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GEKA Parent Advisory Group Terms of Reference June 2018

Glen Eira Kindergarten Association (GEKA) Inc.

Volunteer Parent Advisory Group

Terms of Reference TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. ESTABLISHMENT OF THE VOLUNTEER GEKA PARENT ADVISORY GROUP ...................... 2 2a. FUNCTIONS OF THE VOLUNTEER GEKA PAG .................................................................. 2 2b. FUNCTIONS OF THE EYM………………………………………………………………………………………. 3 3. DEFINITIONS…...................................................................................................................4 4. COMPOSITION ............................................................................................................... 4 4a Membership............................................................................................................... 4 4b Nomination and Selection .......................................................................................... 5 4.c Election of volunteer GEKA PAG Posiitons ................................................................. 5 5. VOLUNTEER PAG MEETINGS ........................................................................................... 6 5a Frequency .................................................................................................................. 6 5b Conduct of Meetings.................................................................................................. 6 5c Conflicts ..................................................................................................................... 6 5d Decision Making……………………………………………………………………………………………………..6 5e Location………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7 6. GEKA CONSULTATIVE GROUP.......................................................................................... 7 7 OPERATIONS OF THE VOLUNTEER GEKA PAG AND EYM ............................................... 7 7a Community Building Activities ................................................................................... 7 7b Reports....................................................................................................................... 8 7c Financial Management by the Volunteer GEKA PAG ................................................. 8 7d Financial Management by the EYM…………………………………………………………………….. 11 8 DISPUTE RESOLUTION………………………………………………………………………………………….…..12 9 REVIEW……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..12 10 ATTACHMENT 1 - CONFIDENTIALITY UNDERTAKING AGREEMENT……………………………….. 11 ATTACHMENT 2 - CODE OF CONDUCT…………………………………………………………………………. 12 ATTACHMENT 3 - GRIEVANCE AND DISPUTE POLICY…………………………………………………….

GEKA Parent Advisory Group Terms of Reference June 2018


1. ESTABLISHMENT OF THE VOLUNTEER GEKA PARENT ADVISORY GROUP Each service operated by the Glen Eira Kindergarten Association (GEKA) as the Early Years Management (EYM) group, may choose to elect a volunteer GEKA Parent Advisory Group (PAG).

The volunteer GEKA PAG, as representatives of families, work in consultation with GEKA to support GEKA’s vision and mission to develop strong community connections. The establishment of the volunteer GEKA PAG is an essential component of a high quality early childhood service. It enables families to provide a community perspective and help to enhance the social and educational community. The GEKA Board endorses the volunteer GEKA PAG carrying out the functions set out in section 2a as an acknowledgment of the expertise and skills that families bring to the kindergarten community. 2a FUNCTIONS OF THE VOLUNTEER GEKA PAG A volunteer PAG supports the EYM organisation to deliver an effective EYM service, which is guided by the EYM vision; the EYM Outcomes and Performance Framework; the EYM Terms of Reference; and the EYM Kindergarten Operating Guidelines. This includes functions such as:

Engaging the kindergarten community in a manner that aligns to GEKA as the Early Years Management organisation and the GEKA Board

To further the awareness of the GEKA philosophy and reflect these in the activities of the volunteer GEKA PAG

To organise activities that foster and facilitate community engagement among families, educators and the local community

To work with the GEKA Board, CEO and GM Operations and Educational Leadership to identify areas of need within the kindergartens, consistent with the philosophy of the service, and undertake fundraising activities to address those needs

To perform any other functions that are authorised by the GEKA management and GEKA Board, and in consultation with the volunteer PAGs, that support GEKA in achieving the objectives as an EYM or GEKA's philosophy.


Acting as a consultative body in the development of the kindergarten community, including feedback into the service’s Quality Improvement Plan (QIP)

Reporting the achievements of the volunteer GEKA PAG to GEKA

For example, organising social events, promoting early childhood education, organising working bees, organising events or fundraising, suggesting grant or donation opportunities and applying for such grants or donations

GEKA Parent Advisory Group Terms of Reference June 2018


2b FUNCTIONS OF THE EYM EYM organisations provide leadership and management to funded community based kindergartens services, and to other complementary early years services. Under the EYM Policy Framework, GEKA must:

Provide service delivery according to our regulatory obligations, the EYM policy framework, the EYM Operating Guidelines, the Kindergarten Guide, the NQF, and Funding and Service Agreements

Assume all responsibility of an approved provider as specified in the National Law and the regulations

Establish and review effective governance practices that support professional leadership and management systems

Contribute to policy development, sector planning, policy reform implementation and service design

Strategically plan for the future to ensure the organisation is viable, in step with policy reforms and positioned to implement innovation

Engage with the local community to gain a broad understanding of the needs that relate to the services they manage, and work collaboratively with local government, schools and other service providers to plan for and provide responsive services

Drive access for all children, and proactively seek the participation of children experiencing vulnerability or disadvantage, Aboriginal children, children from newly arrived communities, and children with disabilities or developmental delays

Engage families, parents and the broader community in decisions about policies and the educational experiences of children in our services

Employ, manage and develop staff

Financial management to support the strategic management of all resources – including Department funding, parent fees, and fundraising (including monies held in reserve) – to ensure service provision is viable and delivered in the best interests of the community

Continuously improving through performance monitoring

Ensure it is at all times an approved provider carrying on an approved education and care service in accordance with the Act and Regulations

In conjunction with the council, coordinate all enrolments of the children in the kindergarten

Ensure appropriate risk management procedures are in place

Provide the kindergarten services in accordance with the National Quality Framework

Ensure that it complies at all times with the Applicable Laws

ensure at all times that a valid insurance policy is held by GEKA for: public and product liability insurance with VMIA for an amount no less than $20

million which includes but is not limited to coverage for all volunteers of the kindergarten

workers compensation insurance for an amount no less than $20,000,000

GEKA Parent Advisory Group Terms of Reference June 2018


Have buildings and contents insurance in respect of the premises

Manage all complaints and critical incidents made by any party in relation to the kindergarten services including notifying DET as required

Continue to provide the kindergarten services at the regular times and days specified

Reassign and/or move teaching staff between the various classes of the kindergarten as required

Conduct an annual survey with the families in relation to their satisfaction with the kindergarten services and report back to the volunteer PAG on the results

Prepare and submit the Quality Improvement Plan to DET as required by the Regulations

Prepare and submit the Service Improvement Plan to DET as required by the Regulations

Be responsible for the GEKA website and all social media

Use its best efforts and all reasonable endeavours to achieve an exceeding rating in accordance with section 57 of the Regulations.


