getting to know larry hutson and sherri todaro ~ by dave...

Post on 18-Jan-2020






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Getting to Know Larry Hutson and Sherri Todaro ~ by Dave Rubin

One of Grace to You’s regular features is an interview with one of our parish families; sometimes a family whose roots at Grace go back

many decades, sometimes newcomers. This month, we’re going to meet a couple that has been attending Grace for a few months, Larry and


Larry comes to us from the state of Colorado. Born into the Methodist faith, he attended college at the University of Colorado in Denver and

SW Texas University. Formerly a dental technician for 47 years, he is currently

employed by American Senior Benefits, a National Independent Marketing

Organization that focuses on the insurance and retirement planning needs of

Americans over 55. Also an artist, Larry enjoys sketching and drawing. In his spare

time, you can find Larry at the beach. He has five children and nine grandchildren.

One of his daughters, Tracy Hutson, was a designer on Ty Pennington’s TV series,

Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. Larry would like to get involved in going out

into the community caroling during the Christmas Season.

Sherri was born in Brooklyn, NY, grew up on Long Island, and moved to Michigan

at age 18. Born into the Roman Catholic faith, she attended Catholic primary

schools and went to college at Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan. In 2004,

Sherri moved to Florida and was employed by Marion County Public Schools.

Currently, she works within the registrar's office at the Community Technical and

Adult Education (CTAE), a unique part of the Marion County School System.

Sherri enjoys the theater, concerts, and unique cultural events. Above all, Sherri

considers herself a people person and loves animals. She involves herself in the

numerous charity events sponsored at the school.

Both were initially drawn to Grace's stained glass windows during their search for a

church home. They found a beautiful church with a rich heritage, the warmth of the

people who greeted them, and an opportunity to blend traditions of the faiths they

had grown up with separately. The Episcopal faith was that perfect compromise.

They enjoy what they take from the Services each week and the down to earth

attitude of Father Jonathan. They feel they have truly found their church home.

And now that you know a little more about these two members of our Grace family,

take some time to greet and chat with them on Sunday morning. You'll find it's

really amazing how much there is to know about people once you take the time to

get to know them!

A Prayerful Decision and a Sign ~ by Janie Rubin

The June ~ July 2010 Grace to You newsletter was the very first one for me as newsletter editor. That issue was 12 pages. Five years later, the

July ~ August issue was 28 pages! But it is not the number of pages, the length of the articles, the number of photographs that have mattered

most. What matters about the newsletter, as with any ministry, is that it belongs to the Lord. The newsletter does not belong to me any more

than the torches belong to the acolytes or the music belongs to the choir. All of these things are the Lord’s calling and the Lord’s gifts.

This past year I have been praying for the newsletter and my work as editor and one of

several photographers. I have asked in my prayers if I should continue in this ministry. Not

wanting any decisions to be mine, I have asked God, through the Holy Spirit, to give me a

very clear sign on the direction I should go. The sign came a few weeks ago, clear as

glass. I will be handing the ministry of editor of Grace to You over to the next person. I

do not know who the next person is to be. Editing this newsletter has indeed been a

ministry and one to which the right person will feel called by God to take on.

In discussing the newsletter editor position with Fr. Jonathan recently, it has been

decided to wait for the Lord to call the right person in His time, not in ours. This

newsletter has been printed in recent years every two months. Articles are

submitted by all those who feel compelled to write. Generally speaking, those

in positions of specific ministries will submit an article, but articles are not

limited to just those church members. Deadlines are set as well as dates for

printing a test copy, printing and proofreading the final copy, printing

and folding, and distributing each issue on paper and online.

Reminders are sent out to principal contributors and photographs are

chosen to match each article.

The newsletter does not depend solely on the editor of course.

Many people contribute to write the articles, take the pictures, conduct

interviews, arrange for advertisements, among other things. The editor

assembles the photos and articles and proofreads everything for grammar and

spelling, and sizes photos and graphic art. Basic requirements other than, of

course, knowing that the Lord has called upon an individual, are some

knowledge of Spell-check, Word, Photoshop and Publisher (a Windows

program used by Grace Episcopal Church but able to be installed on a Mac).

