gift in progress

Post on 31-Mar-2016






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a diary in a magazine format for a friend


CHARENsocial Lady Bugssocial Lady Bugs

You are who you are for a reason.You’re part of an intricate plan.You’re precious and perfect unique design,Called God’s special woman.

You look like you look for a reason,Our God made no mistake.He knit you together within the womb,You’re just what he wanted to make.

The parents you had were the ones he chose,And no matter how you may feel,They were custom-designed with God’s plan in mind,And they bear the Master’s seal.

No, that trauma you faced was not easy.And God wept that it hurt you so;But it was allowed to shape your heartSo that into likeness you’d grow.

You are who you are for a reason,You’ve been formed by the Master’s rod.You are you are beloved,Because there is a God. By: Russell Kelfer

You are who you are for a reason,You’ve been formed by the Master’s rod.You are you are beloved,Because there is a God. By: Russell Kelfer

Don’t pray for a thing to be removed unless you pray for wisdom to fill the space for which a void would now exist.God would remove the thing from you but how will you now spend the time you devoted to the person or thing?How do you fill the emptiness you’re now left with. Fear not God sent us the Comforter, especially for times like these.

Cocoa TeaSip and think awhileFrom the real life experiences come real life applications of the manual.Don’t pray for a thing to be removed unless you pray for wisdom to fill the space for which a void would now exist. God would remove the thing from you but how will you now spend the time you devoted to the person or thing, how do you fill the emptiness you’re now left with. Fear not God sent us the Comforter, especially for times like these.

Don’t worry, don’t fear always remember God is still there. It may sound like a cliché but it is totally true, if He’s there for me he’ll be near for you.

When criticism runs high and acclamation runs low he’s still right there.He’s looking from his throne at what we are going to do next what He planned for us or what the devil has in store for us. We allow our selves to have a pity party, the biggest shindig. We wallow in our tears and nestle in our fears of not being good enough.To whom, I wondered one night after a highly anointed service that was power packed that had every one on their feet. But I sat. There in my mess I didn’t let the message penetrate my situation. Only at home in the midst of tears I realized that I yearned for acceptance from people and I left God out of what I was feeling. The pity party was in full swing when I realized that I started praying for forgiveness and 1 John 4:20 came to my memory “How can you love God who have not seen with your eyes and hate your brother?” and “How can I love my neighbor as I love myself if I can love myself?

Ur wanna b the light but where is ur source are u connected to the light of the world jesus Christ u cant shine unless u are connected

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