Department of Education and Training (DET) – the funding body Early Years Management (EYM) – Formally known as Kindergarten Cluster Management, EYM brings together a group of community based kindergartens under the management of a single organisation EYM Organisation – The organisation responsible for the overall management and delivery of kindergarten and other early years services under their organisation. Early Years Services – Services supporting the learning and development of children from birth to eight years old, such as kindergartens, play groups, long day care, and occasional care. Funding and Service Agreement (FASA) – The contractual relationship between DET and a funded entity, such as an EYM or standalone kindergarten. It sets out roles and funding arrangements. GEKA- Glen Eira Kindergarten Association – the Early Years Manager of each GEKA service. GEKA Delegate – Either the GEKA CEO, the GEKA GM Operations and Educational Leadership, or a member of the senior GEKA team as directed by the GEKA CEO/ Board National Quality Framework (NQF) – The NQF includes the National Law, the regulations and the National Quality Standard. The NQF focusses on raising standards, and guides ongoing advances and stability in Australian education and care services. Parent Advisory Group (PAG) – The group of family members and parents that EYM organisations primarily consult with about a managed service within the EYM organisation. Membership is voluntary and open to all families whose children currently access the EYM service. Service Monitoring Framework – The framework the Department uses for monitoring service agreements with EYM organisations and standalone kindergartens 4. COMPOSITION 4a Membership Each volunteer GEKA PAG will be comprised of:

Interested parent members who have children currently enrolled with GEKA and

GEKA Parent Advisory Group Terms of Reference June 2018


One GEKA delegate, as determined by the GEKA CEO. This will generally be the GM Operations and Educational Leadership, or the Nominated Supervisor/Team Leader of the kindergarten.

Membership of the PAG is available for one year. Nominations for the following year can be renewed post the Family Information Evening, held in October/November each year, or at the commencement of the kindergarten year (by the end of term 1). 4b Nomination and Selection GEKA will convene the Family Information Evening in October/November of each year, following which PAG members can nominate to be on the volunteer PAG for the following year. Nominations may also take place at the beginning of the following year, with an expectation that each service has a PAG in place by the end of term 1. In the case of a PAG being an existing incorporated association, there is a requirement that an AGM is held in October/November. It is the responsibility of the members of the incorporated association to provide notice of this event to all families at the service at least four weeks in advance of the event (via the GEKA communication App). Notice is also to be provided to the GEKA CEO and GM Operations and Educational Leadership.

The AGM formalities are incorporated into the GEKA Information evening, and as such, need to be coordinated in consultation with the GM Operations and CEO. The GEKA PAG Chair of the current year shall call for nominations for Parent Members to join the “GEKA Parent Advisory Group”.

4c Election of volunteer GEKA PAG Positions GEKA encourages the following positions in order to fulfil the functions of the group:


Minute Taker

Sustainability Representative

Maintenance (general)

Fundraising Coordinator(s)

Social Coordinator(s)

The roles and responsibilities of the above positions are outlined in the GEKA PAG Manual.

Each volunteer PAG needs to notify GEKA, in writing, of its membership as soon as membership is in place.

Each volunteer PAG member must sign a GEKA Confidentiality Undertaking Agreement (attachment 1), stating they have agreed to the best interests of GEKA and agree to the terms of confidentiality (prior to the first Consultative Committee meeting or by the end of term 1 – whichever comes first). Each volunteer PAG member must sign the GEKA Code of Conduct (attachment 2) upon their appointment to the volunteer role, which outlines the behaviours expected of PAG members given they are representing GEKA in their activities.

GEKA Parent Advisory Group Terms of Reference June 2018



5a Frequency

Each GEKA PAG should meet at least once per term (or four times a year) to encourage connection and community building. A calendar of meeting dates needs to be provided to the GEKA, GM Operations and/or CEO.

5b Conduct of Meetings

An agenda needs to be sent to the GEKA GM Operations and Educational Leadership (and/or the CEO) at least one week in advance of each meeting. Agenda items must have relevance to the kindergarten community as a whole and not relate to specific children or families.

Members must be mindful of the functions of the volunteer GEKA PAG and at all times conduct themselves respectfully and in a manner consistent with the GEKA PAG’s community-building objectives, and Code of Conduct.

5c Conflicts

Members must declare interests in relation to any item discussed by the volunteer GEKA PAG.

If members have a vested interest in a matter other than in their capacity as a parent of a child currently participating the kindergarten program, this needs to be made known to the GEKA PAG and noted in the minutes.

This includes where individuals or businesses closely connected to a member may stand to benefit from a fundraising or expenditure decision, or where an individual or business closely connected to a member may benefit from information obtained from involvement in the group.

The Chair will determine what course of action to take in respect of declared conflicts, which may include:

noting the declaration in the minutes

asking the member to abstain from participating in a discussion or decision-making or both

requesting the member to step out of the meeting for the relevant agenda item. 5d Decision-making

Where possible, decisions will be made by consensus. If consensus is not achieved, a show of hands may be called by the volunteer GEKA PAG Chair, in which case a majority of votes (one more than half the total members) at a properly constituted meeting will carry the resolution.

PAG members may seek that the minutes note that they have abstained or voted against a motion if they request.

