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Global Ecology and Conservation 18 (2019) e00580

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Global Ecology and Conservation

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Original Research Article

New conservation viewpoints when plants are viewed at onelevel higher. Integration of phylogeographic structure, nichemodeling and genetic diversity in conservation planning of WMediterranean larkspurs

Maria Bosch a, Sonia Herrando-Moraira b, Alberto del Hoyo c, Jordi L�opez-Pujol b, Sergi Mass�o a, b, Josep A. Rossell�o d, Joan Simon a, C�esar Blanch�e a, *

a GReB-BioC, Laboratori de Bot�anica, Facultat de Farm�acia i Ci�encies de l’Alimentaci�o, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Catalonia,Spainb GReB-BioC, Botanic Institute of Barcelona (IBB, CSIC-ICUB), Barcelona, Catalonia, Spainc Igniagreen, Sant Jaume de Llierca, Girona, Catalonia, Spaind Jardí Bot�anic, ICBiBE-Unidad Asociada CSIC, Universitat de Val�encia, Val�encia, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o

Article history:Received 5 December 2018Received in revised form 26 February 2019Accepted 26 February 2019

Keywords:Biodiversity conservationConservation geneticsDelphinium ser. FissaAllozymescpDNAChromosome numbers

* Corresponding author. Laboratori de Bot�anica, FBarcelona, Catalonia, Spain.

E-mail address: (C. Blanch© 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevie0/).

a b s t r a c t

Protection and management of closely related endangered species and subspecies at a verynarrow regional scale is the origin of multiple dysfunctional conservation decisions. Theseinclude artificially increased IUCN risk assessment categories and derived consequences:poor effectiveness in allocating public and private funds or repeat of unnecessary actions/facilities. Data provided by the revisited study of a group of W Mediterranean larkspurs(Delphinium ser. Fissa), including new data on demography, niche modeling, genetic di-versity and phylogeography, contributed to a new and wider analysis of causes of threat.Although current IUCN Red List regulations did not allow for assessments at levels higherthan a specific rank, scientific information suggests that in some cases this could be abetter approach for sound scientifically-based biodiversity conservation planning andaction.© 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC

BY license (

1. Introduction

Biodiversity Conservation, as a discipline of crisis, by definition (Soul�e, 1985), usually works with uncertainty and limitedknowledge to solve increasingly complex conservation problems. Unfortunately, the availability of better scientific knowledgeabout endangered species is scarce, with gaps existing in critical information, such as incomplete sampling, only partly knownspecies distribution ranges and very few data on biological attributes (demography, genetic variability, breeding system andreproductive features, and mutualisms, among others). In fact, there is still much biodiversity to be discovered (Forest et al.,2015; Deli�c et al., 2017; Treurnicht et al., 2017).

acultat de Farm�acia i Ci�encies de l’Alimentaci�o, Universitat de Barcelona, Av. Joan XXIII s/n, E-08028,


r B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (

M. Bosch et al. / Global Ecology and Conservation 18 (2019) e005802

Overall, in a well-balanced framework of biodiversity management, conservation needs can push for evolutionary,phylogenetic and taxonomic updates, at least in speciose groups (Forest et al., 2015). Numerous daily conservation decisionsconcerning regional administrations (under the classical pressure pair: local populations’ problems/locally needed solutions)show that effective, long-term and sustainable conservation actions could only be adopted following sound scientificknowledge. This cannot usually be acquired as rapidly as needed to counteract stochastic decreases of population viabilityand, as a consequence, not all conservation efforts are correctly designed to obtain successful results (L�opez-Pujol et al., 2013).

Nevertheless, a well combined and intercommunicative network of biodiversity researchers and managers may providevery useful win-win advances on both sides (e.g. Center for Biodiversity and Conservation Science, University of Queensland,Australia, at Additionally, some controversial conservation policy decisions that are not basedon sound scientific data could be avoided, and researchers could focus significant efforts on satisfying the technical needs ofmanagers without giving up higher knowledge challenges. Thus, conservation-oriented studies can provide the perfectapproach to specific or general biodiversity scientific problems.

Delphinium L. ser. Fissa Pawl. (Delphinieae, Ranunculaceae) is a group of hemicryptophyte larkspurs of narrowly dissectedleaves represented in the W Mediterranean area by four closely related taxa, including two species; D. bolosii C. Blanch�e &Molero and D. mansanetianum Pitarch, Peris& Sanchis, and two subspecies of the widely distributed species D. fissumWaldst.& Kit., D. fissum subsp. sordidum (Cuatrec.) Amich, E. Rico & J. S�anchez and D. fissum subsp. fissum. All entities, except the last,are endemic to the Iberian Peninsula (Blanch�e and Molero, 1983) (Fig. 1A and A1). Common systematic practice in this groupstill follows a traditional combination of morphological and cytogenetic features (Blanch�e, 1991; Warnock, 1995; Ramírez-Rodríguez et al., 2016). Fine molecular taxonomic delimitation at species or subspecies level in perennial larkspurs is stillnot available, although genus/tribe levels have been investigated by Jabbour and Renner (2012a). The four taxa have smallgeographic ranges, some of them being recently described so their real distribution may be poorly known, and all have beengenerally perceived as an endangered biodiversity component of the W Mediterranean flora (protected by law at severallevels; Table A1).

However, some disagreements on i) inter- and intraspecific taxonomic delimitation (see synonyms list in Table A2); ii)levels of threat (see distinct results of IUCN risk assessment depending on regional approach or scientific team in Table A1) oriii) the effective conservation actions undertaken (see differential law consideration depending on taxa or countries in TableA1), all suggest that a ground level, local view of this group may not help to fully understand natural relationships or presentvs. past gene exchanges among populations, levels and structure of genetic diversity (and taxonomy in accordance withbiology), nor to precisely identify levels of threat or define conservation strategies based on the best available scientificknowledge.

Delphinium ser. Fissa may be considered, therefore, as a suitable case study to explore if, from a slightly higher level, abetter resulting overview is obtained (i.e. by considering a multidisciplinary and higher taxa approach to evolution andconservation issues). In our case, there is agreement that the series taxonomic rank is the most natural one in the genusDelphinium. The morphological treatments of the classical monographs (Pawlowsky, 1963; Munz, 1967; Malyutin, 1987;Warnock, 1995) are also generally supported by the clade resulting structure after the molecular phylogeny study (Jabbourand Renner, 2012a), where series resolution is the best compartmental interpretation of diversity patterns within thegenus (each taxonomic group will better fit the systematic assemblage as an appropriate unit for the challenge of an upper-step approach).

This complex of four W Mediterranean Delphinium taxa has received increasing attention during the last 20 years. Newscientific data are available (both from field exploration and lab research as well as from gray literature derived from con-servation actions) that offer a significant increase of information about known populations as well as new genetic data andanalyses. However, some gaps in sound biological knowledge still exist. Thus, we can derive the following goals: 1) to updateevolutionary knowledge and phylogeography; 2) to infer potential distribution areas of taxa and to test for niche divergence/conservatism; and 3) to propose new conservation guidelines under a global view of the whole series Fissa to check if aslightly higher approach can help in providing useful tips to better tackle conservation challenges.

