get ripped eating fast food - constant...

Post on 05-Jun-2020






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Get Ripped Eating Fast Food

Nate Palmer Precision Nutrition Coach, Certified Personal Trainer


You’re a real person. As awesome as it would be to have all your meals prepped

for the week in perfect little Tupperware in your perfect little kitchen, sometimes

life gets in the way

Tell me if this sounds familiar.

You wake up in a hotel in an unfamiliar city with 90 minutes before you have to

be at work for 10-12 hours. (if you’re lucky). You grab a quick bite to eat at the

continental breakfast before hustling out the door to the airport only to find out

that your flight is delayed indefinitely. An hour and a half later, you’re hungry

again, with nothing to eat except airport food. Oh well, there goes the diet.

Or this.

You roll out of bed on what was supposed to be a luxurious day off, only to find

out that someone called in sick and you just picked up their shift, which starts in

37 minutes! Clothes go on, things get thrown into bags, and you’re out the door,

a cold Eggo waffle in your grasp.

We all want to be healthy and make good choices, but its hard when life has

other designs on your time. And going without food for the majority of the day

inevitably leads to a massive binge when you finally encounter food, like a bear

coming out of hibernation.

At some point, you give in and park yourself in the drive through. “Diet starts

tomorrow,” you think, as you shame-eat a cheesy beef burrito in 2 bites.

So what are you gonna do when your plans change and you find yourself stuck

in the food court at the airport for another 3 hours, or have to pick up a quick bite

on the way to work because it’s hard to fake a convincing smile when you’re

dead hungry?

Here’s the Solution.

Get Ripped Eating Fast Food


Get Ripped Eating Fast Food

N8 Training Systems Ultimate Guide to Getting

Ripped Eating Fast Food.

What you’ll learn:

The BEST 30 meals you can order at fast food chains

The problem with eating Fast Food (and how to fix it)

The best way to eat to stay satiated all day

The one thing you should NEVER leave home without.

The WORST things you can order at fast food chains.

The best type of workout to pair with your nutrition for best results.

Since I promised you a guide on the best fast food meals available, we’ll start

with that, and if you want to read my thoughts on how to upgrade your eating

habits when you’re on the go, those will come later.

Some restaurants are going to be easier to find healthy options at than others.

Restaurants like chipotle offer almost unlimited customization options, whereas it

can be difficult to find a great option at Dairy Queen. So make sure that you’re

making a good choice first and foremost on restaurant selection.

Each restaurant below will have between 1 and 3 different options between 200

and 600 calories.


Roast Turkey Farmhouse Salad with

Light Italian (hold the bacon)


Roast Turkey and Swiss Wrap (hold the mayo)

Get Ripped Eating Fast Food


Calories 590

Fat 24g

Carbs 43g

Protein 43g

Calories 300

Fat 9g

Carbs 32g

Protein 19g

Ham and Swiss Melt

Tendergrill Chicken Sandwich (hold the mayo)

(without top bun)


Tendergrill Chicken Ceaser Garden

Salad with ½ packet of Light Balsamic

Dressing(hold the croutons)

Chicken BLT Garden Fresh Salad with

Tendergrill and light dressing

Calories 495

Fat 16g

Carbs 34g

Protein 59g

Calories 440

Fat 29g

Carbs 11g

Protein 33g


Burger King

Charbroiled BBQ Chicken Sandwich

Get Ripped Eating Fast Food


Calories 390

Fat 7g

Carbs 50g

Protein 30g

1/4-Lb Low Carb Little Thickburger

Grilled Market Salad with Light Italian

Dressing (hold the granola)


8-count Grilled Chicken Nuggets

Grilled Chicken Sandwich

Calories 345

Fat 9g

Carbs 20g

Protein 48g

Calories 320

Fat 5g

Carbs 40g

Protein 30g

Carl’s Junior/Hardee’s

Calories 470

Fat 12g

Carbs 64g

Protein 33g

Chargrilled Chicken Cool Wrap

Calories 220

Fat 15g

Carbs 6g

Protein 15g

Burrito Bowl with Steak, Black Beans,

Fajita Veggies, Fresh Tomato Salsa,

Cheese, and Romaine Lettuce

Get Ripped Eating Fast Food


Calories 460

Fat 15g

Carbs 36g

Protein 46g

Calories 430

Fat 10g

Carbs 76g

Protein 15g

Salad with Romaine Lettuce, Brown

Rice, Black Beans, Fajita Veggies, and

Roasted Chili-Corn Salsa

Grilled Chicken Garden Greens Salad

with Light Italian Dressing

Grilled Chicken Sandwich with Double


Calories 165

Fat 3g

Carbs 12g

Protein 23g

Calories 480

Fat 16g

Carbs 32g

Protein 43g


Dairy Queen

Egg White Turkey Sausage Flatbread


Ham, Egg and Cheese English Muffin (without top bun)