Decisions of the volunteer GEKA PAG must be aligned with GEKA’s vision and kindergarten philosophy as advised by GEKA. They must also be in-line with the requirements of DET as the funding body through adherence to the requirements of the Early Years Policy Framework.

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5e Location

The volunteer GEKA PAG may meet at a location off-site provided that due consideration is given to ensuring that appropriate levels of confidentiality are maintained in relation to GEKA. This may differ if the group is an incorporated association.

6 GEKA CONSULTATIVE GROUP EYM organisations establish processes that ensure regular consultation occurs with families and parents who are currently accessing the service, and with those looking to access the service in the near future. For EYMs, a volunteer PAG is a useful conduit for engaging the broader parent community that is accessing the service. GEKA has made a commitment to engaging families beyond just attendance at PAG meetings through the facilitation of Consultative Group meetings whereby each volunteer PAG Chair from each service is invited to share ideas and provide input relevant to their role. The purpose of the Consultative Group is to:

Provide the volunteer GEKA PAG Chairs with guidance on their GEKA PAG roles and responsibilities.

Align the kindergartens to GEKA culture and philosophies.

Review and amend relevant documentation and references relating to GEKA PAGs, GEKA Consultative Group, etc.

Provide the volunteer GEKA PAG members with mentoring and support in their fundraising, social events and maintenance roles and functions.

Provide the GEKA PAG with an opportunity to network and to share ideas.

Provide feedback and insight where sought by the GEKA Board.

A GEKA Board delegate (either the GEKA CEO and/or GM Operations) will connect (in person, via email, or phone) at least bi-annually with each GEKA PAG Chair or representative at the GEKA Consultative Group Meeting to discuss the role of the PAG and the strategic direction of the organisation.

GEKA will endeavor to organise Consultative Group Meetings four times per year, with a minimum of two, and will invite Chairs from all GEKA PAG groups as well as a representative from the GEKA Board. Robust, authentic discussion and debate will take place about issues relevant to the organisation and early years sector more broadly, in line with the roles and responsibilities of GEKA and volunteer PAGs as outlined in section 2.

7. OPERATIONS OF THE VOLUNTEER GEKA PAG AND EYM 7a Community-building activities To ensure that events align with the GEKA philosophy, it is important for the volunteer GEKA PAG to share with GEKA an annual calendar of proposed activities to be known as the GEKA PAG Community Engagement Strategy (CES). The Community Engagement Strategy needs to detail the benefits and/or revenue of each proposed activity and in the case of a fundraising activity, the purpose of the fundraiser. It is expected that the CES will be presented to GEKA management by the middle of term one and finalised by the end of term one. This can be updated throughout the year as required.

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The volunteer GEKA PAG need to ensure that the CES is reviewed and approved by GEKA management prior to implementation. In the case where a new activity is suggested after the CES has been approved, details of the proposed activity need to be put in writing to GEKA for approval prior to its implementation. This will ensure all legal liability and philosophical alignment is met.

GEKA will ensure the proposed activities are covered by its insurances and do not pose a threat to its reputation, nor give rise to any unreasonable risks to the participants.

In conducting an activity, the GEKA PAG needs to take into consideration the following:

compliance with any relevant laws

compliance with any permits that are required in relation to the activity

ensuring that any activity is conducted in a manner that is consistent with GEKA’s insurances

aligned to GEKA’s vision and philosophy

not acting in a manner that would give rise to any unreasonable risk to participants or pose a threat to GEKA’s reputation

compliance with any lawful and reasonable direction issued by GEKA relating to the manner in which the activity is to be conducted.

7b Reports The GEKA PAG will be invited to report on its activities verbally to GEKA when appropriate.

The Chair of the GEKA PAG will, on behalf of the GEKA PAG:

communicate as required with and via the GEKA CEO and/or GM Operations and Educational Leadership.

Provide the GM Operations and Educational Leadership with an agenda for any PAG meetings at least one week prior to a meeting

Provide the GM Operations and Educational Leadership with minutes of any PAG meetings within one week of a meeting

Provide the GM Operations with details of each completed fundraising activity as soon as possible

Should any extra-ordinary PAG meetings occur on GEKA premises, the GM Operations and Educational Leadership must be informed of the purpose of the meeting, and the proposed date and time. This ensures that GEKA is able to meet all compliance and OH&S obligations. GEKA will provide:

Copies of the fundraising account balance for each service each month

A GEKA newsletter each term incorporating service information

An agenda for the Consultative Group meetings one week prior to a meeting

Minutes of the Consultative Committee meeting within one week of a meeting

Details of the Family Information Night dates one month prior to the event

Details of the GEKA AGM one month prior to the event

7c Financial Management by the volunteer GEKA PAG The GEKA PAG will follow the financial management guidelines outlined below:

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Fundraising Account

Each GEKA PAG is to be allocated a fundraising account through the GEKA general ledger. The Account will be managed by the GEKA Finance and Payroll Officer and will record the expenditure and revenue of the relevant GEKA PAG.

Revenue All monies raised by, and on behalf of, the GEKA PAG must be raised in the manner set out in the Community Engagement Strategy as approved by GEKA. Matters of money collection and security are subject to any guidelines provided to the GEKA PAG by the GEKA Board (please see the GEKA PAG Manual for more details).

All cash must be kept in a secure locked container (or be banked directly as soon as possible); OR provided to the GEKA Finance and Payroll Officer as soon as possible, for banking, or provided to a member of the GEKA office. The PAG Chair and Fundraising Chair will be required to obtain a Police Check (a requirement as per the annual financial auditing processes) and provide a copy of this to the GEKA finance officer. If one of these volunteer roles is not present at an activity where money is being handled, another volunteer present at the event must have a police check.

All donations must be provided with donation details providing the name and address of the donation as well as the amount and the date to enable GEKA to provide a receipt.