2. Materials and methods

2.1. Study species and sampling strategy

The four Delphinium taxa studied herein belong to a monophyletic clade (Jabbour and Renner, 2012a). The scope of ser.Fissa is described in Blanch�e and Molero (1983) and the full nomenclatural details and synonyms for the studied taxa areshown in Table A2. Fifteen populations were surveyed in this study (Table 1, Fig. A1). Representative voucher specimens arekept in the herbarium BCN (Universitat de Barcelona). For D. bolosii, all known populations were sampled, including therecently discovered ones (ALO, CAM and MUR). Three populations of D. fissum subsp. fissum, from theW part of its range (theMaritime Alps) were studied, whereas a representative selection of the whole range of D. fissum subsp. sordidum (fivepopulations) was sampled. Finally, the single known population of D. mansanetianum was also studied. All 15 populationswere scored for both allozyme and cpDNA analyses (sample sizes are indicated in Table 1). For allozymes, fresh leaf sampleswere collected in the field and stored at 4 �C until protein extraction. Leaf fragments for DNA survey were collected and placedin plastic bags filled with silica gel and kept desiccated at�80 �C in an ultra-freezer until DNA extraction. Chromosome countsfor many populations were mainly compiled from Bosch et al. (2016). In addition, for cytogenetic research, seed material was

Table 1Geographic origin of populations sampled in this study.

Taxon Code N Population

D. bolosii ALO 30 Al�os de Balaguer (Lleida, Catalonia, Spain)CAM 29 Presa de Camarasa (Lleida, Catalonia, Spain)MUR 21 Mura, Sant Llorenç del Munt i l’Obac Natural Park (Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)RBO 103 Rubi�o de Baix (Lleida, Catalonia, Spain)ULL1 100 Ulldemolins (Tarragona, Catalonia, Spain)ULL2 104 Ulldemolins (Tarragona, Catalonia, Spain)

D. fissum subsp. fissum BOU 39 Le Guidon du Mont Bouquet (Gard, France)SAD 38 Saint Dalmas de Tende (Alpes Maritimes, France)SAV 38 Saint Valier de Thiey (Alpes Maritimes, France)

D. fissum subsp. sordidum COR 31 Corduente (Guadalajara, Castilla-La Mancha, Spain)ESC 43 Escurial (Salamanca, Castilla-Le�on, Spain)HER 32 Herv�as (C�aceres, Extremadura, Spain)MAG 34 Sierra de M�agina (Ja�en, Andalusia, Spain)VIL 38 Villarino de los Aires (Salamanca, Castilla-Le�on, Spain)

D. mansanetianum MOS 26 Mosqueruela (Teruel, Aragon, Spain)

Map in Fig. A1; N¼ number of studied individuals/population.

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collected from ALO and CAM populations of D. bolosii and flower buds from the D. mansanetianum population (MOS). All fieldcollections obtained the necessary permissions from conservation authorities and were accurately performed using non-destructive methods.

2.2. Allozymes

Leaf fragments were homogenized on refrigerated porcelain plates using a cold extraction buffer [0.05M tris-citric acid,0.1% (m/v) cysteine-HCl, 0.1% (m/v) ascorbic acid, 8% PVP-40 and 0.06% (v/v) 2-mercaptoethanol]. Extracts were absorbedonto 3MM Whatman filter paper and analyzed immediately or stored at �80 �C until analysis. 11 enzymes and 15 loci wereresolved on 11% starch gels. Aspartate aminotransferase (AAT), diaphorase (DIA), malic enzyme (ME), and phosphoglucoi-somerase (PGI) were resolved in a tris-citrate/lithium-borate buffer pH 8.2; acid phosphatase (ACP), and phosphogluconatedehydrogenase (6PGD) were resolved in a morpholine buffer pH 6.1; aconitate hydratase (ACO), alcohol dehydrogenase(ADH), and isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) were resolved on a tris-citrate buffer pH 7.0; finally, malate dehydrogenase (MDH)and phosphoglucomutase (PGM) were resolved in a histidine-citrate buffer pH 5.7. Staining procedures for all enzymesfollowed the method described by Wendel and Weeden (1989), with slight modifications.

Loci were numbered consecutively and alleles at each locus were labelled alphabetically, beginning with the most anodalform in both cases. Allozyme frequencies at each locus were calculated for each population. To estimate the levels of geneticdiversity, the following statistics were computed: P95, the percentage of polymorphic loci when themost common allele had afrequency of <0.95; A, the mean number of alleles per locus; PA, the number of private alleles; AR, the mean allelic richnessusing a ‘rarefaction method’ that compensates for uneven population sample sizes (El Mousadik and Petit, 1996); Ho, theobserved heterozygosity; and He, the unbiased expected heterozygosity. All parameters were calculated using GenAlEx v. 6.5(Peakall and Smouse, 2006) with the exception of AR, which was computed with FSTAT v. 2.9.3 (Goudet, 1995). To testwhether populations were under Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE), Wright's (Wright, 1965) FIS was estimated followingthe method of Weir and Cockerham (1984) with GENETIX v. 4.05 (Belkhir et al., 1996). Statistical significance of FIS values foreach locus per population was tested by permutation tests (10,000 randomizations), also using GENETIX.

Genetic structure was assessed through five different methods. First, the Bayesian algorithm implemented in Structure v.2.3.4 (Pritchard et al., 2000) was used under an admixture ancestry model with correlated allele frequencies. The burn-inperiod and Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) were set to 50,000 and 500,000 iterations, respectively, and K was runfrom1 to 15 (with 10 replicates). Themost likely value of Kwas determined by theDK statistic of Evanno et al. (2005), with theaid of STRUCTURE HARVESTER v. 0.6.94 (Earl and vonHoldt, 2012). For the most likely K, CLUMPP v. 1.1.2 (Jakobsson andRosenberg, 2007) was used to combine the results of the 10 replicates of the best K. To plot the output result produced byCLUMPP, we used the program DISTRUCT v. 1.1 (Rosenberg, 2004). Second, an analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) wasrun with the aid of GenAlEx v. 6.1, in order to estimate the influence of individuals within populations, populations withinspecies, and species on the observed genetic variation. Third, pairwise genetic distance between populations was calculatedusing Nei et al. (1983) genetic distance (DA); distance matrices were converted into UPGMA (unweighted pair-group methodusing arithmetic averages) and NJ (neighbor-joining) trees (after 1000 bootstrap replicates), employing the program Pop-ulations v. 1.2.30 (Langella, 1999), and visualized with TreeView v. 1.6 (Page, 1996). Fourth, a principal coordinate analysis(PCoA) was conducted using GenAlEx based on genotypic distances. Lastly, Barrier v. 2.2 software (Manni et al., 2004), basedon Monmonier's (Monmonier, 1973) algorithm, was run in order to identify genetic barriers between populations, withsignificance tested bymeans of 1000 bootstrap matrices of DA. Geographical coordinates of populations were used to obtain aVoronoï tessellation where barriers were delineated. To gain insight into the patterns of recent (i.e. within the last fewgenerations) gene flow between populations, migration rates were estimated using the program BayesAss v. 1.3 (Wilson and

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Rannala, 2003). We ran 3�106 MCMC iterations, with a burn-in of 999,999 iterations and a sampling frequency of 2000 bysetting delta at 0.15 (the default value).

2.3. cpDNA

Two intergenic spacer regions from plastidial DNA (atpB-rbcL and tnrV-ndhC) were amplified using the primers describedin Heinze (2007). Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplifications weremade in a total of 50 mL including 1X PCR buffer, 4mMMgCl2, 0.04mM dNTP, 0.16 mM of each primer, 0.5 U of Taq Polymerase and 50e100 ng of DNA. The temperature profile forboth regions started with an initial denaturation step of 3min at 92 �C. Then 30 cycles of 30 s at 94 �C of DNA denaturation,30 s at 55 �C for primer annealing and 30 s at 72 �C of elongation (for the atpB-rbcL spacer), or 30 s at 94 �C, 30 s at 50 �C and45 s at 72 �C (for the tnrV-ndhC spacer), with a final step of 3min at 72 �C. Amplified products were sent to Macrogen Inc.(Korea) for sequencing.