Get Ripped Eating Fast Food


Calories 490

Fat 16g

Carbs 52g

Protein 33g

Calories 380

Fat 22g

Carbs 28g

Protein 22g

Two Egg White Veggie Wake-Up


Two Four-piece Grilled Chicken Strips

Chicken Teriyaki Bowl

Calories 500

Fat 14g

Carbs 10g

Protein 83g

Calories 585

Fat 6g

Carbs 106g

Protein 25g

Dunkin’ Donuts

Jack in the Box

Kentucky Grilled Chicken Whole Wing

and Drumstick

Get Ripped Eating Fast Food


Calories 130

Fat 6g

Carbs 0g

Protein 17g

Calories 485

Fat 18g

Carbs 38g

Protein 44g

Grilled Chicken Breast


Green Beans


Cole Slaw


Corn on the Cob

Southwest Salad with ½ packet Low

Fat Vinaigrette (hold the tortilla strips)


Grilled Ranch Snack Wrap (hold the ranch dressing)

Artisan Grilled Chicken Sandwich

Calories 588

Fat 17g

Carbs 53g

Protein 43g

Calories 360

Fat 6g

Carbs 43g

Protein 32g



Six Piece Chicken McNuggets with

One Package Honey Mustard Sauce

Calories 340

Fat 22g

Carbs 24g

Protein 13g

Protein Bistro Box

Get Ripped Eating Fast Food


Calories 380

Fat 19g

Carbs 37g

Protein 13g

Calories 490

Fat 23g

Carbs 50g

Protein 26g

Spinach Feta Breakfast Wrap


Kind Peanut Butter Dark Chocolate

Protein Bar

Six-inch Turkey Breast Sub on 9-Grain

Wheat with Swiss Cheese, Banana

Peppers, Cucumbers, Green Peppers,

Lettuce, Spinach, Tomatoes, Avocado,

and Vinegar Dressing

Six-inch Veggie Sub on 9-Grain

Wheat with Provolone, Cucumbers,

Green Peppers, Lettuce, Red Onions,

Spinach, Tomatoes, Avocado, and

Olive Oil Blend Dressing

Calories 390

Fat 14g

Carbs 49g

Protein 23g

Calories 380

Fat 17g

Carbs 47g

Protein 13g



Two Fresco Grilled Steak Tacos


One Fresco Shredded Chicken Taco

Get Ripped Eating Fast Food


Calories 540

Fat 15g

Carbs 66g

Protein 36g

Calories 400

Fat 18g

Carbs 45g

Protein 16g

Shredded Chicken Burrito

Ultimate Chicken Grill Sandwich


Garden Side Salad with Light Spicy

Asian Chili Vinaigrette

Baked Potato


Small Chili

Calories 520

Fat 12g

Carbs 67g

Protein 38g

Calories 460

Fat 6g

Carbs 80g

Protein 21g

Taco Bell


Calories 430

Fat 19g

Carbs 52g

Protein 15g

Veggie Cantina Power Burrito

Apple and Cranberry Salad with Low

Fat Vinaigrette

Get Ripped Eating Fast Food


Calories 305

Fat 10g

Carbs 41g

Protein 10g

Calories 340

Fat 12g

Carbs 29g

Protein 28g

Chicken Fajita Taco


**Disclamer – All calorie counts are approximate, and can vary

based on a number of different factors.

Get Ripped Eating Fast Food

The problem with eating Fast Food

(and how to fix it)

If eating out, especially fast food, is the norm for you, there’s a big issue you’ll

want to take into consideration. Fast food is made from lower quality ingredients

than the stuff you would cook with for your family at home.

What this means is that you’re not getting as many nutrients in the food you do

consume. Important compounds like phytonutrients, vitamins, and minerals are

lower. This can lead to a variety of health issues, low energy, and a feeling that

many doctors describe as ‘crappy’.

What’s the fix?

This is where a supplement can come in handy. Notice these are called

“supplements” and not “mandatories”, because if you were eating only whole

organic food harvested from the Mesopotamia River Delta by virgins wearing

shawls from the finest baby alpaca wool, you would be getting all the nutrients

you need, therefore rendering supplements unnecessary.

However, you’re not (and if you are, plz call me), so it’s important to get these

vital nutrients somewhere.

Ideally you would be taking:


Fish Oil

Vitamin C

Greens (superfood)

Vitamin D

Digestive Enzymes (probiotics)


Multivitamins are tricky because often times these are manufactured in a way

that doesn’t allow you to get the benefits contained within, resulting in expensive

pee. The multivitamin that I have actually felt a difference using is Universal

Nutrition’s Animal Pak. Be warned, this isn’t one pill, but it takes care of the

Vitamin C, and D as well as amino acids for muscle maintenance, digestive

enzymes for gut health, and antioxidants to keep those pesky oxidants at bay.

