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VOLUME 18 ISSUE 7 View Messenger online at: APRIL 10, 2019


Relationship, Reflection and Response

Making Disciples of Christ by sharing God

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OPPORTUNITY AT SALVATION ARMY The Salvation Army Kitchen Crew will begin volunteer-ing at the Soup Kitchen on Wednesday, May 1 through the end of October. This is a rewarding outreach oppor-tunity to serve a hot meal to over 100 people who would otherwise not have anything to eat. Volunteers who are interested in serving are asked to call, leave a message or text Gary Wall at 270 839-9000.

SALVATION ARMY PAPER DRIVE During the month of April, we will collect paper goods to use at the soup kitchen. The following items are needed: 9 in sturdy paper plates, 8 oz styrofoam cups, styrofoam bowls, plastic spoons & forks & napkins. Thank you for supporting this outreach ministry.


The Edgar Cayce Workshop will begin on Thursday, May 9 from 6:30-8:30 pm. The group will meet every 2nd & 4th Thursday for about one year. They will be studying the book, A Search For God. If you are interested in joining the group, please contact or text Nancy Wall at 270 839-9001 for more information.

NOTE OF THANKSFirst Christian Church, Thank you for the fresh flowers delivery on Sunday, March 24, 2019! The flowers brightened my day, Sincerely, Beverly Snowden

EASTER CANDY!It’s time to prepare for our annual Easter Egg Hunt! Please bring your candy donation to church. There is a bin marked EASTER in the Gathering Space and outside Rev Kim’s office where you can drop off your offering on or before April 14th.

PALM SUNDAYAll children and grandchildren are invited to gather at the beginning of the Palm Sunday Worship service, April 14th, to process with Palms on Palm Sunday. Meet at the main entrance to the Sanctuary ten min-utes before the service.

MAUNDY THURSDAYOn Thursday, April 18th, at 7:00 pm, there will be a Tenebrae Service. This is a service of candles and communion whereby we recognize the darkness that surrounded Jesus on the night he was betrayed. It is a time to prepare one’s self for Easter morning.

PRAYER VIGILThe Prayer Vigil will take place on Thursday, April 18th, 8:00 pm to Friday, April 19th, 8:00 pm in the Prayer Room. Please look for the Sign-up sheet post-ed on a large board in the vestibule of the church and sign up for a 30-minute time slot.

GOOD FRIDAY - COMMUNITY CROSS WALKThe walk will begin at 10 a.m. in front of the old court-house on North Main Street.

EASTER SUNDAY SCHEDULE6:30 am Sunrise Service8:00 am Easter Breakfast in the Fellowship Hall. The

church will provide the following: meat, eggs, biscuits, coffee, milk and juice. Those planning to attend should bring a dish that will complement the prepared food.

9:45 am Easter Worship Service11:00 am Children’s Easter Egg Hunt - Children should

gather at the entrance of the offices. If the weather permits, the hunt will be held outdoors. If the weather is bad, the hunt will be held in the Fellowship Hall. Chil-dren should bring their own baskets.

11:00 am Adult Sunday School

Tom Martin’sHunting and Fishing Report

Retirement Part II My days with you as a Bridge Minister are about to end. Your pastor, Wade Mil-ler, will begin his ministry on Monday, April 15. His first sermon with you will be Easter Sunday. I told Wade I would conduct the Sunrise Service, but the congregation and I wanted him to lead the 9:45 Easter wor-ship. I have enjoyed my time as your minister.

You have an outstanding staff and a tremendous con-gregation. In a few days, I will once again become a re-tired minister. It seems a little odd to be retiring after just three months when my last tenure at the church in Cadiz lasted for forty-two years. Some people have asked, “Will you be a Bridge somewhere else?” My answer is, “NO!” Even though I say, “No”, one never knows where God will call you to serve. My plan is to get back to the congrega-tion in Cadiz, as a member, not as a minister. I plan to al-low their new minister to get established and then Carol and I will be back in the pews of Cadiz. Therefore, for a time, you will see us in church at First Christian Church, Hopkinsville. One of the things that I look forward to in my second retirement is to be able to be a participant in worship rather than a leader of worship and once again sit with Carol in a pew. I know you are excited about having Wade as your pastor. I know that I am. It will be a joy, after a long jour-ney, for this congregation to have an established senior minister. I have tried to help you carry on with the es-tablished programs of the church, but many items have been put on hold. It will be good to move forward with past programs and new programs as well. In my time as a Bridge Minister, you have been very supportive. I have felt the power of your prayers for me. I know that you will continue to be supportive of Wade and his ministry, and to pray for him as you have for me. These are exciting times in the life of First Christian Church.