A statistical parsimony haplotype network was constructed using TCS v. 1.21 (Clement et al., 2000). We also evaluated thegenetic structure using the Bayesian clustering method implemented in BAPS v. 6.0. (Corander et al., 2008). Ten replicatesfrom K¼ 2 to K¼ 15 were run and the most likely K value was chosen according to the highest log marginal likelihood values.The evaluation of genetic variability through different species was determined using AMOVA and was carried out usingArlequin v. software (Excoffier and Lischer, 2010). SAMOVAwas constructed using SAMOVA v. 1.0 software (Dupanloupet al., 2002) running from K¼ 2 to K¼ 15. As for allozymes, we used the Monmonier's maximum difference algorithmimplemented in Barrier software to identify the five strongest possible barriers between populations. The algorithm wasapplied on DS Nei genetic distances (Nei, 1972) obtained from GenAlEx.

2.4. Chromosome counts

Germinated seeds in Petri dishes were treated for 2 h at 4 �C with a colchicine solution (0.05%) and washed with distilledwater for 5min. The fixation was carried out with the Farmer reagent (absolute ethanol and glacial acetic acid [3:1 v/v]),softening with acid hydrolysis with 1N hydrochloric acid (at 60 �C for 10min), and staining by immersion in 2% acetic orceinat room temperature for 24 h. Fixed flower buds were directly stained with aceticecarmine 1%. Observations weremadewitha Zeiss Axioplan microscope, and karyotypes were analyzed from a minimum of five metaphase plates of good quality. Seedetail of procedure and calculated parameters in Bosch (1999).

2.5. Ecological niche modeling

In order to evaluate the present potential distribution of Delphinium ser. Fissa, we performed Ecological Niche Modeling(ENM) using the maximum entropy algorithm implemented in MaxEnt v. 3.3 (Phillips et al., 2006), which requires presence-only data. This algorithm has been proved to have a high robust performance and accuracy, in comparison to other ENMmethodologies (Pearson et al., 2007; Wilting et al., 2010). Delphinium mansanetianum was deliberately excluded from theENM because it occurs in a single location. The georeferenced occurrence records used are illustrated in Fig. 1A and detailedlists are kept at the University of Barcelona (due to confidentiality commitments with conservation authorities), but will beavailable from the authors upon request and agreement. To avoid spatial autocorrelation bias, presence points were filteredkeeping only one within each pixel of 30 arc-sec (ca. 1 km). The filtering was done automatically by MaxEnt software in thecase of ENM, and for niche comparison analysis by the R script used (see details below). As model variables, a set of 19bioclimatic layers was downloaded from the WorldClim website (, Hijmans et al., 2005) undercurrent conditions (ca. 1960�1990). The information for the 19 variables was extracted from 1000 points randomly generatedin the study area (Fig. 1A) with the aid of ArcGIS v. 10.2 (ESRI, 2013). After a Pearson pairwise correlation analysis, we retaineda set of nine relatively uncorrelated (r� j0.85j) variables to perform the models: mean diurnal range (bio2), isothermality(bio3), temperature seasonality (bio4), minimum temperature of the coldest month (bio6), mean temperature of the wettestquarter (bio8), mean temperature of the driest quarter (bio9), precipitation seasonality (bio15), precipitation of the driestquarter (bio17), and precipitation of the coldest quarter (bio19). Variables were selected based on their relative contributionto the models (percentage contribution, permutation importance and jackknife of regularized gaining train), making aconsensus selection to include the most influential variables for the three taxa. Given the low number of occurrences for D.fissum subsp. sordidum (13 after filtering) and D. bolosii (seven after filtering), we tested whether these species were suitablefor modeling following the jackknife method developed by Pearson et al. (2007). Both taxa proved adequate for furtheranalysis. To get the definitive ENM models, MaxEnt was run 50 times using the 0bootstrap0 method for D. fissum subsp.sordidum and D. bolosii, and 0subsample0 for D. fissum subsp. fissum (with 25% of the occurrence data set chosen randomly totest the model). The parameters selected to run the models were set as recommended (Phillips et al., 2006): auto features,regularization multiplier¼ 1, maximum number of iterations¼ 500, convergence threshold¼ 0.00001 and maximumnumber of background points¼ 10,000. The AUC values were used as a metric to assess models’ performance. The ENMpredictions were visualized in ArcGIS and exported as a binary presence/absence distribution according to the maximumsensitivity plus specificity logistic threshold, which is very robust with all types of data (Liu et al., 2016).

Fig. 1. (A) Distribution of occurrence sites for the three Delphinium taxa used in the ecological niche modeling analyses. (B) Potential distributionsdelimitated by the threshold (maximum training sensitivity plus specificity threshold) obtained for the three Delphinium taxa at present time usingMaxEnt (Phillips et al., 2006).

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2.5.1. Niche comparisonsTo aid in species delimitation and to test whether the closely related, allopatrically-distributed Delphinium taxa are

occupying different climatic niches (evaluating the same nine bioclimatic variables as for the ENM), we used the approachbased on environmental space through a PCA-env developed by Broennimann et al. (2012). As proposed by Silva et al. (2016),to construct the PCA-env the background climatic areas for each taxonwere extracted from aminimum convex polygon of 0.3degrees of buffer size. The observed occurrences were smoothed with a kernel density function and then projected to theenvironmental space of 500� 500 grid-cell resolution, where each cell represents unique climatic conditions. To explorewhether the niches of the different Delphinium taxa studied have been conserved or have diverged, we used the dataextracted from the PCA-env to calculate the niche overlap metric of Schoener's D (Schoener, 1970; Warren et al., 2008) (from0 representing no overlap to 1 complete overlap), and to perform two statistical tests (Warren et al., 2008; Broennimann et al.,2012); the niche equivalency (only considering the occurrences) and niche similarity (considering both the occurrences andbackground data). The PCA-env analysis was conducted using the original R code of Broennimann et al. (2012) with posterior

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modifications of Silva et al. (2016), with slight self-adjustments. Finally, the values of climatic variables from presence recordswere extracted using ArcGIS to compare each variable separately.

3. Results

3.1. Allozymes

Fifteen consistent loci were scored: Aat-1, Aco-1, Aco-2, Acp-3, Adh, Dia-2, Idh, Mdh-1, Mdh-2, Me, 6Pgd-1, 6Pgd-3, Pgi-1,Pgm-1 and Pgm-2. Of these, ninewere polymorphic across populations according to the 95% allele-frequency criterion, and 11,considering those harboring two or more alleles regardless of their frequencies (Table 2). Considering all populations as awhole, a total of 33 alleles were observed (Table 2). Of these, 28 were detected in D. bolosii, while 25, 20 and 18 alleles werefound in D. fissum subsp. sordidum, D. fissum subsp. fissum and D. mansanetianum populations, respectively. The populationwith the largest number of alleles was RBO of D. bolosii,with 22, and the poorest populations were ESC and MAG of D. fissumsubsp. sordidum, both with 16 alleles. Although MUR (D. bolosii) had one allele less than the conspecific RBO, the former wasthe most singular population as it harbored three private alleles, all diagnostic for D. bolosii. In fact, D. bolosii showed sixdiagnostic alleles, followed by four in D. fissum subsp. fissum (the other two taxa had no exclusive alleles; Tables 2 and 3).Overall, low levels of genetic diversity were found for all studied taxa (Table 3) with D. bolosii and D. fissum subsp. sordidumshowing the highest and the lowest levels of variability, respectively. Indeed, themost genetically rich populations were thoseof D. bolosii, regarding polymorphic loci (P95¼ 33.33 in ULL2), allelic richness (A¼ 1.467 in RBO; AR¼ 1.400 in MUR), andexpected heterozygosity (He¼ 0.117 in ULL2) (Table 3). Mean fixation indices (F) for almost all populations (with the singleexception of BOU) were not significantly different from zero, showing a general concordance with the Hardy-Weinbergexpectations; in accordance with this, only 10 out of 46 F-values at individual loci were significantly different from zero(data not shown).

