global leaders club edition 2012 memory book

Post on 28-Mar-2016






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Global Leaders is an ESL Summer program run by KGIC in the Metro Vancouver area






ContentsMessage from the Director 4Welcome to CANADA 5Grouse Mountain 9Playland 13Science World 21Vancouver Tour 25Victoria 31Whiterock 39Clubs 43Waterpark 49Skating 53Amazing Race 55Shopping 57Homestay 59Sports Day 65Wishes 67KGIC Day 73


Message from the Director

The 2012 Summer Camp “Global Leaders- Club Edition” for KGIC was a fantastic event for both students and staff alike. Along with the opportunity to study English in the classroom, students in the club edition enjoyed learning about and practicing various arts & crafts, sports and hip-hop dancing. This was a great opportunity for students to practice their English while developing other practical skills, and as an instructor of Tae-Kwon-Do, I had the chance to run the martial arts portion of our clubs. For me this was a fantastic teaching experience as I got to know many of the students personally and help to introduce them to the benefits that studying martial arts can bring.

Along with their regular English studies and the specialized clubs, students had a great time participating in the numerous activities and adventures that are a regular part of our summer camps. Whether they were marvelling at the amazing scenery of Grouse Mountain, trying ice-skating for the first time, enjoying a traditional Canadian barbeque, shooting quickly down a waterslide, standing beside the huge skeleton of the fearsome Tyrannosaurus Rex in the BC Museum in Victoria or just enjoying some leisurely shopping, the students had a great time. In addition to all these fun and exciting activities, students also got an opportunity to learn about Canadian culture and practice their English skills with their homestay families who cared for them during their stay here in Canada.

All in all, I sincerely hope that each and every student that joined us this summer had an adventure and experience that will last their entire lives. I hope that we will have the opportunity to see some of you again.


Canada is very clean and the sky is very blue. It has a lot of trees and grass. I think Canada is very big, but Canada doesn’t have a lot of people. The river and sea are very clean and blue. One day, I saw a big rainbow! In Beijing, I never saw a rainbow. Canada is never very hot or very cold. In Canada’s sea, I can catch crabs and fish. Canada has a lot of beautiful things. I love the “Maple Syrup”. It’s very good. Canada has a lot of animals. I love beavers and Canada has a lot of birds too. Canada is a beautiful country. The school is very good too. I had a lot of fun too. I love the clubs! My home stay family is very good too. I love Canada!


Welcome to CANADA

In Canada, I like the snacks.

In Canada, I like the people.

In Canada, I like the juice.

In Canada, I do not like sausages.

In Canada, I do not like the weather.

-TOMOKO Yakato


This is my first time to go abroad and I came here alone. We study at KGIC. It is an international school. There are many country’s students. In China many of the city’s students come here because of divide into classes we are assigned different classes and can be combined into a new class. I made a lot of friends. In our class, there are Chinese, Korean, Japanese and Canadian. We communicate in English. In class, we are interactive with our teacher.

In KGIC, we have associations, for example, cooking, video, hip-hop, basketball, jewelry making, soccer, etc. They are very interesting, we study a lot and we have our results.

We have many outside activities. We went shopping, to a park, to Playland, to a beach, to Science World, to Grouse Mountain, and to Victoria. The environment is very good and the scenery is beautiful. I like it very much.

I like Canada. This is my best memory in Canada. I will not forget!


My first day in Canada I enjoyed myself with my homestay family. I would like to be an investor, so I need to learn English. That’s why I came to Canada. I think that Canada is a beautiful country. For example, the forest and the snow are nice. In Japan, it snows a lot in February, but it doesn’t snow much in Kumamoto even though it has a lot of mountains.


In Canada, I like 3 things:

Number 1: I like the food in Canada.

Number 2: I like the people in Canada. Number 3: I like the houses in Canada.

In Canada, I don’t like 2 things.

Number 1: I don’t like the weather in Canada.

Number 2: I don’t like the flies in Canada.



What I liked about Canada. I like Canada because it has good food and It’s very fun and very happy. I like Canada very big and very good.


Today is my first day at school. My host mother sent me to school at 8:45. We did a test and then our class was decided. My class is Level 2 and my teacher is Keith. Everyone was writing a speech when I entered the classroom. There are many Chinese, Korean, and Taiwanese students in the class.

After class was lunch time. Everyone ate a lunch that was made by their host mother. I really enjoyed lunch time.

I chose jewelry-making and marketing clubs after lunch. In jewelry-making, I made a bracelet. In marketing club, I made a commercial about an apple cutter. It was really difficult but I enjoyed it very much.

After school, I went walking with my host mother because she is dieting now. We walked for about an hour. I was a little tired. Dinner was some chicken, and I liked that food so much. After that I wrote my speech and slept until morning.



This is my first time coming to Canada and it’s my first time leaving my family. At first I didn’t like being away from home so I couldn’t sleep well. My first memory of Canada is that it is very clean and the people are very nice. I went to Stanley Park, Queen Elizabeth Park and many places to play. I have been here for 1 1/2 months and I have played a lot, learned a lot and tasted a lot of Canadian foods. Now I know the culture of Canada. Then I went I went to K.G.I.C summer camp, it’s so fun. I like K.G.I.C Canadian students. They are very friendly, so that’s why I like Canada so much!


Canada is a good place; a very big country. There are not a lot of people, and the air is fresh. Canada doesn’t have really tall buildings like in Shanghai. So it’s a very peaceful place, a good place. The food is healthy in Canada, like in America. The milk is awesome…in China? BAD! There is a lot of green in Canada. When you sit on the grass, it’s so comfortable. The things in Canada are so cheap, so we bought a lot of things, like clothes, bags and games. I’ll miss Canada.


I’ve been to Canada about two weeks. I like it here because Canada is beautiful. I like my new friends, and I met a teacher at KGIC. She is called Tricia and she is very bad…just joking! She is very kind to everyone. My homestay is kind too, I like it very much. I like everyone I have met!


I think that Canada has great nature. Also, the air is very clean. The roads are so wide here, too. My homestay is very kind to us. They live in a big house, with the parents, one boy, three girls, a dog, two cats, and two rabbits! The dog’s name is “Kaya”. She barks at new people who come into the house, but she is a good dog and smart, too!



Grouse MountainWe went to Grouse

Mountain. That is a very hot mountain, but it was a lot of fun. We went on the Skyride to the top.

On the mountain, we went to the long house first. You are not allowed to wear a cap, use a flash, and you can’t wear your sunglasses. We went in and had a break. After the break, we went to see the eagle dance. I felt hot and a little bored.

Finally, we went to see the bears. I saw them on the rocks. I saw two bears. I thought that they were cute, but somebody else thought that they were very bad.

Next, we saw the Lumberjack Show. It was very funny. I liked it.

Next was the Bird Show. There was a hawk, and eagle, a falcon, and an owl. They were very, very beautiful. I liked the eagle the best. Its head was white, body brown, and the mouth was yellow. It flew very high and very fast. The owl was very funny because it looked like an old man. Grouse Mountain was so hot that I drank three cups of water!



On Saturday we went to Grouse Mountain. The weather was very hot. We went to the Haiwas Feast House. We did the Eagle Dance. We saw a funny show called the Lumberjack show. Next, we saw the bird show. My favourite bird was the Owl.


On Saturday we went to Grouse Mountain. The weather was very hot. We went to the Haiwas Feast House. We did the Eagle Dance. We saw a funny show called the Lumberjack show. Next, we saw the bird show. My favourite thing was the Eagle.


