getting started programming on linux

Post on 25-Jun-2015






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Presentation given at Gold Coast Linux Users group on programming with Linux.


  • 1. Getting Started Programming with Linux Steve Dalton

2. Help! Where do I start?

  • Start simple

3. Don't stress! 4. Right tools for right job 5. No perfect language 6. Don't be quick to language hop 7. Simple beginings

  • Shell is ubiquitous

8. Simple and fast 9. Get to know your friends 10. Don't forget there is a MAN always there to help (apropos too!) 11. When you need a little more

  • Structure

12. Interpreted 13. Virtual Machine Based 14. Compiled 15. Most have DB access, GUI, network, web 16. Richer tools available 17. Tools (really) matter

  • Learn basics of Vi it will always save you

18. Lot's of editors, again, start simple eg. Gedit 19. Make an effort to really USE your IDE 20. Virtual Machines

  • Write once run anywhere

21. Large pool of developers and jobs 22. Scalability, Failover, Tools 23. Enterprise have accepted JVM 24. Get on with it!

  • Don't procrastinate, start NOW!

25. No project? CONTRIBUTE!!! 26. Think Agile: start small, deliver often, test your stuff 27. Talk to other programmers 28. Join meetup groups 29. Read forums 30. Read blogs (eg. Dzone)

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