5Washington 85 92 7Wayne 40 35 -5Webster 3 3 0Wilkes 68 81 13Worth 16 20 4ABAC (primarily junior chapter) 55 71 16UGA (primarily junior chapter) 44 35 -9

Chapter Total Total Inc/Dec11/30/12 09/30/13 for year









GCA Awards: have You Applied Yet?Winners will be announced at the 2014 Convention Awards Banquet

and Cattlemen’s Ball or Summer Conference

ChAPTErs Of ThE YEArThese awards recognize outstanding work by local associations in a variety ofareas, including state and national membership, participation in GCA activities,legislative affairs, community involvement, local association activities and serviceto members. The completed form and supporting materials must be submitted tothe GCA office by Nov. 30. Supporting materials include scrapbooks or other doc-umentation verifying material found in the entry form. Supporting materials willbe returned upon request. Each winning chapter receives $250 and a commemo-rative plaque. Two divisions: Chapters with 61 or more members AND chapterswith 60 or less members.

CATTLEMAN Of ThE YEArThis award recognizes an outstanding GCA member for their cattle and farmingoperation. Applications must be submitted to the GCA office by Nov. 30. The win-ner will receive a commemorative plaque, a two-page spread in GeorgiaCattleman magazine and a recognition video.

CATTLEWOMAN Of ThE YEArThis award recognizes an outstanding CattleWoman who supports the state andlocal associations. Applications must be submitted to the GCA office by Nov. 30.The winner will receive a commemorative plaque.

TOP hAND sErViCE AWArDThis award recognizes an individual in the cattle industry who goes beyond thecall of duty. Applications must be submitted to the GCA office by Nov. 30. Thewinner will receive a commemorative plaque. This award will be given on an as-needed basis.

bEEf QUALiTY AssUrANCE AWArDThis award recognizes individuals who are BQA certified, use these principles ontheir farm and show BQA leadership in their communities. Applications must besubmitted to the GCA office no later than Nov. 30. The winner will receive a com-memorative plaque and $250.

OUTsTANDiNG VOCATiONAL AGriCULTUrE TEAChErThis award encourages excellence in vocational agriculture teachers who supporttheir local associations. Applications must be submitted to the GCA office byNov. 30. The winner will receive a commemorative plaque and $100.

VETEriNAriAN Of ThE YEArThis award recognizes outstanding large animal veterinarians who support theirlocal associations. Applications must be submitted to the GCA office by Nov. 30.The winner will receive a commemorative plaque, GCA jacket and $100. Awardsponsored by Georgia Allied Industry Council.

JUNiOr Of ThE YEArThis award recognizes an outstanding junior member who is involved in the beefcattle industry. Nominations must be submitted to the GCA office by Nov. 1. Thewinner will receive a commemorative plaque and custom belt buckle. Awardsponsored by Carroll County Cattlemen's Association.



**Must have minimum of 15 to be considered active chapter eligible for contest

G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N • November 2013 51


What is BVd?Disease caused by bovine viral diarrhea virus produces

significant economic loss to the beef and dairy industries.Symptoms observed in infected herds include: reproductivefailure (failure to conceive, embryonic loss, abortion, con-genital defects and stillborn or weak, unthrifty calves) andrespiratory disease or diarrhea. The virus has two biotypes;cytopathic (causes cell death) and non-cytopathic (does notcause cell death, and the most commonly isolated frominfected animals) and two genotypes, type 1 and type 2.Some cattle infected with BVD virus do not show any signsof disease. However, the virus suppresses the immune sys-tem which can make them susceptible to other diseases orthey can be a source of infection for other animals. Calvescan be infected with the virus during gestation. The effectsof BVD infection on the developing fetus vary dependingon the stage of pregnancy. Infection early in the pregnancywill usually result in abortion. Exposure of the fetus to thenon-cytopathic BVD biotype prior to 125 days of gestationcan result in the development of a permanently infected calfor PI. The calf’s immune system does not recognize theBVD virus as foreign so the immune system does not attackit. Although many PI calves are born unthrifty and die orare culled within 6 months, some become adults. PI’s shedthe virus throughout their lifetime and continually infectother cattle with the virus. Transmission from PIs to sus-ceptible members of the herd can be by direct contact ,through contaminated veterinary and farm equipment orfacilities. Management practices to control the diseaseinclude vaccination of all members of the herd, biosecurityprocedures to prevent introduction, bio-containment tointerrupt the spread of the virus and laboratory testing ofsamples for the presence of the virus in a herd, with thefinal goal of identifying and removing PI animals from theherd.

VaccinationMany vaccines today are proven to prevent acute BVD

infections in the herd as well as to protect the developingfetus from BVD infection when used according to the labeldirections. Modified live viral vaccines stimulate the part ofthe immune system that kills cells infected with BVD virusand can stimulate immunity in one dose. MLV should notbe given to pregnant cows that haven’t been previously vac-cinated with at least two doses of MLV. Killed viral vac-cines require at least two doses and stimulate only the partof the immune system that produces antibodies to BVD.The antibodies bind and inactivate circulating virus parti-cles. Killed vaccines are safe to give to cows any time andrequire annual boosters to be most effective. There aremany kinds of vaccines and vaccine combinations. It can beconfusing when deciding on a vaccine protocol, consultwith a veterinarian to develop an effective vaccine program.The most convenient time to start cattle on a MLV pro-gram is after weaning and before breeding. Replacementheifers can be easily vaccinated before the breeding season,preventing any concern about using MLV in the future.

