global prayer house nov/dec 2010 newsletter

Post on 26-Mar-2016






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Global Prayer House Nov/Dec 2010 Newsletter



Greetings Global Prayer House family!

As you all know, the Pursuit Conference was just a few weeks ago. Hundreds of people from over 25 communities gathered together to pursue God for 3 days. God met us in unprecedented ways. Most people left refreshed, renewed, and restored. Testimony after testimony came pouring in about how God met them in a radical way, and how they will never be the same.

“The Lord met us in such a deep encounter. He came in ways I would have never expected.” (Anonymous)

We here at GPH are so excited about the ripple effects of this gathering. Marriages, homes, churches, and the body of Christ in Canada have been radically changed, and there is no going back. At the end of the weekend, many were not ready to leave such a strong, intense meeting with the Lord, but we know that this is not the end. This is just the beginning of a life style of seeking God with our whole hearts everyday. May God continue to fan the flame of revival and the spirit of intercession in every sphere of society here in Canada, and all around the world.

If you are interested in purchasing the session CD’s, Conference DVD Set or Pursuit Clothing it will be available online shortly. Please email us at so that we can keep you informed about how to order. More information will be coming shortly.

The Pursuit Internship will be started in February of this next year. These five months of intense training are some of the most exciting months here at GPH. People of all ages come together with the same hunger and thirst for the things of God, for deeper intimacy, and knowledge about His Kingdom. It’s an amazing time of learning how to love God with our whole hearts and to love others as we love ourselves.

The Pursuit Internship is a 5 month Discipleship Training School with the same heart and vision of the 3 day Pursuit Conference but so much more! The first 3 months of the school are called the lecture phase. In this lecture phase you will be apart of intensive daily studies on different topics such as Hearing the Voice of God, Intercession, Worship, Prayer, Inner healing, Evangelism and more. The last two months of the internship are called the outreach phase. In this phase you and the rest of the team will journey to a different part of the world to apply what you have learned from the previous phase of schooling. You will also learn how to adapt to different cultures, and to be stretched in every way imaginable! Upcoming outreach locations include India, Thailand, and the Philippines. We invite you to seek the Lord with us and set apart these five months for Him!

There are many people already filling in their applications for the school! If you are interested in joining the internship we encourage you to fill out and turn in your application promptly, due to the limited space available. If you have any questions about the school, feel free to e-mail us at

We are excited to talk with you and give you any information you might need!

Keep the Fire Burning Our dream is to be able to take the Pursuit Conference to other cities and Provinces all across Canada, large and small communities. We are fully trusting God in the area of finances, but we still have a large amount of funding needed to put on this specific Pursuit Conference. If you would like to sow into the Global Prayer House financially please fill out the enclosed response card or donate online at Please make cheques payable to YWAM. Thanks again for your partnership financially!

My heart has heard you say, “Come and talk with me.” And my heart responds, “Lord, I am coming.”

Psalm 27:8

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