give ‘em what they want: patron-driven collection development

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Charleston Conference Thursday, November 4, 201012:30 - 1:45 PMSpeakers: Karen Fischer - University of Iowa Libraries; Michael Wright - University of Iowa Libraries; Hope Barton - University of Iowa Libraries; Kathleen Clatanoff – YBPPatron-Driven Acquisitions (PDA) is the hot topic in collection management. It sets traditional notions of collection-building upside down, while also presenting vendors and publishers with very different business models. Collaborating with ebrary and YBP, the University of Iowa Libraries established a PDA pilot program in September 2009 which has proven to be extremely popular with users and seems to be working in the Libraries’ favor. PDA has advantages (you only buy materials that are used) but has some potential pitfalls too, like going broke quickly, or building an ebook collection that doesn’t necessarily fit in the long run. To help avoid a skewed collection, Iowa ran the ebrary PDA collection against our YBP virtual approval plan profile to better tailor the selections to our needs. While we don’t yet know very much about what it means for our collection or our monographic budget allocations in the long run, we have been analyzing our PDA e-book usage data, including examining subject areas, prices, and the use of PDA e-books compared to their print counterparts. This analysis is producing some interesting findings about library workflows and business models and we are pleased with where we are now with PDA e-book selection.This presentation will share what we have learned, gained, and changed as a result of our pilot experience, both from the perspective of the UI Libraries and our vendor partners, YBP and ebrary and how we expect to transition from a pilot project to a mainstream operation. The session will include much interaction with the audience related to alternative ways to filter PDA purchase choices, findings from other institutions, and additional data to be gathered and analyzed.


Give ‘em What They Want:Patron-Driven Collection Development

Hope Barton, Associate University Librarian, Services, U of Iowa

Mike Wright, Acquisitions & Rapid Cataloging, U of Iowa

Kit Clatanoff, Collection Development Manager, YBP

Karen Fischer, Collections Analysis & Planning, U of Iowa

Charleston Conference | Nov. 4, 2010

Our Ebook History

• Vague exploration of e-books across publishers and disciplines (2007-2009)

• CIC 2009 Consortium for Library Initiatives Conference: Off the Shelf: Defining Collection Services

Off the Shelf: Rick Lugg

Kent Study: Use of library materials: The University of Pittsburgh Study. Books in library and Information science, v. 26. New York, M. Dekker, 1979

Off the Shelf: Lugg cont’d

• 39.8% monographs never circulated during their first 6 years

• For books that didn’t circulate in first 2 years, chances of ever circulating were 1 in 4

• If a book didn’t circulate within first 6 years, chances of ever circulating were 1 in 50

Off the Shelf: Lugg cont’d

• 54.2% of titles purchased in 1969 would not have been ordered if at least 2 uses were established as a criterion for a cost effective acquisitions program

• At ARL institutions, 56% of books never circulate

Off the Shelf: Dennis Dillon

• Among ARL libraries, printed books on median have an 8% chance of circulating in any given year, or once every 12.5 years

• Conclusion: Books are an underperforming asset

E-books, here we come!

• Initial conversation with our friends at YBP, ALA Annual, July 2009

• Full discussion with YBP about our PDA needs, post ALA, July 2009

• PDA pilot with YPB/Ebrary began late August 2009

• From pilot to production, fall 2010

Specifics for PDA

• Ebooks only • Non-mediated approach to title

acquisition by patrons• Instantaneous access to the ebook• Duplication control against ebooks

owned by the University


• UI deposited $25K to start• 10 uses would trigger a purchase• PDA pilot would not be announced to

the public• ebrary would provide MARC records

to load into our catalog

Specifics• Initial offering of 100K titles – no

attempt to limit other than de-duplication against ebrary’s Academic Complete set

• Synergies of the Universe: by accident we loaded only 19K titles; this may have saved the pilot


• By Nov. 30 (pilot started Oct. 1) we spent $28K on 262 titles; weekly spend amount was increasing

• Clearly this was not sustainable given our finances

• Rather than bail, we regrouped

PDA2: The Fix

• While pleased with user response, the pace was unsustainable

• In conversation with YBP we decided to run the PDA title list against our virtual approval profile

PDA2: The Fix• We had also purchased ebook

collections from Wiley, Elsevier, and Springer; those were blocked

• When the results came in, fewer than 600 titles remained

• Date limitation was changed back to 2005 – boosted number to 9K

Working Pilot – YBP Mechanics

• Bring in PDA titles from ebrary• Profile titles against U Iowa

requirements• Return to ebrary for MARC

information• Titles loaded to UIA catalog

Print Profile Requirements

• 105 Exclusions in LC Subjects• 31 Exclusions in Non-Subjects • 2,000 Exclusions by Publisher/Series• Exclusion of any duplicate editions

Rethinking Print Requirements

• Low number of titles in the initial profiling against print offered alternative solutions:

• Alter the ebook profiling requirements• Adopt an ebook profile to match the

print requirements exactly.

PDA Profile Requirements

• Exclude Academic Complete titles• Exclude ebooks owned by the library• Exclude Popular and Juvenile titles• Exclude LC Classes K-KZD• Limit by price• Exclude specified publisher offerings


• ebrary added add’l titles which went through the same limits, bringing collection to about 12K

• Even though new titles aren’t being added by ebrary for now users continue to buy from the existing stock

PDA – Next Phase

• Development at YBP and ebrary for the next phase of the PDA tied to feedback from our beta partners

PDA – Next Phase

• Use of YBP profiling methodology • Weekly updates to PDA pool based

on the individual library profile • New purchase triggers with ebrary

New Trigger Definition

• Viewing 10 pages of the body of a book in a single session

• Any copy or print • Time-based use of a book for 10

minutes or more

PDA – Next Phase

• Short term loans • Duplication detection • Up-to-date PDA purchase history in


PDA – Next Phase

• Ongoing dialogue is key

Usage Analysis• 11-12 months of data for usage and PDA

purchases (Sept/Oct ‘09 – Sept ‘10) • 12,947 PDA titles in catalog | 47,367

Academic Complete titles (subscription) in catalog

• “user session” = how many times a patron uses a book in unique ebrary sessions

PDA Spending

PDA Publishers

PDA Publishers con’t

Amacom analysis

PDA Subject Analysis

PDA Usage – Most used titles

PDA Usage

PDA & Print Duplicates

• 714 PDA titles purchased in 11-month period

• 166 print duplicates (23%)

Print Duplicates Circulation Stats

Print PDA Duplicates – publication date

Total ebrary Title Usage – 11 mos.

Title Usage – most used publishers

Title Usage – average use/title

University Presses – user sessions

University Presses – avg. use/title

Title Usage- Subject Analysis

Most used ebrary titles

Future analyses

• YBP and ebrary will share data – coming early 2011.

• Hope to get better data to analyze the subscription titles from ebrary.

• Statistics will change with ebrary’s change to definition of a “trigger” for purchase (Oct ‘10).

Conclusions & Questions

• Publishers are interested in all the data.• What does PDA mean for collection

management policies? For budget allocations?

• Ebooks data and management - in it’s infancy.• Changes in our collection development

practices• Trust the patron!


Copyright 2010

by Hope Barton, Kit Clatanoff, Karen Fischer, and Michael Wright,

This work is copyrighted under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 3.0 License.


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