Oh, and prayer and the ability to listen and wait for the answer.

So, this is the last newsletter that I shall serve as editor. I shall not miss lugging my camera around to church on Sundays. I shall miss

the satisfaction of seeing the finished copies before anyone else and the wonderful comments I hear the day each issue comes out. It has been

my pleasure and privilege serving the Lord in this way. Special thanks to everyone who has ever submitted an article or a photograph.

Calling all of the Church family at Grace.

The journey is not over, but it is about to take a dramatic turn. Thanks to the prayers and support of the Grace

community I have competed the training at the Institute for Christian Studies in Winter Park, have been

recommended to the Bishop by the Standing Committee of the Diocese, and have been approved by Bishop

Brewer for ordination as a Deacon. You are invited to two special celebrations.

First is the ordination service in Orlando. It will be on Saturday, September 12th, 2015 at 11:00 AM at the

Cathedral of St. Luke, 130 North Magnolia Avenue. We have eleven candidates for ordination to Holy Orders so

the Cathedral will be crowded. An early arrival is recommended. We have had requests for carpooling to the

Cathedral. If anyone is available to carpool or need a ride, please contact me at

Second is the Celebration of a New Ministry here at Grace on September 20th, 2015 at the 9:45 AM Sunday service. This is our church family

affair where we have a parish party celebrating the ordination. The Venerable Kristi Alday, Archdeacon will be here to represent the Diocese

and the Bishop in that celebration. We as a community need to focus not only on the celebration itself, but also to pray for guidance from the

Holy Spirit for the role our Church is to play as a church in the downtown center of our City.

Joining the ranks of Deacons Mike and Mary is an awesome undertaking. I aspire to measure up to the high standards that they have set.

Grace and Blessings to you,

Chester Trow

Magandang buhay, mahal na mga kaibigan ~ by Deacon Mary Delancey

Greetings, dear friends. It is so hard to believe that I have already been here for six months. The time has gone

slowly when I think of everyone and everything back home, but when I look back to the day I arrived in Manila

it seems like it was just a few weeks ago.

Being in a country half a world away means exposure to many new germs and they all seem to like me enough

to stop and visit for a while. I still get sick but the illnesses are farther apart and of less duration and severity.

Mostly they are just an annoyance and I have only missed three days of work in six months. Good medical care

is readily available for those who like me can afford it (thanks to the generosity of supporters

from Grace). It is hard to stay hydrated in this heat but it is no hotter than an Ocala summer and

I am coping. Eating a healthy diet can be easier here than back home. Although, for a confirmed

“carbovore” there are way more temptations here, there is no excuse for not getting enough

fruits and vegetables. There are numerous stands selling the freshest of produce along almost

every street. Some of the fruits and vegetables are exotic but there are many old favorites as

well. I can’t wait until mango season is here again!

My housemate and I have now found a new place to live. Our landlord has sold the house where

we had been staying. (This is a sad story. The landlord has lost his job due to health problems

and because of his age is unemployable here. The family has two children in college, one who is

in her last year of medical school.) Affordable housing is not easy to find close to work but we

needn’t have worried as God has provided. Our new home is closer to work and we may also be getting another house mate in October.

We currently have 9 girls, ranging in age from 15 to 19, at Hope Home. Three of the girls

have children: a 2 year old boy, a 1-1/2 year old girl and, of course, the recently born twin

boys. The kids stay here with their moms and are cared for by staff if their moms are at

school. Having their children with them gives them a chance to learn healthy parenting and

develop strong bonds with their children. Age is not an indication of education level. One of

the 15 year olds in in her last year of high school, the other is in 6th grade. Most of the girls

are behind in their education. Poor children are frequently unable to stay in school. They

can’t afford uniforms, supplies, or transportation. They frequently have to work to contribute

to the family livelihood.

When I talk about the girls I often address school issues, for a number of reasons: Education

is of great cultural and economic importance in the Philippines; it is what I spend most of my

time dealing with (others do the counseling, Christian formation, life skills, community

resource gathering, networking and handling administrative issues); school is the “work” of a

teenager. How the girls do in school shows how well they can concentrate, how they deal with stress and challenges, how they feel about

themselves, and the quality of their relationships, among other things. Since the school year started in July it has been much easier to measure

growth and identify problems that still need to be addressed.