Fish Oil is one of the most essential supplements you can take. Most fast food

is high in Omega-6 fatty acids, rather than the beneficial and anti-inflammatory

Omega-3. Ideally we would have a 2:1 ratio of Omega-3 to Omega-6, but most

people have Omega-6 levels 10x higher than their Omega-3!

Fish oil helps with eyes, heart health, skin, bone strength, and can be

instrumental in helping eliminate stomach fat. Make sure the one you choose

has at least 300mg of EPA, and 200mg of DHA per serving. I use Barlean’s

Omega-3 Fish Oil.

Vitamin C is a great anti-inflammatory, immune booster, and can actually help

prevent heart disease by keeping your arteries elastic. It’s hard to overdo this,

because anything not used by your body gets peed out. No harm, no foul. I like

to use packets of Emergen-C mixed with my Green Supreme Food.

Greens/Superfood. Since the vegetable content of most North American’s

diets is lower than bovine morale in a meat packing plant, having a green

supplement is nutritional and immune insurance. If you tend to get sick a lot or

spend a lot of time in germy environments like classrooms or airplanes, this can

be really helpful. Mix it in with water and a packet of Emergen-C in the morning. I

like to use Green Supreme Food.

Vitamin D is less of a vitamin and more of a hormone. Helpful for regulating

melatonin, which plays into a daily energy, and boosting the immune system.

Make sure you’re taking D-3. I prefer the drops rather than the pills for increased

absorption. My favorite is D-Mulsion Liquid D Drops.

Get Ripped Eating Fast Food


Digestive Enzymes/Probiotics can help add to the healthy bacteria in your

gut, which is the basis for your whole immune system, and also regulates how

many nutrients you’re able to absorb from food. If you buy these, make sure you

get them from the refrigerated section of the store, since the bacteria can often

die in transit from the factory. I actually prefer to get mine from eating fermented

foods like kim-chi and sauerkraut.

NOTE: I am an affiliate for the above products, so if you buy them, I get a little bit

of money. If that’s a problem, no worries! I wouldn’t recommend something to

you that I don’t use myself, because I value your trust way more than a few


Get Ripped Eating Fast Food


Get Ripped Eating Fast Food

How to Eat to Stay Full All Day

7:00am – Wake up

7:15am – Fix coffee and breakfast

7:45am – Out the door to work

9:00am – Starving again.

Sound familiar?

This is the unfortunate reality for too many of us, and too often the hunger

monster can interrupt your day, and make you crave ridiculous things like little

packets of peanuts, Mountain Dew, and orange tic-tacs.

There’s a really simple fix though, and since you’re here, I’ll let you in on a big


Ready, here it is: Eat more filling foods.

WAIT WAIT WAIT, before you close out this report and drag it to the recycle bin,

I’m only playing. I love you, and I’m gonna take care of you.

To make sure you stay satiated, you need two elements:



Simple right? But not incredibly easy, since most foods are really high in sugars

and oils (because those are cheaper, and produce a chemical response in your

brain similar to the response to cocaine). So a big part of staying full is finding

high protein foods, and making sure you’re drinking plenty of water.

That’s why a big focus of the meals is a high amount of protein.


Get Ripped Eating Fast Food

After eating a satisfying meal with a high percentage of protein, you’ll stay full

longer, your blood sugar levels will be stable, so no post lunch crash, and the

best part is you’ll be fueling your tired muscles, instead of fat tissue.

By the time you get thirsty, you’re already dehydrated, so it’s important to stay on

top of this. Much of the time, we mistake being thirsty as hunger sensations, so if

you’re chronically dehydrated, you’re way more likely to be overweight.

This little tip can do wonders for your overall energy levels, skin quality, and



Get Ripped Eating Fast Food

This one thing you should NEVER leave home without.

It takes a concerted effort to get enough water to stay hydrated, especially if

you’re doing a lot of travel via airplane. During a flight, it’s possible to become

dehydrated 20% faster than normal because of the low humidity and recycled


So if you’re interested in having more energy, and want to be able to walk off the

gangway into a business meeting or directly into a workout, you MUST start

bringing a water bottle with you.

If you can’t carry one with you at all times, make sure you’re doing your best to

stay hydrated by sipping water at every opportunity. Every time I find a water

source when I’m traveling, I try to drink between 6-8oz of water (3 big gulps),

because it could be a while before you get to another one.

If you don’t enjoy drinking water, try adding Crystal Light, Amino Acids (great if

you’re going a while between meals), or drinking herbal tea.

Get an insulated water bottle like this HydroFlask. Great for keeping water cold,

tea or coffee hot, and doesn’t release harmful chemicals into the water bottle like

ones made from plastic.