On Saturday we went to Grouse Mountain. The weather was very hot. We went to the Haiwas Feast House. We did the Eagle Dance. We saw a funny show called the Lumberjack Show. Next, we saw the bird show. My favourite bird was the Turkey Vulture.


On Saturday we went to Grouse Mountain. The weather was very hot. We went to the Haiwas Feast House. We did the Eagle Dance. We saw a funny show called the Lumberjack show. Next, we saw the bird show. My favourite bird was the Eagle.



We went to Grouse Mountain on August 4th. We went there by bus and we took the gondola (Skyride) to the top. The Skyride was fun. We went to the Long House. It was a little bit scary. Then, we saw the eagle dance. It was very loud. We saw the bears. It was not scary and they were very cute. We all took a lot of pictures. The Lumberjack Show was very funny. We ate lunch there, too. When I went to the washroom, it was very crowded. After that, we went to see the Bird Show. There were a lot of different birds there like eagles, owls, falcons, and hawks. Everyone took a lot of pictures of the birds. It was very hot in the sun. During the Skyride, we saw white wolves under and beside the big trees. From the Skyride, our buses looked like ants. I want to go to Grouse Mountain again!


On Saturday, we went to Grouse Mountain. First, we took the gondola to the peak. Then, we went into a forest. We was the eagle dance. We walked for a long time, perhaps 15 minutes, perhaps 20 minutes. We saw two big bears. I took many pictures. We watched the Lumberjack Show, and it was too funny. Many people there looked like they were happy, too! Next, we saw the Bird Show at one o’clock. This show had an eagle, an owl, a falcon, and a hawk. We saw a wolf that was not too big, but it was young. The weather was bad because it was too hot. I drank lots of water. The nature is good on Grouse Mountain and the view was good, too. There were many trees everywhere and you can see flowers. The flowers smelled good. I took many pictures with my friend. At last we went home by bus.


Saturday we went to Grouse Mountain. First, we got on a school bus then we went on the Skytrain. It was very fast. When we got there we went to Hiwus House and then we went to the Lumber Jack show. They had log rolling, axe throwing, log chopping and climbing races. It was all very funny. I liked it all but the weather was very hot. Sophia bought drinks for me and Jimmy, then we had lunch. After that we went to see a bird show. They had an owl and an eagle. Then we went back to school. It was very hot!!!!


At Grouse Mountain, I saw birds of prey, I liked the lumberjack show and we watched bears.


At Grouse Mountain I saw two big bears, I liked the bears, they were very cute.


At Grouse Mountain, I saw birds of prey, the lumberjack show and bears. I really liked the bears.




Yesterday I went to Playland. I walked around with Eric, Bob, and Jack. First, we went to ride the pirate ship. It was fun but my friends we dizzy, so we didn’t ride anymore. Then we went to the haunted house, but it said it would not open until noon, so we just came out and went to the arcade. Eric and I didn’t play because we didn’t have enough coins. Next, we went to ride Flame. It was really fun, thus, we rode again. At the time, I rode in the front of the boat, so my clothes were really wet. Then we went to the haunted house again, but we had to pay 5 dollars, so instead we played games that were located across from it. I used 10 dollars to do it, but I lost all the time. At last, we went inside the haunted house. When I walked inside and just turned back to look at my friends, something hit me. So I turned back again, and saw it was a ghost. I was so scared.



I like going to playland when I was in Canada. So I was very excited yesterday. First we went on the Wooden Roller Coaster. It’s very stimulating and exciting. But there’s a problem. When I sat on it, my head hit the chair several times, it was painful.

Next, we took the wave swinger! It went up and down when it was circling. I heard many people screaming. I felt very happy. Another ride which impressed me was the Ferris Wheel! It would stand and was very scary. I want to go there again.


When I first heard about going to Playland, I was really excited! When the day are, I was energetic and curious about what we were going to play. We took a bus to go to Playland. The first thing was taking a photo of all of the students. Then we dismissed. We played almost every ride, as well as some games that needed paying. It was a brilliant day. My favorite ride was the Wooden Roller Coaster, which is a trail made of wood.I closed my eyes when the wooden roller coaster started, and I screamed during the ride when I rushed down from a high peak. I did not know what was going to happen, because my eyes were closed, so with curiosity and excitement, I enjoyed this ride very much.Yesterday was a great day, good weather, not many people, no long line ups... The most important thing was that I enjoyed every minute there!-YANG ZHUO YUE, KIMMY

Yesterday I went to Playlan

d. I walked

around with You (it’s a name) and Katoha

and Nanaka. First, we had a ride

on the

roller coaster. It was short but

it but it

turned upside down. It was too much

for me I was sick after riding it. When

we went to the Pirate Ship, Koto

ha and

Nanaka were about to throw up. You

loves roller coasters so she

kept saying

that she wanted to ride the biggest on


made with wood, but we said not to

because the line was too long. A

fter lunch,

we went to the sweet shop to b

uy some

sweets. We bought some bug shaped

gummys. A very long candy shaped lik

e a

snake, and some other things

also shaped

strange. It tasted good and

I had fun

eating because we don’t have t

hese kind of

sweets in Japan.


Today is July 26, 2012. Yesterday, we went to Playland. We saw many things. I saw a ship. I saw a roller coaster and lots of food. They had candy apples, cola and hamburgers. I had so much fun. I also saw a toy store and a t-shirt store, but I only looked and didn’t buy. I saw many games too. They had basketball, prizes, teddy bears and darts. I saw many people like kids, students, teachers and workers. There are many rides like mini golf, Ferris wheel and my favourite the roller coaster.


On Saturday we went to Grouse Mountain. The weather was very hot. We went to the Haiwas Feast House. We did the Eagle Dance. We saw a funny show called the Lumberjack show. Next, we saw the bird show. My favourite bird was the Eagle.



Yesterday, I went to Playland. It was so funny. But I saw the roller coaster was so good. The Ghost House was so scary. I played the balloon-pop game. I got two dolls. I rode Viking, water roller coaster, and the boat. I had fun there. I want to go again with my family. Next time, I’ll go to Playland and ride the roller coaster.


Yesterday, we went to

Playland. It was very

fun. My cousin and I and

some friends went in the

Haunted House. It was

exciting in the Haunted

House. After we went out

of the Haunted House, I

was crying because I

was so

scared. Jshandeep

and I

were shaking. After that


we had to go to the


roller coaster. It w

as fun

too. Our hair, jeans, and

shirts were wet. It was a

happy day yesterda




Yesterday I went to Playland with my school. We arrived at 10:30. First we took a photograph. Then I went to

the Hellevator. I watched that one. I went to a

ghost house. It was scary so I shouted

very loudly. The ghosts were very scary over and over. I don’t want to go back to the ghost

house. At 12:30 I had lunch. In the

afternoon I rode Hell’s Gate. It was very fun.

I think that the best ride is the Pirate Ship. I rode it three times. It’s interesting and it changed height. I liked it. Playland was so fun.


In Canada, I visited so many places. I love the place which left the deepest impression on me, Playland. That is a really good place for me to go. We can have a good time there. My classmates and I all think that the most exciting ride is the roller coaster. It is very dangerous to go on. If you don’t hold on to the bar, maybe you will fly out to the sky and will get hurt. We really enjoyed it. I also like the ride called “Helevator”. It will make your heart beat quickly and you need to take good care of your heart. Oh oh uh… All the rides are very exciting and a little dangerous but we all enjoyed them. I think I will go there again the next time I will come to Canada.


