glaukos corporation

Post on 08-Dec-2021






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Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) ofThe Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported): August 18, 2021

Glaukos Corporation(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

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Item 7.01. Regulation FD Disclosure.

Glaukos Corporation (the “Company”) intends to present the materials attached as Exhibit 99.1 to this Current Report on Form 8-K (the “Investor Presentation”) from time to time in presentations toinvestors and other stakeholders. The Investor Presentation will also be available on the investor page of the Company’s website at

The information contained in this Item 7.01 and in the accompanying Exhibit 99.1 shall not be deemed filed for purposes of Section 18 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the"Exchange Act"), or incorporated by reference in any filing under the Exchange Act or the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, except as shall be expressly set forth by specific reference in such filing.

Item 9.01. Financial Statements and Exhibits.

(d) Exhibits.

Exhibit No. Description99.1 Investor Presentation, dated August 2021104 Cover Page Interactive Data File (embedded within the Inline XBRL document)


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized.


By: /s/ Joseph E. Gilliam Name: Joseph E. Gilliam Title: Chief Financial Officer and Senior Vice President, Corporate Development

Date: August 18, 2021

Exhibit 99.1

1 © 2021GlaukosCorporationAugust 2021

2 © 2021 GlaukosCorporationDisclaimer Allstatements otherthan statements ofhistorical factsincluded in thispresentation thataddress activities,events ordevelopments thatwe expect, believeor anticipate will ormay occur in thefuture are forward-looking statements.These statementsare based onmanagement’scurrentexpectations,assumptions,estimates andbeliefs. Although webelieve that we havea reasonable basisfor forward-lookingstatementscontained herein,we caution you thatthey are based oncurrent expectationsabout future eventsaffecting us and aresubject to risks,uncertainties andfactors relating toour operations andbusinessenvironment, all ofwhich are difficult topredict and many ofwhich are beyondour control, thatmay cause ouractual results todiffer materiallyfrom thoseexpressed or impliedby forward-lookingstatements in thispresentation. Thesepotential risks anduncertainties thatcould cause actualresults to differmaterially fromthose described inforward-lookingstatements include,without limitation,uncertaintiesregarding theduration andseverity of theCOVID-19pandemic and itsimpact on ourbusiness or theeconomy generally;our ability tocontinue to generatesales of ourcommercializedproducts anddevelop andcommercializeadditional products;our dependence ona limited number ofthird-party suppliers,some of which aresingle-source, forcomponents of ourproducts; theoccurrence of acrippling accident,natural disaster,pandemic or otherdisruption at ourprimary facility,which maymaterially affect ourmanufacturingcapacity andoperations; securingor maintainingadequate coverageor reimbursementby government orthird-party payorsfor proceduresusing the iStent, theiStent inject, ourcorneal cross-linking products orother products indevelopment; ourability to properlytrain, and gainacceptance andtrust from,ophthalmicsurgeons in the useof our products; ourability to competeeffectively in thehighly competitiveand rapidlychanging medicaldevice industry andagainst current andfuture competitors(including MIGScompetitors); ourcompliance withfederal, state andforeign laws andregulations for theapproval and saleand marketing ofour products and ofour manufacturingprocesses; thelengthy andexpensive clinicaltrial process and theuncertainty of timingand outcomes fromany particularclinical trial; the riskof recalls or serioussafety issues withour products andthe uncertainty ofpatient outcomes;our ability to protect,and the expenseand time-consumingnature of protecting,our intellectualproperty againstthird parties andcompetitors and theimpact of any claimsagainst us forinfringement ormisappropriation ofthird partyintellectual propertyrights and anyrelated litigation;and our ability toservice ourindebtedness.These and otherknown risks,uncertainties andfactors aredescribed in detailunder the caption“Risk Factors” andelsewhere in ourfilings with theSecurities andExchangeCommission,including our AnnualReport on Form 10-K for 2020, whichwas filed with theSEC on March 1,2021, and ourQuarterly Report onForm 10-Q for thequarter ended June30, 2021, whichwas filed with theSEC on August 5,2021. Our filingswith the SEC areavailable in theInvestor Section ofour website atwww.glaukos.comor at addition,information aboutthe risks andbenefits of ourproducts is availableon our website forward- lookingstatements includedin this presentationare expresslyqualified in theirentirety by theforegoing cautionarystatements. You arecautioned not toplace unduereliance on theforward-lookingstatements in thispresentation, whichspeak only as of thedate hereof. We donot undertake anyobligation to update,amend or clarifythese forward-looking statementswhether as a resultof new information,future events orotherwise, except asmay be requiredunder applicablesecurities law.