BiosecurityAn effective biosecurity plan reduces the chances of

introducing disease into the herd. New additions are keptseparate from the herd for one to two months and watchedfor signs of disease before being combined with the rest ofthe herd. During this quarantine period testing can be doneto determine if the animals carry or have been exposed toBVD or any other pathogen. Also, this is a good time to vac-cinate the new additions and get them on the same programas the main herd. If the new additions are pregnant, thecalves will have to be tested soon after birth to see if theyare BVD negative. Cows that have been exposed to BVDvirus can pass it on to the developing fetus without devel-oping any outward signs of infection.

Bio-containmentBiosecurity focuses on preventing introduction, while bio-

containment is focused on preventing the spread of a diseasethat might be present in the herd. Implementing a good gener-al management plan to identify and manage known risks in theherd will help interrupt the spread of many known pathogens.One of the most effective management tools to improve ani-mal health, performance and fertility is to have controlledbreeding and calving seasons. Eliminating exposure of thebreeding herd to any source of BVD prevents future PI calves.Calving is an especially vulnerable time for cows and calves, soreducing pathogen exposure during this time gives cows andcalves time to recover from this stressful period. Shorteningthe calving season, moving dry cows onto fresh pasture tocalve and calving first calf heifers separately from the main cowherd are strategies that limit the exposure of cows and calves topathogens and facilitate management.

Bovine Viral Diarrheaby Lee Jones DVM, MS and Roberto Palomares DVM, PhD

52 November 2013 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N • November 2013 53

laboratory testing:There are several situations in which laboratory testing is

needed: diagnosing the cause of disease, identifying infectedanimals, herd surveillance or marketing of BVD free animals.Diagnostic tests need to be accurate, economical and rapid.Diagnosis: If an animal is showing clinical signs of illness, awhole blood sample (purple cap tube) needs to be taken andsent to the lab. If abortions have occurred it is imperative tosend in as much fresh tissue as possible from the aborted fetus.A blood sample from the dam might be helpful to see if she isacutely infected. Looking for antibodies in the serum couldhelp make a diagnosis but a second sample 30 days after thefirst sample, referred to as a convalescent sample, is needed tocompare the antibody levels in the blood. Accurate, rapidresults are needed to know how to treat affected animals andprotect the other members of the herd.

testing strategy: Testing strategy depends on the diagnostic purpose. Even

after infected animals are identified it still might be worthwhileto test all cattle in the herd or all exposed to the affected ani-mal(s). Whole herd screening tests all animals in the herd. Thiscan be done if there is a suspicion that BVD might be affectingthe herd’s health or reproductive performance or to keep aknown BVD negative herd. Fortunately, by testing the calf wealso know the status of the dam. If a calf is negative then hismother is negative as well, so we get the benefit of testing thepair for one test fee. However, if the calf is positive the damneeds to be tested because she may not be BVD positive. If thedam is negative (not a PI), the likely source of BVD fetal infec-tion was dam exposure during gestation (acute BVD infection)to another infected animal in the herd. Having documentation

of BVD test-negative animals aids in marketing cattle. In somemarketing studies, BVD negative feeder calves have sold forpremiums much higher than the price of testing. After a herdhas been test-negative for a few years, it is only necessary to testthe market animals and all additions to keep adequate surveil-lance on the herd BVD status.

laboratory tests:There are three basic BVD tests commonly used for rou-

tine or diagnostic testing: immune-histochemistry (IHC) onear notches, antigen capture ELISA (ACE) on ear notches orblood samples and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) on earnotches or blood. IHC is a tissue stain technique to identifyPI animals. The tissue is fixed in formalin, stained to targetBVD virus infected cells and looked at under a microscope.This is used for testing individual samples and takes longerto do than other tests. The ACE test detects the virus in thefluid (ear notch in saline) and is also used for testing indi-viduals. This test is not approved for mixing samples (pool-ing) to reduce costs and may result in a false negative test(animal tests negative when in fact is infected). The individ-ual ACE test is the most common test used because it offersrapid results for the fastest turnaround time. PCR can beused to run several samples combined in a single test;referred to as sample pooling. The PCR process takes smallamount of virus RNA and multiplies the amount toimprove the test accuracy. That is why it can be used withpooled samples. For PCR, up to 24 samples can be com-bined in a single test which can reduce testing costs signifi-cantly. Normally, the turnaround time for ACE and PCR is24 hours. However, if a pool tests positive, then all thepooled samples have to be run individually by ACE to iden-tify the PI animal(s), which implies additional time (two tothree days) and costs. If time is critical, we suggest that yourequest the ACE test upfront. It is highly recommended per-form PCR in pool samples when the number of samples to betested is higher than 96.

laboratoriesThere are a lot of BVD lab choices. It is important to

select a lab that has a verifiable quality control process anduses the correct tests in a correct way. False negative tests areworse than false positive because it gives a false sense of secu-rity and increases the chances of infecting other cattle. TheGeorgia Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratories in Athens andTifton undergo regular reviews to verify their lab proceduresare as accurate as possible. Not all BVD positive cattle are PI.It is recommended to retest the animals that have a BVD pos-itive test four to six weeks later. In some cases, BVD positiveanimals may be acutely infected but not persistently infected.Animals with acute infection may be able to recover from thedisease and are not BVD carriers.