At Playland, I have $40, but finished Playland with $4.75. I played games 6 times, so I pay money and I went to the haunted house. The haunted house was very scary. The log flume water ride was fun, but too short. The pirate ship is supposed to be scary, but it’s not!



Playland is very fun. There are lots of Roller Coasters at Playland. I bought a sno cone. It was very tasty. I likes the Pirate Ship. It was very fun. I took a lot of pictures in Playland. I liked the Music Express ride.

I had sandwiches, cookies and juice for lunch. They were tasty. I didn’t buy juice in Playland because it was very expensive. I would go to Playland next year. We had a good time.


Yesterday we went to Playland. I went on 8 rides. My favourite rides were the Log Ride, the Pirate Ship and the Bumper Cars. I ate a candy apple and popcorn. I drank Coke.


On 7/25 w

e went to P


At the

school w

e had to

get on

a school

bus to


. First,

we tool a

photo, th

en go

to play.

I rode o

n a small r

oller coa


the pira

te ship

and 360 deg

ree dial.



there is

a haunt

ed house

, but I

did not

go in bec

ause it is

so terr


or I’m so

timid. Unfor


I didn’t

have much

time so I di

d not pla

y a lot

of recre

ational fa


Today I





y, I went


. Playlan

d is

very big.

I rode

the rolle

r coaste

r, the

water roll

er coast

er, and t

he pirate


It was v

ery fun.

One m

ore time, I w


to go to






Yesterday it was a sunny day and we went to an amusement park. I had a great time. First, we went on the bumper cars. Water, Tree, Rock, and I went together. We drove a car for ourselves and we collided with each other.

Then we went to the Hellevator. It was very tall, and it was exciting. When we ascended, I felt very good. But, on the way down, I did not feel good. I felt like I was in space. It wasn’t good.

Then, we went to the Pirate Ship. On that ship I felt that I would fly. It was very good, and I tried that one again.

After that we went to Break dance. It made me giddy. Next, we went to the arcade. There were many machines to play. We spent a lot of time there. I love the game called Fistfight, and I was good at that one.

After that, it was time for lunch, so we ate lunch together. After lunch, we went to the Corkscrew. I thought it was so boring. At last, I went on Enterprise with Water. I thought it was the best thing at Playland. I had a good time, and I want to go again!



Yesterday I went to Playland with my school. We arrived at 10:30am. First, I rode the “Hellevator”. It was so cool and scary, but it was very interesting. Then I went to the “Ghost House”. It was so horrible. I was shouting loudly and I was crying, too. I don’t want to remember the Ghost House. At 12:30 I had lunch. I ate some sandwiches. They were so salty but delicious. After lunch, I rode a wooden roller coaster. It looked so old…I felt like I would fly away. I was very uneasy. I also rode the Pirate Ship. It was great. I went to the Fun & Games and I tried shooting a dart. It was 3 dollars and I got a baby bear. At last I rode the “Atmosfear”. It was so great. I felt like I was flying in the sky and it was so refreshing. Playland was so cool!


We went to Playland yesterday. There were a lot of people and a lot of game machines there. I played a lot of games and it was fun. I bought a big coke bottle and drank all of it. It was so cool and delicious. After that I tried Cap’N KS, Wooden Roller Coaster, the Pirate Ship, Scooters, and the Corkscrew. Cap’N KS was the most fun. The Wooden Roller Coaster was scary because it was wood, but Scooters and the Pirate Ship were not fun. I also ate pizza and chocolate at Playland.


Yesterday we went to Playland. I went on 10 rides. I also played games for prizes. My favourite rides were the Swings, the Train and the Roller Coaster. I ate French fries and cotton candy. I drank Coca Cola.



Science World

On Saturday I went to Science World. Science World is very, very big and was so good! Science World is made about Science. It was wonderful; I saw many animals. I saw a very big guinea pig and my teacher touched a black and brown coloured snake. My teacher said it was smooth and doesn’t have poison. It a very special day!



On Saturday we went to Science World. It was very cool. On the bottom level I played on a computer. On the bottom level I played the ball toss. On the middle level I played the chain game. My favourite thing at Science World was eating ice cream.


On Saturday I went to Science World. I made clay and beads. It was very nice and the play area was fun. Today was very nice and fun!


On Saturday I went to Science World. It’s very fun. First, I hit a ball and it flew very far. It felt amazing! Second, I touched real snakes, which were very soft. Last I bought some toys. I bought a yo-yo, a ball and some balloons. They are very expensive. But I want to go there one more time because it’s very fun-JEONG JUN HWAN (SAMUEL)On Saturday we went to Science World. It was very big. I saw an airplane. I liked the Hamburger.I played the chain game and the ball toss. My favourite thing at Science World was French fries because they are delicious. We took a bus to Science World. I learned it has only a few games.-ZHANG TONG JIA – ALLEN


I went to Science World on Saturday. I searched Science World with my friend. We went shopping. I bought stone and space food. We ate it. It had a bad taste. A stone is very beautiful. I bought five. Kid’s Corner was in Science World. Kid’s Corner is full of playground equipment. It’s playground equipment was very pleasant. Science World is a very good place. We enjoyed it.



Saturday, I went to Science World. Science World is fun because I like science. I studied science today. I was very excited. I like science.



Vancouver Tour

Yesterday we went to downtown Vancouver and had a very nice tower.

In the morning, we got on the school bus at half past nine. On the way we saw China Town from the window. Our first stop was Gastown. We bought same postcards and walk to the Canada Place. We had our lunch there and got on the bus again. Our next stop was Stanley Park. We saw Indian statues which are called totem poles.

The last stop was my favorite place. It was Prospect Point. There, we could see the view of Vancouver. It was a great place. We also saw a Chinese man who was playing ‘Erhu’, which is a kind of musical instrument from China. After that, we bought some ice-cream. They were very tasty.

On the way back to school, we also fell asleep. We were too tired. What an amazing day!



I went to Gastown. They have a big clock. The clock was cool. And we had photos about big clock. We bought something near the clock.

We were eating lunch in the Canada Place. There were many birds in there. It have a big toy whale in the square. We had fun.

Later, I went to the Stanley Park. They had many tree in there. I think maybe there is a forest. I ate an ice-cream in there. I love this school. It made me happy.


Yesterday, we went to many interesting place for sightseeing and fun. We got to know Vancouver more. Certainly, the more we know, the more we love city.First, we went to China Town. We visited many signs in Chinese. They made me think of my hometown.After that, we went to Gastown. We

went to shopping for our family and ourselves. The things in shop are so many and everything is interesting. We also saw Steam Clock. It’s really big and beautiful.Then we visited to Canada Place. We went to cruise, took photos and so on. All of us had a good time. Finally, we went to Stanley Park. There were many ships on the water. We also ate ice-cream. It was tasty. What a happy day!-WEL FEIGYUE

Yesterday, we went to

Vancouver, a big city in


First, we sat on bus,

the ride is like 1 hour.

Tom slept in the bus. I thought

because the time in China was sleep time.

When we got off the bus, we walked in the

Gastown, it a good to buy the thi

ng from

Canada. I only bought two gums, I didn’t buy

other things because a lot o

f things in the

market was masks and other things use in


After the Gastown, we went to Canada

Place. Canada Place which close to

sea. We

took a group photo of the

re. When we

finished taking the photo, w

e ate the lunch.