Records must be kept of all revenue raised by the GEKA PAG Chair (details in the GEKA PAG Manual). Costs and expenses of fundraising or any costs and expenses of the GEKA PAG must not be taken from the revenue prior to banking, but must claimed separately from the GEKA Finance and Payroll Officer. Funds raised by each kindergarten will be for the use of the kindergarten it was raised by. Should the fund-raising account accumulate to more than $15,000 and there is no plan for expenditure in the near future (excluding funds awaiting approval for Community Building Expenditure and Capital Expenditure by GEKA), those funds will be consolidated into the GEKA account.

Expenditure The volunteer GEKA PAG is not authorised to spend any money from the Fundraising Account unless the expenditure is:

“Community Building Expenditure” as prescribed below; or

“Capital Expenditure” as prescribed below

Expenditure relating to either the Community Building Strategy or Capital works must be consistent with the Guidelines for Expenditure of Funds detailed in the GEKA PAG Manual.

GEKA will consult with each GEKA PAG regarding the expenditure of funds. The final decision regarding the expenditure of fundraising funds will be determined by GEKA as the Early Years Manager of the service.

Community Building Expenditure Community Building Expenditure is expenditure that satisfies each of the following criteria:

GEKA Parent Advisory Group Terms of Reference June 2018


it is directly associated with a particular community-building activity

it has been recorded in the Community Engagement Strategy (CES)

it has been approved by the GEKA Board or its delegate.

The GEKA PAG must regularly monitor their Fundraising Expenditure, at least on a monthly basis, to ensure that they do not exceed the amount of expenditure as detailed in the Community Engagement Strategy. The GEKA PAG is responsible for obtaining receipts for all purchases, and providing those receipts to the GEKA Finance and Payroll Officer.

Capital Expenditure Capital Expenditure can only occur with the approval of the GEKA Management and/or GEKA Board.

Capital Expenditure will only be approved by the GEKA Finance Committee of the GEKA Board where the GEKA PAG has raised sufficient funds to support the Capital Expenditure. If capital expenditure is required that exceeds the current fundraising dollars of the service, this must be identified within GEKA’s five year capital plan for expenditure, and will be funded (if approved) by GEKA. Reimbursements from the Fundraising Account It is recognised that in some instances, to enable the volunteer GEKA PAG to carry out its operations efficiently, members will need to purchase items from their own funds for GEKA PAG purposes and seek reimbursement from the GEKA Account subsequent to the expense being incurred.

In such cases, members need to create an email record of the intention to purchase the item from their own funds to members of the volunteer GEKA PAG, and seek approval from the GEKA PAG Chair.

The member must provide a receipt and completed reimbursement documents (refer to the PAG Manual for the reimbursement document) to the GEKA Finance and Payroll Officer in order to obtain reimbursement. Reimbursement documentation needs to be sent as soon as practicable thereafter. Responsibilities of the volunteer GEKA PAG Chair The volunteer GEKA PAG Chair of each GEKA PAG is responsible for ensuring that:

all funds raised by, and on behalf of, the GEKA PAG are lodged with the GEKA Finance and Payroll Officer as soon as practicable after the fundraising activity. The GEKA Finance and Payroll Officer will ensure the funds are credited to the appropriate GEKA Account and will communicate with the GEKA Chief Financial Officer in relation to all funds lodged by the GEKA Finance and Payroll Officer

after the conclusion of each fundraising activity, the GEKA PAG Chair is provided a report of the fundraising activity by the Fundraising Officer on the GEKA PAG, including the accounts showing:

the funds raised by, and on behalf of, the GEKA PAG in respect of that fundraising activity;

the total expenditure associated with that fundraising activity; and the net financial gain (or loss) associated with that fundraising activity

any petty cash advance that is provided to the GEKA PAG, is managed in line with GEKA policies and procedures

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any re-imbursement of members occurs in accordance with the process set out at paragraph D above and that members are informed and reminded of the need to create an email record of purchases

any requests for termly account balances of the Dedicated Account are made to the GEKA Finance and Payroll Officer

a regular report is made to the GEKA PAG from the GEKA Finance and Payroll Officer regarding the account balance of the Dedicated Account.

The GEKA Finance and Payroll Officer will be responsible for ensuring that any withdrawals are consistent with the GEKA Board approved Community-Engagement Strategy. The GEKA Finance and Payroll Officer will lodge any requests for withdrawals with the GEKA Chief Financial Officer. Cheques will be signed in line with GEKA’s policies and procedures.

Auditing Each fund-raising account will be audited with, and as a part of, the accounts of GEKA, whenever GEKA accounts are audited (at least annually).

Financial Reporting Each volunteer GEKA PAG must maintain accounts and records of all activities, including all deposits and withdrawals from the Fundraising Account (see PAG Manual).

7d Financial Management by the EYM GEKA will apply to DET, and any other relevant party, for the funding it is entitled to receive in relation to the services it provides, and will enter into appropriate agreements with DET.

GEKA will have the discretion to apply the funding as it sees appropriate, provided expenditure is for the benefit of a kindergarten managed by GEKA in accordance with the National Quality Framework.

The Funding GEKA receives, has received or will receive will be the responsibility of GEKA. Historical funds held by individual kindergartens will be pooled to ensure universal access and equity for all children across all services.

The benefits of consolidation include:

Reserves can be used to fund a long term capital maintenance plan for GEKA based on which kindergartens need improvements instead of which kindergartens can afford capital improvements

By consolidating the reserves, a long term investment strategy will maximise the investment returns

By consolidating the funds and investing them in a managed fund, the expected investment return will be greater than the expected returns should the funds be left in separate term deposits

Consolidation of the funds also reduces the overhead involved in managing multiple small term deposits

Consolidation helps the organisation mitigate significant financial risks such as an unforeseen drop in revenue (e.g. through change in government policy)

GEKA Parent Advisory Group Terms of Reference June 2018


Through GEKA’s investment policy, contingency funds will be set aside to address any unforeseen issues which we may need to face as an organisation. These include (but aren’t limited to) any of our services being displaced

Consolidation enables equity across our services, and a commitment to growing and supporting the organisation where it is most needed

8. DISPUTE RESOLUTION Should a dispute arise between a volunteer GEKA PAG and GEKA, the Grievance and Dispute Policy (attachment 3) is to be followed. 9. REVIEW The Terms of Reference remains in place until such time that a change is required. For example, in line with any changes to organisational and/or Government policy, at which time an updated document will be prepared in consultation with the volunteer PAGs.