If you suspect your herd may be affected quick action tofind the source can help reduce the damage by this potential-ly devastating disease. If your herd is not performing to yourexpectations and you have higher than expected calf loss ortoo many open cows it could be worth investigating whetherBVD is the cause. As with many things, ‘an ounce of preven-tion is worth a pound of cure’. Further information about thetests, prices, and turn-around time can be found or by calling Athens (706-542-5568) orTifton (229-386-3340).

Bovine Viral Diarrheaby Lee Jones DVM, MS and Roberto Palomares DVM, PhD

it is important to select alab that has a verifiable quality

control process and uses thecorrect tests in a correct way.False negative tests are worse

than false positive because itgives a false sense of security

and increases the chances ofinfecting other cattle. the

Georgia Veterinary diagnosticlaboratories in athens and

tifton undergo regular reviewsto verify their lab proceduresare as accurate as possible.


New rules are going into effect for Georgia farmers haul-ing agricultural commodities. The “Moving Ahead forProgress in the 21st Century Act” (MAP-21) was signed intolaw in July 2012, and it includes changes to the current exemp-tion that farmers have for hauling agricultural commodities toand from market.

The MAP-21 exemption broadens exemptions for haulingagricultural commodities by expanding the geographic area inwhich affected farm vehicles may be operated. The new lawallows farmers to haul commodities anywhere within the stateof Georgia and up to 150 miles from the producer's farm out-side the state.

Farm vehicles eligible for the exemption are those that areoperated by farm owners, employees or family members forthe purpose of transporting agricultural commodities, live-stock, machinery or supplies to and from a farm or ranch.They must not be operated for hire or carry hazardous mate-rials in quantities requiring the display of hazardous materialwarning signs.

Under federal requirements, a producer must carry a spe-cial tag or distinction on the vehicle in order to take advantageof the MAP-21 CDL exemption. Georgia Farm Bureau hasworked with the Georgia Department of Public Safety tomake sure that acquiring this special designation is easy andfree of charge. Drivers that are exempt from the CDL require-ments must still have the proper class of driver’s license.

MAP-21 does not exempt a vehicle from size and weightrestrictions. Farm vehicles must abide by posted weight andload limits on roads and bridges. Covered farm vehicles remainsubject to inspection by commercial vehicle enforcement offi-

cers and other law enforcement personnel. These vehiclesmust enter weight and inspection stations when they are open.MAP-21 does not exempt farm vehicles from registration, fueltax and vehicle marking requirements.

DPS has created a “Covered Farm Vehicle Designation”form (DPS TR0025), which can be accessed online at The DPS TR0025Form will require the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) inorder to complete. The completed form must be carried in thepower unit of the covered farm vehicle during all operationand must be available for inspection by law enforcement per-sonnel to obtain this exemption. Each power unit will requireits own DPS TR0025 Form.

MAP-21 Broadens Hauling Exemptions

i n D U S t r Y n e W S


54 November 2013 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

i n D U S t r Y n e W S

56 November 2013 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

Birmingham, Alabama

1010 North 24th Street

Birmingham, Alabama 35201

Phone: (205) 323-4431


Dothan, Alabama

(334) 794-7812


Douglas, Georgia

(912) 384-8104


Montgomery, Alabama

(334) 263-7316


Current contest ends 11/30/2013

58 November 2013 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

r e a D e r S e r V i C e S


Local sale reportscommercial

sale rePorts

moseley cattle auction october 8, 2013

Lot 1: 560 lb. steers avg $171.40Lot 2: 530 lb. heifers avg $160.25Lot 3: 715 lb. steers avg $160.00Lot 4: 775 lb. steers avg $156.60Lot 5: 710 lb. heifers avg $147.10Lot 6: 700 lb. heifers avg $147.25Lot 7: 750 lb. steers avg $158.50Lot 8: 850 lb. steers avg $151.50

southeast livestock exchange, llcoctober 1, 2013

Lot 1: 710 lb. steers avg $157.30Lot 2: 680 lb. heifers avg $147.10Lot 3: 735 lb. steers avg $156.60Lot 4: 700 lb. heifers avg $145.57Lot 5: 800 lb. steers avg $149.50Lot 6: 750 lb. steers avg $156.50Lot 7: 720 lb. heifers avg $143.75Lot 8: 750 lb. steers avg $154.50Lot 9: 750 lb. steers avg $153.80Lot 10: 750 lb. heifers avg $143.00Lot 11: 750 lb. heifers avg $142.50

Lot 12: 850 lb. steers avg $147.20Lot 13: 820 lb. steers avg $151.00Lot 14: 800 lb. heifer avg $136.50Lot 15: 860 lb. heifers avg $130.00Lot 16: (split load)

650 lb. steers avg $155.25625 lb. heifers avg $148.25

northeast georgia livestock auction Wednesday, october 2, 2013

Lot 1: 850 lb. Holstein steers avg $109.00Lot 2: 865 lb. Holstein steers avg $110.70Lot 3: 780 lb. heifers avg $143.70

G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N • November 2013 59

r e a D e r S e r V i C e S r e a D e r S e r V i C e S

Lot 4: 750 lb. heifers avg $143.00Lot 5: 750 lb. heifers avg $141.00Lot 6: 750 lb. heifers avg $144.00Lot 7: 825 lb. heifers avg $140.95Lot 8: 690 lb. steers avg $160.50Lot 9: 800 lb. steers avg $149.50Lot 10: scratchLot 11: 990 lb. steers avg $138.00Lot 12: 860 lb. steers avg $148.90