My homestay gave me a hamburger, fruit,

and bread. And then, we went to Stanley

Park. I bought ice-cream. It was really nice



Today is July 19th, 2012. Yesterday we went to Vancouver. We went by yellow school bus. We also went for a walk. We saw many shops. Then we went shopping. We saw a steam clock. Then we went to eat lunch. We saw a cruise ship. Then we went to Stanley Park. We saw totem poles. I liked the steam clock.



Yesterday we went to Vancouver. We saw Canada Place, Gastown, and Stanley Park. In Canada Place we saw a big Wheal in middle of the Canada Place. The Stanley Park has many trees. I think the Stanley Park is a small park, it is beside to the sea, and very beautiful park. I forgot the Gastown, so I don’t know what there has. But I like the first trip in Canada.


Today is July 19th 2012. Wednesday, we went on a field trip. We went to Vancouver. We took a yellow school bus to Vancouver first. We drove past Chinatown. There were dragons on the lamps. Then we went shopping. I bought a pen and some erasers. Then we went for a walk. I liked Stanley Park. I liked Prospect Point. I liked going shopping, but I didn’t like lunch.



Yesterday I went to Downtown Vancouver. Yesterday I saw an eagle, a shark and ice cream. Yesterday I liked looking at the Totem poles, cruise ship, shark and Stanley Park. I like Vancouver.


Yesterday I went to Downtown Vancouver. Yesterday I saw a cruise ship and the Olympic Torch. I liked the Olympic Torch. Yesterday I liked the cruise ship.


Yesterday I went to Downtown Vancouver. Yesterday I saw a bus, a cruise ship and Canada Place. Yesterday I liked eating an ice cream. I like Vancouver.



What a great tour! We went to a lot of beautiful places yesterday, such as Gastown, Canada Place, and Stanley Park. When we were on the bus, another Chinese and I were busy finding Chinese things! We really found some! We were really happy when we saw them. After we arrived in Gastown, we went shopping. I was very surprised to see a Chinese flag when I was looking for a Canadian flag. But I think I will buy that in China. Then we went to Canada Place. We saw some really, really big ships from Holland. Then I saw a group of people speaking Chinese. That was interesting. We went to another place called Stanley Park. We saw some art from Canadian people from the past. That was beautiful! I took a lot of photos. It was a great day.


Dear Friend,

Hi. Vancouver is very good. I like it here, so I want to live here. But you want me to come back to school. My homestay is also very good. Homestay house has two Chinese and grandparents. My Chinese friends are fun and pretty. Then, how do you feel? Happy or sad? Please tell me. I’ll call you soon.



Yesterday, we went to Vancouver. We went there by bus for about one hour and a half. On the way to Vancouver, I took many pictures. We went by Chinatown, but we didn’t step down to visit. Then, we went to Gastown and Canada Place. In that place, I bought some souvenirs and cards. Finally, we went to Stanley Park over there. I had a drink. It was a good coffee. So, yesterday we experienced Vancouver’s breathtaking scenery.


It was a fun day yesterday. Yesterday we went to Gastown and passed by China Town on the way. First we went shopping in a place called Michelle’s. There are various types of gifts for visitors to take back and give to their friends. I’ve bought some name cards like “Peter”, “Dad”, “Mom”, “David”, “Tony”, and so on. In fact, there were many gifts like clothes, cups, hats, socks, and they were all beautiful. I didn’t buy much because I didn’t have enough money. Anyways, it’s a big shop, and most girls liked it.

Secondly, we went to Canada Place by foot. It was a long way to go, so I left tired on the way, but there were a lot of views that were too nice to miss. If any passengers of visitors miss them, I’m sorry to hear that. When we got there, we took photos and had lunch.

At last we went to Stanley Park. We got there by bus. There was also a store, but it was called Legends. It is a special store in the park, and it also sold gifts.




We went to the Victoria trip a few days ago. There is the parliament Building, Empress Hotel, a fire show. but I liked Sports Day best. I was on the blue team with Alicia. We sat in line there and then we played games. I like the shoe game. We took of our shoes and then one by one we had to look for our shoes. I found my shoes on the left but my shoes were not there. I thought ‘Oh My God’ where are my shoes. At the right? And then I found my shoes at the right side. I picked up my shoes and ran to my team, sat on the grass and put on my shoes. I thought I was quick but we weren’t the winners, we were number two, but I’m happy too.



I went to Victoria. It took a lot of time. I had to ride a bus and a boat for about 2-3 hours. We slept in a University dormitory. It was a good experience and we played many games. I ate a BBQ burger with my friends. After the games I thought that I lost my wallet so I looked for it with Jason and a teacher but it was in my room. Playing with my friends in the dormitory was very fun too. I want to be a University student now. The next day I went shopping and I bought some souvenirs. It was funny.


August 1st and 2nd we went to

Victoria. Victoria is one of the

islands in Canada and it was beautiful and there were many

flowers in the city. In the city

there was was a carriage. I was

thinking there was no carriages

in the world now, so I was very

surprised and I was very happy

because in the Cinderella story,

a pumpkin carriage drawn by

six mice appeared in the story.

Not a pumpkin carriage and not

drawn by six mice but I can see


August 2nd in the afternoon

we did sports day. I was on

the black team. At sports day

we did many moving things. I

don’t know what team won, but

it was fun. On the last day we went shopping but in one

shop we only had ten minutes.

But four people did not come

outside and we were late about

20 minutes!! And then we couldn’t go to the othe

r 3 shops so I got a little a

ngry because I wanted to go!!! This

happening was certainly not my




What are you excited about in Victoria? In Victoria, I want to see the museum. I want to stay in a dorm.


I went to Victoria yesterday. I saw a red tree. We had sports day in the play ground. We went to the Museum and I saw dinosaurs. We watched a Fire Show. It was very good and hot. On the ferry boat, I went on the deck. It was windy. I saw a butterfly. I had a good day.


I went to Victoria. I went of the Ferry and I saw a sea. It was so beautiful. When I arrived in Victoria, I went to the Museum. I saw bones, pictures and a ceremony. We did Sports Day and it was fun, but it was so hot. I saw a Talent Show and a Fire show. It was very fun. On the second day, I went shopping. I bought Canada cookies, key rings, pens and ice cream. Yesterday, it was very fun!



My Victoria trip was very interesting. I liked Sports Day and the Talent Show. I didn’t like the Fire show and food. I’ve really had a good time.


Tomorrow we will go to Victoria. We will play sports day games at UVic. We will sleep at UVic. I will share a room with Allen. We will ride a ferry to Victoria. It will take 4 hours to go to Victoria.



I went to Victoria. I watched a Fire Show and a Talent Show. It was very good. I like the Fire Show and the Talent Show. I also saw people riding horses. I went shopping there. I bought candies. I like Victoria


We went camping. We went to Victoria.

We stayed at the University. We saw

a museum. It was fun. The best part

was the dinosaurs. We played sports.

There were funny races. It was fun.

We had a talent show. It was the best.

We saw fire dancers. They were good.

I slept well.


We went camping. We went to Victoria.

We stayed at the University. We saw

a museum. It was fun. The best part

was the dinosaurs. We played sports.

There were funny races. It was fun.

We had a talent show. It was the best.

We saw fire dancers. They were good.

I slept well.


We went camping. We went to Victoria.

We stayed at the University. We saw

a museum. It was ok. The best part

was the dinosaurs. We played sports.