3 © 2021GlaukosCorporation $428$104 2021 201584% 75% 20212014 GROSSMARGIN1 CASH& EQUIVALENTS(IN MILLIONS) 21 FY2014 GAAP& non-GAAPgross margin; 2Q2021 GAAP grossmargin of 77%was adjusted forcertain Avedromerger-relatedaccounting andother adjustments- see Appendix fordetails; 2 2015 asof 6/30/2015(post-IPO); 2021as of 6/30/2021;Includes cash,short-terminvestments andrestricted cash;Building a World-Class GlobalInfrastructure &CompanySignificantProgressContinues Since2015 IPO 20142020COUNTRIESWITH DIRECTSALES 2 17REVENUE MIXQ2 2015 20% USGlaucoma Int’lGlaucomaCorneal Health$46 $225 6-YrCAGR: 30% 20142020 TOTAL NETSALES (INMILLIONS) Q22021 2021 332015 300+PEER-REVIEWEDPUBLICATIONS2014 DisclosedPipeline:Glaucomaprograms,including 1pharma program2021 DisclosedPipeline: Spansglaucoma,corneal healthand retinaldisease, including10 pharmaprograms 4 15PIPELINEPROGRAMS

4 © 2021GlaukosCorporation OurStrategy for Long-Term Growth &ProfitabilityCreating a UniqueVision CareLeader Micro-Scale SurgicalDevicesPharmaceuticalsBiosensorsOcularHypertension toRefractoryDiseaseGlaucomaCorneal HealthKeratoconusOcular SurfaceDiseaseRefractiveConditions RetinalDisease WetAMD DME RVOMAJORPLATFORMSTHERAPEUTICCLASSES

5 © 2021GlaukosCorporationOur Strategyfor Long-TermGrowth &ProfitabilityServing theClinical Needsof Large PatientPopulations 1Estimate basedon Glaukosalgorithm ofphysicianpreference andcombinationtherapy,utilization;assumes fullproductportfolioavailability tophysician,except pre-clinicalproducts (iDoseTREX, iDoseRock, IOPSensor); 2Companyestimates of USopportunity; 3Market ScopeestimatesOcularHypertension toRefractoryDiseaseGlaucomaCorneal HealthKeratoconusOcular SurfaceDiseaseRefractiveConditionsRetinal DiseaseWet AMD DMERVO $13B Est.of globalopportunity1$23B Est. ofUS opportunityfor keratoconus($3B) and iLinkfor presbyopia($15B), andest. of globalannual dry eyemarket($5.1B)2,3$13B Est. ofglobal annualmarket size3THERAPEUTICCLASSES

6 © 2021GlaukosCorporationOcularHypertension toRefractoryDiseaseGlaucomaSUBMIT ISTENTINFINITE PMA-STO FDACOMPLETEIDOSE TRPHASE 3 TRIALENROLLMENTR&D PROGRESSON IDOSE TREX& IDOSE ROCKLAUNCHPRESERFLO &CONTINUEIPRIMEDEVELOPMENT2021 KEYOBJECTIVES~18M eyes in US,growing 3%/yr1~36M eyes intargeted OUSregions2 Ocularhypertension andprimary open-angle glaucomaaffect + 1 Basedon companyanalysis of MarketScope, MedicareClaims and IMSHealthCompliance data;2 Market Scopeprevalence datafor WesternEurope, Japanand OtherWealthy Nations(Canada,Australia, NewZealand, SouthKorea, Taiwan,Singapore, HongKong, UAE andEstonia),assuming 1.8bilateral glaucomarate: Vision loss isirreversible;controlling IOP isonly knowntreatment;reducing IOP by 1mmHg has beenshown to reducediseaseprogression by~10%3 3 LeskeMC et al ArchOphthalmol. 2003