GEKA Parent Advisory Group Terms of Reference June 2018



Glen Eira Kindergarten Association Inc.

ABN: 64 435 545 989 __________________________________________________________________________________

Glen Eira Kindergarten Association (GEKA) Inc Confidentiality Undertaking – GEKA Parent Advisory Group Members

As a Parent Advisory Group Member of the Glen Eira Kindergarten Association (GEKA) Incorporated, you will at all times be required to maintain confidentiality with respect to information which you may hear, read, gather or discuss about the management of and operations of GEKA. You must not reveal or use, for either your own benefit or anyone else's, confidential information, which you acquire as a GEKA Parent Advisory Group Member. You acknowledge that your obligation to maintaining confidentiality shall survive past the term that you may serve as a member of the GEKA Parent Advisory Group, and shall continue until such time as the confidential information becomes public knowledge other than by breach of this agreement. Confidential Information relates to any information which is issued by GEKA to the PAG and may include (but not be limited to) any information concerning GEKA, its families and/or staff, finances, transactions or general affairs. This may be in the form of emails, presentations, drawings, photographs, printed documents etc. Any breaches of confidentially will be investigated by GEKA Management. Serious breaches may lead to being asked to withdraw as a member of the GEKA Parent Advisory Group. I _________________________________, of ________________________________________, Full Name Kindergarten will at all times act in the best interests of GEKA and the Kindergarten Community (ie families, GEKA Kindergartens and PAGs, local community groups, schools, associations, local government and councils etc) and agree to the terms of confidentiality as detailed above. _________________________________ Signature _________________________________ Date

GEKA Parent Advisory Group Terms of Reference June 2018



GEKA Code of Conduct Policy – Parent Advisory Group (PAG)

Date written: April 2018

Related Policies and Documents: GEKA PAG Manual

GEKA PAG Terms of Reference

PAG Confidentiality Undertaking

GEKA Privacy and Confidentiality Policy

GEKA Occupational Health and Safety Policy

GEKA Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Policy

GEKA Grievance AND DISPUTE RESOLUTION Policy and Procedure

Person(s) Responsible for Policy: CEO General Manager, Operations and GEKA Educational Leader

Purpose This policy will provide guidelines to:

establish a standard of behaviour for GEKA PAG members that reflects the philosophy, beliefs, objectives and values of GEKA and the service

promote desirable and appropriate behaviour

ensure that all PAG interactions are respectful, honest, kind, courteous, sensitive, tactful and considerate.


This policy applies to GEKA PAG members, involved in the programs, activities and PAG responsibilities of the service. The PAG Code of Conduct covers interactions with fellow PAG members, educators, volunteers, parents,

children, visitors and third party individuals and organisations to GEKA, e.g. other community sector members encountered as part of PAG activities.

Background GKEA is committed to ensuring that its services are delivered in accordance with its statutory obligations and with

the highest level of integrity, ethical standards, and professionalism. The PAG Code of Conduct (the Code) supports the reputation and professional standing of the organisation and its people within the Early Childhood sector and

the community in general.

The Code establishes the standard of behaviour to be followed by GEKA PAGs across the GEKA services. The Code defines how individuals should behave towards each other, educators, children, GEKA management and other

organisations and individuals in the community.

This Code is based on the service’s philosophy, beliefs and values, and on ethical principles of mutual respect, equity and fairness.

GEKA Parent Advisory Group Terms of Reference June 2018


Principles The GEKA service is committed to:

maintaining a duty of care (refer to Definitions) towards all at the service

providing a safe and secure environment for all at the service

providing an open, welcoming environment in which everyone’s contribution is valued and respected

encouraging parents/guardians, volunteers, students and community members to support and participate in the program and activities of the service.


Item Description

Assault: An incident where a person causes injury, pain, discomfort or damage to another person. It also includes insult or deprivation of liberty. Assault can be physical, verbal or

written communication.

Duty of care: A common law concept that refers to the responsibilities of organisations to provide people with an adequate level of protection against harm and all reasonable

foreseeable risk of injury.

Ethical conduct: Always act in the best interests of children, their parents/guardians and families, and users of the service.

Harassment: When someone is demeaning, derogatory or intimidating towards another person. Harassment includes:

racial taunts

taunts about sexual orientation or gender identity

sexual harassment: unwelcome physical, verbal or written behaviour of a sexual nature

repeated insulting remarks.

Respect: Value the rights, religious beliefs and practices of individuals. Refrain from actions and behaviour that constitute harassment or discrimination.

Support: Work in a co-operative and positive manner.

Code of Conduct 1. Service Delivery GEKA is committed to delivering the best possible services to families. Adherence to the principles in this policy and Code ensures that the best possible service is delivered to its families. This service is one in which PAG members:

Develop and maintain professional relationships with each other; with clear boundaries that serve to protect families from misunderstandings, misperceptions or a violation of the professional relationship;

Recognise the right of PAG members to make their own decisions;

Use respectful and non-judgmental language;

Treat people with respect and dignity;

Refrain from public criticism of GEKA, services, staff, parents, children; and

Deliver services to all families without discrimination prohibited by law, and regardless of their social status or any illness or criminal record; and endeavour to meet the needs of families to enable them to

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live in the community maximising the potential for positive outcomes.

To enable delivery of the best possible services, PAG members must:

Work as a member of a team and willingly share information;

Recognise that no PAG member has an exclusive interest in GEKA interests; and

Deal with differences with other PAG members about the interests of families by airing grievances and discussing problems in a professional manner.