There were funny races. It was ok. We

had a talent show. It was good. We

saw fire dancers. They were good. I

slept ok.



I went to Victoria. It took a lot of time. I had to ride a bus and a boat for about 2-3 hours. We slept in a University dormitory. It was a good experience and we played many games. I ate a BBQ burger with my friends. After the games I thought that I lost my wallet so I looked for it with Jason and a teacher but it was in my room. Playing with my friends in the dormitory was very fun too. I want to be a University student now. The next day I went shopping and I bought some souvenirs. It was funny.-PARK TAE JUNE (MARK)

We went camping. We went to Victoria. We stayed at the University. We saw a museum. It was fun. The best part was the dinosaurs. We played sports. There were funny races. It was ok. We had a talent show. It was the best. We saw fire dancers. They were good. I slept ok.



We went camping. We went to Victoria. We stayed at the University. We saw a museum. It was fun. The best part was the dinosaurs. We played sports. There were funny races. It was fun. We had a talent show. It was the best. We saw fire dancers. They were good. I slept well.



I like Victoria, because it’s very beautiful. I didn’t like the sports day, because it was very boring, but the Talent Show was fun. The fire show and shopping is very interesting. I bought coin art, which is very beautiful. The Royal BC Museum was fantastic.


We went camping. We went to Victoria. We stayed at the University. We saw a museum. It was fun. The best part was the dinosaurs. We played sports. There were funny races. It was fun. We had a talent show. It was the best. We saw fire dancers. They were good. I slept well.


We went camping. We went to Victoria. We stayed at the University. We saw a museum. It was good. The best part was the dinosaurs. We played sports. There were funny races. It was good. We had a talent show. It was the best. We saw fire dancers. They were good. I slept well.




Today we went to White Rock and had a Beach Day. In the morning, we played on the beach, then we went shopping. I bought tea candy, which is made of classic Iced Tea and chocolate—they are all made in Canada. At last we went into an ice cream shop. The ice cream was all made by hand. There were many different kinds of ice cream. They were all tasty! I ate cookie ice cream. The ice cream was cold but the cone was warm…it’s interested, but I loved it! What a nice day it was!



We went to White Rock in the morning. The schedule was changed. We got on the bus early at about 10am. The beach was a little far. When we arrived it was very cold. I put on a jacket, but it was useless. Then we sat on a bench. There, we saw two trains pass by. We also went to a kind of bridge. We stopped and ate some ice cream. We walked around and soon we got hungry. So we had chicken, sandwich, and pizza and coke for lunch. Chicken and sandwiches were the food we brought, and the pizza and coke we ordered. Finally, we gathered and came back to school. What a nice day it was!-LEEM HYUN MOOK, JUNE

Today at White Rock Beach, I saw a huge big white rock. I walked in the ocean and I saw many fishes and I caught two crabs. Then I caught many shells and the shells were alive. My mom took a picture. Then I bought ice cream and my favourite are vanilla, chocolate chips and M&Ms, but it was very cold. So when I finished my lunch, I didn’t play in the water again. This is my favourite field trip ever!


What I liked about Whiterock Beach?

Today we are go to the beach. It cool. I liked walk and play in the sea. It’s lesuirely. I liked look for shells. There are some puple shells. iT’s beautiful. I like swim in the sea. The sea is clean. I like the beach. It’s cool.


Today we went to the beach. The beach was in Whiterock. It was low tide. We saw crabs, rocks and seaweed. When we got on the bus it was high tide.



Today at White Rock Beach I saw birds and fishes. The bird was very cute and pretty. The fish was very fast. I ate ice cream and it was very delicious. It was very fun. I also had time to play at the beach.


Today at White Rock Beach, I bought ice cream. I ate coffee ice cream. It was very nice. I like coffee.



I went to White Rock Beach today. I went to the sea. It was very cold but it was fun. I crossed a bridge with Riko and Haruka Akane. We took many pictures and we were talking about our homestay families. It was so fun. After, we went shopping. I couldn’t buy anything because it was very busy. But, I would like to come back to go shopping.


We went to White Rock Beach today. It was very cold!! There are a lot of people near the beach. There was a big white rock on the beach. I think White Rock Beach was named after that rock.

We went shopping after eating our lunch. I bought an ice cream. It was so delicious. And we bought juice. It was good too! After eating ice cream, we went shopping and I bought a present.



I have been in Canada for only three weeks but in these days, I’m very happy because this is my first time to take a trip to a different country. In Canada I made many good friends. In KGIC, my friends and I usually play games together, like basketball. KGIC has many good players here. In three weeks there are three different clubs. In some clubs I feel bored but still I am very happy. Maybe it is KGIC because in Taiwan, I am usually sleeping in a boring club. So, in Canada, in KGIC, I’ve had very good times and I don’t want to leave here. If I leave here, I will remember everybody in the future.




This week I am in floor hockey and radio broadcasting. Floor hockey is exciting. Radio broadcasting is fun. My favourite club is floor hockey.


I did scrapbooking club. There were many people in scrapbooking. There were many sheets of paper. I was colourful paper. I did scrapbooking decorations. I was happy. I cut the colourful paper with scissors. I made shapes from the various paper. I did many paper arrangements.



Yesterday, I played ice hockey in the gym. Ice hockey is my first sport. Very different, but very interesting. I was a very hard sport. After, we made a scrap book. There was many cool papers and pens on the desk. It was exciting, but I am not finished a good scrap book. I went back to homestay and I went to the pool. The pool has a very long waterslide and it is a big pool. We were a long time at the swimming pool. I’m very excited. We will go to the pool again. It was a very good day.



I played basketball together with other students yesterday. Basketball is a very good sport. My team made 8 baskets in the game. They won. I’m happy and tired. It was a very good game. I like basketball and sports.


This week I am in floor hockey and radio broadcasting. Floor hockey is exciting. Radio broadcasting is fun. My favourite club is radio broadcasting.


My name is Kokoro Abe. I’m fourteen years old. I’m a Saku Junior High School student. My family is a mother, a father, grandmother, brother, and me. My father is a cameraman. My brother is nineteen years old. He is a baseball player. I like animals. My favourite animals are dogs and cats. I like sports. I like baseball, basketball, tennis, and volleyball.



This week I am in floor

hockey and radio broadcast


Floor hockey is fun. Radio

Broadcasting is fun. My

favourite club is floor hock



Hello. This is You. I am very

happy because Canada is

a very beautiful place. I

like it here. But I’m very

tired. I have two friends:

Hinako and Kotoha. I like

them. Hinako is very funny.

Kotoha is a lovely girl.


I played Ball Hockey

yesterday. Ball Hockey is

very difficult. But it is

good to exercise. I had a

really good time.



Learning English is very important to me. I can speak the language very well in different countries. My family has four children; my father, my mother, my sister and me. We are very happy in my family. I have a cat in my home. It’s very lovely. I like it very much. In sports, I like basketball very much and I can play it very well. I also like dancing. I like hip hop best because it can make me happy. I like riding my bicycle outside and it makes me feel comfortable. I like English and I like Canada.





What I did this weekend?

I went to go swimming with my family and friend to the pool. My friend and me play the waterslide. My five okay and friends two play. By evening I be tired and sleepy. Yesterday happy day.