7 © 2021GlaukosCorporationGlaucoma Micro-Surgical PortfolioComprehensive,Tissue-SparingOffering Designedto Address FullRange of DiseaseProgression &FacilitateCombinationTherapiesCreates 2pathways for fluidoutflow Creates 3pathways for fluidoutflow across 6clock hours ofSchlemm’s canalLike iStent injectW; but for use inpseudophakicpatients Ab-externo device forlate-stageglaucomaLicensed fromSanten inAmericas andAustraliaINTENDEDDISEASE STATEMild to ModerateAdvanced toRefractory flexiblemicrocatheteralong withinsertingviscoelastic todisconnectpotentialadhesions anddebris in the canaland distalcollector channelsCreates pathwayfor fluid outflowCombo-CataractStandalone ™ ™Creates 2pathways for fluidoutflow; widerflange enhancesease of use andvisibilityViscoelasticdelivery systemfor use inSchlemm’s canaliStent infinite,iStent SA,iPRIME andPreserFlo are notapproved by theFDA

8 © 2021GlaukosCorporationiStent infinite:PowerfulStandaloneMIGSIndicationTargetingFDAApprovalAround Year-End Threewide-flangestentspreloaded ininjectorsystem thatfacilitatesplacementacross ~6clock hoursof Schlemm’scanal US IDEopen-label,single-armstudy in astandaloneprocedure 72subjects withopen-angleglaucomauncontrolledby priorsurgical ormedicaltherapy;enrollmentcompletedOct 2019Our focus ison patientachievementof 20% orgreaterreduction inmean diurnalIOP frombaseline at12 monthson same orlower ocularhypotensivemedicationburden USCLINICALTRIAL iStentinfinite is notapproved bythe FDAPhotocourtesy ofGeorge R.Reiss MD

9 © 2021GlaukosCorporationiStent infinite:SignificantIOPReduction inSeverePatientsTargetingFDAApprovalAround Year-End 76% ofsubjectsachieved20% orgreaterreduction inmean diurnalIOP frombaseline onsame orlower ocularhypotensivemedicationburdenHighlyfavorablesafety profile(no explants,infections ordevice-relatedinterventionsor hypotony)iStent infiniteis notapproved bythe FDA 13%Most difficultto treatglaucomapatientsAverage of3.1 IOPloweringmedicationsat baselineAlready failedaverage of 2priorglaucomasurgeries≥50% ofsubjectsachieved30% orgreaterreduction inmean diurnalIOP frombaselinemeanreduction inmedicationburden frombaseline

10 © 2021GlaukosCorporation iStentinfinite: ViableAlternative toMore ComplexProceduresThree-stentinjectable willoffer newcompellingtreatment optionin standaloneprocedure withhighly favorablesafety profileClinical datasuggest iStentinfinite may helppatients withopen- angleglaucomauncontrolled byprior surgical ormedical therapyExpect surgeons– glaucomaspecialists andcomprehensiveophthalmologists– to gravitate toiStent infinitebefore proceedingto tissue-destructiveproceduresExpect iStentinfiniteimplantation to bereimbursed undernewly establishedCategory III CPTcode (0X12T)iStent infinite isnot approved bythe FDA

11 © 2021GlaukosCorporationSanten PreserFloMicroShunt AnAlternative toTrabeculectomy &Tube Shunts 8.5mm tube made ofbiocompatiblematerial (SIBS);standalone, ab-externo procedureto filter fluid fromanterior chamberto subconjunctivalspace Designedto treat late-stage,refractoryglaucomaAttractivealternative totrabeculectomy,tubes, XEN andExPress •DemonstratedIOP reduction(30+%) andmedicationburden reduction(2.4 meds) inpivotal study1Favorable safety,efficacy and post-op care profileDevelopment andlicenseagreementprovides Glaukoswith exclusivecommercializationand developmentrights in US,Australia, NewZealand, Canada,Brazil, Mexico andremainder of LatinAmericaApproved inCanada andAustralia SantenPreserFlo is notapproved by theFDA 1 Santenpress releaseissued Aug 30,2019

12 © 2021GlaukosCorporationIntroducingiPRIME™ ANewViscodeliverySystem fromGlaukosiPRIME is aminimallyinvasiveviscoelasticdelivery systemthat furthersupports theneeds ofphysicians andpatients Thiscomplementarytechnologyfurther expandsGlaukos’ broadportfolio ofinnovativeophthalmicsolutions Late-stagedevelopmentprogram, notFDA-approvedAnticipated tobe reimbursedunder CategoryI CPT code(66174)iPRIME is notapproved by theFDA orcommerciallyavailable Aviscoelasticdelivery systemfor use inSchlemm’scanal

