global warming extreme weather polar icebergs melting worldwide effects of el nino -- changes in a...

Post on 15-Jan-2016






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Yeung Ming Him Timothy

Kowloon Methodist School (P.M.)

Primary 4B

Climate change –

What can we do ?

Global warming

• Extreme weather

• Polar icebergs melting

• Worldwide effects of El Nino -- changes in a huge ocean current

Earth’s greenhouse effect• Earth is like a greenhouse, but

with gas rather than glass. • Some of the Sun’s non-heat

energy is changed into heat, and trapped by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

• We pump huge amounts of heat-trapping gases into the air, and cause global warming.

Carbon dioxide49%

Nitrous oxide6%




Composition of the heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere

Carbon dioxide is the main factor for global warming

What can we do?Reduce Carbon dioxide

• Burn less fossil fuel burning fossil fuel produce carbon dioxide

• Have more trees trees can turn carbon dioxide to oxygen

What can children do?Reduce Carbon dioxide

• Switch off lights which are not in use!• Have a shower rather than have a bath.

A five-minute shower uses only two-fifths of the hot water needed for a bath.

• Turn off computers and TVs rather than standby mode.

• Walk, cycle or take the bus.• Use less air-conditioning

What can schools do?Reduce Carbon dioxide

• Educate children

• Homework done electronically (save paper)

• Green Activities:

eg. tree planting trip, paper recycle, non-air-condition day, etc.

What can the Government do?Reduce Carbon dioxide

• building more cycling paths

• develop more railway systems

• high tax on private cars

• limit the no. of neon lights

• promote renewable energy

fuel cell, solar energy, wind, hydroelectricity

• Laws -- eg. If someone wants neon lights, he should plant some trees or use solar energy in return,

Have more trees !Who can help ?


• Government should plant on road sides

• Estate developers should set up more green lands

• Everyone can have some plants at home

• Everyone should use fewer paper

What will be our Future?

• Climate disaster or fine weather ?

Would our future become the movie The Day after Tomorrow, in which the world is doomed ?

Small actions do count !!

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