The relationship between GEKA and PAG members is critical to effective service delivery. This is the relationship by which we are judged, by both parents and educators. The GEKA-PAG relationship needs to be scrupulously professional and appropriate. GEKA’s families have a right to expect participative, transparent and empowering processes that enable them to achieve their potential and personal goals. The following principles will apply always:

PAG members must demonstrate appropriate mature, and positive, role modelling for families;

PAG members must always maintain a professional relationship with families, including past families.

Families are to be treated with respect so that services are delivered without discrimination and regardless of families’ personal histories.

PAG members have a right to expect that the trust they place in GEKA staff will not be abused. The following key principles will always be applied by GEKA staff in the development of appropriate, effective and respectful client relationships. All GEKA staff members must:

Treat families fairly, recognising and respecting their ethnic, cultural, religious or political beliefs and their personal life circumstances;

Treat families in a way that preserves their dignity and independence;

Explain the limits of confidentiality that apply to the professional relationship;

Not coerce, harass or exploit families;

Check that families understand what is being said to them. PAG members must at all times have a commitment to the continuous improvement of the services to families. Specifically, this includes:

Taking part in, and contributing to, both internal and external processes of GEKA which are aimed at improving standards of service delivery, client wellbeing, and the efficient operation of the organisation;

Sharing knowledge and experience with PAG members to continually improve the service;

Encouraging respect for the diversity of cultures which constitute Australian society; and

Engaging in any GEKA programs of education and training that are aimed at the improving the skills and knowledge of PAG members.

2. Working Relationships All PAG members must treat one another with respect and consideration at all times during their time on the PAG. Members must not use offensive language, resort to personal abuse, threaten or engage in demeaning or derogatory dialogue or comment when communicating with other PAG members. This extends to comments made outside the GEKA or service environment and/or outside PAG contact hours, and includes comments published on social media networks. GEKA will not tolerate violent behaviour, including acts of physical violence, aggressive behaviour, harassment, bullying, verbal threats or abuse directed at another PAG member, client or visitor. PAG members are not permitted to carry or bring any dangerous weapons into GEKA’s premises or vehicles. This includes knives and firearms of any description. 3. Workplace Behaviours, Equal Opportunity, Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying

GEKA Parent Advisory Group Terms of Reference June 2018


All forms of unlawful discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment and bullying are in breach of this Policy and will not be tolerated by GEKA. 4. GEKA’s Reputation PAG members must not act in any way that could cause harm to the reputation, stakeholder relationships or funding to GEKA during or outside of contact hours. This includes the appropriate and professional use of social media. 5. GEKA’s Values

All PAG members are required to conduct themselves in accordance with GEKA’s values of





Celebration The values must be upheld by PAG members in all dealings with fellow PAG members, families and visitors of GEKA. 6. Ethical Conduct PAG members are to maintain and observe appropriate ethical behavioural standards during their course of volunteering with on the GEKA PAG. All PAG members have an obligation to report unethical behaviour if it is observed or suspected and they will be protected from any reprisals of reporting such breaches. Alleged breaches of the Code should be reported to the CEO unless the breach pertains to that person. In such instances the breach should then be reported to the GEKA Board. 7. Confidentiality and Privacy Confidential information means any information about GEKA acquired by a PAG member during their time serving on a GEKA PAG and which relates to GEKA or GEKA families, unless that information falls into the public domain. Confidential information includes but is not limited to intellectual property, computer software and programs, policies, financial affairs, strategic and business plans, and any client information. It is prohibited to disclose any confidential information to any person not authorised to receive it, either during or after volunteering with GEKA, or to use the confidential information for any purposes other than for the purposes of GEKA and its families. GEKA is also committed to ensuring that all personal information gathered is handled, used and disclosed in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2000, state and federal legislation and GEKA Privacy and Confidentiality Policy. All PAG members are required to sign the GEKA PAG Confidentiality Undertaking before being able to assume a role as a serving PAG member. 8. Conflict of Interest A person has a conflict of interest when they have a personal or private interest that may compromise their ability to deliver a service or make a decision in the best interests of GEKA. A person has a direct interest in a matter if there is a reasonable likelihood that the benefits, obligations, opportunities or circumstances of the person would be directly altered if the matter is decided in a particular way. This could include where they are likely to directly gain or lose financially. GEKA PAG members are required to discuss any potential conflict of interest with the CEO as soon as they become aware of it.

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9. Procurement GEKA PAG members are to be mindful of their role and (limited) financial responsibilities and must ensure that all procurements made by them are to be within their authority and in line with GEKA policy. Where there is any query regarding the authority to purchase goods and services for GEKA, the PAG member should discuss this with the General Manager Operations & GEKA Educational Leader or CEO. GEKA procurement processes must be undertaken in a way which meets the expected standards of probity. This includes consistent application of clear and established procedures, compliance with policies, consideration of the suppliers involved in any tendering or quotation process, and clear and transparent decision making. Any procurement process should endeavour to secure the best quality whilst also being mindful of the not for profit status of GEKA. 10. Fraud Prevention and Control Fraud, in its broadest meaning, is defined as a dishonest activity that is undertaken by an individual or group of individuals for personal gain, which causes actual or potential financial loss to any person or entity. GEKA will not tolerate fraud in any form. Examples of fraud include, but are not limited to, falsifying petty cash requests, time sheets (including electronic timesheet) and cheque signatories. The prevention of fraud is the responsibility of every PAG member. All PAG members should be aware of their roles in relation to fraud prevention, and any instances of fraud or suspected fraud must be reported. PAG members can report fraud/suspected fraud to the GEKA General Manager Operations & GEKA Educational Leader or CEO. PAG members who report or assist in the investigation of fraud/suspected fraud will be protected from any reprisals. 11. Honesty All PAG members are responsible for any GEKA assets including information, cash and financial assets, equipment, inventory and supplies, and must undertake this responsibility in an honest and professional manner. GEKA will not tolerate the unauthorised removal or theft of money or property. The improper use of GEKA assets or wilful or reckless damage to GEKA property will also not be tolerated. PAG members must not use GEKA assets for personal purposes without prior approval, for example, company vehicles or laptops. 12. Occupational Health & Safety All PAG members have a responsibility to take care of themselves and others when carrying out their volunteer role. PAG members are required to follow all health and safety policies, report any observed hazards or injuries and participate in the management of health and safety risk. Please refer to the GEKA “Occupational Health and Safety Policy.” 13. Computer Usage All PAG members must adhere to the GEKA “GEKA Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Policy”. 14. Drugs, Alcohol and Medication GEKA PAG members must not report for any volunteer activities and meetings at any time under the influence of illicit drugs, alcohol or medication, to the extent that it may impair their ability and the ability of their PAG colleagues to safely and effectively perform their duties. The way PAG members behave when representing GEKA at public functions reflects on GEKA and PAG members are not to be adversely affected by alcohol or drugs. At functions or networking events hosted by other organisations, PAG members are to ensure their conduct reflects positively on the GEKA brand and reputation. 15. Smoking GEKA is a smoke-free environment and smoking is prohibited within any GEKA service.