13 © 2021GlaukosCorporationSustained-ReleasePharmaceuticalsThe Next Stage inGlaucomaTherapy •Designed toprovide longestdurationintracameralpharmaceutical;secure andanchored design;facile implantationand exchange •Membranedesigned to elutespeciallyformulatedtravoprost, acommonlyprescribed topicalprostaglandin •Phase 3 clinicaltrial enrollmentandrandomizationcompleted June2021 iDose 1Marketopportunityestimates basedon Glaukosalgorithm ofphysicianpreference andcombinationtherapy,utilization;assumes fullproduct portfolioavailability tophysician, exceptpre-clinicalproducts (iDoseTREX, iDoseRock, IOPSensor) Topicaldrugs subject tosignificant issuesof patient non-adherence,impositions toquality-of-life andocular surfacedisease andtoxicity Unmetneed and appetiteamong glaucomaspecialists andophthalmologistsfor sustained-releasepharmaceuticalalternativesCurrent mobile,intracameral bio-erodible implantslimited byendothelial cellloss, labelingrestrictions andrelatively shortdurations ofactivity CLINICALNEED • AMAapproved Cat IIIcodes forimplantation,removal and re-implantation ofdrug deliverysystem intoanterior chamber,effective 7/21 •Estimated annualUS opportunity of3M eyes1 OcularHypertension toRefractory OAGiDose TR is notapproved by theFDA

14 © 2021GlaukosCorporationSustained-ReleasePharmaceuticals:iDoseTRAlternative toTopicalMedications,Addressing Non-Adherence &Other DrawbacksiDose TR is notapproved by theFDA AverageReduction in IOPPHASE 2CLINICAL DATAAT 24 MONTHS*154-patient, multi-center,randomized,double-blind trialEvaluated 2 iDosemodels with twodifferenttravoprost elutionrates, comparedto topical timololophthalmicsolution, 0.5%Primary efficacyendpoint of non-inferiority totopical timololSubjectsdiagnosed withmild to moderateOAG or ocularhypertension, on0 to 3 meds withbaseline IOPbetween 21mmHg and 36mmHg Additionalmedications wereadded if IOP wasabove 18 mmHgMonth 3 Month 6Month 9 Month12 Month 18Month 24 5.0 6.07.0 8.0 9.0 7.57.5 7.6 7.6 7.67.8 7.7 7.7 7.67.5 7.5 7.4 8.38.1 8.0 7.8 7.77.9 m m H giDose FE iDoseSE Timolol 0.5%BID *Calculatedusing all IOPobservationsthrough each datapoint weightedequally, noimputations formandatedmedicationsPHASE 2CLINICAL TRIALn = 51 54 49 5154 49 49 54 4949 53 48 49 5248 47 50 46

15 © 2021GlaukosCorporationSustained-ReleasePharmaceuticals:iDoseTRAlternative toTopicalMedications,Addressing Non-Adherence &Other DrawbacksiDose patientsexperiencedrobust IOP-lowering over 24months withcontinuous 24/7compliance Over24 months, iDoseand timolol controlgroupsprogressed withsimilar number ofprotocol-mandatedmedicationsadded iDose 24-month datavalidate favorablesafety profile andduration of IOP-lowering effectiDose TR is notapproved by theFDA

16 © 2021GlaukosCorporationSustained-ReleasePharmaceuticals:iDoseTRAlternative toTopicalMedications,Addressing Non-Adherence &Other DrawbacksAverage IOP %Reduction fromBaseline PHASE2 CLINICALDATA AT 24MONTHS* iDoseTR is notapproved by theFDA 5 10 15 2025 30 35 30%28% 29% I O P %R e d u c t i o n f ro m B a s e l i n eiDose FE iDoseSE Timolol 0.5%BID *Calculatedusing all IOPobservationsthrough each datapoint weightedequally, noimputations formandatedmedicationsAverage IOPreduction frombaseline was 29%and 28% for thefast- and slow-release iDose TRarms,respectively,versus 30% forthe timolol controlarm at 24 monthsn = 47 50 46 5 1015 20 25 30 3513% 20% 23% %o f P a t i e n t siDose FE iDoseSE Timolol 0.5%BID n = 47 50 46Proportion ofSubjects with ≥40% IOPReduction fromBaseline PHASE2 CLINICALDATA AT 24MONTHS* IOPreduction frombaseline of atleast 40% wasshown in 23%and 20% ofpatients for thefast- and slow-release iDose TRarms,respectively,versus 13% ofpatients for thetimolol controlarm at 24 months

