global drinks va - · surprising...

Post on 14-Jun-2020






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GLOBAL DRINKSThese six 52-minute films recount the history of the six most universalnon-alcholic drinks that have become an essential part of our dailylives.



FORMAT6 x 52 ',  2010

AVAILABLE RIGHTSTV - DVD - VOD - Non-theatrical rights -


English - FrenchTERRITORY(IES)

Worldwide except Italy, France, French-speaking Belgium and Switzerland, Finland,

Czech Republic, Serbia, Israel, Hungary for TV

Soft drinks, coffee, milk, mineral water, fruit juice, and tea have too, become icons of ourglobal grocery store. Examining how these drinks have spread throughout the world, sixsurprising films discuss history, science, economy, culture and indulgence, and reveal thepaths our favourite and universal beverages have taken.







COFFEE PLEASE!A film-journey that lives up to its subject matter, in a good hot andstrong way!



FORMAT1 x 52 ',  2010

AVAILABLE RIGHTSTV - DVD - VOD - Non-theatrical rights -


English - FrenchTERRITORY(IES)

Worldwide except Italy, France, French-speaking Belgium and Switzerland, Finland,

Czech Republic, Serbia, Israel, Hungary for TV

In spite of the fall of the Berlin Wall, the world is still divided in two - on the one sidethe coffee producing countries, on the other those that drink it. This dividing line hasinfluenced the world economy and the habits of individual populations. But since theend of the 20th century, coffee has gone from being a local tradition to a planetarycustom, with its temples, rituals and sects. "What else?" The little capsule is the latestembodiment of a history that stretches back almost to the beginning of our era, toArabia, when the Prophet Mohammed announced the new revealed religion, Islam. Afteroil and steel, coffee is the most exchanged commodity in the world. Every day, coffeeproducers' lives are regulated by the prices fixed on the financial markets in Chicago,London and Hong Kong. It's hardly surprising, then, that fair-trade coffee has becomesuch a widespread movement! No other drink has adapted so largely to the customs ofthe societies its has conquered. An Expresso in Italy is a small, intense, creamy mouthful,consumed standing up, at the counter. In Turkey, Greece, Brazil and Africa, is it partof a slow, repetitive welcome ritual. The New World landed a few years ago on PlanetStarbuck's (16,000 branches in 40 countries), where it discovered new behaviours, a newvocabulary, and a veritable coffee religion.

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GLOBAL MILK AROUND (THE)Whether we like milk or not, we all began our lives drinking it. Butwe are the only mammals to continue drinking it once we reachadulthood, and the only mammals to drink the milk of anothermammal.



FORMAT1 x 52 ',  2010

AVAILABLE RIGHTSTV - DVD - VOD - Non-theatrical rights -


English - FrenchTERRITORY(IES)

Worldwide except Italy, France, French-speaking Belgium and Switzerland, Finland,

Czech Republic, Serbia, Israel, Hungary for TV

Neither vegetable nor mineral, milk is also our only drink to come from a human being oranimal, most often a cow. In India, cows are sacred as they give milk - the cow is revered asthe mother of all men. Milk can be found everywhere in India, at all times of day. And Indiais today the world's number one producer of milk. In less than a century, milk has becomethe second world food industry. But would we be talking about the globalisation of milkif a real revolution hadn't occurred - the invention of its conservation? It is impossibleto ship such a fragile foodstuff without industrial packaging. It was in Switzerland inthe 1870's that Henry Nestlé, a German chemist, prepared the great milk revolution bypioneering its conservation. He also had the idea of recreating breast milk and shippingit to all four corners of the planet. During this film, we discover stables in the heart ofBombay, we learn that milk promotes spiritual elevation, that mare's milk is the great allyof dermatologists, that Cleopatra owed her silky body to ass's milk, that producing rawmilk in California is a sign of rebellion and a source of wealth, and that China is finallystarting to drink milk.

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JUICY ADVENTURE OF JUICE (THE)Those who don't drink orange juice at breakfast are few and farbetween. The U.S. model has, once again, colonised almost the entireplanet. And orange juice has now squeezed itself into the select clubof the most consumed liquids.



FORMAT1 x 52 ',  2010

AVAILABLE RIGHTSTV - DVD - VOD - Non-theatrical rights -


English - FrenchTERRITORY(IES)

Worldwide except Italy, France, French-speaking Belgium and Switzerland, Finland,

Czech Republic, Serbia, Israel, Hungary for TV

Over 550 million litres are gulped down every day all over the world, and Europe accountsfor half of that figure. 80% of world production of orange juice takes place in Brazil andso travels 12,000 km to Europe by boat. Along with football, coffee and samba, Brazilnow has a forth cliché to be proud of - oranges and, in particular, juice. (But Braziliansthemselves only drink fresh juice, never industrial juice, which they reserve export). Overthe last 30 years, orange juice has steadily become a product of daily consumption,and therefore a true symbol of globalisation. A simple carton of concentrated juicecontains a major part of our contemporary history! It is this concentration of life that thefilm portrays. We travel to meet a President, a producer of pomegranate juice whichbestows eternal youth on those who drink it, producers of cranberries, which are so highlyappreciated, a festival has been dedicated to them, a wild American who landed in Paris,and other gourmets who savour juices made from mangoes, bananas, pineapples, apples,ginger, baobab, sugar cane, hibiscus flowers, soursop, tamarind and grapes.