Wednesday, september 25, 2013Lot 1: (split load)600 lb steers avg $142.50 550 lb heifers avg $135.50 Lot 2: (split load)625 lb steers avg $149.50600 lb heifers avg $141.50 Lot 3: (split load)750 lb steers avg $152.00725 lb heifers avg $144.00Lot 4: 725 lb heifers avg $144.75Lot 5: 750 lb steers avg $155.50Lot 6: 715 lb steers avg $156.25Lot 7: 775 lb steers avg $152.00Lot 8: 825 lb steers avg $143.00Lot 9: 850 lb steers avg $145.50

Wednesday, september 18, 2013Lot 1: 825 lb Holstein steers avg $109.20Lot 2: 660 lb heifers avg $146.30Lot 3: 740 lb heifers avg $144.00Lot 4: 750 lb heifers (sort three loads) avg $142.25

Lot 5: 775 lb heifers (sort three loads) avg $134.80Lot 6: 785 lb heifers avg $138.25Lot 7: 785 lb heifers (sort two loads) avg $139.30Lot 8: 790 lb heifers avg $135.95Lot 9: 1000 lb heifers avg $123.00Lot 10: 700 lb steers avg $152.00Lot 11: 850 lb steers avg $144.60Lot 12: 865 lb steers avg $143.70Lot 13: 1025 lb steers avg $131.20

Partners in Perfection limousin sale

september 21, 201319 Bred Females $77,100 avg $4,05821 Pairs $81,250 avg $3,8709 Bulls $22,700 avg $2,5224 Open heifers $9,650 avg $2,41353 Lots $190,700 $3,598

25th anniversary alabama connection sale report

october, 5 2013 33 pairs avg $3,99719 bred females avg $3,1101 Bull $3,00053 Total lots avg $3,657

THE BEEF CHECKOFFTHE BEEF CHECKOFFIt’s the law - no one is exempt!

DID YOU KNOW?• Every time you sell a bovine animal, regardless of age, sex, breed,

purpose or number, a dollar-per-head is due.

• The dollar is to be collected by the buyer from the seller, although

both parties are responsible.

• The checkoff is designed so that everyone pays their fair share.

HOW ARE CHECKOFF DOLLARS BEING USED?• Beef and veal television, radio and print advertising.

• Food safety, health and nutritional research.

• Product technology and development.

• Educating consumers and children about beef’s role in a healthy diet.

• Refuting issues that could negatively impact the industry.

WHO pAYS?• When cattle are sold, the buyer of the cattle must withhold $1 per head

from the seller’s purchase price. Failure to do so is a violation of the

law and may be subject to a $5,500 penalty.

HOW DO YOU pAY?• Complete a remittance form and send it with your

check to the Georgia Beef Board, PO Box 116797,

Atlanta, GA 30368-6797. For more forms, call the

Georgia Beef Board at 877-444-BEEF.

Beef Promotion & Research Program

Private Treaty Sales

Checkoff Investment Form




City, State, Zip:

Seller’s signature:

Total # Sold: X $1 per head = $

Dale of Sale:

State of Origin:



City, State, Zip:

Buyer’s Signature:

Person remitting assessment:

Email your sale results to

attention ProdUCerS:

Follow these quick steps

online to get current data

right now

from the livestock

Market News Service:

go to

8 clicK “Local MarketReports”

on left side of page.

8 clicK “Georgia,”

then 8 clicK on yourAuction Market of choice.

60 November 2013 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

MiKe JoneS


19120 GA Hwy 219West Point, GA 31833


SoutheasternSemen Services, Inc.

• Semen Collection • Semen Storage

• Semen Shipping • Semen Sales

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Conveniently Located For Accessibility To All Southern States

Randy Daniel348 Daniel RoadColbert, GA 30628706/788-2533

daniel livestockService

Distributors for:Pearson ChutesRiverode Galvanized Equip.Paul ScalesStoll TrailersBarrett Trailers


CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTSfor more information or to advertise, call 478-474-6560

Embryo Transfer Ultrasounding for Early PregnancySynchronization & Breeding ProgramsFetal Sexing


Perry Smith540-815-7847

Office (229) 776-7588Fax (229)

361 Doerun RoadDoerun, GA

Fertility testing BullsA-I training

TRAILERS ~ FENCING ~ ETC.Carroll t. CannonAuctioneerP.O. Box 500

Ty Ty, GA 31795-0500229/776-4383

Cell: 229/

HIGHVIEW FARMSBreeding cattle since 1973 • Williamson, ga

Hereford, Angus and Baldies

For Sale Private TreatyCall Harold Leo Corley at

770-567-3942 or 678-333-3509

r e a D e r S e r V i C e S

Hoof Trimming • Photography • Sale Consulting • Clipping • Livestock Hauling • UltrasoundBill & Stephanie Martin & Family / PO Box 683, Jefferson GA 30549 / 706-367-8349 • 706-654-8883


CLEMENTS’ LIVESTOCK SERVICES, INC.Embryo Transfer (In house or on farm)

Mobile labFetal Sexing

(Via Ultrasound)19 years experience

Pregnancy Detection(Via Ultrasound)

(200,000+ Head Checked)

Greg Clements1800 Hog Mountain Rd.Statham, Ga. 30666

Office: 770-725-0348Cell: 706-202-7208

Home: 770-725-2611

Senepol CattleHeat tolerant • Red & Black • Easy Calving

Milk • Great Crosses • Good Udders • GentleDisease Resistance • Polled • No Brahman

George Fiveash 229-563-5380 — South GABobby Griffin 478-230-0422 — Middle GARoy Lee Strickland 770-459-5997 — North GA

come see our senePol!