17 © 2021GlaukosCorporationSustained-ReleasePharmaceuticals:iDoseTRAlternative toTopicalMedications,Addressing Non-Adherence &Other DrawbacksDesigned toaddress primaryshortcomings ofexisting glaucomatopical andintracameraltherapeuticsPatients aregenerally poorlycompliant withIOP-lowering eyedrops iDosedesign implies100% complianceonceadministeredImprovedcompliance withglaucomamedications hasbeen associatedwith betteroutcomes inglaucoma diseaseiDose offers fixedplacement toimprove thesafety for cornealendothelium1,460 Subjectsreceived oneadministration ofiDose vsapproximately eyedrops per eye inthe control armwith twice-a- daytimolol over 24months perprotocol greater*IOP reductionSubjects whowere on one pre-study IOP-loweringmedication atscreening hadover 24 monthson iDose TR vsthe pre-studyIOP-lowering eyedrops iDosesubjects in fast-and slow-elutionarms hadclinicallysignificant cornealendothelial cellloss, no seriouscorneal adverseevents, and noconjunctivalhyperemiaadverse events todate no iDose TRis not approved bythe FDA * Forsubjects on asingle pre-studymedication, iDoseTR demonstratedincremental IOPreduction at 24months of 1.1mmHg and 1.5mmHg versuspre-study IOP forslow and fasteluting arms,respectively

18 © 2021GlaukosCorporation iDoseTR, iDose TREXand iDose ROCKare not approvedby the FDA ®Sustained-ReleasePharmaceuticals:iDose PlatformNext GenerationiDose TREX &iDose ROCKINTENDEDDISEASE STATEOcularHypertension toRefractory OAGSubstantialincrease in drugpayload, withpotential to doublethe duration-of-effect vs first-generation iDoseTR Same externaldimensions,titanium material,elution rate,anchor designand implantationprocedure as first-generation iDoseTR Usestravoprostformulationidentical to first-generation iDoseTR J-codestructure providesopportunity foradditionalreimbursement vsiDose TR ®Leveraging iDoseplatformtechnology todevelopsustained-releasesystem for rhokinase inhibitorsEvaluatingmultiplecompounds withplan to selectcandidate foradvancement intoclinical trials ®

19 © 2021GlaukosCorporation2021 KEYOBJECTIVESCorneal HealthKeratoconusOcular SurfaceDiseaseRefractiveConditionsPREPAREFOR EPI-ONNDA FILING IN2022 BEGINCLINICALTRIALS FOREPI- ON NEXTGENGENERATEFIRSTCLINICAL DRYEYECANDIDATECommonsymptomsinclude burning,itching, foreignbody sensation,stinging,dryness,transientblurring,swelling, ocularfatigue,redness andphotophobia;can significantlyimpact qualityof life. Diseaseaffects >700Mpeopleworldwide DryEyeKeratoconus:Companyestimates; DryEye: MarketScopeestimate;Presbyopia USCensus data for45+ populationGradual loss offocusing abilitythat beginsaround age 40and continuesto worsen withage; can causeheadaches, eyestrain andvisual fatigue,making readingand other nearvision tasksdifficult andtiring.Presbyopiaaffects >90Mpeople in theUS Presbyopia~1.1M US eyeswith 32K addedannuallyKeratoconusBilateralcorneal ectasiaresulting inirregularastigmatismand loss ofvisual function,with onset inteenage years;marked bycornealsteepening andthinning.Disease affects