All who want to brush up on their W&W training or become a certified W&W storyteller are encouraged to attend this event led by Petie McLain. When: April 26 at 6 PM through Apr 27 at 5 PM Where: First Christian Church, Madisonville, Ky Once you have been trained you will be eligible to share the biblical stories and encourage faith formation in the special worship space dedicated to children. Contact Rev Kim if you are interested!


I would like to take this opportunity to share with you some information about the First Christian Church outreach giving in 2018. Each year we include a number of organizations in our outreach budget and donations are made throughout the year. The total expenditures in the outreach budget for 2018 were $47,335.00 About 52% of that budget went to the Disciples Mission Fund. Other Disciple related organizations that were included in our 2018 budget were: Cane Ridge, West Area Min-istry, Camp Kum-Ba-Ya, Ministerial Relief, the Disciples Divinity House, Lexington Theological Seminary, and the Kentucky Coun-cil of Churches. Budgeted donations for local outreach went to Aaron McNeal for Crisis Relief, YMCA for scholarships, Boys & Girls Club, Pink Ribbon Network, Alzheimer’s Association, Dys-lexia, Salvation Army Soup Kitchen, Sanctuary, Scouting, Hos-pice, Challenge House, St. Luke Free Clinic, our Jail Ministries and Soap Box Derby. Other outreach funds were budgeted and spent on outreach emergencies. In addition to budgeting for outreach, we also have several Special Offerings during the year that provide funds for minis-tries of the church. They are listed below:Offering Purpose 2018 giftsEaster General Ministries of the Christian Church(DOC) ............... $ 987Pentecost Support and Development of New Churches .....................................321Thanksgiving Colleges/Universities/Seminaries .......................................................1,045Christmas Christian Church in Kentucky .......................................................................500Week of Compassion Response to Disasters ...............................................................................1,539Week of Compassion (Becky Mays – Nita Satterfields sister – hurricane relief ........3,296Reconciliation To address Racism ......................................................................................... 3505th Sunday Christian Care Communities ....................................................................1,738Camp Kum-By-Ya Care Taker Cottage and Dishwasher ........................................................................... 2,649

TOTAL $12,425 First Christian Church has various projects throughout the year for which money is raised. The Seekers Sunday School class raised $1200 this past year, most of which went to pro-vide Christmas food boxes to clients of Sanctuary. The Faithful Followers Sunday School Class supported Sanctuary, paid for a child to have piano lessons, supported Paul and Patricia Ferrell following the fire that consumed their business, and supported in many different ways others within the church who needed assistance. The church is also able to meet needs through its outreach account in the Memorial Reserve Fund. We participated in the Literacy Council’s Ready Reader Road Rally with a $100 contri-bution. In addition, the Memorial Fund helped provide food for the Salvation Army Soup Kitchen in the amount of $756.00, and helped some children and youth in our congregation go to church camp. While we do not keep account of the exact dollars given, the Prayer Shawl Ministry receives contributions for its min-istry. Our Youth groups volunteered their time and prepared Valentine cards and candy for patients at Christian Health Cen-ter, went on the Mission Trip to help at Hiram Farms, provided games for Challenge House, held a car wash to benefit Christian Care Communities, assisted with Autumnfest, and raked leaves for church members. The Preschool is an important ministry of First Christian Church. Our church provides accounting and payroll support, classroom and play space, cleaning and maintenance of that space. Our preschoolers are learning about community out-reach with their own fundraising activities such as collecting canned food items for Salvation Army Soup Kitchen, sock and pajama donations to Sanctuary, collecting food and blankets for the Animal Shelter and collected personal care items needed at the Regional Veteran’s Center. These children are wonderful ambassadors for our Church and ministers to our Community. The total outreach giving of First Christian Church in 2018 was over $ 59,760.00. Thank you for the many ways in which you serve! Let’s continue to make a strong witness to our faith within our community and beyond! Jane R. Wells Financial Secretary

