glosaria de ingles.docx

Post on 16-Aug-2015






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1. Accident Causation:Themanyfactors that act together tocauseaccidents. Theyinclude:personal factors, job factors, and lack of management control factors. LIST OF DEWORDS Personal factors: inadequate capability Lack of knowledgeskill !mproper moti"ation #tress $ob factors: inadequate leadership or super"ision !nadequate engineering !nadequate purchasing !nadequate maintenance !nadequate work standardsprocedures !nadequate ha%ard controlsLack of management control factors: !nadequate program !nadequate program standards !nadequate compliance with standards !nadequate ha%ard controls&. AdministrativeControl:'categoryof ha%ardcontrol that usesadministrati"e managementin"ol"ement in order to minimi%e employee e(posure to the ha%ard. #ome e(amples are: $ob enrichment $ob rotation )orkrest schedules )ork rates Periods of adjustment*. Bonding: The use of low+resistance material to connect two or more conducti"e objects that wouldlikely undergo a build+up of static electricity. ,onding pre"ents the unwanted release of electricalenergy, such as sparks. -.g., transferring of one flammable liquid from one container to anothercan release electrical energy if it is not bonded... Competent erson:The/ccupational 0ealthand#afety'ct of /ntariodefinesacompetentperson as a person who: !s qualified because of his or her knowledge, training and e(perience to organi%e the workand its performance1 !s familiar with the pro"isions of this 'ct and the regulations that apply to the work1 and 0as knowledge of any potential or actual danger to health or safety in the workplace.2. Con!ined Space: ' space in which a ha%ardous gas, "apour, dust or fume may collect or in whicho(ygen may be used up because of the construction of the space, its location, contents, or the workacti"ity carried out in it. !t is an area which is not designed for continuous human occupancy andhas limited opening for entry, e(its or "entilation.3. Controlledroduct: 'nyproduct oringredient that meetsthecriteriaforoneormoreof theclasses of ha%ards established by the )orkplace 0a%ardous 4aterials !nformation #ystem5)04!#6. The classes are: compressed gas flammable and combustible materials o(idi%ing materials poisonous and infectious materials corrosi"e materials dangerously reacti"e materials7. Critical In"ur#: The /ccupational 0ealth and #afety 'ct of /ntario defines critical injury as seriousinjury that: is life+threatening produces unconsciousness results in a substantial loss of blood in"ol"es the fracture of a leg or arm 5but not a finger or toe6 in"ol"es the amputation of a leg, arm, hand or foot 5but not a finger or toe6 8onsists of burns to a major portion of the body. 8auses the loss of sight in an eye.9. Codeo! practice:'codeof practiceisanindustryguidelinetohelpinthemanagement ofoperationsbasedonregulationsorbest practice.' codeof practiceisnot law,but shouldbefollowed unless there is an alternati"e course of action that achie"es the same or better standards.' code of practice can also be used where no legislation e(ists. :. Dut# o! care: ;uty of care is the term used to describe the obligations employers and employeesha"etoeachother andthepeopletheyarecaringfor. !t includesmakingsureyoupro"ideappropriate care to meet each personnderthe federal0a%ardous Products 'ct, suppliers are required to pro"ide 4#;#s for allha%ardousmaterials, as a condition of sale.&&. *icro/ave dosimetr#: 4easurement of the amount of microwa"e energy to which a system hasbeene(posed. Thetermmicrowa"eisusuallyusedtoco"erradiationsintheradioandradarfrequencies 5kilohert% through gigahert%6. 'bsorbed doses cannot currently be measured and canonly be roughly estimated frommeasurements of temperature increase. Time integratinginstruments are also lacking so that e(posures are usually e(pressed in terms of power flu( density5watts per square centimeter6 or field strength 5"olts per meter6.&*. Occupational &ealt':The de"elopment, promotion, and maintenance of workplace policies andprograms that ensure the physical, mental, and emotional well+being of employees. These policiesand programs stri"e to: pre"ent harmful health effects because of the work en"ironment protect employees from health ha%ards while on the job place employees in work en"ironments that are suitable to their physical and mental make+up address other factors that may affect an employee

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