give back(packing) linkedin visit recap

Post on 05-Jul-2015






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Give Back(packing) Visit Recap

June 12 2012

Mary Anne Viegelmann, Corporate Comm.

Janice Lin, Sales Dev

Brandon De Conte, Sales Dev

Brad Mauney, Sr. Product Manager

Meg Rahner, Project Admin

Organization- Give Back(packing)


Empowering College



Welcome & Agenda

Company and Culture Intro

Finding Your Dream Job

LinkedIn and You

Power of Search

Mt. View Tour & Lunch

San Francisco Office Tour

Building Blocks of a LinkedIn Profile


LinkedIn Culture


Give Back(packing) LinkedIn You


Give Back(packing) Event Photos


InMaps for every student brought by Meg Rahner

Give Back(packing) Event Photos


Give Back(packing) Comments from the



What was the most helpful lesson during the LinkedIn session? “Everything about using LinkedIn to actually get a job and get your resume in the "right hands." I like how Brad showed us how to actually search for people to reach out to for a potential career interest. Also, I liked when Jan and Brandon went step by step on how to make our LinkedIn profiles better and then we were able to ask more specific questions.” - Maggie “Using LinkedIn as a tool in networking and connecting successfully with people; I knew it was important but being at the headquarters and seeing everything in full force really emphasized how crucial connections are in the professional world”- Tanzene “My most helpful lesson was the time we spent in the conference room in San Francisco. I learned valuable tips to make my profile more attractive to recruiters. This was something I really needed to know considering my incomplete profile.” – Adam

What could LinkedIn improve on for future sessions? “In the future, addition of an interactive portion or a "profile workshop" would enhance visitors' sessions. The current session format offers a great deal of useful information, but it can be a bit difficult to remember all the relevant tidbits once the session is over.” - Abigail

Give Back(packing) Comments from the



Do you feel more confident about using LinkedIn? How so? “Yes absolutely and more of just how valuable it is as a career searching tool. I always knew it was an important part of the job search, I just didn't fully understand the power of it. Not only can you use it to look at what others did for a career path but you can also reach out to them in a non-invasive way.”- Maggie “I definitely feel more confident about using LinkedIn because I feel now that I have a better grasp of the site's mission and the functions of its many features.” - Abigail

Overall thoughts? “LinkedIn was one of my favorite externship/networking opportunities we had with Give Back(packing), thank you!” - Tanzene “I have a better grasp on the presence and usefulness of social media and networking in making business connections, and I now feel more confident in planning my professional future.” - Abigail


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