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16. Police and Working with Children Checks GEKA requires all PAG members who may engage with children other than their own while undertaking GEKA and/or PAG activities to obtain a Working With Children Card. During the course of volunteering, a PAG member who has been charged, is under investigation, or has been convicted of an offence should immediately discuss the matter with the PAG Chair and/or CEO. The PAG Chair must discuss information regarding a charge, investigation or conviction declared by an existing PAG member with the CEO immediately. Where a PAG member is unwilling to discuss the impact of a charge, conviction, or police investigation on the inherent requirements of their position they can contact DET for advice. 17. Contacting GEKA Board The GEKA Board is entrusted to provide direction to GEKA through their work and relationship with the CEO. Any contact by PAG members with the Board must be through the CEO in the first instance. PAG members are expected to respect the appropriate communication and escalation processes as outlined in GEKA policies. 18. Performance of Duties and Compliance with Lawful Direction While volunteering or performing duties for GEKA, PAG members must devote time and attention to the PAG activities. The standard of activities will reflect favourably on GEKA and the individual, and policies and procedures must be followed. PAG members are required to comply with lawful instructions or requests given by their PAG Chair and/or CEO. If a PAG member believes that a request or direction is unlawful or unsafe, then the concern should be raised immediately with the PAG Chair, CEO or General Manager Operations & Education Leader.

Reporting Breaches to the Code of Conduct GEKA recognises the value of transparency and accountability in our administrative and management practices, and support the making of disclosures that reveal corrupt conduct, conduct involving a substantial mismanagement of public resources, conduct involving a risk to public health and safety or any other breaches of this Code. GEKA aims to ensure that all reasonable steps will be taken to protect PAG members when making any disclosures from any detrimental action in reprisal for making the disclosure.

Consequences of Breaches to the Code of Conduct Breaches of the Code may require the PAG member to undergo additional briefing in their obligations under this Code. Depending upon the severity of the breach, consequences may result in removal from the PAG. The principles of natural justice will be afforded to the person who is subject to the disclosure. Any PAG members found to be making vexatious or unsubstantiated claims may also be subject to disciplinary action. Any matters involving criminal conduct will be reported to the Police.

Dispute Resolution Process Grievances will be handled using the “GEKA Grievance AND DISPUTE RESOLUTION Policy and Procedure”.

PAG members while at the service, are responsible for following this policy at all times.

Authorisation This policy was adopted by GEKA as Early Years Manager in 2018

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Policy to be reviewed annually or as required

Date Version Author Revision Description

April 2018 1.0 HR Manager New

GEKA Parent Advisory Group Terms of Reference June 2018



GEKA Grievance AND DISPUTE RESOLUTION Policy and Procedure

Policy Category: GEKA Parent Advisory Group

Policy Number: 1

Date written: 2012 – review details at end of policy

Person(s) Responsible for Policy:


Related Source from: Early Years Management Policy Framework (2016) GEKA Rules of the Association (2016)

Purpose This policy will provide guidelines for:

Receiving and dealing with complaints and grievances from the GEKA Parent Advisory Group (PAG)

Procedures to be followed when investigating complaints and grievances with GEKA as Early Years Management (EYM) Organisation.

Values The Glen Eira Kindergarten is committed to:

providing an environment of mutual respect and open communication, where the expression of opinions is encouraged

complying with all legislative and statutory requirements

dealing with disputes, complaints and complainants with fairness and equity

establishing mechanisms to promote prompt, efficient and satisfactory resolution of complaints and grievances

maintaining confidentiality at all times.

Scope This policy applies to the members of the GEKA Parent Advisory Group (PAG), the GEKA Early Years Management Group and the GEKA Board.

Background Complaints or grievances may be received from anyone who is a current nominated kindergarten member of the GEKA Parent Advisory Group (PAG). Dealing with complaints and grievances in relation to the agreement will be the responsibility of GEAK as the Approved Provider. Should the managed GEKA PAG wish to dissolve this agreement with GEKA, the grievance and dispute resolution procedure must be followed. Any request for withdrawal from GEKA as the Early Years Manager will need to be referred to The Department of Education and Training (DET) as the regulatory body who determines the license holder of the service. At the conclusion of the review and should a resolution not be agreed, the complaint is elevated to a dispute and a mediation process commences.