Joey Roberts:

706-318-88483000 Deep Creek Rd.,

Bowman, GA 30624

Visit GCA at




TRIPlE E POUlTRyEstablished 1976

Delivered In Bulk 25 Ton Loads.243 TAlKING ROCK DR. N

BOB EDWARDS JASPER, GA 30143(706) 692-5149 CEll: (404) 408-3709


Please contact me for additional information on these upcoming sales:

• Yon family farms fall female and Bull sale, nov 2.• Wilkes county front Pasture sale• Yon family farms spring Bull sale• upstate south carolina replacement female sale


Sale Manager1410 Carter Rd.

Ninety Six, SC29666

(864) 980-5695

G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N • November 2013 61

GENERAL• Check parasite load of cows, collect

fecal sample on 10-20 percent ofherd as an indication of whetherdeworming is needed. Check withyour veterinarian for instructions.

• Deworm and implant stockersbefore turnout.

• Start feeding a high magnesiummineral supplement 30 days beforecattle are turned in on winter graz-ing or lush fescue.

• As weather gets colder, treat cattlefor lice.

• Remove old insecticide ear tags asyou work cows. Old tags releaselow levels of insecticide that tendto promote development of resist-ant strains of flies.

• Keep a close eye on pasture condi-tions as residual summer grass andcrop residues are consumed. Startoffering some hay before pasturesare totally grazed off.

• Bull sale season is starting. Evaluateyour herd bulls and start looking ifyou need a new bull.

• It’s not too late to get forage ana-lyzed and order winter supple-ments.

SpRING CALVINGJanuary, February, March

• Check on calving supplies andorder any that are needed so theywill be on hand in January.

• Feed poorer quality hay to drycows now. Save your best hay forcalving season.

• Check heifers frequently. Theyshould begin calving in December.

• Make sure cows maintain theirbody condition. Supplement if nec-essary. Thin cows and first-calfheifers would be the most likelycandidates.

FALL CALVINGOctober, November, December• Tag calves at birth. Record birth

date, tag number and cow ID.• Castrate, dehorn and implant bulls

at birth.• A cow’s nutrient needs increase by

at least 50 percent after calving. If

possible, sep-arate dry cows,first-calf heifersand cow-calfpairs to feed moreefficiently.

• Get the bull ready! Trim feet if need-ed, make sure bulls are in good con-dition and check with your veteri-narian about a breeding soundnessexam.

• Check cows frequently. Be ready toprovide assistance with calving ifnecessary.

• Replacement heifers should be near-ing two-thirds of their matureweight.

Editor’s Note: Each monthlylist is divided into three sections:general, spring calving and fallcalving. Management practices inthe general category are seasonal

and apply to most cattle pro-ducers in Georgia. Thespring calving list is based onJan. 10 – March 31 calving

dates, and the fallcalving list is based on

Oct. 1 – Dec. 20 calvingdates. These dates are not

necessarily the best dates for allproducers but were chosenbecause they are reasonably closeto what many producers use.Establish calving dates based onyour feed resources and availabili-ty of labor. Revised by RonnieSilcox and Lawton Stewart,Extension Animal Scientists.Original manuscript by RonnieSilcox and Mark McCann,Extension Animal Scientists.

r e a D e r S e r V i C e S

beef Management Calendar for the Month of November


62 November 2013 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

TEL-O SALE 2013 CALENDAR • Tuesdays at 10 A.M.

P.O. BOX 908Canton, NC 28716

Phone: 828-646-0270Fax:

SerViCeS oFFered:




oWners/oPeratorsJohn Queen480 Queen cove roadWaynesville, nc 28785828-421-3446

evans hooks79 highway 57 eastswainsboro, ga 30401770-316-9611

ð nov. 5 ð dec. 3

Watch for 2014 sale dates

Frank Malcolm, CLU & Lin Malcolm


leGaCY PlanninG& inVeStMent SolUtionS



Wnc regional livestock center474 stock drive

canton, nc 28716828-646-3700

Weekly sales each Monday at 12 p.m. Cattle received Sundays 1-7 p.m. and Mondays beginning at 7 a.m.


G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N • November 2013 63

r e a D e r S e r V i C e S


November 1, 2013Bull Power IXColbert, Ga.


Frank Turner & Sons Farms11th Annual Angus Bull &

Female SaleHayneville, Al.706-601-0800

Dixie Livestock Breeder Cattle Sale

Oak Park, Ga.912-578-3263

November 1-2, 2013GENETRUST

at Chimney Rock Cattle Co.Concord, Ark.877-436-3877

November 2, 2013Burns Farm Bull & Commercial

Female SalePikeville, TN


Pigeon Mountain “Beef Builders” Bull Sale

Rome, Ga.770-547-1433

Yon Family Farms Fall Bull & Female SaleRidge Spring, S.C.