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SODA: THE MAGIC FORMULAAn effervescent and scientific enquiry into a strange phenomenonthat has conquered the world - soft drinks. A homage to the universaldrink.



FORMAT1 x 52 ',  2010

AVAILABLE RIGHTSTV - DVD - VOD - Non-theatrical rights -


English - FrenchTERRITORY(IES)

Worldwide except Italy, France, French-speaking Belgium and Switzerland, Finland,

Czech Republic, Serbia, Israel, Hungary for TV

It's a universal truth that, whether at the summit of Kilimanjaro, in deepest Siberia orin North Korea, there's not a place on the planet, not a bar, nor a fridge, where thosesmall brightly-coloured bottles and cans have not taken up residence - to the greatdelight of parched consumers, and to the great dismay of nutritionists. This film featurescollectors, consumers, dancers, footballers and chemists, as well as Richard Nixon, NikitaKrushchev's sons, Sarah Bernard and Pope Pius X! It also reveals: - why the brain likes softdrinks. - how the Kola nut, an African aphrodisiac, ended up in a curvy, woman-shapedbottle. - why (black) coca is Corsican, and how a family-made (white) lemonade becamepart of national Algerian heritage. - how Pepsi first conquered the White House, then theKremlin - and why the French Communist Party, in spite of everything, has preferred thelarge red version for a long time. - how a drink for lorry drivers and kickboxers became thefavourite elixir of clubbers and extreme sportsmen and women. - and how to transform asoft drink into a sea of geysers. As one famous chemist from the University of Stanfordsays: "Once you've seen this, we hope you'll never see a soft drink in the same light!" Afilm to be consumed without moderation!

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TEA FOR TWO...BILLIONThe drink of kings and queens is the most consumed beverage afterwater in the world: 15,000 cups are being sipped at every secondof the clock. An Impressive statistic for a drink that was discovered4750 years ago!



FORMAT1 x 52 ',  2010

AVAILABLE RIGHTSTV - DVD - VOD - Non-theatrical rights -


English - FrenchTERRITORY(IES)

Worldwide except Italy, France, French-speaking Belgium and Switzerland, Finland,

Czech Republic, Serbia, Israel, Hungary for TV

One of the most fascinating stories of our civilization, the making and drinking of teais represented in hundreds of drawings, engravings, books and poems, telling us moreabout the social cultural development of our world than any other gastronomy andconfirming tea as one of the most documented practices in the history of mankind. Andtoday tea is on the news, in TV commercials and is being sold in over 3000 different formsand tastes all around the world. Journeying from the South of China to Japan, India, theUnited Kingdom and continental Europe, TEA FOR ALL looks at the phenomenal drinkwith its remarkable story. From the Nepali pluckers on the tea plantations of Darjeeling,to the Taiwanese tea ceremonies, British tea time and French merchandising, Indian teaauctions and Japanese marketing. Accompanying us are those who search for, grow,process, blend and sell tea...and they all share an infatuation with the drink! Learn: - thesecrets on the bud and two leaves that makes up all teas - how to combine tea and aworldclass food menu. - the steps of tea tasting and finding the Champagne of teas. Afilm to be sipped slowly, like the drink.

WATER, WATER, EVERYWHEREFrom watersheds to clouds, this journey around the world examinesa liquid that is far from being transparent, colourless, odourless andflavourless!



FORMAT1 x 52 ',  2010

AVAILABLE RIGHTSTV - DVD - VOD - Non-theatrical rights -


English - FrenchTERRITORY(IES)

Worldwide except Italy, France, French-speaking Belgium and Switzerland, Finland,

Czech Republic, Serbia, Israel, Hungary for TV

Empty, this non-identified transparent object weighs just a few grams. Yet full, it weighsbillions of euros. Bottled water has invaded the planet. Who could have imagined, 30years ago, it would become so essential to our daily lives? Spa, mineral, natural, spring,sparkling - bottled, labelled and exported - water is worth a fortune. In the U.S and Iran,it costs more than petrol. And yet all over the world, mineral water is gaining territory. Ithas enjoyed a 50% increase in worldwide growth since 1999. We drink 200 billion litresof it a year - high stakes, indeed, for the contending multinationals. Where does mineralwater spring from? How it is captured and bottled? Is it simply the product of carefulmarketing, or does it have a history, rooted in jealously guarded local traditions? Anddoes it have a distinctive taste?


GLOBAL�DRINKS�  .................................................................................................................................................... 3COFFEE�PLEASE!�   .................................................................................................................................................. 3GLOBAL�MILK�AROUND�(THE)�  ............................................................................................................................. 4JUICY�ADVENTURE�OF�JUICE�(THE)�  ................................................................................................................... 5SODA:�THE�MAGIC�FORMULA�  .............................................................................................................................. 6TEA�FOR�TWO...BILLION�  ....................................................................................................................................... 7WATER,�WATER,�EVERYWHERE�  ......................................................................................................................... 7


COFFEE�PLEASE!.......................................................................................................................................................... 3GLOBAL�DRINKS........................................................................................................................................................... 3GLOBAL�MILK�AROUND�(THE)..................................................................................................................................... 4JUICY�ADVENTURE�OF�JUICE�(THE).......................................................................................................................... 5SODA:�THE�MAGIC�FORMULA..................................................................................................................................... 6TEA�FOR�TWO...BILLION.............................................................................................................................................. 7WATER,�WATER,�EVERYWHERE................................................................................................................................ 7

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