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Definitions Complaint: Complaints include an expression of displeasure, such as poor service, and any verbal or written complaint directly related to the service, continuity, access and community and confidence in the Early Years Sector. Complaints do not include staff, industrial or employment matters, occupational health and safety matters (unless related to the safety of the children) and issues related to the legal business entity, such as the incorporated association or co-operative. Complaints and Grievances Register: (In relation to this policy) records information about complaints and grievances received at the service, together with a record of the outcomes. This register must be kept in a secure file, accessible only to GEKA Management. The register can provide valuable information to GEKA Board on meeting the needs of children and families at the service. Dispute resolution procedure: The method used to resolve complaints, disputes or matters of concern through an agreed resolution process. Grievance: A grievance is a formal statement of complaint that cannot be addressed immediately and involves matters of a more serious nature e.g. the service is in breach of a policy or the service did not meet the care expectations of a family. GEKA: The Early Years Manager, licence holder and manager of all GEKA Kindergartens GEKA Parent Advisory Group (PAG): A group of parent who have volunteered to be members of a parent group for the GEKA kindergarten where their child is currently enrolled. Mediator: A person independent of GEKA and the GEKA PAG, who mediates, in particular, one who reconciles differences between disputants. Mediation: An attempt to bring about a peaceful settlement or compromise between disputants through the objective intervention of a neutral party

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Procedure for Dispute Resolution: Step 1. Raise Concern with GEKA Management: If a member of the GEKA PAG have a concern or complaint, the first point of call is the GEKA Operations Manager, to discuss the issue. If the concern is not able to be resolved with the Operations Manager, the concern is elevated to the GEKA CEO Step 2. Informal Discussion: Chairperson of the GEKA PAG meets with the CEO at GEKA to discuss the concern. The aim of the meeting is to resolve the complaint. Step 3. GEKA PAG formalise complaint in writing and this is acknowledged by GEKA: If the issue is not resolved at Step 2, the GEKA PAG Chairperson must formalise the complaint to the GEKA CEO in writing. The CEO will acknowledge receipt of this complaint in writing to the GEKA PAG Chairperson within 14 days and add details to the GEKA Complaints and Grievances Register. The GEKA CEO advises the GEKA Chair of the Board of the complaint and investigates the complaint further. This information is provided to the GEKA Chair of the Board, who then responds to the written complaint within 28 days outlining possible resolutions. Step 4. Meeting between GEKA CEO/Board & GEKA PAG representatives: If the GEKA PAG is not satisfied with the response provided by the GEKA Board, all representatives must agree to meet. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the issue in detail and formulate an agreed action plan, which includes setting a date for a review meeting. Step 5. Review meeting (GEKA CEO/Board & GEKA PAG representatives): The purpose of the meeting is to review the action plan, outcomes and to continue to foster positive working relationships. Step 6. Appoint an Independent Mediator: If the concern has not been resolved after step 5, mediation commences between all parties. The parties must jointly appoint an agreed, independent mediator and agree on the mediator’s remuneration. If the parties fail to agree on the appointment and remuneration within 5 days of service of notice or such other time as the parties agree to in writing, either party may apply to the President of the Law Institute of Victoria or the President’s nominee to appoint a mediator and determine the mediator’s remuneration. Each party must pay an equal share of the costs of the mediation and agrees to indemnify the mediator against liability in respect of the mediation of the Dispute. Step 7: Mediation: The parties must observe the instructions of the mediator about the conduct of the mediation. All parties must attend the mediation meeting(s). If the dispute is not resolved within 10 days after the mediator is appointed or such other time as the parties agree to in writing, the mediation ceases. Step 8: Resolution: If the Dispute is resolved through mediation, each party must sign the terms of the resolution. The terms are binding on the parties and override the terms of the agreement if there is any conflict. The mediation procedure is confidential. Any written statements prepared for the mediator or for any party; and any discussion between the parties and between the parties and the mediator before or during this procedure cannot be used in any legal proceedings. Step 9. Mediation with the DET (GEKA Management/Board, GEKA PAG & DET Representatives): The Department can become involved in a dispute when all other dispute resolution processes have been exhausted (i.e. the EYM organisation’s established dispute resolution process and other complaint handling processes. If the Department becomes involved in a dispute, the Department’s regional office will lead the process in close consultation with central office. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the issue with the DET to hear their recommendations for resolution and resolve accordingly. The Department’s priorities when working with parties to address unresolved issues are to ensure: • continuity of quality service provision for all children and families accessing the service • all parties are working in alignment with the EYM Policy Framework and these guidelines • Integrity of the EYM in Victoria. The Department will work with the parties to resolve the issues by: • understanding the respective concerns • assessing and articulating the potential impact on achieving the priorities listed above

• consulting with other relevant stakeholders, including local government, to understand broader community needs and impact on service provision. Step 10. Final Resolution: In cases where a mutually agreed solution cannot be found, the Department will make a final determination based on achieving the priorities listed above. Dispute resolution processes address significant issues affecting service quality, continuity, access and community confidence in the EYM sector. The Department’s determination could result in one of the following decisions: • continued operation of the existing EYM partnership arrangement – in this case, the Department will oversee any commitments made between the EYM organisation and the service to ensure they take place in a timely manner • transition the service from the current EYM organisation to another EYM organisation, or other arrangements. NB: See also GEKA Grievance and Dispute Resolution Flow Chart (Appendix 1) for Procedure

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Related Procedures/Forms:


It is the responsibility of each person mentioned within the policy scope, to ensure that they are aware of changes and updates to policies. All employees must ensure that they have the most current version of a policy. Please refer to the electronic policy for the most current version.


This policy was adopted by GEKA, as Early Years Manager, in 2012

Policy to be reviewed in February 2018 or as required

Date Version Author Revision Description

September 2012 1.00 Glen Eira Kindergarten Association with reference to

KPV Policy Resources

New policy

September 2013 1.00 E. Trevaks, Executive Officer Annual review

September 2014 1.00 E. Trevaks, Executive Officer Annual review

September 2015 1.00 E. Trevaks, CEO Annual Review

February 2017 2.00 M. MacMaster, Acting CEO/Operations Manager EYM Policy Framework introduced

GEKA Parent Advisory Group Terms of Reference June 2018


Appendix 1: GEKA Grievance and Dispute Resolution Flow Chart

Step 10. Formal Resolution through


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