According to Evanno's approach, K¼ 3 and K¼ 5 were the most likely numbers of genetic clusters for Delphinium ser. Fissain the W Mediterranean (Fig. A2). In both cases, the only taxon with its own cluster was D. fissum subsp. fissum, whereaspopulations of D. bolosii showed the same genetic make-up: two pairs of populations belonging to two different clusters, with

Table 2Allele frequency for 11 polymorphic loci of populations of Delphinium ser. Fissa in W Mediterranean.

Table 3Main parameters of genetic diversity at the population level for the four studied taxa of Delphinium ser. Fissa, based on 15 allozyme loci.

Species/populations N P95 (%) A PAa ARb Ho He FIS

D. bolosiiALO 30 20.00 1.333 0 1.307 0.077 0.069 �0.120CAM 29 13.33 1.267 0 1.261 0.067 0.068 0.011MUR 21 26.67 1.400 3(2) 1.400 0.102 0.103 0.012RBO 103 26.67 1.467 0 1.355 0.081 0.081 0.001ULL1 100 26.67 1.267 0 1.267 0.109 0.113 0.037ULL2 104 33.33 1.333 1 1.327 0.115 0.117 0.022Mean± SD d 24.45± 6.89 1.345± 0.078 d 1.320± 0.053 0.092± 0.019 0.092± 0.022 ¡0.006± 0.057D. fissum subsp. fissumBOU 39 13.33 1.400 2(1) 1.343 0.036 0.057 0.379*SAD 38 20.00 1.200 0 1.199 0.049 0.057 0.145SAV 38 20.00 1.333 1(1) 1.284 0.075 0.068 �0.102Mean± SD d 17.78± 3.85 1.311± 0.102 d 1.275± 0.072 0.053± 0.020 0.061± 0.006 0.141± 0.241D. fissum subsp. sordidumCOR 31 6.67 1.133 0 1.110 0.026 0.022 �0.180ESC 43 0.00 1.067 0 1.057 0.005 0.005 �0.024HER 32 6.67 1.133 0 1.124 0.010 0.014 0.251MAG 34 0.00 1.067 0 1.039 0.002 0.002 �0.000VIL 38 6.67 1.133 0 1.119 0.021 0.019 �0.116Mean± SD d 4.00± 3.65 1.107± 0.036 d 1.090± 0.039 0.013± 0.010 0.012± 0.009 ¡0.014± 0.165D. mansanetianumMOS 26 6.67 1.200 0 1.178 0.013 0.013 ¡0.025

N, sample size; P95, percentage of polymorphic loci (95% criterion); A, mean number of alleles per locus; PA, number of private alleles; AR, mean allelicrichness; Ho, observed heterozygosity; He, unbiased expected heterozygosity; FIS, inbreeding coefficient; SD, standard deviation. Population codes in Table 1.*P< 0.05.

a In parentheses, number of private alleles that are rare (in frequencies� 0.05).b Adjusted for a sample size of 21 individuals.

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the remaining two populations (ALO, CAM) showing a high degree of admixture (Fig. 2). Populations of D. fissum subsp.sordidum plus D. mansanetianumwere clustered following a geographical pattern: W Iberian vs. E Iberian populations (Fig. 2).AMOVA results confirmed the low correspondence between species and genetic clusters: the among-taxa component (i.e.when the populations were grouped into species) was only one third (Table 4). The segregation of both D. bolosii and D. fissumsubsp. sordidum in several clearly-differentiated genetic subgroups, as well as the distinctiveness of D. fissum subsp. fissum,were also supported by both the UPGMA/NJ trees (Fig. 3) and the PCoA analysis (Fig. 4). The first genetic barrier detected,using Monmonier's algorithm, mostly separated D. fissum subsp. fissum from D. bolosii (with 86% bootstrap support; Fig. 5),with subsequent barriers separating D. bolosii populations as well as D. bolosii itself from D. fissum subsp. sordidum. Also,althoughweak, the separation between E andW Iberian populations was evidenced (Fig. A3). The BayesAss analysis indicateda near absence of recent gene flow between populations, except for a few population pairs (Table 5).

3.2. cpDNA data

The aligned sequences of the two cpDNA regions represented 1622 bp (atpB-rbcL, 762 bp; trnV-ndhC 860 bp) and resultedin three haplotypes (Fig. 6A and B). Haplotype 2 was shared between all four studied taxa, haplotype 1 was exclusive to D.fissum subsp. sordidum and haplotype 3 was restricted to a single population of D. fissum subsp. fissum (BOU; Fig. 6A). No

Fig. 2. Results of STRUCTURE analysis (assignation of individuals to genetic clusters at K¼ 3 and K¼ 5) of Delphinium ser. Fissa, based on 15 allozyme loci.The run with highest lnPr (X j K) out of a total of 10 is shown.

Table 4Results of the analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) for the four studied taxa of Delphinium ser. Fissa for allozymes and cpDNA haplotypes.

Source of variation Allozyme analyses cpDNA analyses

d.f. S squares Var. comp. % variation FST d.f. S squares Var. comp. % variation FST

0.683 1.000Among taxa 3 784.906 1.427 34.93* 1 82.642 1.079 62.29*Among populations 11 721.610 1.364 33.38* 11 45.600 0.745 37.71*Within populations 691 894.501 1.295 31.68* 82 0.000 0.000 0.00*

(*p< 0.05 after 10,100 permutations).

Fig. 3. Neighbor-joining (NJ) and unweighted pair-group method using arithmetic averages (UPGMA) trees (left and right, respectively) using Nei et al.(1983) genetic distance (DA) based on 15 allozyme loci. Numbers next to branches represent bootstrap support for 1000 replicates; only values equal to orgreater than 50% are given.

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intrapopulation variation was observed. The parsimony network (Fig. 6C) showed that the maximum number of mutationalsteps to occur between different haplotypes can be inferred to be six.

The Bayesian analysis of cpDNA population structure revealed two genetically distinct groups (Fig. 7). One of these groupswas characterized by populations carrying haplotype 1 and the second group included haplotypes 2 and 3. AMOVA analyses

Fig. 4. Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCoA) performed from pairwise genotypic distances between populations for Delphinium ser. Fissa, based on 15allozyme loci.

Fig. 5. Analysis with Barrier v. 2.2 software (Manni et al., 2004), with the first barrier checked (for additional barriers, see Fig. A2). Significance was tested by1000 bootstrap matrices of Nei et al. (1983) genetic distance (DA), based on 15 allozyme loci. Numbers indicate bootstrap support.