BEST MEMORY IN CANADAI think my best memory is the first Saturday. That day, we went to a park for a BBQ and then played in the water park. Although we played games that were not fun, I enjoyed the BBQ. I ate two hot dogs because they were very tasty and I was very hungry! Then, many people went to play, and I went to play in the water with my friends. We had a great time there. At last, we went back to school. My body and clothes were wet and I felt so cold, hah!Finally, I want to say good-bye to my friends and I hope that we can keep the memory in Canada forever!-LUO HONGYI







Amazing Race

Today is August 8, 2012. Yesterday we did the Amazing Race game. My favourite game was the paper down game. It was very funny. Another funny game was the marshmallow game. It was very funny and very interesting.



Amazing Race was very enjoyable, but I’m tired. Amazing Race was very exciting and very enjoyable. I chased staff. As a result I was very tired. I had sweet tarts. They are very sour.




Today we will go shopping. I want to buy a WWE T-shirt and hat. My brother said that if you see a WWE T-shirt, you need to buy it. I asked my homestay mom. Her son said they had it at the mall; I am so excited!



Today we are going to Metrotown. We will buy books. I love books. When I get to Metrotown, I want to buy shoes, balls and books.


I went shopping with Misa and Haruka. I bought lip gloss for my club friend. She dresses up, so I’ll give it to her. Then, Misa and Haruka came to my house. We watched Japanese dramas. It was very fun.


Today we will go shopping. I love shopping (I’m not a girl, really!) I want to buy many things, like a keepsake for my family and friends, food for me, clothes for my family and my friends, food for me…that’s a joke! But I want to buy a shop…who can lend me some money?



HomestayYesterday was my homestay’s child birthday; we had a lot of fun!

In the morning, I woke up at 10:30am. Mom was making some pancakes, eggs and hot dogs, which are really yummy! I put some honey on the first pancake and also put some black pepper. That should be yucky, but it was yummy!

Then in the afternoon, I played Mario Cart on WII with my homestay and I won a lot but also lost a lot!

At night, it’s party time! First we played “pin the tail on the dog…” that was really crazy! I was dizzy when I was spinning, but I got the third closest. Second, we played “pass the gift.” I am not the crazy one, someone who got the one is eating a hot pepper; that is really funny! The last game we played was “musical chairs.” Everyone was dizzy when they were walking, and I was the champion! I can’t believe that! It was a fun birthday party!



In my homestay family there are 2 people. There are no children in my homestay family. My homestay family has 1 dog. The best thing about my homestay is the dog.


Yesterday was a nice day. I woke up at 9:30, and then ate breakfast with Samuel and Hannah. We ate toast and eggs. After breakfast, I went to my room and watched “Love Apartment 2.” After dinner, we went to Quayside Park. It’s very beautiful. River, flowers, trees, pets and people…wow! It was so nice, I loved the park!


I went shopping with my homestay. We went to shopping mall. I bought a finger ring it can change color. It for my mom . My mom very like it. I bought many things. I’m very happy in the noon. I ate KFC, it’s very delicious.


Yesterday after school I went shopping. I bought a belt and some stockings. Both are very cute. I did a lot of homework. I studied studies. Japan junior high school gives a lot of homework so I am having a busy summer vacation. I regret that I did not play sports. It was rainy yesterday. My host family Michaela did listen to music with Monica. My host mother then did house work. Today I got up at 6:30am. I had toast for breakfast. I left home at 8:30am. I went to KGIC. I’m studying English now. I’m going to do Amazing Race in the gym. It looks like a lot of fun.


On Sunday we went to Stanley Park. It was fun. We took a bus and walked to Stanley park. We ate lunch. We rode a bike. We went to the lake and rode around the lake. We saw many things. I saw many ducks in the lake. We took the bikes back to the bike store and then we all went back to our homestay.


In my homestay family there are 4 people. There are 4 children in my homestay. There are 2 adults in my homestay. My homestay has 1 fish. The best thing about my homestay is hot dogs.



My homestay and I went cycling last night. It was cold out, but it was so cool! My bike was a red bike. It’s very cool. It can go very fast, I have never seen that kind of bicycle in Shanghai. I saw a lot of tall trees and beautiful flowers in the park. It’s good. The air yesterday was very clean, so I feel great! I like cycling in Shanghai, I like cycling in Canada. I like cycling everywhere!


On the weekend, I went to the beach

with my homestay and Airi. The

beach was near our house. It took

us about 15 minutes to get there. I

thought the beaches in Canada were

golden and the ocean was blue. But,

in fact, the beach that I went to

was grey. However, I loved the sky.

Although it was raining the clouds

were still beautiful, just like spun

sugar. My homestay sister told us

that the houses at the beach are very

expensive. They were really beautiful.

I took many photos of them. On

my way home I saw a park. It was a

little bit pretty. At night, I watched

a horror film called “The Ring”. The

houses in the movie looked the same

as in the movie, and I was very afraid.

But, the apple trees were very cute.

In a word, that day was very good


This weekend, I went to church with Ivy and my homestay mom. Ivy is my roommate. Although I had never gone to church in Korea, I decided to try it! I had wondered what t there. As soon as I arrived at the church there were lots of people who were singing and playing the guitar…it was easy to sing the songs so I could sing with them! But I have forgotten the song and I didn’t understand what they said. But maybe I think that Jesus is the best! Also, I was surprised because the church looked very different from Korea. I think that the church in Canada was more “freeful” than in Korea. It was a little boring for me but I saw a cute baby sitting next to me and I ate some delicious food. I met a boy who is Ivy’s friend, too. He’s from China., so they spoke Chinese and I didn’t understand anything. Maybe if I speak English well I will also be able to learn other languages, too! I hope so!


In Canada we live at a homestay. They have three sons and one cat. The cat is very scary, she is a girl and she likes to sleep under the bed. I live with Frank and Bob. The homestay gives us very good food. Pasta, chicken and rice, noodles, sandwiches, sauce and hot dogs. They have a very big garden and the cat sometimes plays in it. They have many plants in the garden. Canada is very beautiful.


Last weekend was so crazy. I went to Metrotown with my hostmother’s son. I like shopping, and I think that Metrotown has a lot of things. They are cheap. But yesterday, I think I was so worried. I went there again at 11am. I walked around every floor, and I was so tired, hungry, and sleepy. I told my friend that I wanted to go home, but she was angry and didn’t let me go. From 11am to 4pm I didn’t buy anything. I was very upset and bored. I sent a message to B and asked him for some help, but he was working. I didn’t know what I should do. Time went by and I don’t know why but she let me go. I was happy. I took the Skytrain to go home. But I was worried, very worried. I didn’t know about the trains on that line. I took the wrong train. I didn’t know where this train was going. I got lost. When I got home it was 7pm I was very tired!-YAN DI (CAROL)62

I am very lucky to have met my Homestay family. All of them are very kind and nice. Maria is more than 50 years old, but she still likes to play, if she hears some music she will dance. We play football together, and she enjoys playing it, although someone hurt her with the ball when we were playing. Maria is a nurse, she has to work for 12 hours. Sometimes we cannot see her, and we always miss her.

Bing usually yells when he comes back home. We don’t stay with him for a long time, however we still play football and tennis together. When something is broken, he can fix it in a short time. During the time I spent with him, I thought he was very patient and friendly. Hugo is the dog in my Homestay. He is very cute. I like to play with it, but he always stays with bing or stays upstairs. He runs from one door to another door and barks everyday. If he is doing this, we can know that Bing is coming. This is one way for him to welcome Bing.

I like all of my Homestay family members very much.


My Homestay family is a big family, but the children of grandma and grandpa don’t come back often. One of the granddaughters always lives with them.