20 © 2021 GlaukosCorporation CornealHealthPharmaceuticalPlatform: iLinkEpoxia (Epi-on)Photrexa (Epi-off)Single-application,bio-activated topicalpharmaceuticalsolution Uses photo-activation to createbonds betweencorneal collagenfibers Excellentefficacy and safetyprofile, extensiveclinical evidenceand long- term (10-year) follow-up3Product-specific J-Code; favorablereimbursement for97%+ ofcommercial livescovered Epi-onNext-Gen Second-generationtreatment forkeratoconusDesigned to reducetreatment time andcomplexity,improving patientcomfort andrecovery time Usesstronger UVAirradiation protocoland “boost” gogglesto increase oxygenavailability TargetingNDA filing in 2022New laser system,personalizedtreatment algorithmand proprietarychemical entityDesigned to furtherenhance iLinktherapy forkeratoconusEvaluating potentialfor treating otherconditions 3Raiskup, et al.,Corneal collagencrosslinking withriboflavin andultraviolet-A light inprogressivekeratoconus: Ten-year results. JCataract RefractSurg, 2015 Epoxia(Epi-on and Epi-onNext Gen are notapproved by theFDA 1 Pramanik S,Musch DC, SutphinJE, Farjo AA.Extended long- termoutcomes ofpenetratingkeratoplasty forkeratoconus.Ophthalmology.2006;113(9):1633-1638.; 2 MaharanaPK, Agarwal K,Jhanji V, VajpayeeRB. Deep anteriorlamellar keratoplastyfor keratoconus: areview. Eye ContactLens.2014;40(6):382-389. iLink is firstand only FDA-approved cornealcross-linkingprocedure (CXL)that slows or haltsprogressivekeratoconus Leftuntreated, 1 in 5progressivekeratoconuspatients may requirecorneal transplant;more than half couldneed multipletransplants within20 years1,2Integration ofAvedro CXLbusiness nowcomplete;comprisesapproximately 20%of net quarterlysales

21 © 2021GlaukosCorporationiLink Epi-onPhase 3Clinical TrialAchievedPrimaryEfficacyOutcomeDemonstratedAbility to Halt orReduceKeratoconusProgression -1.0D Achievedprimary efficacyoutcome bydemonstratingKmax treatmenteffect of Well-toleratedprocedure(majority ofadverse eventswere mild andtransient innature; nochange incornealendothelial cellcounts overcourse of trial)Epi-on is notapproved by theFDA Multi-center,randomized,placebo-controlledpivotal trialdesigned toevaluate safetyand efficacy ofEpi-on therapyin impedingprogression ofand/or reducingKmax in eyeswithprogressivekeratoconusKmax isobjectivemeasurementof the steepestcornealcurvaturebased oncornealtopography;increasingKmax denotescornealsteepening andkeratoconusprogression279-eye study(189 intreatment arm;90 in controlarm) Following6-month follow-up, patientsrandomized toplacebo wereable to receiveEpi-ontreatment Allpatientsfollowedanother 6months forsafety andefficacyevaluationsPHASE 3CLINICALTRIALdetermined asprospectivelydefined leastsquare meanKmax changefrom baseline intreated arm vs.placebo arm at6 months (p =0.0004) 0.2D Intreatment arm,Kmax improvedcompared toworsening inKmax by 0.8Din placebo armanddemonstratingability of Epi-onto halt orreduce diseaseprogression98% After initial6-month follow-up, of placebo-randomizedpatients electedto cross-over toEpi-ontreatment; forthese patients,data showedKmaximprovementmean changeof 0.3D at 6months post-treatment

22 © 2021GlaukosCorporationCorneal HealthPharmaceuticalPlatform: EyelidTransdermalPlatformTopical Therapyfor Treatmentof Dry Eye &Other OcularDisordersProprietarycream-basedformulationapplied to outerskin surface ofthe uppereyelidsAnatomy of theeyelid withtargeted sitesIntratus notapproved by theFDA Patented,cream-basedformulationdesigned to beapplied to uppereyelid fordelivery at thelacrimalfunctional unitfor treating dryeye Easieradministrationthan topical eyedrops,potentiallybetter patientcomplianceCurrentlyinvestigatingpossibleapplications fordry eye,presbyopia,glaucoma andother oculardisorders DryEye / OcularSurfaceDisease