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attributed 62.29% of the genetic variation to the among-taxa component (Table 4). From the spatial genetic analysis withSAMOVA, themaximal value of Fct was determined as 1 (K¼ 3). Subdivision groupswere: 1) ESC, HER, MAG, VIL; 2) ALO, CAM,RBO, ULL1/ULL2, MUR, SAD, COR, SAV, MOS; and 3) BOU. Regarding the Barrier analysis (Fig. 7), the first genetic barrier we caninfer was between three populations of the W range of D. fissum subsp. sordidum (ESC, HER, MAG) and the COR population ofthe E range of this taxon. The second barrier revealed was located between populations of D. fissum subsp. fissum, separatingSAV from BOU. The third barrier separated the westernmost population of D. fissum subsp. fissum (BOU) from MUR (theeasternmost population of D. bolosii). Finally, fourth and fifth barriers isolated the ALO population from contiguous ones of D.bolosii (data not shown). The Bayesian analysis of cpDNA population structure revealed two genetically distinct groups(Fig. 7).

3.3. Chromosome counts

Two additional counts, from ALO and CAM populations of D. bolosii not previously studied, gave 2n¼ 16 chromosomes(Fig. 8), showing normal balanced eudiploid cytotypes. Karyotypes presented typically bimodal patterns with two sub-metacentric and six subtelocentric chromosome pairs (Table A4). The chromosome number of 2n¼ 16 is reported here for thefirst time in D. mansanetianum (MOS).

3.4. Ecological niche modeling

Niche models generated by MaxEnt analyses had AUC >0.93 for the three Delphinium taxa (Table A3), indicating that themodels performed well at predicting current species distribution. Jackknife tests revealed that the highest informative var-iables for the models differed greatly between taxa (Table A3). The predicted areas of suitable habitat for the three taxa(Fig. 1B) were broadly congruent with their respective occurrence points. Nevertheless, the predicted suitable habitats of D.fissum subsp. sordidum and D. bolosii covered a somewhat greater area than their actual ranges known to date; for example,suitable habitats of D. bolosii appeared in the central-east part of the Iberian Peninsula, over 200 km away from its nearestknown occurrences (Fig. 1).

3.4.1. Niche comparisonsIn the PCA-env analysis, the two principal components (PC) together explained 75.69% of the total variation (59.24% from

PC1 and 16.45% from PC2; Fig. 9). The variables most closely correlated with PC1 and also with PC2, were precipitationvariables: precipitation of the driest quarter (bio17), and precipitation seasonality (bio15), respectively (data not shown). Theindividual PCA-env plots for each taxon (Fig. 9B-D ) revealed that D. fissum subsp. fissum presents the highest climatic nichebreadth in relation to the occurrence density, and also the widest climatic background areas (Fig. 9B). All three studied taxashowed narrow niche occupancies in comparisonwith their background climates (Fig. 9C and D). A clear niche differentiationwas shown by the multiple niche PCA-env plot displaying 50% of occurrence density (Fig. 9E), where a non-overlap pattern

Table 5Mean recent migration rates (m) among the studied populations of Delphinium ser. Fissa, estimated from 15 allozyme loci using the BayesAss program.

Into From


ALO 0.680(0.667e0.714)















CAM 0.005(0.000e0.025)















MUR 0.006(0.000e0.033)















RBO 0.000(0.000e0.003)















ULL1 0.001(0.000e0.005)















ULL2 0.000(0.000e0.004)















BOU 0.005(0.000e0.027)















SAD 0.004(0.000e0.021)















SAV 0.004(0.000e0.021)















COR 0.004(0.000e0.022)















ESC 0.001(0.000e0.007)















HER 0.004(0.000e0.023)















MAG 0.001(0.000e0.008)















VIL 0.001(0.000e0.007)















MOS 0.001(0.000e0.011)















Values on the diagonal (in bold) indicate the proportion of individuals in each generation that are not migrants. Simulations in BayesAss show that ininstances where there is no information in the data, the mean m and 95% confidence interval for data sets of 15 populations are 0.012 and 0.000e0.099,respectively; values underlined are the m rates that are informative. Population codes in Table 1.

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was observed. However, when 100% of occurrence density was plotted (Fig. 9F), marginal niches were partly overlapped,especially between D. bolosii and D. fissum subsp. fissum.

The observed overlap values of D index were low in all niche comparisons (D¼ 0.000e0.009; Table 6). According to theniche equivalency and similarity tests, there was no significant niche conservatism pattern for any of the taxa comparisons.Conversely, niche divergence between D. fissum subsp. fissum and D. fissum subsp. sordidumwas observed in the equivalencytest (Table 6). For D. bolosii, there was no clear pattern of niche divergence or conservatism, with respect to the other taxa,probably due to the methodological limitations of using fewer than 10 occurrences.

4. Discussion

4.1. Genetic diversity and gene flow

Levels of genetic diversity are relatively low (from moderate to extremely low) when compared with endemic andnarrowly-distributed plants (Hamrick and Godt, 1990), but also with endemic and endangered species in the Mediterranean

Fig. 6. Location and haplotypes of the studied Delphinium ser. Fissa populations. (A) Location and haplotype distribution of the nine studied populations ofDelphinium ser. Fissa (except D. bolosii). Squares indicate D. fissum subsp. sordidum populations; triangles indicate D. fissum subsp. fissum populations; circleindicates D. mansanetianum population. (B) Location and haplotype distribution of the six studied populations of D. bolosiiddiamonds. (C) Statistical parsimonynetwork of Delphinium ser. Fissa haplotypes (indicated by numbers).

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Basin (L�opez-Pujol et al., 2009). However, differential diversities can be found, both within species [He of largest populations(ULL 1/2) of D. bolosii is ca. 0.110e0.120, i.e. almost twice that of the smallest ones (CAM, ALO), with ca. 0.060e0.070; Table 3],and between species (the mean He value for D. bolosii is 7e8 times larger than that of D. fissum subsp. sordidum and D.mansanetianum; Table 3). In terms of allelic richness, these findings can be attributed partly to population size effects (Ne andpercentage of vegetative propagation) and partly to allele loss due to extreme/peripheral area effects (by accumulation ofbottlenecks and isolation from the core genetic pool of the species) (Frankham et al., 2010) on a hypothetical westward/southwardmigration route (further details can be found in the section “Differentiation and speciation”). At this point it shouldbe noted that the less genetically variable species (D. fissum subsp. sordidum) is situated in the westernmost extreme of theseries Fissa range and, among its populations, the most isolated and peripheral one is MAG, which is also the most depau-perated population both in terms of allele richness and heterozygosity (Fig. 1 and Table 3). Notably, the only species with twocytotypes (D. bolosii) is the most genetically diverse, which, again, highlights the importance of this species in the diversi-fication of the series Fissa in the W Mediterranean (Blanch�e et al., 2014).

Recent gene flow between most populations is very low (the mean m value of migration rates is 0.013). A few pairs ofpopulations, however, show remarkable recent gene flow (eight out of 210 possible pairs show values > 0.099; Table 5),indicating that, at least within the last few generations, some gene flow between populations has taken place. The pop-ulations most involved in recent interchange of genes are those of D. bolosii (especially RBO, which acts as a source of mi-grants). These findings do not agree with the generic assessments made by Ramírez-Rodríguez and Amich (2017), assumingthat D. fissum populations >10 km apart are genetically isolated. On the contrary, recent discoveries of new plant stands inremote locations not previously known (see below) suggest some recent mobility of groups of individuals, including inter-mediate spots connecting previously known populations (e.g. spots along river gorges in Mura creek, Montsant and Segrerivers for D. bolosii; Bosch, 2009; Turmo, 2017). Genetic similarities, even between populations from different taxa (Figs. 2 and3), in addition, suggest ancestral connections among populations.