Grandma and grandpa have 4 children: two boys and two girls. The two boys have already gotten married, but one of them is gay, one of their daughters has gotten married and got 2 children, and another daughter will get married in August.

Everyday we eat cereal with milk for our breakfast, Grandma always makes at sandwich and some desserts for our lunch. Grandma cooks many kinds of food for dinner. She cooks Chinese food, Korean food, Italian food and so on. Sometimes it doesn’t look good but tastes nice.

I love my Homestay family!


I came to Canada. First, I went to school and my homestay father came to school. I met my homestay father and I went to his house. I met two Chinese boys and one Japanese boy. Now the two Chinese boys went to China, but the one Japanese boy is staying. After 5 days of coming to Canada, I met the homestay father’s oldest son. I met the son yesterday. They are very kind and friendly. So, my best memory is meeting my homestay family.


On Sunday, I went to the water park. It was fun. It was at Bear Creek Park and there was a water park. It was small there and there were not a lot of people. I went with my homestay family. I was there for four hours. I had lunch at the water park. The water was very cold. That was my Sunday.



I have been in the homestay for five days already. There is a husband, a wife, a two year old girl and a little dog. They have a big house much bigger than my house in Taiwan and we live in the basement. Our room is not really big but the bed in the room is really comfortable that my cousin and I always lie on it. We eat different food every day. We ate a kind of Canadian food on Wednesday. I didn’t like it at all. It was full of tomatoes. I hate tomatoes. Except that night, dinners every day are delicious. The little girl, Emma, is a really cute girl and she is talking all the time. The dog, Mily is only six months and she always follows Emma. It’s really cute. They had a communal meal with family last night. We met lots of people. Something special is there were two Taiwanese girls last night, the girl who married with someone in that family. There were a lot of people that I couldn’t even figure out who was who. That’s my homestay family. So far, I like it a lot.


In Canada, I made my best memory. What is that? That is friendship with my homestay family. Friendship with global friends is never forgotten in my head because friendship is more important than gold. No, that is the most important thing in the world. Friendship makes us cherish the people but global friendship is different because global friendship makes them know my country (Korea) and our culture. Global friendship helps us to speak a global language. When I make global friendship, I have confidence that I’m doing our duty. That duty is informing our Korea!


It’s cold in Canada. This country still has a rich natural environment. My host family is very good. They are kind to me. Mom always has a smile on her face. Dad has a soft heart. I can’t speak English well, so they speak in plain English. I like them. I feel they are my good Canadian parents.


There are six people in my Homestay family, but four people, two parents and two brothers, are visiting their cousins in Europe now. So there is one brother and one sister in my homestay. You can think I’m bored, but it’s very fun to live with them. Brother is a student and he really likes to kid. For example, I was so sleepy in the morning and suddenly he ran in front of me so I shouted. But it was really fun. Sister is so friendly and kind. If I ask her a question she always answers kindly. Because of her I can know many things about Canada. I do not know the other 4 people. That is because I haven’t seen them. I guess they are as kind as Daniel and Marina. I will tell you about our memories. First, I went to the park and festival with Daniel. Second, we went to a billiard room with their friends. It was my first time playing billiards, but they helped me play comfortably. I could enjoy billiards. We have had many experiences together, and I am happy to be with them.-SHIN MIN WOO


Sports Day

On Saturday we went to Hawthorne Park. We played silly sports day games. My favourite game was Push The Orange With Your Nose. We ate smokies and drank juice.



On Saturday we went to Hawthorne Park. We played silly sports day games. My favourite game was Put The Water In The Pail. We ate smokies and drank juice.


Saturday was K.G.I.C. Sports Day. We took the bus to Hawthorne Park. We played a lot of water relays, waddle race and orange roll. The waddle race is where you use your nose to let the orange go. We ate hot dogs, bread, juice and fruit for lunch. I really like that food. After lunch, we played some sports games and took a picture, then took the bus to the school.-SHI YU TONG

On Saturday we went to Hawthorne Park. First, we played games for our team. Our team name was the Internationals, because there are lots of people from other countries. Then we had hotdogs for lunch. They are good!!! After that I went to the playground with my good friends. We played on the slides and climbed the stones. It was fun!! At last I went to the water park. I ran in and out and I dumped water on my friends! I got wet, but it was so fun. I didn’t want to go back to school, but I must.


There are a lot of sports. I like running. I like to run fast. I enjoy running on the street. I enjoy the sun and the wind. I think sports can make us healthy. Health is important. I like sports


My favourite sport is soccer. I play soccer with my friends everyday. I always watch soccer matches with my father and he likes soccer too. I always talk with the people who like soccer. But I can’t play soccer very well. I think I must practice playing soccer more and spending more time on it.

rocks and seaweed. When we got on the bus it was high tide.




People always have some wishes. Of course, I do too! I usually get some wishes in my heart. However, I don’t believe in destiny – I believe in hard work.

Sometimes when I have some wishes I work hard on them and put in some hard work. Then, I’ll get it. But sometimes, maybe not.

First of all I wish that I could control my time better because life is too short. People don’t have much time to waste. I have to do more. And this is also my wish. Next, I want to lost some weight. That must be funny…maybe yes, maybe no. Then, I want to do well on my exams. When I get good grades I often work harder than before. And the last wish I want to do myself.



Three wishes: I wish to meet Hiromitsu Kitiyama, to meet Taisuke Fujigaya, and to meet Fuma Kikuti.


Three wishes: I wish for a new game, I wish for a cell phone and I wish for a new tennis racket.


Three wishes: I wish for a new tennis racket, I wish for new clothes and I wish for new shoes.


If you had three wishes what would they be?

I have three wishes. One is detectives. If am a detective, I am cool girl. I can solve a case, and I can be police’s important partner. And the second it s model. If I am a model. I can wear many beautiful clothes, many people like me. The third is Taekwond’s ace. Because nobody can bully me. I can safeguard me and my relative.


Three wishes: I wish for a jellyfish, I wish for new glasses and I wish for a manicure.


Three wishes: I wish for a new pencil box, I wish for a new rucksack and I wish for a new I-POD.


Three wishes: I wish for a new wallet, I wish for new clothes and I wish for a new music player


I have three wishes: First, I want to speak English well. Second, I want to buy an I-phone and third, I wish for world peace—I wish all people are smiling!



If someone gave me three wishes, OH! I would be so happy! My first wish would be that I could become an excellent basketball player. I want to beat many people and I also want to play basketball in front of everyone in the NBA. But, I wish that I was not only good at playing, but also have a kind heart. Then people will think that I am a nice player. My second wish is that I want to be a happy person. I don’t want to be angry and I don’t want to be sad. Just happy and glad. That’s because when I am in a bad mood I don’t want to do anything. So, I will bring the bad mood to my friends and family. I want to always be happy. The third wish I would not want to use now! Although this might be a crazy idea, I would like to wait because when I am in big, big trouble and I don’t know what to do I could use the last wish!-CING CHIEH HUANG (JOSEPH)

Three wishes: I wish for you, I wish for world peace, and I wish to meet Yuta Tamamori


Three wishes: I wish for new clothes, I wish for new sunglasses, and I wish for a new house.



If I could get three things that I want, the first thing that I would want is a brother. Sometimes I feel bored at home and my friends live far away from me. So, if I want to play with them, it takes me a long time to go there. So, I want a brother whose age is close to me and who will play with me when I feel bored at home.