The project in the Philippines has been in operation for a year and the nine girls have been in the program from 8 months to a year. Girls stay

with us longer than they do in other countries. In other countries a 15 year old girl can stay in the rescue

house program for six months, then enter an apprenticeship at a hair salon or café. At 16, she can get a job

and earn a livelihood for herself and her family. In the Philippines the only legal work a girl under 18 can

find is work in a family business. And very few jobs are open to those without a high school education. So

until a girl is 18 and a high school graduate she will not graduate from the program. Our college girls are

those who have shown a special talent or academic excellence.

Growth and change is not linear. The girls sometimes take three steps forward and two steps back. But we see

progress in many of them. One girl with anger management issues has not exhibited the same lack of control

as before. She still gets angry, she still raises her voice, but she does not throw things or strike out. Another

girl has made remarkable spiritual growth and is learning to listen to the Lord for guidance. Another has

shown herself to be a remarkable entrepreneur and learns quickly and eagerly, qualities she has only been

able to display as she has felt safe and accepted. This jewelry made during Fun Time is an example of her artistry.

The work is challenging, as anyone who is raising or has raised teenagers can imagine. We want so much for the girls. They often look at the

world through the tiny window of their experience and see only that limited view. We want them to see themselves as God sees them and we

want to give them every chance to have the life God intends for them. Please continue to keep us in your prayers. They sustain us.

Welcoming the Newest Member to the Ministry of Acolytes

Parker Hoeft, son of Buff Moring, is our newest member to join

the ministry of Acolytes. Acolytes serve at the altar assisting the

clergy during the Service with the sacred elements, the offering

and the ringing of the sanctus bell as well as carrying the torches

and the processional cross during the processions, recessions and

at the time of the reading of the Gospel. The ministry of Acolytes

is open to children at age 8 or in the third grade as well as adults.

Should someone in your family feel called to serve in this way,

please contact the Acolyte Director, Deb Bockhold following the

9:45 Service or by contacting the church office.

We Have A New Verger At Grace ~ by Dave Rubin, Verger

Since becoming Grace Episcopal Church’s first Verger in 2012, I’ve been asked many times “Just exactly what is a

Verger and why do we need one?”. As our Presiding Bishop Elect the Right Reverend Michael Curry states, the

Verger is the concierge of the church. A video of Bishop Curry’s remarks can be found at In short, when you attend a Sunday worship service, there are a myriad of details

and moving parts that all must come together just right. It is the job of the Verger to understand and coordinate

these behind-the-scene things so Father Jonathan can concentrate on doing what he does best - bringing us into

a close fellowship with Jesus - without having to worry about things like is there an operator at the sound

board, are there enough Acolytes, are the candles lit, is the Altar Book set to the right pages, etc., etc. On

some occasions, the Verger will robe and join the Procession as part of the Altar Team, reminding us of the

historical significance of the Office of the Verger who, in Medieval times, would use the Virge (a sturdy stick,

topped by a cross) to protect those in the Procession, perhaps carrying vessels made of precious metals, from

any interference as they’d process from their abode to the church.

And now another individual has been called by God to become a Verger. Deb Bockhold, our Director of Acolytes, has spent

the last year prayerfully meeting with Father Jonathan and myself, reading and discussing books on Church history and

liturgy, examining motivations, discerning if becoming a Verger will strengthen her relationship with our Lord as well as

empower her to enhance worship at Grace. And the result of these discussions and meetings is the affirmation that Deb’s call

is true – that she shall become Grace’s second Verger, and our first woman to hold that office. Although her Service of

Installation will not take place until November 22nd, Verger Deb is sharing responsibilities with me now. So when you see

her walking around the church before Service, making sure that all is as it should be, you may rest assured that Verger

Deb is doing her part to ensure that your time with Jesus is not disturbed by any distractions.