STRUCTURE (Fig. 2) and Barrier (Fig. 7) analyses help in identifying population clustering, drawing a consistent pattern ofdiversity and connectivity. The first barrier detected with allozymes might be interpreted as a sharp genetic break (bootstrap

Fig. 7. Geographical distribution of the best Kvalue ( K¼ 2) inferred by the software BAPS and schematic representation of barriers to gene flow (seedetails in the text).

Fig. 8. Metaphasic plate of D. bolosii (ALO) with 2n¼ 16 chromosomes (£ 1000).

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support¼ 86%) between the E cluster corresponding to D. fissum subsp. fissum which, in turn, and according to cpDNA, isgenetically subdivided by the Rhone River valley, a well-known biogeographic barrier (M�edail and Diadema, 2009), and thewhole W Iberian cluster, where a more diverse group of populations (¼ D. bolosii) acts as a diversity “reservoir” (highergenetic diversity, more private alleles, higher number of total alleles). Within this suggested “reservoir”, the population MURseems to be the main link in the chain (L�opez-Pujol et al., 2014), given its high genetic variability but also singularity (in theUPGMA, it appears as sister to the remaining populations of the Iberian cluster; Fig. 3). Leaving aside D. bolosii, the rest of theIberian populations are structured in two genetic subclusters (W and E populations), following a geographical pattern, withonly a minor difference between allozymes and cpDNA (MAG population is included within either the W or the E group).

Fig. 9. Results of the climatic niche comparison analysis among the three Delphinium taxa. (A) Geographical distribution of occurrences and backgroundclimates represented by polygon areas used for the PCA-env analysis. The number of total occurrence records used is shown in brackets. (B), (C) and (D) IndividualPCA-env representation of global climatic space showing climatic niches of the three taxa separately. The occurrences are represented in a shadow gradientobtained from a kernel density function. The 100% of available climatic space obtained from backgrounds is illustrated by a solid line and 50% by a dashed line. (E)and (F) Global climatic space plotting a solid line representing 50% of occurrence density in (E), and a thin and thick line, representing 100% of occurrence densityand 100% of available climatic background (F).

Table 6Niche comparisons by pairs of the three examined Delphinium taxa.

Distribution ranges (comparisons A / B) Niche overlap (D) Equivalency test (P-value)

Similarity test (P-value)

A B less eq more eq less sim more sim

D. bolosii D. fissum subsp. fissum 0.001 NA NA 0.60 0.50D. fissum subsp. sordidum 0.000 0.09 1.00 0.90 1.00

D. fissum subsp. fissum D. fissum subsp. sordidum 0.009 0.01 D 1.00 0.73 0.27D. bolosii 0.001 NA NA 0.55 0.48

D. fissum subsp. sordidum D. fissum subsp. fissum 0.009 0.02 D 0.98 0.78 0.22D. bolosii 0.000 0.10 1.00 0.92 1.00

The niche overlap metric (Schoener's D) represents the overlap level between climatic niches compared (D¼ 0 no overlap; D¼ 1 complete overlap). Theniche equivalency (eq) and niche similarity (sim) tests result significant (P< 0.05) when niche overlap is less equivalent/similar than randomly expected(niche divergence; D), or more equivalent/similar than randomly expected (niche conservatism; C). NA ¼ No Data.

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Delphinium mansanetianum is genetically most closely related to the COR population of D. fissum subsp. sordidum, itsgeographically closest population (they are separated by ca. 140 km, and both are included within the same mountain range,the Iberian System), although at present the species is not exchanging genes, either with this population nor the others (Table5). Ancestral gene flow from/to D. mansanetianum can, however, be suggested, on the basis of its genetic affinities, includingwith the S populations of D. bolosii (located not far away d ca. 160 km).

If contemporary gene flow among the populations of our study system is actually taking place, two conservation impli-cations have to be noted: 1) levels of threat in connected groups must be lowered according to IUCN (2017) guidelines, asdemographic or genetic rescue is possible and subpopulation isolation is not complete; and 2) reintroduction, reinforcementsand translocations must carefully take into account compartmentalization of gene diversity in order not to break isolationwhen it exists, to avoid outbreeding depression and the loss of population genetic identity (Frankham et al., 2010).

4.2. Chromosome number

The previously known chromosome number for D. bolosii was 2n¼ 18 (Blanch�e, 1991; Bosch, 1999), but recently, a pop-ulation with 2n¼ 16 (MUR) (Blanch�e et al., 2014; Bosch et al., 2019) was identified. The two new 2n¼ 16 eudiploid countsreported here (ALO, CAM) add evidence that such species previously considered exclusively dysploid (2n þ 2) (Blanch�e et al.,

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1997) must be better interpreted as sharing two cytotypes (2n¼ 16 or 18, with, respectively, two or one submetacentric longchromosome pairs). This new view suggests some evolutionary divergence at the cytogenetic level in this species, in contrastto the reported constant 2n¼ 16 or 32, for the remaining European taxa of ser. Fissa (Table A4 and Bosch et al., 2016), even forD. mansanetianum, are reported here as 2n¼ 16 for the first time, opening a new line of research into karyotype evolution andthe significance of such changes, both at intra- and interpopulation levels. These two cytotypes in D. bolosii could also beinterpreted as a reservoir of diversity and an important link in the patterns of diversification of the series Fissa in the WMediterranean (Blanch�e et al., 2014). This change in chromosome number (2n¼ 16 vs. 18) is considered as the basis ofdiversification of the genus Delphinium (Jabbour and Renner, 2012a).

4.3. Niche modeling and niche comparison

The obtained models seem to finely accord with real distribution patterns of the three taxa examined, and their predictivecharacter has been (blind) verified by new population discoveries published in recent times; such results were known by ourteam only after completion of modeling a few months ago, and lie precisely over the expected areas: D. bolosii in Segre River,Noguera, Catalonia (Turmo, 2017); D. fissum subsp. sordidum in Mines of Santo Adri~ao, Tr�as-os-Montes, Portugal (Ramírez-Rodríguez et al., 2017) and D. fissum subsp. fissum in Gorges de Caranç�a, Pyren�ees Orientales, France (Andrieu et al., 2010).Indeed, niche modeling has been proved to be a helpful tool in plant conservation planning, both in understanding distri-bution of rare plant species in the Iberian Peninsula (Draper, 2010), as previously performed for D. fissum subsp. sordidum (Ruset al., 2018) and for locating new populations of several rare endangered species in the mountains of NE Iberian Peninsula(Buira, 2016).

In Delphinium ser. Fissa, in addition, the identification of the main influential factors explaining distributions through thePCA-env supports the delimitation of subspecies/species through habitat specializationwhere morphology or genetic signalsare weak. Although niches cannot be regarded as totally different among the studied taxa of ser. Fissa, there are signals ofniche divergence, especially regarding extreme climatic factors, such as the precipitation of the driest quarter (bio17) or theprecipitation seasonality (bio15), the highest contributing variables to the PC1 (59.24%). For example, occurrences of D. bolosiiare characterized by much larger precipitations during the driest quarter compared to those of D. fissum subsp. sordidum(mean± SD¼ 120.7± 13.4mm vs. 63.8± 20.0mm) but, at the same time rather lower compared to D. fissum subsp. fissum(162.6± 45.2mm; Fig. A4). Regarding the precipitation seasonality, populations of D. fissum subsp. sordidum show the highestvalues of coefficient of variation (39.5± 7.0; D. fissum subsp. fissum¼ 21.4± 6.6; D. bolosii¼ 24.9± 1.2; Fig. A4). This patternmay highlight an ecological differentiation among Delphinium taxa, the Iberian populations of D. bolosii and D. fissum subsp.sordidum being better adapted to drier climates with a lower water supply than populations of D. fissum subsp. fissum in theAlps. Interestingly, we detected that the three taxa shared a relatively high proportion of climatic backgrounds (i.e. analogclimates). However, the three entities seem to be occupying different climatic spaces, thus actively selecting distinct envi-ronments. This fact could be attributed to a true niche divergence scenario (Atwater et al., 2018), as a consequence of theaction of a probable ecological speciation process (Peterson, 2011).