The second thing I want are some models of the cartoon named “One Piece”. I like models, especially of “One Piece”. I think that they are very cool and interesting. I always save money to buy some models and then buy some food to eat. I like collecting models and I like them very much.

The last thing that I want is a lot of money for travelling. I like travelling because it is very interesting. I want to travel to the places that I haven’t been to in the world. Travelling can teach people about new cultures and you can also see some wonderful scenes. That is why I love travelling. But, if you travel a lot, you must have a large amount of money.


If I had three wishes, I would like to travel around the world, Migrate to another country, and be immortal.

I think that all around the world all people have different views and traditions in their own country. The first country I would like to go to is China. And then I would like to see the States. The third one I don’t have an idea about yet, but I think it won’t be too far.

To migrate to another country is my idea because the weather in Taiwan is too moist and too hot, the air in Taiwan is not good for our health, too. I think Canada would be a good country to move to.

A long, long time ago the Emperor in China was looking for an elixir for immortality. But, they never found it. I think if I could create it one day I would become the most famous person in the world. Just like one of the other famous people in the world.




No. 1 – I want to travel all over the world.

No. 2 – I want to raise a lot of money for charities. I’m a good person, right?

No. 3 – I want to study harder and harder. It’s important for me. Do you think so, too?

I really like this first one. It’s my dream, too. I want to travel to many famous places, like Australia, America, and Shanghai. My second wish shows that I am very kind. I want to raise money for charities. And my third wish is very, very important for me. If I don’t study harder, these wishes won’t come true. So I will study very hard. On this trip I will study English very hard so I’ll look forward to seeing these wishes come true!


I have 3 wishes. Number 1 is I want to be a space man. Number 2, I want to have many, many, many, gold. Number 3 is to have a very, very big bank.


My wish is to have a very, very big house because many people live in pretty houses. I wish to play for a long time because my friends play a lot. And my last wish is to have many friends because having many friends is very good and great. This is what I really want.


First, I want to live in Vancouver with my friends and my family forever because I like Canada. It is very beautiful and wonderful.

Second, I want to take a rest at my home because I’m very tired.

The last one is to play with my friends and I will go to Playland again. Today I am too tired so I don’t have anything to write. I want to live long and happy. I want to meet my Korean teacher forever. I want to work at KGIC.




What was your favourite experience at school?

My favourite experience at school was art. I liked it because I can have many fun in this class. My favourite experience at school was Information Technology. I liked it because we can play computer games in this class. My favourite experience at school was playing with my friends. I liked it because my friends are so kind. My favourite experience at school was playing piano. I liked it because I have a lot of fun when I playing. My favourite experience at school was math. I liked it because I can learn many things in this class. My favourite experience at school was soccer. I liked it because I can play it very well.



This is my last journal in Canada. When I arrive here, I have a lot of fun. I like it here very much. I went to many places in Canada. The food is very different then China and I sometimes play the piano at my homestay, which makes me happy! I like Canada because I think it’s a very good chance for me to practice my oral English. I like this country; I think I’ll come back again! See you next time!


I arrived in Canada on July 16th, so I have already been in Canada for 2 weeks. We went to White Rock, Metrotown, Gastown, Chinatown, Playland and so many other places.I liked Playland the best. There is a Roller Coaster and a giant turning swing there. It’s very fun! Science World was interesting too. My homestay was very kind! I had fun and learned many things here!



What was favourite experience at school (sports day)

My favourite experience at school was Information Technology. I liked this class because when we finished our work we played games. My favourite experience at school was Information Technology. I liked this music class because this class can give me many happy. I like to sing in class music. I like to sing. You are my sunshine.


This is the first time to join KGIC. I’m so happy in Canada. I have been to many places for example Playland, Science World and Victoria. These places are very interesting and beautiful. Then, I have a nice homestay and I’m so happy about that. I can live with them this month. I have many great times with them. Today, there are a lot of friends that have to leave. We are very sad about that. But, I’m sure that we can meet again in the future. Finally, thank you guys for giving me a happy summer camp.



It is the last week I stay in Canada. Canada is a

beautiful and big country. I love you, Canada! I arrived

in Canada on July 16, 2012. When I landed at the

airport, I was very excited! I love Canada very much.

I travelled to many different places, such as

Chinatown, Gastown, Stanley Park, Canada Place,

Metrotown, Playland, White Rock, Science World and

Victoria. I really love this country.

I will come back to this country in the future. Bye

Bye, Canada!


3 things I like and don’t like about Canada

I like the large houses in Canada. The house also has

an underground basement. In Canadian houses, there

are many rooms. Next, I like the clear sky. The sky

is very beautiful. In Canada, I didn’t see many clouds.

Lastly, I like that Canadian people are gentle. For

example, they explain things very carefully. They are

very gentle.

Something I don’t like is that the park is messy. I had

heard that Canada is a very clean country, but some

trash had fallen on the road. I’m a little disappointed.

Also, some people in Canada eat some of their food

by hand. I don’t like that, although they are very cle


when they eat.



My time in Canada was very fun. I

went to Metrotown, the waterpark,

Playland, White Rock and Science

World. I’m so happy to come to

Canada. I liked Playland the b

est. I

played on the Roller Coaster, and it

upset me, but I liked it. There were

many interesting things in Play


I’m very happy to have been in

Canada. I learned a lot of English

and I have a lot of new friends. So

thank you Canada, I love you!


At this time, I have many best memories in Canada. This is my first time to go to Canada. I knew many new things in my mind. Here, I became a KGIC student. I studies here every day. I studied English, soccer, basketball, Tae Kwon Do and Jewelry making. These things not only made my life colourful but also made me have many new friends, such as John, Jason, Mark, and Tree. They make me very happy. While we were here, I travelled to many interesting places, like |Science World, Playland, Victoria, and Whiterock. These places make me love Canada more and I saw many beautiful sceneries. In fact, this trip opened my eyes. It makes me more knowledgeable. I love this trip. I love camping. I love Canada.



I like Canada, because in Canada, people put the garbage bin in the kitchen into the cupboard. That way, it isn’t smelly any more. Also, in Canada, the days of summer are longer. When its half past nine at nine in the evening it’s still bright so we can play outside. In China, when it’s 7pm, it’s dark. At 8pm, we are asleep. Also, in Canada there are many trees. On Grouse Mountain I could see only trees and green grass. In China there are not so many trees, but a lot of cars, buildings, and apartments. Sometimes it’s very smelly, too. Canada is a beautiful country and it very clean. The people here are very nice, the houses are big, and there are many trees. It’s not smelly, too! China is sometimes dirty and smelly because there are so many cars. Some people have seven cars! Every country is different; some countries are big, some countries are small, some countries are clean, some countries are dirty. Vancouver is the cleanest city that I have ever seen!


Actually, there isn’t anything that I don’t

like in Canada. The first thing that I like

is that everyone puts on their seat belt

in the car. In China hardly anybody pays

attention to the “seatbelt on” light – they

ignore it! They really let me down. But,

my family does it every time because we

always do things properly.

The second thing that I like about Canada

is that people put their kitchen garbage bin

in the cupboard. That doesn’t “welcome”

flies and become smelly. In China, we don’t

care and the flies come.

The third thing that I like about Canada

is that there are many trees. In China we

have a lot of pollution and you can maybe

see one or two lines of trees by the road.

Chinese people have said that they will

change this, but actually, we didn’t and we

just make more pollution. I like Canada!




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