New Daughters Admitted to the Order ~ by Ruth Kraan

The Daughters of the King (DOK) Grace chapter has two new members! On July 12th Fr. Jonathan admitted Gail Van Deusen and Lucy

Quinones to The Order of the Daughters of the King during the 9:45

Service. Prospective Daughters enter a time of prayer and study for a

minimum of 3 months prior to taking their lifetime vows of daily

prayer, service and evangelism during their admission service. Each

new Daughter’s Greek Fleury Cross was Blessed by Fr. Jonathan and

will be worn daily for the rest of their lives. The Service was followed

by a reception in honor of Lucy and Gail in the Parish House. Many

thanks go to Elaine Heitman and Ann Anderson for the food,

decorations and hard work that made this a special reception.

Both of these new Daughters are

active serving in our parish in

various functions such as on the

Prayer team, as acolytes,

providing transportation to

church, and always praying

actively for our church family.

The Order of the Daughters of the

King is a religious order for

women founded in 1885 and has

members all over the world dedicated to spreading Christ’s Kingdom by a lifelong program of prayer,

service, and evangelism.

Grace Episcopal Church Order of the Daughters of the King meets monthly for prayer, and study on the

3rd Monday of the month at 4 p.m. at the home of Mary Naughton. For additional information on the

Order contact Ruth Kraan at 693-4924 or the church office.

DOK Members Mary Naughton, Deborah Pratt, Connie Holleman, Gail VanDeusen, Lucy Quinones, Patti Gilman,

Marilyn Sibons & Ruth Kraan with Fr. Jonathan.

DOK members Ruth Kraan & Patti Gilman assisted the other Daughters

recently in readying the house of Daughter Deacon Mary Delancey who kindly

lent her home to the visiting seminarian Zac Neubauer and his family.

Zac & Erica Neubauer and the children were welcomed into their temporary home with refreshments and snacks.

We were very pleased to welcome Zac & Erica Neubauer to Grace

this summer as they spent four weeks along with their two sons

while Zac was on break from his classes at Trinity Seminary in

Pennsylvania where he is studying for the priesthood. Zac assisted

Fr. Jonathan and the chalice ministers at the altar and preached the

sermon at the Sunday and Wednesday Services. We continue our

prayers for the Neubauer family and Zac as he finishes his studies

and along the pathway that the Lord will lead them in the future.

Loving Kids ~ by Sarah Hart

Most parents recognize that bringing up their children into the joy of a relationship with Christ requires considerable support from sources

outside their home. Presumably, you are familiar with the African proverb “it takes a village to raise a child.” Ask almost anyone who has

children and they will surely nod in agreement however, raising a child to love and serve the Lord requires even more than a village. It

requires the Holy Spirit and a blend of other factors leading a young person to the amazing truths of the Gospel. While parents and individual

churches play a very significant role in fostering the next generation of believers, more is often required to move a young person from singing

“Jesus Loves Me” to following Jesus. Many teens must also encounter Him in their places and with their people - the places and people that

are “cool” and comfortable and their own.

By loving kids right where they are and meeting them on their turf, Young Life ingeniously mastered an approach by which dedicated leaders

develop authentic relationships with kids while demonstrating the love of Jesus; and they have globally and successfully done so for decades.

The reason you are only now learning about Young Life, unless you are Young Life Alum from another town, is because this program

currently does not serve the teens of Marion County. As a community, we will change that and the local board members ask three things of

you, our neighbors and friends:

1. Learn more about Young Life by visiting

2. Pray for the hearts of kids in Marion County, for our Area Director who has yet to be hired and for this work to radically change young

lives for the glory of God’s Kingdom .

3. Give financially anything you can so that Young Life will begin working for and with our kids in the coming school year.

This is an opportunity for committed and faithful leaders to work alongside our local church bringing kids of all backgrounds, including the

advantaged and the churched, into life-long relationship with Jesus. Your help makes the mission of Young Life accessible to your own kids

and grandkids. Please join your fellow community members in supporting this amazing work.

For more information about Young Life and sponsorship opportunities or to

become involved, please contact your fellow parishioners Michael

(352.362.6282) or Sarah Hart (813.404.1558) or

ECW Fall News ~ by Joan Canzoneri

ECW kicked off the Fall season in August with a luncheon at The Egg and I. Over thirty ladies attended and enjoyed a wonderful lunch.