For water consumption, shoot for 96oz per day (almost 3 liters), but if you’re

flying, or involved in daily vigorous exercise, try to get even more. Ideally 128oz

is best (3.5 liters).


Get Ripped Eating Fast Food

The WORST things you can order at fast food chains.

If you head out the door and drop in at the food court but don’t have my guide

with you, can’t find one of the restaurants listed above (really?), or have a

favorite that I didn’t touch on, avoid these gut busters.

Fried Food – Pretty obvious right? No matter how much you like them, French

fries aren’t getting you any closer to your body goals, nor will they help you feel

alert and energized in 2 hours.

French fries in the US are engineered to provide the maximum amount of taste

pleasure, and the minimum amount of chewing, resulting in a deep primal urge

to shovel them into our faces as fast as we can.

They’re fried perfectly, coated in a light topping of oil and sugar, and then rolled

in salt. A perfect food designed to hit all the pleasure receptors of the brain.

If you can help it, also try to avoid ordering chicken or fish that’s been fried, as

many restaurants offer a grilled option of the same type of meal.

Drinks – Another no brainer. Soda, sweet tea, and even fruit juices are often

made with high fructose corn syrup and are high in calories and sugar.

Refraining is an easy way to avoid several hundred calories, and avoid spending

an additional 2 bucks. You’re welcome!

Follow up Question:

Is diet soda good for you?

Obvious Answer:

No. No it’s not.

It’s a chemical laden diuretic that will dehydrate you, sneak into your house, and

go through your underwear drawer. Just get water.18

Sauces – I know, I know. I love all sauces. The problem is that most sauces

have a ton of sugar (ketchup, I’m looking at you). A sweet chili sauce can have

as much as 8g of sugar per tablespoon, and I NEVER use just one tablespoon.

When ordering sandwiches or wraps, always ask for no mayo or ranch. Creamy

dressings have a ton of fat in them and can add a couple hundred unhealthy

calories to what could have been a good meal.

Honorable mentions though are hot sauce, (0 calories) and mustard (between 0

and 10 calories). But not honey mustard! I see you thinking it. Don’t even try.

Get Ripped Eating Fast Food


Get Ripped Eating Fast Food

But What About the Ripped Part?

The Importance of Exercise

You can eat all the healthy food in the world, and while you’ll definitely cut down

on the waistline, you’ll never have visible abs unless you exercise!

Exercise helps you get ripped by:

• Burning Calories

• Optimizing Hormonal Levels

• Increasing Metabolism

• Building Muscle

But It’s all about effort! A gym session where you spent the majority of the time

on your phone is not going to get you the results you want.

A consistent exercise routine coupled with a nutrition plan high in protein will

melt fat off your body faster than any gadget or pill on a late night infomercial.

High Intensity

When working out for fat loss, it’s better to work out for shorter sessions of about

45 minutes each, a minimum of 5x per week.

These sessions should be spent doing circuits of 3-4 exercises in quick

succession with a minute break between circuits.

Prioritize compound moves that use the entire body, and try to move as quickly

as possible between exercises. While there are exercises that work better than

others, any exercise is better than nothing, so go get started!


Get Ripped Eating Fast Food

The Workouts


Lower Body Workout

Kettlebell Swing x20

Barbell Reverse Lunges x10 each

Bodyweight Walking Lunges x20 each


Front Squat x5

Bodyweight Jump Squats x10

Plank x60 sec


Farmers Walk x¼ mile

Weighted Hip Press x 15

Hanging Leg Lift x5


Upper Body Workout

Bodyweight Row x15

Overhead Dumbbell Press x10

Chin Up x5

Swiss Ball Pike x20


Bench Press x10

Cable Row x10

Ab Wheel Roll Out x10

Jump Rope x60 sec


Battle Ropes x 15 seconds

Renegade Rows x 2 each


Get Ripped Eating Fast Food


Now that you’ve read (skimmed) through The Ultimate Guide to Eating Fast

Food and Getting Ripped, here are the main takeaways.

• Make sure protein is the star of every meal. The more protein you can get,

the better you’ll look in a swimsuit.

• Drink plenty of water. This helps with feeling full, having energy, and losing


• Make sure you’re balancing nutritional intake by getting enough vitamins and


• Avoid eating fried food, sugary drinks, and sauces when you go out.

• Workout at least 5x per week, doing High Intensity Interval Training in a

circuit style to keep the heart rate elevated.



Since I appreciate so much you taking the time to read this

report, I wanted to give you a free gift.

Its is my proven 5 day ab shredder program that’s guaranteed

to leave you sore and strong, without spending a cent.

All you have to do is open the email I’m going to send you

tomorrow called – MythBUSTER #1: Abs Are Made in the

Kitchen, and I’ll have it for you at the bottom!

No seriously. That’s all you have to do.



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