REMEMBER IN DAILY PRAYER(Names will remain on prayer list for one month,

unless the office is otherwise notified.)Pam Cannon Nita Satterfield Karen ShieldsKent Shaw Zoe Raber Steve MillerJim Noffsinger Barbara Oakes Momma KimFlo Dorroh Albert Sisk Dan LongJim Cunningham Rev. Jeff Bell

ATTENDANCE PAST SIX WEEKS03.06.19 .....Ash Wed......... ...52 03.10.19 ...............................12303.17.19 ......................... .....172 03.24.19 ......................... .....15803.31.19 ...............................115 04.07.19 ......................... .....133


JUNE 17th - June 20thWe are in the midst of planning Va-cation Bible School for June 17th-June 20th. If you would like to volunteer, please email, call, or text Yasamin at or 270-303-7713. If there is a certain role you would like to play in VBS please specify. Please let us know ASAP.





Rev. Fr. Richard Meredith - April 12Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church

Luncheon Hosts: Margaret and Tony Prim


There is still time to register for the Disciples Women’s Spring Retreat for the Eastern Region (Louis-ville, Kentucky) on April 27th. Everyone is welcome regard-less of the region in which they live. Additionally, the General Assembly is in Des Moines, Iowa on July 20th through the 24th. A highlight of both the Louisville Retreat and the General Assembly is that you will have the opportunity to hear our General Minister and Presi-dent, Terri Hord Owens speak. Registration Forms can be found in the Narthex, Gathering Space and at the following link:

Deadlines for Registration are as follows: Eastern Area Retreat Deadline: April 13, 2019 The Retreat is April 27, 2019 at Beargrass Christian Church, Louisville, KY with General Minister and President Terri Hord Owens preaching

2019 General Assembly: July 20-24, 2019 in Des Moines, Iowa.

For more information, visit www.disciples.orgWe hope to see all of you at one event or another!

ST. LUKE COLOR RUN!DATE: Saturday, April 27th TIME: 10:00 a.m.

PLACE: Start/finish at the entrance to the Rail Trial at 450 North Drive.FEE: Adults $25.00; Child aged 5-10 years $15.00

All proceeds go to St. Luke Free Clinic.*For more information email the director at

The Color run is a 2.4 mile un-timed event that you can experi-ence with friends and family on the Hopkinsville Greenway Sys-tem. Your free to run, jog, walk or cartwheel along the course. At 4 locations along the route, Color Runners are doused from head to toe in a different colored powder. The powder is made with corn-starch and is completely safe and environmentally friendly.

The Messenger

First Christian C


isciples of Christ)

2601 South Walnut Street

Hopkinsville, K

entucky 42240


Hopkinsville, K



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Making Disciples of C

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9Thank you for your cooperation.

Blessings,Brian Miller, Director of Youth Ministrybrian.miller@firstchristianhopkinsville.orgCell: 270-991-7096

CAMP KUM-BA-YA REGISTRATIONCamp Registration has begun. Please stop by Brian’s office to see the dates and pick up your registration forms. Or go to the website: or like the Facebook page for both Camp Kum-Ba-Ya and CCK-West Area.

April 14 Palm Sunday (Help children with palms during the service) 11:00 am Sunday School 4:00 pm Joyful Noise Youth Choir 5-6:30 pm Youth GroupApril 21 Easter! 11:00 am Sunday School No Youth GroupApril 28 11:00 am Sunday School 4:00 pm Joyful Noise Youth Choir 5-6:30 pm Youth Group

Youth Ministry shared a tasty and blessed meal with Rev. Sara Fisher and Rev. Catherine DeMoss on March 24th.

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