Sherry Barker & Mary Naughton Carolyn Ayers & Connie Holleman

Pat Harris & Pat Sukalski Mary Baines & Ann Anderson

Karen Kudia & Susan Wester Elaine Sarbeck & Martha Jane Singeltary

ECW Fall News continued

October 3rd is the date of the Animal Blessing, please contact Karen Kudia for more

information. This fun filled annual event is held on the Saturday closest to the feast of St.

Francis, patron saint of animals. Pets of all kinds are welcome to join us in the Parish

House and the parking lot as we enjoy a brief pet friendly program, refreshments and a

traditional blessing of animals. Animals are requested to be leashed, reined or in carriers

as appropriate. This event is fun for the entire family. You need not bring an animal to

join in the festivities.

The dates of the Bazaar have been CHANGED to October 23rd and October

24th. Plans will be discussed and ideas exchanged at the September

10th gathering in the Parish House at noon. This year beautifully crafted

Fall Arts will be featured. Remember us when sorting through your treasures,

we need gently used or new clothing, games, toys, books, housewares, art,

holiday themed decorations, and collectables. Donations may be brought to

the office Monday thru Thursday 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. and placed in the ECW

storage room. New, used, antique, retro, and vintage jewelry pieces may be left

with the Parish Administrator Martha during office hours. The proceeds from

the Bazaar contribute to the support of a variety of local charities such as the

Domestic Violence Shelter and PACE center for Girls as well as some needs

within Grace Church and the VPK.

Back to School Greetings from VPK! ~ by Shirley Webb

Thirty-two happy little lambs began their K-4 experience on August 17th in the Lively House. There were a few tears but most were from

anxious mommies who later returned to pick up their little ones who full of joy and excitement to share their fun-filled day!

We are delighted to begin another school year with full enrollment and an interest/wait list for the

next two years, too! It’s never too early to choose Grace Episcopal Church VPK. Those on our wait

list can begin early registration in February prior to the year their child is eligible to start VPK.

Grace Episcopal Church families

of preschoolers, come visit your

school and meet the team of

dedicated teachers. Your child,

too, could be blessed to be a

part of such a wonderful school

and grow spiritually, socially, and intellectually right here at Grace Episcopal


Back to School Sunday Sundaes

Third Grader and VPK Alumna Madison Molock.

Ryn Schatt enjoying an ice cream sundae with parents Betsy & Ted Schatt.

Grace member Elsie Owen is a student at our VPK this school year. Elsie shares a sweet treat with mom

Andrea Owen.

Terryn Ginder, grand daughter of Grace members Terry & Pat Sukalski is

also a student at Grace VPK.

Back to School Sunday was celebrated August 23rd with teachers, students and alumni joining Fr. Jonathan and

the congregation in prayer at the 9:45 Service.

The Grace congregation joined VPK as well

as all students and teachers in celebrating

Back to School with an Ice Cream Social in

the Parish House following the Service.

Several VPK alumni and their families

joined us as VPK celebrates it’s sixth year!

Why Do We Have So Many _____ (Vergers, Deacons, Acolytes, …) At Grace? ~ by Verger Dave

“Grace is not a very large church. Why do we have so many slots

that need filling?” This is a question which I occasionally hear, and

which calls for a better understanding on ministering in and to the

body of Christ, i.e. the Church. In a typical business, you’ll have

a Table of Organization which precisely defines the different

positions necessary to run that business and how many

people are required in each job. This is the “Fill the Slots”

model, and the business can actively recruit people to fill

each slot. Although Grace Episcopal Church follows

this model with its paid staff, our ministries: Deacons,

Vergers, Acolytes, Choristers, Readers, Ushers,

Kitchen Angels, Flower Guild, Altar Guild,

LEM’s, LEV’s, Parochial Care, Children’s

Church, Office Volunteers, and others, do not.