23 © 2021GlaukosCorporation2021 KEYOBJECTIVERetinalDisease WetAMD DMERVO MOVEFIRSTRETINALDISEASEPROGRAMINTO CLINICRetinaldiseaseaffects ~28Mpeople in theUS AMD anddiabetic eyediseasemake up89% of thispatientpopulationProgressivediseasecharacterizedbydegenerationof themacula, theportion of theretinaresponsiblefor sharpcentral visionand colorperception;AMD is theleadingcause ofsevere visionloss amongpeople over60 in wealthynations AMDMarketScopeestimates forpatientpopulation

24 © 2021GlaukosCorporationTriamcinoloneAcetonide SRRVO & DMEFormulationsdeveloped toreleasetriamcinoloneacetonide forup to 6 monthsMicroscope andSEM images ofimplants 1Multi-KinaseInhibitor SRWet AMD,RVO & DMEDeveloping amulti-kinaseinhibitor smallmoleculesustained-release deliverysystemFormulationsdeveloped for 6to 12 monthsreleasePrototype 4-month implantdemonstrated 4months ofpromisingefficacy in atranslationalmodel ofpersistentretinal vesselleakagefollowing asingleintravitrealinjection 2 %Released Anti-VEGF SR WetAMD, RVO &DMEDevelopingsustainedrelease,hydrogel-based, erodibleimplant withproteinstabilizationtechnologyRelease rate ofanti-VEGFprotein verifiedin animal modelof persistentretinal vascularleakageOptimization ofdelivery systemis underwayReleasedCumulativeReleased (ug) 3Retinal DiseaseProgramsRetina pipelinenot approved bythe FDA

25 © 2021 GlaukosCorporationPRODUCT/CANDIDATEPLATFORM /PRODUCT TYPEPATIENT STATUSMicro-Surgical DevicesiStent Trabecular BypassStents Approved iStentinject / iStent inject WTrabecular BypassStents Approved iStentSA Trabecular BypassStents Pivotal IDE TrialiStent infinite TrabecularBypass Stents PMA-SPending iPRIMEViscodelivery Class II(TBD) PreserFlo(Santen) MicroshuntPMA SubmittedPharmaceuticals iDoseTR Sustained-ReleaseSystem Phase 3 iDoseTREX Sustained-Release System Pre-clinical iDose ROCKSustained-ReleaseSystem Pre-clinical iLinkEpi-off (Photrexa) Bio-Activated Approved iLinkEpi-on (Epioxa) Bio-Activated Phase 3 iLinkEpi-on Next GenerationBio-Activated Pre-clinicalDry Eye CandidateEyelid TransdermalPlatform Pre-clinicalPresbyopia CandidateEyelid TransdermalPlatform Pre-clinicalMulti-Kinase Inhibitor SRBio-Erodible Pre-clinicalTriamcinolone AcetonideSR Bio-Erodible Pre-clinical Anti-VEGF SRBio-Erodible Pre-clinicalBiosensors IOP SensorImplantable sensor Pre-clinical Our Strategy forLong-Term Growth &Profitability PipelineCurrently Includes 15Candidates, PlusAdditional UndisclosedPrograms Mild-to-moderate glaucomaw/cataract Mild-to-moderate glaucomapseudophakic Advanced-to-refractory glaucomaKeratoconus Ocularsurface disease OHT-to-moderate glaucomaRefractive disorders WetAMD DME RVO

26 © 2021GlaukosCorporationMARKETOPPORTUNITY2015-2020 2021-22 2023-242025+ Deliveringa Deep Pipeline ofDisruptiveTherapiesLeveragingMultipleProprietaryPlatforms toServe LargeOphthalmicMarkets iStentiStent inject iStentinject W iLink Epi-off PreserFloiStent infiniteiStent SA iDoseTREX iDoseROCK iLink Epi-on Next Gen DryEye TherapyPresbyopiaTherapy RetinalDiseasePrograms IOPSensor iDose TRiLink Epi-on

27 © 2021GlaukosCorporationAppendixAmort. ofStock-basedDev TechComp Exp on2Q 2021 GAAPIntangiblesReplacement2Q 2021 Non-GAAP GrossMargin AwardsGross MarginNet Sales78,093 $78,093 $COGS 17,759$ (5,523) $ (68)$ 12,168 $Gross Profit60,334 $ 5,523$ 68 $ 65,925$ Gross Margin77% 84%GAAP to Non-GAAPReconciliation -2Q 2021

28 © 2021GlaukosCorporation

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