November 5, 2013Southeast Livestock Exchange

Tel-O Sale[See advertisement, p. 62]

November 7, 2013Adams Ranch Annual Bull &

Heifer Sale772-461-6321

November 8 - 9, 2013Grandview/CMR Herefords

Dispersal SaleComo, Miss.


November 9, 2013Blackwater Bull Sale The

Cattlemen’s Kind Lake Park, Ga.

Gibbs Farms 8th Annual Bull &Replacement Female Sale

Ranburne, Ala.336-469-0489

Mountain Laurel Classic SantaGertrudis SaleCalhoun, Ga.423-364-9261

November 9 - 22, 2013North American International

Livestock ExpositionLouisville, Ky.

November 13, 2013Deer Valley Farm Focused on

the Future VII SaleFayetteville, Tenn.


Red Carpet Tele-AuctionNorthwest Georgia Livestock


November 14, 2013Athens Stockyard Feeder Calf Sale

Athens, Tenn.423-745-3582

November 15, 2013 ZWT Ranch Performance-

Tested Angus Bull SaleCrossville, Tenn.

304-619-8722[See advertisement, p. 1]

November 16, 2013Timberland Cattle’s

Best-of-the-Black Angus & Sim-Angus Bull Sale

Vernon, Ala.205-695-6314

Heart of AlabamaUniontown, Ala.251-578-4750

[See advertisement, p. 31]

Shuffler Farm PerformanceLegends Female Sale

Union Grove, NC704-876-9895

[See advertisement, p. 39]

November 21, 2013Athens Stockyard

Preconditioned SaleAthens, Tenn.423-745-3582

Rowell Auctions, Inc.Cumming, Ga.800-323-8388

[See advertisement, p. 30]

November 22, 2013Turner County Livestock Special

Breeder Cattle SaleAshburn, Ga.229-567-3371

Mid-Georgia LivestockReplacement Cow Sale

Jackson, Ga. 678-410-6070

November 23, 2013Ankony Elite Angus & Hereford

Sales • Clarkesville, Ga.

MM Cattle / Callaway Cattle Co.Bull Sale

Carroll County Livestock770-328-2047

[See advertisement, p. 3]

December 3, 2013Southeast Livestock Exchange

Tel-O Sale[See advertisement, p.62]

December 6, 2013Calhoun Bull Test Sale

Calhoun, Ga.706-542-3102 or 706-624-1398

[See advertisement, p. 66]

Dixie Livestock Breeder Cattle Sale

Oak Park, Ga. • 912-578-3263

Knoll Crest Farm TotalPerformance Bull Sale

Red House, Va.434-376-3567

[See advertisement, IFC]

December 7, 2013Bramblett Angus

Performance Tested Bull SaleElberton, Ga.706-654-8272

[See advertisement, IBC]

Cavender’s Neches River RanchJacksonville, Texas


Next Step Cattle Co. Bull SaleAuburn, Ala.

334-419-0112[See advertisement, p. 37]

December 14, 2013Myers Hereford Farm

Bull & Heifer SaleStatesville, N.C.704-872-7155

[See advertisement p. 46]

Southern ExcellenceWadley, Ala.

404-473-6797[See advertisement, p. 54]

Shady Brook Angus Fall Bull Sale

Columbia, Tenn.931-242-1843

[See advertisement, p. 16]

December 18, 2013Northeast Georgia

Livestock CustomerAppreciation Day

Athens, Ga.706-549-4790

[See advertisement, BC]

December 21, 20133J Farms Bull & Female Sale,

Livestock PavilionCalhoun, Ga.706-676-8323

January 4, 2014Bricton Farm Bull Sale

Social Circle, Ga.770-787-1644

[See advertisement, p. 40]

January 11, 2014Lake City Invitational

Lake City, Fla.

Driggers & Strickland Angus &Simmental Bull Sale

Glennville, Ga.912-237-0608

January 18, 2014Firm Foundations Bull Sale

Uniontown, Ala.

January 25, 2014Gretsch Brothers AngusGenetics with a Great

Foundation Bull & CommercialFemale SaleColbert, Ga.


February 1, 2014Turnpike Creek Farms Bull

and Female SaleMilan, Ga.


February 13, 2014UGA 22nd Annual Focus on

EPDs Bull SaleAthens, Ga.


February 15, 2014Yon Family Farms Performance

Tested Angus and SimAngus Bull Sale

Ridge Spring, S.C.803-685-5048

February 21, 2014Beef Maker Bull & Female Sale

Debter Hereford Farm SaleFacility, Horton, Ala.


Februrary 22, 2014Spitzer Ranch ProfessionalCattlemen’s Brangus Bull &Commercial “Brangus Gold”

Female SaleFair Play, S.C.


March 4, 2014Tifton Beef Cattle Short Course

Irwinville, Ga.912-386-3214 or 229-386-3683

March 5, 2014Tifton Performance Tested

Bull SaleIrwinville, Ga.

912-386-3214 or 229-386-3683

March 7- 8, 2014Beef Industry Scholarship

ChallengeTifton, Ga.

478-474-6560[See advertisement, p. 67]

March 24, 2014MM Cattle Co.

Online Angus Heifer SaleBowdon, Ga.770-328-2047

March 29, 2014Partners In Progress XXVI

Wadley, Ga. 478-252-5622

The 7th Annual SouthernTradition Sale

CSR Farms, Alapaha, Ga.