Have you ever sat in your pew and watched a smiling

Acolyte accept the congregation’s offering from the Ushers,

or admired the beautiful altar flowers, or seen the faces of the

Choir of Grace lost in the Holy Spirit as they made a beautiful

sound unto the Lord, and felt that your walk with the Lord would

be enhanced by joining with them? Do you feel an urge to have a

deeper role at Grace, to use your time and talents to bring yourself

closer to God by helping bring others closer to Him? If so, you may

be feeling a call to join one of these ministries – not to fill a slot, but to

deepen your own worship at Grace. And all who are called are welcome.

We don’t have slots to fill; we have people worshipping by doing. A

primary goal of Grace Episcopal Church is to bring people closer to

God. Should that involve you worshipping in your pew, that’s

wonderful. Should that involve you operating the Sound Board, or

working in the kitchen or organizing the Bazaar with your fellow

Episcopal Church Women, or living your rule of life as a

Daughter of the King, that’s also wonderful. There are no slots,

no quotas, no Tables of Organization…only God’s people,

worshipping their Father in the manner that suits them best.

Watch Your Sunday Bulletins for More on These Important Events

Back to Church Sunday will be September 13th and an opportunity to invite family, friends and neighbors who may be searching for a church home or who may have been away from regular church attendance for a while.

Foyer Group Dinners will resume September 10th. You won’t want to miss being included in this fun and relaxing

opportunity for fellowship. Call Karen Kudia, 352-369-6155 to be included.

Join us September 12th, 11:00 a.m. at the Cathedral Church of St. Luke, Orlando for the Ordination to the Diaconate of Chester Trow.

September 27th is the Shoebox Kick-off, but please bring in school supplies, small toys and toiletries any

time as we once again participate in Operation Christmas Child.

September 20th Chester Trow will be installed as Deacon at the 9:45 Service.

Join us for a celebratory coffee hour following the Service.

September 7th, Labor Day. The church office will be closed. Have a safe holiday.

The Annual Blessing of the Animals will be held on October 3rd, 10 a.m. Bring your pets to church for this event for an

animal friendly program and a special blessing.

The Annual Grace Church Bazaar will be held October 23rd - 24th in conjunction with FAFO Weekend. Here’s the perfect

opportunity for Christmas shopping at great prices.

On October 11th, 18th & 25th the Stewardship Series will be presented at both Sunday Services. Consider your time,

talent and treasure - gifts to receive and to give back.

October 15th is the date set for the next Foyer Dinner. These dinners are a delightful way to get to know one another. There

is always room to add more and more groups, so let Karen know to include you in the next group!

On October 17th, we’ll meet at the rectory where we will begin this year’s Mystery Dinner. These dinners are fund

raisers, and loads of fun at the same time. Contact Lise Kent through the church office to sign up

as a host or a participant.

November 1st is All Saint’s Day, a traditional day for the sacrament of Holy Baptism.

Contact Fr. Jonathan to arrange the baptism of a member of your family.

Daylight Savings Time ends on this day, so set your clock

back one hour the night before.

ECW’s 2015 Holiday Bazaar


Beautifully Crafted Fall Arts

Christmas Designs


Books, Toys, Home Décor,


Art and Collectables,

Lunch at the Angel Café

& Christmas Shopping.

October 23rd & 24th

Sunday Worship ~ 7:30 A.M., Rite 1; 8:45 A.M., Sunday School; 9:45 A.M., Rite 2 Wednesday ~ 12:05 P.M., Midday at Grace Holy Eucharist

Office Hours ~ Monday through Thursday, 9:00 A.M. to 3:30 P.M.; Friday - closed Telephone: 622-7881; E Mail:

Welcome to Our Grace Wallis Family

On July 26th, 2015, Dr. Ed & Ann Anderson celebrated their 56th wedding anniversary. However, the date was also a celebration of the

history of the Wallis family connection to Grace. Ann Anderson invited several generations of her Wallis family whose attendance at Grace

dates back well over 100 years. We have all seen the historical photo of the little boy with the wagon in front of the church. That boy was

Thomas Henry Wallis, Jr., great grandfather to Ann and Ed’s nieces and nephews pictured here. Their great-great grandfather Thomas Henry

Wallis Sr. was a member of Grace until his death in 1907.

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