The complex niche evolution patterns detected in Delphinium ser. Fissa, as reported for other Iberian groups like the genusAquilegia (Jaime et al., 2015), may be adaptive responses to the quick and deep climate changes in the Iberian Peninsula duringthe Pleistocene (ca. 2.59e0.01 My). The diversification of Delphinium ser. Fissa seems very recent, probably starting after theonset of the late Neogene climate cooling, as indicated by molecular clock dating analysis that reported speciation within theseries Fissa around mid-Pleistocene, characterized by abrupt climatic changes (Jabbour and Renner, 2012a).

4.4. Differentiation and speciation

The Delphinium ser. Fissa group is assumed to be of E Mediterranean/Irano Turanian origin and arrived in the W Medi-terranean following post-Messinian crisis paths, after 5.33 My (Blanch�e and Molero, 1983; Blanch�e, 1991; Ramírez-Rodríguezet al., 2016). A careful review of populations’ precise locations, following field exploration, reveals a particular concentrationof populations in soil bags among rocky outcrops following river valleys and narrow gorges, which can indicate migrationroutes and/or preserved stands, as a result of refugia outputs of such habitats in the Mediterranean (M�edail and Diadema,2009). Barrier analysis presented here confirms the role of mountain massifs and river valleys as steps and nodes of anEeW migration, reinforcing the hypothesis of an expansion from the Alps to the Iberian Peninsula (Orellana et al., 2007b;Ramírez-Rodríguez et al., 2016).

Differentiation was manifested through multiple layers of diversity: geographic and ecological differentiation (temper-ature but, especially, rainfall; see above), plus a layer of chromosome diversity (at population level) and allele diversity (seealso above), and a further layer of flower morphology and pollination biology diversity (Guerrant, 1982; Blanch�e, 1991; Bosch,1999; Jabbour and Renner, 2012b), by a combination of both allopatric and sympatric speciation but with scarce geneticdifferentiation consequences (low allozyme and cpDNA diversity). Thus ecological differentiation should have played animportant role, as early Delphinium biosystematics work suggested (Blanch�e, 1991; Pawlowsky, 1963), in speciation, whereasgenetic data have been unable to neatly resolve the ser. Fissa species group. As is shown by Jabbour and Renner (2012a),diversification of the terminal clade branches (i.e. last node driving to current ser. Fissa species) is poorly resolved, and hasbeen dated (by molecular clock techniques) at 1.39 My. Supplementary evidences of low genetic differentiation betweenspecies come from the easy production of hybrids under greenhouse conditions, well known by larkspur gardeners and

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reportedly from Delphinium ser. Fissa and ser. Pentagyna (Bosch, 1999; Ramírez-Rodríguez and Amich, 2017) after breakingallopatric isolation by human transport. Such pattern of mainly ecological and relatively recent speciation is well known fromother insect/hummingbird pollinated Ranunculaceae such as Aquilegia (Hodges et al., 2004; Kramer and Hodges, 2010). In thisgenus, Li et al. (2014) suggest that natural selection has facilitated the formation of distinct genetic variation patterns andhabitat adaptation has been driving the ecologically based evolution of reproductive isolation.

4.5. Conservation

Data reported here could contribute to a better understanding of the conservation issues of this set of related species andsubspecies that is more aligned with scientific evidence, and provide some guidelines for designing appropriate conservationaction plans.

Delphinium ser. Fissa in theWMediterranean is a group of four taxa, which (excepting D. fissum subsp. fissum, the only onenon-endemic) are considered as threatened (from “CR” d critically endangered to “EN” d endangered, following 3.1 IUCNcategories) at country/region level and are protected accordingly (Table A1). Similar status is also applied to representatives ofthe series in the E Mediterranean region, such as Delphinium fissum subsp. caseyi (B.L. Burtt) C. Blanch�e & Molero, a Cypriotendemic evaluated as CR by Kadis et al. (2006). In all cases, danger is mainly reported as a combination of rarity (smallpopulation sizes, low subpopulation number, reduced Area of Occupancy [AOO] or Extent of Occurrence [EOO]) linked tohabitat alteration or destruction risks. No significant biotic threats are reported under good habitat conservation, evenconsidering the high dependency of these species on fragile mutualistic assemblages, such as insect pollination (Bosch, 1999).Although competition with blackberry bushes’ flower resources (pollen, attractiveness) was observed in D. bolosii, the mainthreats are due to anthropogenic causes (changes in agricultural management) (Orellana et al., 2008). Even strong interanualvariations in some adaptive characteristics (such as germination rate in Delphinium fissum subsp. sordidum, see Herranz et al.,2010) could be interpreted as intrinsic to the species and not recorded as threatening. Low to moderate levels of geneticdiversity and heterozygosity, as reported here, did not imply a loss of fitness, at least in the surveyed cases like D. bolosiipopulations (Orellana et al., 2007a), where well-balanced and structured genetic compartmentalization and multilocus ge-notypes distribution were found at population level (Bosch, 2009: Fig. 11; L�opez-Pujol et al., 2014: Fig. 6). Except for veryextreme cases, such as D. mansanetianum, showing a uniquely isolated population with only 26 reproductive individuals(Bosch et al., 2005), extremely low allozyme diversity (Table 3), and below any minimum viable population (MVP) standard(Jamieson and Allendorf, 2012), good adaptation to moderate levels of genetic diversity could be assumed for the overallgroup, with working connections among certain populations, as gene flow data show. Allelic richness in combination withlevels of overall genetic diversity and threat due to demographic limitations or habitat destruction could help to identifypriority units for conservation, such as the Relevant Genetic Units for Conservation (RGUC) applied to other European en-dangered taxa belonging to Androcymbium (Caujap�e-Castells and Pedrola-Monfort, 2004), Boleum (P�erez-Collazos et al.,2008) or Astragalus (Pe~nas et al., 2016).