64 November 2013 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

purebred & FullbloodLimousin Club Calves


ROUTE 6 • MOULTRIE, GEORGIA 31768(229) 324-2245 324-2433 324-2796


(706) 742-2369931 Hargrove Lake RoadColbert, Georgia 30628

Nila Corrine Thiel Paul Thiel, HerdsmanOwner Steven Thiel, Herdsman

“Leaner cattle for today’s beef industry”


Josh & Erin White167 White DriveStockbridge, GA 30281(770) 474-4151

Using today’s top AIsires to produce

quality Red & BlackPolled Bulls & Heifers

Visitors always welcome!

Big D Farms, Inc.Limousin Cattle

Chemilizer MedicatorsDonnie Davis

971 Hwy 221 NE

Winder, GA 30680

Home 770-867-4781

Cell 770-868-6668

President: larry Walker


using all top AI siresLarry and Joyce Howard

1350 Old Chattanooga Valley Rd.Flintstone, GA 30725

706-931-2940 • cell 423-596-3819

Sayer & Sons

Farm“Your trusted source of quality Limousin for over 30 years”

Jimmie Sayer

12800 Bowens Mill Rd., Ambrose, GA 31512

912-359-3229 • cell 912-592-1904

Dexter and Nicholas Edwards209 Willard Edwards Road • Beulaville, North Carolina 28518

910/298-3013 • Fax: 910/298-6155 • Nicholas, mobile 910/290-1424email: • Nicholas, email:

CMC LimousinPowerful Limousin & Lim-Flex Bulls/Heifers for Sale

Jerry Bradley, manager678-201-2287

John Spivey, ownerMcDonough, Georgia

L & L Limousin FarmLarry & Linda Walker

Registered Limousin Cattle

266 Silver Dollar Road

Barnesville GA 30204


GeorGia liMoUSin aSSoCiation

Check us out on Facebook

for cattle for sale, news,calendar of events and more

President: skyler davis971 Hwy. 211 N.E. Winder, GA 30680

Vice President: Keith Wyatt176 Shirley Road

Ranger, GA 30734678-575-9154 lillian Youngblood

330 Youngblood RoadAshburn, GA 31714

229-567-4044229-567-1584 (cell)

Keith and dixie Wyatt176 Shirley Road S.E., Ranger GA 30734


WYatt limousin





Congratulations to the exhibitors

of the limousin show at the

georgia national fair in Perry!





P.O. Box 27990Macon, GA 31210


GJCA MISSION STATEMENT: The mission ofthe Georgia Junior Cattlemen's Associationis to prepare the members of the juniorassociation for membership and leadershipin the Georgia Cattlemen's Association, andto offer educational opportunities to pre-pare them to become industry leaders.


ChairwomanMerritt Daniels

Convention/Summer ConferenceCoordinator


Field Day CoordinatorHope Edwards

Chapter RelationsMadison Baugh

Chapter RelationsGreyson Fernandez

Chapter RelationsMacy Seagraves

Youth Activities AdvisorBailey K. Toates816-824-0002

By Hope Edwards, Field Day Coordinator




Furthermore, I am very thankfulto be a part of the GeorgiaCattlemen’s Association and serve onthe Georgia Junior CattlemenAssociation Board of Directors. Ijoined the association at nine yearsold. Throughout the past seven years,it has taught me so many life lessons.I have made great friends, due to cat-tle shows, summer conferences, fielddays, etc. Also, I am blessed with fiveamazing teammates and a fantasticGJCA advisor.

For those of you able to show cat-tle, live on a farm, judge livestock,etc., you know there are many respon-sibilities to go along with it. Whetherit is washing your cow, practicing rea-sons for the next day or picking corn

for dinner, it is a never ending cycle. Many people in this world do not

realize what farmers are doing fortheir family each and every day. Asthey sit down at the table for theirThanksgiving meal, hopefully theywill realize that they wouldn’t havethat meal if it weren’t for farmers.

Often times, I am guilty, like somany others, of being preoccupiedand not taking the time to thank Godfor all that I have. I know I don’t takethe time to tell my family, friends,and loved ones how important theyare to me. So during this season,please take the time to let the peoplein your lives know how thankful youare for them and how much theymean to you.

Junior cattlemen’s report

A favorite Time of blessings,Thanksgiving, Appreciation 

a S S o C i a t i o n r e P o r t S


It’s my favorite time of year again! As Thanksgiving fallsupon us, do you think about all the things you have been blessedwith? I certainly do during this season. I have so much to bethankful for; God has blessed me with parents that are willingto make sacrifices and do anything in the world for me. I havea little sister that annoys me but will always stand by me and bemy best friend. I have loving and adoring grandparents thatthink I hung the moon. I live in a great nation and have free-doms that other people around the world dream of having.

70 November 2013 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

Accelerated Genetics

800-451-9275 ..................................................30

American Angus Association


Bamboo Road

478-396-5832 ..................................................33

Bankers South

855-898-2265 ..................................................65

Beef Checkoff

877-444-BEEF ................................................59

Black Grove


Bramblett Angus

706-654-8272 ................................................IBC

Bricton Farm


Calhoun Bull Test Sale ........................................66

Callaway Cattle Co.

