global warming issues are in your hands.docx

Post on 03-Apr-2018






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  • 7/28/2019 Global Warming Issues are in your Hands.docx


    Global Warming Issues are in your Hands

    By: David Yuri, written on: 2006-08-30

    There has been a lot of talk on the subject of global warming. Specialists

    believe that human activities in the past 50 years have given a negative boost to

    climate change. After a long series of tests and chart observations, it seems that

    the primary culprit for global warming is the emission of greenhouse gases

    (mainly carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide). These gases have altered

    the composition of the atmosphere and raised the planets temperature with

    almost 1?C since 1950.

    The problem is not that these gases exist. They have always been in the

    atmosphere, but there is a major increase in their concentration. The planet

    started to heat up and the climate change appeared simultaneously with the

    beginning of industrial revolution. Then, at the start of a new era, the

    concentrations of carbon dioxide increased with nearly 30%, methane almost

    doubled and nitrous oxide with 15% making global warming a serious, even

    deadly matter.

    These figures are truly concerning due to the fact that we rely on fossil fuels to

    drive, to heat and to power factories not thinking of the harsh reality: burned

    fossil fuels are the main reason for the rise of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

    leading to global warming and accelerating the rate of climate change.

    Still, the combustion of fuel is not the only one to blame for global warming.

    Researchers consider that the development of agriculture, deforestation, landfills,

    industrial production and mining are also to blame. Each one of them has helpedinduce large, global, abrupt climate change leading to a warmer planet, making it

    more difficult for us to live.

    The statistics in climate change are frightening. Almost 98% of the

    greenhouses emissions are due to pollution and it is no surprise that the most

  • 7/28/2019 Global Warming Issues are in your Hands.docx


    powerful and rich country (U.S) on the continent is mainly responsible for global

    warming. 1998 has been declared the warmest year on record and scientistists

    are concerned that the snow cover in northern hemisphere and floating ice in the

    Arctic Ocean have decreased. Do we really pay enough attention to the climate

    change and do we want the planet to become too warm for us to live in?

    We are all threathened by this sudden climate change. Global warming is not a

    joke and we should start paying more attention to it. Not only wildlife, forests and

    coastal areas are vulnerable to the climate change that the greenhouse gas may

    bring, but also water resources, animals and most important our health.

    What should we expect from global warming? First of all, a change that will

    have a major impact on the way we live will be a warmer weather. Climate

    change will appear in the form of increased precipations worldwide, with acid

    rainfalls that will damage the natural habitat, with more frequent and intense

    storms that will build up and result in powerful hurricanes. And this is just the top

    of the iceberg called global warming. The hurricanes will be stronger than usual

    with greater devastating powers.

    The population of the globe should be taught more about these greenhouse

    gases that are held responsible for climate change and more specific, global

    warming. Carbon dioxide is realeased into the atmosphere when wood, fossil

    fuels (oil, gas and coal) and solid waste are burned. Methane is emitted during

    the production and transport of oil, gas and coal, but it also results from

    decomposition of solid, organic waste. Nitrous oxide is the product of: agricultural

    and industrial activities, combustion of fossil fuels and solid waste. So, do we still

    have to wonder why these greenhouse gases have such a strong impact on

    climate change?

    Unfortunately, there are not many options to reduce the effects of global

    warming. Lately, in order to predict climate change, specialists have put up what

  • 7/28/2019 Global Warming Issues are in your Hands.docx


    is called an emission inventory which registers the quantity of air pollutants in the

    atmosphere. It also establishes the identity of the polluting agent

    (chemical/physical), the geographic area covered, the time period over which

    emissions are appreciated and the type of activities that cause the emissions.

    This way, the scientific community is making an effort to reduce the serious

    consequences of global warming.

    Another solution for the problem of global warming is recycling. It started years

    ago in powerful and well developed states and it is a novelty for poor, undergoing

    tranzition states that are struggling to survive. But, slowly, people all over the

    world are learning about the strong effects of recycling newspapers, plastic, glass,

    metal. It is a healthy action that makes the world a better place. By recycling, we

    not only help ourselves, but also the forests, crop yields and water supplies

    which are severely affected by climate change. We also keep in mind the animals

    and the ecosystems - another sector badly damaged by climate change. We

    make the difference.

    Global warming affects everybody. That is why we must fight against our self

    destruction and lifes in general. Fight for your planet, dont let the climate change

    affect the environment in an irrecoverable manner, keep in mind that Earths eco

    systems are sensitive and must be treated with care, and you will have a future!

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