Demographic monitoring essentially reported: 1) long-term stability of population censuses; 2) significant fluctuations ofannual rates of reproductive/vegetative individuals following available resources and climate conditions (Orellana et al.,2008; Bosch et al., 2009; Rocha et al., 2011; Blanch�e et al., 2014; Ramírez-Rodríguez et al., 2016, 2017; Bosch et al., 2019,and data therein and unpublished results); and 3) a combined vegetative/sexual strategy of perpetuation. Total numbers ofemerged individuals can also fluctuate, sometimes even dramatically, but a significant part of any population consists of asubterraneous dormant rhizome bank contributing to further demographic recoveries. These fluctuations must not beconsidered as reduction in terms of Red List Assessments (IUCN, 2017) and no consistent patterns of decline have been re-ported for any of the four considered larkspur taxa in the last 15 years. Resulting from recent field work, the number of knownindividuals and subpopulations is continuously increasing (except for D. mansanetianum), including the rediscovery, in lo-cations where they had been apparently extinct for more than a century, of both D. bolosii in Sant Llorenç Massif (Blanch�e andBosch, 2014) andD. fissum subsp. fissum in the Pyrenees (Andrieu et al., 2010; Lewin, 2015), and the publication of new recordsfor D. fissum subsp. sordidum for the W Iberian Peninsula (Ramírez-Rodríguez et al., 2016, 2017). We attributed these findingsto the focus on these particular species derived from their appearance in Red Books, thus attracting the attention of plantexplorers, as well as from regular population monitoring by government agencies in charge of conservation. The D. fissumgroup could thus be regarded as being composed of units under incomplete genetic isolation. Despite its old origin, thissituation could be similar to that of neoendemics or groups of very recent origin and still poorly differentiated. IUCN criteriafor risk evaluation (IUCN, 2012, 2017) may not be sufficiently refined for this pattern of diversity but it is a controversialquestion. At the same time, it seems desirable to preserve phylogenetic diversity (see key discussion in Vane-Wright et al.,1991; Faith et al., 2004; Forest et al., 2015) also at species level, and in active evolution processes, as the guarantee forfuture self-sustainable survival, that could be named “terminal clade conservation” (if appropriate, then, supraspecific taxacould also be considered as conservation units, as infraspecific are). But active management of genetically poorly isolatedpopulations (with potential hybridization capacity) should also be considered a risky practice, to include prevention ofgrowing closely related species/populations in the same botanical garden or in the field as a result of introductions (e.g. Ward,2014, for Delphinium pavonaceum).

The above text is a general depiction of the main conservation issues for the ser. Fissa in the W Mediterranean, taken as awhole and considering the relevant available scientific data. However, this approach is not accepted by the IUCN Red ListAuthority which clearly states that “Assessments of higher taxa (i.e. above the species level) may NOT be included on the IUCN Red

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List” (IUCN, 2017); awell-established principle (certainly recommended for practical reasons) but one that needs to be open towider and more plastic interpretations when scientific considerations can be argued (i.e. when gene flow among sub-populations and taxa can be inferred, as is the case). However, as the species level is an intrinsic characteristic of the IUCN RedList criteria, the IUCN cannot be criticized for this. On the contrary, following criteria similar to or modified from those of theIUCN could lead to a proposal for some new, better criteria to evaluate supraspecific groups. Further comparative integrationof similar approaches in other taxonomic groups will require additional attention in order to produce such a new evaluationsystem. As only species or infraspecific taxa can currently be assessed by IUCN Red List tools, the two following survivalfactors can be remarked on taking account of the available data reported both in this paper and in the literature, thus:

a) Intrinsic factors. In summary, a noticeable increase of AOO and EOO for each species (and for the whole group) is clear,which should produce an obligatory improvement in the conservation status for A, B, C or D criteria (IUCN, 2017: Table 2.1),imposing category changes due to improved knowledge (i.e. a New information transfer reason; not due to a genuinerecovery of conservation condition; see IUCN, 2017: 12). Such category changes are also required because the total pop-ulation for each species is over the threshold for CR or EN categories, and considering the rescue effect of geographicallyclose locations to be taken into account in regional assessments (Gardenfors et al., 2001; Blanch�e and Bosch, 2014). Certaincases, such as D. mansanetianum, however, must be maintained in the CR category (D criteria), due to the extremely lownumber of individuals (<25 adult individuals ; Bosch et al., 2005; and unpublished data).

b) Extrinsic factors. Reported documented threats to the four taxa all come from anthropic disturbances determining theloss of individuals and decrease both of habitat extent and habitat quality. These include the overcollection of plants asornamentals, frequentation, outdoor sports effects such as climbing, running, walking or bullfight exhibitions, overpastureand flock management, changes in forest/agricultural practices, pesticides, opening or widening of roads, fires and floods(Kadis et al., 2006; Blanch�e et al., 2007; Andrieu et al., 2010; Rocha et al., 2011; Li et al., 2014; Ramírez-Rodríguez et al.,2017; and according to many unpublished results from field experience). Reports of these episodes and incidents areincreasing, and stochastic events should also be expected, including climate change expected effects, e.g. temperatureincreases inducing seeds to additional dormancy (Herranz et al., 2010). Thus, a perception of risk must not be overlookedand a careful analysis should be made of the results accumulated after some years of application of the recovery plan forthe population COR of D. fissum susbp. sordidum in Castilla-La Mancha (Spain), which began in 2002 (DOCM, 2002;Herranz et al., 2010).

Considering these two main drivers, the necessary threat category changes should be adopted in the near future and thederived practical conservation measures appropriately undertaken for each taxon without forgetting the IUCN recommen-dation that interactions among sub-units should be carefully considered when planning conservation actions (IUCN, 2017: 7). Newassessments from updated field information (demography, current threats, etc.) will be an excellent opportunity to explorenew conservation cooperative approaches between local, regional, national and international administrations.

In fact, recent contributions to tackling unclear conservation status designation among distinct territories have beendeveloped by complementary approaches (probabilistic, demographic) (Nantel et al., 2018, and references therein) and weencourage the use of an integrative approach to determining the threat status of species and groups of species. However, anincreasing amount of literature underlines the shifting of ecological niche, population density, reproductive performance, andsignificant differences in many other population-related features, between the center and the margin(s) of species' ranges.This has been recently explored under a theoretical approach (Pironon et al., 2017), and with real data for 11 Mediterraneanplants (Papuga et al., 2018), among others. Often, the populations at themargins and those at the center of a species' range areincluded within different administrative units. This factor should be taken into consideration to ensure that significantconservation units’ maintenance is compatible with a single threat assessment and a unique conservation strategy.

The results presented herein could lead in the future to a supranational recovery program for Delphinium ser. Fissa inWestern Europe. National or regional borders should not necessarily be a limitation on proposing technical, supranationalrules. For instance, the Council of Europe, through the Bern Convention, financed the drafting of a European recovery strategyfor Cypripedium calceolus (Terschuren, 1999). Although countries are not obliged to comply with a supranational plan, it canplay an important role as a guideline for the development of national or regional recovery plans for the targeted species.


We thank E. Rico and L. Delgado (Universidad de Salamanca), R. Pitarch (Universitat de Val�encia), A. Vela (Parque Naturaldel Alto Tajo, Consejería de Medio Ambiente de Castilla-La Mancha), A. Chamorro and J.A. Galiano (Parque Natural de la Sierrade M�agina, Consejería de Medio Ambiente de la Junta de Andalucía), A. Mi~no and D. Carrera (Parc Natural de Sant Llorenç delMunt i l’Obac, Diputaci�o de Barcelona), A. Lluent, M. Pomarol and N. G�azquez (Generalitat de Catalunya) and J. Molina and M.Virevaire (Conservatoire Botanique de Porquerolles, France), for providing material, information on plant locations or theauthorization to collect samples. We also warmly thank J. Molero, A. Rovira, M.R. Orellana, A.M. Hern�andez, J. P�erez andmembers of the Parc Natural del Montsant staff, Cos d’Agents Rurals (Generalitat de Catalunya) and Guardes Forestals(Diputaci�o de Barcelona), as well as Jardí Bot�anic Marimurtra staff, for their help in laboratory and fieldwork. We sincerelythank the referees for their corrections and suggestions, which significantly improved this paper. Funded by Diputaci�o de

M. Bosch et al. / Global Ecology and Conservation 18 (2019) e00580 17

Barcelona, Servei d'Espais Naturals (Contract FBG 307118); Generalitat de Catalunya (GReB-AGAUR, Grant 2017SGR-1116) andUniversitat de Barcelona (Ajut CRAI Acc�es Obert - UB 2019).

Appendix A. Supplementary data

Supplementary data to this article can be found online at


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