770-355-2165 ......................................................3

Carroll T. Cannon, Auctioneer

229-776-4383 ..................................................60

Clement's Livestock Service

770-725-0348 ..................................................60

Collins & Son

229-762-4259 ..................................................32



Daniel Livestock Service

706-788-2533 ..................................................60

Darren Carter, Auctioneer

864-980-5695 ..................................................60

Davis Farms

229-881-3510 ....................................................45

Dixie Lix


Eblen Electronics


Elrod & Tolbert


Farm Credit Associations of Georgia

800-868-6404 ..................................................27

Flint River Mills

800-841-8502 ..................................................56

Fuller Supply Company ......................................57

Genex Cooperative, Inc.


Plan ahead to advertise in these special issues!Magazine and online advertising is available.

Call 478-474-6560. next Month: red AnGus &CALhoun BuLL test

r e a D e r S e r V i C e S

MM Cattle Co.


Myers Hereford

704-450-1598 ..................................................46

NCBA ......................................................................40

Next Step Cattle Co.

334-419-0112 ....................................................37

Northeast Georgia Livestock

770-601-6286 ..................................................BC

Oak Hill Farm

770-893-3446 ..................................................36

Pasture Management

1-800-230-0024 ..............................................25

Priefert Ranch Equipment


Reproductive Management Services

229-881-9711 ....................................................60

Rockin' R Trailers

800-241-8794 ..................................................60

Rowell Auction

800-323-8388 ..................................................30

Senepol Cattle........................................................60

Shady Brook Angus

931-242-1843 ....................................................16

Shuffler Farm


Southeast AGNet Radio......................................62

Southeast Livestock Exchange, LLC

828-646-0270 ..................................................62

Southeastern Semen Services, Inc.


Southern Excellence

404-473-6797 ..................................................54

The Bull Whisperer

478-397-7201 ....................................................60

Triple E Poultry

706-692-5149 ..................................................60

Tyson Steel

229-776-7588 ..................................................60


478-719-7021 ......................................................5


888-225-5929 ..................................................69

Yancey Brothers

770-941-2300 ..................................................60

ZWT 865-585-4170 ..............................................1

For the General Classified Ad section see pages 60 and 61

Georgia Angus Breeders

706-387-0656 ............................................42,43

Georgia Beefmaster Breeders ............................26

Georgia Brahman Breeders ................................48

Georgia Brangus Breeders ..................................31

Georgia Chianina Breeders

706-759-2220 ..................................................26

Georgia Gelbvieh Breeders ................................26

Georgia Hereford Breeders


Georgia Limousin Breeders

229-567-4044 ..................................................64

Georgia Polled Shorthorn Breeders..................26

Georgia Red Angus Breeders

706-882-7423 ..................................................46

Georgia Santa Gertrudis Breeders

678-852-7301 ....................................................48

Georgia Simmental Breeders


Georgia Simmental Simbrah Association


Georgia-Florida Charolais Association

706-200-6655 ..................................................32

GrassWorks Manufacturing, LLC

888-809-4737 ..................................................48


877-348-2048 ..................................................46

Heart of Alabama Brangus Sale

251-578-4750 ....................................................31

Highview Farms

770-567-3942 ..................................................60

Knoll Crest Farm

434-376-3567 ................................................IFC


Laura's Lean Beef


Malcolm Financial Group

800-884-4820 ..................................................62

Martin's Cattle Services

706-367-8349 ..................................................60



Mid-Georgia Livestock Market

770-550-4340 ..................................................44

Mike Jones, Auctioneer

706-773-3612 ....................................................60

72 November 2013 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

Visitors are welcome to come and view the bulls anytime between now and Dec. 7.

This year In Barry Cronic’s commercial herd50 Momentum sired calves had an average weanweight of 70 pounds more than other sire groups.70 lbs x $1.50 per calf equals $105.00 per calfincrease in profit. Cronic is retaining all theheifers from this group.

Sires represented in the sale: SAVMomentum, SAV Plaintiff, Connealy Consensus,Coleman Regis, SAV Bismarck, SAV IronMountain and Summitcrest Complete.

Guest bull consigners include: Blue Q, Elrodand Tolbert, Pruitt Angus and Rolling Acres.

Bramblett Angus is the place to be on December 7, 2013 if you need more muscle expression, larger hips, square hips, deep bodied, structurally correct sire prospects that will add both pounds and balance.

Visitors are welcome to come and view the bulls anytime between now and Dec. 7.

Perhaps the most complete bull in the Angus Breed

This October 2012 daughter of Momentum, bred in theElrod & Tolbert program, was recently crowned 2013

Georgia National Fair Champion Overall Heifer.

Full and half brother Momentum sons like this will sell.

76 commercial Angus open heifers,

bred heifers, and first calf pairs will sell




1200 Winterville Road

Athens, Ga 30605

Ph: 706.549.4790

Fax: 706.549.1701

Manager: Todd Stephens

Our goal is to provide our customers with the best possible prices for their cattle. Check out our load lot video sales results and other information at our website:

Regular sale every Wednesday @ NoonVideo sale every Wednesday @ 2pm

Commission $12.00 per head



DEC. 18, 2013 **

Video sale representativesTodd Stephens:

770-601-6286 Georgia, SC, Tennessee & Alabama

Ross Strickland: 770.547.3644 Northwest Ga

Mark hart: 706.498.2769 Northeast Ga & SC

Donnie duke: 706.491.6103 Northeast/

Northwest Ga & SC

Parrish Akins: 229.356.3656 South Ga

COMpLIMENTARy LuNCHlunch will start being served at 10:45

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